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Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!

Started by Celdia, November 01, 2011, 06:21:40 am


   Yvonne listens to her friends' questions and Xavier's answers with feigned interest, while waiting for an opening to ask, what she feels, to be even more important than her last one. "Will it be warmer where we're going?" She asks almost as soon as their client is done answering Xun. "As in 'no snow' warmer?"
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


          "The further South you go the warmer it gets, at least to a point. I wouldn't expect a great deal of difference from here to there since you'll be traveling as it gets colder." He pauses, grinning a bit. "I won't promise that there won't be snow - I don't read the storms like some druids do - but I would hazard a guess that there will be a fair share less of it in the South than there is up here. Its certainly uncommon for Southern Kellem to see much snow."
          Satisfied that no one else has further questions, Xavier wishes you well, politely excuses himself and makes a brisk departure from the Silver Coin. Only a few minutes after his departure, you are approached by a man with a familiar face and modest stature. Cheerful as ever, Berus Lejun waltzes up to the table with a sealed envelope in hand. "Begging your forgiveness, friends, but having been beset with a fair amount of leisure here lately I haven't been able but to overhear your dealings with the maenad gentlemen over the past few days. I wonder if I might impose upon you once more for a small task of minor importance, hm?" He holds the envelope aloft and continues, "Its a trifling matter, really. I haven't heard from a friend of mine who usually winters over with me here and thought perhaps something may have gone amiss over the last trading season. This is just a letter to his wife inquiring to his health, nothing urgent really. If he had difficulties then I suspect there is little help rushing a letter would do, but my mind would be much at ease knowing that the letter traveled safely rather than with haste." He pulls a small pouch from his belt that jingles softly with coins. "Of course I'd pay you to carry it. A mere trifle, just fifty crowns, but I do realize that Eastport is likely out of your way by more than a few days travel." Those of you that can read do see the address on the envelope written out to "Tremanch Goodwife, Seafarer's Lane, Eastport". Lejun sets the pouch down and the glitter of gold coins within catches the morning sunlight through a nearby window. "Well then, what say you, hm?" the gnome asks expectantly, a smile still prominent on his face.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Rhyhorn nods, never a beast to pass up a delivery, especially from someone who appeared to be becoming a regular customer.  He slips the envelope carefully into his things on his saddle and tucks the cash away into one of his many cash-holding pockets before grabbing up his chalk.  "Can rely on Rhyhorn Defense and Delivery for safe letter arrival.  Anything else that need transport?"  While the rhino had an obligation to deliver his goods to Master Mewdha, he still had a trade and a reputation to uphold, after all.


"We will deliver the paper with honor and courage, Friend Lejun. I swear on my forefathers, AND I CALL UPON MY ANCESTOR'S SPIRITS TO ARISE AND SMITE MY FOES!" Hogarth thumps her chest and gets progressively louder, until topping at a deep, resonating bellow.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


          Lejun laughs genially at the barbarian's exuberant response, "Thank you all. And no, I've nothing else that needs delivery. I'll leave you to your preparations. Safe paths to you."
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


   "Never though' I'd end up as a delivery girl..." Yvonne thinks aloud. "Well, I'm ready ta go."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Rhyhorn nods to Lejun, erasing his chalkboard and heading over to the Cart of ALL THE THINGS to manage his wares one more time so that the team may have safe travel and their goods may remain safe and protected whatever wayfaring derps may attempt to take from ALL THE THINGS.


Scene 5 Start

So here's an updated version of the current area map.

I added a few of the larger cities on the trade road you're looking to be traveling down as landmarks for quick-travel options. So I'm looking for a party vote on where to fast-forward the game to next. You don't have to stop in any of the cities, of course. I'll be rolling on my random encounter charts for the road and then the wilderness if you decide to just book it straight to the tower. You can also copy the map and upload your own version if you want to head to somewhere not listed/marked on there.

Travel time between each of the cities in Verun is about 7 days on the trade road. There are smaller villages and waystations along the way as well if you choose not to camp on the roadside. Give me an idea of what you all prefer to do and I'll run with majority vote.

Voting ends in about 72 hours (Saturday, Feb. 11th, 3am EST). I haven't typed that in a while.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Unless someone has somewhere to go, let's book it to Eastport so I can get this letter delivered for our dear friend Lejun.  I'll leave whether we camp out in the wilderness, in towns, etc. to everyone else as this detail makes no difference to Rhyhorn.


Doesnt make much difference to Xun, really.  Stopping in villages will let him tend his priestly duties of the sick and injured, but he's not going to force people to stop if they dont want.


((With haste to Isengard Eastport, which has an eternal rivalry with Annapolis.))
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


Will try to get something up here tonight while I'm at work. Sorry for the delay.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


          The beginning of your journey South has been uneventful thus far. Its been two weeks since you departed Tevinar and tonight you find sunset catching up to you between villages, forcing you to make camp by the roadside. Some time passes and with little effort, you get a cheerful campfire burning brightly and a pot of something cooking over the flames. While getting ready to settle in for the night, there is a sudden howling wind that blows up around you and makes the flames of the fire flag with their force, sending various articles from your camp tumbling away.
          Coalescing in the darkness beyond your firelight is a shining blue-white orb of light following behind the odd shape of a man. The light swings around to his front and reveals him to be wearing a very odd costume. Heavily-overweight and straining the fabric, the man is clothed in nothing but a green jumpsuit, white facepaint and the cap of an army official which barely maintains its perch upon his curly locks of a shocking sky blue. He pauses some distance from the campsite, gesturing with one outstretched hand and loudly clearing his throat as the wind dies down. He opens his mouth to speak and the voice that comes out is totally at odds with the body before you. High, whining and nasally, he cries out seemingly at the top of his lungs, "INNNNNNNNNNN-TRODUCING the Masked Master of Mayhem, the Archduke of Anarchy, the Sultan of Strength, the Warden of Wizardry, the Pontiff of Perfection, his Majesty...

