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Jobs and Etc. Ideas Proposal Thread

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, September 17, 2012, 06:05:03 pm


Cool i'll check and read as soon as i have a bit more free time =)


March 24, 2015, 03:10:58 pm #21 Last Edit: March 29, 2015, 08:50:13 am by Zolias
I was actually thinking of a class a few days ago to go with an idea for a game I had, as well... a job that would most likely make even Sword Saint Orlandeau piss his pants to encounter.  Going to be using WotL translations for skills, since it's the only kind I know, but if I remember any PSX versions, I'll add them in (these)... lol  -Raises Flame Shield-

Dreadlord  (Brave: 70  Faith: 45  Move: 4  Jump: 3  Phys Evade: 20%)

A knight of pure, concentrated darkness, this warrior wields Fell Swords with superior technique. 

Ability: Safeguard, Waterwalking, Swiftness, Halve MP, JP Boost 

Absorb: Dark

Demonblade: Dreadlord job command. The ultimate in dark sword techniques that inspire fear into their victims.


(Side Note: all skills have no vertical limit, are SP: Now!, and use the weapon's element unless stated otherwise.  Also, Hell's Charge attacks in all 4 directions at once, instead of a choice of one.  Finally, all skills bypass Evasion.)

Bloodbath - Learned
Range: 5  Radius: 1  Effect: Drain HP

Mana Surge - Learned
Range: 5  Radius: 1  Effect: Drain MP

(Ch.2 Upgrade)

Frozen Enclave - 400 JP
Range: 4  Radius: 3  Effect: Stop

Deathbringer - 350 JP
Range: 3  Radius: 2  Effect: Doom

Graveblade - 500 JP
Range: 3  Radius: 2  Effect: KO

Oppressive Force - 900 JP
Range: 5  Radius: 3  Effect: Silence

(Ch. 3 Upgrade)

Hell's Charge - 2000 JP
Range: 4-dir.  Radius: 7  Effect: Confuse

Shadowburst - 1500 JP (Self-Damage)
Range: Self  Radius: 5  Effect: Slow  Element: Dark

Armageddon - 3000 JP (Self-Damage)
Range: 4 (cone)  Radius: 4  (More damage the closer the units are)

Crush Armor - 200 JP
no change

Crush Helm - 400 JP
no change

Crush Shield - 450 JP
same as all others, but on shields

Crush Weapon - 500 JP
No change

Crush Accessory - 800 JP
no change

Dread - 1000 JP
Range: 5  Radius: 1  Effect: Brave-10

Purgatory - 2500 JP  Damage Calc: Mag x PWR x (100-Faith)/100 x (Target Faith/100)
Range: 5  PWR: 25  Radius: 1  MP: 15  SP: 85  Element: Dark

(Ch.4 Upgrade)

Raging Howl - 1250 JP
Range: Self  Radius: 1  Effect: Brave+5, Atk+2, Mag+2, Spd+1

Oblivion - Hit to Learn  (Damage Calc: Same as Purgatory)
Range: All  PWR: 50  Radius: All  MP: 60  SP: 66  Element: Dark


Counter Tackle - 180 JP


Tame - 500 JP

all other Squire abilities


Master Teleportation - 10000 JP (Available w/ Ch.4 Upgrade; if JP limit is only 9999, then it would be 9999 to learn)


Stats when Active Job:  HP: A+  MP: B+  Atk: A-  Mag: B  Speed: A-

Stat Growths:  HP: ***** MP: ***  Atk: ****  Mag: ***  Speed: **


Yes.  Quite OP indeed...  and this is actually the Protagonist for my idea (which obviously wouldn't happen, because I know nothing of coding, spriting, or anything else about making a game.)

Innate JP Boost, while almost unfair, actually IS fair, due to such high JP costs to master the class.  Waterwalking so he doesn't drown.  Swiftness and Halve MP just because he's OP.  Absorb: Dark obviously makes sense in my own head (but I also was dropped on my head as a baby, mostly because I fell out of my playpen on my own, so there's that... XD). 

Master Teleportation is broken, but it'd take forever to gather that much JP even with an innate JP Boost, so there's the balance for that.

  High stats and growths, because it's a powerful class, obviously.  Also, if you didn't notice, the skills are slightly remodeled Sword Saint + Dark Knight skills, with 3 skills altered from Ramza's Squire job.

