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FFT: Emergence 2 [EN/ES] (PSP) Beta v1.05 (WIP: v1.1 TRUE release)

Started by darkskyx, March 07, 2023, 06:54:52 pm


FFT: Emergence 2

New characters & sprites, new reworks, new balance, no hard farming... A Vanilla+ experience. Project also translated in Spanish.
This revision project doesn't add any new event story or new battles, but there are A LOT of changes I made up for 2+ years.

Project developed with the author's permission of Emergence 1. Let me know if you wanna see some changes in quick reply.
Use Ctrl + mouse wheel to better read this post. Read FAQ to know everything you need. Download attached at the end of the post.

Summary of changes:
- Emergence hackmod as a base for this re-patch, so you can notice the similar changes if you have played that one.
- New fair game rebalance. The most important would be Parry reaction that I buffed a lot. You will notice this in early stages.
- Many reworks of units, some units are completely different. New sprite models & secret characters.
- Every unit will feel coherent and almost everyone will have a huge pool of skills.
- A LOT of new skills! You'll still feel like it's vanilla but with a lot of improved changes.
- (Release patch) Improved descriptions that will make the game more clear than vanilla.
- (Incoming for v1.1+) New custom animations for the characters that went wrong due to my changes and fixed dialogues from those removed characters. Maybe new dialogues (with camera movement) for all the new characters. I will also fix item descriptions, wrong names and more.
- (Incoming for v1.1+) A little of ASM (hacking code of the game): Smart encounters; control over random battles. No unit desertion; buff as much you want.

(If you want to know more about it you can check the next information or go to last patch spoilers)

(* New sprite, for male, female or both)
⚫︎ Many reworks and new abilities have been developed to make the game fresh and consistent for each job. Characters are intended to be more powerful than mercenaries... usually.

*Paladin (old Squire): A good starter unit. You will transition into better ones for mid-late game. Agrias is the improved version. It works around Parry, a skill that wasn't used (all weapons were buffed for this change). Now many enemies will use this skill instead of Counter Tackle so Double Wield won't be as good.

*Merchant (old Chemist): Still has everything that our lovely Chemist has, but now has better flexibility. I never liked that this unit name because this unit just used items, so there is a change.

Knight (Soldier in Emergence): Maintains everything that Emergence provided. This unit is now physically so much tankier.

Archer: Maintains everything that Emergence provided. Now has a damage skill.

Monk: A good unit that will scale into a more powerful unit than ever, with AoE damages.

Cleric (W. Mage): Maintains everything that Emergence provided. A good utility unit.

Wizard (B. Mage): Maintains everything that Emergence provided. Now it is a little less oppresive at the start. A good AoE damage unit.

*Mentalist (old Time Mage): This unit is so good at supporting that I delayed it for mid-late stage. Also, the access to Gravity is very powerful for bosses, I kept it but now will suffer without this unit as you won't get it as early. Now has access to shield so it won't be as fragile.

Summoner: Maintains everything that Emergence provided. Fragile unit but good at AoE damages.

Orator: Maintains everything that Emergence provided. Now works with Guns and has Barrage, a powerful long-range damage skill.

*Rogue (Assassin - old Thief): Has everything that Thief has plus Assassination skills. You get this unit when you usually get Ninja. If you like Dual Wield this is the unit you should prioritize to get double weapons.

*Rebel (Varmint/Knave - old Ninja): Crossbow usage. Medium range unit that will be transient. Still has the Throw mechanic (as it is hardcoded and the unit can only learn 4 skills if you want to use another skillset than Throw). The unit has the same dodge as normal Thief.

Mystic: Maintains everything that Emergence provided. You get this unit when you usually get Thief.

*Geomancer: I lowered the damage and I gave this unit some AoE again like the default one. I didn't like that in Emergence this unit was so similar so Rapha/Marach (but they scale better on AoE). Also, damages were OP in early stages and this unit didn't scale with AoE. Now has better weapon flexibility and speed.

*Dragon Knight (old Lancer/Dragoon): Maintains everything that Emergence provided.

*Samurai: Has damage and it's supportive. Very good unit for later stages. Removed AoE Wall (Protect+Shell) as it was too oppressive and easy.

*Math Conjurer (Timespace Mage - Arithmetician): I've removed some very powerful skills from Arythmetics like Holy so this unit won't burst every team and you will able to use earlier. Also has the dummied ability Zero Charge. Have fun with this job.

Bard & Dancer: Maintains everything that Emergence provided.

*Mime: It still works as default but now male has a new sprite & model.

Dark Paladin (Magus in E1, Dark Knight in Vanilla): Maintains everything that Emergence provided. Added a few more skills. Still hard to get as it is hardcoded, you will get it for post-game.

Chocobo Knight (Onion Knight): Now this unit is much harder to get as I intended initially. This is a job that you can't change their sprites so it will only work as a way to obtain some free skills or reactions that I don't want people use to change mechanics of my re-patch, like Equip Guns. I've added some Chocobo skills and a hint to ride Chocobos in their description so it has a better "lore" as a Job. Don't try to rush it, it's not worth it. Also, you get Move+3 once you unlock it as I think it's so powerful with my item changes that gives movement. To make this unit usable I've added the unique skill Aegis.

- New secret characters -

*Vincent Valentine (FF7): Dark Sniper is his job name. He has Sniper skills from Mustadio and some very powerful skills too (if you don't get Magus AKA Dark Knight this unit can be your most powerful damage & support unit). This unit has Gun usage. I also added Cerberus as a buyable weapon (not new sprite, rare Stoneshooter gun has a similar appearance). Obtainable in the mission of Beowulf & Reis in Lionel Castle (if you try to get Byblos you will encounter him in the way, a mission after the dungeon).

*Llyud (FF12): Obtainable in the Construct 7's battle (as it was the hardest I played). I didn't know what to do with this unit, so I gave it some less broken monster skills, not only for damage so he can support. This unit flies, has a little resemblance to Rogue and has the most basic evasion of the game. I made him flexible so you can play him supportive, ranged, medium or short range.

*Fran: Vieras can be assassins in FFTA so I though it was a good idea to use her as an assassin. Obtainable in the same battle as Balthier. She has rogue & archer skills.

- Characters-

Ramza: The unit is still a Dark Knight, but now is much stronger as I gave this unit the reactions from Magus.

Luso: This unit has been converted into an Astrologer with supportive skills from other jobs.

*Melia (reworked from Meliadoul): Occultist is her job name. She has strange Dark Arts. The appareance is a Succubus. I wanted this unit to feel fresh and original. She will use some bosses skills.

Mustadio: Unit similar of an Archer but he uses Guns and can Throw Items. Now has Barrage too to do great damage. Since you get it early I can't make it better. This unit also appears in cinematics so I can't really change him much. It will be your transient Sniper unit until you get Vincent V.

Reis (Human): Pure damage and dragon control. I gave this unit the skill Manaburn that can be useful vs. certain units. Maintains everything that Emergence provided.

Beowulf: I did some changes and this unit now scales better, has damage skills and now has at least a good AoE skill.

Cloud: I didn't do much changes as I think this unit is well balanced.

Construct 8: I added a revive and a few more skills so this unit will feel stronger. Very braindead unit for players that don't want to complicate.

Orlandeau: Powerful & tanky unit that you will use to destroy the mid-late stages. It doesn't scale that well but I think it may be fine.

Agrias: Since you get this unit early she can't be that powerful. She is the best Paladin so use her if you like that job.
New: Added a few skills to make it better than normal Paladin, but not too broken.

Rapha/Marach: Maintains everything that Emergence provided but now they scale better with a few new skills.

Still working on (Patch v1.0+):
Balthier [Sky Pirate]: I guess he is fine as it is. I'm gonna let this unit intact until I figure out what to do with him.


Red XII (replacing Byblos): This unit has the most powerful monster skills.


- Items: -
· Remember bags have been removed from the game, instead we have a few items that were not obtainable like fell swords and a gun. This is a change from Emergence. I've added just 1 Bag to be buyable and 1 fell word less. I did other changes to balance the damage & block % of the weapons.

Hackmod media info:
Video trailer will be available in the future, meanwhile you'll have here the official playthrough:
Official Dev Playthrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MVDVW-aUak&list=PLEgz8AkgblrR7mTN4XKVC40LxNkqb0LaZ

Difficulty: ★★★ or ★★★★ / ☆☆☆☆☆ ( ★ Easy ★★ Normal ★★★ For RPG players ★★★★ Experienced on Tactics ★★★★★ Challenging)
Balanced, a little hard overall but you will get more powerful skills than the original game, so maybe it can't be challenging for some very experienced players. The start can be easy for some people (or it can be hard for others) but it will gradually increase the difficulty. It's perfect for some experienced RPG players that have played FFT and wanna play FFT again. The idea is that you won't need to farm a lot. So, overall the grinding has been greatly reduced. You'll farm easily initial skills and you can even have some free skills sometimes for newer units. And all skills/jobs for post-game will be very expensive/hard to get.

If this post have many comments that say that I should increase the difficulty then I may try to make a more difficult version. I'll modify stats for enemies (mainly bosses and monsters) and maybe I'll even delete some skills, but you will need to tell me what you want as I will need all the help from hardcore players. I think I've balanced overall the difficulty from easy in early-game to hard late-game (all the story) without too much farming, but that can lead to strange play patterns.

I'm looking for testers!
(Read known bugs near the end of this post before posting anything)
- Tell me if you found a broken strat and a boss fight was too easy (I know those based on mana shield or reflect, they are fine).
- Tell me if a character or a skill is so much above the rest for the moment that you got it and even since things went in easy-mode, I can delay it or modify it slightly.
- Tell me if you think a story battle is too hard or too easy. Not just easy or hard for you. For example: Low units in a battle compared to yours, so I can add another or add to that boss 20% more HP.
- Tell me what monsters do you think that need stat buffs for late game stages. They don't need to be impossible but easy to step on either.
- Let me know about misplaced text or text that doesn't relate to the character.

FAQ for players:
· You need to use PPF-O-Matic. Very easy to use. You'll find the download file at the end of the post. Patch the .ppf file on a FFT EUR ISO (WoTL).
Always apply the lastest .ppf version on a CLEAN FFT PSP ISO. Follow this tutorial if you don't know how to do it, but it is very easy.
· You need to apply my .ppf file. You'll found it in a .zip at the end of this post (don't forget to extract the file!). If you see more versions (like hotfixes), always download the lastest one too. The rest of patches can be there if the new version is experimental or if I fixed something, but the big patch will be on the zip.

· Optional info: If you emulate it, try to use the lastest version of an emulator (like PPSSPP). Also let me know if it works in a physical PSP. Legally you need a copy of the game on a UMD. All hackroms are free, and if you found someone that is not, you are being cheated.
Also, be sure to defragment your ISO if you have any slow issue. Here's a post about it.


