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Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!

Started by Celdia, November 01, 2011, 06:21:40 am


Nathalie cheers at the sight of felling a goblin right in the throat, and hisses "Suciedad! Voy a matar a todos los cerdos que resoplar!" in their own language. Riding on the adrenaline rush, and on Rhyhorn's cart, Nathalie sets her sights across the river and readies her crossbow, itching for the chance to empty four bolts right in the necks of goblins.

Action 1) Hold action; shoot goblins in range.
Action 2) Same as above.
Action 3) Same as above.
Action 4) Same as above.

((Note: the Spanish up there means "Filth! I'll kill all of you snorting hogs!"))


Blood dripping from her wounds, Hogarth clenches her teeth and hisses between them. Suddenly, the area grows light again, and she senses the soft footsteps of Xun behind her. He writes on her with ink, which she takes as her cue to bring her axe full force upon Goblin 4 (action 1.) She steps forward, stepping over and around the goblin carcass, and swings her axe in a wide arc to catch Goblin 2(action 2 and 3.) She spots the fricasseed carcass of Goblin 3, and heads over there (Action 4.) She decides to hold off and let any other goblins come to her (action 4.)

Action 1: Attack Goblin 4.
Action 2: Step forward to attack Goblin 2.
Action 3: Attack Goblin 2.
Action 4: Head to the dead fried carcass of Goblin 3.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


   "Canvassing" Yvonne says, moving her lights forward, mindful to keep Hogarth at least somewhat lit. (1, 2) She starts flying forward to get into a better position and bombard a goblin she had spotted earlier. "Wait, where's Xun?" she thinks, glancing back, but not seeing the swordsman. "Is he hiding?" She looks back at the goblin sitting atop a small knoll, wanting desperately to blast it. She curses quietly in Goblin just as Xun comes into view. Knowing now that all her allies are accounted for, her mood swings like a pendulum back to happy. "I see you." she says sweetly to the goblins below. (3, 4) Upon reaching her intended position, she begins raining fiery death down upon opponents. "Gotcha!" she cries obnoxiously as her spells impact.

Free: Move light closer to 'X' while keeping Hogarth at least in dim light. Continue to move if they move, but stop at G5.
1, 2: Fly to L11
3, 4: Hold action: Cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt on Goblin that attempts to use a ranged attack on an ally.
X: If any Goblin uses a ranged attack on her and she survives, say "Hey! It's me! Don't shoot!" If attack brings her between -10 and 0, say "I don't hate you."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Turn 2 Resolution

