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My Patch (Unamed)

Started by formerdeathcorps, April 02, 2010, 01:42:45 am

The Damned

Quote from: "formerdeathcorps"I can't really boost regen more in...nulls (because none really make sense other than poison).

I'd argue different, but this isn't the thread for it; IIRC, Regen is pretty buff in my patch with regards to it interacts with.

Otherwise, I see what you're getting at. Yeah, Meatbone Slash/Bonecrusher annoys me too, but I think that Critical Quick has a purpose, if only for Bombs. Quick being anything other than available in a Critical state as a reaction would be overpowered. Almost as bad as Hamedo, really (or possibly even worse considering if you could trigger it with things like Throw Stone).

So, with that said, I hate the idea of Intercept and I'm not really feeling Silent Walk as a Transparent ability. Otherwise, R999's ideas are an interesting place to start.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


As for the imbalance potential, it's fairly bad, but not for the reasons given.  Since it affects only one target, even if you use throw stone to trigger, you are effectively transferring that squire's turn to another unit in your squad.  It's no different than having 4 time mages charge quick on a ninja except you don't have to pay MP.  No matter what, you're still only getting up to 5 attacks per turn.
The real issue is that if you have 2 units with this and throw stone, you can shuttle around the map with minimal HP costs (though with 100% knockback, that may not be wise) with brave being the only limitation, whereas with time mages, CT, MP, and faith all get in your way.  I'll probably keep his idea, but at 33% instead of 50%.

Adding transparent is easy to do, not that I really liked it either.  What would you like to see?
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.

The Damned

Yeah, I don't want to see more "Smile" BS from FFTA.

As for what I'd like to see with regards to Movements, that's quite a tricky issue. They're easily the most tricky of the RSMs to deal with since they're mostly tied to terrain, which we can't affect at all currently. I haven't decided in mine--I've mostly been deciding on which RSMs to keep before I try to complicate things.

So...I don't know, really. Adding Transparent is okay, I guess. I just worry about the AI.

Only other thing I could suggest that didn't come up in Razele's thread would be like a Miasma movement ability that attempts to Poison those around the user. It could at least be used for Queklain if nothing else, though I could see it getting some use by players without being "broken".

"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


OK, with my debugging of Razele's item hack, it should now completely work.
With that, should we have a player item limit of X per battle (which would affect auto-potion, by the way), and then ease the ability the obtain rarer potions?  Or do you all prefer the current system?  Or should I go for maximum restriction (item use per battle limit + heightened rarity limit)?
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.

The Damned

I'd prefer that we limit the item to X while easing the restrictions. Even though you're keeping Elixirs, I'd be fine with them being somewhat as easy to get since they'd finally be restricted. (Although perhaps only if the AI gets to use them to ala 1.3, though that brings up another question.)

I'm guessing that this would have to be a uniform number for all items though. Also, would this affect the computer or would they still be able to spam infinite items?
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


This hack only affects the player; the AI will use as many items as the player allows it to get away with.  Even Razele didn't know how to change that behavior.
I could modify the for loop to have different limits for different groups of items, but it would take up more space and I personally don't like that idea from an illusion of realism angle.  (For example, X-Potion is simply more concentrated medicine; it's not contained in a bigger bottle than Hi-Potion.)

If we are to go forward with this, what is a reasonable restriction for chemist items per battle?  5?  10?
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.

The Damned

I'd personally say 20 is reasonable and even that may still be too restricted because of Auto-Potion; 25 at the most, though.

5 is impossible with Auto-Potion since, like you say, it would take up unnecessary space to do this item by item; 10 obviously isn't much better. While Auto-Potion obviates Regenerator, it isn't so good as to have it be able to fire only once per person per battle. Even with 20 restriction, you couldn't slap Auto-Potion on everyone like you can now yet you would actually be to use the items and could perhaps give Auto-Potion to two or three people on your team.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


I feel like the only person who thinks adding any max Item restriction at all is arbitrary because good design in and of itself should make ItemSandbagLol a non-viable strategy.

It feels like the only thing it does that can't be solved in a far better way is restrict Auto-Potion, and honestly... you could always just rewire Auto-Potion to accept a specific kind of Potion that can't be used outside of Auto-Potion then restrict that lone Item's uses per battle.  It'd be far better form.


