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Tethical, online FFT clone

Started by Kivutar, February 25, 2011, 04:38:42 am

Pickle Girl Fanboy

June 01, 2011, 12:21:00 pm #120 Last Edit: June 01, 2011, 12:26:34 pm by Pickle Girl Fanboy
I noticed something while grinding on the PSP.  Shadows are different shapes and sizes depending on the shape and incline of the terrain you're standing on, and whether or not you have float.  And there are shadows of trees at Sweegy Woods.  Same thing with the boulders at Mandalia.

Do you need donations?  Should we set up a donation drive?


...I don't see how this costs money? O.o
I mean, sure, I suppose Kivutar could always use some more money, but normally when you're "donating", it's so the project can be finished, not so the creator can make some money.


Programming takes a lot of time. Time = money. It is great that people want to support this project so much.
Current Projects:

Pickle Girl Fanboy

If people want to donate their money - so kivuatar can buy more ram, or a proprietary software suite, or spend less time working a real job and more time coding for us (though our donations will probably not make this possible, unless he lives in a truck and eats only ramen noodles) - then how is it your business?


My business? Well, you did post that on public forums....what you say is everybody's business. If you don't want it to be everybody else's business, then stop being dumb and PM kivutar instead. :D


June 01, 2011, 03:42:18 pm #125 Last Edit: June 01, 2011, 03:43:27 pm by Dokurider

Also I agreed to try to help out Kivu a little bit.


I'm poor as hell, you guys must be loaded

Pickle Girl Fanboy

Nah, I'm unemployed - again - but I'll donate 20 bucks if I can ever fucking keep a job.


You are so cute :mrgreen:
I'm very touched.

But I don't need money. Really.
If you could give me time, I would say yes, because I need it. But we can't share time.

Your comments and all the data you've been able to gather about FFT are the best help I could ever hope.

Do you know if gomtuu is still alive?

Please no more money talk..
Tethical, an online FFT clone


A lot of improvements today. I added a new video on the first post.

  • Display battle coordinates with the official font

  • Allow characters to move through death bodies

  • Allows characters to move through the tiles containing a team member

  • Server code cleaning to prepare move algorithm improvements

  • 4th custom map model

  • Send only usefull informations to fix the lag on character turn

  • Code cleaning

  • Made the help message cancelable

Tethical, an online FFT clone


I uploaded a new video showing the new map chooser.
Tethical, an online FFT clone


It's amazing how much you are putting into this, I could see a stable release in the future, incredible.


  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


Ive been stalking this thread,and watching so far Im loving this idea and can't wait till you get it finished =D Be nice to fight people Online and really test our skill's =o!


I uploaded a new video today. The two main improvements are the sprite exporter almost working, and the small jump animation.

Thank you all for your comments.
Tethical, an online FFT clone


It keeps going!!! Keep up the awesome work!!!
  • Modding version: PSX


I haven't been around to show support for a while, so this will just be a post indicating that my support exists. <3


Thank you all.

Eternal showed me the Battle Mechanic Guide. Here are the new features:

  • Some job informations

  • Compute CT using character speed, according to the Battle Guide Mechanic...

  • Better job files from the Battle Guide Mechanics

  • Compute true character stats using their job and level

  • True bare handed damage formula

  • A new small font + display true brave and faith

  • Some improvements on the return to party list code

  • Removed the useless STATS datagram

  • Fix for the canact bug

The next step will be to remove all the copyrighted content and replace it with custom content. I'm counting on your help for this part.

My ideas so far:

- We must contrast with the original game by changing the universe. Steam punk or Cyber Punk would be a nice theme.
- 4 classes is enought for a sample game
- 4 maps too
- Some game mechanics that could change: skill tree instead of job tree, a point system for moves and actions

To accomplish this, we need those skills:
- balancing
- spriting
- blender mapping
- texture art
- portrait art
- composing (I plan to ask Noctaventures)
- font making (me)
- gui animations (me)
- dev (me)

Please apply in this thread and I will give you more details in separate thread.

The key role are the mapping and texture art.
Tethical, an online FFT clone


June 17, 2011, 01:32:01 pm #138 Last Edit: June 17, 2011, 01:32:58 pm by Cheetah
Wow you are breaking out the big guns today Kivutar. I will send you an email with some of my thoughts.
Current Projects:


If you need some ideas to sketch out a cyberpunk class system I might give it a try.

Lets see... 3 (tock-paper-scissors) classes and a support one.

Sniper (direct shooter) > Assassin (melee) > Demoliton (indirect shooter) > Sniper
And a engineer/hacker-like (mage) for support skills.

The basic idea would be
Sniper move little and attack directly, but can dispatch Assasin with a shotgun attack, or pin it down with some rifle shots
Assassin moves too fast and often to be targeted by Demolition area damage
Demolition can heavily damage sniper with it's delayed blasts from c4, mines or even fire over obstacles with a grenade launcher
Engineer/Hacker/Medic could heal (repair) buff/debuff
  • Modding version: PSX