Dread replaces Steel (Cheer Up is the original, I believe), but reduces an enemy's Brave by 10.  Raging Howl replaces Shout (Yell, I believe), and while it reduces the amount of Brave you receive, you also gain 1 extra point of Atk and Mag.  Finally, there's Purgatory (originally was Ultima in Ramza's skills) and Oblivion (Based off of All-Ultima).  This is actually something I thought would suit him, and for those who don't understand the damage calculation I put up there, it's actually simple:  The highest damage is possible if the Dreadlord has 0 Faith (Athiest) and the target has 100 Faith (Faith).

Tame: Undead is basically the only way to get allies in this planned version, except for a single supporting human.  Monsters such as the Skeleton and Ghost families are affected by this, but it also affects Undead Classes, as well.  Undead Black Mages, Undead Time Mages, Undead Knights, etc. will also be affected by Tame: Undead.  As a secondary skillset, I would recommend Martial Arts. 

This job shares a skill with another job, Tame, and learning them in either one will consider it learned for both.

If I could also add a special weapon which he'd get at the start of Ch.4, it'd be this:

Godslayer - Fell Sword  A pitch-black blade forged of Dark Matter.  The blade is so dark, even light and time gets absorbed.

Atk: 40  Parry: 30%  Always: Athiest, Haste  Absorbs: Holy  Boosts: Dark

I don't have a drawing for what the character would look like, but I do have a way to describe it:

It'd be like that Ramza, but having brown hair, no cowlick, and the cape would be a blood red.  The portrait would look different, yet it's hard to describe....  Brown hair, red eyes, and a vertical scar down his left cheek (so it'd be on the right side of the portrait).

Well, this is just wishful thinking anyway, since I have no means of creating this, so... yeah.

EDIT: I put some added info, but the main idea is if someone wanted to work on this idea, but can't get the ranges/radius/vert. increases on some of the skills, just keep the changed names, but otherwise, keep them as their counterparts (should be easy enough to figure out what swordskills are what, but the HP/MP Draining swordskills are based off of Dusk Blade and Shadow Blade).  If unable to make the magic abilities work with the described formula, then the magics can be cut from the class.  I might also place a post under Patch Idea Proposals, if anyone felt like making it for something to do when they have nothing to do, or to see if the idea could work...


A job class that I see could replace or be compared to Geomancer would be:

Name: Elementalist (Or something along those lines)

Attack Base: Using Elemental Strikes to enhance attack power and change element to the attack used.

Say relating this to Geomancer you use a close range version or 'strike' version of Torrent/Water Ball having all the effects of the attack but then leaving that effect on the user's weapon or just their 'Attack'-skill.

Here's a small example:


I always wanted to see a Queen Ruvelia sprite and maybe a Queen job class. Maybe with some holy thematic and light equipment. I developed her family connections and made a somewhat good storyline, so if anyone can help me with a sprite of her, I would be very glad <3


I have thought about making a 'Necromancer' Or 'Exorcist' Class for Final Fantasy Tactics

I was thinking for Necromancer They would be Physical oriented Mages able to equip Rods, Poles, Daggers, and Axes as well as heavy armor and clothes with Moderate Hp Growth and low Mp Growth with Innate Short charge and undead. 

Necromancer:  Unit that uses powerful Magic that effects the dead and living alike and often uses "Necromancy" To empower the dead and harm the living.

Necromancy: Necromancer Job command, Magic that is bound to darkness.

Life Break --------------------15Mp ----------------- Deal damage to targets Hp. -------------------  300 Jp
Dead Rising ------------------ 30Mp ---------------- Adds Protect and Shell to an undead unit ------- 500 Jp
Dark Holy -------------------- 45mp ---------------- Dark elemental magic -------------------------- 700 Jp
Spiritual Surge --------------- 20mp ---------------- Adds 1Pa, 1Ma, 1Speed to any undead unit ----- 800 Jp
Dark Whisper ---------------- 50mp ---------------- Dark attack adds Sleep or Death if it hits -------- 900 Jp
Nightmare  -------------------55mp ---------------- Adds sleep and doom --------------------------- 350 Jp
Zombify --------------------- 80mp ---------------- Revives a fallen unit as an undead. -------------- 400 Jp
Bio ------------------------- 16mp ----------------  Deal non elemental damage and inflict Oil, Blind or Poison. --------- 250 Jp                           
Bio 2 ----------------------- 32mp ----------------  Deal non elemental damage and inflict Toad, Slow or Silence. ------ 500 Jp
Bio 3 ----------------------- 48mp ----------------- Deal non elemental damage and inflict Undead, Death or Stone. -----600 Jp