Item Sandbag isn't a viable strategy in mine because of money and rarity constraints.  Pretty much, getting 99 X-Potions in mine without save-state abuse and low-level cheesing is impossible.
The infinite use of it by the AI is simply a feature to overcome more than anything else.  It accentuates your weaknesses: namely, if your attacks aren't good enough, they'll be negated; if you can't make a comeback fast enough, you'll be permanently fighting impossible odds.  However, if you are already winning, it really is nothing more than a really obnoxious stalling tactic, which only punishes lapses of judgment on the player's part.

A limit on the maximum quantity of items isn't entirely arbitrary.  I don't think you can stuff 99 glass beakers into your knapsack, and it does serve the purpose of nerfing auto-potion (since you get it on chemist, of all unit classes).  The idea of the enemy healing with 150 HP with X-Potion auto-potion is perfectly fair, but is broken in the hands of the player.  Healing for 70 HP automatically isn't that bad because it's really healing for 50 HP (expected value) on average.  Still better than regenerator, but nowhere close to damage split.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


On a /note, this post ended up a lot longer than I intended and covered more than just Auto Potion / Item, but the hell with it, I really think a lot of this has needed to be said and am surprised it's not been brought up much until now.  (Possibly due to lack of testers?)

Okay, let's go over a few things.

1. I never even brought up the infinite use of Items by the AI vs the finite use of Items with the player.  I'm not sure where you're strawmanning this one out of, but I'll take the moment to point out that obnoxious stalling tactics are, for most players, very very unfun to deal with in a way that is completely unrelated to the game's difficulty.  If you're designing for any kind of player base beyond yourself, you need to realize and should have already realized that obnoxious things quickly reduce the quality of your patch.  Things can easily be hard (or easy) without being obnoxious, so consciously allowing something obnoxious to slide through is a combination of ignorance and sloppiness, honestly.  Some bosses will have obnoxious gimmicks at times, but that's because they're bosses, they bend the rules, piss you off, you kill them, feel good, move on.  Something that can potentially pop up at any point in the game and be obnoxious as hell isn't a good idea, nor is it fun by any means.  It's only boring and mildly infuriating in some cases.  

2. The above only becomes worse because the player can never stall back if you "cap" Items via an ASM.  It becomes obvious and outright cheating.  Dealing with an *obviously* cheating AI is generally not fun.  Once in a while is okay for a boss or gimmick fight, but when they're cheating at something as basic as Items per battle, it stops being fun.  It is not "challenging", as you said, it only punishes people who have a quick lapse of judgment on fights that were basically already over.  It's just boring to see the AI cheat in a very obvious and obnoxious manner.  Not difficulty of any kind ("fake" or "real").  Just boring.

3. Your 99 glass beaker comparison goes both ways, for both the player and the AI, and you must also compensate for the reality vs entertainment aspect that goes into games.  Creating double standards doesn't do this.  This is why one side healing 150 isn't fair when the other can't and the healing side is non-boss.  Fair is [url="http]"free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice; without irregularity or unevenness"[/url], ergo it is not "fair" for one side to go hurr durr X-Potion when the other does not.  If a rudimentary skill is broken in the hands of the player, fix it.  All you're doing is creating a lazy workaround in the sake of extra "difficulty" that you yourself already said doesn't really exist until after you've essentially won.  Thus, it's a pointless schism made between player and AI that only ruins immersion and adds to the overt feelings of the AI cheating.  

4. You answered your own problem.  I can't get 99 X-Potions easily and money is tight.  Why the fuck are my Items per battle being restricted on top of it?  The game itself already restricts it by design, an extra ASM-based cap on top is pointless and again just an arbitrary means of dividing the player and the AI unnecessarily.

