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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


A strange team indeed. But, a nice-ish fight. Some repairs seem to be in order for FFR. GG/GF Angelus.

Kirito, why? Why, Asuna? ;_; I didn't mean for Zanderbelt to Rep. Fist for 500+ damage on you guys..
It was a relatively close match, but as before, needs some repairs. <3 SAO. Nuff said. GG/GF Ahong.

Fight Fire with Fire, huh. Too bad my Wizard didn't have any Fire absorb/cancel, she might've helped win.
Also, Silence protection will be needed for Lidvia. GG/GF Damned.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Tristan#9682

The Damned

(Ugh. The temporary Internet is a fickle mistress indeed.)

So, even though I'm supposed to be "gone", I just remembered some things, which has nothing to do with what I'm going to post here...so I'm not sure why I'm mentioning it, really.

Yeah, I didn't notice the Javelin II thing either until I saw Dokurider point out here. No wonder she was doing absurd amounts of damage with Jumps that weren't powered up otherwise. Goes to show how broken that thing was in vanilla. Not much else to say about the match in light of that revelation.

Well, it's nice to see the Monk actually doing something in this match aside of just waiting literally have the time for death like he did in my trial matches. Too bad the fix to his competency availed him nothing, especially since Do Not Disturb is probably one of the tougher teams for any of Raven's teams to go since Raven likes to take it (masochistically) slow anyhow.

As usual, the AI's love of Haste does it in, which is...annoying since those Archers really don't need to be any faster. Meh.

Hey, Chivalry Wizard actually used Frog more than Nurse for the first time ever. Too bad Dokurider just straight screwed over in the third map between that fatal critical on the Oracle and the Itembot Ninja finally remembered she had Maiden's Kiss before everyone got Frogged this time.

Sigh. Even when I win want to facepalm. This is part of the reason that I decided to put Flurry of the Dancing Flames on "vacation" while I figure what the hell to do with Axel to actually make him useful; I'm not blaming you for not noticing considering I did yesterday night and you had obviously recorded these already, so.... At present, he's really not useful for anything save for being a traitor and destroying anyone who is weak to Fire--yo, Vexen--slowly, partly due to the physical Oil "glitch". While that's appropriate given the character he's based on, it's still annoying. Oh well. At least Secret Fist proved somewhat useful unlike Wave Fist.

Still, I would have easily lost if the Wizard hadn't kept getting interrupted and killed and if the Mediator wasn't made nigh useless by Silence since it was essentially 4 vs. 3 (or even 2 since it's not like Nameless Dance was doing much that Fire wasn't) and the damn Cursed Thief kept getting up. Hell, I probably have lost if she had more Brave/Fury and did more damage.

Hmmm...I wonder how differently things would have changed if Red Nocturne+ had Water like she actually has now instead of the useless Poison spell she used to have.

Regardless, GG DarkxFatal.

Quote from: Ahong on February 12, 2013, 12:05:22 pm*And, 1 character from my Bard and Dancer team now isn't Summoner, i change it to Chemist. You can check it at Team Submission TheDamned. ^_^

Ah, I see. I'll try to make it up after this current memory card is done.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Quote from: The Damned on February 12, 2013, 07:21:53 pm
Sigh. Even when I win want to facepalm. This is part of the reason that I decided to put Flurry of the Dancing Flames on "vacation" while I figure what the hell to do with Axel to actually make him useful; I'm not blaming you for not noticing considering I did yesterday night and you had obviously recorded these already, so.... At present, he's really not useful for anything save for being a traitor and destroying anyone who is weak to Fire--yo, Vexen--slowly, partly due to the physical Oil "glitch". While that's appropriate given the character he's based on, it's still annoying. Oh well. At least Secret Fist proved somewhat useful unlike Wave Fist.

Still, I would have easily lost if the Wizard hadn't kept getting interrupted and killed and if the Mediator wasn't made nigh useless by Silence since it was essentially 4 vs. 3 (or even 2 since it's not like Nameless Dance was doing much that Fire wasn't) and the damn Cursed Thief kept getting up. Hell, I probably have lost if she had more Brave/Fury and did more damage.