the Exorcist on the other hand is Pure magic and has attacks that Harm the Undead and protects Allies.
I was thinking the Exorcist would use Staffs, Rods, Robes, Hats and Clothes. With stats focusing on Mp, Ma and Speed.

Exorcist: Divine unit of the clergy used to combat demons and other unholy beasts

Exorcism: Exorcist job command, Channels holy power to smite foes and help allies.

Dia ------------------- 30 Mp ----- Deals Holy damage to all Undead enemies deals 0 damage to living enemies. ---- 150 Jp
Dia 2 ----------------- 40 Mp ----- Deals Holy damage to all Undead enemies deals 0 damage to living enemies. ---- 300 Jp
Dia 3 ----------------- 50 Mp ----- Deals Holy damage to all Undead enemies deals 0 damage to living enemies. ---- 400 Jp
Heavens Song -------- 25 Mp ----- Heals All Allies Mp by 10. ----------------------------------------------------- 100 Jp
Holy Strike ----------- 10 Mp ----- Adds Holy element to weapon attack. ----------------------------------------- 100 Jp
Smite ---------------- 27 Mp ---- Deals Extra damage to undead and Demonic Enemies with weapon attack. -------- 200 Jp
Angelic Aid ----------- 75 Mp ---- Adds Haste, Regen, Float, Protect, Shell, Re-Raise, Faith to Caster. -------------- 1200 Jp
Holy Surge ----------- 45 Mp ---- Raises One ally Pa by 1 and Ma by 1. -------------------------------------------- 300 Jp
Divine Aid ------------ 35 Mp ---- Casts Protect, Shell and Regen to one ally. -------------------------------------- 600 Jp 


June 26, 2015, 12:14:59 pm #25 Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 12:36:07 pm by gatebuster202
Job Tree Overhaul.

So, I saw CoP remove two base classes in favor of six-eight. Now personally I thought that could open up some new possibilities.

I want to create a more frontline/brutal Job Tree for both Vanilla and my Fifty Years War project Idea I proposed in the sister thread.

Squire and Chemist will have to go. Instead we start with Knight, Archer, Cleric(Priest), and Apprentice(Wizard.)

Knight (3 Square Ranged Ruin/Melee Break Class) - Ruin is for stats, they only subtract 1 stat point but hit at a much higher rate, while MP and Equipment still take the normal break command.Ruin will take 4-8 mp(Based on balance.)

Archer (Aim and/or Support Skills.) - Archer will be where we find Dash, Monster Skill, and a few Marksman abilities, if I can slot these in with Charge. (Three basic (shots). Pinpoint(Ignores Shields and Accessories.) Snap Shot(Ignores Reactions and Class Evasion) Blunted Shot(80% chance Knockback at 50% damage.)

Cleric (A limited selection of White magic, and Oracle Magic as Well as the Ability to equip Rods, Flails, Poles, and Heavy Armor. Esuna is replaces with the Squire's Salve. Magic is limited to level 2 Spells)

Apprentice (Level 2 magic from Black Magic, Poison, + Don't move, Don't Act, Float, and Demi.)

Of course these are Tier 1 classes, and lacking a base class, I don't exactly know if the soldier shop can handle recruitment for non-squires, so, it may be removed.

Ramza/Barbaneth will see an overhaul too. But those are story oriented so I don't want to put that out just yet.

I'll put more info here as I feel comfortable, until I have a cohesive document. Then I'll upload a public Google Doc.
  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


so another Job class I wanted to create for Final Fantasy Tactics was a Cross Knight, I have been working on some stats and skills it can use as well as its abilities and trying to make it a balanced class, I have also been thinking about design and what not so i am interested if someone who is good with sprite work can work off some of the refs I made using the Rpg Maker VX ace sprite maker.


Cross Knight
Warrior with elite training of Knighthood, Fights without a shield and uses two swords instead.

