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Curse of the Viper Forum RPG - Capture Dat Flag!

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, May 10, 2011, 06:06:43 am


Lyra skips along as she walks, giggling at her apparent sister's belief of her invented food, having taken the concept from the traditional Colored beef and pork or some such. "Its really just unusually named kabobs. They're supposed to be really good though, a brand new item to the menu. You... aren't a vegetarian or anything right? If you are we should probably find something else. AAAAAaaaannnyway I'm rambling. Its a bad habit of mine.... Or a good one. People tell me both. But lets get some good food, grab a table, and just relax. I've actually just been with zeon for a short while now, this unit was my first 'real' assignment outside of grunt work. Its been nice working with decent people on a regular basis, being part of a real unit. Though this is by far one of the least coherent units around from what I've seen. One hides from US, one betrayed us and is assumed dead, but overall I think we all have eachothers backs. At least I like to hope so. We really have pulled through some rough spots together. Most importantly though OOOOhhh my GAWD did you SEE the cap'n back there? He tries to play it cool with that trench coat and all that but he is suuuch a softie for that girl he was with. Sure he hit her but you KNOW they were just playing around. I wouldn't be surprised if they had breakfast together tomorrow. " She relaxed and slid into a booth, some food having been slopped onto her plate as she meandered throughout the cafeteria, before she guided Linear to a booth, taking initiative to bond as much as she can with her sister, though not entirely sure HOW, having been raised an only child. She sinks into her food a couple of bites between sentences, as the stream of her words, followed by the occasional reply from Linear, the cafeteria packed with people, yet somehow isolating this pair amongst the noise.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Rin has spent the last minute or so pondering who the hell Greenfield was but blurted out, a bit behind, "Ugh!  I never really messed with the others of my family.  They do all that thinking and making, and I do all the using and winning!"


   "And I do indeed enjoy a good show, sir." The Roughneck's former Executor replies, standing at attention and giving a crisp salute to the one known as The Viper. "A pity it seems I have missed it... this time..." He grins pleasantly at the emerald-haired vixen, moving quickly back to casual mode, deftly stealing her hand and bringing it to his lips. "A pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, M'lady Greenfield."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Staring at this unaccustomed act of chivalry, May blushes lightly before reclaiming her hand. She recovers quickly though, "Well it would seem you have the advantage of me as you know my name but I don't know yours."
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


   "Ah yes, forgive me, where are my manners?" He rights himself from his bow and chuckles lightly. "I am Quentin Bouteillevoix, call sign: l'ExĂ©cueur." He explains with eloquent pronunciation. "However most find such a name to be a mouthful, so I find Executor to be preferable in most situations. I have recently found myself transferred from Rasczak's Roughnecks to the Desert Cobras."

   He turns to the young spitfire of a thing who has obviously partaken in the scuffle he failed to witness earlier. "Forgive me, but I do not believe we have met." He slides in, aiming to take her hand as well. "Do allow me to... make it up to you."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Rin stares him down, eyes narrowing.  "Can you fight?"  Default Rin brain mode activated.


   "I have no desire within me to fight a lady of such distinction such as yourself." He admits, taking her hand in his and bowing towards it. "Lest it be a battle of the hearts..."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


"You a new squadie too?"  She gives no less than a downright evil grin, grabbing tight the man's hand, grabbing his arm with the other.  She then proceeds to do the very same flip tactic that Atrius had earlier attempted on her.  Swinging the man over her head and onto the ground behind.


   More prepared than he let on, Quentin allows his body to flow along with the bionic woman's throw. Landing nimbly on his feet he spins back to face her, fully prepared to deflect any incoming blows, even if his demeanor would have one believe otherwise. "Quite strong for one of your size, are we not?" He inquires coyly. He holds his hands up, palms towards his apparent opponent, revealing them to be empty and nowhere near the hilt of his sword. "Perhaps round two should be in my quarters?"
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Rin smiles and walks up to him in an innocent and seductive manner, hips a swayin'.  "Is that so?"  Getting right up in the man's face she gives a soft gaze straight into his eyes, raising her left arm slowly.  "But why go to your quarters when out here is just fine..." Suddenly, she yanks back her false hand with her real one, revealing a built-in small projectile device similar to a gun, tucking it just under his chin.  "I don't do well with come-ons, newbie."


   "My most humblest of apologies, m'lady..." the Executor begins, his smile never faltering. "Oh dear, I do believe I have yet to hear your name..."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Feeling out of place watching from the sidelines, Wesley decides to introduce himself.

