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Messages - Talcall

PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Persisting Performances Hack
December 27, 2024, 12:21:56 am
Forum Bump
Another update that should make it less prone to crashing, or otherwise bugging out. included in the original post, but also here for convenience.
Hacking/Patching Tools / FFT STR quantisation tables
December 11, 2024, 08:23:20 pm
honestly, I have no goddamn idea what these mean, but I figure someone might. I compiled the default video/streaming/mdec quantisation tables for brightness/colour/scale in this excel file.
PSX FFT Hacking / Persisting Performances Hack
October 24, 2024, 01:24:41 am
Persistent Performances!
Have you always looked at your bard or dancer and wanted them to get a bit more... involved?
To get them out of that damn corner?
Well Want no Longer! This hack grants your performing units the means to participate in combat!
Any actions your bard or dancer takes that do not have a charge time will no longer stop their performance!
This includes:

  • attacking,
  • stealing,
  • drawing spirits from the blade,
  • conjuring elemental feng shui,
But does not include:
  • jumping,
  • defending,
  • or anything else with a charge time like cure 3.
And many more!
Simply apply the patch to your vanilla ISO, and enjoy the freedom!
if you happen to be an ASM hacker that utilises kanji space, the marked kanji space should be free to move at your leisure, though do be warned, I do use about 24 bytes of space to store temporary data (0x801502e4) and this will need to be moved if that space is occupied.

Hopefully I bug tested this enough and it works without a hitch.
Base version.
Includes magic gun compatability
Now has proper toggleable compatability with TLW ReMixed, considers non-charge, and multi-hit attacks.
Now has proper toggleable compatability with TLW ReMixed, considers non-charge, and multi-hit attacks. Also fixes for hard-code range abilities.
fixes some additional bugs related to math.
Another update! Prior versions included for archival purposes. also I skipped a few, whoops!
v1.07.1 fixes a buncha issues, none I can remember off the top of my head. Point being, it's the most stable version now.
You may want to update the text for the performing act error, since it doesn't make a lot of sense given the new context.
Another quick update, turns out the xml file was bugged (had leftover code from its source that I couldn't identify... while the source was in the same folder.)
this has been addressed and fixed. thank you and apologies
FFT TLW ReMixed / Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
December 22, 2023, 01:42:04 am
holy shit!
I can't wait to try this, all of these changes sound insane!
good job Nyzer! and nice to see you again!
To anyone using excel 2007,
I've made an update to the excel sheet attached to this reply, and updated the one in the original forum post that should work for that version of excel.
Happy modding!
PSX FFT Hacking / SEQ Editor - Excel tool
March 20, 2023, 04:36:37 am
On account of the fact that I can't code outside of modifying someone else's, Behold!
My Third Forum Post This Month!
peddling another tool!
This one is for editing animations, like the idle walk of a unit, or how they swing a sword. Be warned, this may only work for excel versions greater than 2020? I will have to work on the backwards compatibility, so let me know if something doesn't work. Also, this is a really math dense work book, and especially manipulating the position of animation IDs can have considerable wait times.
I provide a sheet dedicated to the OP Codes and what I know of them, which is also used as reference for the other sheets,
Several sheets dedicated to the main sprite types:
  • TYPE1  -  Average human unit
  • TYPE2  -  Robed human unit
  • CYOKO  -  Chocobo
  • MON    -  Monster
  • OTHER  -  Crystal, Chicken, Frog, Treasure
  • RUKA   -  Lucavi
  • ARUTE  -  Altima
  • KANZEN -  Altima Perfect
  • WEP1   -  Average unit Weapon
  • WEP2   -  Robed unit Weapon
  • EFF1   -  Average unit weapon sheen
  • EFF2   -  Robed unit weapon sheen
and a sheet that returns a complete XML file.

Instructions are entered into the Operation column, and arguments can be entered on the right. Boxes are automatically blacked out depending on how many arguments a given instruction has, and numbers in these blacked out boxes will not be read, contribute to file-size, or be appended to the XML.
For an in depth explanation of each instruction, see Here

Addresses are highlighted a light yellow if they may be where a new animation ID is intended to be (for most vanilla animations, this lines up 1 to 1), however you are given the freedom to assign IDs wherever you please.

