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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


November 02, 2014, 02:42:51 pm #3600 Last Edit: November 02, 2014, 04:45:23 pm by Shintroy
GG. Not a fan of heavy disabling and stall teams with weak KO power. Didn't get to see any AI reflect nonsense this time sadly. Barren's team was healthy for the majority of the second round. Death sentence would've been a great status for Otabo's team.

Great video for the first try. The game sound being off can probably be fixed easily so no worries. I'll sub next video since I forgot to. Idk why but I felt super cozy after listening to the beginning. Going to need a blanket and hot cocoa for next time. Keep it up. 

Going to update all three of my teams at once and make a new fourth team with an original theme. Need to see how my Wild team fairs in 139. Power Rangers and Barrows are done. I think Ninja Knife has a lot of potential. Better than dual slashers. Soon.
Some day my people will be free.


One more for tonight. Sorry Leif1991, but I did the match before your updates...hope you don't mind.

FFT Arena 1.39C- Andante49 (Old Gimickry) vs. Leif1991 (Gardening Shenanigans)
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


Ahaha. I suck at this metagame. I'm putting my team on hiatus. I need to strategize. 
Season 3 A.I. Tournament Champion


Yeah, I'm also having some difficulty gaining traction.  It's the "Stops" that are literally killing me although a few too many undead units aren't helping either.
My dreams can come true!

The Damned

(Hmmm...I kind of feel like [more of] a monster for suggesting Stall to replace Persuade after seeing how much it's been screwing up people. Of course, I could just choose to share the blame with Eternal if I wanted to....)

Thanks for the videos, Silentkaster. You did fine, especially for your first time. Trust me, a bunch of people started off far less smoothly, myself included.

Also, thanks for the offer. Yeah, I took my teams down, though they weren't supposed to be down this long. I just fell asleep at like 5:00 A.M. and didn't get around to adding anything back yet since I'm terrible at trying to decide how to fix things. I think I've decided now though, which is why they're back up.

My, Brawler is quite the lothario, obviously taking after Edgar in that regard rather than Sabin given his (very successful) heart-stealing shenanigans were directed towards women. Hell, Barren won the first round just because of him really, though Unburden helped clean up even if she never lost her item had a lot of bouts of (un)friendly fire or, er, gravity. I was surprised at how low her chances of hitting with them were even before Wall, which it's nice to see someone finally use the new verison of, instantly went off.

Still, even with Wall up, her Demi 2s were still more accurate than poor Alchemist's attempts to hit anything, much less hit anything for meaningful damage. Poor guy. All the evasion the Mediators had meant he was basically useless for anything besides being an Item-bot and killing the already wounded Singer. Then again, you could say the same thing about half of both teams given both Alchemist the Paladin & Elsa Frozen the Geomancer and Whisperer the Monk & Singer the Bard weren't all the effective. So it was more like a 2-on-2 with Anna Frozen throwing out Stops when she wasn't Stopped...or Berserked...or Disabled Don't Acted.

Speaking of Stop, that dual Stop off Reflect that hit both Mediators simultaneously towards the end of the second round was a thing of beauty. I wish I could get Reflect to work so smoothly for me. [Insert sadface here.]

Despite Leif1991's despondency, I actually think this was a more even than the above match, especially since it actually went three rounds. It just that Andante49 ended up being a lot more heavily favored in the third round than would perhaps be expected given that early Solution onto the Monk followed by the constant Earth Dragons making it impossible for the female Thief to revive anyone. That caused her A.I. to do some interesting things when it would normally be on the defense, though ironically I blame her being defensively minded and healing-oriented as the reason for things turning out so poorly in the first place since she could have killed the Monk early on after the male Thief hit him. Instead she chose to X-Potion the Time Mage, who I'm surprised was the first one die as it was. I was expecting it to be the male Thief really given he just ran ahead everyone and got in range of the almost-OHKO -tons the Monk has.

For the record, silentkaster, I'm pretty sure Chakra Band is still supposed to be preventing Petrify unless FFMaster just forgot to mention it, which is possible. Also, for the record, you should probably double check my JP totals since I tend to forget to add 250 JP just for opening classes beyond the first two.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


November 03, 2014, 10:48:20 am #3605 Last Edit: November 03, 2014, 09:06:04 pm by Andante49
Thanks for the match silentkaster, liked the pre-match commentary and the music  :)

If your team gets the status on early, not a stretch to happen before the other teams gets a move with all that speed, they can easily ride it to victory.  Case in point, the turn 1 charm on my mediator (and then the crit OHKO) and the don't act on my monk (was wondering when focus band would screw him over) forced me onto the defensive and it was all over. The second round my team got some damage on yours and was able to down a few units before the status flew. The third too but, had the female thief left the stopped charmed mediator alone she might've turned the tide. Excellent team and I see why you won the tournament, GG Leif


The Damned, I was going to record a match tonight but unexpectedly worked a 12+ hour day and have a prior engagement after work tomorrow. So I can try for Wednesday unless another recorded wants to do you vs. reinoe. Sorry again.
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.