For Spanish speakers:
· Para jugar a este hack mod en castellano primero necesitas descargar el parche español para aplicarselo al juego original (europeo), y después aplicar la versión española de mi parche más reciente, que iré actualizando a la vez que lo actualizo en inglés, en un archivo zip.
La descarga del parche al español lo podrás encontrar al final de este post en un link. Es un archivo bastante grande, ya que modifica mucho para adaptarlo al español. Lee las instrucciones que hay para descargar si tienes alguna otra duda.
^^^ Very important ^^^
-Stats re-balance: I had in mind 5 fundamental ways to understand how to balance the game around: Tank, support skills, melee damage, range damage & flexibility.
If a unit is more oriented to damage from range they need to be squishier. If they don't damage that much from range they need to be tankier. Other units that doesn't support that well I gave them more ways to survive (Enchanters) or some damage (Orator). That's why Squire units are allrounded, they have tank, support and low range damage skills. And that's why I gave greater weapon flexibility to units that scale worse, like Chemists, Squires and Geomancers.
- Unique units will be a little better than normal units (or just very different).
>Look this beta graph I did around units actual damages here< (Patch 0.8-0.9)

-For some JP costs or Job requirements, I had in mind when it would be fair to get that skill or Job.
Scaling or SCA (ESC in Spanish) means the type of power you need to make to buff the damage or the hitrate %.
WP = Weapon Power (PA - Poder de Ataque in Spanish)
PA = Physical Attack (AF - Ataque Físico in Spanish)
MA = Magic Attack (AM - Ataque Mágico in Spanish)

Some skills can have these shortenings in the description:
%Fa = %Hit Faith force based (%Fe - Fe in Spanish)
%Spd = %Hit Speed force based (%Ve - Velocidad in Spanish)
%Bra = %Hit Bravery force based (Bravura in Spanish)

The maximum hit force is 25.5 - Skills normally have that hitrate force around 20.
Note: All MP costs won't appear in description since this can be very likely to change & they appear in the in-game skillset, so there is no need. "Speed" was renamed to "Hit force" to make it clearer.
I know the second battle can be very hard, but I won't make buffs to the units since I want to make it a "protect the Noble" fight. I made a few changes to make it a little easier, like changing all enemies to females.
Ramza in that fight is a Noble thas has no idea how to fight, I want to maintain that. Since some of you here sent me some PMs to me complaining about that fight, here are some tips that may be useful to you:
· Don't use Ramza to fight. Put him in the last line and always use Defend with him. Send him to a corner of the map.
· Focus the unit that is gonna focus Ramza. Put your units in the way so it's not that easy to focus him. Always prioritize the units that are focusing Ramza and kill the boss first because he will do the most damage.
· Use the power of Swordblade. It is a very powerful AoE tool. Be careful because you can hit your allies.

I also wanna make clear in that fight that this is a game in which you always protect Ramza or you lose, some people may not remember that. It is a good way to let it know it. Ramza will scale very good and most of the time will be your best unit so I hope understand this idea.
The start of every FFT game can be hard, don't forget you can buy items and train vs monsters a bit to lvl up your party a little.

Hacktitians/modders FAQ:
You need to know how I managed to create this hackmod and you wanna know things like how to change sprites, create new units, animations...?
Go to my 3rd post or click here. I also did a topic about it.

Additional info:
Bugs without solution:
- Some skills that damage around while selecting your unit won't show real damage/effect (some will show what effect that ability will have on your unit). For example: Samurai skills. {This is part of the game but I let you know it} AI can make weird plays with those abilities.
- Some skills (like Archer ones) will have a visual bug and you will see the effect or damage 2 times. Don't worry, those skills won't do double damage.
- Zero Change won't work with Knight skills (old Aim archer skills). Try Short Charge instead. {This is part of the game but I let you know it}

- NEW: Visual glitches on animations due to replacement of new characters -> I'll try to fix this in v1.1 with new custom animations. I'll try to fix all the visual issues for v1.1.
- NEW: [From patch 1.03] (Visual) Since Goltanna was fixed in the events and added into the game again to make space for another unit the only way I could fix it was to remove another model/unit, which was DK Argath (that I found weird) but I don't find his linked portrait so I don't know how it works. I used Olan there instead, which can have a wrong portrait. If Argath appears there I can try to fix it using Olan as Argath (but it'd require a lot of event editing that can turn wrong since I don't know much of how guests work) and also Argath can have animations...
- NEW: Name bugs due to how I applied in-game texts wrong. Will be fixed in v1.1 after 2023 summer. How to fix it: Play 1 or 2 battles in vanilla until you get your units, save and then apply my patch.

->All beta patches info here<- (v0.1 to v0.99)
Actual Patch:  Patch 1.0x - Date: July 17, 2023
Next one: v1.1

v1.0: All text changes. Official release. Spanish & English patch.
v1.1: Finishing item changes. Fixing all that I see wrong in the game playing a new run.

I'll move all 1.0+patches into this post. Beta patches will be no longer downloadable after 1.0 version.


✪ Pre-Patch 1.0 (Sprite .ppf v0.99 patch):

▷ Recap:
- Preparing sprite changes & new units.
- General revision of all my changes & every job/character:

▷ Visual changes:
- Swapped Olan & Goltanna (#12E event, unused) sprites.❌
- Added all other sprites (custom & new), listed here:

Vincent Valentine:  Fully done.✔️
Fran:  Fully done.✔️
Llyud:  Fully done.✔️
Blonde Agrias:  Fully done. No portait change.✔️
Melia:  Fully done.✔️
Paladin M:  Fully done.✔️
Paladin F: Fully done.✔️
Merchant F: Fully done. No portait change.✔️
Brown Female Monk: Fully done.✔️
Brown Male Monk: Fully done. No formation sprite change.✔️
Mentalist M: Fully done.✔️
Mentalist F: Fully done. ✔️
Rogue M: Fully done. ✔️
Rogue F: Fully done. ✔️
Geomancer M: Fully done.✔️
D. Knight M: Fully done. ✔️
D. Knight F: Fully done. ✔️
Samurai F: Fully done. ✔️
Rebel M: Fully done. ✔️
Rebel F: Fully done. ✔️
Math C. M: Fully done. ✔️
Math C. F: Fully done. ✔️
Mime M: Fully done. ✔️

Red XIII: Fully done. ❌ Sprite animations were not finished by the original author. Needs testing to see if it's fine so I didn't add it yet.

▷ v0.99 Hotfixes:
- (Items) Bags were not usable: 1 bag added as buyable. Swapped with 1 rare fell sword (#73 & #108). Now there's only 1 buyable (Chapter 4. almost the end).
- Fran character fixes (Skillset, evasion & weapon usage).
- Llyud added in the event (it was Valmafra) instead a random monster (#1D4).

Note: You have an overall explanation about how I did the sprite changes in FAQ new units.


✪ Patch 1.0 BETA (PRE-RELEASE)

▷ In-game text changes:

Done (ENG): ✔️Job Names | ✔️ Skillset Names | ✔️ Character Names | ✔️ Item Names | ✔️ Job Descr. | ✔️ Job Requer. | ✔️ Skill Names
Done (ESP): ✔️Job Names | ✔️ Skillset Names | ✔️ Character Names | ✔️ Item Names | ✔️Job Descr. | ✔️ Job Requer. | ✔️ Skill Names

❌ Skill Descr.
❌ Items Descr.
❌ Skillset Descr.

(Not all changes are described)

▷ Skill names:
✔️Shout >> Cheer Up
✔️Breathe Fire(144#) >> War Cry (Shout?)
✔️Stall >> Not Now
✔️Salve >> Assistance
✔️Unholy Darkness >> Darkness
✔️Darkness >> True Darkness
✔️Shadow & Dusk Blade(2) >> Sanguine & Infernal Blade
✔️Vanish >> Shadow
✔️Graviga >> Black Hole
✔️Focus >> Stopga
✔️Aero >> Doom Fist
✔️Quake >> Earthsplitter
✔️Quake(2) >> Earthquake
✔️Crushing Blow >> Dimensional Blade
✔️Shock (Vengeance) >> Gates Of Death/Hell's Gate
✔️Rush >> Focus {new descrip}

? (Monk) Abandon >> Bellicosity

✔️Goblin Punch >> Vendetta
✔️ Sleep Touch >> Poison Combo/Poison Slash
✔️ Spirit Blade >> Swordblade
✔️Zombie Touch >> Dark Resurrection
✔️Fire Anima >> Wind Anima
✔️Dispel (#F4)>> Ultima Dispel
✔️Charge >> Hidden Power
✔️Oily Touch >> Wallga
✔️Bequeath Bacon >> Wild Hunt
✔️Ice Breath(151#) >> Steal Life {Effect Drain or Drain Touch}
✔️Thunder Breath >> Assassination (Death effect?)
✔️Fire Breath >> Unholy Darkness
? Glitterlust >> God's Blessing
? Karma >> (Dark Blow?/Vengeance/Demonic Blade)

✔️Concealment >> Vanish

All Emergence 1 skill name changes.
(ES) 234-247 ❌
(ES) Other skill names ❌


▷ Skillset Names:
✔️Onion Knight >> Chocobo Knight
✔️Agrias Job >> Master Paladin (holy knight in descr.)
✔️Templar >> Mystic Knight
✔️Melia's Arcane Knight >> Heretic, Occultist
✔️Sword Saint >> Master Swordman
✔️Lancer > Dragon Knight
✔️Chemist >> Merchant
✔️Magus >> Dark Paladin
✔️Luso's Job: Game Hunter >> Astrologer
✔️Ramza's Job: Vagrant >> Noble, Heretic, Dark Knight
✔️Squire >> Paladin (+Holy Arts)
✔️Marach Job: Earthseer >> Netherseer
✔️(Ninja >>) Thief >> Rogue (Assassin?)
✔️(Thief >>) Ninja >> Rebel (Varmint/Knave?)
✔️Arithmetician >> Math Conjurer (Timespace Mage?)
✔️Conjurer >> Mentalist (Dimensional Mage?)
✔️Soldier >> Knight
✔️Cloud's job >> SOLDIER
✔️Time Mage >> Mentalist (Can use the power of shields as an spiritual defense)
✔️Meliadoul >> Melia
✔️Simon >> Vincent Valentine, Job: Dark Sniper
✔️Valmafra >> Llyud, Job: Harpy
Byblos >> Red XII, Job: Experiment; Great Magicks
✔️ Olan >> Fran (I kept Olan as enemy), Job: Assassin

· Enemies:
✔️Assassin >> Dark Dancer

▷ Item Names:
✔️Stoneshooter gun >> Cerberus

▷ Beta changes:
- Added sprite changes from Emergence 1.✔️
- Sprites added again (For Spanish & English version) ✔️
- Some job tree changes: Added +1 Paladin to some jobs.✔️
- Swapped Olan & Goltanna (#12E event, unused) sprites.✔️
- Testing: Elidibus/Byblos event (#1D9) to change Red XIII sprite. ❌
- Not included before: Marach has Darkness skill.

