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(old) mark thread (old)

Started by brittmarv, May 01, 2013, 12:03:47 pm


May 01, 2013, 12:03:47 pm Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 04:00:05 pm by brittmarv
Rules: Basically this is a relaxed thread, just for fun and entertainment. However, there is always a possibility Elric or Raven might like a suggestion  ;). Try to stick to the overall theme of Journey of the Five. You could suggest a battle idea, a mark, a side character, even small side quests and plotlines, within reason. But remember, this is just for fun!

EDIT: Remember the 9 Sprite Limit. If you suggest a battle, there can be only 9 individual sprites present, including the heros. So if you want to allow all 5 heros, you have leeway for only 4 unique sprites.

Being that we have room for 4 Unique sprites present if we use all 5 heros, I would like to suggest something awesome..

The Four Elemental Bosses from FF1. This would be easy because we already have perfect sprites to use.

Lich (Fiend of Earth): Skeleton
Kary (Fiend of Fire): Lamia
Kraken (Fiend of Water): Piscodemon
Tiamat (Fiend of Air): ... Tiamat (lol)

Would it be feasible to recolor the sprites?

For coding efficiency, you could even create one overall Ability and Job type. Just have each unit "learned" with only the 2 or 3 abilities they would use.

This would work perfectly as a Mark, or even a Deep Dungeon level or something. (I wonder what the plans are for Deep Dungeon? This game needs an amazing one)


Brittmarv! Use the edit button!
Also, just a heads up Elric and the JoT5 team already have a plan for the DD. And you don't have to worry, it's gonna be awesome :)
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Correct, all I will say is that the DD has already been scrapped and replaced with something else.
Don't worry, you will love it, and it will be introduced in Ch2 and carry on thru Ch4.

We also already have a Cameo thread in the Hidden Jot5 Staff section. ALL joining special characters
have already been decided long ago, and with limited ability space and such there will likely not be
anymore additions to this. (but if you like the initial 5, I think you will enjoy the "other" special characters
that will be optionally introduced or unlocked later on)

HOWEVER, we still have plenty of room for EVTCHR's so as long as newly suggested Cameos are not included in battles then this is fine.
for people that don't know, EVTCHR are the frames you see when someone does something special, like kneel or pull a stone out of
their pocket, or a better example would be Besrodio, who actually only existed in EVTCHR form in FFT and never actually had a sprite
made for him. This is all completely within the realm of possibility, since these EVTCHR Cameo characters CAN appear as background
material and even have conversations, as long as they have a EVTCHR and Portrait made. They just cannot participate in battle.

Also we are still accepting new Marks, we have quite a few planned out, but we are looking at have around 80
or more in total for all of Jot5.

I would still like to see what people might suggest though, so this is not me trying to deter anyone from posting their ideas.
More of me trying to fill people in on what we are and aren't looking for ;)

Quote from: brittmarv on May 01, 2013, 12:03:47 pm
The Four Elemental Bosses from FF1. This would be easy because we already have perfect sprites to use.

Lich (Fiend of Earth): Skeleton
Kary (Fiend of Fire): Lamia
Kraken (Fiend of Water): Piscodemon
Tiamat (Fiend of Air): ... Tiamat (lol)

Would it be feasible to recolor the sprites?

Recoloring sprites is not a hard task, it the abilities that might be difficult. But I still do like the idea, there is a chance this could be worked
in somewhere.
  • Modding version: PSX


May 01, 2013, 08:11:35 pm #3 Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 09:19:51 pm by brittmarv
Quote from: Jumza on May 01, 2013, 06:48:36 pm
Brittmarv! Use the edit button!

You are right. that was just a little extreme wasn't it? I should wait until I've had my coffee in the morningtime before I post ^_^

Quote from: Jumza on May 01, 2013, 06:48:36 pm
Also, just a heads up Elric and the JoT5 team already have a plan for the DD. And you don't have to worry, it's gonna be awesome :)

I figured they would!

