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June 16, 2024, 02:10:08 am


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Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!

Started by Celdia, November 01, 2011, 06:21:40 am


Turn 13 Resolution

          With a furious shout, Hogarth steps forward with her axe and shears the chain in half with her axe in a single blow, the sound of metal straining and snapping echoing sharply off the stone cave walls. Then just for good measure, the barbarian proceeds to mangle the gate itself until nothing but twisted metal vaguely resembling a gate is all that is left.
          Nathalie approaches the prison cell while the boys fall back to protect the rear of the party and she notices just how much treasure has been accumulated by the goblins. Scattered among the coins - of which there must tens of thousands of in varying value - are some valuable bits of jewelry as well as various potions, scrolls and finely crafted weapons and armor. In addition to all that it appears as if at least a couple of the objects the party came seeking are half-buried in the small mountain of coinage.
          With a quiet gasp of recognition, Yvonne states simply, "There are enemies behind us."

Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.

Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more vertical space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. N'zla has Darkvision and can see 12 squares in any direction through the darkness. There are penalties to non-Darkvision characters for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 72 hours, (Tuesday, Dec. 27th, 10pm EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 43/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 40/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 20/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

HP: 23/23
Defense: 23
Movement: 6
Endurance: 4
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 8
Melee Skill: -100
Magic Skill: 8

~Power Notes~
Rhyhorn: Regained Focus.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Xun flicks his torch back the way they came.  "Tired of fighting things that hide in the dark.  Now you shoot them easier."

1) toss torch back down the hallway.
2-4) Aid Another on closest allies to boost their defenses.


"Feliir-Ak, tiel vaas T'raat-ra," N'zla whispers, reaching out to the intimidating elf and touching her wounds (1).  "Name is not Ek.  People are named Ek.  Personal name of this one is N'zla," he says with a bow. "You help N'zla?  What is name of you all?  What doing in bad place full of mean Deep-Friends-That-Not-So-Friends?"

Action: 1 | Cast [Cure Minor Wounds] @ Hogarth
Action: 2-4 | Move to stay a safe distance behind new allies, away from hostiles

[ Feliir-Ak, tiel vaas T'raat-ra = Holy-Ak, defy these war-injuries ]


"Friend N'zla, you follow. We leave way we came in!" Hogarth drops her torch, moves ahead, and hides behind the wall, waiting for enemies to flow in. As they pour forward, she brings her axe down and attacks the ones that take the fallen goblins' place.

Action 1: Drop torch, move to K9,  behind wall.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


Rhyhorn hears the warning from Yvonne as Hogarth and Xun rush to trap the oncoming horde.  Seeing no room to fight adequately in the confined space, he leaves the fighting to his friends and heads back to the treasure room in order to help Nathalie secure it and load the goods.  In the pile of goods and money, Rhyhorn sees a blue-green melon-sized glass orb containing a swirling mist inside.  His eyes widen in shock and he lunges for it, scooping the orb in his mouth with a firmness that makes it very clear he is not letting it go.

Action 1) Move back into the treasure room.
Action 2) Scoop up the glass-orb described above, holding it in a rhino-vice-grip in his mouth.
Action 3:4-A) Park his fat Rhino ass in the treasure room and wait for Nathalie to hurry her ass up and load all the damn shit onto him, keeping his eyes firmly on the door.
Action 3:4-B) If hostiles have reached the door, abandon waiting duties and Charge the first to appear with a Roar-Boosted Horn Attack.


   "A healer..." Yvonne mutters as Rhyhorn and Hogarth pass under her, both going in opposite directions. "Huh..." This knowledge does not completely ameliorate her concerns, but for now there are other, more pressing issues at hand. (1) "I thought we had agreed to stay together." She voices her thoughts as she wanders a ways towards those who triggered her Alarm spell. (2, 3, 4) "Perhaps I was wrong..." She sighs and prepares for the fight ahead.

1: Move to N6.
2, 3, 4: Hold Action: If javelin wielding hostile enters range, cast Magic Missile via wand. If any hostile enters melee range, cast Elemental Strike. If the insectoid casts a spell in visual range, use a Spellcraft check.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


"An odd place to find a companion, in any case, I'll round up the treasure! Just be careful! ALL of you!" Nathalie exclaims, sifting through the treasure for anything remotely resembling the pictures Xavier showed her.

"Helping probably isn't out of the question," she mutters, dropping her task and running up to join the crew, "Mueren los bichos!"