▷ [v.1 beta 3 ENG Hotfix]:
· Fixed a corruption issue (3 hotfixes for this one).
· Included slowdown removal.
· Oil from Rogue nerfed from 900 to 1500 JP.

▷ [v.1 beta 4 ENG Hotfix]:
· Removed blade skills from Paladin.
· Preview of next patch: Added some balance changes.


✪ [Changes intended for Patch 1.0 OFFICIAL ENGLISH RELEASE] 🛠️

▷ Finish every in-game text that I didn't finish last patch:
- Skill Descriptions:
· For all basic jobs: ✔️
· All monsters, enemies & secret characters: ✔️  (I kept all mana costs in descriptions from monsters, if they had so. Monster skills won't have scaling description)
· Other reaction & passive skills: ✔️ (Items: No changes)
* Exceptions: Suffocate (B7), Petrify, Charm, Sleep Touch, Tentacles, Charge, Shadowbind?
- Skillset Descr. ✔️ (Made some in beta ver. but I'm revising it)
- Items Descr. ❌ (Moved to v1.1)
- Put every in-game text change loading a clean ISO again: ✔️
· Added to the ISO:  ✔️ Job & Character Names |  ✔️ Job Descr. |  ✔️ Skillset Names | ✔️ Item Names | ✔️ Job Requer. | ✔️ Skill Names | ✔️ Skillset Descriptions | ✔️ Skill Descriptions
(Monsters were not revised (Job descr. for example) and it will be done in next patch)

▷ Visual:
- Added new title screen, icon & image for the ISO ✔️ (Applied: ❌) {I couldn't, it will be added in a hotfix}

▷ Skill fixes & changes (while revising every skill): ✔️
· Faith % scaling:
- Slow/Haste nerfed from 210 to 200. Slowja/Hasteja buffed -> 210 from 200. Regen buffed -> 220 from 200.
- Oil from Rogue hitrate nerfed: 70%  -> 60% (+Spd).
- Zombie buffed: 16.5 faith scaling from 15.
- Disable nerfed: 18 faith scaling from 20.
· Buff: Range +1 to Mystic skills.
· Odin buffed: Formula dmg from 36 to 38.
· Cyclops: +200 JP +10 MP +1 formula dmg.
· Buff: Added some heal (5%) for some skills of Samurai.
· Bard:
- Life's Anthem & Seraph Song buffed: to 3 speed ticks from 4 (since it heals so little I wanted to buff it).
- Battle Chant, Magickal Refrain nerf: Hitrate to 95% from 100%. Nerf: +2 speed tick.
- Nameless Song buffed: From 65% to 85% to hit, then 25% to inflict each effect. Added Invisible.
- Rousing Melody. Nerfed to 55% from 100%. Buffed: -1 speed tick.
- Finale buffed: +5% hitrate. Nerf: +1 speed tick.
- Nameless Song nerf: +4 speed tick.
· Dancer:
- Forbidden Dance: From 66% to 60% rate hit. Speed tick +1 (to 7).
- Slow Dance buffed: +5% hitrate. Buff: -1 speed tick.
- Last Waltz buffed: +5% hitrate
- Polka, Heathen Frolic nerf: Hitrate to 95% from 100%. Nerf: +2 speed tick.
· Removed Rush from Melia.
· Praise/Preach nerfed from 20 to 16 Bravery/Faith. Enemy skills still makes -20. This is to control better the permanent bonuses and to make it less rewarding for tryhard people.
· (TEST) Demonic Blade: Buffed damage and damage received.
· Magical Bullet: Nerfed from 70 to 65 but added 25% Undead. JP cost from 500 to 1500.
· Climhazzard back to default formula dmg.
· Samurai's Muramasa: Berserker -> Randomly Undead or Doom.
· Math C. (Arythm.) delayed a little. +2 Cleric? (Don't forget to add it in Job. Req. description✔️)

· (Enemy/Ally) Gaffgarion: Drain HP/MP uses same skills. Now uses Unholy Chant & Dark Knight reactions.
· Some skills like Goo buffed. Added more skills overall. More minor changes.

▷ New skills & reworks:
- Discord (old Voodoo) reworked: Zombie Touch: Convert a unit into a zombie that joins your group. Effect: Undead, Traitor. Hit 90% + MA (If it's too broken I can make it maybe only Undead). Weapon Range. Added for Melia, removed Unholy Chant. {Visual effect: ?}
- Life's Anthem (from Bard) also added to Paladin & Balthier. JP cost to 1200???
- Mincing Minuet (from Dancer) also added to Melia & Rogue. JP cost to 1000???
- [ MAYBE I'LL BUFF IT ] Chant from Paladin moved to Dark Knight (back to where it was on vanilla) & Melia. New name: Unholy/Demonic Chant. Chant (persev) effect. Heal an ally by inflicting damage to oneself. (New visual effect: Chant & Squeal swapped). JP cost to 10 from 0.

▷ Palette fixes:
· All palettes from my sprites changed again due to a misunderstanding on how the game works. Added into the ISO. ✔️
(In the game 4th & 5th palette are the most used for enemies, followed by the 3rd palette. I just tought the 2nd was the most used but it was rarely used)
Done: Rogue F/M ✔️ D. Knight F/M ✔️ Calculator F/M ✔️ Merchant F ✔️ Geomancer M ✔️ Mentalist F/M ✔️ Mime M ✔️ Monk F/M ✔️
Paladin F/M ✔️ Rebel ✔️ Samurai W ✔️

· Some palettes changed in story events, so 2nd & 3rd palettes will be more rare to be seen. ✔️
· Finished male & female rogue palettes. ✔️ (They only had 2. Male now has 3 palettes, female has 5)
· Some palettes were edited for better colors for enemies spritesheets and new accurate portraits. ✔️
- Paladin F/M new portrait edited by me. Spritesheets modified. ✔️

▷ Items:
Since you get 2 Cerberus with Vincent now this gun is not obtainable, you can only try to steal it from other units.
White Staff: Added (cancel) Confuse, Atheist, Charm, Sleep, Immobilize and Disable.

▷ Balance fixes due to my own changes of lastest patches:
✔️ Archer's Salve: It wasn't working as intended since you can't buff + cancel statuses. Now it gives +2 Spd. Changed battle message "Salved" to "Blessed".
✔️ Blind effect was incorrectly adding more effects.
✔️ Unholy darkness was giving Regen and also was in Poison Bow effect.
✔️ Aim Extremity (Leg Shot/Snipe Movement) fixed formula from Separate to random.´
✔️ Change Sleep Touch into another skill: Poison Slash. Added to Rogue. Tentacles monster skill back to default but +1 range (I started to delete monster skills because I didn't have more to freely use). Since there are 2 Tentacle skills, I've just used 1 for monsters.

▷ Final changes ideas that required more time:
✔️ Paladin's new dmg skill. Removed repeated skill. (Dance mechanic atm)
Other minimal changes (The rest of ideas were moved to the next patch).

▷ Skillset names:
✔️ Chant >> Unholy Chant
✔️ Byblos Vengeance >> Demonic Blade
✔️ 2nd Bio >> Virus
✔️ 3rd Bio >> Virusga
✔️ Snipe Movement (Leg Shot) >> Aim Extremity
✔️ Snipe Action (Arm Shot) >> Magical Bullet
✔️ Luminaire >> Blaze
✔️Berserker Shot (Rend Magick) >> Divine Justice
✔️ Salve >> Blessing
Dischord >> Zombie Touch
✔️ Snipe Atk/Mag/Sp >> Destroy Atk/Mag/Sp
✔️ Snipe MP >> Spiritual Bullet
✔️ (Non-reworked skills*) >> HIDDEN POWER (Description: Unkwnown skill.)

▷ About text changes:
✔️ Make clear how some skills work in-game. That means to say how much % of inflict status there is or how every skill scales.
✔️ Murasame New effect: Cancel near evil forces. [Confusion, Vampire, Atheist, Undead, Stone, Traitor, Chicken, Toad, Poison, Slow, Doom, Charm, Doom]
✔️ {Make clear that reactions like Archer's Bane uses Bravery as probability} (Something like "Bravery scaling") -> Moved to Br/Fa description
✔️ {Reis skills -> Dragon instead Target}
✔️ {Make clear how Teleport works: Teleport is 100% within the unit's regular move range. It goes down 10% for each square beyond that.}
✔️ {Monk's purification also removes confusion and Time Mage dispels remove defense}
✔️ {Make clear that Monk's Purification Range around is 1}
✔️ {Make clear how evasion/block works on Parry description & Reflexes that is a buff on Evasion rates (double physical and magical)}
✔️ {Make clear that Samurai skill to evade scales with Bravery, and it blocks back attacks unlike other skills that doesn't help from behind}
✔️{Make clear that Steal Life only steals HP from live beings}
✔️ {Remove "Hex magic" from Oil description, make clear that now affects various enemies}
✔️ {Assasination description: Uses a dagger to quickly try to kill aiming for a lethal point of the enemy, but it can miss.}
✔️ {Quick description: "To come more quickly" -> "To come instantly"}
✔️{Make clear on Orator's Praise/Preach that will affect mostly Jobs Reactions} (Increase x boosting mostly their P/M reactions)
✔️ Paladin's Revive: "with a powerful battlecry" -> "by the will of the gods"
✔️{Make clear that Geomancer skills or skills like Blaze/Darkness have hybrid scaling} ("PA&MA scaling")
✔️ {Mystic Immobilize/Disable (#25) add: "and from evading"}
✔️ {Golem: add "scaling with a percentaje of the user HP until..."}
✔️ {Seal Evil Description: Add "Imbue the weapon with a strange fluid to"}
✔️{Darkwave: "to damage all" -> "to damage all enemies in an area around"}
✔️{Flame Shot: add "at a very high speed"}
✔️ {DK Sanguine Sword / Infernal Strike new descriptions and names}
✔️ {Short Charge is 50% less CT. Attack Up is 33% more attack.}
✔️ {Make clear that Praise gives 1/4 permanent faith}
✔️ {Add a hint to ride Chocobos in Chocobo Knight's description}
✔️ {Climhazzard: Fix the description (as default)}
✔️ {Make clear that now the skills from Templar do damage}
✔️ {Samurai's Kiku- (Yumi Bow) descrip: "wreaking havoc..." to "shoots an spiritual arrow with an spiritual bow that pierces the enemies in its path"}
✔️ {Samurai: New descriptions for changed skills}
✔️ {Make clear that you need a sword for all sword skills: "(Sword only)"}
✔️ {Monk's Earthquake: "Hit the ground to conjure up..." Scaling PA, on Tornado: Scaling MA.}
✔️ {Make clear that cleric has a halved attack damage in the job descrip.}
✔️ {Make clear that Samurai uses katanas in the inventory on Draw Out (Laido) description}
✔️ Added Hidden Power name and blank description to unused skills so I can rework each one.
? {Make clear that Allure uses giles to buy that unit (007B)}

▷ Fix all bugs I can, like:
✔️ Crystallization crash.

