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[Old] FFT Plus 1.02 upcoming changes

Started by Dome, June 01, 2012, 12:45:58 pm


June 01, 2012, 12:45:58 pm Last Edit: September 24, 2015, 07:17:18 am by Dome
Taking advantage of the fact that I'm going to re-make FFT + from scratch, I'm probably going to change a lot of stuff

- Level cap set at 50 instead of 99 (?)
- Best compat does 25% instead of 50% extra dmg, good/bad 12.5%
- Specials can do propositions
- You can change name of human units
- Cursor starts on "Continue" instead of new game
- Equip Crossbow lets you equip Bow+Crossbow
- Equip Sword lets you equip Swords+K.Swords
- Equip Axe lets you equip Axes & flails
- Undeads always come back 100% of the times
- Support above Short charge gives you 25% more precision
- Short charge works on charge
- Arrow Guard blocks Bows, Guns & Thrown Items
- Axes do PA*WP damage
- Party Roster hack
- Move/Jump +3 become Solidify (Walk on Lava+Water, half: Fire & Water) & Ground Aware (Swim + Poison Immunity)
- You can enter the Fur Shop without "Poach"
- Stolen & Broken Equipment can be bought back at the fur Shop V2.
- Player gains less money from winning fights
- Hi Potion heals 20% of HP and X-Potion 33%
- Attack Up/Defense Up/M.Attack Up/M.Defense Up 25% instead of 33%
- Removed randomization from level ups
- Jp Glitch Fix
- Oil Glitch Fix
- P.Down does 25% dmg to undeads
- Charging/performin units do not take extra damage
- Gear scales based on story progression instead of level
- Fist damage becomes PA/2*PA
- MP Switch damage overflows to Hp
- Removed Permanent Br & Faith alterations
- Untruth bug correction
- Martial arts boost is 25% instead of 50%
- Inherent RSM limitation hack
- Elemental weakness reduced to 3/2
- Death Sentence ignores Cancel: Dead
- Job 46: Undead Oracle is mountable
- Remove item duplication (Removes the "Best Fit" feature)
- Blind overrides concentrate
- Haste is 25% speed boost
- Slow is 25% speed loss

You'll have to steal all the "Rare items" during Ch4 fights instead of finding them into the DD
You'll be able to return to the world map after killing Altima
DD will be unlocked ONLY after you killed Altima
Finishing the DD will unlock a secret. But I'll keep it secret for now

Like/Don't like something/Have a suggestion? Feel free to post!

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Quote from: Dome on June 01, 2012, 12:45:58 pm
Xeldoran is making awesome -generic- sprites for everyone to use
Would you like to see some of them implemented in FFT: Plus?
And if yes, which one?

haha that is what appeared on my mind when i saw the title of this post...
anyway.. ALL :)
Please do share your ideas and suggestion for my project:

Join our RP :)


Joseph Strife

Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...

Neophyte Ronin

Only so long as the artist performing the changes will also perform artwork on the special animations of characters, that cause all the color palette glitches during cinemas, would I ever incorporate new sprites into an old game.  You know, like when you change the Knight graphics and during the Sand Rat Cellar battle, two of the sprites regress to original artwork and look like animated shit?  I saw enough of that in Celdia's Complete Patch and others to seriously reconsider playing them through.  We still have to deal with the Balmafula/Onion Knight glitch effect during several cinemas featuring her.

I understand the chief objective behind Plus was to gut and balance the game itself while retaining the original art assets and general play and tone of Vanilla--just tougher and more refined, with additional, optional challenges.  I recall you rescinded the idea to rename the Archer into the Ranger, even though the Archer now has the "Train" Support Ability (so creatures may be recruited).  It was an effort made to appease anybody who thought that renaming that class was a move against staying true to the original, thus contradicting the project's premise to recreate Tactics in a more playable format.  Ergo, I am on the side that you should not use modified Generic Class Sprites.