When assigning multiple IDs to the same offset, ensure you separate each ID by a comma and a space, for the formatting to be read correctly.

when you are finished, you can go to the XML tab at the bottom and patch it to your game image with OrgASM.
Good news guys! I got a second post this month! :mrgreen:
I am publicly announcing that I am releasing my new tool for any modder to use!
Because Frankly reactions suck to modify. It was legitimately less effort to just make a tool than to tweak every instance of everything.
And now for you it will be easier to just use the tool I already made!
*It bears noting that this may not work with duckstation, but I also can't debug duckstation so I'm not fixing it.

This tool ships out with settings about as generic as I could swing them; everything should behave exactly and only how it behaves in vanilla, minus some edge cases.
(I think I accidentally include some QOL, take note of any units not dying at 0hp unless damage is dealt, or golem damage overflowing into unit damage)
Except the following, intentional changes:
      1. Any reaction using the distribute formula may trigger if the unit heals themselves
      2. Any geomancy skill flagged with the AI flag "Target allies" will target the unit reacting, if they are attacked
      3. Auto Item receives an upgrade that should save you a few X-potions, and also can handle status recovery & MP recovery
            ^- for information regarding *how* to set up auto potion properly, read below, and if you still don't understand, please ask me :)
      4. MP switch overflows into HP damage
      5. Blade grasp will now only trigger for attacks that use a knife, sword, knight sword, katana, ninjato, or axe; chance to trigger remains br%
      6. I make it even harder to manipulate reflect, this is for your own good

I heavily encourage exploration, and everything is explained in the xml description and excel sheet in appropriate cells, however I will also provide an in depth description of everything here, plus visual examples because text be damned, it's easier to know what you're looking for when you know what it looks like.

Should be enabled for reactions that are intended to trigger even if an attack misses. Problems may arise if the reaction depends on HP/MP damage being finalised for its calculation (for example, via golem), or if the reaction depends on stats/statuses being finalised (for example, critical for being in low HP, or if stats are increased past their maximum/minimum and the reaction shouldn't trigger.)

Should be enabled for reactions that are intended to trigger only IF an attack lands; also important for reactions that depend on HP/MP changes being finalised. may cause issues for statuses that require critical/stat changes to be finalised.

Should be enabled for reactions handled after everything about an attack has been completely finalised. Important for reactions that require critical, or increase stats.
These should be considered mutually exclusive.

Determines whether a reaction rolls Brave% (N) or Faith% (Y). No vanilla reaction rolls faith%.

Determines whether a reaction has a higher chance of triggering the Lower your selected stat. No vanilla reaction rolls Low%

Denotes special case reactions; unless you plan on changing the code here, these abilities should be left untouched.

etermines the target of the reaction, the unit with the reaction (N), or the instigator of the attack (Y).

etermines if a reaction uses another ability for its execution, like counter tackle.
NOTE: Meatbone slash, counter flood, counter magic, and auto potion, despite triggering other abilities, should not have this flag checked. This is because their formulas handle selecting the ability in this case.

correlates with the counterflood flag used for abilities in the FFTPatcher; this determines for what abilities this reaction can trigger for after all other conditions are met.

correlates with the Counter magic flag used for abilities in the FFTPatcher; Ditto.

Determines whether the skillset of the reacting attack targets Without selecting an ability (for example, geomancy does not have an ability menu, therefore counter flood is a skillset-targetting reaction)
NOTE: Counter tackle needs this value set to (Y) so it correctly calculates whether it can/cannot hit targets adjacent to itself.

correlates with the countergrasp flag used for abilities in the FFTPatcher; same notes as Counterflood and countermagic.

Only takes effect if the reaction is also flagged Pre-attack: if Y, cancels the original attack from executing.

Determines if the critical status is required for a reaction to trigger.

Determines if the reaction requires the original ability have an MP cost (Important for Absorb used MP)

Determines if the reaction triggers before an attack, like Hamedo.

So You Want Auto Potion to Work?
Well, uh, obviously.

For Auto Potion to trigger, items must be manually set up as well:

To cure HP, go to the top right hand corner of fftpatcher:

tick the marked box, and then set the marked number to 80.
NOTE: auto potion will attempt to use any potion that cures the unit's HP Closest to their maximum HP. for example, a unit that takes 80 damage, will prefer to use an available hi-potion over any available X-potions, because curing 70 HP gets closer to their maximum HP (10 underheal) than healing 150 (70 overheal). 10 < 70.

