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Original Jot5 Thread

Started by 3lric, October 24, 2011, 04:53:34 am


BLUE MAGE!!!!!! (Animist I mean)
Epic! Can't wait to see the demo released!

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Quote from: Dome on January 08, 2012, 04:57:25 am
BLUE MAGE!!!!!! (Animist I mean)
Epic! Can't wait to see the demo released!

Thanx for the encouragement Dome  :mrgreen:
We still have the release scheduled for March 1st
But we are actually a bit ahead of schedule, so ya never know
  • Modding version: PSX

Joseph Strife

Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


Just so everyone knows, I'm inputting into FFTPatcher now.  I've got all the skillsets and Jobs situated/labeled, the skillsets populated, and am currently working on the Growths and Multipliers.  (And don't worry, unlike Redesign and my personal preference, this game WILL have Growths, let me tell you!)  After that, it's ability implementation, and... we're done with that portion.  Then I move on to Weapons and shit, then finally give all the TacText-related information to Elric to input.  I'll probably be done in a few days, week at the upper limit.


Lots of progress has been made, good job.
I like all the skillsets, too. (except squire, I hate charge)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Holographic #1363


Quote from: MountainDew~ on January 09, 2012, 08:21:54 am(except squire, I hate charge)

Not gonna lie here - Squire's skillset in one sense is throwaway because Charge has levels of usefulness but doesn't actually eat skill slots, meaning I won't need to feel bad that the majority of units in the player's arsenal can't use it because they have unique base Jobs instead.  It fits though, if you think about it, since Charge is like a poor-man-generic's version of a Swordskill or similar "stronger than normal weapon Attack with cost" skill.  From a flavor perspective, you could also argue it indicates another change in Ivalice over the years due to how much more aggressive some of the earliest-taught fundaments are.

Glad you like everything else, because that's pretty much what I'm implementing.  There might be a few final balance edits as I input everything but you can expect pretty much what's listed here to be what's in the game.


Time for another of Raven's Nightly Updates.

All Growths/Multipliers for Chapter 1 sans a couple are implemented, including Monsters.  All that remains is implementing the skills.  For those wondering, monsters should be respectably buff now.  Might need some fine-tuning once people get their mitts on the demo and can fight a few, but I've made many of the lesser-respected ones quite a bit more threatening and balanced out a few of the Orlandu-class ones like Red Chocobo.  The synopses of those and some other classes in the OP are no longer 100% accurate to what I've done, but they're pretty close.  Essentially what's happened is such:

Every Monster now has all 4 of its innate slots filled.  No exceptions.  One of these is the monster's breed-specific Reaction, and the other three are basic Supports/Movements to buff up the monster.  Sometimes, those Supports/Movements are powerful ones like Teleport, Levitate, or Ignore Height, other times they're lesser ones like Swim, Ignore Terrain, or Ignore Weather.  Regardless of which it is, this now means monsters generally have an easier time navigating terrain than humans do, and each one has more characteristic quirks to make its own.

Each monster now has 3 skills, two of which are breed-specific and one is unique only to that monster.  In addition, every monster has a breed-specific Monster Skill.  This means there's no shitty monsters with something like Throw Spirit and no other skills.  Every monster can do something.

Monsters had their base Speed reworked a bit, so that they're no longer slower than humans at the start of the game and gain Speed points more like a human character would.  This means they should be keeping up with your human characters well Speed-wise (in fact, my only worry is possibly overshooting Speed by a point on a couple), right up through the end of the game.  In addition, I buffed up monster base HP a bit in addition to reworking HPCs and HPMs some on many breeds, so monsters overall should be a bit more durable.

Finally, I'm implementing FDC's C-EV = A-EV on Monsters hack, meaning monsters get evasion from all sides.  That covers one of the most fatal flaws monsters had when compared to humans - a lack of evasion.

Finally, as might've been noticed in when they were posted into the OP - monsters have some extra elemental properties in spots, and if they Absorb something, they're also Weak to it, meaning they Absorb it for double the value.  This should make monsters on elemental teams far less dead-weight, and give monster-based teams in general more potential cohesiveness.

