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ASM Requests

Started by The Damned, October 29, 2014, 09:16:45 pm

The Damned

Ugh. I've waited so long to ask some things that I've forgotten most, but given that I can wait regardless, I suppose it's fine since I may remember eventually if it was actually important. Unfortunately the one I do remember is the one most likely to help only me.

So, in the meanwhile, that self-serving question to ask somewhat relates to the "skill set for a status" one above (Choto):

Given that we know (?) at least implicitly from Counter Flood that a reaction can directly tap into a skill set that user doesn't actively have (learned), would it be (easily) possible for a reaction to tap into a skill set that a) isn't bound to terrain or other special conditions, b) (probably) isn't even ever on an active class and--most greedily--c) is somehow divided up into percentages of likeliness within the reaction skill set itself?

I suppose that part c is technically a separate question, so I suppose I should further clarify.

For clarification, I'll use this example: say that the reaction I wanted to make with regards above is "Blow You Away" for an enemy-only class, "Fiend of Wind", and the contents of the linked "Bushy Beard" skill set were five spells: Aero, Aerora, Aeroga, Tornado and Aeroja. Provided that a) and b) worked, would it be (not mind-numbingly) feasible to manipulate the percentages of likelihood to which ability was used by said reaction?

For instance, say I wanted to make Aero & Aerora each have a 30% chance of happening (so 60% combined if that would somehow make coding easier), Aeroga & Tornado 15% each and Aeroja 10%. Would that be possible (without inducing homicidal rage)? I figure if it somehow is-slash-was, then ordering-slash-grouping the abilities in blocks of probability might make things easier, though I'm not sure if it's strictly necessary. Still, I've already the order in mind for the reaction I would be making with this, hence why I'm asking.

(I suppose there's also technically a part d, i.e. if all the above is possible, then would it also be possible to have said reactions forego MP costs even though Counter Magic currently doesn't by default. Asking that, however, is basically Wall Street levels of greed, so it can easily be excised if parts a-c even would work in the first place, especially since I'm kind on the fence with regards to it anyway.)

Regardless, as ever, thanks.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"

The Damned

I'll try to make this the last consecutive post I make in here if I can help it. After all, I can wait for things as I've said, especially since I still don't know how to do them myself unfortunately.

That said, having remembered what I forgot to ask above, I should ask it now before I forget yet again. Thankfully, these requests are all easier to explain than the above:

1. Is there a way to make it possible to view skill sets that are already "Mastered!" so that you no longer get auto-locked out of any class's ability screen information if you buy all of its skills (or if they come inherently learned, like with Mime and monsters)?

2. Can formulas be made that specifically cancel a status without needing the appropriate inflict status for it? If so, could one also potentially use another inflict status that also adds something at the same time? (I'm guessing "no".)

3. Is there a way to "junction" status onto the various Charge skills (as a way to help differentiate them beyond just damage)?

4. Finally, can reactions (in theory) be made to react only a limited amount of times per battle before they stop working or are we stuck with unlimited reactions? I vaguely recall this being asked years ago with regards to HP Restore, but I can't recall if it was every answered and otherwise the closest thing is Auto Potion, which doesn't qualify.

Regardless, as ever, thanks.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Quote from: The Damned on April 15, 2015, 04:38:51 am
I'll try to make this the last consecutive post I make in here if I can help it. After all, I can wait for things as I've said, especially since I still don't know how to do them myself unfortunately.

That said, having remembered what I forgot to ask above, I should ask it now before I forget yet again. Thankfully, these requests are all easier to explain than the above:

1. Is there a way to make it possible to view skill sets that are already "Mastered!" so that you no longer get auto-locked out of any class's ability screen information if you buy all of its skills (or if they come inherently learned, like with Mime and monsters)?

2. Can formulas be made that specifically cancel a status without needing the appropriate inflict status for it? If so, could one also potentially use another inflict status that also adds something at the same time? (I'm guessing "no".)

3. Is there a way to "junction" status onto the various Charge skills (as a way to help differentiate them beyond just damage)?

4. Finally, can reactions (in theory) be made to react only a limited amount of times per battle before they stop working or are we stuck with unlimited reactions? I vaguely recall this being asked years ago with regards to HP Restore, but I can't recall if it was every answered and otherwise the closest thing is Auto Potion, which doesn't qualify.

Regardless, as ever, thanks.

Will answer to the extent of what I know:

2. Yes but depends on the level of configurability.

The quick, dirty way would be to make a formula hack that takes the existing status applying formula and just adds in an extra section that then adds/cancels additional statuses. Could be made to use X or Y for the additional status ID. The limitation would be that you'd be restricted within a certain status "section" ie. below are "two" examples of what I mean:

0x01a7/0x1b - Attack's Status Infliction 1
         0x80 -
         0x40 - Crystal
         0x20 - Dead
         0x10 - Undead
         0x08 - Charging
         0x04 - Jump
         0x02 - Defending
         0x01 - Performing
   0x01a8/0x1c - Attack's Status Infliction 2
         0x80 - Petrify
         0x40 - Invite
         0x20 - Darkness
         0x10 - Confusion
         0x08 - Silence
         0x04 - Blood Suck
         0x02 - Cursed
         0x01 - Treasure

So you'd be restricted into applying statuses within only one of such "sections". So if you wanted to add Darkness and Confusion, no problem. If you wanted to add Undead and Darkness though then this would need to be hardcoded.

3. What do you mean by "junction"? You mean Charge + 1 adds a particular status, Charge + 2 adds another etc.? Could hack the Charge routine to apply certain statuses based on the power stat - again, though, it would be hardcoded simply because in FFTPatcher there's no input fields available for the Charge skills to put a Status ID or whatever.

