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ASM Requests

Started by The Damned, October 29, 2014, 09:16:45 pm


Any of those status effect ones that need a settable CT, you will need to use Wall's slot for it if it's currently on a slot that doesn't use a CT.  The reason is that only the slots from Poison through Death sentence accept a CT, and changing this is a trickier problem than what I can currently do.  (anyone who can do this who wants to, feel free to figure it out)

Oil -> trouble can probably be done by modifying the elemental routines to no longer remove oil, and coded similarly to my "Tying it all Together 2" group (affects XA * YA routine).  Innocent reduces faith by a % could be done by rewriting my Faith/Innocent handling routine to set it to a % instead of to 0.  Neither of these particularly interests me enough to do myself, but if you know basic asm I could help you with these if you have any questions.  The rest of these look either impossible or outside of what I know how to do.

Quick/Ct 0 no longer use faith are both covered by this formula I wrote.  No reason to write multiple formulas for these, or any other stat affecting formulas that aren't using faith.

  <Patch name="Formula 18 = universal stat change at MA+X%">
    <Description>Directions for use: MA+X% is accuracy. Y is the stat that you want to affect.  Use Y= 16 for level up, 17 for level down, 18 for speed, 19 for CT, 20 for PA, 21 for MA, 22 for Brave, 23 for Faith. DO NOT USE OTHER VALUES FOR Y OR BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN!  Use the status effect field as what you want for the bonus/penalty amount in hex.  Add +0x80 for bonus amounts (example: 81 = +1), otherwise numbers up to 0x7f are penalty amounts.  If changing CT, you can use FF for Quick and 7F for CT = 0.  Level up requires 80, and level down requires 1.  Do not use other values in combination with 16/17 for the status byte or bad things will happen!</Description>
    <Location file="BATTLE_BIN" offset="12229c">
    <Location file="BATTLE_BIN" offset="f6d64">
  • Modding version: PSX


The customization of that formula is great.  Thanks, Emmy.
  • Modding version: PSX


July 21, 2017, 06:18:01 pm #162 Last Edit: July 28, 2017, 01:33:40 am by Lionheart537
I second the modified oil; although I'd call it curse or mark rather than trouble. I saw a hack that allowed oil to strengthen damage for any or all elements, but one that added the extra 20or25% for physical too would be lovely.

For my own inquiry how possible is it to change faith and innocent (or wall if easier) statuses to behave like faith and brave in future ff games i.e. a temp buff to pa and ma. Put them along with haste. I saw a hack that makes vanilla stat change moves (like ruin power) degrade back to neutral gradually. This is close enough but changing the faitha nd innocent stats (which i never liked) would be much preferred. This seems doable but what do the wizards here think?

EDIT: In the Razele xml hacks that comes with the hack "status effect bonus damage" so making oil take extra damage from both physical and magical attacks is already available (my bad!) I'll need to test to make sure it works with oil on all damage types and that oil disapears after any attack, not just fire. Or i could always assign extra damage to dark/evil looking (although i believe the hack refers to it as cursed status) and use rfh's "xx status use wall ct" to assign it a ct.
  • Modding version: PSX
It's not much yet but check out my spriting thread!
Here's a look at my vanilla mod thread, progressing one step at a time!


I was wondering if anyone has made an ASM to make selected abilities monster-targetable only?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Why not just 0% hit if not monster? That sounds like it would be a simple formula hack to make... in your case it sounds like you want more of a flag though. That would be way harder to implement.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Quote from: Xifanie on August 08, 2017, 12:07:16 am
Why not just 0% hit if not monster? That sounds like it would be a simple formula hack to make... in your case it sounds like you want more of a flag though. That would be way harder to implement.

0% if not a monster would work well I think actually. Was more looking for a formula hack of some kind.

EDIT : Could be even easier maybe by changing 5A Dragon: Hit(100)% to 5A Monster: Hit(100%)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Actually FFMaster already has a hack that should edit Reis abilities.
Last one in the "other hacks" section. Unless I'm misunderstanding the hack, can't say I've tested it either.
  • Modding version: PSX
It's not much yet but check out my spriting thread!
Here's a look at my vanilla mod thread, progressing one step at a time!


Quote from: Lionheart537 on August 08, 2017, 12:23:26 am
Actually FFMaster already has a hack that should edit Reis abilities.
Last one in the "other hacks" section. Unless I'm misunderstanding the hack, can't say I've tested it either.