Overall, I think these base changes and my specific stat edits should make monsters in general more threatening as enemies and useful as allies without making them stupidly OP.  Obviously, they'll need to be crash-tested, but that's what demos and any behind-the-scenes playstesting that gets fit into the schedule are for.

There's other stuff implemented, like Special Units, a few bosses, etc., but I'm not tellin' you lot about most of those.  Sorry.  You wanna find out, play the damn game when it's ready.


  • Modding version: PSX


Oh, I don't mind Charge being the skillset, it just means I won't ever use it. To me, Charge is bland and not something I'm interested in. But I won't ever say it's useless. Ohhh no. I've been killed by too many enemies with charge in CCP.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Holographic #1363


If the charge skillset is a little bit time consuming then why not put short charge as a support ability? :]
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

Join our RP :)



Quote from: Taichii on January 11, 2012, 04:28:28 am
If the charge skillset is a little bit time consuming then why not put short charge as a support ability? :]

Well even if that were the case I imagine this would be far to early to give something like short charge
  • Modding version: PSX


you have a point elric and i did some more research, short charge only work for spells :I
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

Join our RP :)



Quote from: Taichii on January 11, 2012, 08:07:11 am
you have a point elric and i did some more research, short charge only work for spells :I

Indeed. That is correct


Just wanted everyone to know there have been and will be some Story re-writes, none of what you may have seen in the videos will change, tho rather extended or modified
to not only fix some plot holes but to also make the mod in general a bit more full and fun to play.

While the story obviously won't be canon to FFT we will be trying as hard as we can to add to the FFT story. So i guess this would be considered a Fractured followup to FFT?

Either way, with Raven on the team we are quite a bit ahead of schedule and I'm confident enough in everything he is doing plus my own event editing skills and Durbs story
writing that we should have everything done before our scheduled release date but i won't make any promises yet.. In case i like, get hit by a bus or something.

There are also some fantastic sprite changes but I'm not going to spoil anything at all when it comes to that :D   (just didnt want Kage and Twin to feel left out here :P)
  • Modding version: PSX

Joseph Strife

That's good to hear Elric, also, if there are any significant changes in the story you must let me know as that may change a little the char's bios. I'll try to be faster on this.

And be sure to release the Adventures of Twin and Kage, i'm eager to see it XD :P
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


Quote from: Joseph Strife on January 11, 2012, 10:56:43 am
That's good to hear Elric, also, if there are any significant changes in the story you must let me know as that may change a little the char's bios. I'll try to be faster on this.

And be sure to release the Adventures of Twin and Kage, i'm eager to see it XD :P

None of the changes will effect those, tho maybe who is in them.. i will send you a PM when i wakeup later today

And the new episode of the Adventures of Kage and Twin is completely written out, i just need to make it and ive been working on PW and Jot5 stuff lately XD
it will be out very soon tho, so now worries XD
  • Modding version: PSX

Joseph Strife

Ok, i'll wait for your PM then, and try to ressurect Pierce, he haven't replyed my PM about the script, i think i'll have to ask Durbs for it.
*Hopes he sees this and send it for me :P*
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


Didn't leave an update last night because it was a long day, I was tired, and honestly I didn't get much done.  I'd finished implementing the few classes I had left to do in terms of Growths/Multipliers, and began inputting skills.  I've got Ramza, Dante, and Cloud 100% finished so far, and am halfway through Link.  Shit's boring though, I tell you.

Since I won't be able to go into much detail on the above even when it's finished, I'll discuss something else for today - the Job Tree.  I convinced Elric that this would be far better with a proper Job Tree, as many of you have seen by reading the OP.  The Job Tree itself, honestly, will look close to Vanilla in structure since this is meant to be building off the canon left behind by the Vanilla game, and there's not going to be massive upheavals in classes or how to learn their arts in the span of a couple years.  This is why some classes (hardcoded ones, and a few like Monk that are not) remain mostly in their Vanilla state, while others (Guardian, Rogue, Ranger, Redguard, etc.) have evolved some.  It's just balancing a reasonable amount of expected change and required new content against the timeframe the game is set it, which I think the current Job layout does well.

