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The Lion War 2.03 & TLWotL FAQs

Started by 3lric, September 28, 2019, 08:59:34 am


September 28, 2019, 08:59:34 am Last Edit: December 04, 2022, 03:04:54 pm by Nyzer
This will be updated as new questions come up, currently I'm just posting what I project to be the most asked questions.

What emulator should I use?
Psxfin or Duckstation are recommended. Other emulators have incompatibility issues.

I can't see the Guests in my party, what gives?
Those four Guest slots are converted to normal party slots, expanding the base roster size from 16 to 20. As a result, Guests never actually join the party. You'll still get their normal starting gear as War Trophies as the game goes on, though.

How do I get to see the Agrias Birthday Event?
You need to land on any Town or Castle on June 22nd, with at least 50,000 gil and both Mustadio & Agrias in your party, unbenched.

We don't have the derpy extremely OP lipstick item in the PSX version, what do I get for the Agrias Birthday event?
A permanent +10% PA/MA based on her current raw stats.

I can only use 2 of Ashley Riot's moves! Help!
Yes, while Ashley Riot has 10 abilities in his skillset, he can only use 2 at a time, based on the type of weapon he has equipped. You can view the specific weapon requirements in the ability descriptions. This is why Ashley Riot comes with innate Equip/Change.

What are the requirements to unlock the Dark Knight job?
Level 8 Knight & Level 8 Wizard.

Why can't I preview the Dark Knight as a male when a female has unlocked it, or vice versa?
The Extra Job hack we use uses the Unused Gender data from Bard and Dancer to create the additional class. As such, you will not see Dark Knight for preview on female when unlocking it as a male, and vice versa. This is not a bug. It's the way the hack functions.

Why doesn't the Dark Knight spillover JP seem to work correctly?
As mentioned in the previous question, the DK jobs are making use of the Bard and Dancer slots. The female DK is the female Bard, and the male DK is the male Dancer. To fix this would have required something along the lines of turning the Bard into the Male DK, then making the Bard become one of the "new" jobs. While that might have looked better from a player standpoint, it would likely have caused some confusion for modding purposes, since TLW is supposed to be a base mod for others to build from. Information in the wiki about where the Bard's data is would no longer be accurate, for example.

Is the Onion Knight generic job in this mod?
No, it isn't. The Dark Knight job was hard enough to add on its own, and besides, the WotL functionality of the Onion Knight was so awful, there really isn't any interest in including it even if it was feasible to work on it.

Did you guys add in the increased JP cost for abilities and such from WotL?
Only in TLWotL.

Will the new items from WotL ever be in TLW?
Very unlikely. There is currently no way to expand inventory space, and even in WotL those items can't be distributed like normal ones due to the weird way they were added in. On top of that, those items are unnecessarily OP as it is, so we don't consider them vital to the FFT experience.

I learned every ability in a job, but it's not showing up as Mastered - what gives?
Beat the game to find out more.

Barrage is doing things differently than it does in WotL.
Correct. The code for Barrage was not copied & pasted directly from WotL - it was made from scratch for TLW. Known differences (for the 2.03 version of the hack) are:
  • Magic gun spell effects do not play. (This is in order to avoid a previous bug where the first hit worked like normal, but further hits just cast the entire spell, AoE range and all.) This does not affect its damage.
  • Special spells do not proc, like when using Holy Lance. This can lower its potential damage.
  • Barrage is evadable in TLW. This can lower its potential damage.
  • Barrage's damage is boosted by Doublehand in TLW. This can double its damage.
Known differences in previous versions are:
  • Each hit did full damage instead of half damage.
  • After hitting the target once, the rest of the hits became unevadable.

When do the Rendezvous battles unlock, and what rewards do we get for beating them?
See here for the list of Treasure Wheel loot.