If, however, you decide to incorporate them, I suggest the following: consult with Xelodoran and request specific modifications for the Class Changes you wish to incorporate.  That way, you can somewhat guide the art direction for your project.  Of course, that may also require multiple versions from which to choose from, to appease other project heads.  Don't impose if he's unwilling to redo a Class multiple times.  The second bit of advice is to release two patches: one that retains the original artwork, and the other that applies the new skins and palettes.  Neither game should incorporate game elements unique to themselves, unless you want four separate patches.

For now, though, I suggest you continue repairing bugs and tweaking the game to ensure its playability at any rate.  A fancy new character redesign, cross-the-board or just for Generic characters, does not sound like what Tactics Plus was meant to do.  It was a balance/hard-type patch that retained the flavor of the original game.  And so far at least, it's been doing just that.


Quote from: Neophyte Ronin on June 03, 2012, 07:53:49 am
For now, though, I suggest you continue repairing bugs and tweaking the game to ensure its playability at any rate.  A fancy new character redesign, cross-the-board or just for Generic characters, does not sound like what Tactics Plus was meant to do.  It was a balance/hard-type patch that retained the flavor of the original game.  And so far at least, it's been doing just that.



Quote from: Neophyte Ronin on June 03, 2012, 07:53:49 am
A fancy new character redesign, cross-the-board or just for Generic characters, does not sound like what Tactics Plus was meant to do.  It was a balance/hard-type patch that retained the flavor of the original game.  And so far at least, it's been doing just that.

Dome decides what FFT+ is meant to do, and it seems he's interested in adding new graphical assets to the patch.

I don't mind glitching in the cutscenes, since I usually turbo through them, and the glitches are good for a laugh; just as long as there aren't graphical glitches during the battles.
Yeah, right


Quote from: Neophyte Ronin on June 03, 2012, 07:53:49 am
Only so long as the artist performing the changes will also perform artwork on the special animations of characters, that cause all the color palette glitches during cinemas, would I ever incorporate new sprites into an old game.  You know, like when you change the Knight graphics and during the Sand Rat Cellar battle, two of the sprites regress to original artwork and look like animated shit?  I saw enough of that in Celdia's Complete Patch and others to seriously reconsider playing them through.  We still have to deal with the Balmafula/Onion Knight glitch effect during several cinemas featuring her.

These are EVTCHR and I already told Dome that once I finish with Jot5 Chapter 1, I will remove and work around using EVTCHR's for generics in events to stop this issue in FFT+
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Stretch on June 03, 2012, 04:41:24 pm
Dome decides what FFT+ is meant to do, and it seems he's interested in adding new graphical assets to the patch.

The mere fact that I opened this topic should hint that I do care about the opinion of others, otherwise I would have put the sprites in and said
1.01C changelog: New sprites!!!!!11111eleven
Right? XD

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Quote from: Jack of All Trades on June 03, 2012, 10:46:03 pm
Modifying the special event animations is very important. Adding special sprites in is cool but having all of your cut scenes bug out kills the games level of immersion and breaks the forth wall.

It depends what is replaced, there is only a handful of events that even HAVE EVTCHR for Generic Unit's. Most are for Special/Main characters. So honestly it really doesn't kill
ALL the cutscenes unless he replaces all the main chars as well, and judging by the name of this thread that doesn't seem to be the case. But yes. It should be easy enough to fix.
  • Modding version: PSX


I'm with Neophyte on this one. The big question I'm asking myself is: What's wrong with the current ones? The only one I've really disliked is the female Mime (it looks like a white fox, wtf) but other than that, I'd rather have a flawless patch to begin with than a cool buggy one.


I'll repeat myself:
Guys, fixing bugs is ALWAYS my main concern
The reason I update the patch is to FIX BUGS
While I'm at it, I also add stuff if I feel it's a worthy addition

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


What I'd like to see implemented...