No, it's not a feature to overcome.  It's not a challenge.  It's an arbitrary division between the player and the AI based on "it makes it harder gaiz!" without actually caring about the fact it's self-admittedly nothing but obnoxious.  For someone who seems to really want to slant the game towards the realism side of realism vs entertainment, you're going out of your way to add "challenge" without really putting much thought into how entertaining the actual game is and ignoring the fact the AI gets all these extra cessions vs the player (previously getting monster skillsets in early patch renditions as well, and more) basically destroys all the points of "realism" you're trying to add and make things nothing more than a thoroughly unfun, uphill experience out of a lack of actually wanting to balance things out.  You've fixed a number of these issues, yes, but you just keep wanting to slip them all through for some reason.  I don't know whether it's because you don't realize they're not fun / ruin the very immersion you're trying to add, think they actually make things harder and not just more annoying than other possible solutions, or just because you're too lazy to think of a better solution, but you keep letting things like this slide and it's not making your product (patch) of a greater quality when you do so.  You seem to like letting things slide because "it's random" or "it's only broken for the player" or "it's just an extra challenge to overcome", and no, that's never a good philosophy to have when trying to design a game.  Random is fine, randomly losing is not fine.  Being broken for the player is fine, giving the AI that very same skill from a commonplace skill set freely merely because they're the AI when you're already fighting a constantly uphill battle is not fine.  Making things challenging is fine.  Making things obnoxious and calling it a challenge is not fine, because it's not a challenge; it's probably not even hard - just obnoxious and subject to the randomly losing thing.

You do good ASM hacking and event editing and have good ideas, sure, but that's no reason to just shrug when you decide to do stupid shit.  Every game has its dick move here and there, but you really need to get out of this mindset you have of player vs AI.  You seem to be hitting balance issues and coping out to just taking them away from the player while giving the AI full reign, and only designing levels based on what you find difficult (another matter entirely, I know, but it seems rather true of everything I've seen in your first two chapters).  I mean, I have nothing wrong with the learn-through-failure thing from the 16 bit era, some of my favorite games are shit like I Wanna Be The Guy, but you're just continuously throwing fun out the window for the sake of "challenge" without looking to see how "challenging" it actually is vs just being boring/obnoxious and it's ruining something you've otherwise done a lot of good with.  You would have a rather nice patch on your hands if you'd fix these kinds of things and actually ask things like "Is this fun?" and "Is it obvious the AI's more of cheating whore than my ex wife?" instead of just chalking everything up to "challenge" indiscriminately.  It's more depressing than anything, as this kind of design is going to end up isolating the majority of the player base.  Just because you want it hard doesn't mean you can ignore fun.  Fun is something altogether separate from difficulty level, and almost entirely relevant to how you do something as opposed to what you're actually doing.  You need to put a lot thought into how you're achieving what you want to achieve if you want this patch to appeal to people beyond yourself.  As long as you keep the player immersed and entertained, difficulty in itself is almost secondary and can mostly be set how you want as long as it curves well.  You need to work very hard on that first aspect, as a lot of the choices I've seen from playing/watching/reading in terms of this patch are lacking in the initializing immersion and entertainment needed.


The following will contain refutations to as many people as I can fit in.  This is no attempt to set up "straw men", just a response to the most common complaints.

Here's where we don't agree.  What is fun and what is hard cannot be separated any more than you could separate any other two measures of a game (graphics and story, artwork and music, etc).  I think we both agree that what is too easy cannot be fun.  However, I don't think we agree that tedium is not necessarily a roadblock with no inherent extra difficulty.
We need to separate auto-potion and item spamming.  Item spamming adds to the tedium of the game, but it also tests the player's ability to pull off perfect execution and quash counterattacks.  Just because you have a technically won position does not mean you have won yet.  Thus, this "obnoxious" feature of item spamming does indeed increase difficulty (in that you cannot afford mistakes, or must finish a battle within X turns before you lose a character because you're out of PDs), and is not merely a trivial method to extend the game's length.  This is really no different than playing chess against a strong player or computer program.
Auto-Potion is a different matter.  Because the AI unit does not need to expend a turn to use his potions, you legitimately need to change your strategy when facing such units away from the most obvious (damage) tactics.  In only one battle is this truly "unfair" (and this is the very first one) because you have no real, reliable counter against this ability.
As for the ASM hack, I'm contemplating whether I should apply the ASM hack or not.  Most likely, if applied (precisely because of the opposition to a double restriction), I'd make X-Potions buyable; I'm aware the current system does preclude the traditional tactics of vanilla and 1.3, but the ASM provides a stronger failsafe.