Quote from: Elric on May 01, 2013, 07:17:36 pm
I would still like to see what people might suggest though, so this is not me trying to deter anyone from posting their ideas.
More of me trying to fill people in on what we are and aren't looking for ;)

Recoloring sprites is not a hard task, it the abilities that might be difficult. But I still do like the idea, there is a chance this could be worked
in somewhere.

Thanks for giving us the scoop. I'm very excited about the prospect of helping with ideas for Marks.

It's a shame I never fiddled with ASM. I would love to pick up some slack in some way, shape or form.

Maybe I will start some projects to teach myself the ins and outs, who knows. I'm used to this sort of work, just not ASM.


Oh the suggestions I could post!

Ashley Riot in some form, be it awesomely hard mark or extra character.

Kirito/ Kirigaya Kazuto from the light novel/ anime Sword Art Online - would be a bit of a bitch though, as would need a sprite.

Another thought I had about character would be Alundra from, well... Alundra (he would probably be too similar to Link though to warrant.)

Lady or Trish from the DMC series? I reckon that most of my ideas are already planned by you guys anyway!

Ta for reading.
  • Modding version: WotL


I was thinking about Worker 8's sprite from Vanilla FFTactics and had a few ideas for it.

Firstly, we could use it for a mark idea based on the Weapons from FF7. How awesome would it be to fight Emerald and Ruby Weapon in JoT5? the cool factor is way up there. I don't know how we could get a countdown timer for Emerald though, but that would be sick if someone could code an event for it.

Lastly, there is a mainstay enemy from the Final Fantasy series that would fit with this sprite nicely - the Iron Giant. They have appeared in nearly every single Final Fantasy. They would fit into the canon of Ivalice quite nicely, and I've always thought FFTactics needed a larger variety of regular enemies (something JoT5 is certainly proving true.)
A common variation is the Red Giant, which first appeared in FF4.

a quick mockup for demonstration of concept's sake:

Iron Giant
Colossal guardian constructed in ages long past.
Move 3, Jump 3, Evade 0%, Low speed, Low MP
Innate: Caution, Defense Boost, Arcane Defense, Cannot Enter Water
Weak: Lightning, Water

"Electromagnetism" (or "Magnet" or "Electro Magnet"): Add Stop, Range 1 ver 3 Effect 1, MP 0 Speed Now
"Arm Cannon": Range 3 ver 3, Effect 1, MP 0 Speed Now, Stops at Obstacle
"Upheaval" (needs better name, sounds too extreme) Range Self, Effect 1 ver 3, Random Knockback MP 14 Speed Now

Red Giant
Tireless machine bent on destruction and blood-shed.
Move 3, Jump 3, Evade 0%, Low speed, Low MP
Innate: Caution, Defense Boost, Arcane Defense, Cannot Enter Water
Half: Fire
Weak: Lightning, Water

"Electromagnetism" (or "Magnet" or "Electro Magnet")
"Arm Cannon"
"Emission" (or "Flamethrower"): Element Fire, Random Add Oil, Range 5 Linear ver 0 Effect 1, MP 14 Speed Now

Machine Armor (needs a more suitable name)
Mechanical titan that neutralizes enemy defenses with anti-magic capabilities.
Move 3, Jump 3, Evade 0%, Low speed, Low MP
Innate: Caution, Defense Boost, Arcane Defense, Cannot Enter Water
Weak: Lightning, Water

"Electromagnetism" (or "Magnet" or "Electro Magnet")
"Arm Cannon"
"Disruption": Cancel Most Good Status (All?) Range 3 ver All, Effect 3 ver 1, MP 24-36 Speed Now

Basically intended to be slow, lumbering tanks that can cause some serious damage if only they can get close enough or situated properly to do so, sort of like a Malboro that focuses on damage and defense rather than on status effects.