Ninja -> Rogue
Female Mime -> Unmasked Mime

As for Xeldoran's, his Male Geomancer sprite looks beast. Others still need work, but overall the concepts were pwnsome.
Jot5 GFX Designer :: Spriter :: Mitchi


I agree with Mike (also thanks [the quality of the samurai sprites is top-notch I can guarantee]) and~
I don't think you'd have to change any event chars by implementing any of the above mentioned by MikeMitchi.
Yes, Xeldoran's are very cool designs but I can see some minute errors in them pixel-wise. I have not tested the frames yet; I hope they're ok.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Lijj on June 05, 2012, 02:15:45 pm
I don't think you'd have to change any event chars by implementing any of the above mentioned by MikeMitchi.

Correct, there are no EVTCHR's for Samurai, Ninja or Mime. Honestly most EVTCHR for generic units are for Knights
  • Modding version: PSX


Voted no. New stuff for new stuff's sake isn't good, imo. And I like all the generic sprites, except a few meh ones (like both mediators).
  • Modding version: PSX


June 09, 2012, 03:17:15 pm #15 Last Edit: June 09, 2012, 03:26:28 pm by Jack of All Trades
I know this guy is not a generic sprite but it's so close to being on topic so I figured I'd share him here. I don't know if you are interested but I did a minor update of the Red Mage sprite that rathaelos made (using Cheetah's portrait). It recolors the scarf and feather but more importantly, I created updated Rad's sprite in the EVTCHR.bin. I'm not a terrific spriter so I didn't bother creating a new portrait or fixing Cheetah's.

Here is a link to the old post containing and bmp:

I'm not a terribly talented spriter so I'm not planning to fix the portrait right away. However, if you wanted to use this, I would move it to the top of my agenda.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo


Taking advantage of the fact that I'm going to re-make FFT + from scratch, I'm probably going to change a lot of stuff

As you may (Or may not) know, Neophyte Ronin is working on a new script, which will better translate the game from the japanese version without being shitty/boring/whatever like the WOTL version
In the process, he is probably going to change some special character's name as well

Quote from: Neophyte RoninI took the liberty of rewriting virtually every word in the original translation, using sugnuf's script and going through everything featured in TactText, hence my slow trickle of posts.  I should submit this for approval: I wish to mow down and neaten up the translation.

There are a few caveats, not the least of which involve the amount of desired profanity and a general consensus on what to name each character.  Most of these are straightforward, although a few were changed for the worse and others for the better, and still a few others are just out there.  I intend to change a couple names here and there and, as a result, I have performed research about where they came up with some of them.

Now, most are eerily similar to combat terms (Meliadoul sounds like Melee and Duel and probably pronounced the same way, a Japanese sort of pun that didn't translate all too well since, to overseas people, it sounds garish and loud).  However, there are actual rhymes of reason behind each one:

Vormav is a Russian word for Thief.  Voorman is a word combining the terms for "Before/in-front-of" and Man, so it could also mean a boss or head of agency.  Yeah, that's pretty literal.  The Russian word is very telling of Vormav, so using the WotL version is off limits.

Rofel is awkward beyond belief.  Loffrey is most likely the intent of the original script, hence we change it.  Now, we could give him a nickname like ROFLCOPTER, but that's just pushing buttons.

His last name, Lachish, refers to the Lachish Letters, a series of ancient correspondences found on carbon ink and clay ostraca.  It may be found at the British Museum in London.  The original term "Rakshu" is a clearly Japanese-sounding transliteration of the word Lachish.


For a long time, I thought Meliadoul was pronounced "Melee-Duel" as a typical Japanese pun, sort of like naming characters after food products because they think it sounds funny (over here, we name them after rock musicians where appropriate).

After using Google's search engine, I happened upon the "Melian Dialogue", a conversation written by Thucydides about the response of a neutral island off the coast of Sparta to an invasion by the Athenians as part of a game to spite their rivals.  The similarity between the names was genuine enough for me to incorporate a revision of her name to better capture the origin of the name, and to brush it up a bit: Mellian Diala (fancy female middle name) Tyringel.