To cure MP, go again to the top right hand corner:

tick the marked box, and then set the marked number to 20.
NOTE: auto potion will attempt to use any ether that cures the unit's MP Closest to their maximum MP. for example, a unit that takes 60 MP damage, will prefer to use an available ether over any available turbo ethers, because curing 50 HP gets closer to their maximum MP (10 underheal) than healing 100 (40 overheal). 10 < 40. Additionally, the same comparison is done alongside HP curing, but only if a unit takes both HP and MP damage, Otherwise they remain separate: This prevents a unit taking HP damage from recovering MP, but will use the most effective item if it takes damage to both pools.

To cure statuses, top right hand corner:

and then just set the marked number to 08. This will attempt to cure any inflicted statuses using the item's inflict status.
NOTE: auto potion will use the first marked status item that successfully cures any status inflicted by the Last Attack. If you have any items that add statuses, or cure positive statuses, leave them unmarked, and order your items properly if there are any double-ups. A unit will also not attempt to cure any statuses it had before the attack occurred.

Additional notes:
Flagging auto potion with pre-attack will automatically cause it to use the item in slot F7. I personally can't see a use in an item that attempts to cure damage/statuses before they happen, unless preempting with an item that grants protective buffs. Use this information accordingly.

Congratulations, Auto Item should now successfully and intelligently trigger! if you don't want any HP, MP, or status curing, simply leave the appropriate values unchanged.
Spriting / Crystal, Chicken, Frog, Chest Palette fix
March 02, 2023, 10:20:57 pm
Woah it's my Monthly Dedicated Forum Post! :O
I'm here to post a fix to an issue with palettes 5, 6 and 7 for chickens, frogs, chests and crystals: now they actually have a palette 5 6 and 7!
* This fix also means that picking up crystal palette 5 will no longer freeze your game.
The attached xml file automatically applies these palettes to your game, so no need to worry about manually making your own palettes.
When Glain updates Shishi, you'll be able to extract the OTHER.SPR file as a BMP and make your own palette edits, and when that happens remember that without this patch:

  • Chickens use palettes 0 - 4. These overlap into the frog palettes.
  • Frogs use palettes 5 - 9. These overlap into the crystal palettes.
  • Crystals use palettes 10 - 14. Palette 15 is completely black and will freeze the game when picked up. Overlaps into the treasure palettes
  • Chests use palettes 16 - 20. Palettes beyond this point draw erroneous red squares.
With this patch:
  • Crystals use palettes 0 - 7
  • Chickens use palettes 8 - 15
  • Frogs use palettes 16 - 23
  • Chests use palettes 24 - 31
Also, here are some previews of the new palettes:




HOT FIX. I made a typo. This should fix it. Apply as normal.
Another hot fix. turns out there was a reason for only having 20 palettes.
I am on fire. I edit more code to fix both status palette changes (like regen, poison, vampire) on frogs/chickens, and to allow the OTHER.SPR file's palette's to be more freely edited.
Okay so, like, this mod is really fun!
in terms of battle mechanics, the difficulty feels well balanced around a player who doesn't know what the intent behind every ability in the mod is, while still having playing fft before - Not too hard that it scares new players, but not so easy that it was a total breeze. I still needed to pay attention to Gospel who was nearly a whole turn away from crystallisation once  :lol:. The battles with the monks felt rather difficult, but only took me 1 game over to realise "confuse would ruin these men" and one confuse later, the fat man with the book attacked the confused monk, the second ability proc'd, and the monk teleported to the shadow realm.
totally planned that!  :cool:
I appreciate the supportive role that Ilya takes, which fooled me for the first battle thinking she was actually battle worthy and not, sit back and hope you aren't whacked. great purpose was powerful, but inconvenient to time when there were 12 puppets with "cancel action" readily available with instant cast (I hope to see more enemies with that in future! (though ilya is dead so maybe less impactful))
on that note
the puppet fight was awesome! they're weak and can be knocked down but it doesn't mean anything except to carve open a path really, but there's enough of them to be somewhat troubling to push through without good coordination. an excellent balance!
berserk completely cheeses the final boss. which was funny to discover on attempt #1.

in terms of the story, it was compelling! I skipped through some dialogue to be honest but I got a fairly good read of the script. Schaefer really was a coward and the treachery was a great way to convey that, I think. the plot twist right at the end felt a little forced I might say though; it was stated that they were incredibly close, sure, but the tone shift in that man felt like it came way out of left field! appropriate for the circumstance I would suppose, but it didn't quite read right. Dunno if that was just me though.