         "Suciedad! Voy a matar a todos los cerdos que resoplar!" Nathalie shouts at the goblins in their own tongue while - greatsword grasped firmly in his mouth - Rhyhorn attempts to fend off the goblins engaged with him. Their morningstars ring out against the stone of his body, chipping away at it as he brings the heavy blade around and ravages one of the goblins with it. Nathalie levels her crossbow at the other goblin nearby but the cart gets jostled by Rhyhorn's vigorous assault, disrupting her shot and causing her to miss her mark. The remaining goblin in view leaps up and swings awkwardly, getting his weapon caught in the irregular spines on Rhyhorn just as the rockbeast shifts to swing his mouth-blade. While neither strike is a damaging blow, Rhyhorn's movement wrenches the morningstar from the goblin's hands. The momentary surprise caused by this gives Nathalie the perfect opening and she lodges a magical bolt straight through the forehead of the little beast, blasting the back of its skull wide open as it passes through it like a spoiled melon. Without having another target immediately nearby, Rhyhorn once again trundles off, jarring the cart as its wheels rise up and over the goblin corpses with a sickening squelch. As he rounds the corner of the hedge, another goblin leaps out of the bush and directly in front of Rhyhorn. Nathalie, with her crossbow readied and eyes keenly surveying the area, swiftly puts a bolt through the goblin's chest, dropping it into the dirt in mid-lunge. Rhyhorn appears completely unfazed by this turn of events and continues forward, stomping the beast's head as he does so.
         Nearby to all this, Elia continues her one-on-one battle with the goblin using the bushes for cover. She strikes at him through the foliage but can't connect cleanly, getting hit by the goblin's weapon again for her trouble. They exchange another series of blows, neither one landing, but to Elia's misfortune another goblin has emerged from the shrubbery just to the North and advanced on her, putting her at a painful disadvantage. Each goblin manages to gouge the priestess with their foul weapons and with a shout of frustration, Elia swings wildly at the goblin still in the hedge beside her, evoking a sickening crack of crushing bone, dropping it with a single strike. However, the situation continues to turn for the worst as Rhyhorn and the valuable lights strapped to him begin to move away, leaving the young woman in the dark. In a desperate attempt to fend off the remaining attack, she strikes at the shadows and lands a powerful fist to the goblin's rib cage but she is unable to avoid the blow from its morningstar even as she incapacitates the vile creature. It comes across her head hard, knocking her unconscious and leaving her bleeding to death between the bushes.
         Meanwhile, at the other end of the battlefield, Xun has finally decided that Action is the better part of Valor and rushes to Hogarth's aid, bringing his blade up in a defensive posture meant to protect those around him. From above, Xun can hear Yvonne intoning in a deadpan, "Canvassing..." and ahead of him, he can see as as the lirai's dancing lights move across the field to better illuminate Hogarth's melee, that the barbarian is struggling to manage with her wounds. The goblins slowly spread out to surround the elf again, dodging her heavy axe and even catching her with a grazing blow. Their evasion doesn't last long as the area comes into full light and she catches one of them with the full force of her greataxe, more ripping it half than cutting it. A shriek of pain from the sky heralds the contact of a javelin with Yvonne's small body and she shouts down at the goblin on the rise that threw it, "Hey! It's me! Don't shoot!" before returning fire with a firebolt that incinerates the goblin's chest with a resounding impact. While that happens, another goblin breaks out of its hiding place in the bushes and begin to close on Hogarth and Xun. One of the goblins circling Hogarth swings madly at Xun and connects just before the runes on the monk's sword flare up and he thrusts the long blade through the goblin's guts, putting it down swiftly with the single strike. The binding runes seem to peel away and elongate into a thin line of energy around Hogarth, just in time to deflect the attack of another goblin as she brings the axe down on the toes of one of the goblinoids, causing it to hop around madly. She winds up and brings her greataxe around again at head level and decapitates the injured goblin mid-hop. Deftly, Xun draws a healing rune on Hogarth's skin with one hand, mending her wounds a great deal, while parrying the attacks of the remaining goblin with the blade in his other hand. This display of martial prowess goes unnoticed by Yvonne though as her eyes alight upon the group of goblins hiding across the river from Rhyhorn and Nathalie. "I see you." she says sweetly to the goblins below as she unleashes another blast of fiery death, killing one of three before he can bring his javelin up to throw. "Gotcha!" she cries out triumphantly as the other two loose their pointed projectiles purposefully, plotting to puncture the pair of approaching party members, but both throws fall just short an get stuck in the river's bank.

Objective: Reach the cave mouth and get inside! (marked by the X on the map.)
Bonus Objective: "It is a secret to everybody!" (Will be revealed at the end of the battle.)
Weather: After dusk, dark and cloudy.
Terrain: Varied.

Terrain Notes: You can't see over those big hedges, nor are they passable unless you want to spend an entire Turn hacking your way through one. The rock piles are passable, if slowly (or you can try to leap over them) but they will grant the goblins Cover (Defense Bonus) if you try to attack them from the opposite side of them. To pass safely over the logs crossing the river you must dedicate a whole Action to that movement or else face an Athletics check to not fall into the water. The   fall isn't far but the water is cold and it will penalize you for the remainder of the battle.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Elia, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circle of light around Rhyhorn. (To my knowledge, no one else is carrying a light source. Feel free to correct me on this if you are.) Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the greyed out circle. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. Trying to attack at range into the darkness (that joke is going to come up again this battle, isn't it?) will inflict penalties to your attacks.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Tuesday, Nov. 29th, 12pm EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

One of your allies is dying! Only Hogarth and Yvonne can see she has fallen in battle. If alerted to her condition, Xun can use 1 Action to attempt to Spot the downed priestess if the light hasn't been moved to show her position.