I won't be giving out specifics as I intend to change the exact Job Level requirements and JP per Job Level some, but you can expect the flow to look like this:

Physical Tree:

Squire -> Guardian, Ranger -> Monk, Rogue -> Geomancer, Dragoon -> Samurai, Ninja

Magical Tree:

Chemist -> Priest, Wizard -> Oracle, Dimensionalist -> Animist, Summoner, Redguard

Then you can toss in your typical Bard, Dancer, Mime in roughly their proper locations.  If you look at the placement of Reactions/Support/Movement on the classes in the OP, you can see they follow scaling with this chart, meaning the most powerful things are reserved for when you open the top-tier classes, while early on you get things like various Equip skills, Distribute, Regenerator, etc. to experiment with and find ways to make useful, instead of being able to get powerful things like Counter, Magic Attack UP, Gained JP UP, Move +1, etc. right out the gate like in Vanilla.

Each class also has a unique set of Growths and Multipliers, of course, that are hopefully designed well enough that each class is worth gaining Levels in depending what you want out of your unit.  These Growths also (for the most part, there's one or two exceptions) become more and more specialized as you move up the tree.  The physical and magical paths diverge as in Vanilla (Priest gets Oracle, Wizard gets Dimensionalist, etc.) and so do their Growths, meaning sticking to a particular path will lopside your Growths more heavily to the stat that path emphasizes.  (aka, Wizard's path is obviously an MA route, I feel this isn't much of a spoiler.  Go down the path, level in its final unlocked Job, get tons of MA,  Though, obviously, this means losing more in other stats, whereas Levels in Wizard would've gotten you some (but less) MA in trade for more even stats everywhere else.)  And yes, this means that unlike Vanilla, Growths both matter and affect both trees equally, instead of just being used as a means of keeping Wizards from turning back into Knights while ever Generic class had a 50 MA Growth to not inhibit the opposite from occurring.

Without giving too much away, that's the low down on the Job Wheel, Generic Classes, etc., and you've got the closest thing you're going to get to previews in the OP.  So enjoy, and I'm gonna go get back to inputting skills after a bit of a break.

Joseph Strife

Man, your ideas for it matched with mine and outcame mine, your ideas are perfect. The Jobs seems realy good as well as the multipliers and Growths. I always liked the idea of making no comeback in Job, it was very easy to turn a knight in a wizard in vanilla, no longer that. :D
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


Mm.  Like I said, there's not much penalty for using any of the tier 2 Jobs (Guardian, Ranger, Priest, Wizard) for the most part.  Growths of 45/55 for PA and MA sometimes, somewhat modified SPD growth, etc, but now the parity properly exists.  On a Job with "high end" (min/maxed Growths towards certain stats) you can see Growths of as good as 35 on a "Good" PA/MA stat, or as low as 65 on a "Bad" one.  Compare to Vanilla, being almost any magic Job other than Priest gave you a 75 PA Growth or worse, for no MA benefit!

Basically, cross-treeing isn't quite as heavily punished the way Vanilla punished magic to melee because multiclassing is one of Vanilla's greatest strengths when the old Growths are ignored, but there's now proper parity between the two trees, and specializing will see a proper reward no matter which direction you go in.  Special Units obviously also have unique base-class Growths/Multipliers, and Squire/Chemist have "even" Growths so Leveling in them means being truly average and not being at a loss, with their Multipliers were buffed up to acceptable levels from the shitty ones Vanilla had given them.

Now, it's back to inputting the last half of Link's skillset now that I found a method of handling Whirlwind Blade's animation that I find acceptable.


I really don't even understand most of that but it sounds good when i read it XD
That's why you do all the number stuff :P

**Elric goes back to eventing**
  • Modding version: PSX