Final Fantasy 5 battle against the 4 crystals :P (and perhaps our favorite evil tree, Ex-Death)
  • Modding version: PSX


Ooh, another thought about a Mark - a prinny (or prinny squad?)
  • Modding version: WotL


Mark="Carrot".  Gotta have carrot right?

My dreams can come true!


Could use Nybeth or possibly even Denam with him.

Nybeth is an absolute pain, being one to use necromancy with no regard for life, even that of his own children and wife. Not to mention he's one of the hardest boss enemies in Tactics Ogre, and can freely summon more enemies as you take down the undead he calls.

Denam is basically what you'd get if you fused Ramza and Delita, but kept most of Ramza's values and personality, with Delita's will to go above the rest to bring about peace. Tactics Ogre plays less on supernatural stones, though there IS
The Lucavi-like final boss

One or two of the Dark Knights might work. Or Lanselot Hamilton himself?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


A mark against 11 Zubats in a darkened version of one of DD's maps, even if DD itself is not present.

An annoying flying rodent keen on feasting on blood and causing chaos.
Move: 3, Jump: 3, Evade: 0%, Average Speed, Low MP
Innate: Fly
Weak: Lightning, Ice

"Bite": Regular Attack, Range 1 ver 2 Effect 1, MP 0 Speed Now
"Leech Life": Drains a small amount of HP, Range 1 ver 1, Effect 1, MP 0 Speed Now
"Supersonic": Range Self, Effect 1 ver 3, Add: Confuse MP 6 Speed Now
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817

The Damned

May 08, 2013, 12:43:22 am #11 Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 02:35:19 am by The Damned
(I back Eternal's proposal, though Bite totally "needs" to be Dark type elemental though at least; also, giving them four attacks seems fine given all the monster slots are already used up I'd imagine.)

Hmmm...I hadn't seen that you guys were taking proposals for Marks. Now I have an excuse to post in here. Despair.

Given the fact that suggesting Marks that were Marks in FFXII is obviously pointless, I'll instead go the opposite direction and suggest something that's a super-obscure reference that pretty much no one else is going to get. Hurray. At least that means it's extremely unlikely to you guys have thought of it.

Name of this Mark: "(Another) The Five!?" or "Seekers of Alma."

Brief In-Game Description: "There have been reports that a group of five powerful warriors have shown up in Ivalice as of late, seeking conference with the deceased daughter of the disgraced House Beoulve. They call themselves 'The Five'."

Basic make-up of enemies:

1. 1x male Dimension Swordsman (Name: ...I forget; I think it started with a D... - think Dias from Star Ocean 2 in personality in that he's kind of an abrasive ass, but ultimately kind enough; has Two Swords and maybe a Blood Sword.)

2. 1x male War Wizard (Name: Ziomer - a very fast, old--as in age, though perhaps the old Wizard sprite would work too--Black Mage possibly with Non-Charge or Short Charge and/or maybe Summon Magick or Time Magick; has the least health, but getting close to him isn't a guaranteed victory.)

3. 1x Kunoichi (Name: June? Jun? Ugh. I forget here too, though I'm pretty sure it started with a J... - female Ninja that can innately use bows and has higher PA & MA than normal [female] Ninja; can possibly use a bit of magick.)

4. 1x female Mind Mage & 1x female Mind Monk (Name: Minako (?) and Miriko (?) - two female Samurai [or Monk] sprites who are sisters and who don't have Draw Out at all, but instead focus on mental/MA and physical/PA aspects, respectively. Minako uses a book--or harp--and focuses on status, mainly ones that screw with the mind like Charm, Confusion, Berserk & Sleep; she'd also probably be the "medic" of the team. Miriko meanwhile is Barehanded with Two Swords and really damn strong, perhaps even starting out with Initial: Berserk; she'd also probably have some healing, if only from Monk. Minako should probably have a mantle & Teleport while Miriko has a gauntlet and Heavy Armor.)