Celia and Lede/Lettie are gross mistranslations of phrases meant to describe their attire: Celia wears blue and Lede red.  The Romanji for Lede is REDI for God's sake!  How could we have missed that?  I hated Lede/Lettie's name for the longest time and sought to alter it; I dubbed her Liedel, a witch who appeared in the first Ogre Battle game and who doubled as the chronicler (like Alazlam) in Ogre Battle 64.  What can I say?  I'm a fan of Yasuni's work.

Anyway, REDI can be switched to Liedel, although I intend to fix the text to include pet names among these enchanting little succubi; her friend Celia (now called Seria) calls her Rouge, a sexy-sounding variant for the color red.  As for Celia's change, it sounds closer to Cerulean, or indigo, a variation of the color blue, which she happens to be wearing.  In short, the Ultima Demon Assassin girls are named after their fucking outfits.  Could Azrael get any less creative with his cohorts?  Then again, they're likely pseudonyms in place of their true names, which could be used by a savvy magician to bind them to a mortal's will.

Kletian Drowa is fucked-up.  The name is inspired by the French scribe, Chretien de Troyes.  I'll go with that, thank you; both translations failed to capture what it was.

Izlude, or Isilud, are both wrong.  The closest word that comes close is Isolde, better known as the hottie babe in the Tristan & Isolde romantic epic.  Why the fuck is this kid named after the chick, huh?  Fucking Japan, I swear....

But to be honest, Tristan isn't such a bad name, so we'll name him that.  That's his real name, which is alluded to once or twice in my (revised) script, assuming nobody objects.  He gets the name Isolde as a cheap hazing gag on the Knights Templar's part.  Meliadoul will allude to his name during a few of her dialogues during the scenes involving her.

Golgoroth is actually the name of a toad-like great old one in the Lovecraftian tradition, one with a particularly hard stare.  Golgoros and Gorgoroth are close, but Golgoroth is the one we'll use.  It doesn't really matter a whole lot beyond the cosmetic side, as Sir Levigne is a passable name and the Golgoroth is probably just a nickname anyway.

Milleuda is almost there, but not quite.  To be honest, there are several allusions to Old English terms like Weald, which stands for forest.  It's not the Siedge, but rather the Sweegy, yet it's a Weald now.  Relax, it's cool.  Speaking of Old English, while looking up Mildew, I found that it's an Old English word standing for Honeydew (you know, that stuff that aphids leave behind?), before it became associated with sick building syndrome in the modern age.  Milldeua (pet name: Milly) is a slight change that befits her honey-golden hair and once-sweet persona turned rotten and festering from the abuses of the nobility.  It's not a major change, but it is closer to what she's like.

Wiegraf is now Wiglaf.  Fuckin' eh, I mean, really?

A lot of the dialogue has been given a face lift as well.  I noticed that the stolid script lacks a good sense of humor, no matter what translation there is.  The only bit is slapstick and it happens to Mustadio.  In Plus, Mustadio is halfway near being a decent player character, so keeping him the only whipping boy ain't gonna fly.  I just pulled this scene out: it's the brief family reunion.

By the way: if you know if {0xf4} is meant to be a pause in the scrolling dialogue that you press Confirm to continue displaying (saw it used in TactText and I remember it was used in Mustadio's Formation Screen Quote), and that it still works in other programs by virtue of it being legitimate code, let me know.

The Aegis, Agrathi: You should know, the Sadalfas family was once respected and praised just like yours, {Ramza}.  But my grandfather was captured during the Fifty Years' War.  They say he did something unconscionable.  They said he sought to save his own skin by trading those of his comrades.  But, as he left the bastion....  He was stabbed in the back, by none other than a squire just like myself.  One of my grandfather's former comrades escaped and spread the lies around like Germinas wildfire.  Of course, father never believed one word of it.  But everyone else did, and he was deserted... whitewashed.... (tosses stone into fountain) With the rank I was born with... I would never have entertained the notion of an audience with Dycedarg....