The Damned

(It's fine. Actually, I'm not sure why you're even apologizing.)

Real life is generally more important anything you do on the Internet, especially for strangers, and work is kinda necessary to support yourself unless you have an inheritance or won some type of lottery or other contest. Getting roped into more hours than you were supposed to work is also an issue, so just don't burn yourself out already like I was telling CT5Holy, though that counts about work too. Out of curiosity, what type of job do you do where you'd be stuck there for 12+ hours? (Note: You don't have to answer this.)

Regardless, I can wait beyond Wednesday. I'm personally in no hurry, especially since reinoe will probably kick my team's ass unless it's the Fire-Absorb one.

Thanks for the update though. Stay safe.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


I work in sales, so I'm at the mercy of my customers' schedules. If they're available late at night only to make a purchase of a housefull of windows, then I have to be available late at night. In the case of Monday, a customer who had had a large estimate a couple months ago was ready, and I had to be there after 6 PM...and went through everything again. Took about three hours.

In any case, I recorded the video for you, The Damned. So here you go!

FFT Arena 1.39C- reinoe (Knife Nutz) vs. The Damned (Crushed Under Mammonmas Avarice)
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


Thanks silentkaster for doing the videos while I step down for a while. I figured I would take a break for doing arena matches for the time being. Just been busy and stressed with school and work. Especially work for Black Friday coming up.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


And there's my bad habit of allowing my Item user to act after my attacking units.  When will I learn?
My dreams can come true!


Sorry guys, this video has no sound effects during the battle. I couldn't get the soundtracks to line up no matter how hard I tried...it started off good but toward the end of the video, the sound was more than 5 seconds off...so I turned off the sound effects rather than keep that annoyingness in. But hope y'all enjoy anyway.

FFT Arena 1.39C- Shintroy (Power Rangers III) vs. Dokurider (General Winters Army)
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


November 06, 2014, 11:58:22 pm #3612 Last Edit: November 07, 2014, 12:25:01 am by Andante49
In regards to Stall not having the correct JP cost in the Memcard Generator, as silentkaster pointed out, did some digging and figured out how to fix it

Right click on a sheet tab
Select Unhide...
Select ISO Data
Click OK
Copy and Paste
into cell A2 (to make selecting all that easier just select the first few numbers then while holding Shift and press End)
Right click on the ISO Data sheet tab
Select Hide

Or if you don't mind reentering the teams, here's a copy already fixed

The Damned

(I know that feeling reinoe. I need to kick my similar addiction to putting a unit with Song on my teams even when it doesn't actually help.)

Apologies for the delayed response, silentkaster. I see. That type of job must be rather annoying at times, though there are doubtless even worse jobs, even time-consumption-wise too. Still, you've my sympathies in that regad.

Thanks for the videos.

Hunh. Despite commenting on this very team of reinoe's when I posted my latest post in the team thread, I actually didn't look at it with more than cursory glance. So upon seeing that three people on the all-Ninja team had 8 Move and two of them had Weapon Break & Armor Break, I promptly cursed and resigned myself to getting my ass kicked as I expected anyway. So I was rather surprised when that didn't happen.

I think the only real reason I won, besides the mis-step on the female Ninja that silentkaster pointed out with regards to the Cure spells and the perceived mis-step by reinoe with regards to the Item Ninja, was just because the Repel Knives were on said Item Ninja. Given he kept getting occupied by other things, like throwing X-Potions on the Mime or having to revive others or heal himself, it helped that he didn't got after either of the Time Mages for the most part. Granted, it also helped that the other two male Ninjas also were generally occupied more with their Breaks on every unit but the Knight and that I got generally lucky against dodging against them. It also helped a lot that  I got two of the bigger maps in the games, which didn't render the Ninja's move moot, but made it far less easy for them to swarm a unit-one-by-one as it would on smaller maps.

Of course, a smaller map would have just played in the hands of the new Demi, so who knows if it would have gone better or worse on one. Speaking of which, I'm surprised I hit as many Demis and Demi 2s as I did given no one on Knife Nutz has high Faith save for the kunoichi, who has a bunch of M-EV. I guess getting a free Demi or Demi 2 every time that one went off--save for once when Mimic of course just failed for no discernible reason--helped on top of having Koutetsu and Muramasa and Kiyomori to help "clean up".

All and all, the team didn't do as poorly as I thought it would in general, especially since my team actually made good use of Reflect Mail for once rather than having it be something that exclusively just backfires for me like always. This despite the fact that (Magic) Song "obviously" should probably change, that I should probably just give the Mime MA Save since HP Restore hates me anyway & he might not actually be able to equip C Bag and that this team probably gets reamed by any team that can absorb Dark en masse, Comet aside.

Regardless, good game reinoe. I think Knife Nutz could be quite threatening if you switch Item Bot guy to the front, give Bathory Regen instead of the Cures like silentkaster pointed out and generally just gave both of the other two one Break each. Shrug. Just some possible suggestions.

Wow, the first round was really nerve-wrecking despite neither of these teams being mine. I'm torn between calling it a "really good back and forth" and a "comedy of errors" given how many kind of idiotic moves both teams' A.I. made at points. Even knowing how blind the A.I. is to some things doesn't make that blindness all that tolerable. I am still wondering if Arrow Guard/Projectile Guard has some subtle bit to its code that "attracts" the A.I. given how many futile shots White Death took at Red versus other targets. Meanwhile, Yellow appeared to not give much of a damn about Projectile Guard given he only missed one shot on White Death and that was after he had knocked him out the sole time White Death went down.

White Death's early and thereafter constant positioning on top of the stone arch is what eventually allowed Dokurider to win the first round, which is rather fitting given who that name is referencing. Granted, for a long time I thought Dokurider's team would lose given that Blue was easily the MVP of Shintroy's team with how easily she was soloing the other three, especially Baba Yaga, due to all the M-EV she had. If Balut and Koshchey hadn't gotten relatively fortunate with Auto Potion going off as often as it did, then Dokurider likely would have lost the first round. Hell, if Pink had miscalculated that Cure 3 so poorly and accidentally healed Baba Yaga, then the old crone would have been stuck in the death loop until Dokurider inevitably lost to Chirijiraden + Stone Gun. As it is, I'm rather surprised Baba Yaga only attempted to use Petrify when it was actually appropriate rather than focusing solely on that given that, yeah, the A.I. does prioritize Petrify as a KO status.

Despite the second round being kind of one-sided given how early Blue went down, I think Shintroy could have easily won the first round even outside of the above if Red just had some distance damage options. As it was, he was mostly stuck to being a support-only unit that was limited to being effective only if the terrain is perfectly even, which is kind of a problem.

(Also, that Yellow is still a guy and Blue is still a female admittedly still bugs me a bit, but it's neither my team nor a big deal, so meh.)

Yeah, I'm not sure about the bag thing either. I keep forgetting to directly ask FFMaster about it, though perhaps that's because subconsciously expect him to disappear into the Australian aether again.

And, yes, "The $ea$on of $$" is supposed to "The Season of Money". If it's going to screw up like that in-game though, since now that I think about it I don't think the $ appears on the name-screen, then I'll just change it to "Indian-Giver" or something.

Quote from: Barren on November 06, 2014, 06:54:00 am
Thanks silentkaster for doing the videos while I step down for a while. I figured I would take a break for doing arena matches for the time being. Just been busy and stressed with school and work. Especially work for Black Friday coming up.

You poor bastard. You also have my sympathies.

Given you're taking a break, I suppose I should really try to see if I can get things recording again on my end. Besides just sloth, I've been hesitant to try since I figure knowing my luck I'll accidentally disconnect my (overpriced) Internet for a while.

So if I disappear for weeks to months on end again, that's probably why. Still, might as well give that a try this weekend I guess.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Team has too many elements at their disposal; gonna do something about that. But other than that, yeah - that team always loses on small maps and has a good chance of winning (barring absorption, status, speed teams, DPS teams, etc.) on larger maps if it can keep the cycle going. GG.


Just hung on by 2HP for the first round one on one conclusion. Don't like how Wish played out, will have to do something about that. Super close match, GG silentkaster


Mimes copy lore.  Shoulda rebuilt my short circuit team first.
My dreams can come true!


Guys, please stop giving Mimes magic secondaries. They interrupt their own charge spells. You're just shooting yourselves in the foot.


Quote from: Dokurider on November 08, 2014, 06:53:10 pm
Guys, please stop giving Mimes magic secondaries. They interrupt their own charge spells. You're just shooting yourselves in the foot.

I need to make a new team anyway.

Mimes might be fun to play with.

So I'll keep this in mind.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128