1) Move to N7
2-4) Hold action; HARPOON CANNON FIRE


  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Turn 14 Resolution

         Before Hogarth can rush out of the prison cell to her allies' aid, N'zla reaches out briefly and touches the elf with healing power, showing his good intent. Yvonne and Nathalie follow the barbarian around the corner to see Xun lob his torch into the far corner of the hallway, lighting the way. The monk makes ready, standing to defend his allies as they move up beside him and Hogarth charges past. As she reaches the turn in the corridor she is brought up short as she comes face-to-muzzle with a wolf-like beast at least as big as Rhyhorn, if not bigger, with a goblin riding atop the beast's back, javelins at the ready.
         Without hesitation, both sides launch into their attacks. Yvonne discharges her wand at the goblin as it tosses a javelin wildly at the pixie. The magic bolt of force strikes true, but the mundane projectile is deflected by Xun's blade, saving Yvonne from a potentially damaging blow. Heedless of the ranged battle occuring around her, Hogarth begins her deadly dance with the worg. The foul beast snaps at the elf's legs, acting independently of its rider which suggests some intelligence from it. The elf only barely evades the snapping jaws while bringing her greataxe around in a short arc, the blade digging deeply into the wolfbeast's matted fur and drawing a great deal of blood. Upon the beast's back, wounded but not yet dead, the goblin reaches for another javelin but is stopped short by a crossbow bolt by Nathalie, knocking the dying goblinoid from its perch and onto the stone floor of the cave.
         Seeing its rider fall, the worg howls loudly before making another strike at Hogarth, this time grabbing hold with razor-sharp teeth. Pulling back swiftly, the beast attempts to pull the elf's feet out from under her but is unable to topple Hogarth. Responding as only she can, Hogarth again lays into the worg with her axe but only lands a glancing blow as she steadies her footing. From behind her, Nathalie lets fly another bolt whistling softly as it passes by and striking the wolfbeast in the side as it turns futilely to avoid the shot. With a snarl of rage the beast again lunges for Hogarth but snaps down only on air. Ready for the attack this time, Hogarth spins in place, causing the worg to overextend itself. Then with the certainty of an executioner at the block, she brings the deadly greataxe down upon the worg's neck, severing its head from the rest of its body.
         Meanwhile, (back at the ranch) Rhyhorn secures the faintly glowing orb from among the pile of looted goods before he - lacking other means of lifting them - begins to devour the pile of coins, starting with the gold pieces and working his way down in value.

Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.

Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more vertical space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. N'zla has Darkvision and can see 12 squares in any direction through the darkness. There are penalties to non-Darkvision characters for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 72 hours, (Saturday, Dec. 31st, 2am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 43/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 31/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 20/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

HP: 23/23
Defense: 23
Movement: 6
Endurance: 4
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 8
Melee Skill: -100
Magic Skill: 8

~Powers Expended This Turn~
N'zla: Cure Minor Wounds
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Hogarth grits her teeth from the pain of her bleeding leg. She looks down with satisfaction at the decapitated worg. Seeing how the beasts, startlingly, can survive a single blow from her, she decides now to use the Belt of One Mighty Blow. Hogarth beings laughing deep and slow, building up speed and gusto as she feels the strength run through her. "Yes, a good night for blood, indeed" she grinds out between a maniacal grin.

Action 1: Activate Belt of One Mighty Blow
Actions 2-4: Stand ground and attack all foes, going for the biggest, baddest one with the first attack.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


Rhyhorn, knowing these closed quarters are not to his advantage, continues eating the money, going from Gold/Platinum on down to Silver then Copper, until he can eat no more, while keeping a watchful eye on the cage door.

Action 1:4) Continue eating the money and guarding the precious Orb until either Rhyhorn's stomach fills or he comes very close to running out of his carry capacity.  (Within ~20lbs or so.)  If an enemy appears at the door, stop eating all the money and use a Roar-Boosted Charging Horn Attack on the fucker.


Hearing the fighting in the tunnels ahead, N'zla moves swiftly to the aid of his new allies.  Running up to the barbarian elf, he reaches out to her injuries once more.  "Feliir-Ak, tiel-ruk vaas T'raat-ra!" he says.  A stronger prayer for greater wounds.  "T'raat-asil ei tiel-sak vaas shu!" he says in his native tongue, empowering all around him.  He then backs off in case of more enemies, keeping wary of his allies' conditions.

Action: 1 | Move to Hogarth
Action: 2 | Cast [Cure Light Wounds]
Action: 3 | Cast [Bless]
Action: 4 | Move to P-7

Alternate Action: If an ally falls in battle, drop all actions to go to them and heal with most powerful spell.

