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7minutes 57 seconds FFT

Started by Kokojo, March 01, 2009, 03:58:45 pm


March 01, 2009, 03:58:45 pm Last Edit: March 01, 2009, 04:22:41 pm by Kokojo
Alazlam: Hi. The church altered history long ago, but I've got the Duray Report that proves it! Aren't I special? Here, have a read. Oh, and the real hero's got the same birthday as you. Pay it no mind.

[begin flashback]

Ovelia: God, please save us from ourselves!
Gafgarion: Hurry it up!
Agrias: Don't ru-- oh yeah, we're trying to do this in five minutes.
Generic Female Knight: The bad guys are here!
Gafgarion: Let's get 'em!
(hack, hack, hack)
Ramza: That was easy.
Agrias: You'd almost think it was just a distra--
Ovelia: Help!
Delita: Shut up!
Agrias: Crap.
Ramza: You're alive, Delita? But....

[begin flashback]

Delita: Look at me! Going to war school with nobles even though I'm a commoner!
Generic: How'd that happen?
Delita: Well....

[begin flashback]

Ramza: Would you quit it with the stupid flashbacks?
Alazlam: Sorry. We'll back up a step and be linear after this one. Honest.
Ramza: Okay, okay....
Balbanes: Ramza, be a good guy. Oh, and here's a fake ID I made for Delita. (croaks)
Dycedarg: (snickers)
Zalbag: What's so funny?
Dycedarg: Uh, nothing....

[end flashback]

Algus: Help me!
Ramza: Hm, should we save the guy or kill the Death Corps people? Well, I guess it doesn't matter, the result's the same either way.
(hack, hack, hack)
Algus: You're a Beoulve! Help me save Marquis Elmdor!
Ramza: Someone to save who's not a stereotypical princess? Cool.

Wiegraf: What's the matter with you people?
Delita: Hey, that's Wiegraf!
Wiegraf: Yipe! (runs)
Ramza: Darn, he left those other Death Corps people he was arguing with for us to fight with. Oh well!
(hack, hack, hack)
Algus: Hey, we missed one! You there, where'd you hide the Marquis?
Death Corps soldier: Sand Rat Cellar.
Algus: Huh?
Ramza: You idiot. If they're called "sand rats", they must live in the desert, right?
Delita: Or the beach.
Ramza: Oh, shut up and follow me.

Gustav: You're being too optimistic!
Wiegraf: And you're hijacking my revolutionaries. (stab)
Gustav: (dies)
Ramza: There, see? I told you!
Algus: You kidnapped the Marquis! Die!
Delita: Wait, stop! He's the good bad guy!
Wiegraf: Yeah, I didn't kidnap him. Take him back.
Elmdor: Yay, I'm free!

Dycedarg: You were supposed to be guarding the castle! Bad brother! Bad!
Larg: But he saved the Marquis. (ahem)
Dycedarg: Er, uh, yeah, good point. Tell you what, you kill the rest of the Death Corps and it's forgotten.
Ramza: Okay.

Miluda: I hate you nobles! You treat us like animals!
Algus: You are animals!
Delita: No we're not!
Ramza: Yeah, no they're not!
Algus: Well, screw you for not being an elitist. (deserts)
Miluda: I still hate you!
Ramza: Oh crap.
(hack, hack, hack)
Ramza: Wish I didn't have to do that.
Delita: Wish I didn't have to help.

Wiegraf: My name is Wiegraf Folles. You killed my sister. Prepare to die.
Ramza: (facepalms) Okay, you're going down just for that.
(hack, hack, hack)
Delita: But you're a White Knight!
Wiegraf: Oh, don't be so picky. (beams away)

Teta: Help me! The Death Corps kidnapped me!
Delita: I'll save you, sis!
Algus: No you won't. (shoots Teta)
Delita: I HATE YOU!
Algus: Oh, and Ramza, I used you and you're using Delita.
Delita: What?
Ramza: That's not true!
(hack, hack, hack)
Delita: I have to save Teta before the fort explodes!
Ramza: She's already dead, you idiot! (runs) (BOOM)

Ovelia: God, please sa-- oh wait, we did this part already. Never mind.

Ramza: Well, so much for avoiding the saving-the-princess cliche.
Gafgarion: So which way did he go?
Agrias: The inpregnable fortress, Bethla Garrison.
Ramza: Impregnable? Hah! That means nothing to us playable characters! Let's get 'em!