Young Girl's Voice: Deeelllitaaa!  Oh, Deeeeellliitaaaa!

Delita (turns): I heard ya the first time, Teta!

Ramza (turns, startled): Whoa!  Alma, Zalbag!  How long were you...?

(They approach together)

Alma: Hey {Ramza}, you never wrote anything about coming home!

Ramza: So brother, did you get my letter about me coming home?

Zalbag: What letter?  (Pause) Never mind that; I only heard you lambasted those thieves in Gariland to a pulp!  That's worthy of our name; I've no doubt our father above is pleased with both of you right now.

Ramza: ...Thanks.

Zalbag: Ha, ha... just the same as always.  Still uncomfortable hearing that... (pause) do me a favor and never change.  So, Delita, looking good; I did hear you're doing all the heavy lifting.  (pause) Teta can't stop chattering about you.

(Teta approaches Delita)

Teta: Yeah, and I'm almost impressed you're still vertical, wearing that suit.

Delita: Heh, I'll take that as a compliment.  You look good, too.  How's school by the way?

Teta: Uh... it's all right.  I am passing every class, and the teachers are nice....

Zalbag: Alas, I'd love to stay and chat, but I got suckered into another string of manhunts for prowlers and such.  If I may take my leave....

Ramza: Good luck and God's grace, we shall pray for your victory.

(Zalbag waves goodbye and turns to leave, but pauses)

Zalbag: We've received a pigeon: they demand a ransom.

Agrathi (pissed, hence red text): What's this?!

Zalbag: 'Tis beyond my ken: (pause) these rebels preach death to the nobility and their servants.  Their hatred knows these bounds; they'd have slain poor Elmdor at Mandalia.  Why then would they abduct him for the sake of money?  It runs against their idiom....

Agrathi: Absurd!  They're no more than gil-per-grain brigands and beggars, I say!

Zalbag: The winds carry nothing from the grass planted in their midst. (Pause) Now, I voiced my concerns....  Yet, the nobles believe that our circumstances do not warrant further investigation....

Ramza: (to himself) A true Aquilor never abandons one in need.  (To Zalbag) Brother, where did the grass blow last?

(Note: sugnuf used the Japanese euphemism for spy in the original text.  I think it gives a flavor if you keep it in, and Zalbag and Ramza are among the girls, who might not catch onto the term.)

Zalbag: The Merchant Crossroads of Dorter, south of here, and east of the Abbey of Orbonne.

Note: The Ivalice Map is actually lop-sided, for many Medieval-era maps actually had north pointing to the left, and south pointing to the right.  It's a massive, massive self-perpetuating translation error to think that North, for whatever reason, is at the top of the map, when you pause to consider the range of climates as you head further to the "Right" of the map--that being warmer climates prone to excessive drought and dried salt flat lakes, etc.  It also makes sense when you note the Order of Northern Sky's location and Order of Southern Sky's location: left and right, respectively.  Did anyone else notice this besides me?

I dare say, guarding a castle is such a dull grind, eh {Ramza}?

(Zalbag leaves, having dropped his hint)

Delita: Looks like we have to cut our reunion short, Teta.  We'll resume afterward.

Teta: W-Worry not Delita, I know. (Pause) Make sure we reunite with you in one piece, all right?

(They embrace)

Delita: It's all right, sis, we won't do anything stupid; try to be good and keep Alma outta fights, okay?

(They let go)

We had better move, Aegis.

(Note: sugnuf could not decipher how the first translation incorporated the term Limberry Aegis Knights from what he observed was simply being part of the Marquis' private guard.  However, Aegis is synonymous with the word for guard, so the fancier term still makes sense in this context.  Delita makes it into something of a pet name for the wayward squire, up until their falling out.)

