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June 02, 2024, 04:58:02 pm


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MooGle char in progress. not modding. its making here :D

Started by vresu, February 22, 2011, 06:04:12 am


hi guys new here i am making a mogle here. and just know this awesome forum today...
and decide to make mogle!!! here is so far rotate 180
this forum is neat~


I take it you are doing a FFXII version of MOOGLE(not mogle :P). Please post those five frames normallly, with 3x size, it will be easier to crit it.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


This is potentially a very good start! Are you doing this completely "freehand" or are you using some base?
Current Projects:


Hiya thanks! for the input Moongle   :oops:
here is draft but the bmp are final
taking a time to adjust the hand!
haha anyway here is BMP!
add walk! ani
and potrait!
oh no base
not following base. :)
since i am an artist in game industry myself XD
here is my website :)
this forum is neat~


Ha! 7 year experience? Impressive, I must say. Though I doubt we can hire anyone, this site is made of volunteers, but you already started working, so I doubt you want some kind of reward other than gratitude, heh. Ok, let's move to the sprite. Overall it is nice, but it is not looking too much like FFT-style. Advice number one: use existing palettes, it will make it more FFT-like right away. Next one is to keep designs simple and clean, adding too much shit will make it look crappy. Last one, try to mimic FFT style, currently I would say this moogle fits FFTA more, I am gonna test it in-game once you do some more of the sheet. Anyway, looking forward, and...

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


oh yes this is all based on FFT pallete. the red are from time mage. the white pallete are from the time mage star. and also if u mean FFTA they are sucks XD i dont play FFTA because of the pixel and color pallete. :p


oh dont worry i doing this based on fun.
just what i wanted to know how to change them in status screen. not only in battle XD

here is snap in battle :p

this forum is neat~


See? This is what I mean, it looks pretty funny next to other FFT sprites. You need to follow the style more. I worked on Moogle once, but I stoped when I wanted to redoo it, let me give you BMP file. I REALLY need to redoo it...
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Epic work (From both spriters)!
Keep up the good work!

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


whoa the pallete u are using are more like it. input accepted! :D

i will adjust mine ;)
i was following time mage white and red :p not browse another monster yet.
hahaha nice mod :D

thanks! i will change em soon
this forum is neat~


Holy crap you work fast. How did you even learn how to insert a sprite so quickly let alone make it?!

Anyways you obviously have talent, wont argue that. The palette adjustment was a good one. I torn about the overall style of the sprite though. You are fitting way more detail into a smaller space then what is commonly done with FFT. It looks fantastic though, so I'm not sure if you should just move forward as is or work on making it fit in with the overall FFT style better.
Current Projects:


I must say that you HAVE to simplify this design, like Cheetah noticed, there are many details here(mostly those yellow outlines, they are making my eyes bleed during walking). You can also redoo the ears, make them thinner, and follow Uribo's ear shading to help yourself(my Moogle also uses Uribo's ears, so you can use that as ref). Once those two things are done, it will be right on track!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


This is a very amusing interaction because most of us here come to learn spriting because we love FFT, while you are just a professional spriter. You are still misspelling MOOGLE ;)

For the sprites and portraits in the formation screen you will want to use FFTEVGRP (translated by melonhead), can be found in the miscellaneous download section.

ACK and please post PNGs not JPGs, that is what makes my eyes bleed. Congratulations you have made it through most of the things we tell every new spriter in about a 10th of the time.
Current Projects:


Thanks cheetah and kagebunji XD
well i was making the new era moggle

not the old one

so when they summon em it will suit the game. so the moogle are their spirit :p

after this i wanted to make the other like viera and banga( using minatour size)
viera still looking arround.

this forum is neat~


fixed to simplfy
Quote from: Cheetah on February 22, 2011, 01:50:13 pm
Holy crap you work fast. How did you even learn how to insert a sprite so quickly let alone make it?!

Anyways you obviously have talent, wont argue that. The palette adjustment was a good one. I torn about the overall style of the sprite though. You are fitting way more detail into a smaller space then what is commonly done with FFT. It looks fantastic though, so I'm not sure if you should just move forward as is or work on making it fit in with the overall FFT style better.

hmnn maybe i have been usualy doing stuff?? XDD
thank u!! :D i fixed the cloth to much more simple tehehehe :)
ah thanks for the tools! at last muahahaha XD i must play more with all the tool here and there.

Quote from: Kagebunji on February 22, 2011, 01:52:44 pm
I must say that you HAVE to simplify this design, like Cheetah noticed, there are many details here(mostly those yellow outlines, they are making my eyes bleed during walking). You can also redoo the ears, make them thinner, and follow Uribo's ear shading to help yourself(my Moogle also uses Uribo's ears, so you can use that as ref). Once those two things are done, it will be right on track!

Fixed but still cloth :) but much more simple ( before was armor )


this forum is neat~


Okay now I know you are just teasing us with your misspelling of moogle.

I am all about the new era moogle, the design is just generally cooler.

It is great to see that you are so responsive to feedback. I can give more feedback about the new design when I can actually see it. Posted as JPG it is too garbled to see anything. Try PNG.
Current Projects:


  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


Wow! Welcome to FFH where all of your dreams come true. especially if you have mad skills. I absolutely love your moogle that first post really impressed me. I think this moogle fits in well.
Thought maybe you'd appreciate my prorogued Sahagin from scratch:http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=5003.320 I will finish it eventually. Gotta finish the power rangers first. 
  • Modding version: PSX


I'm guessing tinypic is making them in jpegs, just like photobucket. Try imageshack perhaps (or alternatively attach them in your post)?
I'm more of a fan of the rounder ears rather than the new spiky/furry ears you made.
Maybe you could make it so the moogle's colours are a bit creamier like in the portrait you made?

Great progress in your sprite.
  • Modding version: PSX


whoa thanks guys.
@cheetah -- i though i speeling it right now moogle moogle moogle?? hehe
@pride -- Thanks!
@Lijj -- thansk! i will chek it! :D ermm just go ther lots of image frog that i cannot see since i am not registered >.< just check ur video.. looks awesome XD

@twinness -- ola there!! yes i was uploading BMP though. ijust twist the color since kagebunji give some input pallete. :D

anyway here is the BMP!
from  front only
-able to cast
-use item

i upload it to my website

here u go real BMP

after checking a while.. i found problems!!!
the moggle if go to water.. u will only see the ears XDDDD
dang. if somebody could program it to take other place sprite i can make the moogle flying.

what i need later is a modder who is advance already
but not playing with all char that already there just that adding the new char with what they want
moogle swordman
moogle archer.
this forum is neat~