Innate: Two swords, Weapon Guard

Brave: 60
Faith: 50

Stat Growth
Hp: low
Mp: low
Attack: High
Magic: Med
Speed: med

Knight swords
Heavy Armor


Job Skill Sword Skill: Cross Knight Job command, uses various attacks using the sword.

Stasis Sword -------- 10 Mp ------- Deals Holy Damage can cause Stop
Split Punch ---------- 15 Mp ------- Deal Holy Damage can cause Doom
Night Sword ---------- 8 Mp ------- Deal Dark Damage and absorb Hp
Dark Sword ---------- 16 Mp ------- Deal Dark Damage and absorb Mp
Cure Sword ---------- 10 Mp ------- Target one Ally and Heals them (Range 3 vert 1)
Healing Sword -------- 25 Mp ------- Target one Ally and Heals Them (Range 3 Vert 2)
Flame Sword --------- 20 Mp ------- Target's an enemy and uses Flame sword magic 25% Berserk (Range 3)
Blizzard Sword -------- 20 Mp ------- Targets an enemy and uses Blizzard sword magic 25% Slow (Range 3)
Lightning Sword ------ 20 Mp -------- Targets an enemy and uses Lightning sword Magic 25% Paralyze (Range 3)
Ultima Sword --------- 99 Mp -------- Targets a group of enemies and uses Ultima Sword Magic. (Range 4 Targets 4 enemies)

Reaction Ability's
Counter Tackle

Support Ability's
Equip Axe
Equip Sword

Movement Ability
Move +1


July 31, 2015, 06:35:23 pm #27 Last Edit: July 31, 2015, 06:45:33 pm by ToddKOart
Hope you guys like this idea. Essentially, they are Dragoons that have the ability to move enemy units. Enjoy!

-Job Idea:
Valkyrian ~ Graceful knights who practice the ancient war arts of the Valkyrie, a forgotten race of winged warriors. Their powerful strikes turn the battle tides by reeling their enemies in whatever direction they please. Their elegant leaps are as beautiful as they are deadly, giving them the miracle of flight and their enemies the terror of raining blades.

Brave: 70
Faith: 55
Weapons: Pole arms, Long bows
Helmets: Helmets
Armor: Armor, Clothes, and Robes
Shield: Yes
Move: 4
Jump: 5
Speed: 9
Physical Evade: 20%
Base Attack: Very High
Base Magic: Very low
Base HP: High
Base MP: Low

-Stat Growth:
HP: ****
MP: **
Attack: *****
Magic: *
Speed: ****

-Innate Abilities:

-Action Abilities:
Forceful Arts ~ Valkyrian Job command, strikes that move enemy positions with force.
1) Port Revolver ~ Damages target and forces them to turn clockwise.
Range: Weapon
Vertical Range: Same as Weapon
JP Cost: Learned
MP Cost: 0
Charge: Instant

2) Starboard Revolver ~ Damages target and forces them to turn counter-clockwise.
Range: Weapon
Vertical Range: Same as Weapon
JP Cost: Learned
MP Cost: 0
Charge: Instant

3) Stern Revolver ~ Damages target and forces them to face backwards.
Range: Weapon
Vertical Range: Same as Weapon
JP Cost: 400
MP Cost: 0
Charge: Instant

4) Drive ~ Damages target and knocks them 1 spaces away.
Range: Linear 5
Vertical Range: +/-1
JP Cost: 650
MP Cost: 0
Charge: Instant

5) Drag ~ Damages target and brings them adjacent to the user.
Range: Linear 5
Vertical Range: +/-1
JP Cost: 650
MP Cost: 0
Charge: Instant

6) Pursuit ~ Damages target while landing adjacent to them. Can be used before or after the user's Move phase to extend movement. The ability cannot be executed unless there is an unoccupied panel nearby.
Range: Linear 4, Landing Radius: 1 around target
Vertical Range: +/-1, Landing vertical range: +/-1
JP Cost: 750
MP Cost: 0
Charge: Instant

7) Pierce ~ Damages multiple targets in a row while moving through them. The user stays 1 panel beyond the row of targets. The ability cannot be executed unless there is an unoccupied panel beyond the row of targets.
Range: Linear 4
Vertical Range: +/-1
JP Cost: 900
MP Cost: 0
Charge: Instant