          As he speaks, a large patch of the ground between him and the camp rises up to nearly five feet in height and a good twenty feet on the sides. With the very last words, the campfire bursts up in a harmless flare of light, obscuring vision for a brief moment. When it dies back down, at the corners of the platform are more glowing orbs of light and standing in the center of it is a muscular man with bright white hair, a white eye-mask and a red jumpsuit, posing theatrically. The first man continues on with his shrill speech while the newcomer flexes in various ways. "Hailing from Parts Unknown, El Luchedor de Coca seeks out those of great strength to challenge them to unarmed combat. Tonight, his Majesty graces you with his presence! My name is The Doctor and I'll be commentating our match tonight. Let the event begin!"
          Señor Coca strolls to the close edge of the platform and points at Hogarth, shouting in Goblin of all things, "Usted! Bárbaro! ¡Ven! Ven y lucha conmigo! Deja tu hacha y traer el único poder de tu espíritu de lucha!" a wide grin splitting his face as he beckons you closer with one his outstretched hand.

Battle Pane Start

Objective: Defeat El Luchedor de Coca!
Bonus Objectives:
- Defeat Señor Coca in unarmed combat.
- Defeat Señor Coca alone.
Weather: Just past sunset, clear skies, moonlight.
Terrain: Plain earth.

Lighting Notes: Shaded areas are shadowy illumination under the moonlight. Only characters with Low-Light Vision can see clearly in those areas. As always, Darkvision allows monochrome vision in any light levels.

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Wednesday, Feb. 15th, 4am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 60/60
Defense: 20
Movement: 4
Endurance: 9
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 20
Ranged Skill: 12
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 59/59
Defense: 17
Movement: 8
Endurance: 7
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 33
Ranged Skill: 24
Magic Skill: -130

HP: 28/28
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 7
Melee Skill: 33
Ranged Skill: 24
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 14/14
Defense: 20
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 2
Reflex Speed: 7
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 8

HP: 22/22
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 22
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

HP: 24/24
Defense: 25
Movement: 6
Endurance: 4
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 8
Melee Skill: -100
Magic Skill: 8

  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


   "I woke up today, with a klth-clown'th hand i-in my panth..." Yvonne grumbles. "That'th-that'th what I did today..." She flits over to Hogarth to whisper in the barbarian's ear. "Put the boots to him... medium style..."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Rhyhorn stares at the crazed red-clad man blankly for a moment, then turns down and stokes the fire.  This seems like something that the Barbarian will enjoy, so Rhyhorn just leaves her to it and keeps a watchful eye out in case something bad happens to her.


Hogarth is enraged. Not just for being called out, but being called out for UNARMED combat. No axe, no blood spurting! She seethes as he speaks goblin, her frustration with the cave still fresh in her mind. And then the finishing touch. A wizard. A cowardly, insolent, weak, dishonorable WIZARD dares to challenge her to a battle of glory and honor. Beyond words, beyond reason, beyond restraint, she howls, makes a stunning leap onto the platform, and immediately takes swings at the jerk in red. She then attempts to grab the lummox and throw him, head first, out of the ring, hoping his stupid neck breaks on impact.

Action 1: Activate Rage
Action 2: Move to Senor Coca
Action 3: Punch him in his stupid face
Action 4: Use THROW ALL THE THINGS on Senor Coca, looking for a death landing
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


   "And what an impressive leap by the challenger, Hogarth!" Yvonne shouts in as deep a voice as she can muster. "One can hardly fault the woman for her anger at the apparent wizard, de Coca... Well maybe we can, folks, because nobody knows the reasons behind her tenacious grudge against the wizardly types. Perhaps this clash will shed new light on the subject, then again, perhaps not! Oh-oh, it looks like she's going for a throw! What will de Coca do?"
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Xun sees Hogarth challenged to a duel of unarmed combat, and takes his hand away from his sword hilt.  He folds himself to the ground, legs crossed, and begins preparing a pout of hot water as Rhyhorn stokes the fire.  Somebody is going to need hot compresses and stitches when this is all said and done... and there is always time for tea.


          Sensing the gift of gab in a kindred spirit, The Doctor makes his way around the ring and nearer to Yvonne, his piping voice conveying a strange sense of energy about the proceedings, "Well my spritely friend, Señor Coca is no stranger to dealing with raging barbarians from the Northlands. Many a fine warrior has come from those parts and I suspect your friend is no exception. We will have to see what the future holds here in this arena tonight. If I know Señor Coca, and I do, its going to be a spectacular show!" The Doctor reaches into a small pouch at his hip you overlooked before, pulling out a small pile of fine powder and inhaling of it deeply.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


N'zla walks over and taps the head of the stone rhino before speaking. "This is none business of us, yes?"  Confused as to what exactly was going on, the bugman watches, head tilted.