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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


Quote from: The Damned on March 24, 2013, 05:38:33 pm

1. FFT ARENA 138d - The Damned (Wizards as Weapons) vs. Wiz ({S1}) [23:13]

2. FFT ARENA 138d - Angelus (A Very Strange Team) vs. Barren (Latest Experiment) [13:34]

3. FFT ARENA 138d - Avalanche (S1 Champion Team) vs. AeroGP ({S1}) [17:59]

4. FFT ARENA 138d - DarkxFatal (Four Point Alliance) vs. Reks (Severe Weather Alert) [7:43]

Match 1.  I remember thinking" wow, given SWA's "pedigree" I didn't expect them to lose so quickly.  Of course this was only after two minutes.  FPA had three units hasted and one unit awaiting a reraise...
Two minutes after that SWA had sandbagged themselves to victory.  Yep, it's quite a strong team.

Match 2.  Umm, not the match I was expecting.

Match 3.  Dark x REALLY needed that first charm to go off.   Even though this was also a medium sized map, it was actually the least close.  I'm going to have to rewatch several times to understand how match 1 could go so differently compared to match 2 or 3.

Watching the other matches later.
My dreams can come true!

The Damned

(Damn I'm lazier.)

Avalanche, ask Dokurider, since he's the one (still) making my memory cards due to...Excel issues.

While you're here, though, please make sure all your teams have palettes since you forgot to do that for your S1 one and you tend to forget.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


I don't understand why this keeps happening. All I did was copy, then paste, then import. Similar things have been happening to Barren as well like when he messed up my Secret Krieg team somehow.


Round 1: Archers got stuck behind the walls, and were unable to hit Dark's units for the first few minutes. Once they were able to, though.....

Round 2: Archers could reach Dark's team in one movement. Chaos ensues.

Round 3: SWA has an (unintentional) thing about them: Only Hurricane and Raine can injure the others if they're charmed. So while it might have given Dark an initial advantage, the Archers getting charmed doesn't do much but delay them a turn. Then again, I've seen that happen in a test, so it very well could have turned the tables on me. GG, Dark!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


I am in awe of SWA. It rhymes and I don't care because that team is so crazy.

@Reks Is naming your priest in SWA Raine (with an e) rather than Rain (without an e) a reference to Tales of Symphonia's Raine? (Raine's pretty much a white mage anyway)
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


While I did update my team already you recorded my previous team, but its fine because I know you were delayed Damned so no need for apologies. Anyhow, yea my ninja and monk getting healed with koutetsu spamming bard is pretty key to having my up front melee units stay up


Draw Out Healing is AWESOME :D
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


I didn't know there was an effort to "assassinate" Wiz' team.  Wouldn't a team that wields multiple guns do the trick?  CT5Holy's Elebreak looks like a strong candidate that could do it.  Otabo's "Target Practice" could also do it I think. 

Then there's teams that don't mind being "blinded" because they have concentrate or pseudo concentrate: ninjas equipped with Hidden Knife.  With that in mind what about my new "House of Dead Ninjas"?  Gaignum's "Team Ninja" also looks like they could kill beat S1.  Truelights "8swords" team could also probably do it.  Berserk hurts units that rely on abilities besides pure physical attacks right?
My dreams can come true!


Well it depends because Wiz's team relies on building speed and hoping for no one with poison/blind/berserk immunity of any kind to get the advantage especially if you can't kill them fast enough. Quickening thieves with move-mp up means they can gather more speed and with now their sasuke knife (which deals better damage than hidden knife mind you...) can actually drop the enemies hp really quick (unless the AI is dumb about it)

Then there's wiz's mediators in which diamond armor alone can completely kill their indirect offense. pretty much if you want your units to be berserk'd one suggestion would be a Samurai with Platina Helmet and Angel Ring. Completely nullifies kiyomori and with berserk hitting then that means more damage. This is just one of some strategies to use against his team
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


The team I cooked up to kill Wiz is basically Stone Gun + Spell Gun + Silver Bows with Angel Rings. I also modified my Secret Krieg team a bit to remove Reflect Ring (for it's anti Berserk, even though I put those things on to stop getting midcharged by my own spells than for fighting Berserk) and Angel Rings for my Thieves.


Quote from: Jumza on March 24, 2013, 08:52:55 pm
I am in awe of SWA. It rhymes and I don't care because that team is so crazy.