8) Springboard ~ Flings target onto a selectable panel. Does not damage target.
Range: 1, Launching range: 8
Vertical Range: +/-1, Launching Vertical range: no limit
JP Cost: 1800
MP Cost: 0
Charge: Instant

9) Catapult Launch ~ Damages target while flinging them onto a selectable panel.
Range: 1, Launching range: 5
Vertical Range: +/-1, Launching Vertical range: no limit
JP Cost: 2000
MP Cost: 0
Charge: Instant

10) Sky-fallen Spear ~ Heavily damages targets. Becomes even stronger with Pole Arm equipped.
Range: 3, Radius: 1
Vertical Range: no limit
JP Cost: 1500
MP Cost: 0
Charge: Instant

11) Skyward Shot ~ Heavily damages targets. Becomes even stronger with Long Bow equipped.
Range: Weapon, Radius: 1
Vertical Range: no limit
JP Cost: 1500
MP Cost: 0
Charge: Instant

-Support Abilities:
High Critical ~ Critical hit ratio +70% (from 5%)
JP Cost: 1200

-Reaction Abilities:
Revolver Counter ~ Counter with a Stern Revolver if in range
Trigger: Getting attacked
JP Cost: 800

Drive Counter ~ Counter with Drive if in range
Trigger: Getting attacked
JP Cost: 800

-Move Abilities:
Full Throttle ~ Attack and Speed +1 for every panel unit moved that turn. Attack and speed reverts back at the end of the unit's turn.
JP Cost: 1000


i like this job it looks pretty original but making it in a patch would be super complicated. the amount of asm hacks you require to fulfill the effects of the skills are many and some look complex such as the revolver skills because there arent formulas that can do things such as make the target turn to an especific direction or moving them (and many of the skills listed have an effect on the targets location and or direction)
said if it was posible to make use of all of those unit movement effects this would be a totally new class.
but for the default formulas there are only 1 or 2 formulas that can knockback a unit and its only 1 tile.

i really like the idea tho  :P

  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


Very cool idea. True about the ASM, though; I couldn't even get anyone to feign the interest in making ability movement a reality when our active esoteric userbase was at its largest.
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


Thanks for the compliments!
Ah, I see... Yeah I kinda figured it would be a hassle to hack. But it would be cool if it were a thing though. I mean, by nature, positioning is integral in a game like FFT, and I felt that a job like the Valkyrian would reinforce that mechanic. That's why I came up with the idea.

Well, here's another job idea. I think it would work really well as a challenging boss! Hopefully its one that's not TOO complex to fully realize haha!
I give you... the Juggernaut!!
A self-Berserking warrior.
With 2 sets of HP... hehehe...

-Job Idea:
Juggernaut ~ Brutes with an overwhelmingly violent nature. Their pure rage and willpower makes them blind to pain and thirsty for blood. The Juggernaut is both an immovable object and an unstoppable force.

Brave: 75
Faith: 30
Weapons: Knight Swords, Fell Swords
Helmets: Helmets
Armor: Armor
Shield: Yes
Move: 3
Jump: 3
Speed: 7
Physical Evade: 15%
Base Attack: Very High
Base Magic: Very Low
Base HP: High
Base MP: Very High

-Stat Growth:
HP: ****
MP: *****
Attack: *****
Magic: *
Speed: *

-Innate Abilities:
MP Switch ~ Loses MP instead of HP when damaged.
Grit ~ Unit survives a killing blow with 1 HP remaining. Only works if HP is above 20%.
Critical MP ~ Fully restores MP when HP is below 20%.
Unscarred ~ Boosts PA, Speed and Defense by 50% if the unit has Full HP.
Focus Rage ~ Unit has control of themselves while under Berserk or Confuse.
War Path ~ PA +1 per panel while moving when Berserked.
Immune: Doom

-Action Abilities:
Brutalities ~ Juggernaut job Commands, arts that enhance and channel one's rage for delivering and receiving punishment.
1) Chakra ~ Restores HP and MP.
Range: self, Radius 1
Vertical Range: +/- 1
JP Cost: Learned
MP Cost: 0
Charge: Instant

2) War Cry ~ Brave +10/ PA +1/ Speed +1.
Range: self, Radius 1
Vertical Range: +/- 1
JP Cost: 2000
MP Cost: 0
Charge: Instant