You claim that such reaction abilities are unbalanced and that my unwillingness to fix them reflects laziness on my part.  I don't think anyone contests the first part, but if your second assertion was true, why would I bother to even post progress (or work on this patch at all, which clearly requires much effort)?  Clearly, there's a matter of personal opinion at fault here; namely, my definition of fun and balance.
To me, what is fun is what poses the most difficulty in the most unique way; in terms of a hack, this would mean posing problems that defy the more popular (cheese and single class/reaction/item dependent) tactics used in vanilla (and to a lesser degree, 1.3).  Potentially, such challenges posed may have no good solutions in the larger framework of FFT, and if that's the case, I'll side with difficulty since it's "fun" to think of how to circumvent such difficulties.  In no case so far, as dragonflame can attest to, has it come remotely close to that (and yes, I managed to finally beat Golgorand, though that's a topic for another day).  Some people might argue this requires insider knowledge, and is biased against players whose concept of normal play (which may be non-cheese--and may be as simple as keeping all units as non-crystals in a dire battle like Altima II or Elidbis) can no longer be counted on in my patch, but I'd hardly see it as fun unless players (including myself) were forced to search their brains for the best solution (regardless of how unconventional it is).  This is why the insider knowledge problem really is no issue; my standards of difficulty aren't impossible (I personally will say that 1.3 is slightly more difficult; mine is just less forgiving), and just because I beat a given battle one way doesn't mean you can't beat it another way (or that your way isn't better).  As you've seen on iRC, other than internal battle glitches, nothing annoys me more than when a battle is said to be too easy, and I usually ask for what other people would like to see in boosted difficulty battles.  If you all want, I can post that on here so there will be a record.
A game is balanced if the use of any type of unit (status, physical, mage, hybrid) will always incur some difficulty in at least X% of the game and is viable in the endgame.  Because this incorporates monetary costs, time of unlock, amount of grinding needed to unlock, as well as battle performance, I can be significantly more flexible while staying true to the original game; I don't need to so strictly utilitarian about every single move/weapon/element having equivalent endgame potential (or even the preference of reliable hit rates over stronger effects), or require every single main class/elemental to have a unique, well-defined, and general/powerful enough role to be considered in any late-game deployment, or seriously change the growths/multipliers on all but the most broken (mime) units.  Some would consider this lazy deferment of problems, but this patch is designed mostly as a something true to FFT, but harder, exploit-free, and considerably different from 1.3, with corresponding changes to characters and plot (which can justify the job restriction system that constrains the R/S/M abilities that are slightly better than the rest as the difficulty in training an experienced knight out of cadets who hadn't even fully graduated from Gariland yet).  In that context, because I'm not scrapping all the previous classes to make new ones, resorting to the considerably more extreme methods named above seems much more like a "cop out".  My assumption is that most FFT's mechanics worked; a limited subset were blatantly broken, and a slightly larger set was broken, but could be remedied.  In short, my method is to excise only what I can't immediately fix with existing tools (which will eventually be fixed by ASM) and cleverly modify everything else so far fewer R/S/M/moves/jobs will be totally useless.  Although problems remain, I have fixed most of the abilities and combinations most broken in FFT with FFTPatcher, but any solution with FFTPatcher is usually much more arbitrary and anti-traditional and has revolved heavily around taking options away from players.  This is why I'm posing questions for features I have seemingly already solved like auto-potion (which I'll soon extend to Blade Grasp, Hamedo, MP Swtich, Move +2/3, etc); I would much rather the player have all the existing R/S/Ms, not all of them useful endgame, but none broken and most having a niche somewhere, than having only 2/3s of all available R/S/Ms with some so broken they had to be removed, others so weak to hardly be useful past Chapter 2/3 except on select occasions, and some just on the verge of being OP.  So for the "legitimate balance problems" I'm running into, I've already addressed most of them within the framework of my current release, I just want to see if I can't use ASM to fine-tune it some more.