@Reks Is naming your priest in SWA Raine (with an e) rather than Rain (without an e) a reference to Tales of Symphonia's Raine? (Raine's pretty much a white mage anyway)

Glad someone caught on, or took the time to mention it. Yep, you got it.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Uh..First off, I'll point out that the team in the video is, in fact, NOT Four Point Alliance. That's Madness Ensues. :/ Anyways

Round 1: A none too surprising good start for me which turns into a wreck against me.

Round 2: Close quarters like that led to a quick death for me.

Round 3: A full landslide loss for me with the defeat here. Oh well.

GG/GF Reks.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Tristan#9682


Quote from: reinoe on March 24, 2013, 09:21:14 pm
CT5Holy's Elebreak looks like a strong candidate that could do it.  Otabo's "Target Practice" could also do it I think.

Ele Break might be able to do it. But I know for a fact that Target Practice can't do it. Once the chemist on that team gets berserked, it's all over for them. Not to mention that entire team is immobile. Only team of mine that can beat them is Is 108 Your Lucky Number?.


Quote from: BarrenActually, If you watch my match versus Wiz back at the FFT Arena Season One AI Tournament, my team had only 1 unit immune to berserk

FFT Arena Netherworld Bracket Match 87 - Wiz vs Barren

To be fair, that was at a time where S1 (My team) was vastly inferior to its current iteration. The thieves were dealing less than 1.5 times as much damage with hidden knives and regenerating more MP than they needed from the Golden Hairpin, which also notably yielded -10 health compared to the Green Beret. So yeah, you can't really say that means anything now especially when in 137b there were people whoring around "Kagesougi  Spell Gunners" (This match included) maxing (Or close to maxing) out their PA along with Overwhelm/Attack Up in the process due to their unnaturally high WP at that time.

Quote from: reinoeI didn't know there was an effort to "assassinate" Wiz' team.

Probably because it's nearly kicked everything's ass set on its path so far and the fact that you made a post to throw it in a gauntlet which you deleted for some odd reason probably contributed to this cause. Outside of Doku's two wins against it, the closest thing to beating it imo was fdc's S1 team because in R1, the result could've easily gone the other way had my mediators been hit more often by his Berserked, Darkened, Two-Handed, Pole-Wielding Samurai.

QuoteWouldn't a team that wields multiple guns do the trick?

Depends, if they're magic gunners without Berserk Immunity from the wrath of Insult, most likely not (With Pilgrimage maybe...) because that won't amplify their offensive capabilities and will make them act retarded as usual (Shooting Walls, Allies, etc...)

-Attack Up, Berserked Stone Gunners
- Status Inflictors (If I can't get to them first)
- Physically Offensive-Oriented Units (Concentrated Ninjas as you pointed out) with immunity to Darkness (Not "Blind") that also possibly utilize Berserk to their advantage.
- Offensive Draw Out Bots with Berserk Immunity

^, those are just a few I can think of, there's probably more, but not that many more imo.

Quote from: DokuriderThe team I cooked up to kill Wiz is basically Stone Gun + Spell Gun + Silver Bows with Angel Rings. I also modified my Secret Krieg team a bit to remove Reflect Ring (for it's anti Berserk, even though I put those things on to stop getting midcharged by my own spells than for fighting Berserk) and Angel Rings for my Thieves.

Making a team or teams for the explicit purpose of defeating it (S1) doesn't say anything. That same team / Those same teams beating it and a vast majority of the meta-game like it says something. I honestly don't care if S1 lost 0-2 to the updated version of Stone Frogs, and Quackening and w.e. you've got conjured up because once again, it doesn't say anything significant due to the fact that it's far too early to be making any judgment calls as to where they (Stone Frog, Quackening, etc...) lie with the spectrum of the meta-game i.e. they need to go up against YUSD and a lot of teams that are considered top-tier by others. Don't get me wrong (Hope this isn't rubbing you wrong way like I'm trying to offend you or anything, and if so, I apologize in advance), I'm not saying you should stop continuing your crusade of beating S1 time and time again, but rather that you should additionally test it (your team or teams) against everything else and modify it accordingly so that it ends up going 2-0 in a Bo3 setting consistently against all (or nearly all with their always being something new right around the corner) that stands in your way. That's pretty much what I did with S1 against YUSD et al (One mem cards worth at least) before I submitted it to the tournament, and look what it got me, 5th/6th place (tie with FDC) with a flawed first draft even though it should've been a tad higher (Oh well).