(Delita, Agrathi/Algus/ARGATH/Cocksucker/Asshole, and Teta take off; before Ramza can follow)

Alma: She wasn't telling him everything, {Ramza}.  (Pause) Not that she was lying....

Ramza: Don't tell me: you went and burned the schoolhouse?

(Figured that, since they're teenagers and in school, they have rapier wits of some kind.  Ramza should not be as clueless as he is described in the game.)

Alma: We thought about it for real.... (Pause) see, those witches at school won't leave her alone for, you know....

Ramza: So, those fights....

Alma: Yeah, I shouldn't have said a word of this to a hothead cadet with a pig sticker.  Listen: Teta will be all right, okay?  I'll be there for her.  Trust me.

Ramza: I'm not worried. If worse comes to worst, call me.  Don't over-strain that fist.

Alma: Speak for yourself!  You, the one pushing hard just to meet everybody's expectations!  Be yourself.  (Pause) Names are naught but shackles in love and war.

Ramza: Ha, ha, ha!  A year passes by and you're already sounding like our mother, heh-heh-heh!

(Ramza splits; Alma takes the chill breeze in stride)

Alma Ramza....

- Best compat does 25% instead of 50% extra dmg, good/bad 12.5%
- Specials can do propositions
- You can change name of human units
- Cursor starts on "Continue" instead of new game
- Equip Crossbow lets you equip Bow+Crossbow
- Equip Sword lets you equip Swords+K.Swords
- Equip Axe lets you equip Axes & flails
- Undeads always come back 100% of the times
- Support above Short charge gives you 25% more precision
- Short charge works on charge
- Arrow Guard blocks Bows, Guns & Thrown Items
- Axes do PA*WP damage
- Party Roster hack
- Move/Jump +3 become Solidify (Walk on Lava+Water, half: Fire & Water) & Ground Aware (Swim + Poison Immunity)
- You can enter the Fur Shop without "Poach"
- Stolen & Broken Equipment can be bought back at the fur Shop V2.
- Player gains less money from winning fights
- Hi Potion heals 20% of HP and X-Potion 33%
- Attack Up/Defense Up/M.Attack Up/M.Defense Up 25% instead of 33%
- Removed randomization from level ups
- Jp Glitch Fix
- Oil Glitch Fix
- P.Down does 25% dmg to undeads
- Charging/performin units do not take extra damage
- Gear scales based on story progression instead of level
- Fist damage becomes PA/2*PA
- MP Switch damage overflows to Hp
- Removed Permanent Br & Faith alterations
- Untruth bug correction
- Martial arts boost is 25% instead of 50%
- Inherent RSM limitation hack
- Elemental weakness reduced to 3/2
- Death Sentence ignores Cancel: Dead
- Job 46: Undead Oracle is mountable
- Remove item duplication (Removes the "Best Fit" feature)
- Blind overrides concentrate
- Haste is 25% speed boost
- Slow is 25% speed loss

Stacking innates like other patches did is a no-go
Giving them better gear and some extra level, however, is fine

You'll have to steal all the "Rare items" during Ch4 fights instead of finding them into the DD
All Zodiacs skillset will be changed into something similar from what you can see in this topic
You'll be able to return to the world map after killing Altima
DD will be unlocked ONLY after you killed Altima
Finishing the DD will unlock a secret. But I'll keep it secret for now

Like/Don't like something/Have a suggestion? Feel free to post!

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


If the Zodiacs all have Damage Split, will that overwrite their unique reaction abilities or will it be in addition to them?
Yeah, right


Quote from: Stretch on June 27, 2012, 01:29:27 pm
If the Zodiacs all have Damage Split, will that overwrite their unique reaction abilities or will it be in addition to them?

They will have damage split as their only reaction

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


I don't like the idea of them having Damage Split unless they have their Vanilla HP values. It'd just make battles longer, IMO.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817