Hmmm...I wonder how differently things would have changed if Red Nocturne+ had Water like she actually has now instead of the useless Poison spell she used to have.

Haruna, the Cursed Thief, had 70 Fury. She could probably do with a different secondary (perhaps Elemental) and have Attack UP. Otherwise, ~90 seems to be her max, without counting any PA+ gear. And yeah, my poor Mana kept derping and casting a spell after moving closer to the enemy. :/
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Tristan#9682


Quote from: Barren on February 06, 2013, 10:57:02 am
Back with a marathon video! 15 matches included  :D

FFT Arena 1.38d Mania 2

I just realized that these mania videos are only half as long as the Y U SO DERP gauntlet.
My dreams can come true!


Updated my "Sword Art Online" team.

Quote from: DarkxFatal on February 12, 2013, 03:23:43 pm

Kirito, why? Why, Asuna? ;_; I didn't mean for Zanderbelt to Rep. Fist for 500+ damage on you guys..
It was a relatively close match, but as before, needs some repairs. <3 SAO. Nuff said. GG/GF Ahong.

Well, here they are. I changed back Asuna's primary job as Knight (Paladin in FFH :D).


Quote from: Barren on February 12, 2013, 09:24:53 am
You can quote my post Reks and you should be able to see how its done

Ah, I see now. Thanks!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Quote from: Dokurider on February 13, 2013, 03:39:21 am
Stone Frogs (Dokurider) vs {S1}(Wiz) (Rematch)

Despite how long the matches were, Doku actually won within 5 minutes of the rounds.  Afterwards the A.I. was just farting around and not doing much of anything.  Especially in round 1.  I also learned that the A.I. gives inflicting Poison/Blind a priority over inflicting Berzerk.
My dreams can come true!


Actually, everyone on my team is immune to Berserk. Damned wanted a surefire assassin, he got one.


Quote from: Dokurider on February 13, 2013, 07:26:11 pm
Actually, everyone on my team is immune to Berserk. Damned wanted a surefire assassin, he got one.

Oh well that's a little cheap but ok.  In addition to that nobody on Wiz' team had a way to heal frog.  Weird because my idea is that if it's completely debilitating then I'll probably pack immunity to it.  That's why I almost always have a person with Item learn "Maiden's Kiss" and "Soft".  Oh well, Wiz' track record with that team is still very impressive.  But I wonder...
My dreams can come true!


I don't feel bad about it though because Berserk is cheap as hell right now. S1 has at the very least convinced people that Berserk is unbalanced right now.

Actually, a lot of people don't have Maiden's Kiss. They pack Soft, but not Maiden's Kiss. See, most people don't to save on JP and figure that Esuna has Frog covered, but in practice, White Magic users tend to deprioritize healing Frog over say, reviving, healing, or curing other more 'pressing' statuses. Then things start going to shit when the second unit gets frogged (usually the magic user packing said Esuna), and then things go south from there. That's why I'm convinced Stone Froggers will succeed in the future until people start wising up or Item gets another JP reduction.


Alrighty. What with SWA's update, I must request a match or two. Opponents do not matter, though I'd love to face varying teams.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


February 16, 2013, 10:29:57 am #2014 Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 04:11:19 pm by DarkxFatal

Ugh. Looks like changing my Ice Archer to a Paladin was a terrible mistake.
Going to have to do some edits for sure. GG/GF Barren.

:O I guess OP is better than I thought.
Despite being more Oil based and them not using oil stuff.
To be expected, I suppose. GG/GF Damned.

Bleh. Never did like Ninjutsu :/
Oh well, Gesusank tried, I suppose.
Ignoring Zanderbelt's headstrong attitude there..
GG/GF Aero.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Tristan#9682


February 16, 2013, 05:58:32 pm #2015 Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 06:15:17 pm by Barren
That was brutally short, but hey that was fun :)

First round you definitely got the better, but I came back at the second round big time. As for the third one, yea the RNG cursed me. GG Gaignun
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


About time Spellstorm had some action. Anyway, even though Celdia had some threatening AoE of her own, it just wasn't enough in the long run.