I've been lurking pretty much these past few months only to stick around and see what'll come of 139 then I'm probably gone for good afterwards. GG to everyone else who's tried to triumph over me so far and btw the Damned, have the results from Insult's wrath convinced you that it needs to die since it's obvious it's only compatible with defensive-themed teams that utilize quickening and darkness, which is probably also gonna get the cut (quickening i.e.)? Because it should, and if not, I wouldn't mind hearing your rationale despite the current results kinda proving my point to be true.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Wiz on March 25, 2013, 03:46:23 pm

Probably because it's nearly kicked everything's ass set on its path so far and the fact that you made a post to throw it in a gauntlet which you deleted for some odd reason probably contributed to this cause. Outside of Doku's two wins against it, the closest thing to beating it imo was fdc's S1 team because in R1, the result could've easily gone the other way had my mediators been hit more often by his Berserked, Darkened, Two-Handed, Pole-Wielding Samurai.

Yeah, your team is phenomenal.  Just like while back when DomieV's "Famous Knights" got really popular and so several posters wanted to go against it to see how tough it is.  I did propose a gauntlet for S1 consisting of teams that could beat S1, but I deleted it for the following reasons...

1) Since I don't have the ability to record videos it didn't seem proper to propose something that I can't engage in.

2) Creating teams simply to beat another team doesn't prove anything.  I would have clarified that such a gauntlet should include teams that only exist currently, but in light of point 1, I figured I'd just let things be.

3) Since you've pretty much proved your point with how strong your "S1" is there'd be no real point in a gauntlet, unless it's a "for fun" kind of thing.

I think the fact that after multiple iterations of FFT Arena your team is still curbstomping the opposition is quite a feat.  Also sending pm...
My dreams can come true!


This team always seems to have a few flaws, I need to get into "double-checking" my teams.

Round 1: Triple sleep, triple petrify, nuff said. This Mediator just gets ridiculously lucky.
Round 2: Quadruple Petrify. Battle of the statuses proves that petrify is one of the most useful when the AI uses it right.
Round 3: Every single one of Statii's Mimic Daravons hit in this series. Wow. My team finishes The Damned off with a good 1-2-3, once again finishing the match with a petrify.

I love this team, despite all of it's obvious mistakes just because watching these matches just makes me laugh.
GG The Damned
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Reinoe (House of Dead Ninjas) vs Otabo (Is 108 Your Lucky Number?)

Next match from me will be Otabo's Springtime Sisters vs Dragonblade's Hyperdrive.
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


Quote from: CT5Holy on March 25, 2013, 08:03:48 pm
Reinoe (House of Dead Ninjas) vs Otabo (Is 108 Your Lucky Number?)

Next match from me will be Otabo's Springtime Sisters vs Dragonblade's Hyperdrive.

Match 1: I was REALLY worried when that Frog went off in Match 1.  Then I was DOUBLY worried when my ninja got stuck in the lower levels and couldn't get out.  Eventually the Priest escaped and my Ninja was able to get to the higher levels.  Also "yell" on the Frog?  My units are trolling me.

Match 2: The "chokepoint" was to Otabo's beneift as CT5HOLY pointed out.  Eventually his units had to retreat and then that allowed my Ninjas to swarm around his units.  Otaba's status was getting out of control, but my units just happened to "meta" his units.  They don't care about the Berzerk Otabo was inflicting.  Poison was starting to hurt though, considering that I don't have that much healing.

I think this was just a bad matchup for Otabo.  His low damage/high status would have been more effective I wasn't running low faith/Innocent units.

I think that's the first time a team I created won a 2/3 match on their first outing.  Learned an important lesson though...I need more "counter", Revival/healing, and MP restoration.

Thanks for the match. CT5HOLY.  GG Otabo.  I noticed that you've modified your recording style a little.  You've removed music so that your voice can shine through a little more.  I like it.

ps. It's pronounced "Reno" as in "Reno, Nevada".
My dreams can come true!


March 26, 2013, 04:34:32 am #2158 Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 08:26:58 am by Reks
Mind doing a match for SWA when you can, CT5?

EDIT: Added a new team of mine, Monster Hunters. It's not to be taken too seriously, as I literally made it in 10 minutes. You CAN use it if you want to, and I'd like to see what shenanigans they pull, but my focus right now is on SWA. CS will be brought back in their original form when I become less lazy.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Oh yeah, please put my Dorter Thieves against something other than SCC teams.