3) Enrage ~ Casts Haste and Berserk.
Range: self, Radius 1
Vertical Range: +/- 1
JP Cost: 4000
MP Cost: 0
Charge: Instant

4) Dark Blade ~ Absorbs target's HP
Range: 3
Vertical Range: +/- 1
JP Cost: 500
MP Cost: 0
Charge: Instant

5) Night Blade ~ Absorbs target's MP
Range: 3
Vertical Range: +/- 1
JP Cost: 100
MP Cost: 0
Charge: Instant

6) Violent Swing ~ Heavily Damages targets.
Range: self, Radius: 2
Vertical Range: +/- 2
JP Cost: 900
MP Cost: 0
Charge: Instant

7) Violent Stab ~ Heavily Damages targets.
Range: Linear 3
Vertical Range: Same as User
JP Cost: 1000
MP Cost: 0
Charge: Instant

8) Violent Smite ~ Heavily Damages targets.
Range: 1, Radius 1
Vertical Range: +/- 1
JP Cost: 1200
MP Cost: 0
Charge: Instant

-Support Ability:
Vehemence ~ PA +50%, Defense -50%.
JP Cost: 900

-Reaction Ability:
Fury ~ PA +1
Trigger: HP loss.
JP Cost: 900

Retaliate ~ Casts Berserk on self.
Trigger: HP loss.
JP Cost: 500

-Move Ability:
Manafont ~ recover MP upon moving.
JP Cost: 500

The gimmick with this job is the innate MP Switch and Critical MP abilities. With MP Switch, Juggernauts won't be hurt until they lose ALL their MP. This grants them the stat boosts from Unscarred since their HP is preserved because of MP Switch. If they run out of MP and are hit with a killing blow, they will survive it with 1 HP left because of their Grit ability. This activates Critical MP to fully restore their MP, resetting the MP Switch. 

The other gimmick of this job is the benefits they receive when Berserked. Their Enrage ability grants them both Berserk and Haste. Focus Rage will help them maintain control of themselves while still reaping the benefits of Enrage. And just when you think it can't get any better, War Path will further increase their PA with every step they take. Combine this with the attack boosts from Unscarred and Vehemence, and you got yourselves MAJOR damage output.

These two dynamics embody what I meant when I referred to the Juggernaut as, "an immovable object and an unstoppable force." 


So, here's my idea. I'd like to see what you guys think.

I've been a fan of FFT for years, and WoW for years as well.

How possible, easy, likely, etc. would it be to revamp the classes as classes from WoW?

For example:

Balance Druid; lots of nature based offensive magic (similar to geomancy, but doesn't require ground underneath)

Feral Druid; the ability to shapeshift (this one could be impossible to the best of my knowledge)

Restoration Druid; healing magic focused (somehow has the ability to stack the regen effect)


Quote from: Sindalla on November 16, 2015, 01:15:19 am
So, here's my idea. I'd like to see what you guys think.

I've been a fan of FFT for years, and WoW for years as well.

How possible, easy, likely, etc. would it be to revamp the classes as classes from WoW?

For example:

Balance Druid; lots of nature based offensive magic (similar to geomancy, but doesn't require ground underneath)

Feral Druid; the ability to shapeshift (this one could be impossible to the best of my knowledge)

Restoration Druid; healing magic focused (somehow has the ability to stack the regen effect)

Balance Druid
It wouldn't honestly be that hard. You could change a job to have a Geomancy-esque skillset and just change the action set to make it a normal job skillset. Or you could modify something like a Wizard to have multiple elemental spells, several patches have already done something similar to this, including the one I'm working on. I don't really know how else that could work. Geomancy skills are determined via each individual tile which has an attribute on it. I suppose with a lot of ASM it could be changed to work across an entire map, or be related to the weather somehow, but other than that your best bet would be the first thing I mentioned.

Feral Druid
Even with a ludicrous amount of ASM hacking this would likely be nearly impossible because you would probably be calling on too many spritesheets and the game can only handle so many at one time. After a while the sprites will begin to warp unnaturally and be disjointed and not resemble their intended sprite at all.