Hokuten Knight: We're kidnapping the Princess!
Delita: No, I am!
Agrias: Have they been here arguing about who gets to act out the cliché the whole time?
Gafgarion: Who cares? Let's help the Hokuten!
Ramza: Not again!
(hack, hack, hack)
Gafgarion: NINJA VANISH!
Agrias: But you're a Dark Knight!
Gafgarion: Oh, whatever. (beams away)
Delita: I'll let you save the Princess for now.
Ramza: Okay. After all, you're my best friend; you couldn't possibly be up to something bad even though you're being all mysterious, right?

Bart Company People: Give us the Holy Stone!
Mustadio: No!
Ramza: Oh, look! Someone else to save! As long as we're here.... (shrug)
(hack, hack, hack)
Mustadio: I have to see Cardinal Draclau!
Agrias: Why?
Ovelia: Who cares, let's just run with the coincidental plot device!

Draclau: Agrias, Ovelia, stay here and I'll help you.
Agrias: Cool!
Draclau: And Mustadio, I'll send people to help stop Bart Company from stealing that Holy Stone you're hiding that's so similar to the one I've got here.
Mustadio: Aww, you're no fun. I liked acting mysterious like the rest of the people in this game....

Mustadio: Waaah, it's all swampy here!
Ramza: Waaah, it's all rainy here!
Generic: (fwaps) Just kill the undead in this random encounter and get back to the relevant scenes!

Mustadio: Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!
Ramza: You go find out while I buy a few of these "gun" things you use.
Mustadio: See you in the slums tonight!

Ramza: ~Mustaaaaadio! Where aaare you?~
Rudvich: Right here! Give me the Holy Stone and we'll give you him and his dad!
Ramza: But I don't know where it is!
Mustadio: It's right next to you, you idiot.
Ramza: Oh yeah... here. (throws it to Rudvich)
Rudvich: Thanks a lot! Bart Company, Church troops, get him!
(hack, hack, hack)
Besrodio: Thanks for saving me, but the Cardinal's going to get the second Holy Stone thanks to Ramza being so naive!
Mustadio: Maybe Ramza didn't know any better, but I did! (pulls out the real Taurus Zodiac Stone)
Ramza: Gee, thanks a lot... let's just sneak-attack Lionel Castle and save the princess. Again.

Ramza: Delita! What're you doing in this town?
Delita: Telling you to stop running around trying to be a hero.
Ramza: And why not?
Delita: ~'Cause I know something you don't know! Nyah nyah na-nyah nyah!~
Ramza: Well, if you're going to be that way about it, forget it.

Agrias: Help! I'm cornered by church troops!
Mustadio: Why can't she fight them off herself? She's powerful!
Ramza: One, there's too many of them. Two, I think it's an excuse to have another rescue fight scene.
Mustadio: I take it you get used to this eventually?
(hack, hack, hack)
Agrias: They caught the Princess while we were escaping and are going to kill her! Let's go!

Ramza: Stop! Don't execute her!
Executioner: Okay, I won't execute part of the army I'm about to kill you with.
(Gafgarion throws off executioner costume, Generic archer throws off Ovelia costume)
Agrias: YOU again?
(hack, hack, hack)
Gafgarion: Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
Ramza: Hey, I resent that!... I mean, that doesn't make evil any more right!
Gafgarion: Stubborn kid. NINJA VANISH!
Ramza: But you're... oh, this is a running gag, isn't it.

Delita: Aren't you eating? What, do you think it's poisoned?
Ovelia: Well, yes.
Draclau: Don't be silly. We need you alive, even if you are a fake.
Ovelia: WHAT?
Vormav: Yeah, some nobles made a few fake IDs to make sure you'd ascend next.
Delita: ...

[Back to our heroes]
Gafgarion: Hah! I've trapped you inside the outer gates of Lionel Castle and your party outside where they're being ambushed right now! You'll have to fight me one on one!
Generic Lancer: (leaps over the wall) Unless he has friends with the Jump ability....
Generic Time Mage: (beams in) ....or Teleport....
Mustadio: (flies in on a big purple bird) ....or provides them with black chocobos.
Gafgarion: ....Oh crap. I'm going to die for real this time, aren't I?
(hack, hack, hack)

Ramza: We're here to save the Princess!
Draclau: Sorry, she got sick of being kidnapped all the time and decided to help us instead.
Ramza: Well, that's a new way of manipulating someone.
Draclau: You keep trying to stop us, but you can't do a thing without power! For instance, I'll demonstrate the power of the Holy Stones for you! (holds up the Scorpio Zodiac Stone, turns into Queklain) ROOOAAAR!
Ramza: (frowning) Turning into a demon isn't very holy, is it?
(hack, hack, hack)
Ramza: (snatches up the Scorpio Zodiac Stone) We've got to stop the Church from getting any more of these!