- Last Step: Revision in-game to see if all is fine after patching .ISO file: ✔️ (Hotfix: Patch 1.01)

Note: Since I've made every description in the game very clear, an Excel with all the damage scales for the abilities is not necessary.
I also decided to not make a job requirement image like Emergence 1 since everything is in-game, but I'll try add some stuff like job requirements to the notes too.


★ From now on if I make a mini-patch or a hotfix with minimal changes I'll make a new .ppf patch with one increased number.
Example: Patch 1.01, Patch 1.02...


✪ [v1.0x Hotfixes] 🛠️
▷ v1.01
· Fixes to most general misplaced text in some descriptions.
· Fixes to all Melia's descriptions.
· Added two experimental skills for damage and heal (from dancer & bard) for Paladin as a test.

▷ v1.02
· Balance fixes for the early game:
- Added Revive skill to Delita so you will have easier fights in the early game. Also buffed his HP multiplier so he will not suck as much.
- All enemy males from second battle -> females (they will have less HP so it will be a bit easier as not as tough)
- Sorted Paladin skills so AI will prioritize to upgrade others earlier.
· In-game mini-fix for Female Paladin spritesheet.
· New model & portrait for Buchs (first miniboss). Edit: Portrait doesn't work, btw.

▷ v1.03 
· Added new icons and name of the ISO (you can notice this in PPSSPP emulator for example).
· Swordblade from 150 to 100 JP cost so earlier fights will be easier with Ramza.
· Finally swapped all Rebel & Rogue jobs in battles. (Thanks FFTPatcher for your new update that made this easy)
· In-game mini-fix for Female Paladin sprite for formation screen.
· Changed sprite model from Argath DK event & Olan event.

Testing (these changes got corrupted):
· Added Goltanna again. (Moved to patch v1.05)
· Testing CUSTOM ANIMATIONS. It works! Tested Vincent for it in this mini-patch. I can even fix all the other animations that are wrong but it'll require hard work.
· Testing dialogue changes. It also works! (I got weird errors so I must be prudent with the changes)

▷ v1.04 
· Added Shadowbind (HidPow) to Paladin. New effect: Dmg 15% HP. Effect: Blind, Immobilize. Hit: 63%+MA. Range 5. AoE: 1. JP cost 777. Name not decided
· Removed Esunaga from Paladin. Fixed: Disbelief skill -> Belief. Sorted skills by cost.
· Removed Mincing Minuet from Paladin. It was toxic and enemies were using it early, but it was temporary. Remember Rogue uses this skill.
Added another skill instead: Just damage, WP*PA formula. Name not decided.
· Created a new experimental AoE damage poison skill, added it to Mustadio. 4444 JP cost. Name not decided. Charm name temporarily.
· Poison Slash to 777 JP from 0 JP. Mincing Minuet to 999 JP from 1200 JP.
· Fixed Melia's Zombie Touch as it was not working correctly. (This skill is still experimental). 6666 JP cost. This skill make you recruit everything but those immunes to Traitor (like bosses). It is too broken but a fun skill so here's a high cost. Maybe I will change it for a skill with a dance/pray mechanic.
· Black mage lvl requirement: Added White mage 2. (It was oppressive to have this unit right away and you will use White mage a little)
· Golem: 1000 -> 2000 JP. This is a very broken unfair skill and this change will make the game harder.
· Balthier mini-rework: Removed Shout, Rush & Life's Anthem. Added supportive dance & chant skills to decrease Speed/Magick/Attack. (1 skill still left if I wanna put him a huge AoE skill or a different one)

· Some minor item changes to make the second battle a little bit easier (I still wanted it to be hard but it was very very hard) -> Removed boots from enemies.
· Added Stopga instead Shadowbind for Celie/Lette.

▷ v1.05 - Preparation for v1.1

Fixed the following huge bug: Divine arts have a bug in which you can use all skills without buying any. I may know what is is causing this bug as I think some skillsets could be coded as monster skillsets. I'll swap around the skillsets of Fran, Chocobo Knight and Paladin to try to fix this issue. It would make the skillset names wrong but I'll fix it in the next patch that is going to be v1.1, so it is fine.

Note: I'll add a preview of this patch for those who are starting a new game, even if the names of the skillsets will be wrong.
· New skill: Shadowbind reworked into Atomic Blast. New formula, same as old Rapha/Hydra random fire skills but +2 AoE, 99 vert. +1 Stop effect (Separate) and min. formula damage. MA scaling. Evadable. New JP cost: 2222 JP. Only hits enemies. Shoots 20 spells in a wide area. {It covers a wide area and it can miss, also it is based on magic so it won't be as good as it seems for the early game but good enough to have an AoE skill for a starting unit}
· Paladin MA/lvl impedance buff: From 40 to 34.
· Geomancer HP impedance: From 13 to 8.
· Arithmetician HP growth from 85 to 90. Buffed some HP impedance of some units without armor: -1.
· Since Life's Anthem & Mincing Minuet are buffed: 1 MP every use.
· Since you can get Life's Anthem too early: JP cost to 1999 JP from 1500 JP.
· Embrace (temp name): Mana cost to 5 from 1. Belief mana cost to 5 from 10.
· New skill for Paladin: Tentacles reworked into: Shadowbind, skill dmg 20% max enemy HP. Hitrate: 80%+MA. JP cost: 777. Removed from Llyud.
· New skill: Gore reworked into the skill formula I had for Level Drain (read it in old patches if you want to know what it does). Removed Shirahadori, now Reflectable. Added to Llyud.
· Disbelief (Doubt) added to Rogue. {I forgot to do it}
· Due to changes of Paladin and this job now having passive defense boost and more utility: Paladin is too good and Knight is worse than intended. Paladin to 150 HP & Knight to 155 HP multiplier from 160 & 150. Knight HP impedance: 9 from 11. Paladin: 10 from 7. {Knight should be now the most tanky unit of the game if you add another good passive reaction}
· Removed Zombie Touch from Vincent. Removed Lich from Summoner and Dark Knight. Now Lich is exclusive for Vincent.
· Charm removed from Mustadio. Added to Vincent instead. JP cost to 500 from 4444.
· Added unlocked Dark Knight to Vincent instead Mime. Added unlocked Onion Knight for Beowulf (2nd version). Added unlocked Dancer for Fran instead Lancer. Added unlocked Bard for Balthier instead Monk. Added unlocked Mime for Llyud. {You'll have to play the game again for these changes if you are in post-game}
· Added Almagest to Dark Knight {I wanted to give this unit a similar skill but since it is repeated by a monster skill I'll add it instead}, removed Vendetta {This unit has a better version of that spell}.
· Melia's Zombie Touch moved to Byblos. JP cost to 0.
· New controllable monster replacing Reis (dragon form). Permanent Guest unit? {I hope there are not bugs in any Reis mission). You can get it in last Deep Dungeon battle for the moment. Random name.

Redone due to corruption on v1.03 patch:
· Lost change from old patch: Added Goltanna model again. Swapped model of original Olan with Argath-Deathkight-, removed Argath-Deathkight- model (All the units changed will have their name wrong until v1.1). Goltanna will show right in the story events. {I can add a new Argath palette in the future instead of DK model that felt weird.}
· New: Argath DK now replaced correctly into Argath model instead Olan. Added a new palette.

· Hydra Tri-Flame and Tri-Thunder. 3 times -> 6 times.
· Dark Whisper: 6 times -> 9 times. All Hydra skills are not evadable (it didn't change). Those skills and Dark Whisper fixed: 99 Vert.
Note: This 99 vert change makes Hydra skills function properly and to not be broken when it has -1 range (you could do 6 hits on a enemy with Dark Whisper). As it may fail more on empty squares, compensated by buffing damage and/or number of shoots.
· Level Drain back to default formula as it was requested.
· Changes to Holy Dragon events. Holy & Dark Dragon mixed in 1 unit.
· Added Divine Ultima to Byblos.
· Beak removed, added instead Petrify. Other monster changes.

· Changes to some skill effects.
· New palette for Reis dragon form & Dark Dragon.

· Not done yet: Due to a visual change, Atomic Blast is not working as intended.
· Fixed some Unit IDs from all the new units of my hackmod, mainly Fran. {Maybe this is why some of my units disappeared}
· Vincent didn't have 2 Cerberus.

(More soon)

- Hotfixes moved to patch v1.1 -
· Fixes to the bug of japanese names of 2nd battle (I'm not sure if you would need to start the game again).
· Fixes for cutscenes and dialogues of first two battles. (I got it to work!)
· Vincent has a wrong name. I think somehow I forgot to make some changes for the names of the units when I did v1.0!
· Rebel description is wrong. As well as Holy/Dark Dragon descriptions.


[Changes intended for Patch 1.1+] 🛠️

- Added all patch notes & job requirements to the .zip file. ❌

- Revise again all beta changes so see if I missed something ❌
❌ Revise damage from Ultima & Divine ultima.
- Revise Ultima boss fight and each skill.

- I need to re-watch all changes I did from "growth" to "impedance" and play the game again.
- All Jobs stat scaling
- Monster stat scaling
- Some final job tree changes and minor changes. Cleric & Arythm revision:
· Revise items from Cleric.
· Revise power from Arythm.
- Test Bylos & Altima battle. Check out late-game with a saved file. (Byblos is too lategame)

- (IDEA) Change Byblos into Red XIII? Obtainable on Byblos' vanilla battle.
- (IDEA) Include a Reaver/Apanda instead Byblos to be a Guest for all of the battles, but it will have other Apanda skills). You won't be able to recruit this unit. Name: Reaver/Apanda. It would require to erase another monster or boss. Or maybe I could also include another recruitable monster with a lot of skills adding Serpentarius in a blank unit instead [Experimental]. Edit: There are 2 Dragon units and maybe I can add a new monster there.
- (IDEA) Can Materia Blade be used for making a skill only viable with that weapon or maybe change it visually? So then I may use it for Vincent, for the broken skill he has.

▷ New skills & reworks:
- [ IDEA ] Melia's Cursed Reconstruction reworked. New name: Day of the Dead (#B7 suffocate): Now heals 15%? but hits everyone. Still effect Berserk + Zombie. Chant (persev) effect. JP cost to 3000??? (Effect: Glitterlust??)
- [ IDEA ] Hidden Power (B6?) reworked: moved to Paladin. (Effect: Suffocate) Dance mechanic? {New persev. skill also for Bard & Dancer? Hit everyone?}
- [ IDEA ] Change Petrify into another skill (->B5<-/BB) Only bosses and Celia/Lette seems to use it
- [ IDEA ] Tentacles (11D) as new skill. Heal with status effect? (Formula 4B/35) for Paladin & Llyud.

