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FFT:ASM'd -- Demo Download

Started by philsov, April 11, 2010, 05:16:54 pm

The Damned

Quote from: "philsov"Confusion lasts 30 ticks, and in terms of actions against you a confused target is much better to be dealing with than a charmed one.

As formerdeathcrops had said, I was under the impression that Confusion couldn't be turned finite.

If you mentioned to turn that finite, then there are quite a few other ones that could stand a finite duration as well. (I'm looking at you, Berserk and Reraise.)

QuoteIts successrate is 90% + Sp, so, yeah, its near 100% unless you've got bad/worst compat swinging your way.  The irony of the spell, imo, is that in 1.3 Wizards got a 100% poison and it didn't see much use.  Slap the same thing on archer and suddenly its a worthwhile ability.

Probably because unlike Wizards, Archers (still) have no AoE damage abilities and thus damage over time versus damage now doesn't become redundant.

...Of course, I'm sure you were saying that rhetorically, so....

QuoteNo >_>.  They're supposed to have 7 speed at level 7 or so :)

Otherwise, the exact information is:

Spear to Spear + Stick:
0x4CB1F 94
0x4CB2B A4
0x4CB25 80

Enables the secondary (next) table and then you add in 80 for sticks

Much obliged. I was beginning to think that I would have to figure out on my own even since it wasn't Razele's thread. I haven't started trying to any of the things outside of FFTPatcher sans screwing around with FFTacText two weeks ago, so I will now whisk this off to one of many branched files.

After I get done playing FFXII in half an hour, I'll see how much I can get through before I go to bed tonight.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Random thought, Philsov.

You can probably do away with many of the custom skillsets used in Easytype for Chapters 1 and 2 because of how ASM'd is set up.  If you set all the 0 JP abilities as 100% to learn (Fire, Bolt, Ice, Cure, Protect, Shell, Etc) and make the enemy Job Level 1, they shouldn't be able to buy any Tier 2 Spells and can just be force-given Move-MP UP if you want them to have it.  This means those blank skillsets can be done away with in many instances, since manipulating Job Level can be used to the same effect in many cases.  You could make the Archer on the rooftop at Dorter only have Archer Level 1 as well if you think you may need to prevent them being able to access Poison Volley, since IIRC you need 200 JP to get Poison Volley.

This makes me curious, though - how will you handle giving the AI JP with the new Job Wheel in place?  Custom (not blank!) secondaries they auto-learn, or jacking them all up to really high end Jobs like Bard/Mime for the across-the-board JP and hope the lowered JP costs do the rest?  With everything seeming to need a lot of Job Level 3s only, making sure the AI has enough skills in their primary/secondary set seems like it might be an issue. At least their R/S/Ms can be set via the ENTD, IIRC, so things aren't as bad as they could be.

The Damned

So...I only made it to the end of Sand Rat last night (after getting into a Sweegy battle that normally would be stupidly easy in 1.3; Archers with their Yell double-turns and range are really starting to annoy me--guess I'll have to make sure I get Arrow Guard) since I already battle pretty slowly and the lack of movement just makes things go even slower.

Sand Rat Cellar...I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to win at all if the Monks were still here, so I'm thankful for that at least. (Speaking of which, the Monk turned Archer glitches a bit when his turn comes up, but otherwise seems to act fine [and Yelled at everything, asshole].)

That said, I'm beginning to think that you should push back Move-HP UP and Move-MP Up abilities to one of the Tier 2 classes considering that it's pretty damned hard to damage two Knights with 100+ (134 to be specific) HP that get back 13 every time they move when you can may only hit them for 20 (or less, like I was) with magic (and aren't guaranteed to hit them with anything, especially since Algus is still a kamikazing idiot).

Other that than, there's not much to say currently since I know you're not finished with items (and I also know that we can't yet change what the shops carry or, rather, what shops carry what). It'd just be nice to have the weapon range option that your enemies have in these two fights (well, technically three with Sweegy Bombs and their Flame Attack), especially since they out range you.