Alazlam: Meanwhile, Larg and Goltana both tried to squeeze their respective puppet rulers, Orinas and Ovelia, into the throne of Ivalice, but they wouldn't both fit, so the Lion War began... all according to the Church's plans.

Ramza: We'd better go tell Zalbag what's going on... Hey, you two have been awfully quiet.
Agrias: Oh, that's because we're not important to the plot anymore.
Mustadio: And because we're doing a rush job we won't be doing the Cloud side quest, where I get to speak again... (pouts)

Olan: Help! I'm surrounded by the thieves I just uncovered!
Ramza: Here we go again...
(hack, hack, hack)
Ramza: ...With that Galaxy Stop spell of yours, what did you need us for?
Olan: Oh, I can't deal damage worth anything. Thanks, I'll be on my way. What's your name?
Ramza: Ramza Beoulve.
Olan: Oh! Watch your back, okay?
Ramza: Uh, sure...

Ramza: Zalbag! Dycedarg planned the kidnapping of Ovelia, and whoever's manipulating Larg and Goltana into war saved her for their own purposes!
Zalbag: Balderdash! Preposterous!
Ramza: If you're not listening, why don't you just say so!

Alma: Wait! Don't leave without me, brother!
Ramza: Are you crazy? You'll get killed!
(Ramza and Alma jump and spin to face Zalmo)
Alma: What? Did you know there was a heresy examiner after you, Ramza?
(Ramza shakes his head)
Zalmo: Of course not! No one expects Ajora's Inquisition!
Ramza: (groan) Now we're ripping off Monty Python too?
(hack, hack, hack)
Alma: But you're a Holy Priest!
Ramza: You get used to it.
(Zalmo beams away)

Ramza: So the church is the one behind the war. I'd better get back to keeping them away from the Holy Stones!
Alma: The Virgo one is in Orbonne Monastery!
Ramza: Thanks! Bye!
Alma: Wait! You're a 'heretic', so you can't go into a monastery without a Cleric like me!
Ramza: And I thought the church was being manipulative...

Izlude: Hah! I've got the Holy Stone! We can make God's world with them!
Ramza: But they're evil!
Izlude: Don't you know what 'holy' means?
Ramza: Yeah, and turning into a demon isn't it!
(hack, hack, hack)
Ramza: (groan) Do all the repeating bosses in this game do that? And he took the stone, too...

Wiegraf: My name is Wiegraf Folles. You killed my sister. Prepare to die.
Ramza: So you're the one responsible for Zalmo's dialogue! But Miluda wouldn't like seeing you working with the Church!
(hack, hack, hack)
Wiegraf: (groan)
Aries Stone: I'll let you live if you sell your soul to me.
Wiegraf: Okay! (turns into Velius) Wow, cool!
Ramza: Man, you Virgos suck.
Ramza: But you're not even a human anymore, let alone a... oh, forget it.
Velius: (beams away)

Simon: Here, Ramza, this book will let you save the world! (dies)
Ramza: Uh, okay....

Malak: Bring the book to Riovanes Castle and we'll give Alma back!
Ramza: What's so special about it?
Malak: Er... you read it, didn't you?
Ramza: Uh, no. We're supposed to be doing a rush job, remember?
Malak: Oh, right.

Rafa: We're being used by Barinten!
Malak: No we're not!
Rafa: Yes we are!
Malak: Nuh-uh!
Rafa: Uh-huh!
Ramza: My, aren't we showing our ages.
Rafa: Help!
Ramza: Uh, okay, that came out of nowhere....
(hack, hack, hack)
Rafa: But you're a Hell Knight! They're the ninjas!
Malak: A guy can dream, can't he? (beams away)

Barinten: I want to join up with the winning side.
Vormav: Why should I let you?
Barinten: Because I'm about to get the stuff you want and already got your son.
Izlude: Help!
Vormav: Like I care. I'll just kill you both. (holds up an unidentified Zodiac Stone, turns into Hashmalum) ROOOAAAR!
(A big "Censored" sign covers up the carnage)