QuoteAs long as you keep the player immersed and entertained, difficulty in itself is almost secondary and can mostly be set how you want as long as it curves well. You need to work very hard on that first aspect, as a lot of the choices I've seen from playing/watching/reading in terms of this patch are lacking in the initializing immersion and entertainment needed.
Maybe I come from too much a tradition of finding logic puzzles and chess games against myself or a computer fun, but what exactly do you mean?  Give an example of a choice that you think I could have done better.  Maybe our tastes differ, but the AI always cheats, and I come into any video game knowing, expecting, and overcoming that; I don't deceive myself in thinking it's not there; I just calculate the odds of losing to some trick, find a pattern to avoid it, and repeatedly test until I can win.  My personal limit is probably when the AI seems to have an instant and unstoppable (higher than 60% chance to) win before the player can even act, regardless of player setup, or when the unpredictability exceeds a tolerance of +/- 25% on damage or accuracy for the same attack against the same enemy, under the same conditions, but admittedly that's a much higher threshold than most other people would accept.  If you all want, giving me a threshold with your personal limits would make planning for stuff like this easier.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.

J Viper

Just started playing this patch and i like what u did except for the item spamming.
Does every enemy have to have item i mean they all spam it and then u run out of items and then u cant win


December 19, 2010, 01:37:26 am #72 Last Edit: January 13, 2011, 01:19:37 pm by formerdeathcorps
Still working on this hack.  I'm halfway done with Chapter 3 events and I fixed my blade grasp and blind/confuse hacks, which weren't working correctly before.  

1) With the new tools available, I probably will change the obtainment methods for advanced classes.  You'll probably no longer need a level 8 squire (or a level 6 in that class), but you'll still probably have to use residual EXP and recruitment.

2) Similarly, with the new tools, we can revamp classes again.  I personally think chemist should be deleted as a class as throwing potions shouldn't require JP unless the chemist is preparing the potions at the same time he's using them.

3) I have an ambitious plan to rewire R/S/M.  Please see the following for more.