What are the changes between TLW and TLWotL?
  • The use of the WotL script, except in the Tutorials, since they're so rarely used.
  • Abilities' JP costs, Charge Time, and power have been reverted to the JP/WotL levels, rather than the PSX US levels.
  • Job stats have been reverted to the JP/WotL levels, rather than the PSX US levels.
  • The JP scroll glitch, outfitter duplication glitch, and Oil glitch have all been fixed.
  • Meliadoul's skills will now hit monsters & humans without gear in that slot. (They still say "Rent", however, and will continue to do so until and unless a better hack presents itself in the future.)
  • The random hit skills in Rapha, Marach, and Reis' skillsets have been buffed. They have a higher number of maximum hits, and have had their Vertical AoE range reduced to simulate WotL's increased chances of hitting the center tile since there wasn't a hack available for that effect.
  • Enemies that had Maintenance/Safeguard in the JP/WotL versions now have it again. No stealing Elmdore's Genji Gear in TLWotL - go grind dem Rendezvous.
  • Modding version: PSX


Is it me, or is the difficulty of TLW easier than Wotl?
I remember having difficulty in the random encounters in Wotl 😅😅
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


When Elric and I were discussing this, the plan was to make it level 8 Wizard and Knight.

The WotL requirements for Dark Knights are complete bullshit. Unless you're berserk frog farming or getting a LOT of multiplayer in, you simply will not unlock the job. And while it's certainly a powerful enough job, when you compare it to the requirements for the Arithmetician, or even certain special characters' base jobs... it's beyond laughable.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


will there eventually be an option with WoTL's translation? or will you be keeping the patch only with the PSX translation?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: TerrorSkeith on October 06, 2019, 02:30:30 am
will there eventually be an option with WoTL's translation? or will you be keeping the patch only with the PSX translation?

Someone else can make one using this as a base. I hated the WotL translation, so the chances of that happening are very very low
  • Modding version: PSX


whats the expected reward for Agrias Birthday Event? Tynar Rouge is exclusive to Wotl right?
  • Modding version: PSX


Its one of the perfumes. Its listed in the bug reporte section, as it was added to version 1.02...
  • Modding version: PSX


Setiemson or w/e the name is
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


There's no onion knights right?  Also is there a full change log/feature list somewhere or is digging through this thread basically it?
  • Modding version: PSX


There is a thread called changelog, in this section...
  • Modding version: PSX


For those who are apparently as blind as me.
  • Modding version: PSX


First I'd like to thank you all for this once again. It's an insane amount of work to do as much as you all do. Definitely doesn't fall upon blind eyes with me!

I read through all 17 pages of the initial discussion, the changelog, the base patch resource folder structure breakdown, and the download thread; so forgive me if I've still managed to miss the answer to the questions I'm about to ask...

1. I saw that Elric said he had no idea about the formulas used for 19 and 46, but is it possible for Choto to chime in on what the formulas are?

2. Meliadhoul's skillset - Is it still as in vanilla, or is it set as it was with the PSP version?

Maybe I should ask these next questions in the resource thread, but I'm already asking questions here so...

3. I see that the newly added Dark Knight skills say formula 00 while having sword required. But they're absent from the ARH. Are these hardcoded, or can I switch the formula used in the patcher and still have it work accordingly?

4. Considering the fact that sword required and Materia Blade required look to be changed in the base version, would using an ASM hack that changes the materia blade require to something else being required conflict with the changes you put in place?

5. Considering the built in changes to formulas that this copy has, would ASMs that alter formulas 11 and 13 conflict with anything that you didn't mention within the changes made?

Thanks in advance for the heads up on these things.


I'm pretty sure the new Dark Knight skills just point at the regular Weapon Damage formula, but don't quote me on that. AFAIK there shouldn't be a problem with changing their formula, as their weapon requirements ought to be dependent on their ability slots rather than their formula.

I'm sure that another hack to change any further weapon requirements would cause a conflicting error, as, given Ashley Riot's moveset, I expect the ARH hack from Jot5 is involved. It would be best to make any further adjustments in that, and I'm sure there's a spreadsheet for that. I just haven't tinkered myself.

Elric would definitely know more about these points than I would though :P
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


ARH controls all of ashley riots skills and ALSO sets the requirements for the sword skills from vanilla. They are unchecked in fftp because thats how ARH has always worked, it may be a mini version of ARH, but that is still the same.  So yes, changed will conflict, make your changes in ARH instead.

Meliadoul didnt change
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Nyzer on December 14, 2019, 02:09:25 pm
I'm pretty sure the new Dark Knight skills just point at the regular Weapon Damage formula, but don't quote me on that. AFAIK there shouldn't be a problem with changing their formula, as their weapon requirements ought to be dependent on their ability slots rather than their formula.