▷ Skillset names:
Glitterlust >> Holy/God's Blessing??
Embrace >> ??
Tentacles (HidPow) >> ??
Shadowbind (HidPow) >> ??
Charm >> ??
Suffocate  (HidPow) >> ??
Zombie Touch?

{Visually swap some effects of the skills for Rapha and Luso to be coherent?}
{I can make elemental changes like: Monster units that fly will halve earth damage, heavy units will halve wind damage}
{I made axes forced 2 hands so maybe I should buff more Weapon Power or give PA buffs (no Concentration buff). Bags will also be buffed a little because they do RNG damage too}


Special thanks (to sprite authors):
Watch/DL portrait sprites here! (Part 1)
Watch/DL portrait sprites here! (Part 2)
Watch/DL spritesheets here! (Part 1)
Watch/DL spritesheets here! (Part 2)

My idea was to change every weird/ugly/inconsistent sprite model that the game has and I've added later some new cool characters:

-Drunkard's Sprite as Rogue (Thief). [I've added new palettes done by me]
Parts: M Ranger from Kagebunji / Concept by Twinees, M Rogue by R999 /  Lijj, and Xeldoran's M Chemist's legs.
Avatar/Portrait sprite used from Mograine_D.
· Mime male: From this message [Palettes edited a little by me] - by Seushiro.
· Fran as a new unit (swapped with Olan and replacing an unused unit). From this post - By Valkirst.

- I've used these sprites from Journey of The Five:
· Dragoon F/M as D. Knight [5th palette used - Palettes edited a little by me] - by Twinees
· Rogue F/M as new Ninja F/M (name: Rebel?) [1st Palette used] - by R999 / Port by Lijj
· Geomancer M as Geomancer M [4th pallete used - Palette edited a little by me] - by Lijj
· Samu F as Samurai F [3rd palette used] - by Lijj

- These sprites from this site:
· Paladin F/M as Squire F/M (maintain Paladin name) [Palettes edited by me - Female boots fixed by me] - by Lijj, Twinees
· Female Alchemist as Alchemist F. - by Choto, Square-Enix
· Vincent Valentine as a new unit (replacing unused Simon) - by Twinees
· Melia (Succubus model) as Meliadoul (Occultist [Dark Arts] job) - by Kagebunji, Twinees
· Enchanter F/M as Calculator F/M [5th palette used] - by Celdia, RavenOfRazgriz, Square-Enix
· Llyud as a new unit (replacing unused Valmafra). Palette by mav [3rd palette used] - by Twinees
· Red XIII as a new unit (replacing Byblos) - by Twinees
· Mentalist F/M as Time Mage F/M [Added a little more blue color to male] - by Lijj
- Female Mime was already changed in FFT Emergence 1 - by Lijj.

Others (vanilla edits):
- Meliadoul as Female Rogue (Thief) [Edited by me - Finished all 5 palettes].
- Agrias: Now the model sprite is blonde. [Palette changed by me]
- Female Monk: Now brown skin. [Palettes changed by me]
- Male Monk: New portrait/avatar. [Palettes changed by me]

I give permission to edit or use the vanilla sprites that I have edited. I only ask for a proper credit like I also did.

The project is almost finished, with sprite changes done. There's only a few things like balancing battles that I'm gonna fix with some hotfixes.
Everything you need to know is inside the game. If you need other kind of information or feedback please let me know. You can freely DM me.
Emergence 2 works on an EUR ISO. You can find spanish translation in the post below and its downloads behind the following image.
I'm looking for testers and I'm still working on this! Leave a like if you have played this mod and you enjoyed the experience.

I recommend you to play Vanilla or Emergence 1 until you are about to start the second battle, it has some issues I will fix in version 1.1, thanks. I also recommend you to start a new game after v1.1+ because I will fix most of the issues, I hope that everything will be okay after that version... Including animations and everything I can.
Once I finish version 1.1, I will do an official playthrough to look for some minor balance changes, let me know if you like the idea.
  • Modding version: WotL

✪ Emergence 2 for PSP (EN/ES) - Play it now! ✪
A vanilla+ experience for PSP. Actual patch: 1.0+. More fixes in v1.1!
  • Discord username: darkskyx#9825


March 07, 2023, 06:55:24 pm #1 Last Edit: September 07, 2023, 06:56:04 pm by darkskyx
SPANISH TRANSLATION (Everything in this message will be in Spanish from now on)

Aún no finalizado (faltan descripciones & nombres pero el gameplay debería estar bien, aunque le falta rebalanceo).
Esta versión aún es la beta así que no tiene todos los cambios, he añadido un parche que se aplica en FFTPatcher para la versión más actualizada de balances del juego.
Las instrucciones están incluidas en el .zip y en el link de abajo. Necesitas aplicar dos parches para jugar a este hackmod (y 3 con el rebalanceo que a futuro serán 2).
Ya que tengo que hacer el parche 1.1 voy a esperar y lo traduciré también en español. Paciencia, porque se tarda bastante en editar todos los textos internos del juego.

Nota: El parche de .fftpatch es temporal mientras termino la v1.1 y se puede aplicar encima de tu parche con el programa FFTPatcher.

Aún no está todo actualizado y no tengo intención de traducir cada parche, pero puedo ir cambiando con el tiempo algunos de ellos al español. Es posible que no traduzca todos los cambios al español, pero quizás los añado en el bloc de notas traduciéndolo posteriormente. Esto me ahorrará trabajo y espacio en este post/comentario. Aunque seguramente añada los cambios más recientes o en progreso.

✪ [Changes intended for Patch 1.0 OFFICIAL SPANISH RELEASE] 🛠️

▷ Same text changes than last patch but translated: ❌
- Skill Descr. 🛠️  (until: Death{Chicken} )
- Items Descr.
- Skillset Descr.
- Last step: Put every in-game text change loading a clean ISO again.

▷ All balance changes. ❌
▷ Palette fixes. ❌
▷ Visual:
- New title screen. Done: ❌
- Added ENG icon. Added new translated image for the ISO ✔️ (Not applied yet) ❌

- Don't forget all undone Emergence 1 skill name changes.

▷ About text changes:
- Weapons/Monsters:
{Make clear that weapon Blood Sword Steal HP}
{Make clear how some RNG weapon works, like axes and flails or just put "This weapon may do less damage" & RNG in the description}


Recomiendo que esperéis a la versión 1.1; que estará, en teoría, completa.


>Parche de traducción del juego original (en PPF/XDELTA)<

Beta en español (No sé si tiene el bug de cristalización, creo que no):
  • Modding version: WotL

✪ Emergence 2 for PSP (EN/ES) - Play it now! ✪
A vanilla+ experience for PSP. Actual patch: 1.0+. More fixes in v1.1!
  • Discord username: darkskyx#9825


March 07, 2023, 07:21:09 pm #2 Last Edit: August 28, 2023, 08:19:07 pm by darkskyx
Hacktitians/modders FAQ:
Because it's the most comfortable for me as I usually play FFT in my PSP and can also be emulated more easily than PSX in mobile devices. Even if it's sad that this version is limited, I didn't want this to be a very laborious project with many people involved in it. I just wanted to do a vanilla project myself.
If you want to make a new big project I recommend you the PSX version. There are better tools to use and you are much less limited. If you still want the story of TLoW on that project, I recommend you to install instead >this patch<
- For the in-game text changes from the PSP ISO you have to follow these steps from this post. And use version 0.457 of FFTacText. The changes needs to be done in 1-go. On v0.91 I've tried to make text changes and that's the solution I found searching in the forum.
- To patch you need to use FFTPatcher lastest version, you can get it from here. It's very simple to use. You use it to edit patches yourself and you can share changes but those changes won't change in-game text.
Oh, and this is important: That last program have more tools to easily make everything about hackroms.
· You need Shishi, don't use other programs. I followed this guide, but some steps may get issues, so also read my comment. You need to use a powerful or specific program for that, some will use Adobe Photoshop but there's also GIMP or GraphicsGale.
For the palette changes I used Palette Editor v.131b, very easy to use. You can click & drag the mouse to copy easily.

· If you have any issues with portraits in spritesheets (just for palette changes or uploading already done skillsets), try to use Palette Editor clicking the palettes to see if the avatar fixes itself so you can save and it's done, it's the best way. Maybe that doesn't help to you, so you can follow this useful tutorial (I don't know if there is a better one) to see if you can fix it.
If you see a grey square in your .bmp image that mean the initial image is somehow corrupted. You must reupload again the first spritesheet, convert it to BMP again (I use Photopea online, but there are more tools) and then finish again your palette changes. Don't forget to save your changes that you did for palettes and load them again.

· Understanding that last tutorial you can even make a new title screen for your project (you'll found it in Shishi: Other images -> Menu Options). Here's my tutorial about it.

· If you wanna do something more advanced like adding new portraits for different spritesheets, you need to follow Celdia's tutorial exactly, but I found a better way... once you understand it, of course. It was so hard to understand for me as I tried everything until something worked. Here's a message that solved one of my issues with new portraits... Read carefully:
Quote from: Xifanie on July 09, 2017, 04:36:12 pmI guess you didn't get that Celdia's tutorial is now pretty pointless.

In GG, open the bmp of the sprite, crop to the portrait, rotate it.
Select All & Copy (ctrl+c) (if you choose to load from clipboard in the next step)
Click the down arrow button under the palette colours, choose Load Palette/File/Load From Clipboard (or from file)
Copy the portrait's palette row (9th row unless you want a different one) to the 1st palette row. Then select the 9th row in the first box, and the 1st row in the second box, uncheck Match Pixels with Colors.
All Frames/Color Depth, choose 4bpp, OK.
Unfortunately, that will likely fuck up your palette's order (which is important), so you'll have to reimport the palette from file, selecting the original sprite's file and copy the 9th row to the 1st row again, but this time with Match Pixels with Colors.
Save the bmp and import in Shishi.
Basically to create a new portrait you need to first download the original WLDFACE portrait with Shishi. Then, you need to follow the instructions above. Once you have done it you will end up with a messy image (THIS IS COMPLETELY NORMAL AND I DIDN'T KNOW IT). Now you can use this messy image to paste it in the spritesheet you are going to edit. When you have done that, then you have to go to Palette editor, click in your first palette and it will be fixed.
The idea behind it is that if the original image has for example red colors but you want to put blue colors you have to replace them all. If you already have those colors you can just copy+paste your edited portrait.

It didn't work for your portrait that was edited? Follow this:
How to remake your spritesheet after editing it: Basically you need to get the "negative image" again, in fact this is named null palette (You can have an idea of what it looks like using Palette Editor). Open your spritesheet that has a portrait that looks good, now delete everything but the avatar. Follow the same steps of the last quote... Put it on color depth 4bpp, 8bpp again and so... You need to obtain a portrait that looks like a negative image. Now copy and paste that "negative" image into another copy of the spritesheet that looks good. You should get a spritesheet and a wrong avatar. Now open it with Palette Editor and fix it clicking in the first palette. Save. You are welcome.