Reasons for Being: When confronted, they claim to be inter-dimensional travelers who also claim to have met Alma when she was more actively dealing with possessed by Altima/Ultima or, at least, an Alma who underwent such an ordeal. Given the "timey-whimey" nature of the patch as a whole, I figure that you guys could probably get away with being ambiguous about whether they're being sincere and Ramza just isn't aware of it having happened or it being something this Alma has yet to go through or they're confused & the Alma they're looking for is in an another castle dimension or simply them batshit insane but quite strong. Hell, the "timey-whimey" aspect of the patch is why only you guys could get away with this reference as a whole.

Regardless, they also claim to just want to thank her for helping save their world and families and such, but didn't have any real place to start beyond a name, especially after learning she had supposedly died. So they decided to cause a ruckus for a bit, not killing when they could, and see if anything or anyone popped up that could relay the message if Alma herself didn't show up. It also explains why they just wouldn't go after Delita given his known personal connection with the believed-to-be-dead "Heretic".

(I'll just assume that Olan is still busy with things in Jot5 or, at least, that he's not suicidal enough to go after such strong people with only a permanently mute Balmafula to back him up. Then again, considering Orlandu is probably still alive....)

Ultimately, them getting the message across to her is all they want, though the leader decides to "test you" to see if you're really strong enough to deal with what's coming since they--well, mostly Ziomer & Miriko--can tell something is really off with the dimension as a whole. Well, that and to test if Ramza is actually her brother, though I suppose that Miriko could just (claim to) read Ramza's mind to double check. Shrug.

Damn it. I need to see if I can find the actual names even if most likely only about 30 people in the entire world will actually get what that's a reference to.

Regardless, I did have two other suggestions at present, though I'll keep one to myself since I want an excuse to Event it as a "joke"; the other one I just need to think about more given sprite limitations and everything.

P.S. Keep in mind that I still haven't opened up Marks (or Samurai or Ninja or Summoner) in-game yet, so I need to double check more than just the names and stuff.

Monk Up Your Mind EDIT: I keep waffling about whether to call Miriko's class "Mind Monk" or "Power Monk" or "Body Monk" (or Body Builder, heh). For now, I'll go back to "Mind Monk" because I'm weak to alliteration.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


I actually like this mark idea quite a bit The Damned, due to the fact that I had a similar idea. I'll make a thread tomorrow that has all the (non-spoiler) mark ideas that the team has come up with.
  • Modding version: PSX

The Damned

May 08, 2013, 02:33:45 am #13 Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 02:51:27 am by The Damned
(It seems like great minds think alike then...which is of course why I didn't think of that idea. Ha.)

I see. Thanks for that decision.

I'll try and open up Marks tonight/by tomorrow so I can better suggest (more original) things.

Late Quotation EDIT: I kept forgetting to comment on brittmarv's post and there's no reason to post soon yet again even with Elric just having posted, so...

Quote from: brittmarv on May 03, 2013, 06:54:07 pm
I was thinking about Worker 8's sprite from Vanilla FFTactics and had a few ideas for it.

Firstly, we could use it for a mark idea based on the Weapons from FF7. How awesome would it be to fight Emerald and Ruby Weapon in JoT5? the cool factor is way up there. I don't know how we could get a countdown timer for Emerald though, but that would be sick if someone could code an event for it.

IIRC, someone--I believe formerdeathcorps--said they planned to at least attempt to code such a time scenario into the game, though it was for the fight against Zalera given how his fight in FFXII is similarly timed. I'm not sure how possible it actually is, but it's not like I actually know about coding (still).

Quote from: brittmarv on May 03, 2013, 06:54:07 pm
Basically intended to be slow, lumbering tanks that can cause some serious damage if only they can get close enough or situated properly to do so, sort of like a Malboro that focuses on damage and defense rather than on status effects.

Your ideas have some merit, but I can't help but say that such a monster position already seems to the place of Adamantoises (and probably Behemoths too).

Still, I could see a robotic mark popping up in some way as rather probable.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"



  • Modding version: PSX