Ek'r notes-
"Feliir-Ak, tiel-ruk vaas T'raat-ra." =  "Holy Ak, sternly defy these War-Injuries."
"T'raat-asil ei tiel-sak vaas shu." =  "War-Power [we] invoke against these enemies."


   "Thank you, Xun." The words ooze from the flame pixie's lips like molasses in Hammer as she hovers in place. Far be it for her to outpace the barbarian, though it does strike her as odd that the elven woman is not advancing excitedly. She does not give voice to the thought, however, and it fades silently into her fogged mind.

Free: If Alarm at entrance sounds, say "Someone or something has entered the cave."
Free: If Alarm at intersection sounds, say, "More are coming."
1, 2, 3, 4: If javelin wielding enemy enters range, Cast Magic Missile via wand. If any hostile target enters melee range, Cast Elemental Strike.
Free: If Alarm at intersection has not sounded, say "I believe that is all of them for now. Shall we assist Rhyhorn?"
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Xun nods at the pixie.  "You be careful, yes?  I go, help Hogarth."  And he slips away, quickly pacing down to stand beside the fierce elf woman.

1-4) Holding actions for Aid Another and deflecting any projectiles that might try to get past him to any of his friends.


  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Turn 15 Resolution

          N'zla advances away from the cell and towards his new-found allies, bestowing the blessing of battle upon them and taking a quick moment to further mend Hogarth's wounds. Further down the corridor to the South it appears that no further reinforcements are arriving but before the party can even think to relax, Yvonne chimes in with "More are coming." Hogarth peers into the weak light reaching back to the intersection and spies another worg and goblin rider approaching. The worg seems to stop just outside of the brightest light cast by Xun's discarded torch before the goblin mutters something quietly. Turning suddenly, the worg retreats and dashes back to the Western path from where it came. For the time being, no other enemies make themselves known.
Objective: Locate the magical objects.
Weather: None.
Terrain: Cave interior. Stone floors, low ceilings.

Terrain Notes: Walls, floors and ceilings are all solid stone. I don't care how thin it may look in some places on the map, you can't bust through them without a lot of work. Even then there would be the chance of a cave in. The ceiling is rarely more than ten feet high in these corridors. You may get more vertical space in larger chambers.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the grayed out area. N'zla has Darkvision and can see 12 squares in any direction through the darkness. There are penalties to non-Darkvision characters for attacking in the dark.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 72 hours, (Tuesday, Jan. 3rd, 6am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 43/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 43/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill)

HP: 20/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill)

HP: 8/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill)

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill)

HP: 23/23
Defense: 23
Movement: 6
Endurance: 4
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 8
Melee Skill: -100
Magic Skill: 8
Effect: Bless (+4 to Combat Skill)

~Powers Expended This Turn~
N'zla: Bless, Cure Light Wounds
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


   "And it is not attacking... Nor does it seem to be retreating... Odd." Yvonne thinks about the placement of her spell. "Perhaps it never left the trigger area..." she considers aloud. "Wonderful." she sighs. "It is probably going to go get reinforcements and set up an ambush." The tiny fey begins to drift away from the front lines. "I am going to take a look at some of those scrolls. Perhaps there is a teleport spell among them I can use to get us out of this mess, though I highly doubt it."

Free: If Alarm at entrance sounds, say "Someone or something has entered the cave." If Alarm at intersection sounds, say, "Here come those reinforcements."
1, 2, 3, 4: Move to treasure and inspect scrolls.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Suddenly, two plots!

1) Hogarth sees the worg retreat, and helps Rhyhorn load up the rest of ALL THE TREASURE. She then RUNS FOR THE HILLLLLLLS, RUNS FOR HER LIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE to the exit, hacking and slashing all she comes across.

2) The fey finds a teleport scroll, and just does that.

Actions Scenario 1:

1) Move to treasure
2) Load up treasure onto Rhyhorn
3) Move to next section of cave
4) Move to exit.

If any enemies are encountered, hold any move action and replace with CHOP.

Actions Scenario 2:

1) Move to treasure
2) Help load treasure onto Rhyhorn
3) Teleport to entrance
4) Grab ALL THE THINGS and get the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck out.

Interrupt any action with HACK if any enemies encountered.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Rhyhorn continues eating the coins, glad that he's finally getting a bit of help with the non-coin treasure, still keeping his wary eye on the door.

Action 1:4) Continue eating ALL THE COINS in order of denomination until within ~20lbs of carrying capacity or stomach is full.  If an enemy appears at the door, drop eating ALL THE COINS and nail the fuck with a Roar-Boosted Charging Horn Attack/

(Quick aside - a check to get a rough estimate of how many "valuable" (Platinum/Gold/Silver) coins are left, please.)