Malak: Nuh-uh!
Rafa: Uh-huh!
Ramza: Oh, give me a break. Let's just settle this with our armies, okay?
(hack, hack, hack)

Wiegraf: My name is Wiegraf Folles. I don't give a damn about my sister. Prepare to die anyway. MUAHAHAHAH! Now, draw your sword.
Ramza: But I'm in the Monk class. I'm using bare fists.
Wiegraf: Oh, whatever.
(hack, hack, hack)
Ramza: Hmph, who needs an army?
Wiegraf: You will soon. (holds up the Aries Zodiac Stone, turns into Velius) ROOOAAAR!
(Generics come rushing in)
Ramza: Well, how convenient.
(hack, hack, hack)
Ramza: Yay! No more Princess Bride ripoffs! (grabs the Aries Zodiac Stone)

Alma: Are you okay?
Izlude: Do I look okay? Take this. (hands Alma the Pisces Zodiac Stone, dies)
Vormav: (comes in) Oh, look, someone else to kill. (Virgo Zodiac Stone pulses) ....Or kidnap. Yeah, kidnapping's good.
Alma: Help! (drops the Pisces Zodiac Stone)

Rafa: I'll kill you!
Barinten: Hah, you're too scared of me to get back at me!
Malak: What?
Rafa: Told ya so, nyah-nyah!
Malak: I'll get you for that! (tackles Rafa just as Barinten shoots, dies)
Barinten: Give me his Holy Stone!
(Celia and Lede throw Barinten off the roof)
Elmdor: No, give me his Holy Stone!
Ramza: No, don't give anyone his Holy Stone!
(hack, hack, hack)
Elmdor, Celia, and Lede: NINJA VANISH! (beam away)
Ramza: (facepalm) They're doing it in chorus now?
Rafa: Well, at least Celia and Lede are kind of like ninjas....

Rafa: Brother, look at the sunrise! (sob) Please....
Ramza: He's dead, you idiot.
(Malak's unidentified Zodiac Stone glows in a different way; Malak comes back to life)
Ramza: ....Uh, okay, maybe not.
Malak: It was God this time.
Ramza: Yeah, that's more my idea of holy. Now let's save my sister!

Ramza: Okay... so to recap, noble factions are being manipulated by the Church because all three want to manipulate the people, but the Church is in turn being manipulated by Vormav and the Lucavi. ...Sheesh, no wonder people get confused by this game's plot.

Ramza: ...You know, for powers that were coveted enough for Barinten to burn a village down over, Truth and Untruth suck.
Rafa & Malak: Shut up.

Meliadoul: My name is Meliadoul Tingel. You killed my brother. Prepare to die.
Ramza: ... (addressing his troops) Tell you what. Why don't you guys go loot her and beat her up for me while I go bang my head on that wall over there?
(hack, hack, hack)
Meliadoul: NINJA VANISH!
Ramza: (sobs)
(Meliadoul beams away)

Delita: What'd you come all the way here for?
Ramza: To find out why you're working for the Church.
Delita: I'm not. Oh, you might want to stop the armies from weakening each other too much if you want to stop them. Bold of you to come to church, by the way.
Ramza: Why's that?
Delita: Well, mainly because you're seen as a --
Ramza: I guess that means you have a point.
(hack, hack, hack)

Balmafula: The armies are about to clash at Bethla Garrison, and Orlandu's there too!
Ramza: Thanks! Bye! (zip)
Delita: Heheheh... perfect.

Balk: I've poisoned the Hokuten, but I've got enough left for you. (throws a bomb)
Ramza: (cough) Not bad for a redshirt, but poison's useless outside of cutscenes!
Balk: Oops.
(hack, hack, hack)

Ramza: Oh, look, a sluice! If I open it I can sto--
Player: Wait, what's a sluice?
Ramza: A floodgate. Don't you have a thesaurus? Yeesh.
(hack, hack, hack)
Player: Uh, why isn't the battle ending?
Ramza: Because I need to throw the switches.
Player: Why can't the generics do that?
Ramza: Hey, I didn't design the game, I'm just starring in it.

Balmafula: Escape with Ramza before you're killed!
Orlandu: Okay.
Olan: I wanna go too!
Orlandu: No, you help protect Ovelia.
Ramza: Darn, his Galaxy Stop spell is cheap.
Orlandu: Oh, don't worry, I'm cheaper.

Hokuten Generics: (cough, cough)
Larg: Dycedarg, Zalbag, save me!
Dycedarg: No. (stabs Larg)
Larg: GAK!
Zalbag: !