HP: 37/43
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: -5/20  (Dying)
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 29/44
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 19/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 4/8
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 17
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

~Powers Expended this Turn~
Yvonne: Kelgore's Fire Bolt x2
Xun: Word of Binding, Word of Mending
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Rhyhorn slowly and carefully begins pulling his cart across the logs spanning the river before hanging a left to get around the pile of rocks, relying on Nathalie's crossbow skills to keep the Goblins off his back.  Once Rhyhorn rounds the rocks, he moves for the nearest Goblin threat, slashing at it with his Greatsword, before setting up his Cart safely between the rocks and heading off to find his allies.

Action 1) Cross the river to D9.
Action 2) Move around the rocks, D9 -> A9 then A9 -> A7, completing the move by moving toward the nearest living enemy Goblin.  If no enemy Goblins exist, move so that Rhyhorn can safely park Nathalie and his Cart behind the cover on D7.

Action 3-A) If adjacent to an enemy Goblin,
Action 3-B) If enemy Goblins exist on this side of the river but are not adjacent to me, move to them.
Action 3-C) If all enemy Goblins on this side of the river are defeated, move so the Cart rests on D7.
Action 3-D) If already moved to D7, slip one of the two Everburning Torches from my Pack Saddle into the Cart so Nathalie will have a light source while I'm gone.

Action 4-A) If adjacent to an enemy Goblin,
Action 4-B) If no adjacent enemy Goblins, move so Cart rests on D7.
Action 4-C) If already on D7, slip one of the two Everburning Torches from my Pack Saddle into the Cart.
Action 4-D) If an Everburning Torch has already been moved from my Pack Saddle to the Cart, slip from the Cart's harnesses and move to F5 to prepare crossing the river again.


"Suerte!" she whispers, "I mean, wish me luck!" Nathalie readies her crossbow and crouches firm in the cart, trying to utilize her senses to wipe these goblins out.

Action 1) Hold action; shoot enemies that appear in range.
Action 2, 3, 4) Same as above.


   As Yvonne looks back to make sure her lights are still on Hogarth, she sees Elia on the ground. "?!" she squeaks unintelligibly and quickly moves her spell over to illuminate the fallen healer. (1) Fearful of another assault, she increases her altitude, but the effort of fighting gravity causes pain to flare up in her side. Hovering was practically effortless and casting brought so much joy to her, she had barely noticed the gouge in her side. But now, "Ow, ow, ow, ow, o~w!" she whines, matching the beat of her tiny wings. "How did they see me?!" she thinks frantically, clutching her abdomen. She can't see the blood, but she can feel it dripping down her side, and soaking her clothes. Literally half an inch over and she have been in two pieces on the ground. "I know they can see in the dark, but... How much higher do I need to go?" Suddenly, she clamps her hand to her mouth as a thought occurs to her. The goblins hadn't 'seen' her, they had 'heard' her! "Hiran's wrath!" She had been significantly-less-than-silent the entire battle, how could they 'not' know where she was? She had to change her position! Surely they had seen her fly strait up, so they could just throw their accursed spears higher. She had to change position! Still painfully aware of her own injuries, she flies towards a location above Elia, whose wounds she knows are worse than her own. Several dozen colorful curses in as many languages tug at her tongue and threaten to escape her lips, but she bites them back. (2) For the first time in decades, Yvonne Scintillae Incendam falls silent. Deathly silent. (3, 4) Gently, she removes more ash from her pouch and prepares to use it on any goblin foolish enough to approach the human woman below. Her thoughts race as she nervously scans the darkness beyond the reach of her dancing lights, wondering how many more filthy beasts are hiding out there. Darkness... Birds! Her heart skips a beat as she realizes that this entire time she could not even see her own surroundings up here. She had been so preoccupied with the earthbound battle, she had paid no heed to the dangers of the night sky. Up here there may be owls, but down there are most certainly other javelins. She swallows hard, tasting salt and metal that should not be there, as she tries desperately to resist the urge to lower her elevation.

