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Messages - Yuri Otani

I'm experiencing a problem with the .jar files provided in Lennart's thread at http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=9486.0

when I try to open the .jar file in java I get a message stating "data/ability.txt (the system cannot find the path specified)"

the data folder is there, and the .txt files are in it. I've taken care to make sure the text files aren't set to read only, and that they're unblocked in my system as far as security scrutiny goes. tried everything I can think of.

does anyone know if this is a problem in windows 10, or if there's a version of java that may be the problem. or if an old version of the editor exists that might work? any and all help would be very very appreciated.
is there a patch or anything to allow a player to access those? I saw a thread posted about it with a negative response, but that was more than three years ago, perhaps some progress has been made?
PSX FFT Hacking /
April 03, 2009, 12:03:00 pm
hm, I finally found the time and effort to look up the basics of hex editing  to try out that hack I was directed to for secret hunt innate all. but it wasn't what I was asking about. I don't want my squires and chemists and whatever to be able to poach with normal attacks without having the skill equipped. I want someone like agrais to be able to poach when using an attack like stasis sword or holy explosion. is this doable? or just not worth the effort?
PSX FFT Hacking /
March 26, 2009, 06:10:00 pm
Quote from: "Razele"
Quotewas any progress made on that all attacks can poach an enemy ASM hack, before it was dropped for another edit? that's something I was looking for on my own and I was happy to see it in here when someone directed me to ASM hacks.
Go to http://ffhacktics.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1785
Ctrl+F "Secret Hunt innate all"

thanks for the clarification, I mistook "innate all" to mean innate ability to all classes, not innate to all attacks. sorry to bother you and thanks for the hacks.
The Lounge /
March 24, 2009, 10:56:07 am
that's pretty cool.

that no exit play sounds somewhat like the waiting room, which I saw at the fringe festival a few years back. yours sounds much darker and like it has a much better theme. waiting room was about 5 people who had just died waking up in a room and not knowing why they're there. but instead of it being hell it was purgatory and the one who had killed the other four and himself had to repent before any of them could leave. in the end it turned out to be a religious propaganda play, but at least it was presented well.

I've never performed in musical theatre because I can't sing, but I've teched musical theatre. my school did mostly musicals while I was there. with 2 plays a year they did 4 musicals and 2 normal main stage while I was in highschool. (in this silly corner of canadia highschool is only grade 10, 11, 12. grade 9 is part of Jr High)

I was also on a long break from theatre untill this production, I'd spent 4 years out of it. rocky horror seemed like a good show to dive back in on. I feel a little out of place though, everyone else involved in the tech side has years of post secondary education in tech theatre, and I've got a few amateur shows under my belt and nothing else. steep learning curve to keep up with the schedule. cast on the finished set for the first time at QtoQ yesterday, one dress rehearsal tonight and then it's opening tomorrow. such a nightmare.

Les Miserables is an amazing play, how did it go when you did it for school? it's a really ambitious piece for a school to put on. which part where you?
I've poked through threads here looking at things, and asked a couple questions, which people directed me to ASM hacks as the only solution to what I was asking for. I was wondering if you knew of an ASM hack (or if it would be too hard to make one) that makes secret hunt activate on any attack instead of just regular weapon strikes?

or if there was/could be one to make malboro spore effect more than one target.
PSX FFT Hacking /
March 24, 2009, 10:37:29 am
sorry to butt in with a question from way long ago, but back on page 28 there was brief speculation on editing secret hunt so that any monster killed would make an item at the fur shop. later this was changed to combine secret hunt with equip bow (if I remember correctly)

was any progress made on that all attacks can poach an enemy ASM hack, before it was dropped for another edit? that's something I was looking for on my own and I was happy to see it in here when someone directed me to ASM hacks.
PSX FFT Hacking /
March 23, 2009, 10:18:49 am
thanks for the info, I already knew all those details though. my malboro spore works just fine in conditions where it's supposed to, I want to change the conditions it's supposed to work in. I know the formula for malboro spore says generics only and 1 target only, so I was hoping there was a way to edit the formula, since I think that's the only way to solve those two problems.

as for crystal status area of effect I've tried it as modified throw stone, but when I started getting enemies crystalizing me I modified omnislash instead. I've tried with default graphic effect for both abilities and a few other ones, usually crush punch or stasis sword visual effect is my favorite for that ability. works fine when single target, crashes when multi target. and it's not the AoE in and of itself, cuz when I used it with area 2 but only had one enemy in the attack area it still worked, just when it's hitting more than one enemy at once I experienced crashes. mind you I haven't tested this since I've been working with a PSX ISO so this may be a War of the Lions problem only, I'll check that out later today.
PSX FFT Hacking /
March 23, 2009, 12:12:16 am
epsxe is a good emulator for PC (at least it was a year ago when I last used one), but I just use a program to convert my altered ISO to a PSP file and play it on a hacked PSP. a little more work, but I like it better.
PSX FFT Hacking /
March 22, 2009, 11:47:07 pm
yeah I know that one, I've fooled around with that ability a lot. incidently some similar monsters will also get filled in if they're on screen and a malboro isn't. I've had a target turn into a dragon cuz one was on screen (graphics only, it still was a malboro in all other ways) you can use it on one of your units and then finish the battle fast to avoid glitching and it'll be a proper malboro in your team formation for later battles.

I just like to turn opponents into malboros and then poach them, just cuz it ammuses me. I'm trying to find a way to accellerate the process. you can even poach cellia and lete that way, once you beat their assassin form they become an ultima demon which you can malboro spore. you can then either poach or invite them onto your team. such things make me laugh.
Spriting /
March 22, 2009, 11:27:26 pm
yeah my alguses looks kind of clowny I supose. color combinations clash a little and the last one is too vibrant. I'll go back over him and fix him up. and I'll keep the skintone and hair color correlation in mind, maybe give him some different hair and skin while I fix his clownishness.