I probably won't be able to do anything for the rest of the week since I'm almost finally finished with the classes in my hack (at least when it comes to having a starting point for them) and I've some other stuff to do that I should have done by now (like always).

P.S. Almost forgot. I'm beginning to think that you should move Random Battle Guests behind you or equidistant to your enemies since so far the two Guests I've had have managed to charge straight forward and get ruthlessly slaughtered without fail (especially since they tend to be monsters, who have no [magic] evade compared to humans).
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Quote from: "The Damned"That said, I'm beginning to think that you should push back Move-HP UP and Move-MP Up abilities to one of the Tier 2 classes considering that it's pretty damned hard to damage two Knights with 100+ (134 to be specific) HP that get back 13 every time they move when you can may only hit them for 20 (or less, like I was) with magic (and aren't guaranteed to hit them with anything, especially since Algus is still a kamikazing idiot).

I'm kind of thinking they shouldn't get those abilities so early as well.  Getting the higher tier magics to outdo their heal is a noticeably harder, and the fact the player can get them early if they want them is for the most part balanced by the fact the player always starts out in the disadvantaged position.

I really didn't have an issue at Sand Rat Cellar myself, but I brought a lot of ranged AoE and they all got stuck on the top door like idiots.  Heh.

The Damned

April 14, 2010, 07:53:08 pm #24 Last Edit: April 14, 2010, 08:02:36 pm by The Damned
I brought AoE on like three people, but due to my horrible luck, I of course got people with low-ish Faith AND probably Bad Compat. (Not counting Poison Volley on my Archer and Algus, but all that Poison pretty much got Salved off by the three Archers, so....)

The only reason I even won was because I just had my bare-fist Archer whore Accumulate so mean times that he ended up hitting for 104 damage, which was necessary to kill the Knights.

I forgot to mention that I find myself leveling even more than I want to than I have in 1.3. What level are your characters at, Raven? I think my average around 6 not counting Delita and Algus (since they always die).
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Quote from: "The Damned"I forgot to mention that I find myself leveling even more than I want to than I have in 1.3. What level are your characters at, Raven? I think my average around 6 now counting Delita and Algus (since they always die).

7.20 almost exactly on my 4 mains, 5.50ish on my one extra whore I used to spam Accumulate for Chemist JP while I hunted Blue Magic.  Only slightly ahead of where I am in 1.3 usually because I did some stupid shit with Ramza in one fight and got him a level and a half ahead of everyone else (easily preventable, but I didn't feel like resetting), so I had everyone else Blue Magic hunt their way back onto his level.  I've beaten Thieve's Fort though, so I'm a bit ahead of you in that respect.  :p

As for my Guests, Delita's only like 5.8 or something because I had him grind Chemist JP / exp during Sand Rat Cellar against the enemy Chemist while I murdered everything else.  It was fun to watch him and the other Chemist essentially have a slapping duel with each other while I spread large amounts of Poison and Fire everywhere, since I was usually nailing 4 people in my AoE and Algus actually lived in my run.   (He was my highest level character until he left, honestly.)

Then again, I'm also not really trying to keep my levels at all low like I do in 1.3.  I haven't found it to be a necessary measure yet, so I just try to keep everyone around equal and go with it.


hey philsov, thanks a ton for releasing a demo, been waiting along long time, and hoping for many updates! =)

if you need any help i'd be glad too


QuoteThis makes me curious, though - how will you handle giving the AI JP with the new Job Wheel in place? Custom (not blank!) secondaries they auto-learn, or jacking them all up to really high end Jobs like Bard/Mime for the across-the-board JP and hope the lowered JP costs do the rest? With everything seeming to need a lot of Job Level 3s only, making sure the AI has enough skills in their primary/secondary set seems like it might be an issue. At least their R/S/Ms can be set via the ENTD, IIRC, so things aren't as bad as they could be.

A little of both, really.  I can jack up their primary class to be any job level which can cover their primary skillset (or secondary, if desired -- not both) and then rely on prereq JP to cover the other or a custom skillset.  