A Save (Keep...though I'd like to cap this)
M Save (Keep...though I'd like to cap this)
Speed Save (Keep...though I'd like to cap this)
Sunken State (Keep)
Caution (Keep...though a 100% activation would be nice)
Dragon Spirit (Keep, but only if activated by high faith and/or critical HP)
Regenerator (Keep, but it should be activated by high faith; this will add the empty status, S-Regen which heals HP and MP, but will share Regen's CT timer)
Brave Up (Keep, only because I boosted it to +10)
Faith Up (Keep, only because I boosted it to +10)
HP Restore (Keep, but I may boost critical to less than 25% of maxHP)
MP Restore (Delete...this is stupid and will be replaced with Matra Counter, which switches HP and MP of the user if HP is at critical)
Critical Quick (Keep)
Bonecrusher (Keep)
Counter Magic (Keep...though beserked mages shouldn't be able to use it)
Counter Slash (Reworking so it'll only activate against what hamedo does, but would function like counter at 1.5x damage...will add a CT penalty to this though)
Counter Flood (Keep...though a CT penalty will be added)
Absorb Used MP (Keep...set activation to 100%)
Gilgame Heart (Delete...this is stupid and will be replaced with Faith Down, which lowers faith by 10 when hit by magic)
Reflect (Will actually add reflect if hit by magic)
Auto Potion (Keep...though there should be a CT penalty)
Counter (Keep...though a CT penalty will be added)
Last Berserk (If unit is critical, add haste and berserk.)
Distribute (Keep)
MP Switch (Keep...though I will add a check so that if Damage > curMP, the excess damage goes to HP...otherwise, it's really broken)
Damage Split (Keep...though a MP penalty will be added)
Weapon Guard (Keep)
Status Guard (Keep)
Abandon (Rework...have it set C-EV to 60% [recall I'm using Zodiac's global C-EV hack])
Catch (Delete...this is too trivial and will be replaced with Magic Guard, which sets W-EV as magic evasion the way shields have SM-EV.)
Sharihadori (Keep, but nerfed)
Range Guard (Keep, but boosted...likely to incorporate catch's effect as well.)
Hamedo (Keep, but add CT penalty and change pre-emption to first strike)
Equip X (Keep)
Half of MP (Keep)
Gained EXP UP (Delete...this is useless in battle itself and will be replaced with Turbo MP, which doubles magic cost and damage for non-status spells that use MA...may be difficult to hack properly)
Gained JP UP (Delete...this is useless in battle itself and will be replaced with Blood Magic, which uses twice the MP cost of a spell in HP in place of MP costs)
XXX UP (Keep)
Concentrate (Keep)
Train/Secret Hunt (Should be merged into one skill.)
Martial Arts (Keep)
Monster Talk/Skill (Should be merged into one skill...what I'm reworking is talk skill so it will affect monsters at less of a rate than it would humans...monster talk would simply make the rates equal)
Throw Item (Keep...even if we delete chemist)
Maintenance (Keep)
Two XXX (Keep...though this will be subject to discussion, because it is broken)
Boost (FFM's idea of boosting all damage...by 20%)
Guard (Reduces all incoming damage...by 20%)
Defend (Delete...no one uses this.  If you want to use this as an action, use Warn, which now affects the entire party.  Replacing with Vehemence, toned down to a 33% boost.)
Equip Change (Delete...no one uses this and can bug the game.  Will replace with Defender, which cuts damage taken/dealt by 33%.)
Quick Strike (If unit only attacks, CT is reset to 40.)
Short Charge (Keep...but should include archer charges and dances [which are mostly enemy only])
Non-Charge (Keep...but should include archer charges and dances [which are mostly enemy only])
Extend (All status effects last 50% longer)
Curtail (All status effects last 50% shorter)
Infinite Energy (Ignores CT checks for counter abilities)
Quick Boost (The difference in speed is added to the XA of select weapons [I'm thinking longbow and knife because they need the most help, but I guess this could apply to all weapons].)
Move +1 (Keep)
Move +2 (Should be Move/Jump +1)
Move +3 (Should be Move +2)
Jump +1 (Should be Range +1 on non-melee weapons and spells)
Jump +2 (Should be Range/Jump +1 on non-melee weapons and spells)
Jump +3 (Should be Range +2 on non-melee weapons and spells)
Ignore Height (Delete...made obsolete by fly and teleport, will be replaced by Quick Step, which sets CT to 40 if a unit only moves.)
Move-HP UP (Keep)
Move-MP UP (Keep)
Move JP UP (Delete...useless in battle, will be replaced by Move-Restore, which clears all status effects if the unit moves.)
Move EXP UP (Delete...useless in battle, will be replaced by Move-Vitalize, which heals 1/8th of maxHP and maxMP to a unit upon movement.)
Cannot Enter Water (Keep...only because some monsters have it)
Teleport (Keep...with FFM's hacks of course...I'll probably restrict it to no more than 3 squares beyond base move.)
Teleport II (Keep...enemy only)
Any Weather/Ground (Reworked...Terrain Mastery, which will add 1 Move, grant Ignore Height's no fall penalty, and the nullification of weather bonuses...don't worry though, this hack will be last because I intend to add more weather bonuses to make this worthwhile)
Move on Lava/Move Underwater/Move on Water/Walk on Water (Reworked...Move on Liquid, which will allow movement over water and lava.)
Float (Keep)
Fly (Keep...likely with a +10 C-EV and +1 Speed boost to make it even with teleport)
Silent Walk (Going to make it Always: Invisible)
Move-Find Item (Keep...even if we delete chemist...might make it also boost final accuracy by 10% for having sharp eyes)
Flee (FFM's idea...should add 3 move though, and activate on critical, frog, and chicken)
Hold Ground (Always: Defend, negates critical and push back)
Crazy Charge (If Berserk, Move +3.)
Time Flow (If Hasted, Move/Range +1; if Slowed, Move -2)
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


I absolutely love those r/s/m changes.


I already talked to you on IRC about this, but I'll post it here so people can see, since we're basically thinking along the exact same lines anyway.

1.  Use the Generic Skillset Hack, rape Monster Skill.

2.  Make Throw Item "attachable" to another Support skill, make Item a Support Skill and attach Throw Item to it.  Only allow basics such as Potions, Ethers, and Phoenix Downs to be available though.  Then cut that useless fucking Chemist.