Free: Move lights so Elia, Xun and Hogarth are all in the bright light circle.
1: Fly up 1 panel, then over to K15.
2: Attempt to hide.
3: Hold Action: Cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt should an opponent enter range.
4: Hold Action: Move up 2 panels and over to I15 if action 3 was executed.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


For a moment, uncharacteristically, the barbarian's face clouds with effort to think. She can plainly see the priestess of Odin lying on the ground, bleeding profusely. Hogarth knows the sign of a dying human. She thinks on a course of action. If she goes to her, she has no way to heal her, but she can pick her up and carry her. She then concentrates, realizing if any more hidden goblins attack, she will be defenseless and that Hogarth herself would share the same fate. Add to that the fact that she might move out of range of someone who CAN heal, and the decision becomes easier. Noticing the goblin advancing on Xun, she shouts "Xun! Elia! West!" before moving between the goblin and Xun and bringing her axe around to smash or slice Goblin 15. (Actions 1 and 2) She heads north, then west to advance past the bodies of ruined goblins, (Action 3), and crosses the bridge to the river, (Action 4) keeping her eye out for more goblins and striking if able.

Action 1: Move to R13.
Action 2: Attack Goblin 15.
Action 3: Move North, then West to I5.
Action 4: Cross bridge.
If able: Interrupt any movement action to fend off or attack oncoming goblins.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


His tradepeak may not be the best, but the wandering philosopher definitely understands that.  He moves swiftly to the downed priest and rolls up his sleeves(1), taking a moment to focus himself(2) before his brush flicks out to craft an elegant piece of calligraphy on Elia's armor.  The writing blazes with a warm golden light (3) and Xun moves to take up a defensive stance between the priestess and the orcs to the north.  "You be careful.  Writing good, you still hurt very bad."
1) Move to J14
2) Regain maneuvers, self-heal 6
3) Rune of mending on Elia
4) Hold action to deflect attacks away from Elia.


Turn 3 Resolution

          The battlefield gets progressively quieter as the goblin opposition dwindles by the moment. Yvonne shifts her light spell so that it shines on Elia's fallen form just as Hogarth barks out, "Xun! Elia! West!" No longer hampered by the swarm of goblins, the barbarian shifts her footing and lunges at the lone goblin standing before her, carving a wide gouge in its belly that spills warm entrails on the cold ground. With her last enemy slain, she darts North into the shadows again before eventually re-emerging in the light to the West, near the river's edge. Meanwhile, Xun quickly dashes to Elia's side, taking a moment to refocus his mind and draw the runes of healing upon her body as her blood slowly spills out. The runes glow with golden light and the mystic forces conjured therein begin to mend her battered flesh. After a long moment the priestess slowly revives to see the monk speaking to her, "You be careful. Writing good, you still hurt very bad."
          Beyond the hedges to their West, Rhyhorn carefully pilots his cart across the water-slick log. He pauses only momentarily as a javelin is lobbed from beyond the low stone wall ahead of him, bouncing harmlessly off his back and splashing into the water below as another projectile misses both beast and log entirely. Nathalie, whispering something inaudibly, takes aim and fires a bolt at the offensive goblins, dropping one soundlessly as she quickly reloads. Once wholly across the makeshift bridge, she gets an even cleaner shot - taking advantage of her skill at short ranges - and drives another bolt through the second goblinoid. The little beast drops his javelin mid-throw and wheezes painfully as it weakly attempts to dig the metal shaft from its chest before finally collapsing.
          Upon reaching his destination, Rhyhorn steps out of his cart harness and quickly divests himself of one of his magical torches, leaving Nathalie light to see by. He then makes his way past the cave entrance and around the stony barricade, intent to cross the other log bridge seeking more enemies. However, it seems the goblins were not without further defensive measures as the very ground beneath the rockbeast gives way to a deep pit filled with wooden spikes! While the fall itself injures Rhyhorn by some small amount, the spikes stand no chance against his tough hide, shattering beneath him.
          From above, there is no sign of Yvonne other than the persistence of her dancing lights.