BB overall acted as I expected them to. Priest and Oracle did a good job of staying alive while Oracle kept one of the paladins locked down with Sleep, making it essentially a 1v3. Wish they didn't use Cure 2 on the Monk so much; she's supposed to get killed. But oh well. Also didn't help that Damned didn't have the damage to put down the two mages. Match was sealed when the last paladin got into range of Zombie.

Lancers eventually got fast enough for instant jumps. They had a hard time keeping those oracles down for good, but they got the job done. Witch Hunt didn't do much good overall for either team, and I was hoping for more Slow Dances.


Well if anything I think this confirms that if you have a Dancer on your team you need at least another dancer or a mime to compliment their dancing.  One unit dancing doesn't do a whole lot.  If I wanted to make a team OP it would consist of four Magic Gun users with two of them equipped with Masamune.  Which gives me a sick idea...

Re. Babs Bunny:  She really needs Chakra or Buster Bunny really needs Life Song.  I could see her finding herself in a situation where she's not in range to cure anyone.  Furthermore self Chakra allows her to restore her own MP for quickening.  RE. Plastic Knights.  I don't know why the Squire is set up to not move.  He literally stood there until his lights got punched out.  But I did enjoy the One shot Bullrush on Babs.

Any particular reason why this was only one round?  Maybe to save time?

Without Magic Defend Up or Shell, You're gonna have a bad time.

I like how these two teams were actually quite similar.  Exemplified by how this match had to go to three rounds.  I'm not sure if Electric Jesus needs Counter Flood though.  But thanks to Kaiser Plate she was doing a ton of damage.

Well that was certainly not what I expected.  Especially considering the absolute hell Mello Yello had to go through vs Frost Marchers.

45 minutes?!?!  When I'm not so busy thanks.  But halfway through I can say that Battle Song+MP Restore is quite an interesting combo

Weird.  FTF was doing decent damage but they got rolled by DTBDT. 

Round 2 was interesting.  "Sink Ships" on FTF turned the match around with the charm.  It got pretty weird when "Prince Charming" burned himself and his teammate to the ground with that Bolt 2.  Fortunately the thieves on FTF kept it close.

Once again, Charm wreaks havok on DTBDT.

Interesting match.  But the Undead Units were eventually too much.  Also the mediator was getting a ton of amazing proc's off Bad Luck.  In fact I'm gonna say the Mediator on VBG was the MVP of the team.

Doku sorta accidentally spoiled the results with his analysis.  Also S1 definitely has elements from past seasons.  Especially noticable since Earth Slash used to be out of control too.
My dreams can come true!


February 17, 2013, 12:25:41 am #2018 Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 12:33:39 am by Dokurider
QuoteAny particular reason why this was only one round?  Maybe to save time?

As I said in the description, because both teams had immobile teammates, the match can only be reasonable ran on a small map. This match could have easily been unendable if I placed it on a larger map. In fact, that match itself could have gone on forever if that Phoenix Monk hid out on the patio instead of eventually coming in and getting Transfusion. If that was a bigger map, she could have reasonably, and easily stayed in some corner forever, leaving the immobile units unable to kill each other. Hence why I only dared to run one match.

Either way, I'll be handing this two teams another match to make up for it.

QuoteDoku sorta accidentally spoiled the results with his analysis.

I did all of the analyses before I even recorded the matches, so that's not really possible. Perhaps I said something prophetic, but whatever it was, it was purely coincidental.


Quote from: reinoe on February 17, 2013, 12:06:53 am

Re. Babs Bunny:  She really needs Chakra or Buster Bunny really needs Life Song.  I could see her finding herself in a situation where she's not in range to cure anyone.  Furthermore self Chakra allows her to restore her own MP for quickening.

She'll just use Chakra instead of Quickening when she revives. She's meant to be a distraction, deal damage when she can and die repeatedly, not heal herself or other units. Plus, she has Absorb MP anyway. As for Buster Bunny, I had to play around with his AI and different songs. While he does decently well with Life Song, I ultimately decided that he doesn't need it in the long run. I see your point on giving him Life Song, though - I'm just iffy on giving it to him really. We'll see when this team has faced a few other teams.