QuoteThat said, I'm beginning to think that you should push back Move-HP UP and Move-MP Up abilities to one of the Tier 2 classes considering that it's pretty damned hard to damage two Knights with 100+ (134 to be specific) HP that get back 13 every time they move when you can may only hit them for 20 (or less, like I was) with magic (and aren't guaranteed to hit them with anything, especially since Algus is still a kamikazing idiot).

Heh, I was planning this myself after seeing it in action.  My initial desire was to give the player some first-tier movement abilities, but pushing them back to t2 gives them the choice between M-MP-U, M-HP-U, and M +1.  I was concerned about move +1 overshadowing them, and by offering them earlier the player would realize how good move hp up is (e.g.) when the enemy can't gang up (as well as before) and everyone has slight evasion by default.  

Quotehey philsov, thanks a ton for releasing a demo, been waiting along long time, and hoping for many updates! =)


This'll be it for the time.  The next big "release" will be a beta-ish thing for a handful of people, then once that's been hammered through the first main patch will be released, featuring a full playthrough with everything except the Deep Dungeon.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Quote from: "philsov"A little of both, really.  I can jack up their primary class to be any job level which can cover their primary skillset (or secondary, if desired -- not both) and then rely on prereq JP to cover the other or a custom skillset.

That's what I figured, I was just being sure.

At least the fact you can easily remove those custom Black/White Magic skillsets from Chapter 1 with a very minor bit of fiddling gives you a few extra slots to make those custom skillsets with.



How was the windmill fight, btw?  I'm a bit concerned about the boco + weigraf combo.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Quote from: "philsov"^_^

How was the windmill fight, btw?  I'm a bit concerned about the boco + weigraf combo.

Well, for Lenalia Plateau and Windmill Shed, I was sporting Geomancer/Guts Ramza, Mediator/White Magic male, Oracle/Blue Magic female, Thief/Item female, and Priest/Black Magic as my fifth for Lenalia Plateau.  Delita was an Archer/Guts for the first fight, and Archer/Item for the second.  To get an idea of how long it took me to get everyone to those jobs, I've only done two random battles all game, and in both randoms 4/5 characters were Blue Mages.  TL;DR: I've done no grinding besides to get Blue Magic and shoved people in jobs I thought were cool. Good news is everyone knows Damage Split.  ^_^

Now that the technical shit is out of the way...

There was nothing really bad about Lenalia Plateau.  I had my Thief steal the Helmets off Miluda and the Knight and just kinda... killed everything.  Miluda was kinda tanky but she had a hard time sandbagging since my Oracle was Zombie'ing and Flame Attack'ing everything.  This fight probably would've been a bit harder if I had brought something besides my Thief and 1-Geomancy Ramza, but as it stands Elemental and Blue Magic tore the place up after I took both those Barbutas (I believe that's what they were wearing, anyway).  Nothing overly hard here, and even with lower end jobs I don't think this fight would be too terrible, unlike the version in 1.3 that sends people into tears every time Regenerator goes off.  Spreading Protect and Shell on the first turn has proven to be a great tactic, so far, and actually worth the CT to do.

Windmill Shed made me reset once, I think.  Notes include:

1. Wiegraf has no secondary.  Intentional?
2. The Monk that starts near Boco seems non-threatening, unlike the rest of the team.
4. HOW THE FUCK DOES (7*(7+0)) = 77 WITH BAD COMPAT?  Even with Attack UP innate, that makes no sense unless I'm overlooking something.

The shitty part here is that the RNG loves Wiegraf, as he blocks 2(3?) 80% kill blow Thunder Breaths in a row, and nails 3/4 Stops with Stasis Sword along with 1/2 Deads with Crush Punch on my winning run.  ...No, I don't know how I won either.