(Also meanwhile....)
Goltana: Delita, find a way to attack despite the water!
Delita: No. (stabs Goltana)
Goltana: GAK!

Rofel: Cooperate with the Church.
Dycedarg: Why should I?
Rofel: Because we know you poisoned your father and can prove it.
Dycedarg: ...
Rofel: Oh, don't worry, we like that in people since we're bad guys too. (hands over the Capricorn Zodiac Stone)
Zalbag: !

(Back to our heroes)
Ramza: About time.
Celia: That the focus returned to you?
Ramza: No, that you two cast Ultima on me! Now we can finally finish the battle!
Lede: Uh-oh.
(hack, hack, hack)
Celia & Lede: NINJA VANISH!
Ramza: Well, at least you two can get away with that line.
(Celia and Lede beam away)

Elmdor: How about I get back at you for our last fight?
Ramza: How about I steal all your stuff and pummel you instead?
(hack, hack, hack)
Elmdor: NINJA VA--
Ramza: Yeah, yeah, we get the point already.
(Elmdor beams away)

Elmdor: (holds up the Gemini Zodiac Stone, turns into Zalera) ROOOAAAR!
Meliadoul: You mean the Holy Stones really are bad?
Ramza: See, I told you so! ...or I would have, if I hadn't been so sick of the running gags that I forgot to say those lines...
Zarela: Just start the fight already!
Meliadoul: Hey, wasn't your name spelled the other way before?
Zalera: What are you talking about?
Meliadoul: There, you switched it again!
Zarela: Er, uh... enough! I've got killing to do!
(hack, hack, hack)

Ramza: (snatches up the Gemini Zodiac Stone) That's one more they no longer have!
Meliadoul: Here's another, but only if you take me with you. But I'm useless against anything but humans.
Ramza: Well, screw that. I'll just recruit you long enough to take your stuff.
Meliadoul: Okay!

Delita: So basically, in between everyone else's manipulations, I've been trying to manipulate things so Ovelia and I will ascend to the throne.
Olan: So you're trying to put the Church in charge!
Delita: No, I'm trying to put Ovelia and me in charge. Especially me.
(Balmafula pulls out a dagger)
Delita: Oh please. I'm immune to death on account of being a main character and you know it.
Balmafula: Well, poo...

(Also meanwhile....)
Zalbag: What are these mushrooms on Dad's grave?
Generic Chemist: Those? Those are poison mushrooms that grow out of bodies they've been used to poison.
Zalbag: ! (runs off)
Generic Chemist: Hey! You're supposed to pay me for that exposition!

Dycedarg: Zalbag, what's the matter with you?
Zalbag: My name is Zalbag Beoulve. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Ramza: (facepalms) I can't even avoid that line within my own family...
(hack, hack, hack)
Dycedarg: (cough) Why don't you two want to conquer Ivalice?
(The Capricorn Zodiac Stone glows, Dycedarg turns into Adramelk)
Adramelk: Wow, neat! Okay, I admit I'm a bad guy! Bye! (zaps Zalbag away)
(hack, hack, hack)
Ramza: (snatches up the Capricorn Zodiac Stone) So my family's dead. Wow, what a bummer. Well, I'm over it, off to keep looking for my sis!

Vormav: And I'd be getting away with it so much easier if it weren't for those meddling kids! I'm taking out my frustrations on you. (stabs High Priest Funeral)

Ramza: Give back Alma!
Vormav: Then give me the book and Holy Stones!
Ramza: Since you might be tricking me, I'll only give you the book.
Vormav: Good enough, especially because I am. Die!
(hack, hack, hack)
Vormav, Rofel, and Kletain: NINJA VANISH!
Ramza: (sigh)
(Vormav, Rofel, and Kletain beam away)

Ramza: How can this get any worse?
Zalbag-Z: Braaaaains...
Ramza: You stay out of this.
(hack, hack, hack)

Funeral: Rosebud -- I mean, Orbonne... (dies)
Ramza: Thanks! Bye! (zoom)

Ramza: It stinks of the Wyrm here...
Rofel: You bet it does! Just try and stop me!
(hack, hack, hack)
Rofel: (cough) Klaatu Barada Nikto!
Rofel: Welcome to Hell! Your sister's -- (destroys the door out) -- deeper in. (dies)

Kletain: Our master has to be revived!
Ramza: Hey, if saving the world's along the path to rescuing my sister...
(hack, hack, hack; Kletain dies)
Ramza: Wow, I must be close to the end of the game if the repeating bosses are buying it!