· [How to make new palettes like a noob] Following this tutorial you can understand how to make new color palettes. Do the tutorial loading a portrait or a spritesheet. Once you have changed it you only need to open it on GraphicsGale, save your image palette in a .pal, open it in your spritesheet and paste each colorful pixel color (it will be messy. so you have to fix it manually). Then play with the palette color in the Palette Editor until it shows a good result.
My best advice for this is: Try change the next pixel of a color equally (One color is 10 15 20 then change it to 12 17 22 and then 15 20 25).

· (Optional) Here you have a good amount of sprites that a lot of users has done: Sprite Thread. Give them credit if you use any of those!
You can follow this full guide (found it on this guide). It is for PSX but it works. Maybe I can do a tutorial for PSP but it is basically the same concept. The idea is to replace unused characters that has a formation sprite and an avatar/portrait. There are sprites that people recommend for removing are a few units like Valmafra {F. Sprite: #12 & Job: #21 (skillset #49)}, Simon {F. Sprite: #0A & Job: #13 (there are unused skillsets like #49)}... Even if those units only appear on cinematics so it's safe to change everything about them, they will appear wrong in cinematic events. To change their appearance you have to use the program FFTEVGRP (made for PSX version but it works on PSP version) or Sishi Manager that works too.
There are very hardcoded units like Dark Knight and Onion Knight so you can't really change those units, you can only add/change skills. There are also hardcoded units but just for skills like Archer or Ninja that you can't change or have a full skillset but you can change their appearance.

If you want to maintain everything it is basically impossible. You need to delete an event or a character. You have to choose. And since PSP is very hard to edit freely, it can be very hard to work around these problems. Also, the space for playable characters are limited. You can't really make new ones from nothing.

Also there is a problem, you can only add units that appear both in WLDFACE.BIN & UNIT.BIN  for your side (WLDFACE4 won't work for your units as I tested it, I think this is hardcoded). It doesn't happen in the enemy side. Also, the important thing is that portraits and sprites need to be tied. You can see this using Shishi Manager in Other images.
Technically that means you can add new units even for pure Guests (Rapha, Mustadio...), but in the PSP version the issue will be that you can't change easily their avatar/portrait sprite and you'll have to edit many events so I'll avoid that. You can still try use other Guests (Algus, Gafgarion...) that you can change their avatar/portrait sprite but you'll still have to modify events and maybe bugs will happen, so it is not as safe for PSP. You'll end up with wrong portraits and you won't have it easy to link those units in the event editing (ENTD). Remember a Guest unit needs an unique sprite formation to work.

Anyway, there is a way to add new units in the game than just Simon and Valmafra like some people say. This is something I tought myself while seeing that people made new units with Guests. These are all the unused units (you can read this from the FFT Wiki):
Quote from: undefinedThere are quite a few job classes that are unused in battle (...) More information on these jobs can be found in their respected articles; Cardinal, Duke, Duke, Elder, False Saint, Grand Duke, High Confessor, Viscount, and Witch of the Coven.
- So with animation/event editing you have the option of Delacroix, Goltanna, Larg, Simon, Ajora Glabados, Barrington, Funebris, Ludovich and Valmafra. The important thing to use those units in your side is that they needs to appear too in UNIT.BIN so that's why Valmafra and Simon are the way to go, but you can also use some Guest units like Algus if you don't like it, but you'll need to edit a lot more. Don't forget you can replace any of the other units only on the enemy side.

So after all, which are the units that are safe to use but require a little more work (events, swapping sprites) other than Valmafra and Simon? I'll try to say some:
- The easiest one is Olan, as this is an enemy unit that you only see once and this unit won't appear in scenes. To replace it, use another unused unit from the list above (example: Goltanna, Simon...). Be careful if you use any unit that appear in scenes. I'll explain how to make custom animations to fix this issue with any character.
- Serpentarius & Archaic Demon. Two monsters that you can also use to edit new units and you won't use on your journey. To replace Jobs & IDs, you can use units listed above. I didn't test those units but I think they will work. They are coded as humans but they have monster sprites.
- NEW: I am also trying Holy Dragon (2nd dragon) that seems like a good replacement for a monster.
Remember you'll have to change ALL sprites for those, including all in-game sprites that will appear in the wheel and formation. Follow the tutorials for that, including to learn how to change sprites.

I didn't figured it out at first but there are some units that are not used in combat but there are used in events and those units use animations. If you replace a character, that character is also replaced in story events. If that character has animations, the animations will glitch. Those animations are found in EVTCHR.BIN (in Other Images, using Shishi), using different layers as palettes.

The way to edit those animations is pretty simple if you are already familiar with the edition of sprites:
· Select the animation from the character, navigate arround the palettes until you see your desired character that is not glitched.
· Export that palette and edit it as you like. You can also try to make custom AI animations if you are familiar with AI.
· Just import the .BMP image on the same palette and animation number. Done.
· Be careful with this crystallization crash error, it's very common for the PSP ISO.

· If you want to make a project yourself be patient, it will require years of work, and that's only for a vanilla+ project. After making this hackmod I think that if you want to get involved into something big it's better to jump into an existent PSX group project to make a huge hackmod.

· Keep in mind in FFTPatcher effect area is -1 (so 0 means 1, only for 1 character). Also keep in mind some character have hardcoded skills.  The only place I've seen this hardcoded list is in the file of FFTText Editor v1.1.

· In-game text are difficult to patch for the PSP version. That's why some people don't recommend to patch PSP ISOs, because it's easier to patch on PSX. There are better tools for PSX, but the simple answer to use the PSX version is that PSP will be a lot of work because you can usually get errors while making text changes and you can't save the file to keep updating, you have to manually put every text on a clean ISO. That's why I couldn't make in-game text changes until I finish all my changes, because I had to make all of them in one go.

· Before doing any in-text game changes with FFTactText just make a backup/copy of your ISO that you'll patch. Weird things can happen if you make something that the program is not allowed to do. Make sure you delete some kanji/japenese text to make some space before you make any change. Test the game to see if you have some issues too. Also check out this post to know more about in-game text changes.

· I don't how to use this Resource pack, but this post seems useful.

· Here is a useful video and a useful post about skill effects that you may use to change it to create new skills. Also, use this webpage to know how "inflict statuses" work

· To finish your project you'll have to use PPF Studio. Follow the steps of this video and you'll have a safe way to share your project that also will be lighter.

More additional information:

· Things that are lacking in 1.0 will be fixed in 1.1
· Don't forget to let me know bugs and all the things that you wish to say to me!

How my patching routine will work:
- Big patches will include a .zip file. If a new big patch arrives, the old one and its hotfixes will be deleted.
- Hotfixes will be in an additional .ppf that you can apply instead the original file. Always apply only the last one on a clean ISO. Don't re-apply it on your already patched ISO since .ppf files are made to work only with an EUR ISO.
- Changes will be updated in the WIP post and then the patch/hotfix will be added here in this topic.
- Downloads will be only available on this topic.
- New (v1.05+): Due to newer and big versions may have bugs and maybe I can't fix those soon, I'll keep an older version for any issue (Example: v1.0  will have a .zip and then I'll upload v0.99). If everything looks good and if I add one or two new versions/hotfixes more, this old patch will be deleted.

✔️ [FIXED in v1.0] - Blind effect was incorrectly adding more effects. Also, Unholy darkness was giving Regen and also was in Poison Bow effect. Climhazzard fixed.
✔️ [FIXED in v1.0] - All palettes from my sprites changed again due to a misunderstanding on how the game works.
✔️ [FIXED in v1.03] - Rebel (old Thief) and Rogue (old Ninja) units were swapped for balance purposes, but their battles were not.
✔️ [FIXED in v1.04] - Fixed Melia's Zombie Touch as it was not working correctly. (This skill can still change)
✔️ [FIXED in v1.05] - Gamebreaking bug that allowed units to use all Divine Arts skills as a secondary skill choice without buying any. This will make that some skills will have a wrong name but it will be fixed in v1.1.
✔️ [FIXED in v1.05] - Fixed some Unit IDs from all the new units of my hackmod. Fran no longer recruitable as Guest. Now she shouldn't disappear as well as other units.
✔️ [FIXED in v1.05] - All Hydra monster skills from vanilla were fixed to not be broken while used on 1 square.
🛠️  [FIXED in v1.1] - All issues related to forgetting to change names in v1.0: Fixes to the bug of japanese names of 2nd battle. Vincent had a wrong name.

Discarded ideas:

Removed from my original post (Outdated info/Not needed):

(Better display at version 1.0)
- Some underpowered jobs buffed: Flexibility! Many jobs have access to other weapons: Chemist to guns... Thief to Crossbows... Samurai, Ninja and dancers to bows...
- Ninja rework: Assassin. Very flexible unit (range or melee), now it has have skills to hide and assasinate units; works around Speed. Throw skills went to Onion Knight. [Patch 0.6]
Even this unit can be very powerful, it can't kill any bosses & can still work vs some mini-bosses. I'm thinking to give this unit an skill with area of invisibility. [Patch 0.97]
- Squire rework: Paladin (A Paladin's Apprentice). Now works like a true paladin/squire! Uses Parry. Adds protection to the allies, and have some damages too. It works around low HP too like Dark Knights. [Patch 0.8]
- Monk rebalance: Monk skills usually start with low range then high range, so don't usually use many of their skills. Now works like this: You have access to medium range skills that do lower damage then close skills that do great damage and then you get some very good long range skills. [Patch 0.9+]
- Samurai rebalance: No more access to Protect+Shell on all your team. You only have 1 way to make your team Protect+Shell and will be with Purple Magicks, waste 2 turns for it or having lucky with RNG (with Bard, Astrologer, etc). Buffed a little as compensation.
- Rebalanced gameplay experience that feels fair and will make viable characters you usually left behind in the early game and others better later. (For example, Cleric & Wizard have less AoE on initial skills, Enchanter now have more ways to survive, Orator have utility and damage... Other worse options for jobs were buffed on stats growth.)
- New job tree around damage/weapon types. It's still intuitive, but the numbers are balanced around how powerful is the unit & when you should get it. Jobs like Onion Knight and Arithm. are more easy to get, while others are still delayed.
- JP Rebalance: Some JP cost for initial skills are down, so you will feel better when you get a new job and you don't have to grind at all. Cost up on some brutal skills.
- Fixed broken interactions of the original Emergence patch, like some setups that destroys the early game, like very hard fights without some accessories (some battles vs Some bosses or Archers were broken on early-midgame. I had an incredible hard battle for some stages because the units lacked ways to counter their strategies or they had skills with just pure damage). You can still get powerful units and battles on later stages.
- A few new skills replacing others I found redundant. Some skills got a new damage formula.
- On version 0.9+ the jobs are re-touched to make a good fantasy of their playstyle and I've added new passives (innate skills) that makes the game different. I did add even more skills to some Jobs and the stats were changed to differentiate better between tanky units and non-tanky units (supports & mages mostly).
- Revision of all unique characters. New skills added to them, making them a better version of other general units. Better approach to Beowulf, Luso, Mustadio, Agrias...´
- Byblos rework (is getting a rework soon, so:) It will feel like a pseudo-blue mage. The only unit to have many monster skills. Your GOOD skill-based monster unit.
- Luso re-touch: As it is the main protagonist job, I gave Dark Knights more tools, so they will have the same passives than Dark Paladin (Magus). Be careful vs them!
- Many changes that inherently have sense, mainly around elemental power. Like Earth halved on monsters that fly. Some weapons are buffed with elemental stats too.
- Visual changes that makes the abilities have more sense.
- Meliadoul rework: Occultist. A unit that will use some obscure skills. I also tought to add the sprite from Vincent Valentine to this unit.