Objective: Reach the cave mouth and get inside! (marked by the X on the map.)
Bonus Objective: "It is a secret to everybody!" (Will be revealed at the end of the battle.) Complete the Pane without triggering any of the trap tiles. (Failed)
Weather: After dusk, dark and cloudy.
Terrain: Varied.

Terrain Notes: You can't see over those big hedges, nor are they passable unless you want to spend an entire Turn hacking your way through one. The rock piles are passable, if slowly (or you can try to leap over them) but they will grant the goblins Cover (Defense Bonus) if you try to attack them from the opposite side of them. To pass safely over the logs crossing the river you must dedicate a whole Action to that movement or else face an Athletics check to not fall into the water. The fall isn't far but the water is cold and it will penalize you for the remainder of the battle.

Lightning Notes: Rhyhorn, Elia, Nathalie and Xun can only see clearly in the brightest circles of light. Yvonne and Hogarth have low-light vision and can see normally to the edges of the greyed out circle. Anything in the darkest area can't be seen by anyone in the party. Trying to attack at range into the darkness will inflict penalties to your attacks.

Knowledge Check: Goblins have Darkvision! This means that they can see through that darkest area on the map so beware attacks from the shadows!

Posting for this Turn ends in about 48 hours, (Thursday, Dec. 1st, 3am EST) or whenever everyone has posted, of course.

HP: 32/43
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 3/20
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 29/44
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 23/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 4/8
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 17
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

~Powers Expended this Turn~
Xun: Word of Mending
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Rhyhorn plods along, falling into the pit with a thunk.  Annoyed, he lets out a small roar and runs at the wall, running up it and out of the pit, seeing Hogarth and deciding to move back to his Cart instead, feeling the others should be following soon if the Barbarian was already this far ahead.  He taps her as she nears him, using a charge of his Healing Belt to mend Hogarth's wounds.  Rhyhorn then downs an Oil of Light Repair from his belt and turns to his cart, nudging Nathalie aside some to unlock and access his chest of ALL THE THINGS to begin pulling out supplies while waiting for the rest of the team to meet up.

Action 1) Run up the walls and out of the pit like a boss, moving back to D8.
Action 2) If Hogarth moves close enough at any point, use a charge of my Healing Belt on her.  (2 Remaining)
Action 3) Down one Oil of Light Repair, placing the empty vial on my Saddle.
Action 4) Unlock my chest of ALL THE THINGS and begin getting stuff prepared for going into the cave.


   "I am not a wizard. I am not a coward. I am a sorcerer. I am magic. There are no owls, only javelins." (1, 2, 3) Yvonne thinks to herself, as she watches Hogarth stride fearlessly across the battlefield below. "I am not a wizard. I am not a coward. I am a sorcerer. I am magic. There are no owls, only Zuul." She glances back every now and again to ensure Elia and Xun are properly lit. "I can take Zuul. I'll blast him with my fire!" She flies over the crick. "Just don't cross the streams. Fire. Fire! Fire!" Thoughts of her beloved element calm her a bit, but not much. "Sparks! Kindle! Fire! Embers! Fire! Pyre! Flare! Blaze! Fire!" (4) She clutches tightly a fist full of ash, ready to blast any goblin she can. Once the swordsman and healer are safely within the light around the cart of ALL THE THINGS, Yvonne quickly shifts her spell over to seek areas yet unseen.