EDIT: here's the updated algus colors. new hair on most of them. and they feel a little better (except maybe the second from the bottom. I'm just getting tired of looking at alguses mug XD)
The Lounge / theatre?
March 22, 2009, 10:54:10 pm
any other theatre geeks here? actors, technitions, directors, writers. whatever you do in theatre I'm interested to hear about it.

lately I'm doing light board operation for a local production of rocky horror show, and I've done sound design and operation for cyrano de bergerac in town here. I've also had one play I wrote produced at a local theatre, and done a fair amount of acting as well.

really the only thing I can't get into is directing and stage managing. too much to think about all at once in those jobs. I much prefer being given a deadline to setting one.
The Lounge /
March 22, 2009, 10:47:14 pm
Tv-Maffia had them before they shut down, which was only usefull if you had a rapid share payed account.

if you have bit torrent you could try www.isohunt.com I got all 7 seasons of startrek voyager there about a month ago.
The Lounge /
March 22, 2009, 10:44:29 pm
tifa's triple kicks are newbtastic. otherwise it's a wonderful game.

I play vincent and yuffie fairly well. but I hate when people play tifa.

not too big a fan of the dungeon diver. found it too hard personally.
I've been poking around in FFTpatcher looking at various things and there are a few things that I would like to be able to do that I can't. I'll describe the effect I'm looking for, the method I tried and the result I got. if anyone can give me some pointers I'd be most gracious.

I want to have an ability that can inflict crystal status on multiple targets at once. in FFTpatcher I made an ability that inflicts crystal status that works fine, but whenever I make it area of effect it crashes when I use it.

I also would like to have a malboro spore/mold ball virus spell that effects multiple targets. I used FFTpatcher for this, but even in the formula it says that it only effects one target and when I made it AoE just to try anyway it only effected the target nearest the caster.

I would also like a malboro spore / mold ball virus that effects unique units. this I have no idea how to go about doing, so I haven't tried anything yet.

I would also like to have an ability that effects multiple targets and activates the poach/secret hunt support skill. I've tried all kinds of combinations of the various ability flags in FFTpatcher, and tried modifying weapons too, but I can't find a combination that works.

and finally a way to modify the malboro spore ability so that it transforms the target into something else instead of a malboro, for example a zodiac monster, or a generic human, or even a unique human. this is another one that is too deep in th code for me to know how to do so I haven't tried anything yet.

I know these are silly and over powered abilitys that take the fun out of the game if a person is doing a serious play through, but I want them just for the sake of screwing around and because if I learn how to do that it will open the door to learning how to do other edits later.
Spriting /
March 22, 2009, 01:21:54 pm
swapping out hair and minor trim details become troublesome because, as Cheetah said, of shared colors. I've been toying around with deilta's king of ivalice sprite trying to do a more drastic alteration. I've kind of come up with something that seems better than what I started with, but some of his forward-sideways shots have some color sharing between his face and his cloak, which is bugging me up a little. here's something I've sort of done as a test, but it's far from finished.

I also did an algus swap which tweaked a bit more of his colors, still not the hair or skin tone though, and I fixed up dycedargs neon boxing glove problem, but his belt and boots are color shared with his hair, so I'm going to need to mess around a bit more to finalize him.

here's PNGs of all, and an SPR of algus cuz I'm pretty sure I'm finished with him.
Spriting /
March 22, 2009, 02:36:23 am
I didn't know that. does that include if I replace a generic sprite like the knight with a unique like agrais? it would force all enemy knights to use palette1? because I could have sworn I've seen full black sprites when I tried to do that.
Spriting /
March 21, 2009, 11:06:32 pm
that kefka sprite sounds like something I'd love to see. one of my favorite villains ever. excited to see it.

I'm considering doing something as nerd-tastick as some star trek characters once I've got a bit more practice. mostly cuz they'd be pretty easy to make different ones once I get one main one finished, and it's a very simple uniform with very few colors. and once I finish one diferent characters would mostly only require a head swap.

I'd really like to see the character my screen name was lifted from, but she's super obscure and very anime.

that's only if I get the time to dedicate to those however. I'm up to my eyeballs in other stuff right now.
Spriting /
March 21, 2009, 08:46:28 pm
I'll add the requested palette swap customs to my to do list. I think red mage already has full swaps though, I checked yesterday cuz he was one I was interested in myself.

also here's that PNG of the agrais swaps.

Edit: Smash, you did the original of the sain one that Kokojo asked for, and said you're doing the full swaps of that one, so I should leave it alone right?
Spriting / full palette hero units
March 21, 2009, 03:18:57 am
so after a little investigation into how to do it, I've started filling out the palettes for hero units so they can be loaded as generic units without being a big black block. I don't know if anyone's done this before (more than just as needed) and wonder if the community would like me to share these once I've finished them.

also I'm wondering about how people feel about me doing this for some of the custom made sprites in the download section like vincent or crono or the full version of teitra. I know they're made by members of the community so I want to make sure I'm not violating unspoken (or spoken) rules by doing that.

so far I've done agrais and dycedarg, agrias turned out good, and dycedarg came out looking like he was wearing neon boxing gloves, so I'm gonna tweak the shading on the alternate colors of him before I share him. but I'll put agrais up as a BMP, she'll look just normal till you load her into shishisprite editor (or the game itself) and check out the alternate palettes.

that said I'll be working on more tomorrow it's late late here and I have a set to help build at a local theatre in the morning.