And I'm still not sure about this one:
Harder version: Monster & bosses changes, maybe more. (On my second playtime at version 1.0)
I'm working on a revision of a hackmod that I liked but I feel it lacked some changes. The author gave me permission to do it and I feel it's even a better experience overall.

I've tried to rebalance the original patch, remake a lot of units, make a lot of new skills & give it a fair scaling difficulty. This re-patch is a Vanilla+ hackmod, so don't expect a full visual rework of everything even if I reworked many things.

I've been working on this since November 2020 and I will do a post on "Completed mods" it on version 1.0, when I will do an official release with ALL text changes. (or ask a mod to change the article's board)
Check it out all beta changes (optional)

Once I finish my patch and the 1.0 version is uploaded, I won't make more in-game text changes. I will still be able to patch things like increase/decrease stats, change skill trees or remove skills for a hard mode, let shirahadori counter more skills...
- I'd like to change the sprite of my units (at least Squires).
Edit: I've figured out how to do it. I'll make that changes on version 0.99 or 1.0 - I guess.
- I'd like to put in my re-patch this hack code, this other and another useful ones. I'm trying to apply but I think it doesn't work.
Edit: Looking at info of the forum, it seems that is really hard to put ASM hacks on the PSP version. Maybe on the future it's possible.
I took a look to the Excel that comes with the patch, so I got some early ideas to make the rebalance:
-I'd rebalance in general the job system around job types by damage type or utility. I don't think it's a good idea to separate between tiers, some jobs have a bad late game.
-I want a ninja rework. So I'd remove the ability of the ninja of throwing weapons, 'cos to me that's stupid... Id' add some damage skills to ninja job or I'd just change the skills overall (I always disliked playing as a Ninja in the vanilla version because it had weird skills). I liked more the version of the Ninja in FFTAdvance with status ailments (but the Archer have it in this version so that's unnecessary). One idea I had could be to make the job more difficult to get and just let it be a Master Tier rank with better stats & could use many weapons. Idk...
-I feel like Thiefs could use crossbows and maybe bows too, while Ninjas could have a different approach. I remember when I played vanilla ver. I usually just got Ninja to get Dual Wield and that's all. And this is pretty obvious, but thematically Ninjas have the art of using any weapon like Onion Knight does (most of them), while Dual Wield is more of a Samurai thing.
-Looking at Soldier I think that job needs to be better, but I don't know how to do it, maybe just a buff on stats.
-I like Magus but I think it needs some skills (I'd say more M+P skills to Magus maybe? an utility one?)
-I'd like to change some in-game texts even for Jobs, like the name for Chemist that is now Merchant (makes more sense to me).
For patch 0.8+: I'm gonna change some requirement jobs. Maybe I should swap the ones from Samurai to Onion Knight, and maybe to get Samurai once you master Monk and Soldier (like you unlock Magus once you master Wizard and Geomancer but not that hard). Also, I could add some points in Archer to get Samurai because thematically Samurais use bows too.
-Maybe I'll add more requeriment points to Dancer and Bard, testing trying to rush that jobs I'm so OP. Arythmetician feels more balanced than expected with some changes (you need to learn some skills to make this viable, the job doesn't have that much MA multiplier and also you will hit to less enemies most of the time), so I will put less requirements to get that job. Squires now needs protective spells (because I moved their skills to other jobs).
-I'm trying to give Squire a clear parry role. I've tried to add innate reactions like Archer's Bane to Squire instead innate Parry skill but it doesn't work with other reactions like Counter (so I might buff other aspects of the Squires}. The idea is that they parry attacks and maybe evade arrows.- So the best way to kill Squires will be with Magic. But only 1 reaction can work at the same time so I'm gonna buff other weapons.

Discarded ideas:
-Move geomancer to tier 1 and monk to tier 2. (Maybe move lavawalking and waterwalking from Samurai to Geomancer, makes more sense to me). But maybe I need to nerf Geomancer and I don't like that... I like how Geomancer is buffed in this mod.
I think this could be better because if you have a physical and magical unit, you can master Geomancer (that I think it should be an early unit) so you can then get Magus. And also there is the option to go to the physical route, so you will get Monk and then Mime. Another idea I have is to just separate Monk from Geomancer, I think they are 2 different classes and Geomancer looks like an hybrid version. In the vanilla version, I always felt like I play Geomancer too late (while Monk was too OP)... so I think I could update this mod just for fun, also with changes for late game.
- Ninja evasion changes. Ninja and Thief will have Innate Reflexes but won't be able to use the command Defend. Understand that Defend increase chance x2 to evade an attack and their turn will come faster. I've done this to not allow ultra high evasion rates, but they still will be able to counter attacks (I guess).
-Testing to make Geomancer a late game unit that hits in area of 3 (like Summoner and Wizard}; the problem with this unit is that it is so good at the start but scales bad due to the how the formula works (scale with PA and MA, not really with weapon damage), so to let the unit scale better I need to buff damage while making AoE hit hard. Maybe something like Damage formula +3, so much harder to get & AoE +2. Maybe I can still make it a semi-tank unit that is good on midgame, harder to get but with more AoE than now.
- Many testing innate skills, like adding Atttack Up (Boost) to Agrias as innate. (But adding damage usually destroys they early game, so I prefer to buff defense).
- Added innate Doublehand to Lancer (maybe I need to nerf early damage from this Job because of this and buff PA scaling on later stages).
- Make a Yumi (Combat Bow) for Samurai? {Idk how. I've tested it and each weapon is coded like the item type stays the same}. Now only displays into Kiku's description.
- Byblos' Manaburn -> Crystal Resurrection, fully revive an ally even as a crystal {It would be cool that he'd use half of his HP} Since this unit is so simple, it would be good that can be the unique unit that resurrects crystals. [IT DIDN'T WORK]
- [ IDEA ] Agrias God's Blessing reworked: Chant (persev) effect. Hitrate: ?? %. (Effect: Belief (Faith) or Return (Map)?? )
- Anima skills: "Throw several elemental spirits in an area that can hit or miss" RNG 1-10
- Discarded due to a bug of the game (Ninja can't have more than 4 skills): New skills for Ninja: Ice/Wind/Thunder/Water anima.
-Possible skill added to Ninja/Thief; name: Bomb blast. (Effect: #1CB mini explosion) instead ???? skill.

- There is a limit of 4 skills on Ninja's skillset. I think this is due the fact that Ninja is hard coded. If I don't find a fix... I tested until I was tired and I didn't find any solution.
-Ninja's Throw is hard coded so I can't put it on Onion Knight that was my initial idea.
-One of my initial ideas was to put innate Parry to Paladin (old Squire) but it is bugged as you won't able to use one more reaction. This made the balance weird as I wanted to give a passive reaction for each unit but I had to give instead support abilities that were not bugged. Movement reactions are also not bugged.
(Outdated - This only work with .fftpatch files)
To patch you need to use FFTPatcher lastest version, you can get it from here. It's very simple to use. You can also use it to edit patches.
You need to apply the .fftpatcher patch in an existent Emergence ISO to re-patch it (right now it is the best way). So basically you need to re-patch it on an patched Emergence ISO.
If you patch from my beta version(s), keep in mind that all in-game text changes are not done yet (I'll work on a .ppf when all my changes are done in version 1.0).

⚫︎ New names for jobs have been updated to the jobs I tought they need it, to make the game consistent:
- All Job name list: Paladin (reworked, replacing Squire), Merchant (replacing Chemist), Archer, Knight, Monk, Cleric (White M), Wizard (Black M), Summoner, Rebel/Rogue (reworked, replacing Thief/Ninja), Mentalist (replacing Time Mage), Geomancer, Orator, Dragon Knight (Dragoon/Lancer), Samurai, Math Conjurer (Arithmetician), Bard, Dancer, Mime, Dark Paladin (Magus/D. Knight), Chocobo Knight (Onion Knight).
- All Character name & Job list: [IMAGES SOON]
Vincent Valentine: Dark Sniper
Melia (Meliadoul rework): Occultist
Agrias: Master Paladin
Templar >> Mystic Knight
Orlandeau's Sword Saint >> Master Swordman
Luso's Game Hunter >> Astrologer
Mustadio: Sniper
Ramza's Job: Vagrant >> Noble, Heretic, Dark Knight
Marach Job: Earthseer >> Netherseer

  • Modding version: WotL

✪ Emergence 2 for PSP (EN/ES) - Play it now! ✪
A vanilla+ experience for PSP. Actual patch: 1.0+. More fixes in v1.1!
  • Discord username: darkskyx#9825


The game freezes on me after Agrias leaves the church at the beginning scene of the game. I used a CLEAN EUR ISO and patched it with ppfomatic using patch 1.04. Can you help troubleshoot this?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


tried out your patch. got a clean Iso i've ran for years replaying the game. Used ppfomatic as well to patch with v1.04. This is what occurs for me:

1. Paladin/Squire Radd/Ladd, colors on Radd/Ladd in the opening scene change when he kneels to original squire.
2. Vincent (Simon) changes back to Simon to catch the knight in first scene.
3. Agrias runs out to see what has happened from there the game freezes never to continue.

Other info:
other dialogue is missing from this opening scene. (I'm not sure if this is on purpose or a bug but I'll make note of it here.)
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


Quote from: Shadow_Waters on July 27, 2023, 11:28:48 pmtried out your patch. got a clean Iso i've ran for years replaying the game. Used ppfomatic as well to patch with v1.04. This is what occurs for me:

1. Paladin/Squire Radd/Ladd, colors on Radd/Ladd in the opening scene change when he kneels to original squire.
2. Vincent (Simon) changes back to Simon to catch the knight in first scene.
3. Agrias runs out to see what has happened from there the game freezes never to continue.

Other info:
other dialogue is missing from this opening scene. (I'm not sure if this is on purpose or a bug but I'll make note of it here.)
All animations are wrong and I need to fix each one since I changed a lot of units. That's a thing I will try to fix in v1.1+ as well as some other bugs I keep finding.