4. Tentative on this, someone more experienced with ASM hacking might have a more complete answer. From my perspective, you'd need to be storing a byte of information (ie. the number of times it triggered) then pull that byte into the reaction command routine. Not a problem provided there's empty space attributed to the unit for a byte that we KNOW won't affect anything else...which is probably where the main challenge lies. Someone else might know if there's sections of the unit data which are available.


Quote3. What do you mean by "junction"? You mean Charge + 1 adds a particular status, Charge + 2 adds another etc.? Could hack the Charge routine to apply certain statuses based on the power stat - again, though, it would be hardcoded simply because in FFTPatcher there's no input fields available for the Charge skills to put a Status ID or whatever

Errr.... I'm not sure I understand, you could just use the power stat to tie it to one of the inflict status, which all use one byte. Or if you wanted each of the charges having varying power, just have a small table 8 byte in some kanja space.
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?

The Damned

(Thanks for the answers Pride, especially so promptly again.)

You actually interpreted the third question correctly for first time. I apologize for using "junction" when I could just said "add". Yes, I'm talking about if it's possible add statuses to the differing charges regardless of their power. I'd be fine with having to hard-code it since, yeah, it isn't in FFTPatcher, and since I wasn't expecting to be able to apply certain statuses based solely on how powerful it was--I merely wondering if you could assign status to the space since, like Item, Throw, Jump and CT, we currently can't really affect Charge otherwise.

Incidentally, you've also answered my question about whether it would possible to make certain Items vulnerable to be Silence, so you've thanks for that too.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Quote from: The Damned on April 15, 2015, 04:38:51 am
1. Is there a way to make it possible to view skill sets that are already "Mastered!" so that you no longer get auto-locked out of any class's ability screen information if you buy all of its skills (or if they come inherently learned, like with Mime and monsters)?

You can view mastered skillsets by pressing circle while on a unit's status screen to go directly to their jobs (Instead of Ability -> Learn). It will bypass the "You have already learned all skills for this job" message.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Kurosabes#0312


Hello All,

I was wondering if someone could make Equip Change only allow for armour, clothes and robes to be changed. I know that Choto has created one for weapons, so would it be easy to create one just for armour/clothes/robes?
The reasoning behind it is I a member near the end of my FFTX-2 patch and equip change would essentially become garment change.
Kind regards Argy
  • Modding version: PSX
Kotetsu Quad Killer!!


remind me to look into it in about a week. This week is my last final. I think that hack is doable


Choto, thank you for taking tour time to consider the hack and good luck with your finals. I will most definitely ask you in a week or so.

kind regards
  • Modding version: PSX
Kotetsu Quad Killer!!


Here you go Argy... this should work. Lemme know if you have trouble

<Patch name="Equip change only for helmet, armor, accessory ">
      Disables the ability to change weapons with equip change.
    <Location offset="A694" file="EVENT_EQUIP_OUT">
    <Location offset="A6e4" file="EVENT_EQUIP_OUT">
      <!--Jump for menu activity-->
    <Location offset="ECF00" file="BATTLE_BIN">
      <!--Body for menu activity-->
    <Location offset="A620" file="EVENT_EQUIP_OUT">
      <!--Jump for initialization-->
    <Location offset="ECF30" file="BATTLE_BIN">
      <!--Body for initialization-->


Thank you Choto. I will test and feedback to you. :-)
  • Modding version: PSX
Kotetsu Quad Killer!!


Is it possible to extend JP spillover to the entire party? Even those that are not included in battle? It would be nice to have a hack like this so that you don't have to spend so much time grinding multiple characters (especially special story characters) just to have options and variety in unit selection.


Possibly? Certainly but probably not easily done.
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


Ah, was worried it wouldn't be simple. Oh well. What about altering spillover JP to be something like 2/3 (66%) instead of 1/4 (25%)? I saw a few things posted about disabling it, but couldn't find anything about this change specifically. Maybe I just didn't look hard enough.


Not easily done? Why? SCUS space or what?
It's just adding a value to the 20 characters in the World data and setting the max to 9999 (which it already does for the units in battle); it's not rocket science.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Yeah SCUS space and I'd be too lazy to rewrite a routine for it =p

Unless you know if there's any free space in scus.
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


May 22, 2015, 12:04:13 am #56 Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 06:45:23 pm by Bradsmr
Another question: Is there a hack that would set everyone's faith to 70? Or at least have Caster & Target Faith be a constant 70 in spell damage calculation? I used two hacks in FFTorgASM to have the spell damage calculations ignore these values, but this made spell damage waaay too high. (Was simply MA*Y, not reduced by anything) I could just go through and edit all the Y values for spells, but I'd rather not.


I know there were a couple of faith hacks made, but I'm not sure what they do unfortunately... I think there was one like that I remember FDC talking about it or something..


Hi guys, I've searched the Forums, and can't find anything. Is there a way to change Requires Materia Blade to Requires x Catagory?
I have the ASM to swap it to One Item(I might have a "Combat Shield", but that would be incredibly limiting for the player.)

Specifically, Shields? I'd like to change five or six skills so doing it manually would work too, I'd just have to figure out Exactly which skills I want to lose.

To be clear, I still need the requires sword segment of Patcher. (Considering that's almost a dozen generic skills that use it right this moment.)

Thanks. - Gate

(Also, though not relevant to ASMs, Anyone know if I can make an ability proc a "Shield Hit" on my sprites as the combat animation? IF not, I'll ask elsewhere when I get to that point.)
  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


im pretty sure the FFTorgASM comes with a hack that allow you to do this it should appear as
[highlight=yellow]Require Materia blade --> Require item type X (Default Lance)[/highlight]
it allows you to set a weapon category instead of just 1 item. its not the same as the Require Item X

EDIT: there isnt an option for shields tho :/
  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.