3.  Try to make a hack that merges the Support and Movement slots together, so that any unit could have, say, Move +1 and Jump +3, or Attack UP and Magic Attack UP, or if they feel really glasslike, Vehemence and Two Hands, or Defender and Defense UP if the reverse, etc.  May require minor rebalancing and number pushing, but as we discussed on IRC, nothing from here is really without its out and it adds a ton of depth to the game over you hacking in potentially mediocre Movement skills simply because one of the character ability slots has a foot next to it.

4.  Fix your damn difficulty curve.  There's nothing wrong with hard, there's something wrong with slamming your face into a wall when you just can't press the "R" button like on I Wanna Be The Guy, unless you condone statewhoring.  I don't know how far you've come since the last time I tested this but that was a big problem back then, between skillset errors and generally poor choices.


Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on January 13, 2011, 02:44:39 am
3.  Try to make a hack that merges the Support and Movement slots together, so that any unit could have, say, Move +1 and Jump +3, or Attack UP and Magic Attack UP, or if they feel really glasslike, Vehemence and Two Hands, or Defender and Defense UP if the reverse, etc.  May require minor rebalancing and number pushing, but as we discussed on IRC, nothing from here is really without its out and it adds a ton of depth to the game over you hacking in potentially mediocre Movement skills simply because one of the character ability slots has a foot next to it.

This is certainly something I'm interested in doing (although my intent is just to scrap Movement together and replace it with Minor Support). In general, unlike Reactions, new Support abilities can be read from any RSM slot.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: pokeytax on January 15, 2011, 08:50:45 am
This is certainly something I'm interested in doing (although my intent is just to scrap Movement together and replace it with Minor Support). In general, unlike Reactions, new Support abilities can be read from any RSM slot.

I dislike the idea of "minor support."  FDC and I went over it in detail when I gave him that idea over IRC but we found that there was no two-Support/Movement combination that was uncounterably OP that didn't involve something that should probably be removed anyway or couldn't be fixed with a slight number push, even in his patch that has far more Supports to combine together, so making a "Major Support" and "Minor Support" just ended up being redundant and an excuse to not fix things properly the first time.

I was going to put that hack on your thread originally, but I didn't want to toss you something huge and ominous and possibly build hype if it was far beyond your ability so I was going to wait until you cleared most of your cued requests.


May 07, 2011, 06:30:41 am #77 Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 06:47:15 am by formerdeathcorps
The previous link was dead.  Use this one.

This patch was last worked on in October of last year.  I will work on it over this summer, but I need to finish hacking formulas first.

The current storyline currently is not very consistent in Chapter 3.  I may consider revising it or completely changing the idea of this hack (from just a patch where I insert my RP characters + those of some of my friends' as replacements of certain storyline characters...essentially my version of FFT Remix) to something more interesting (like say...a Tactics Ogre style Chaos or Law campaign).  For all of you still wondering what the storyline is, I'll post an outline soon, though if you extract the half-finished script (up to Chapter 3 Yardow), you'll see some hints of what I'm trying to throw in.

Things still missing:
1) ASM Overhaul (my current focus right now...much of it is to delete hard-coding, the forced nature of my advanced jobs, and probably some of the "fake difficulty" without sacrificing balance)
2) Script past Yardow Fort City
3) Special Battle Events for Chapter 3 and beyond.
4) Storyline Coherence/Plausibility Checks or Decision to rewrite
5) Custom Random Battles
6) Custom Sprites for RP characters
7) Testers and Reviews
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


My work on this is slowed, but here's Corsa's portrait made by Lijj and me (mostly Lijj, though).

The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Ok so I marked up some spots that could use a few pixel alterations. the rest is stunning as is!

The red circle and the blue circle - those spots when you look at the pic from its small view look too slanted, a bit too sharp for hair (imo) maybe just give it a bit more curve/fullness.

Orange circle zoomed out it kind of makes it odd when I am looking at how the hair is falling. Maybe remove some of the top part of the dark line?

Green circle- ok this seems to me that it is part of a layered hair effect i.e the bangs coming down on the front and being in front of the "back part of the hair. Either make that line darker to separate whats "on top" or "closest" to the viewer or make the hair that should be more in the back darker. like its done on the right side.

^ New FFAT website made by St4r!