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Download the Patch: Current Version .50

Started by Cheetah, September 04, 2009, 01:07:35 pm


November 27, 2009, 09:27:11 pm #60 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by jimmyjw88
Wow, really? PSP's cutscenes on PSX?
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


November 27, 2009, 11:33:58 pm #61 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by drevenkaine
This is what this video posted on youtube by cheetah says.  I find it completely fascinating.  I really want to know how to do this.   Or how it can be done for others in the form of a patch.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmcRswZQJyA :more:


November 28, 2009, 12:01:12 am #62 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by jimmyjw88
Wow, that's amazing ^^
I'm glad that the FMV of PSP work in PSX because I don't have PSP, so I never got to play War Of the Lion. Very nice, everyone. Very nice ^^
Well, I bet it isn't easy, that's why there's gratitude to melonhead, THEE FFH Hacker Extraordinaire ^^
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


December 04, 2009, 10:33:27 am #63 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by woodenbandman
Will be testing... good to have a nice, leisurely game to balance out 1.3


December 04, 2009, 10:59:27 am #64 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by woodenbandman
So far, I love the patch, with a few notable exceptions:

"Perhaps it is the will of god. Take it up with him" (that whole exchange was just WRONG).
The Corpse Brigade.

Other than that, so far, everything is functional, and to my liking. I'm sure I'll hate argath and forlmarv and loffrey, but we'll take it as they come, won't we? The new generic names are awesome, I just hope that Junk is still in there.


Holy crap, I did not know someone was actually doing this. Very cool! I'll have to try it out...


Wow holy crap Gomtuu, didn't know you were even still around. One of my dreams for this project would actually be to "complete" all the unfinished maps. Though someone would have to make some stellar tools to make that possible...
Current Projects:


I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Quote from: "Cheetah"Wow holy crap Gomtuu, didn't know you were even still around. One of my dreams for this project would actually be to "complete" all the unfinished maps. Though someone would have to make some stellar tools to make that possible...
Who would be crazy enough to make such tools? :)

I actually have been working on my editor, Ganesha, a tiny bit. (Very tiny.) The trouble is, I've been away from it for a long time, and now that I'm working with it again, I'm unhappy with the way I wrote large portions of it. So I need to figure out what I'm going to do about that.


I applied the FFT:C .50 patch to my ISO and then used PSX2PSP on it and put it on my PSP. I've only played the first few battles, but it seems to work just fine, and I prefer it to the official PSP game. Thanks to everyone involved!


Glad to hear you are enjoying it Gomtuu.

Well any progress you make on the editor I will definitely look forward to it. With the stuff you have created essentially anything can be done, it is just such a complicated mess of data that it is very difficult to work with.
Current Projects:


damn...I was really hoping I could use onion knights... So i'm curious, is this v1.3 with wotl text? or is it v1.3 easy type with psp text or is is a completely different version with psp text?
Barkeep: What'll you have?
Man: What do ya got?
Barkeep: Horse beer and horse soft drinks
Man: Got any horse Coke?
Barkeep: Horse Pepsi ok?


don't get me wrong I'm lovin it, was just hopeful thats all.  I can't afford to buy a psp..  xP
Barkeep: What'll you have?
Man: What do ya got?
Barkeep: Horse beer and horse soft drinks
Man: Got any horse Coke?
Barkeep: Horse Pepsi ok?


It's Vanilla with the WotL text, bug fixes, and a bunch of previously untranslated content from the Japanese version.
It's intended as a base patch, and I'm additionally working on preparing as many NPCs as possible for immediate use by hackers.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


So, I've been reading that its not really possible to use TacText on a FFT:C game.  Is this because using TacText to make a small change in say a skill description will "untranslate" all of the skill descriptions?  I'm not really sure how it works yet, as I've only tinkered with it a little bit.

Anyway, would it be possible or prudent to release each patch file individually?  For example if release FFTPatcher, FFTacText, FFTorgASM, etc. files in addition to the ppf files in so that people can break things down a bit better?
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo


Opening FFT:C with TacText should make it completely editable. The problem is likely that we used a slightly modified version of TacText the fixed some bugs that aren't fixed in the current public version. I will talk to Melonhead about it.
Current Projects:


Thanks Cheetah, at the time I posted this I didn't really know what I was doing with TacText and I was going off of problems written about in another post.  When I tried opening up my FFT:C ISO with TacText it didn't appear any different from vanilla.  I don't know if I opened the wrong ISO by mistake or what, but after playing with it more and digging around a bit, I can see that things are working fine.  

I haven't however actually patched anything yet, so that custom version of TacText might be just what the doctor ordered.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo

Pickle Girl Fanboy

Requesting slightly modified version of TacText... unless Melonhead already released it.

That reminds me, is fftpatcher open source?


Yes, just like all crappy .NET applications made by melonhead.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


I, too, would like to request this slightly modified version of TacText. Or at least point me to it if its already somewhere online?
I will show you the power of SARDIIIIINES!!!!