That freeze also happened to me while fixing the animations but I though I fixed it. It seems like I shared to you the wrong version of my ISO. Basically I had two, one test with changed text and one that was working good but didn't have all balance changes. It was my fault, I tested it before sharing it and it was great but it looks like I did something wrong. Vincent (Simon) animation was fixed in my patch.

I think it was because I had issues with the newest version for FFTPatcher, that destroyed some of my ISOs and that's why I had more bugs lately. I'll try to fix it ASAP.

The issue is that I'm actually on my holidays so I can't do any changes or put here version 1.03 for all of you that have that bug. Give me a little more than a week more and I'll try to fix it in the following weeks.

Sorry for those who can't play a new game as it is. I'll update the zip when I can, I will also share v1.03 again. As I keep constantly changing the ISO this kind of bugs can happen.

As this issue happened, I'll change my patching routine from now on to keep an older version for anyone that may have problems with the new version. As this issue happened the zip file will be changed to v1.03, I guess...

For the time being, to fix this issue you can try to play my patch with another saved game. Try to play vanilla version, save after that first battle and then play my patch. You can also try to install Spanish version for that first battle but I don't recommend it to you. Just play Vanilla.
  • Modding version: WotL

✪ Emergence 2 for PSP (EN/ES) - Play it now! ✪
A vanilla+ experience for PSP. Actual patch: 1.0+. More fixes in v1.1!
  • Discord username: darkskyx#9825


Version 1.04 fixed for the first cinematic, now you can battle. I think v1.03 was also wrong so I won't upload it.
Even now I still recommend to play the first fight in vanilla, as it will fix the japanese name bug from the upcoming units.

Quote from: lhsgenx42 on July 23, 2023, 07:21:24 amThe game freezes on me after Agrias leaves the church at the beginning scene of the game. I used a CLEAN EUR ISO and patched it with ppfomatic using patch 1.04. Can you help troubleshoot this?

I revised and fixed it with the old vanilla file event. The issue was what I explained in my last message. I can explain the issue: I tried to put Vincent name there for the event but since the actual intern text doesn't have Vincent name anywhere... That's how the freeze happened.
I need to fix the intern text in v.1.1 and then I think I can make the event work with new text for Vincent; so that's what I think I am going to do soon once I finish all the hotfixes after this summer. So the text changes for events will come after v1.1, sadly.

News about updates: I'll also try to fix all animations too but for the moment I fixed Vincent's first animation, but I'll move it for v1.05 as I don't want more issues. I think I am moving to patch v1.1 after v1.05. I'll see if everything feels right for the early game after some playthrough. I am going to play a little this August and maybe I will do changes to the last boss fight, so all the changes for that patch will be those. With the upcoming version 1.1 I hope to finish the project in a good way. Animations and text changes for events will come. And after that, I can make some minor changes for balance (like monsters stats). I am not sure if I will make a harder mode.
  • Modding version: WotL

✪ Emergence 2 for PSP (EN/ES) - Play it now! ✪
A vanilla+ experience for PSP. Actual patch: 1.0+. More fixes in v1.1!
  • Discord username: darkskyx#9825


Can you over level and still enjoy ? And what about the degenator method is that patched?
  • Modding version: WotL


Quote from: Remigod on August 08, 2023, 01:37:22 amCan you over level and still enjoy ? And what about the degenator method is that patched?

I'm not sure what you are talking about, but this is a PSP hackmod and therefore is very hard to modify or add code into it.
Including new code in the game is called ASM. Here's a good topic about it: https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=11535.0
I'm not sure what are you calling "degenerator" but here's a topic I found about it: https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=774.0

This is a big project by 1 person with the limitations of PSP hackmoding. It is not possible to add new functionalities.
  • Modding version: WotL

✪ Emergence 2 for PSP (EN/ES) - Play it now! ✪
A vanilla+ experience for PSP. Actual patch: 1.0+. More fixes in v1.1!
  • Discord username: darkskyx#9825


Quote from: darkskyx on August 09, 2023, 12:57:11 amI'm not sure what you are talking about, but this is a PSP hackmod and therefore is very hard to modify or add code into it.
Including new code in the game is called ASM. Here's a good topic about it: https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=11535.0
I'm not sure what are you calling "degenerator" but here's a topic I found about it: https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=774.0

This is a big project by 1 person with the limitations of PSP hackmoding. It is not possible to add new functionalities.


Source: Google
  • Modding version: WotL


Quote from: Remigod on August 09, 2023, 03:43:35 pmhttps://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/937312-final-fantasy-tactics-the-war-of-the-lions/41259729

Source: Google

If your question is about the late game, I didn't reach that point yet so it is not balanced.
Mindflayer doesn't have the skill to lvl down a unit because I wanted to create more skills.
I didn't know about Degenerator trap, but it works as vanilla if that's your question.
I didn't balance the late game and some monsters are pretty easy to beat. I still need to replay the early game and the final boss. Then we can talk about how to balance certain things, because I need to revise the stats of everything again.

This is the only patch I'd use if I wanted to modify a little the functionality of PSP version: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/916/
I tried to use Valhalla and I have no idea how to do it and the lack of information about it makes it worse.

If you have any change that you'd want to see, feel free to tell me a change. Example: "These monsters are pretty easy", "This growth is pretty bad or too OP"... To be honest I don't care at all about late game like some people do but I will try to test it anyway in the future with a saved file from another user.
  • Modding version: WotL

✪ Emergence 2 for PSP (EN/ES) - Play it now! ✪
A vanilla+ experience for PSP. Actual patch: 1.0+. More fixes in v1.1!
  • Discord username: darkskyx#9825


Quote from: darkskyx on August 09, 2023, 07:55:18 pmIf your question is about the late game, I didn't reach that point yet so it is not balanced.
Mindflayer doesn't have the skill to lvl down a unit because I wanted to create more skills.
I didn't know about Degenerator trap, but it works as vanilla if that's your question.

Ok what I'm sayin is that in the desert the trap doesn't work for sum reason I stepped all over the desert and didn't "delevel"

Edit: I will b giving this patch a try later today.
  • Modding version: WotL


News: Red XII replacing Byblos has been cancelled. I think I'll add another unit as a monster instead even if I like Red XIII. It'll make more sense in the gameplay aspect.

Quote from: Remigod on August 10, 2023, 02:23:02 pmOk what I'm sayin is that in the desert the trap doesn't work for sum reason I stepped all over the desert and didn't "delevel"

Edit: I will b giving this patch a try later today.
I'll try to give it a view. I read something about it in forums and people said it may fail. Try it with Teleport at max range. If it still fails I can put again the skill to lvl down a unit, but I don't want that skill to be used in battles by monsters so I think it I can add it to Squids again as a skill for Beastmasters.

Edit: Done. You'll have it in v1.05 as a beastmaster ability for all Squids.

I might also add it into a new monster I want to create to be recruitable, but I think it'll come in the dark dungeon in v1.1.
  • Modding version: WotL

✪ Emergence 2 for PSP (EN/ES) - Play it now! ✪
A vanilla+ experience for PSP. Actual patch: 1.0+. More fixes in v1.1!
  • Discord username: darkskyx#9825


November 01, 2023, 12:59:42 am #13 Last Edit: November 01, 2023, 01:16:49 am by JioCrestfall
Hey I really want to try out this mod but I only get black screen when I boot it up in ppsspp (latest version as of posting this)

(edit: nvm i saw the files, sorry mb)
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


Quote from: JioCrestfall on November 01, 2023, 12:59:42 amHey I really want to try out this mod but I only get black screen when I boot it up in ppsspp (latest version as of posting this)

(edit: nvm i saw the files, sorry mb)
No problem, idk what would have been the issue. Maybe the bugfix version solved it for you?

By the way, I've been out of this project lately but my intention is to finish it. I've been playing other games and I've been busy with other projects.
Version 1.05 was almost finished but I wanted to work a little more into it. If I have some free time I'll finish it.

And the issue with wrong names when you start a game will be fixed in v1.1. To fix it, start a vanilla game, do 1 or 2 fights and then apply my hackmod.
  • Modding version: WotL

✪ Emergence 2 for PSP (EN/ES) - Play it now! ✪
A vanilla+ experience for PSP. Actual patch: 1.0+. More fixes in v1.1!
  • Discord username: darkskyx#9825


Updated version v1.05. The .zip file will be updated in v1.1.
I'm gonna start working on version 1.1, let me know if you found any bugs.

Since I made changes to Reis mainly, let's hope everything is okay. The final new unit is also there, but it doesn't have any skills yet and you can get it temporarily in the last deep dungeon battle. Don't play that battle if you have reached it until v1.1 to fully get it. I also tought about making this unit a permanent Guest, because Guests make your total unit size go to +1.
One of my ideas was to remove one of the Dragons, but I couldn't. So instead I had to remove Reis (Dragon) and move it to Dark Dragon. This new unit will have another name instead Holy/Dark Dragon.
The change for Reis Dragon should have been only in the visual side, but if you have issues just play one of the older versions... because I didn't test it yet.
Another idea is that this new unit could help you in the deep dungeon, but it is a lot of work so I need to do it for later. Let's hope I can make it for v1.1 if I can.

v1.05 is the preparation patch for v1.1 so I can even upload another mini-patch like 1.06, but I prefer to just create the official release version. Let's hope everything is okay. I'll try to play the game a lot to see if there are any issues once I make the patch, with an official playthrough. I'll try to make sure everything works as intended for v1.1, so this means more time for testing.

Edit: Sorry for no updates but I was busy and I'll probably work on this project to finish it during this summer as I will have more time. I hope everything turns out great.
Probably I will start making videos about the official playthrough for the pre-release version of 1.0 - to test the difficulty of all my changes and see if something is wrong. I wanted to do it for the true v1.1 release version but probably I need to make sure that everything is alright before any other final change. If I do this, probably there is going to be a small v1.06 small patch for balancing.
  • Modding version: WotL

✪ Emergence 2 for PSP (EN/ES) - Play it now! ✪
A vanilla+ experience for PSP. Actual patch: 1.0+. More fixes in v1.1!
  • Discord username: darkskyx#9825


I present you the first part of the playthrough of this hackmod. I'll work on it and you will even see all the changes I'm gonna make while playing. I'll start with version 1.06 (WIP), but I'm not sure if it will be uploaded on that version until the end of the game... Probably not. Here you have it. I'll also include it in the main post. This project is still on very low priority for me so keep in mind it.
  • Modding version: WotL

✪ Emergence 2 for PSP (EN/ES) - Play it now! ✪
A vanilla+ experience for PSP. Actual patch: 1.0+. More fixes in v1.1!
  • Discord username: darkskyx#9825


Just starting a playthrough testing with a hacked save, and the HD textures. The only issue I'm having is some of my characters Paladin's Basic Skill is showing up as Chocobo Arts in title only. Not sure if it's because of something on my end or not, but I will post more as I progress, everything running smoothly for me so far! Keep up the good work!

T_Gun_gaming on twitch if anyone wants to check it out, drop a follow, just starting up.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown