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Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!

Started by Celdia, November 01, 2011, 06:21:40 am


~~Welcome to the Circus~~

I'll be honest here, I work better running something by the seat of my pants than I do planning out a bunch of details ahead of time. Also, since it seems like the displayed interest in this game is less serious-minded and more humorous in nature, a deeply-detailed epic story would probably drown in the sea of silliness. I currently have no starting plot in mind as I thought I'd see what kinds of characters people intend to bring to the game first and then work from there. This method has worked in the past and I hope it will continue to work for this.

The basics of the game are probably all that is important. It will be a high fantasy medieval setting. This means magic is common and technology is low. Monarchies and magocracies are the rule as opposed to modern forms of government. Monsters roam the world, both above and below ground. There are multiple planes of existence to be traveled across and through, even those that are the homes to the gods themselves. Welcome to the world of Sephyr. If you want to know more, click the spoiler. If you think that's all you really need to know about the setting, feel free to move on.

Sephyr is the name of the homebrew campaign setting I will be running the game in. It is the title of the world much as we call our world Earth (or Terra depending on your preferred genre). The major continents of note for the purpose of this game are Telodin (home to the human, elven and dwarven kingdoms; not to say that those are the only inhabitants) which is roughly the size of North, Central and South America, Corithon - an island kingdom the size of Australia or thereabouts - and Yasser, a ruinous wasteland of a continent that fits somewhere between the size of the first two. The games in Sephyr tend to take place mainly on Telodin and thus this is the most developed part of the game world. If your party ventures beyond its borders, expect a certain lack of continuity (and bear with me thru it, please.)

First and Northernmost of the major Kingdoms in Telodin is Alynthia - a snowy tundra in the north where the Alynthian (or more commonly called, "snow") elves lay claim to the land. They are nomadic warriors (not terribly unlike the native Americans before the landing of the british colonists in North America, with a bit of eskimo tossed in). The snow elves do not welcome interlopers to their lands but will trade with peaceful travelers. Like the environment they inhabit, the elves do not suffer fools gladly. They will trail unwelcome travelers in their lands, waiting until the harsh climate does them in and then loot the corpses without hesitation.

South of Alynthia are the Six Human Kingdoms; Fandaria, Highland, Arcandum, Sensland, Verun and Kellem. To say these are the Human Kingdoms is a bit of a misnomer. While humans are the rulers of the kingdoms, their inhabitants encompass nearly every civilized race on the face of the planet, but the highest concentration of humans are in this part of the world. More elves and halflings are seen in the northern lands while dwarves, goliaths and gnomes have a greater tendancy to occupy the southern kingdoms. In the far northwest is a dense forest, known to the inhabitants there as Derrymor, where barbarian tribes have held lands despite numerous attempts at civilized people trying to claim their eastern borders. In the low plains and hills south and west of Arcandum are an area called the Giant Hills by commonfolk. There, various small groups of giant races make their homes and answer to no kingdom or laws but their own. Some trade with the neighboring human lands but most keep to themselves, fighting their own little clan wars.

The southern half of the continent of Telodin dominated by a vast desert, but between that desert and the human kingdoms lies the dwarven kingdom of Soreth and most prominently the dwarven mountain city of Mithralforge, a tiered city of stone tunnels that lead deep underground. Most of the dwarves that remain in their homeland are fairly insular creatures, content with their mining and crafting. Those more suited to trade or war usually find themselves in the upper world, traveling or adventuring as they will. No outsider truly knows the size or claim of Soreth's borders, but the common assumption is anything south of the mountains and north of the desert belongs to the dwarves, and most of that is below ground. So long as creatures aren't invading their mines and tunnel cities the dwarves tend to ignore most everything that goes on above ground.

Beyond the shores of Telodin is the continent of Corithon. Far East and a bit South from Telodin, Corithon is vastly different from the kingdoms of Telodin. Where places, ideas and objects from Telodin would fit into european medieval history and myth, the contents of Corithon are more akin to feudal Japan, before the revolution of the firearm. Pretty much anything you'd attribute to being in an Oriental Adventures campaign setting originates in Corithon.

Far to the east of both Telodin and Corithon is the continent of Yasser, named for the elven war-leader that brought his people to this desolate isle after fleeing the great magics cast in eons past. Due to Karla's balancing nature, Yasser is as toxic and barren as Telodin is lush and bountiful. Poisonous swamps, scorching salt flats and lakes of lava. Portals to the Nine Hells and, Limbo, The Abyss and other foul planes of existance open regularly here, spilling out infernal creatures and abberations that ravage the countryside for short periods before being ejected back to their home planes. Despite all this, the elven lord led his people to a strange sort of prosperity. Forged in blood and bodies of the slain Yasser created a kingdom of death and slaughter. The Yasseri elves became tainted by the poison land, evil permeating their very souls from birth. Very rarely one of the Yasseri will escape the deadly borders of their home on a ship, landing usually in Corithon and even rarer still in Telodin. Yasseri are met negatively by most peoples of the world and are even used in place of a kind of boogeyman to children in the human kingdoms of Telodin ("If you don't behave the Yasseri will kidnap you in the night".) Due to this emnity Yasseri will often travel with the aid of some kind of disguise, either trying to appear like a fey-blooded humanoid or even painting their skins and dying their hair to look more like other elven races. (A note: The Yasseri were never designed to be played by players but rather exist solely as a villainous race to pit the players against, which is why they aren't listed later with the other elves.)

Beneath the crust of the earth lies the deep and twisted passages of the Underdark. All manner of foul creature and aberration call these endlessly connected caves their home. The self-chosen defenders of the above-world, the Telluri elves, also call the Underdark their home, having many widespread communities at the entrances to this below-world all across the known world. For many centuries their people have fought to hold back the horrors below from reaching the world above. No few of the Telluri also leave their subterranean homes to find a life living under the sun instead of beneath stone.
Here's a piss-poor map of the Human Kingdoms and surrounding lands.

~~Getting Started~~

So you're ready to join up for a rousing adventure of merriment and mayhem? That's great, but first you'll need a character. (To those of you who I've already discussed characters with outside of the forum, just post your stuff according to the guidelines below.) Now there isn't too much to worry about here - I'm not going to direct you towards a pile of rulebooks and say build a character. I just need some very basic information from you and with that I'll write up the mechanics for your character based on that info. In that same simplified way of thinking though, I don't want anyone coming to me with some fully-detailed character sheet for the game system I'll be basing my mechanics off of and expecting they'll get to play some min-maxed monstrosity. So, here is what I'll be asking for along with a note on each.

-Name: You must have one of these. If you want to have more than one, that's fine too.
-Gender/Sex: If you feel so inclined, these don't have to match up. Some races have the natural option of Neuter as well.
-Race: More information listed below.
-Age (Human Equivalent): Not all races live for the same length of time. You give me a human age and if you're not human I'll work out the numbers.
-Birth Place: Pick a region from those listed above. If you would like more information on those regions before choosing, let me know.
-Appearance/Clothing: This is hopefully self-explanatory. Try to keep it appropriate for a fantasy setting.
-History/Background/Motivation/Goals: The more you have to say here, the more I'll have to work with for a plot.
-Combat Style: Again, the more details you can give me on this, the better. Unless you want to go with Pacifist, which is also a perfectly valid choice. If you have specific types of weapons or armor you want your character to be in, make a note of that here.
-Religious Affiliation (if any): While it is not required to follow any specific faith, the gods are very active forces in Sephyr and being unaffiliated can prove potentially hazardous in some situations. Remember, even if you don't actually believe you can always fake it.

The next part Raven had easy with Curse of the Viper. There was only one race to choose from: human. In my game that just isn't so. There are many choices and for the most part if you can think it, I can probably make it playable. That said, here is a quick list of the more common races in the parts of the world I would expect the game to take place in.

Humans: Good at everything, specialized in nothing. Gets small bonuses to most actions. Most other races will listed in comparison to humans.

Elves come in two flavors:
 Telluri Elves - These elves are magically inclined and graceful, but physically frail. Can see in total darkness but has minor penalties when in very bright light. Mildly magic resistant. Starts off with a general disadvantage in stats to other races. (1 Level penalty)
 Alynthi Elves - The second flavor of elves are more hardy but less magical in nature. Can see normally even in very low light but not in total darkness. Gets bonuses to tracking and surviving in the wild as well as training in one advanced weapon of choice (regardless of class).
 Both are resistant to Enchantments and only need half as much sleep as most humanoids.

Dwarves: Short and slow but harder to kill than most races. They're not terribly good at using any kind of magic but they can if they need to. They get bonuses to resist poison, disease and being knocked down (Garland would hate these guys.) Bonuses to crafting items, working with stone and when fighting with dwarven weapons. Can see a short distance in total darkness. They also don't suffer any penalties for carrying too much weight.

Halflings: Small and hard to hit. They get small bonuses to resist all manner of bad effects as well as small bonuses to attacks with thrown weapons. The biggest drawbacks are they have short legs so they don't move quite as quickly as humans, nor are they as strong physically.

Gnomes: Not too dissimilar from the Halfling, Gnomes are smaller than humans but made of more solid stuff. They're harder to kill but physically weaker and travel slower due to their size. Like Alynthian Elves they can see in very low light, but not total darkness. They are magically and mechanically inclined and get bonuses to both magic and crafting.

Goliaths: Bigger than a Human and smaller than a Giant. Very strong, hardy and slow. They can make use of larger weapons which will deal more damage than something human-sized. The trade-off here is you start at an overall disadvantage to other races.

Lirai: Tiny, pixie-like fey that are elementally attuned. They fly rather than walk and move about as quickly through the air as a human on the ground. Completely useless at any physical task but very skilled with magic. They are extremely fragile though and will suffer penalties to their hit points more than any other race. (If chosen, pick one of the four elements to be attuned to: Fire, Water, Air or Earth)

Warforged: A kind of magical construct, these creatures are part-living, part-machine and designed for battle. They can work endlessly at physical tasks without rest and do not require food, drink or even air, but cannot be healed as easily by the common magics used to heal other humanoids. The flipside to that is if someone else has the skill for it they can attempt to repair you which is the equivalent of a small amount of healing. They are fairly strong and well-suited to combat in various forms but don't handle magic very well. They are also immune to many things that would affect other humanoids, such as poison, paralysis and disease.

As I said before, if there is a race you know of that you want to be and its not listed here, PM me about it (either on the forum or on IRC). I tend to be able to make just about anything work.

Just a quick piece on the gods - I don't want to write up a pile of information on what are still only partially fleshed-out deities. If you list something like your character worships the God of Magic or the God of War then I'll find a nice match for you from my notes. If you put in something completely out of left field, I will attempt to find some kind of match. For those of you familiar with the base D&D gods here is a chart for names to their equivalents in Sephyr.

Boccob - Astinus
Corellon Larethian - Sarine
Obad-Hai / Ehlonna - Aerlyn
Fharlanghn - Wyrd
Garl Glittergold - Norrick
Grummsh - Melkar
Heironeous - Fengar
Hextor - Vendrid
Kord - Gharr
Moradin - Daedalean
Nerull - Caine
Olidamarra - Whisper
Pelor - Odinn
St. Cuthbert - Kraegore
Vecna - Serente
Wee Jas - Mort
Yondalla - Epim

~~How It Works~~

Once I've collected everyone's character data I'll be posting your character sheets in a post below which will be updated as the game moves along. After that, I'll be starting off with a general assessment of everyone's situation and we'll begin with some kind of direction (I hope.) It seems like this is going to be a sandbox-world sort of game. You'll have pretty free reign of where to go and what to do. I'll likely go with popular vote among the players if there is some kind of dissent about what do to or where to go.

I will be running the game in 'Scenes' and 'Battle Panes'. Scenes will be the time for roleplaying, deciding on where to go and what to do and generally interacting with the world outside of battle. Battle Panes will be used for combat and they will follow much of the same format as was used in Curse of the Viper.

The game will progress when one of two things has been achieved: Either there is a party consensus or the time limit has been reached. With each Scene I will be posting a cut-off time for votes on where the game will go next. If you do not make yourself heard by that time, the game will continue without your input and you will be carried along with the flow of things. This will also hold true for Battle Panes - if you don't post before the time limit, you will forfeit your turn.

Battle Panes will have a specific format, again based directly on how things were done in CotV. It worked well there and I hope I can make it work as well here. First though I want to take a moment to shamelessly steal Raven's own words to explain again how Battle Panes will work. Those of you familiar with the system should read through it for some small changes that will be applied.
Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz said something like this
----------Combat and Battle Pane Explanations----------

All combat will be explained in "Battle Panes", a sort of freeze frame or ongoing novelization of each turn as it happens.  The description of each Battle Pane will be the full summary of all the actions taken, the reactions from the enemy, and a situation to work out of for the current Battle Pane.  The map will be presented to the players in the form of an image showing the locations of the player units, all known enemy units, and giving the players a good idea of what the terrain looks like.  This overview will be updated with each Battle Pane, and should be easy to follow.

During each Battle Pane, a character is allowed a default of four (4) Actions that he or she can perform, and also allowed to do things such as talk which doesn't require using up an Action. Examples of Actions are:

1. Moving
2. Drawing a weapon or item from your pack.
3. Casting a spell or using a power/skill.
4. Safely storing a held item in your back/sheathing a weapon properly.

There will also be Advanced Actions available to you as the game moves on which require more than one Action to perform. At the start of the game all players have access to one Advanced Action: Charge. If there is at least two tiles between you and a target, you can perform a Charge which will give you a bonus to your attack but will inflict a temporary penalty to your defense. Charging moves you at Running speed (see below),  but without such severe penalties to defense. A Charge must end with an Attack. You can't use a Charge to flee from battle.

When moving there is no distance cap per action. However, moving farther in a single action will delay how long it takes for your next action to trigger (as should be logical, since moving farther takes longer).  Note that there are also 2 types of movement: Normal and Running. Normal movement is just that, normal. You move at a steady pace and react to your surrounding appropriately. By contrast, Running lets you move a whole lot faster but at the expense of not being able to make attacks or put up more than a passive defense against incoming attacks. Running is good for getting the hell out of a mess, but not very useful if you intend to fight.

Try and be creative with your Actions. Remember, you can attempt to do just about anything. Success or failure will depend on your character's abilities and you can never succeed if you don't try. (However, if you try to do something completely impossible I will let you know so you don't waste actions on it.)

I will try to remember to make notes on terrain as I post each Battle Pane. If there are questions about any terrain seen on a map, just ask then. I will keep open the possibility of both airborne and underwater combat but for now all that really needs to be noted for that is to make a note of how many tiles vertically you are from 'zero'. When flying, zero is the ground and when underwater zero is the surface.

Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz said something only vaguely like this
----------Range Explanations----------

There are several different combat ranges. These include Melee, Reach, Short, Medium, and Long. Ranged attacks are usually only affected by terrain when it interferes with line of sight. When counting squares for range, remember that diagonal movement counts as 1.5 squares.

Melee: A melee attack against an adjacent enemy.  In game terms, this Range is 1 Square anywhere around the unit, including diagonally.

Reach: A melee attack with a long weapon such as a polearm. This can hit enemies 2 sqaures away but not immediately adjacent enemies.

Close: Close range, but far enough away that a melee attack won't be effective. In game terms, this Range is anywhere from 2 to 4 Squares in a diamond around the unit. This is primarily used for thrown weapons and some skills.

Medium: An average combat distance that some ranged weapons function at. In game terms, this Range is 4-12 Squares in a diamond around the unit. Some weaker short range weapons such a slings fall into this category, as do some skills.

Long: A far range that most ranged weapons function at. In game terms, this Range is best used from 8-20 Squares in a diamond around the unit. It can be used for closer range attacks, but at a penalty.

As for the posting format, I do want to keep the same format that was settled on in CotV. That is normal text for narrative actions, "Bold print and quotes for when your character is speaking," and notation numbers in parentheses (1) when designating an action.

Celdia cursed herself for not noticing the signs of the bandits' ambush before it was too late. She sized up her foes as she drew her sword from its scabbard. (1) "Something tells me you guys aren't going to let me just pass quietly. Well that's alright. I never was one for being quiet." Charging forward, she swung wildly at the closest bandit, waiting to see if he would fall before pressing the attack further on his ally beside him.(2-4)

1. Draw my sword.
2&3. Charge Attack on Bandit 2 at E4, ending my move at D4.
4. If Bandit 2 dies from the Charge Attack, then Attack Bandit 3, otherwise attack Bandit 2 again.

If four actions seem to let the game go too slow per turn, then I may increase the number to six later on. I'd rather start with less and add more than start with too many and take them away afterwards.

As for Scenes, I was hoping to at least keep them to the same narrative plain-text and speaking bold-text. Anything that needs to be said Out of Character should be in ((double parentheses)) or noted in some other obvious fashion.

~~Equipping Your Character~~

For the time being, this part is going to be left empty since I will determine your initial load out of weapons and armor based on how much information you give me in your character's Combat Style entry. After everyone has fleshed out their characters here in the thread and I've posted your character sheets, then you'll be able to visit the shop to purchase the gear you'll need to make your way in the world with whatever Gold you have. I'm going to reserve the post after this one for whatever shops will be available to you as the game progresses. Most of the basic adventuring gear will be available in almost any decent sized part of civilization. During Scenes I will try to remember to note that the Shop Is Open or the Shop Is Closed for general restocking of gear. If you want to find something special/specific when you're in a town or city, say so and we'll see how things go from there. You can be vague in your requests to find special gear with things like "Something to help improve my defense" or "A charm to make my magic stronger." Its not like I expect anyone to come to me with a detailed list of equipment they would like to go and find.

~~Character Death~~

Being in a world of high magic, even death itself can be held at bay or denied entirely. Its just not always easy. If you die, there will expectedly be some length of time you won't be able to play for. There is also the possibility that the only people likely to go through the trouble to bring you back from the dead are your fellow players. It will be up to them to choose whether or not to pursue methods of resurrection or to let you rest in peace. Should the latter option be chosen, you can withdraw from the game entirely or go onto the Waiting List, should such a thing be necessary. The Waiting List will be for anyone that wants to play in the game but is either coming in late or I didn't have room for in the initial party. If you do end up dead and there is no wait to rejoin the game with a new character, please make a new character. I don't want to see a long-lost brother that is a clone of your original dead character showing up to join the party out of nowhere, nor will I tolerate a new character joining the scene who for some reason has the insane agenda of resurrecting your old character. That kind of thing will not be tolerated. I'm not saying you can't play a relative however. Just make sure that if you intend to that they have been previously established in your background AND that they are the kind of character to take on adventuring as a lifestyle. I hope I don't have to spell that out any further than I already did.

I think that's just about everything for getting this started. I already have some players that are definitely signed on for the game and they just need to post their characters here using the format listed above (Character portrait images are encouraged.) Anyone else that is interested in playing, feel free to just throw your hat into the ring. If I get more entries than I have slots left open for the game, I'll leave it to an RNG to see who makes the cut and who goes on the Waiting List.

~The Current Victims~
Kalas - IN
NinjaWeazel - IN
RavenOfRazgriz - IN
Ryqoshay - IN
SilentB - IN
randomname - IN by DM Fiat: Party needs a proper healer

~The Waiting List~
Eternal248 - 1st
Dunkelritter Luna - 2nd
Joseph Strife - 3rd
Lydyn - 4th
st4rw4k3r - 5th

Something that came to mind after the first player death that I'm going to institute on the Waiting List - If the party is lacking a key role for balance reasons due to player death, I will upset the order of the Waiting List to favor party balance/survivability.

  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


November 01, 2011, 06:21:53 am #1 Last Edit: February 01, 2012, 12:51:35 am by Celdia

Potions: You drink this to use it. Pulling it from a pouch or pack requires 1 Action. Drinking it can be done fast enough that it doesn't require an action.
Oils: These are applied directly to an object to make it function, usually a weapon. Pulling it from a pouch or pack requires 1 Action. Applying it also requires 1 Action.
Scrolls: You must be able to learn the spell on the scroll to cast it at all. You must have a high enough Magic Skill to do so safely. You can attempt to cast a spell off a scroll without the necessary skill but it may backfire. Scrolls usually require 1 Action to activate.
Wands: Like Scrolls, you must be able to learn the spell in a wand to activate it. Magic Skill doesn't affect your ability to activate a wand unless your Magic Skill is flagged with (Items Only). Wands cannot backfire - if you fail to activate them properly they just fizzle and waste a charge.
Wondrous Items: These usually require a command-word and/or being worn to gain the benefits from them. Anyone can use these unless they empower a specific skill (like Rage.)

Rhyhorn - 102 Gold Pieces, 47 Silver Pieces, 3 Copper Pieces
Hogarth - 336 Platinum Pieces, 199 Gold Pieces, 1 Copper Pieces
Xun - 397 Platinum Pieces, 231 Gold Pieces, 7 Silver Pieces
Yvonne - 77 Platinum Pieces, 7 Gold Pieces, 10 Silver Pieces
Nathalie - 33 Platinum Pieces, 103 Gold Pieces, 7 Silver Pieces, 6 Copper Pieces
N'zla - 0.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


November 01, 2011, 06:22:04 am #2 Last Edit: February 01, 2012, 09:05:26 am by Celdia

HP: 60/60
Defense: 20
Movement: 4
Endurance: 9
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 20
Ranged Skill: 12
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 59/59
Defense: 17
Movement: 8
Endurance: 7
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 33
Ranged Skill: 24
Magic Skill: -130

HP: 28/28
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 7
Melee Skill: 33
Ranged Skill: 24
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 14/14
Defense: 20
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 2
Reflex Speed: 7
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 8

HP: 22/22
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 22
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

HP: 24/24
Defense: 25
Movement: 6
Endurance: 4
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 8
Melee Skill: -100
Magic Skill: 8

Quote from: Rhyhorn
Name: Rhyhorn
Gender: Male
Age: 5
Birthplace: Mountains of Soreth
Appearance: This, covered in many leather sacks like a carrier beast.  His body is made almost purely of stone, leaving him in many ways akin to a Golem.  His stone-exterior is covered in the faded blue markings of elf's blood when not covered by the leather sacks, draconic runes of unknown use inscribed on his hide from a previous adventure. Their purpose is, and may forever be left, unknown.

Background & Personality: A stone-rhinoceros of unknown origin and sometimes questionable intellect, Rhyhorn lives as Rhyhorn lives - eating rocks, carrying goods for others in trade for money, and performing other simple tasks while roaming from place to place.  His previous adventures haven't been remarkable enough to warrant being told, and aside from the markings on his hide and some half-healed scars, he bears no mementos of them.  Rhyhorn is instinctual and quick to anger, charging perceived adversaries without warning, using the massive weight of his body to crush threats that aren't impaled upon his horn.  When not threatened, Rhyhorn has a habit of being silly or inattentive to the situation at hand, if not being directly addressed and having his attention maintained through some means.  While Rhyhorn can speak when required, the act of speech seems to come terribly difficult to him, causing him to often result to other forms of communication when possible.  He can easily understand speech spoken to him, however... again, as long as his attention can be held.

Combat Style: At his core, Rhyhorn is a simplistic fighter.  Offensively, he uses his rock-hard face and body as weapons, often charging his opponents resulting in body slams or horn impalements.  While Rhyhorn himself is not the kind to back down from a fight, he places the lives of companions and innocents above his own, often drawing and maintaining the enemy's aggression as he fights so others can heal, escape, or themselves fight without being harmed.  Despite his seemingly low intellect and "need" to eat, Rhyhorn understands enough of his physiology to know he can take plenty of abuse, something that pairs well with his primitive defensive instincts.  His selfless nature has resulted in him having several half-healed scars across his stone body, reminders of adventures with companions that parted ways with him long ago.  In desperate situations, Rhyhorn exhibits an intellect and ingenuity that seems far beyond him... though that could just be the result of a Golem-like equivalent of an adrenaline rush, because it never seems to last.

Religious Affiliation: Animals have no God.

HP: 60
Defense: 20
Movement: 4
Endurance: 9
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 20
Ranged Skill: 12
Magic Skill: 0
Athletics: 5
Stealth: 0
Stamina: 12
Knowledge: 1
Perception:  5
Social:  -2

Horn Attack: Your most basic attack form. Range: Melee. Power: 11. Requires 1 Action to use.
Focus: Makes you Focused. Being Focused allows you to use other abilities. Requires 1 Action to use.
Up The Walls: You may move up to 6 squares along a wall or ceiling during any movement. If you do not end your movement on the ground, at the end of the 6 squares of movement, you fall. You must be Focused to use this ability.
Roar: Lose being Focused and gain a +14 bonus to Power on your next attack. If you miss you still lose being Focused. You must be Focused before using again. No Action to use, just declare you will be using it in your attack Action.

Level 1 Powers (4/day): Stomp, Harden, Expansion.
-Stomp: You stomp the ground and create a shockwave that can knock down anyone in range. Range: 4 squares, cone shaped. Power: 6 (non-lethal) Requires 1 Action to use.
-Harden: Gain a +4 bonus to your Defense for a short time.  Requires 1 Action to use.
-Expansion: Grow one size category for a short time. Increases Attack Power and Range of Horn Attack but lowers Defense. Requires 1 Action to use.

Level 2 Powers (1/day): Rest.
-Rest: Regenerate your body with a short rest. Heals 1-12 HP. Range: Self. Requires 1 Action to use. Augment: You can consume 2 Level 1 Power uses per day to increase the total amount healed to 2-24 HP. This still only requires 1 Action to use when Augmented.

~Racial Traits~
Stone Body: Having a body made of stone grants more than a little bit of protection. You are considered to be wearing heavy armor and get a +8 bonus to your Defense. You gain a 25% chance to ignore critical hits against you. You also ignore the first 2 points of damage from any weapon that is not made of Adamantine. You can also subsist on nothing but rocks for nourishment. You are immune to most natural poisons and diseases, but cannot be easily healed by magic, nor do you recover HP from resting. You also reduce all Fire damage you take by 2 points.



{Tied to Neck by String}
1 Waterskin (full of water) - 4lb.
1 Chalkboard + Rag - 1lb.

{Worn on Front Hooves}
1 Brute Gauntlets - 1lb.

{Worn on Front Legs}
1 Bracers of Armor - 0lb.

{On Back}
1 Exotic Pack Saddle - 20lb. (Counts as "Clothes", so 0lb.)

{Exotic Pack Saddle Contents}
1 Bedroll - 5lb.
2 Caltrop Sacks - 5lb.
5 Chalk - 0lb.
1 Flint and Steel - 0lb.
1 Grappling Hook - 4lb.
1 Rations - 1lb.
1 Rope, Silk - 5lb.
1 Rope of Stone - 5lb.
2 Acid - 2lb.
2 Everburning Torches - 2lb.
2 Smokestick - 1lb.
2 Sun Rod - 2lb.
1 Artisan's Tools, Masterwork - 5lb.
1 Greatsword - 8lb.
3 Oil of Light Repair - .3lb.
4 Unidentified Potions - .4lb.
## Rhyhorn's Money - 2.96lbs
## Xun's Money - 12.7lbs

//Total Carry Weight: 56.98lb.//

[Pull, Weight/5]

1 Cart - 200lb.

{Cart Contents}
1 Chest, Rhyhorn's - 25lb.
1 Chest, Nathalie's - 25lb.
5 Firewood - 100lb.
1 Lock (Amazing) - 1lb.
# Unsorted Rocks - 15lb.
4 Chalkboard + Rag - 4lb.
1 Crossbow, Heavy - 8lb.
2 Crossbow, Light - 8lb.
60 Bolts, Crossbow - 6lb.
2 Javelin - 2lb.
2 Glaive - 20lb.
1 Greatsword - 8lb.
2 Halberd - 24lb.
2 Scythe - 20lb.

3 Masterwork Battleaxe - 18lb.
1 Longspear +1 - 9lb.

{Nathalie's Chest (No Lock) Contents}
1 Backpack (Empty) - 2lb.
1 Bedroll - 5lb.
1 Ink (Gold) - 0lb.
1 Ink (Purple) - 0lb.
1 Ink (Black) - 0lb.
1 Inkpen - 0lb.
1 Parchment (sheet) - 0lb.
3 Rations, trail - 3lb.
2 Soap - 2lb.
1 Waterskin - 4lb.
1 Disguise Kit - 8lb.
1 Scale, Merchant - 1lb.
1 Thieves' Tools, Masterwork - 2lb.
1 Cold Weather Outfit - 7lb.
1 Courtier Outfit with Jewelry - 6lb.
104 Bolts, Crossbow - 10.4lb.
## Nathalie's Money - 2.98lb.

Rhyhorn's Chest (Sealed with 1 Amazing Lock)
[Unsorted Goods and Supplies]

Total Pull Weight: 627.78lb. (125.556lb.)

Carrying Capacity - Light Load: 87 lbs. Medium Load: 174 lbs. Heavy Load: 262 lbs.

Languages: Common, Dwarven

Quote from: Hogarth
Name: Hogarth
Sex: Female
Race: Alynthian Elf
Age: 134
Birthplace: Alynthia
Background/History/Motivation/Goals: Raised by a nomadic tribe of stoats (and people) in the frozen north, she has learned to hunt and kill for herself. Prone to berserker rages common of her tribe, she uses a large battle axe and smaller, other axes for throwing. She refuses all other weapons. She thinks wizards are cowards, due to her low intelligence and lack of social skills. She left Alynthia for having "killed at least one of everything that lives there", looking for other, more exciting things to attack and then possibly eat. Ale, violence, and adventure are what she lives for, as she drifts from day to day.

Combat style: Pig-headed, focused, rushed attacks are her specialty. She will often Charge in to swing her axe, and really only uses her throwing axes when it would either look cool or win a contest for gold.
Religious alignment: She screams the name of her heathen gods to empower her for fight, and to frighten her enemies. She sometimes makes up new, different gods to scream to in case they might exist or the name sounds scarier.

HP: 59
Defense: 17
Movement: 8
Endurance: 7
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 33
Ranged Skill: 24
Magic Skill: -130 because wizards are cowards.
Athletics: 10
Stealth: 3
Stamina: 3
Knowledge: -1
Perception: 2
Social: -1

- Greataxe: Power 27. Melee Skill Bonus:+4. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Throwing Axe: Power 15. Range: 2-10 squares (loses accuracy every for 2 squares.) Requires 1 Action to use (includes drawing the weapon to throw.)

Illiterate: This counts as an ability. You can't read. You're lucky you know how to speak. Future note: Not all abilities are good ones.
Rage (4/day): You can go berserk for a short time, temporarily increasing your Power, Combat Skills, HP and Magic Resistance while also lowering your Defense. At the end of your Rage, you become fatigued and must rest before using your Rage again. Duration: 14 Actions. Requires 1 Action to use. (Power +6, Melee Skill +8, HP +8, Magic Defense +2)
Uncanny Dodge: You are always ready to fight and never take penalties to Defense for being surprised.
Trap Sense: You gain a small bonus to avoid the effects of traps you trigger.
Low-Light Vision: Can see in dim light as easily as if it were daylight.
Throw Anything: If you can lift it you can use it as a weapon. Only accurate to a range of 2 squares. Melee weapons hurled this way do normal damage for that weapon. Anything else is up to the discretion of the DM.

- Greataxe (Magic +1) (12 lbs.)
- Throwing Axes (Quantity: 3) (2 lbs. each)
- Mithral Shirt (10 lbs.)
- Custom Animal Hides (Decorative) (The height of Alynthian fashion) (10 lbs.)
- Belt of One Mighty Blow (1/day get +21 Power on a Melee Attack)

1 Backpack 2lbs
1 Bedroll 5lbs
1 Crowbar 5lbs
1 Grappling hook 4lbs
1 Hammer 2lbs
3 Mug/Tankards, clay 3lbs
3 Oil pints 3lbs
1 pot, iron  10lbs
3 pouch, belt 1.5lbs
1 Rope, hempen (50ft) 10lbs
1 Sledge  10lbs
1 Waterskin 4lbs
5 rations, trail  5lbs

Carrying Capacity - Light Load: 100 lbs. Medium Load: 200 lbs. Heavy Load: 300 lbs.

Languages: Alynthi (spoken only), Common (spoken only)

Quote from: Xun Huan
Name: Xun Huan
Gender/Sex: Male
Race: Human
Age: 24
Birth Place: Corinthon

Appearance/Clothing: A slender young man dressed in a simple robe of undyed cotton, bearing a yin-yang stitched on the back and held closed with a brilliant red sash.  His eyes are a brilliant green, standing out sharply in his tanned face.  His head is shaved bald,   His only weapon is a simple straight sword bearing an ornate red tassle, slung across his back in a worn leather sheath.  Around his neck hangs a necklace of large beads, an aid in focusing his mind and helping to direct the energy of his prayers.

History/Background/Motivation/Goals: Raised from infancy within the confines of Wudang Temple, Xun lived a life of simplicity and devotion.  He has studied the basics of Taoist alchemy, astrology, cuisine, martial arts, medicine, and the workings of both internal and external applications of personal energy in addition to studying the ways of the gods and their places within the Tao.  A humble student of The Way, Xun has recently finished his novitiate in a temple, and is wandering the world to expand his knowledge and understanding of the principles of his teachings.

Combat Style: Xun eschews heavy armor, trusting in his martial arts training to anticipate and deflect or avoid physical attacks while his intense spiritual training helps ward him from mystical assault.  His movements are swift and precise, his strikes suprisingly powerful thanks to his martial arts practice.

Religious Affiliation (if any): As a devoted Taoist, Xun reveres all the good gods equally, seeing them as personifications of the virtues of The Way.

HP: 28
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 7
Melee Skill: 33
Ranged Skill: 24
Magic Skill: 0
Athletics: 6
Stealth: 2
Stamina: 0
Knowledge: 5
Perception: 6
Social: 0

Attacks: (See Also Maneuvers)
- Bastard Sword: Power: 21. (2Handed: +4 Power). Melee Skill Bonus: +4. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
        -> Crystal of Return, Lesser: Draw weapon as free action, returns to hand from up to 30' away if unattended (requires 1 action.)

Disciple of the Sword: You have access to martial Stances and Maneuvers. You may only have one Stance active at any time. You can only have 4 Maneuvers ready at any given time. You can meditate for 5 minutes to change what Maneuvers you have ready. Once you use a Maneuver during an encounter, you cannot use it again until you Recover your Maneuvers. You can spend 2 Actions to Recover your Maneuvers. If you did not use a Maneuver before this, you cannot use it twice but rather it is reset with the others.
Exotic Training: You can wield a Bastard Sword in either one hand or two hands as needed. You get a bonus to Power when using it two-handed.
Vital Recovery: Heal 6 HP the first time you Recover your Maneuvers each battle.
Aid Another(Defense Boost): When using an Action to Aid Another for raising their Defense, the bonus is +3 instead of +2.
Rune of Endless Fire (1/day): Damages one enemy with equipped weapon. Damage counts as Fire damage and target is blinded. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +4 bonus to Power on all your attacks, your attacks deal Fire damage instead of their normal type, and the number of hit points and temporary hit points granted by your abilties increases by 4. Power: As Weapon x2. Range: Melee. Requires 2 Actions to use.
Stances: Requires 1 Action to use, effect persists until you spend 1 Action to either end it or switch to another Stance.
- Punishing Stance [Destruction Stance]: Your Melee attacks gain a +7 bonus to Power and you take a -2 penalty to Defense.
- Bolstering Voice [Protection Stance]: You and your allies within Medium Range of you gain a +2 bonus to Magic Resistance and a +4 bonus to resist any Fear effects. (These bonuses do not stack with each other.)
Maneuvers: These are usually used in place of a normal attack. Some have an additional effect based on your Stance being either [Destruction] or [Protection].
-Word of Mending: You or one ally within Close Range of you heals 6-13 HP. [Destruction] - You and each ally within Close Range of you gain a +4 bonus to Power on weapon attacks until the end of the next turn. [Protection] - You and each ally within Close Range of you gain a +1 Bonus to Defense, Endurance, Reflex Speed and Magic Resistance until the end of the next turn.
-Word of Binding: Damages the target and they cannot move until the end of the next turn. [Destruction] - Allies get a +6 bonus to Power when attacking the target next turn. [Protection] - One ally in Close Range of you (at time of use) gains a +3 bonus to Defense until the end of the next turn. Power: 14. Requires 1 Action to Use. Range: Melee.
-Word of Exchange: Damages one enemy with equipped weapon. [Destruction] - The next ally that attacks the target before the end of the next turn gains a +6 bonus to their Power and also gains 3 temporary hit points. [Protection] - The target takes a -2 penalty to Defense until the end of the next turn and the first ally to attack the target before then gets a +3 bonus to Defense until the end of the next turn. Power: As Weapon. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
-Word of Shielding: Damages one enemy with equipped weapon. [Destruction] - The first time your target attacks you or an ally within Close Range of you before the end of the next turn, that target takes 1 point of damage. [Protection] - The first time your target attacks you or an ally within Close Range of you before the end of the next turn, the target of that attack gains 1 temporary hit point. Power: As Weapon. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
-Divine Rune of Thunder: Damages one enemy with equipped weapon. [Destruction] - Gain a +6 bonus to Power for this attack. The target takes a -2 penalty to Defense until the end of the next turn. [Protection] - The target is pushes back 3 squares from you and loses 2 Actions next turn.
-Icon of Victory: You and your adjacent allies gain +4 to Combat Skill until the next Turn. You can choose to expend the first Action of your next Turn to repeat the effect. Requires 1 Action to use.

- Bastard Sword (Magic) (6 lbs.)
- Crystal of Return, Lesser ( - )
- Chain Shirt (Masterwork) (25 lbs.)

  rations (14 days)
  winter blanket
  candle x5
  fishhook x5
  Flint & Steel
  common lamp
  oil (5 pints)
  soap (2 lbs)
Pot, iron
pouch, belt (x3)
  Ink (3 oz)
  small steel mirror (x3)
  Candle x5
  paper (20 sheets)
  scroll case x2
  cash   31 gold, 7 silver
belt of healing

Carrying Capacity - Light Load: 100 lbs. Medium Load: 200 lbs. Heavy Load: 300 lbs.

Languages: Corithonian, Common (broken, spoken only)

Quote from: Yvonne Scintillae Incendam
Name: Yvonne Scintillae Incendam
Gender: Female
Race: Lirai (fire)
Age: Forgotten (appears to be human equivalent of mid-twenties)
Birthplace: Plane of Fire

Background: Born of the eternal inferno of the Plane of Fire, Yvonne spent her early days flitting around the flames and basking in the warmth. While the plane is most certainly not devoid of life, after a century or so, it gets old. Upon coming of age, she left the safety of her home and began seeking methods of extra-planar travel. She quickly found she was unable to open her own portals, so whenever she was bored with a plane, she had to inquire about to find one who could send her on her way. She has spent decades exploring any place she can find adventure and has recently stumbled across a strange realm known as Sephyr. At least that what she claims.

Personality: Prideful, boastful, arrogant, though sometimes ignorant, Yvonne lives day to day with a robust lust for life and the adventures it can hold.

Appearance: About eight inches tall and something like this...

Combat Style: Yvonne is practically useless in melee combat, and she knows it, therefore she abhors physical fighting. She prefers to stay at a safe distance and flits around the battlefield, flinging her spells at her foes and laughing.

HP: 14
Defense: 19
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 2
Reflex Speed: 7
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 8
Athletics: -1
Stealth: 5
Stamina: 6
Knowledge: 3
Perception: 0
Social: 5

Natural Flight: You can fly under your own power and in all directions at equal speeds. You can fly straight down at double your normal speed.
Low-Light Vision: Can see in dim light as easily as if it were daylight.
Elemental Affinity: You ignore the first 10 points of Fire damage dealt to you from any source.
Hide in Plain Sight: You can attempt to hide with your Stealth Skill even while being observed if you are within 1 square of a naturally occuring source of fire (which can be no smaller than a campfire in size.)
Elemental Strike (3/day): You can conjure up a small ball of fire to attack someone with. Power: 22, Fire damage. Range: Close. Ranged Skill Bonus: +8. Requires 1 Action to use.
Dormant Power: A power yet inaccessible at this time.
Cantrips (6/day): Acid Splash, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Electric Jolt
- Acid splash: Throw a tiny ball of conjured acid at a target. Power: 3, Acid damage. Range: Close. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Dancing Lights: Creates torches or other lights. Range: Long. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Flare: Dazzles one creature (-4 on Combat Skills for 1 turn.) Range: Close. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Light: Make a held object glow like a torch. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Electric Jolt: Arc a tiny lightning bolt at a target. Power: 4, Lightning damage. Range: Close. Requires 1 Action to use.

Level 1 Spells (7/day): Magic Missile, Kelgore's Fire Bolt, Lesser Orb of Electricity.
- Magic Missile. Launch bolts of magical force unerringly at a target. Power: 14. Range: Long. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Kelgore's Fire Bolt: Conjures a small stone and wraps it in magical fire. Power: 27, Fire damage. Range: Long. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Lesser Orb of Electricity: Create a tiny ball of energy and hurl it at a target. Power 18, Electricity damage. Range: Close. Requires 1 Action to use.

- Bracers of Armor (+1 Defense) (.5 lb.)
- Cloak of Resistance (+1 E/RS/MD) (.5 lb)
- Ring of Protection (+1 Defense)
- Spell Component Pouch
- Handy Haversack (5 lbs.)
- Everlasting Ration Kit (.5 lb.)

Mirror (I feel pretty) (.5 lb.)
Vial (to keep soap in) (.01 lb.)
1/5 lb. of Soap (a lady has to keep clean) (.2 lb.)
Cold weather outfit (1.75 lb.)
Blanket, winter (.75 lb)
Case, Scroll (.125 lb.)
Scroll of Shield x4
Scroll of Endure Elements x2
Scroll of Orb of Fire, lesser x4
Jewelry consisting of gold choker, brass earrings with red quartz, pyrite druzy bracelets, and a flame signet ring
Wand of Repair Light Damage x2
Wand of Magic Missile
Wand of Detect Secret Doors
Wand of Detect Magic
Needle and Thread
Various Flowers
Antitoxin x2: 100gp
Pole, 10 ft. (8 lb.)
Tent, lirai-sized (5 lb.)
Bedroll, lirai-sized (1.25 lb.)
Rope, silk 50 ft. (5 lb.)
Chain 10 ft. (2 lb.)
Block and Tackle (5 lb.)
Piton x10 (5 lb.)
Hammer (2 lb.)
Sealing Wax (1 lb.)
Other Miscellaneous Items

Carrying Capacity - Light Load: 13 lbs. Medium Load: 26 lbs. Heavy Load: 40 lbs.

Languages: Common, Sylvan

Quote from: Nathalie Marchand
Name: Nathalie Marchand
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: Twenty-one
Birth Place: Kingdom of Highland

Appearance: Nathalie's face is fairly oval-like, but her features are a mix of contradictions. Her eyes are pointed, and stern, but they carry themselves with a lazy, tired beauty. Her eyes are a cold, pale blue, but they evoke an inviting warmth to them. Her face is haughty, and statuesque, with defined cheekbones and a nose that points slightly upward, though when she smiles her whole face lights up, and stretches and contorts to every emotion she feels. Her hair is medium length and a deep, maroon-like red, though she is normally cool and carries a "quiet" confidence. Her skin is a porcelain white and her features are striking, though quite vanilla.

However, her knack for fashion offsets the lack of any sort of exoticism. She messily parts her hair from the end of her forehead to the left, having her hair fall wildly down, across and back. It's waviness adds to the quality of being "untamed." She wears a very muted gold, almost pale, silk dress with slits down the sides that start at her thighs, leaving her legs exposed. She covers up her "bare" parts with a silk, sinewy, sienna scarf, and the same colored leggings (cotton) that also keep her warm in the temperate weather. She dons black boots with laces that tie up to her shins, and they have a small heel to give her a bit of height.

History: Nathalie is, for the most part, something of a celebrity in Highland, well, at least Weinrist that is. Blooming ever delightfully at the ripe age of seventeen, she's been the object of many a man's affection. Having worked in the gruff and tough environment of a bar, she can at least handle herself with the more rowdy men, and the more shy customers flock like sheep to her beauty, leaving her to be a model employee and barmaid. She has quite excellent oratorical skill as well, and used it to her advantage to entice men into thinning their wallets to fatten her purse. She is not exactly the most moral of people, but she does nothing that is blatantly immoral. Recently, however, she has fascinated the wrong crowd of people. Since Nathalie is not very careful of the men she allures and for all intents and purposes "steals" from, she has gained her small share of detractors. In this case, she has gained the un-approving eye of loyal men (with domineering wives) that find her behavior deplorable and sinful. While at first she shrugged off their holier-than-thou sermons and attempts at "rescuing her soul," the relentless and perilous persistence of these men forced her to pick up and leave Weinrist and flee elsewhere.
With only small bits of knowledge and tricks she's gained over the past five years of tending to perverted, lonely or respectable men that wandered into her place of employment, she escapes from the zealous men who, and as a shock to her, still chase her, even in her dreams..

Combat Style: Having only a few parlor tricks if in case of emergency, she doesn't fare well in battle at all. Her strength is in her words and fights only with the power of speech. While not exactly a pacifist, she is so out of necessity (self-preservation). She survives by making deals, a bit of a devil in that regard, she'll always exchange some sort of commodity to ensure her own safety, at, and to her dismay, any

Religious Affiliation: Since she flies by the seat of her pants, she relies heavily on luck to ensure everything goes smoothly. With that, she is a very devout follower of Armist, but only in secret. Making a spectacle of faith, she feels, defeats the purpose.

HP: 22
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 22
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)
Athletics: -1
Stealth: 7
Stamina:  1
Knowledge: 6
Perception: 6
Social: 8

- Light Crossbow, Magic: Power: 11, Ranged Skill Bonus: +4, Range: Medium. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Dagger: Power: 3, Combat Skill Bonus: +4, Range: Melee/Close. Requires 1 Action to use.

Trapfinding: You can attempt to find and disable complex traps that would otherwise be undetectable. Also gives you a bonus to Defense and Reflex Speed for avoiding damage from traps.
Evasion: Take no damage when successfully resisting the effects of some spells, instead of half damage like normal.
Sneak Attack: When attacking an enemy under certain circumstances you get a +7 Power bonus on your attack. Ranged attacks can only get this bonus within 6 squares of the target.
Use Magic Device: You can attempt to activate wands or magic scrolls despite not being a spellcaster. Be careful of backfires!
Rapid Reload: When reloading a Light Crossbow you do not require spending an Action. When reloading a Heavy Crossbow you require spending only 1 Action.
Point Blank Shot: When firing on a target within 6 squares of you, you gain +1 Power and +4 Melee Skill on your attack.
Uncanny Dodge: You are always ready to fight and never take penalties to Defense for being surprised.

1 Crossbow, Light, Enchanted +1 - 4lb. (Primary Weapon)
10 Bolts, Crossbow - 1lb.
1 Dagger, Masterwork - 1lb.
1 Mithral Shirt, +1  Magic - 10lb.
1 Buckler, +1 Magic - 5 lbs.
1 Healing Belt - 2 lbs.
1 Wand of Bless (10 charges) - .1 lb.

On Cart: See Rhyhorn
Current Load: 23.1/80lb. (Light Load)

Carrying Capacity - Light Load: 26  lbs. Medium Load: 53 lbs. Heavy Load: 80 lbs.
Languages: Common, Giant, Goblin, Alynthi, Draconic, Orcish.

Quote from: N'zla of Ro'K
Name:  N'zla of Ro'K (UN-zzzl-ah | roh-Kuh)
Gender/Sex: Lesser Male
Race: Ek, highly intelligent bug people. Picture
Age: 79
Birth Place:  Hive Ro'K, Underdark
Appearance/Clothing: Sketch
Predominantly lime green.  N'zla's shell is embossed in the Ek tradition with swirls and dots, the embossed sections are painted red and pink.  N'zla wears the traditional Ak Priest headdress made of scaled blackened chitin.  The headdress is topped with a carved statuette on the front between his antenna of an Ek in a meditation position.  The headdress leads into a thick collar with hundreds of bright feathers (a sign of wealth as feathers are a rare and treasured commodity in the Ek Hives).  He wears more blackened chitin scales as armor over his torso and abdomen.

N'zla was raised as a priest of Holy Ak in the Ek Hives of Underdark.  His people are strict pacifists, and like them he has a tendency to be naive.  But also as most Ek have, N'zla bears a great curiosity for the Above.  He wishes to understand the Above and its peoples, to know what they know and to bring secrets back to Ro'K.  
As most priests of Ak, N'zla is also well-versed in Mok-T'raat, or "War Games", a ritual that honors the time long ago when Ek still fought like beasts until they were saved by their patron, Ak.  Mok-T'raat is merely a strategy game, a mimicry of ancient feuds, and N'zla has no idea how to actually fight.
He's far better with the Tongues of the humanoid races than many of his peers.  He has spent years practicing to mimic the sounds humanoid mouths make.  Even so, his speech is broken and awkward at best.

Combat Style: Pacifist.

Religious Affiliation:  Ak, God of the Forgotten, Secrets, and Knowledge.

HP: 24
Defense: 25
Movement: 6
Endurance: 4
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 8
Melee Skill: -100
Magic Skill: 8
Athletics: 0
Stealth: 4
Stamina: 4
Knowledge: 6
Perception: 6
Social: -3

Turn Undead: Focus your spirit through your holy symbol and make weak undead flee in terror. Range: Medium
Darkvision: Can see up to 12 squares in complete darkness. Everything appears in monochrome using Darkvision.
Chitin Hide: Your body is naturally armored. Gives a +3 bonus to Defense that can't be removed.
Restless: Immune to Sleep magic and effects. Does still need to sleep normally.
Multiple Limbs: You have four arms and they all function equally.

Cantrips (5/day): Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Poison, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance, Detect Magic, Guidance, Read Magic.
- Create Water: Conjure up 2 gallons of fresh water. Range: Close. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Cure Minor Wounds: Heal one ally for 3 HP.  Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Detect Poison: Detect poison within a creature or object. Range: 12 squares, cone shaped. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Purify Food and Drink: Makes food and/or drinks safe to consume. Range: Special. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Resistance: +1 to Endurance, Reflex Speed and Magic Resistance. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Detect Magic: Detect magical auras. Range: 12 squares, cone shaped.
- Guidance: Divine guidance grants a +4 on an ally's next Attack, or a +1 on their next E/RS/MR or Skill check. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Read Magic: Read magical scrolls and writing.

1st Level Spells (5/day): Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Omen of Peril, Blessed Aim, Deathwatch.
- Cure Light Wounds: Heal one allly for 6-13 HP. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Bless: All allies within 10 squares of you get +4 bonus on all Attacks. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Omen of Peril: Divine inspiration lets you know if danger lies ahead. Requires 1 Actions to use.
- Blessed Aim: All allies within 10 squares of you gets a +8 bonus on Ranged Attacks. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Deathwatch: Know how much life remains in creatures within 6 squares of you. Requires 1 Action to use.

2nd Level Spells (3/day): Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Dark Way
- Cure Moderate Wounds: Heal one allly for 9-23 HP. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Lesser Restoration: Heal one ally for 1-4 points of stat damage. Range: Melee. Requires 3 Actions to use.
- Dark Way: Create a bridge of force 1 square wide and up to 12 squares long. Can hold up to 600 lbs. Range: Close. Requires 1 Action to use.

Totem of Ak
Ek Chitin Armor
Healer's Kit
Buckler +1
Artificer's Monocle
Healing Belt
Wand of Repair Light Damage (10 charges)

Carrying Capacity - Light Load: 33 lbs. Medium Load: 66 lbs. Heavy Load: 100 lbs.

Languages: Ek'r, Common, Telluri, Undercommon, Gnomish

Because some people were asking about stats I thought I'd put this chart up for them. It doesn't directly reflect the number values (for instance 'Average' does not mean '10') but rather the characters' stats in relation to the rest of the party.

Quote from: Seap
Name: Seap
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 22
Birthplace: Kingdom of Highland

Background: Seap was, until recently, an actor and bard for Baron Emal, a major patron of the arts in Highland.  The yearly festivals hosted by the Baron's musicians at his summer villa in Depstan drew crowds from all of Telodin.  That was until last year, when an unusual omen prompted Depstan's chief astrologer to predict disaster during the week of the festival.  The Baron, never one to believe superstitions, proceeded without heed of the warning.  Despite the reduced turnout that year, the festivities seemed undisturbed by the omen.  On the penultimate night, however, right as the bards were rehearsing one last time for their finale the next day, light covered the sky as if the already set sun had reemerged to swallow everything else.  Following his instincts, Seap bolted across the gate of the villa; his eyes too steeped in terror to even glance back.  As his eyes regained vision, he scanned at the marketplace around him.  It seemed normal enough, and yet, the festive atmosphere he had seen that very morning was gone.  Rushing back along the seaside road to the villa, Seap could only see the unimaginable.  Where the road once led up to the villa, the road now curved away, leading to a fisherman's hut.  Waves crashed against the sand where the gates of his master's summer mansion once stood.  There was no trace of wood, stone, or food anywhere near the site, only wet sand and a few scuttling crabs.  The fisherman, like all the other inhabitants of the town, told Seap that no villa had ever existed where he had spent 10 summers of his life.
Over the next year, the disheartened Seap tried to relate his story to anyone who would listen, to no avail.  The clergy considered him cursed; the nobles found him unemployable, and the peasants simply called him crazy.  Forced to pawn most of his possessions, Seap finally decided to meet the very astrologer who predicted the disaster, even though Seap himself didn't believe in such matters.  The astrologer, despite his sympathy, seemed to offer no solution, only suggesting that Seap wander until he found the truth.  With no other real option, Seap departed from Depstan, if only to escape his reputation.

Appearance/Clothing: Seap wears a worn linen tunic, with worn leather shoes and pants.  His undershirt is made of wool, as is his socks.

Combat Style: Seap was never trained in combat and disdains it.  He believes his song can win over even the worst of people, though he isn't above running if his life demands it.  (Seap is mostly pacifistic.)

Religious Affiliation: As part of his repertoire, Seap sings the songs of many religions, and thus, doesn't feel strongly drawn to any.  Furthermore, he doesn't see the priests as any more holy than himself, since they both draw money off of the emotions inspired from the audience.

Finale: Seap met his end when passing through the border checkpoint between Highland and Verun. He said the wrong thing to an official there and gained the attention of Patrol Captain Lagrand who too Seap into a small interrogation chamber intent on wringing information out of the bard, by force if necessary. Seap, sensing the danger of the scenario even when he was being truthful made an attempt to put the Captain under his influence with a Charm Person spell so that he might escape, but the spell failed to take hold. Realizing what had happened, Captain Lagrand drew his sword and ran Seap through with the blade before viciously decapitating the bard.

HP: 14
Defense: 13
Movement: 6
Endurance: 2
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Defense: 7
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 7
Athletics: -1
Stealth: 4
Stamina:  0
Knowledge: 6
Perception: 4
Social: 10

Sprint: Retain full defense bonus when moving at Running speed and gain a 25% bonus to Movement while Running.
Bardic Music (7/day): Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage, Inspire Competence -  Requires 1 Action to start, must use first Action of each turn to continue. Effects last for as long as the effect is continued.
- Countersong: Attempt to use music to counter sound-based effects. Range: Long.
- Fascinate: Attempt to enthrall non-hostile targets with music. Range: Long.
- Inspire Courage: Use music to boost all allies' Combat Skills by 8 and Power by 2 while performing. Range: Long.
- Inspire Competence: Use music to boost one ally's non-combat Skills by 2 while performing. Range: Long.

Cantrips (3/day): Light, Read Magic, Know Direction, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Lullaby
- Light: Make a held object glow like a torch. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Read Magic: Read magical scrolls and writing.  Requires 1 Action to use.
- Know Direction: Instantly learn what direction is North.  Requires 1 Action to use.
- Detect Magic: Detect magical auras. Range: 12 squares, cone shaped.  Requires 1 Action to use.
- Mage Hand: 5-pound telekinesis. Range: Close.  Requires 1 Action to use.
- Lullaby: Make subjects drowsy, penalizing their skills and making them weak to the Sleep spell. Range: Medium.  Requires 1 Action to use.

Level 1 Spells (2/day): Expedious Retreat, Sleep, Charm Person
- Expedious Retreat: Increase Movement by 6. Range: Self. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Sleep: Put weak enemies to sleep. Range: Long. AoE: 3.  Requires 1 Action to use.
- Charm Person: Makes one person believe they are your friend for a few hours. Range: Close.  Requires 1 Action to use.

- Silver Fife
- Bracers of Armor (+1 Defense) (1 lb.)
- Cloak of Resistance (+1 E/RS/MD) (1 lb.)
- Spell Component Pouch
- 603 Gold Pieces

Backpack (2 lb)
8x Ink
Iron Pot (10 lb)
14x Rations (@ 1 lb ea.)
10x Parchment
10x Tindertwig
Entertainer's Outfit (Not Worn, but used for shows;4 lb)
Soap (.8 lb)
Waterskin (4 lb)
Pouch with Belt (0.5 lb, stores ink vials and soap)

Total Weight: 47.36 lb

Carrying Capacity - Light Load: 26  lbs. Medium Load: 53 lbs. Heavy Load: 80 lbs.

Languages: Common, Corithonian, Alynthi, Telluri

Quote from: Elia Cyronae
Name: Elia Cyronae
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Age: 23
Birth Place: Derrymor
Appearance/Clothing: She is dressed in a long red robe, with a pink trim. Medium blonde-white hair, green eyes. She has a spear on her back.

History/Background/Motivation/Goals: She was born in Derrymor. Her mother was a devoted religious woman, and here father was a warrior. Einar Cryonae, her father, saw that Derrymor was a land of barbarians, and he believes that that land is for the taking for the purpose of a more civilized group. So he started his own little village on the out skirts of Derrymor. There he slowly grew his land over the years, conquering small piece by piece, losing some of his own land at times too. After a few years, he got married to a lovely Priestess, named; Helene Else. Together they had a child, Elia Cyronae-Else.

Elia grew up, learning the ways of Odin from her mom, and how to use the spear from her dad. By the age of 15, her dad was killed, poisoned by barbarians (actually by his wife, she doesn't know though). Everything Elia's father worked for, everything crumbled apart. The Barbarians came over and took their land back, erasing everything that her father worked for. Elia was taken by her mom to Fradaria, Fradris. Where for 5 years she lived as a priest in a Church of Odin.
For the past 3 years she has been wondering slowly following where ever Odin leads her, so she my grow strong, and one day take Derrymor from the barbarians that took her fathers life!

Her main goal is to go where Odin leads her (She prays to him to guide her spear so it may lead her to where he wishes) so she may grow stronger, and one day take Derrymor.

Combat Style: When she must, she uses her spear, but does not un-sheath the spear's blade, unless needed. Usually she hangs out, healing and helping others.

Religious Affiliation: Odin

Finale: Elia's tale was brought to a close when attempting to recover magical objects as part of a mercenary hiring. After successfully locating and infiltrating a goblin stronghold in some caves located in Northern Verun, the priestess found herself surrounded by enemies and at the edge of a pit trap. Injured, out of magic and with her allies otherwise engaged, one powerful axe swipe from a hobgoblin knocked her unconscious and into the deep pit. The fall broke her neck and ended her life with little more than a dull thud.

HP: 21
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6
Athletics: 1
Stealth: 2
Stamina: 0
Knowledge: 1
Perception: 7
Social: 5

- Blessed Longspear (capped): Power: 13.  Melee Skill Bonus: +6. Range: Reach. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Barefisted: Power: 9. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.

Flurry: Use 2 Actions to make 3 attacks with your spear or bare-fists but at a penalty to your accuracy.
Unarmed Strike: You are as proficient at dealing blows without a weapon as you are with one.
Evasion: Take no damage when successfully resisting the effects of some spells, instead of half damage like normal.
Mercy: You can choose whether to deal lethal or non-lethal damage with any attack.

Cantrips (5/day): Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Poison, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance.
- Create Water: Conjure up 2 gallons of fresh water. Range: Close. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Cure Minor Wounds: Heal one ally for 3 HP.  Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Detect Poison: Detect poison within a creature or object. Range: 12 squares, cone shaped. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Purify Food and Drink: Makes food and/or drinks safe to consume. Range: Special. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Resistance: +1 to Endurance, Reflex Speed and Magic Resistance. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.

1st Level Spells (5/day): Cure Light Wounds, Protection from Evil, Remove Paralysis, Shield of Faith.
- Cure Light Wounds: Heal one allly for 6-13 HP. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Protection from Evil: One ally gains +2 to Defense against Evil enemies. Also offers some protection against Evil spirits. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Remove Paralysis: Restores allies from being paralyzed. Range: Close. AoE: 2. Requires 1 Action to use.
- Shield of Faith: One ally gains a +2 bonus to Defense for a short time. Range: Melee. Requires 1 Action to use.

- Silver Holy Symbol of Odinn
- Blessed Longspear [Magic] (9 lbs.)
- Bracers of Armor +1
- Pearl of Speech (Sylvan)

Pouch, belt - 1/2 lb
   7 Rations - 7 lb

Pouch, belt - 1/2 lb
   Flint and Steel
   4 Candles
   Whetstone - 1 lb
   Soap - 1 lb
Pouch, belt - 1/2 lb
   2 Red 1 yard long by 2 inch wide silk ribbon - 1 lb
   4 Bells

Pouch - 1/2 lb
   all my cash

Waterskin - 4 lb

Weight - 16 lbs.

Carrying Capacity - Light Load: 43 lbs. Medium Load: 86 lbs. Heavy Load: 130 lbs.

Languages: Common

  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


November 01, 2011, 06:30:47 am #3 Last Edit: November 01, 2011, 06:31:31 am by Celdia
One thing I may have neglected to mention in the OP is that this is a beginning level game. No making yourself up to be world-sundering mages or unparalleled fighters. You're newbs. Cadets right out of training for whatever field you're in. Take that into consideration during your character design.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


It lets the Berry Mama in
Or else the dice roll 1's again
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


November 01, 2011, 03:51:22 pm #6 Last Edit: November 01, 2011, 04:52:28 pm by formerdeathcorps
I will edit the following post since I will need more information from Celdia.

Castrated Male

Birthplace: Highland

Background: Seap was, until recently, an actor and bard for Baron Emal, a major patron of the arts in Highland.  The yearly festivals hosted by the Baron's musicians at his summer villa in Depstan drew crowds from all of Telodin.  That was until last year, when an unusual omen prompted Depstan's chief astrologer to predict disaster during the week of the festival.  The Baron, never one to believe superstitions, proceeded without heed of the warning.  Despite the reduced turnout that year, the festivities seemed undisturbed by the omen.  On the penultimate night, however, right as the bards were rehearsing one last time for their finale the next day, light covered the sky as if the already set sun had reemerged to swallow everything else.  Following his instincts, Seap bolted across the gate of the villa; his eyes too steeped in terror to even glance back.  As his eyes regained vision, he scanned at the marketplace around him.  It seemed normal enough, and yet, the festive atmosphere he had seen that very morning was gone.  Rushing back along the seaside road to the villa, Seap could only see the unimaginable.  Where the road once led up to the villa, the road now curved away, leading to a fisherman's hut.  Waves crashed against the sand where the gates of his master's summer mansion once stood.  There was no trace of wood, stone, or food anywhere near the site, only wet sand and a few scuttling crabs.  The fisherman, like all the other inhabitants of the town, told Seap that no villa had ever existed where he had spent 10 summers of his life.
Over the next year, the disheartened Seap tried to relate his story to anyone who would listen, to no avail.  The clergy considered him cursed; the nobles found him unemployable, and the peasants simply called him crazy.  Forced to pawn most of his possessions, Seap finally decided to meet the very astrologer who predicted the disaster, even though Seap himself didn't believe in such matters.  The astrologer, despite his sympathy, seemed to offer no solution, only suggesting that Seap wander until he found the truth.  With no other real option, Seap departed from Depstan, if only to escape his reputation.

Clothing: Seap wears a worn linen tunic, with worn leather shoes and pants.  His undershirt is made of wool, as is his socks.

Combat Style: Seap was never trained in combat and disdains it.  He believes his song can win over even the worst of people, though he isn't above running if his life demands it.  (Seap is mostly pacifistic.)

Religious Affiliation: As part of his repertoire, Seap sings the songs of many religions, and thus, doesn't feel strongly drawn to any.  Furthermore, he doesn't see the priests as any more holy than himself, since they both draw money off of the emotions inspired from the audience.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Out of curiosity, what rolls in the party are the interested individuals looking to fill? Doorkicker? Caster? Traps? Heals? Support? Jack-of-all-trades?
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


formerdeathcorps is looking to do buffy bardy things, I assume.  I'm looking to do... erm... this, which I guess technically counts as a Doorkicker:

-Name: Rhyhorn
-Gender: Male
-Race: Monster
-Age: 5 Years
-Birthplace: Mountains of Soreth

-Appearance: This, covered in many leather sacks like a carrier beast.  His body is made almost purely of stone, leaving him in many ways akin to a Golem.  His stone-exterior is covered in the faded blue markings of elf's blood when not covered by the leather sacks, draconic runes of unknown use inscribed on his hide from a previous adventure. Their purpose is, and may forever be left, unknown.

-Background & Personality: A stone-rhinoceros of unknown origin and sometimes questionable intellect, Rhyhorn lives as Rhyhorn lives - eating rocks, carrying goods for others in trade for money, and performing other simple tasks while roaming from place to place.  His previous adventures haven't been remarkable enough to warrant being told, and aside from the markings on his hide and some half-healed scars, he bears no mementos of them.  Rhyhorn is instinctual and quick to anger, charging perceived adversaries without warning, using the massive weight of his body to crush threats that aren't impaled upon his horn.  When not threatened, Rhyhorn has a habit of being silly or inattentive to the situation at hand, if not being directly addressed and having his attention maintained through some means.  While Rhyhorn can speak when required, the act of speech seems to come terribly difficult to him, causing him to often result to other forms of communication when possible.  He can easily understand speech spoken to him, however... again, as long as his attention can be held.

-Combat Style: At his core, Rhyhorn is a simplistic fighter.  Offensively, he uses his rock-hard face and body as weapons, often charging his opponents resulting in body slams or horn impalements.  While Rhyhorn himself is not the kind to back down from a fight, he places the lives of companions and innocents above his own, often drawing and maintaining the enemy's aggression as he fights so others can heal, escape, or themselves fight without being harmed.  Despite his seemingly low intellect and "need" to eat, Rhyhorn understands enough of his physiology to know he can take plenty of abuse, something that pairs well with his primitive defensive instincts.  His selfless nature has resulted in him having several half-healed scars across his stone body, reminders of adventures with companions that parted ways with him long ago.  In desperate situations, Rhyhorn exhibits an intellect and ingenuity that seems far beyond him... though that could just be the result of a Golem-like equivalent of an adrenaline rush, because it never seems to last.

-Religious Affiliation: Animals have no God.


November 02, 2011, 12:41:46 am #9 Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 08:03:50 pm by st4rw4k3r
-Name: Elia Cyronae (Seer-oh-nay)
-Sex: Female
-Race: Human
-Age: 23
-Birth Place: Derrymor
-Appearance/Clothing: She is dressed in a long red robe, with a pink trim. Medium blonde-white hair, green eyes. She has a spear on her back.

The girl not the guy

-History/Background/Motivation/Goals: She was born in Derrymor. Her mother was a devoted religious woman, and here father was a warrior. Einar Cryonae, her father, saw that Derrymor was a land of barbarians, and he believes that that land is for the taking for the purpose of a more civilized group. So he started his own little village on the out skirts of Derrymor. There he slowly grew his land over the years, conquering small piece by piece, losing some of his own land at times too. After a few years, he got married to a lovely Priestess, named; Helene Else. Together they had a child, Elia Cyronae-Else.

Elia grew up, learning the ways of Odin from her mom, and how to use the spear from her dad. By the age of 15, her dad was killed, poisoned by barbarians (actually by his wife, she doesn't know though). Everything Elia's father worked for, everything crumbled apart. The Barbarians came over and took their land back, erasing everything that her father worked for. Elia was taken by her mom to Fradaria, Fradris. Where for 5 years she lived as a priest in a Church of Odin.
For the past 3 years she has been wondering slowly following where ever Odin leads her, so she my grow strong, and one day take Derrymor from the barbarians that took her fathers life!

Her main goal is to go where Odin leads her (She prays to him to guide her spear so it may lead her to where he wishes) so she may grow stronger, and one day take Derrymor.

-Combat Style: When she must, she uses her spear, but does not un-sheath the spear's bldea, unless needed. Usually she hangs out, healing and helping others.
-Religious Affiliation: Odin


So we have a brick-like door-kicker, a heal-bot and a... scaredy cat? ... heh... I'm not sure it's a good idea to leave the stealthy trapper to me...
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


November 02, 2011, 01:12:54 am #11 Last Edit: November 02, 2011, 01:14:29 am by st4rw4k3r
Hey, word of advise, don't make a character that is a filler for the party. Yes that is smart mechanically, but in doing so, you aren't playing what you like.
Go ahead play what you wish. I highly doubt Celdia will kill us off from not planing a better party. Play who you like, and don't play stupidly in game, and we should have some fun and hard times.


I have a full cast of characters I can pull from, and would be happy playing any of them. The ability to play them gives me the ability to flesh them out.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Well do as you wish, just know you have no reason to help fill in the teams missing spots.


November 02, 2011, 01:26:52 am #14 Last Edit: November 02, 2011, 01:30:59 am by Dunkelritter Luna
-Name: Thanatos Exeros
-Gender/Sex: Male
-Race: Alynthi Elf
-Age (Human Equivalent): 22
-Birth Place: Alynthia
-Appearance/Clothing: A light chainmail shimmers black under his heavy black shawl, draping down to the small of his powerful back. His legs coated in the same shimmering chainmail, strong and sturdy as tree trucks. This behemoth of an elf has undergone significantly tougher training than the average warrior, and has additionally learned to strengthen himself using magic.
-History/Background/Motivation/Goals: A son of a powerful warrior, he aspired to become like his dad. However, his father went to war, and is still in the military, fighting to keep Alynthia safe. So, his father was not there when he graduated top of his fighting class. Nor was he there for when Thanatos left home, searching for a greater good.
He was never there, and it burns in Thanatos' mind everytime he's reminded.
-Combat Style: He relies purely on his dual scythes, twirling in an endless dance to wreak havoc, known as Death by some, and Living Hurricane by others, he has earned much infamy for his unique style of fighting. His wears a chainmail threaded into nodes on his chest in order to keep it from flailing about. Prefers complete domination over stealthy tactics.
-Religious Affiliation (if any): Atheist, however he will gladly worship to avoid insulting anybody. He enjoys studying religion for its philosophical points.


November 02, 2011, 01:28:30 am #15 Last Edit: November 02, 2011, 01:40:48 am by SilentB
-Name: Hogarth
-Sex: Female
-Race: Alynthian Elf
-Age: 25 human equivalent
-Birthplace: Alynthia
-Appearance: Tall, with scraggly black hair and blue eyes. Muscular, but lean, and wears animal hides for clothes, including a wolf skin with the head of a wolf for her hat, connected to the rest of the skin for her coat.
-Background/History/Motivation/Goals: Raised by a nomadic tribe of stoats (and people) in the frozen north, she has learned to hunt and kill for herself. Prone to berserker rages common of her tribe, she uses a large battle axe and smaller, other axes for throwing. She refuses all other weapons. She thinks wizards are cowards, due to her low intelligence and lack of social skills. She left Alynthia for having "killed at least one of everything that lives there", looking for other, more exciting things to attack and then possibly eat. Ale, violence, and adventure are what she lives for, as she drifts from day to day.

Combat style: Pig-headed, focused, rushed attacks are her specialty. She will often Charge in to swing her axe, and really only uses her throwing axes when it would either look cool or win a contest for gold.
Religious alignment: She screams the name of her heathen gods to empower her for fight, and to frighten her enemies. She sometimes makes up new, different gods to scream to in case they might exist or the name sounds scarier.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


No reason? I beg to differ. "Because it's fun" is always a good enough reason for me. ^_^
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


do we have an offensive mage yet? That might be a good thing to have, if not.



November 02, 2011, 01:49:59 am #19 Last Edit: November 02, 2011, 10:49:48 pm by NinjaWeazel
-Name: Xun Huan

-Gender/Sex: Male

-Race: Human

-Age: 24

-Birth Place: Corinthon

-Appearance/Clothing: A slender young man dressed in a simple robe of undyed cotton, bearing a yin-yang stitched on the back and held closed with a brilliant red sash.  His eyes are a brilliant green, standing out sharply in his tanned face.  His head is shaved bald,   His only weapon is a simple straight sword bearing an ornate red tassle, slung across his back in a worn leather sheath.  Around his neck hangs a necklace of large beads, an aid in focusing his mind and helping to direct the energy of his prayers.

-History/Background/Motivation/Goals: Raised from infancy within the confines of Wudang Temple, Xun lived a life of simplicity and devotion.  He has studied the basics of Taoist alchemy, astrology, cuisine, martial arts, medicine, and the workings of both internal and external applications of personal energy in addition to studying the ways of the gods and their places within the Tao.  A humble student of The Way, Xun has recently finished his novitiate in a temple, and is wandering the world to expand his knowledge and understanding of the principles of his teachings.

-Combat Style: Xun eschews heavy armor, trusting in his martial arts training to anticipate and deflect or avoid physical attacks while his intense spiritual training helps ward him from mystical assault.  His movements are swift and precise, his strikes suprisingly powerful thanks to his martial arts practice.

-Religious Affiliation (if any): As a devoted Taoist, Xun reveres all the good gods equally, seeing them as personifications of the virtues of The Way.