Balk: Nice to see you, kid!
Ramza: But I killed you already!
Balk: Yeah, well, since I'm working for hell now I'm better than that.
Ramza: No you're not!
(hack, hack, hack; Balk dies again)
Ramza: Told you so.

(Alma lies unconscious)
Vormav: (shakes the Virgo Zodiac Stone) Work, damn it!
Ramza: Give up and give Alma back!
Vormav: Oh, hey, another sacrifice! (holds up the Leo Zodiac Stone, turns into Hashmalum) ROOOAAAR!
(hack, hack, hack)
Hashmalum: ...Okay, I'll be the last sacrifice instead. (dies)

(A beam turns Alma into Ajora)
Ajora: Hey, I'm b-- ACK!
(Ajora splits into Alma and Altima)
Alma: You're going down, Satan!
Altima: You can't call me that, it'll offend the Christians!
Ramza: Oh, don't worry, I think we've already done that several times over.
(hack, hack, hack)
Altima: Oh yeah? (transforms into a nastier form)
Ramza: Three forms? Yep, she's the final boss all right!
(hack, hack, hack)
Altima: DIE!
(Altima annihilates the whole area)

Priest: Alma's dead, rest her head.
Mourners: Amen.
Balmafula: At least you found the body of one of them.
Olan: I still can't believe it. Are they really dead?
(Ramza and Alma ride by on chocobos)
Olan: (stares) ...I guess not.
(The siblings ride into obscurity at Ludicrous Speed... but...)

King Delita: There you are! Happy birthday!
Queen Ovelia: You manipulative bastard! (knees Delita)
King Delita: Erk! (pulls out dagger, stabs Ovelia) And paranoid too!
(Ovelia dies)
King Delita: I don't get what I'm doing wrong...
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


March 01, 2009, 04:10:42 pm #1 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by superjupi
That took longer than five minutes to read! I'm calling you out for false advertising >:o
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


March 01, 2009, 04:30:11 pm #2 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Cheetah
Quickly event edit it and record it!
Current Projects:


March 01, 2009, 04:31:18 pm #3 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by darthpaul
"Gafgarion: Hah! I've trapped you inside the outer gates of Lionel Castle and your party outside where they're being ambushed right now! You'll have to fight me one on one!
Generic Lancer: (leaps over the wall) Unless he has friends with the Jump ability....
Generic Time Mage: (beams in) ....or Teleport....
Mustadio: (flies in on a big purple bird) ....or provides them with black chocobos.
Gafgarion: ....Oh crap. I'm going to die for real this time, aren't I?
(hack, hack, hack) "

This is the best part ^.

Also the Ninja Vanish gag was priceless lolz.
Oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness, bringing torment and pain to others. Oh damned soul wallowing in your sin, perhaps...it is time to die


March 01, 2009, 04:32:56 pm #4 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by LastingDawn
I can't recall... who made this originally, a GameFAQ's member? But yes this is some classic material, excellent parodies.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


March 02, 2009, 11:17:59 pm #5 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by PX_Timefordeath
pointless bump 4 t3h lawlz


March 12, 2009, 12:26:33 am #6 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by PX_Timefordeath
bump lawlz


July 21, 2009, 01:11:23 am #7 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by PX_Timefordeath
Too much epic in this. Bump for more lawlz


July 21, 2009, 09:46:42 am #8 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Dome

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


July 21, 2009, 10:09:11 am #9 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by SilvasRuin
I appreciate the necrobump.  I would never have seen this otherwise.  I saw at least one quote from this floating around before, but I didn't think it came from something as witty as this.


September 21, 2009, 10:21:34 pm #10 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by PX_Timefordeath


September 22, 2009, 01:22:59 am #11 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by jimmyjw88
Haha. Very nice.
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


Quote from: "superjupi"That took longer than five minutes to read! I'm calling you out for false advertising >:o


"Gafgarion: Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb! " (This is taken from Space Balls! LOL)

Now get him to say:
Gaf: "Ramza! There is something I must tell you: I am your mothers cousins uncles brothers nephews former room mate."
Ramza: "Whats that make us?"
Gaf: "Absolutely nothing! And thats what you are about to become!"

My favorite part was this:
Ramza: Darn, his Galaxy Stop spell is cheap.
Orlandu: Oh, don't worry, I'm cheaper.
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!