Free: Move Dancing Lights so as to keep Xun and Elia well lit until they are within either Nathalie's or Rhyhorn's light.
1, 2, 3: Move to D7
4: Hold Action: Cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt should a Goblin enter range.
Free: Move Dancing Lights so as to illuminate S1 with at least dim light.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Elia stands up in pain, and dizzy from blood loss. She looks at Xun and thanks him in the best way she can in her stat. "Thank you.... Friend..." Setting her gaze at her feet, she then mumbles under her breath. "Odin.. Might be angered... At my failure..." She pulls her right hand up and places it on her chest. "Heal!" 1) and heads to the bridge. 2)

1) Cast Cure Light Wounds on Elia
2) Move up north to I5
3) Move across log

If at any point we get attacked, let Xun attack them, and heal him if he needs it.
If Yvonne is in range, heal her. (Priority of top one)


Hogarth eyes the log bridge wearily. She knows she can easily bound across and continue on just as normal as walking. However, this night has also been Cursed. She should've taken those goblins down with the fury of Riphlin, the God of Anger. If her gods were real, Hogarth muses, they would be most displeased. She nearly panicked and raged when she saw her rocky relationship with Rhyhorn bottom out, but she could hear him run up the wall.

"What a terrible time for a cursed night" she mutters, and carefully moves across the log. (Action 1) She sidesteps the pit, (Action 2) and regroups with the party. (Action 3) she still has her axe drawn, ready for anything that comes their way.

Action 1: Ford river Cross log.
Action 2: Sidestep pit.
Action 3: Regroup with others.
Action 4: Hold action for attacking goblins that approach.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


Xun keeps his ears open as he moves to rejoin the others, keeping Elia close in case they are attacked again.

1-4) Move with Elia towards the cave, stopping to defend us both if neccesary.


Nathalie perches herself on top on top of the cart, steadfast and crossbow in hand, ready to drive a bolt through any incoming goblins' skulls.

1-4) Hold action; fire when enemy goblin comes in range.


Turn 4 Closed

Update later tonight and then we'll be breaking for about a week while I get the next sequence assembled.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


(((NOTE: This entire post is OCC.)))

: A week break? What'll we do till then? *sobs*
: Why, you could.. spackle the den. Alphabetize your shorts. You could play with your pet broncostimpy!
: :O *runs off*
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


Turn 4 Resolution

         Without further interruption or assault, the rest of the party on the ground manages to regroup at the mouth of the cave while Yvonne's lights continue to scan the battlefield. You can see a short distance into the cave's entrance with your torch's light, but the path beyond narrows quickly as it descends into the earth below. A sense of foreboding comes over you all as you contemplate what horrors lie within.

Battle Pane Complete!

300 Gold Pieces
A glass lens, rimmed with gold and with a fine gold chain attached to an ear clip.

Stat Bonuses
Rhyhorn: +2 HP!
Nathalie: +1 Ranged Skill!
Yvonne: +1 HP!
Elia: +1 HP!
Hogarth: +3 HP!
Xun: +1 to Healing Effect of Word of Mending!

HP: 41/45
Defense: 19
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 14/21
Defense: 17
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 6

HP: 41/47
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 23/23
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 5/9
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 18
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

~Powers Expended this Turn~
Elia: Cure Light Wounds

Forgive the brevity of this post. I really just wanted to get it all down and made official. The Pane really could have ended on the last Turn but there was still the possibility of more enemies on the map somewhere. Now that you're all assembled (sans Yvonne, but no one can really stop her from joining you) I'll call it complete. Also, I know no one was taking time to loot bodies in the narrative, but I'll be treating encounters with a sort of auto-loot function at the end of battles unless you start stripping mobs of their actual possessions in-battle.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Rhyhorn goes through his chest, pulling out 3 more Everburning Torches and another Oil of Light Repair before closing and re-locking the chest.  He sets the Oil onto his Pack Saddle before passing out an Everburning Torch to each Xun, Elia, and Hogarth.  If the team was going down there, Rhyhorn knew no one having light besides himself just wasn't going to do.  As he passes out Torches, Rhyhorn also expends a second charge on his Healing Belt to further recover Elia.

<If it were even open to vote, I am so for going down that cave and killing all these fucking Goblins.>