Restoration Druid
You could make this happen, definitely. You could remove AOEs on healing spells and also give them the "Stop at Obstacle" attribute which could potentially create a missile healing spell.
What do you mean by stacking? Regen stacks with multiple other statuses, and those it don't it can be made to with some very basic status attribute edits. If you mean you want the class to START with Regen or have it INNATELY, you could do this by adding either of those to the Job that you're looking to modify into that one.

Hope I could be of help!
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


I appreciate the response. I've been working on it for the past few days, so far, all I've gotten done is changing the text on most of the abilities and the names of said abilities, as well as jobs.

It's a lot harder than I thought it would be, for sure.

What I meant by the stacking regen effect was would it be possible to have multiple regen effects running at the same time? A restoration druid in WoW has at least 3 different Healing Over Time spells that heal for different durations and different values, all of which can be reset by casting a standard heal.

Would something like this be possible with a simple patch, or would it require something a little more in depth?

Final note: it's a shame the feral druid won't ever happen. It was my favorite class and spec when I played WoW.


November 19, 2015, 12:34:14 am #34 Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 02:41:40 am by theultrawolf
Quote from: Sindalla on November 18, 2015, 11:34:13 pm
I appreciate the response. I've been working on it for the past few days, so far, all I've gotten done is changing the text on most of the abilities and the names of said abilities, as well as jobs.

It's a lot harder than I thought it would be, for sure.

What I meant by the stacking regen effect was would it be possible to have multiple regen effects running at the same time? A restoration druid in WoW has at least 3 different Healing Over Time spells that heal for different durations and different values, all of which can be reset by casting a standard heal.

Would something like this be possible with a simple patch, or would it require something a little more in depth?

Final note: it's a shame the feral druid won't ever happen. It was my favorite class and spec when I played WoW.

Hey, no problem! Making a patch, personal or project, always takes a lot of work. I'm about 50-60% done with my patch and it's taken me 4-5 years (It doesn't usually take that long, don't worry!) It sure is hard, but don't be afraid to get involved, ask questions, browse the site, and siphon information. Making a patch can be a rewarding thing and can let you see SRPGs in a whole new light.

As far as a stacked Regen effect, you could potentially modify one of the unused effects to have similar effects to Regen, then use the ASM to change the Regen heal percentage and you could have something remotely similar. But if you wanted to stack the same status 3 separate times, without some hard hacking, I'm not sure if that would even be possible. Even if you found a way to stack the Regen status (without creating a new status), they would all activate at the same time due to the way those types of status work.

And yeah, like I said, it wouldn't really be feasible considering sprite limitations, and it would need very heavy ASM to even reach a proof-of-concept point, which I doubt many would consider helping with since it isn't really feasible.
In FFTA, there's a job class known as the Morpher which can adopt various other creatures' abilities by "Morphing" with them, an ASM hack of that could potentially be possible, but you would REALLY need to get your hands dirty as well as probably getting others to help in that area, but even then you would have to consider: How badly do you want this?

Once again, I hope I could be of at least a small bit of help!

Easy answer: It could TECHNICALLY be possible, but you're going to need to really get your hands dirty and learn ASM hacking and status effect values.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


It helped a good bit. I've got quite a bit on my plate right now. 3 jobs and a newborn, I picked up something small I could put down at pretty much anytime. It's relaxing, and I'd prefer to keep it that way, even if it means no feral druid.

As I was typing this, it dawned on me. The frog spell, if it was worked with a little bit, would that make it more feasible you think?


Not really. It's not a whole sheet, it shares with the chicken, crystal and boxes, which is why you don't go over the limit with it. We wanted to replace the chicken status with the scarecrow status from SMRPG for Jot5, but we couldn't even do that due to the size restrictions.
  • Modding version: PSX


Dang! Was worth a shot, I'll keep looking into it. Thanks! I have absolutely no background knowledge when it comes to programming, hacking, editing, etc. So this is a lot harder than I thought it would be. >.<


Don't feel bad. That's why most people who show up with big ideas disappear, sadly. The work isn't as hard as it seems at first, it's more about just diving in (to something other than FFTP) and learning what you can and ask questions when needed.
  • Modding version: PSX


I intend to do everything else except the Feral Druid at this point. Who knows, by the time I get everything else done, maybe someone will have come up with something, or I'll figure it out on my own by some miracle.

I appreciate the feedback! Hopefully this turns out as cool as I see it in my head.  :D