also, I got twin as a generic unit. 10/10
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: ASM Requests
April 29, 2022, 06:42:48 am
Possible to add a new (I'm assuming generic) job? theoretically with a little bit of fuckery
Possible to change the code to give mimes or onion knights skills? ot even remotely in the realm of reasonability. it would take a restructure of every instruction in the game's assembly.
Possible to make it for PSP? even less so.
PSX FFT Hacking / Talcall's ASM Address Planner
February 12, 2022, 01:03:20 am
Wow! a whole one forum post this year, and we're already in February! remarkable!
This post is about a recent ASM planning tool I made that I hope will end up being helpful for any projects that might be slightly heavy on the assembly hacking. Talcalls ASM Address Planner, or TAAP for short.

Don't call it TAAP.

Currently, the tool has and can do a few things:
  • Contains start and end locations of current routines & the names currently associated with them (from out site wiki)
  • Contains the most important/modded files in the ROM (Scus, Battle, Attack, world, wldcore, etc.)
  • Contains a small space dedicated for programmer comments. (in case I expand the functionality to the east ever. copy paste baby)
  • Allows marking spaces in RAM as 'Untouched', 'Reduced', 'Untested', 'Done', 'Free', and 'To Be Done', colour coded for quick glances of code edited en mass.
  • Allows customising of start and end addresses of dedicated spaces. go on! it's pretty fluid like that.
  • Checks for inconsistencies in the presented addresses; Will let you know if there's overlap in the code, or any space that isn't accounted for before the start of the next space. Also tells you between which addresses the inconsistency lies.
  • Lets you know how much space (in bytes (in hex)) a space between addresses takes up, allowing you to more easily plan out where and how many routines you can place into ram.
  • Has a sheet dedicated to letting you know how many bytes a routine you plug in will take up, and at what address the final Operand is.

Hopefully this sees some use, even if it's somewhat limited.
Feel free to maul it as much as you like, there's so little functionality, I might add it as a feature at some point! XD
Talcall&#39;s ASM Address Planner.rar
PSX FFT Hacking / Compilation Of Talcall's hacks
February 14, 2021, 08:26:20 pm
This is a compilation of hacks I have made that may not exist individually on the forums already, in order to make them more accessible to others.
I will update the post when I make more hacks.
Feel completely free to use these, as long as you reference me :D

Hacks so far:
  • Blade grasp becomes awareness (all sides C-ev%)
  • (some) Thief abilities become faith based (underpowered. it'll work for my complete mod, promise!)
    • steal helmet - Kindness, absorb HP
    • steal armor - Temperance, absorb MP
    • steal shield - Patience, absorb CT
    • steal weapon - Chastity, dispel target, esuna user
    • steal accessory - Diligence, berserk target, protect user
War of the Lions Hacking / Re: 2 actions per turn?
December 02, 2020, 07:54:22 pm
A change in CT can't go above 116, due to limitations in CT alteration.
Help! / Re: Help editing skill names [WoTL]
September 25, 2020, 11:34:29 pm
yeah. FFTacttext is famous for having issues loading text properly from an already patched version of the game. make sure you save FFtacttext files frequently.
If you feel like going through a whole bunch of work, you could make his limit skill a little bit more like in game limits.
if you replace Mana with stamina, let's say, then rework a rather useless support ability (in my case, equip spears), you could give SOLDIER an innate ability that lets him recover stamina by hitting things.
give him a massive stamina pool, and drastically raise the cost of his limits to match, you can remove the charge time and that's... relatively close to the original game.
give or take.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Chapter 2 Progress Log
September 20, 2020, 08:36:28 pm
he a little confused, but he got the spirit. he wants your mod to succeed, at least.
Help! / Re: Help editing skill names [WoTL]
September 18, 2020, 07:30:53 pm
if you're just editing skill names, you're better off copy-pasting what you have into a separate word document, then opening a fresh copy of FFTactText that hasn't opened an already patched ISO, and copy-pasting the stuff in the word document back into FFTactText
It isn't just the (rather unfair) difficulty of the Luso fight, it's the squid demons as well
their reaction ability, Nature's Wrath, is extremely overpowered. unless you OHKO them, your Unit is basically guarranteed to be OHKO'd themselves.
if you're giving monsters human abilities, you need to re-balance their magic stat. it is absolutely a must.
end game, squids can deal 999 damage with nature's wrath, necessitating a 1 hit KO