Boco wasn't threatening besides Choco Cure for me, but knowing it was Defeat All Enemies and being the smart person that I am, I made sure to kill him early.  But he got to Choco Cure once... HOLY SHIT 110 CHOCO CURE.  (I went to the random after beating this fight and go the pleasure[?] of seeing wild Chocobos reproduce those numbers... though farming for the Blue Magic turned out pointless because Algus is A GIANT FLAMMING FAGGOT WHO FAGGOTS THINGS, THAT FAGGOT.)  Yeah, I killed that chicken dead.  My Thief stole the other one's helmet and proceeded to bop her with a Dagger for a few turns until Delita meandered on up there and killed her with his Bow.  The Monk died in here somewhere, like I said, she was a useless bitch.  I think my Oracle might've rolled her or something with Blue Magic because Blue Magic is fucking beastly.  Wiegraf just kept swinging his sword for 60-77 damage on random people while I bopped him to death with Ramza's Axe and continuous uses of Thunder Breath.  Got him after a few turns, despite his desperate attempts to Stop/kill everything long after all his allies were dead.  Again, I didn't think this fight was too bad (and rather fun up until the end), but I'm also used to 1.3 so... >.>;

So, I innocently go and farm Choco Cure in Lenalia Plateau, and the only negative thing I have to say about it is that the fact its an AoE effect that plays the animation more than once causes it to lag when set to the Math Skill set, but it doesn't take that long so it's not a big deal.

I walk into Fort Zeakden playing I Know A Song That Gets On People's Nerves, ready to take this bastard down, and... [Spoilers for those who don't want it spoiled]

"Cockblock", ????, Level 99, GALAXY STOP!?   :cry:

Assmuncher!  So, I go, learn Magic Defense UP, make everyone Knights/Item/Damage Split/Magic DefendUP/Move-HP UP and get back in there, because there's no way I'm losing to that stupid fucker.  ...Then I realize I have no protection against Galaxy Stop still.  FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~

I didn't feel like grinding so I just dragged Firefox over to the stream, made my previous post, and proclaimed victoly as mine.  ^_^

Also, I'm sure you know, but most of the equipment descriptions are inaccurate.  Get to work, bish.  :p

The Damned

Haha. Well, that certainly solves of the question of how to create a stopping point for one's patch.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Quote1. Wiegraf has no secondary. Intentional?

yup.  His primary is a loaded skillset.

Quote2. The Monk that starts near Boco seems non-threatening, unlike the rest of the team.

Indeed.  I'll bring out something range-y for that position.



Though really I figured out the root of all this... monsters can start with a higher initial MA that humans so while their MA might be balanced for the later levels that massive chunk + high multiplier means very, very nasty fiends.  This'll be fixed.

Quote4. HOW THE FUCK DOES (7*(7+0)) = 77 WITH BAD COMPAT? Even with Attack UP innate, that makes no sense unless I'm overlooking something.

Makes sense with good compat...  otherwise I dunno O.o

QuoteThe shitty part here is that the RNG loves Wiegraf, as he blocks 2(3?) 80% kill blow Thunder Breaths in a row, and nails 3/4 Stops with Stasis Sword along with 1/2 Deads with Crush Punch on my winning run. ...No, I don't know how I won either.


Turns out I fubar's weigraf's statis sword too.  While consolidating status effect slots I gave statis sword 100% Stop instead of the desired 25% stop, so.... :)
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Quote from: "philsov"WARK!

Though really I figured out the root of all this... monsters can start with a higher initial MA that humans so while their MA might be balanced for the later levels that massive chunk + high multiplier means very, very nasty fiends.  This'll be fixed.

I actually thought it was fine as far as Choco Cure was concerned, heh.  I never did fight any Skeletons though, but they already clocked in as doing around 100 damage in 1.3 so ohdear if you modded their MA more...

Quote from: "philsov"Makes sense with good compat...  otherwise I dunno O.o

I think it was bad compat unless I was delirious and reading it wrong.  I'll look again sometime.

Quote from: "philsov"^_^

Turns out I fubar's weigraf's statis sword too.  While consolidating status effect slots I gave statis sword 100% Stop instead of the desired 25% stop, so.... :)

At least you know the fight isn't too hard now then! :p


Yet again I meet a wall of work and study where I can't get to play much or really can't find myself in the mood to do so with the few hours I have free U_U

From what I've played, I have to say that I DO find that movement reduction actually made fights more interesting. I told you that I'd wait until I played to discuss the matter further, and I agree with you now Phil XP

I check the boards from time to time and it seems Raven and Damned covered most if not all of the few issues I found so far, from how the new archers' skillset fares to some sprite break glitches (having over 9 IIRC?). I noticed my little Seph in the first fight :)


Just started this today and noticed a few minor bugs I haven't seen posted yet.