Yeah, it looks like it is just using the 00 formula. I was a little bit skeptical because that was the case for Crushing Blow, which used the 2D formula in WOTL; so it seemed odd that it had 00 on TLW.

Quote from: Elric on December 14, 2019, 08:45:29 pm
ARH controls all of ashley riots skills and ALSO sets the requirements for the sword skills from vanilla. They are unchecked in fftp because thats how ARH has always worked, it may be a mini version of ARH, but that is still the same.  So yes, changed will conflict, make your changes in ARH instead.

Ah gotcha. I wasn't sure since ARH seemed to affect all the sword skills except for the ruin skills and new dark knight skills, that still has  requires sword checked off in FTP. Made me question if ARH was independent of everything else, or if/how there was overlap.

I get the vibe that ARH is like an expansion of the requires materia blade to requires weapon ASM that now gives options for multiple weapons. If so, can I add to it to include more weapons besides the axe, mace, lance, dagger, & crossbow? Or has it already reached the limit of how many weapons you can make required?


Should I patch it to an US or EU iso file?
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


  • Modding version: PSX


So I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume more complicated ASM's like RAD 3 wouldn't work in conjunction to the TLW patch? A quick try produced broken results for me, from abilities not being moved around like I'm trying, to sprites changing to vastly different ones mid scene/battle. But maybe (likely lol) I'm missing something?
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: RetroTypes


Quote from: RetroTypes on January 11, 2020, 08:20:54 pm
So I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume more complicated ASM's like RAD 3 wouldn't work in conjunction to the TLW patch? A quick try produced broken results for me, from abilities not being moved around like I'm trying, to sprites changing to vastly different ones mid scene/battle. But maybe (likely lol) I'm missing something?

I mean... did you check that your RAD3 XML wasn't conflicting with other ASMs in the packed in resources?

First and foremost, you cannot simply just add stuff to TLW. If you want to do that, you're gonna need to download the resources pack and make a new image yourself with my instructions, and include any new ASMs you want to add.

I'm going to assume you did not do this, hence the issues you are having... RAD3 is a very broken ASM, and you are almost certainly correct in that it's not going to work with TLW. Considering how large the DK hack is, and how much space RAD3 takes up.

I would not recommend RAD3 tbh, but to each their own. Remnants of that mod were in the initial build of Jot5, and caused many issues even without conflicts.

It's also entirely possible that you simply did not setup RAD3 correctly, so it could be a combo of both. However without you checking the conflict checker in orgASM with your RAD3 xml, against the TLW ASMs, there is no way of knowing, and i don't have time to test that myself, which is why we released the resources.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on January 11, 2020, 08:49:55 pm
I mean... did you check that your RAD3 XML wasn't conflicting with other ASMs in the packed in resources?

First and foremost, you cannot simply just add stuff to TLW. If you want to do that, you're gonna need to download the resources pack and make a new image yourself with my instructions, and include any new ASMs you want to add.

I'm going to assume you did not do this, hence the issues you are having... RAD3 is a very broken ASM, and you are almost certainly correct in that it's not going to work with TLW. Considering how large the DK hack is, and how much space RAD3 takes up.

I would not recommend RAD3 tbh, but to each their own. Remnants of that mod were in the initial build of Jot5, and caused many issues even without conflicts.

It's also entirely possible that you simply did not setup RAD3 correctly, so it could be a combo of both. However without you checking the conflict checker in orgASM with your RAD3 xml, against the TLW ASMs, there is no way of knowing, and i don't have time to test that myself, which is why we released the resources.

I assumed since the ASM's were applied last that adding more could be done by just patching the ISO again, but I guess it makes sense that it doesn't work like that. I'll give it a go using the resources provided but I'm going to assume it still wont work lol. I'm not advanced enough yet to be able to look at multiple ASM's or the conflict checker and know what's wrong, so no idea there.

Maybe not the place to ask this, but since we're already here and talking about it, what alternatives do you recommend for achieving something similar to the RAD3 functionality? It works absolutely perfectly for the white mage upgrade I wanna make, but with TLW being out now I cant *not* start a project with it as a base lol (which, thank you again for all the hard work you put into it, btw).
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: RetroTypes