"Atrius...?" he asks cautiously. "I'm Wesley. I pilot the new Zaku over there," he says, motioning to the shiny new Zaku. "Pleased to meet you. I've heard good things about you." Wesley extends his hand to Atrius.
  • Modding version: PSX


Rellia gasps, sweating heavily and barely able to contain her fear. "What happened..." she asks herself.... not expecting an answer, and all the same not getting one. She grasps her head in pain, the headache throbbing. "How did I--!" she cut herself off.... "Those idiots...I don't LOSE LIKE THOSE IDIOTS!" Rellia yells at a phantom. She slams her fist into the door, denting the steel and crushing her hand in the process. She doesn't seem to notice.
She tries to recall what happened during that fight...how did she lose... what was she fighting...
She hits her head, still not realizing her hand is crushed. She can't remember anything after they entered that cave.
"But the report says..." she swallows her tears, not able to make heads or tails of how accurate it is. "This isn't right... this isn't right...."
She falls into her bed, still shaking, and tries to go to sleep.... yet her eyes stay open.... and her head getting more red with pressure and stress. "This isn't right... this isn't.... right.... this isn't right...." she continues to chant, feeling as though the more she chants it, the closer she gets to an epiphany.


"Hope you don't mind if I call you Erin," Buliwyf rolls his head across his shoulders, drawing a few final creaks and pops from his neck. "I can give you the dime tour of the place, but I haven't really spent much time here myself."  He leads her off down the hallways.  "Gym, showers, pool over there for fitness.  Rec rooms down that hall, TV, movies, games, all that crap.  More maintenance rooms down there, armory such as it is."  He pushes open the door to the commissary with a faint grin.  "And finally, our five-star dining facility."  He rolls over and snatches up a pair of beers out of their icy bed, indicating the lady with the cigar with a toss of his head.  "Her tab."  He tosses Erin one of the bottles and pops the top off his own. "Aint a lot here, hope you're easily entertained."


Rin steps away from the man not taking an obvious hint and opts to ignore him.  She turns to Atrius.  "The whole point of coming out here was to get away from everyone, yet here everyone is.  How wonderful!"


Stiffening a bit at the sarcastic rebuke, May resists the urge to wince. "I never intended to interrupt. I should go see what I can do to help the mechanics working on Merrygate, anyways. A pleasure to meet you, Renae. If you're amenable to the idea, perhaps I could talk to you later about maybe some hand-to-hand combat training." With a curt nod to Atrius, May excuses herself quickly without waiting for a reply from the Mad Mare, hurrying back to the hangar.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


(OOC: Durbs, you do realize we're all behind the hangar, right?  Meaning the only thing you'd be able to motion to is the back of the building. Pay more attention to where people are, next time!)

Atrius nods back to May as she takes her leave, and shakes Wesley's hand.  "Let me guess... another new squadron member?"  Atrius turns to Rin after finishing the handshake, stuffing his hands into his pockets  "I need to go see what Command is thinking assigning so many newbies to us when we only lost one person. Something's wrong."  With that, Atrius moves to take his leave, off to go ask whoever's currently in charge what the hell is going on.


(OOC: Do you have a map of the facility that we can see? It'll help me visualize things better. This is my first RP, too, so I'm still getting used to a few things yet. Sorry.)

Wesley winces at Rin's stinging remark and leaves, deciding to look for an empty room so he can be alone. After some time, he finally finds one.

Wesley looks around the empty room. 'This must be for storage,' he (albeit redundantly) muses, noticing the artillery shells and gigantic machine pieces. He walks over to a more spacious part and sits down on the cold floor. Crossing his legs, he begins to relax into the almost meditative state that had removed him from the world during times of his life and comforted him in times of sorrow.

Wesley's mind begins to wander. 'Why was I put in this group? Why didn't they just put me in a special operations team like I asked? These guys aren't spec ops... they're warriors. How can I possibly help them more than I can help a different team? I can't lead here, and I doubt they'll let me upgrade my craft my way like I could before.'

'Why the hell did I get put here?' he finishes. He shrugs it off, however. 'Forget it. What am I doing?' he asks himself as he relaxes again.
  • Modding version: PSX


Rellia awakens after a 1 hour or so nap, looking far less stressed and crazy and batshit crazy outta hell. She scans the room, as if for the first time, and stands, shaking slightly and faltering. She gasps and holds her head.
"DAMMIT!" she yells so loud anybody within a couple yards of her room must have heard it. She pants heavily, and in an exasperated realization, "I remember now..."
She shakes her head and smiles, exiting the room and walking down the hall to the storage room to pick up the supplies she ordered.