If a unit is poisoned and you hit select on the status effect part of the status screen (right after you open status screen then press circle) it says poison is curable by antidote, and since antidotes don't exist...

Also a few AI questions there may be some slight issue but idk what you altered as far as AI goes.  Opening battle at monastery, Ramza knocks leader knight to 1 HP then moves away a bit.   Alicia (or Lavan?) is one step away and knights right side and front are open and accessible to have her attack and deal the death blow to him.  Instead she walks away and uses a high ether on Gaff.  I thought killing enemies was priority 1 for the AI?  

Similar situation battle in Gariland.  Ramza took a crit and some poison damage, was in critical state, I removed poison, and waited.  Female squire on roof has throw stone, and instead of throwing stone at Ramza, attacks my Knight.

Another thing, Mandalia plains.  Random squire named Junk.  Awesome.  Waiting for a bastard poetry now ;-p.  My archer uses camouflage, and even though she is at full HP, last remaining squire passes up a charging Ramza and pursues her to throw a rock at her.  (Love the quote BTW).   It connects for small damage, transparent is off.  Recast it, and same thing.  Do the enemies now prioritize attacking transparent units?  If so that makes a lot of things very easy to break.
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.


Noticed a few more minor issues.  

In Dorter Story Battle, there is no abilites listed for the Black Mages Primary on one, and no primary or secondary ability listed for the other.  Support and Move are there though.

Was fighting in the woods and an Ahriman landed in a puddle even though they cannot enter water?  The little one square water area on the right side of the map as your characters face for the story battle.  Was this a change from 1.3 because I never remember it happening in there either.
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.


QuoteIf a unit is poisoned and you hit select on the status effect part of the status screen (right after you open status screen then press circle) it says poison is curable by antidote, and since antidotes don't exist...

Ha.  Forgot about that bit of status!  Thanks for the reminder, I'll update that whole text block.

QuoteAlso a few AI questions there may be some slight issue but idk what you altered as far as AI goes. Opening battle at monastery, Ramza knocks leader knight to 1 HP then moves away a bit. Alicia (or Lavan?) is one step away and knights right side and front are open and accessible to have her attack and deal the death blow to him. Instead she walks away and uses a high ether on Gaff. I thought killing enemies was priority 1 for the AI?

Similar situation battle in Gariland. Ramza took a crit and some poison damage, was in critical state, I removed poison, and waited. Female squire on roof has throw stone, and instead of throwing stone at Ramza, attacks my Knight.

While the AI does use a priority list, there is still a hint of randomness in each action.  In one way this is good that it's not completely predictable, but in other situations when there's objectively something worthwhile and they opt out of it.  Evasion is another matter, too -- going for a 100% strike to knock an opponent in critical over a 70% deathblow is questionably better.  

QuoteRandom squire named Junk. Awesome.

Junk's... always been in game >_>.

QuoteDo the enemies now prioritize attacking transparent units? If so that makes a lot of things very easy to break.

It would appear so.  Transparent is viewed as a positive status, so doing an action that'll cancel positive status AND inflict damage is superior to one that does not.  There might have been other issues present (neutral compat to both units?  best compat vs charging neutral is the same output), but camo might have to be scrapped if this is highly reproducable and quite exploitable.  Sadface

QuoteIn Dorter Story Battle, there is no abilites listed for the Black Mages Primary on one, and no primary or secondary ability listed for the other. Support and Move are there though.

Probably a text error... they should have custom skillsets with (previously) blank names.  Hm.

QuoteWas fighting in the woods and an Ahriman landed in a puddle even though they cannot enter water? The little one square water area on the right side of the map as your characters face for the story battle. Was this a change from 1.3 because I never remember it happening in there either.

Some monsters lost cannot enter water in order to make room for the Caution secondary reaction ability.

Great feedback, thanks :D
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.