Ah I searched for a while but didnt come across that. Thanks. Works great.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


August 15, 2017, 12:25:28 pm #168 Last Edit: August 15, 2017, 06:08:01 pm by buley
I'm looking for an asm that makes all calculated skills "unmimicable", and something that makes single target spells repeat its animations on every affected unit, when used by a calculator. nvm
Thanks in advance!
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
I promise not to let the dog eat my homework... Maybe I can find a cat.
  • Discord username: layerP


Completely hypothetical as I'm sure it's not worth the work, but for curiosity's sake can Tactics possibly support voice lines?
  • Modding version: PSX
It's not much yet but check out my spriting thread!
Here's a look at my vanilla mod thread, progressing one step at a time!


  • Modding version: PSX


Even if the ability to freely add in voice lines already existed, with no flaws or space limitations whatsoever, it still probably wouldn't be worth the work. Not only would the lines sound bad if they weren't voiced well, they'd sound bad if they weren't recorded well.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Oh i can imagine. Not expecting it at all, just couldn't shake the question from my head so I figured to ask if it's theoretically possible. It didn't need its own topic so i posted here  :P
  • Modding version: PSX
It's not much yet but check out my spriting thread!
Here's a look at my vanilla mod thread, progressing one step at a time!


Is it possible to make an ASM to change some unused formula to a White Wind like effect (Heal HP = Curr_CasterHP)? I'm currently trying to make a Blue Mage for my patch and I think it would be really cool to have White Wind as an ability. I was also thinking if it is possible to have a formula which both does damage and inflicts an status with 100% chance (without overwriting the standard 25% chance). Thanks for your attention!
  • Modding version: PSX


This formula (White Wind) almost certainly exists already in fftorgasm. You just might have to look a bit through each users .xml to find it.
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


Where can I find these files? Are they stored somewhere in the forum? If you mean the hacks which already come with the latest releases of the FFTorgASM, it does not contain such a formula as far as I know. Not sure if I am asking a stupid question, sorry for that.
  • Modding version: PSX


If those do not exist in the regular xml's, they most certainly exist here:

  • Modding version: PSX


Thanks, Emmy! The ASMs I was looking for did indeed exist in the link you shared, however, they do not seem to work properly when I apply them with FFTorgASM. Maybe its because of the "requires inner routine" part? The formulas which were supposed to be replaced just do the exact same thing as they did before, while the formulas replaced with the XML files that are already present in FFTorgASM actually acquire their new effects.
  • Modding version: PSX


November 25, 2017, 02:02:53 pm #178 Last Edit: November 25, 2017, 02:20:41 pm by RavenOfRazgriz
Quote from: Randombartz on November 22, 2017, 06:37:56 pm
Is it possible to make an ASM to change some unused formula to a White Wind like effect (Heal HP = Curr_CasterHP)? I'm currently trying to make a Blue Mage for my patch and I think it would be really cool to have White Wind as an ability. I was also thinking if it is possible to have a formula which both does damage and inflicts an status with 100% chance (without overwriting the standard 25% chance). Thanks for your attention!

Use the search function next time.  You can simply search "White Wind" (with the quotations to restrict search to only the full phrase) and Pride's older ASM Thread will come up:


You'll find the two things you're looking for (Proc Rate Rewrite + White Wind) there, among others.

E: Apparently the proc hack in this thread is only for weapons.  I'm trying to remember where the version that also does abilities is, because it exists and I have a modified copy of it but not the original.


I have no idea what you did, but just use Pride's White Wind formula unless you want a version that could also affect MP. 

As for a "damage and 100% proc" use this for physical attacks. This uses Punch Art's base formula unless you change what punch art does.  You must apply BOTH patches for the formula to work, because the first code depends on the 2nd code to work.  If you want to affect a formula other than 12, you must learn basic asm to change the offset affected.

  <Patch name="Formula 12 - Physical damage, Status proc 100%">
    <Description>Takes elements, evasion, status proc as indexed by status byte.  Requires inner routine - physical elemental damage.</Description>
    <Location file="BATTLE_BIN" offset="12212c">

  <Patch name="Inner routine - physical elemental damage">
    <Description>Returns r2 = 0 if conditional 19% roll hits.  Calculates critical hit, element, physical damage using punch art formula.  A requirement for several formulas, as listed in description.</Description>
    <Location file="BATTLE_BIN" offset="f746c">
  • Modding version: PSX