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Suggestions for my own revamp (be gentle)

Started by adouchebag, May 05, 2008, 03:08:27 pm


May 05, 2008, 03:08:27 pm Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by adouchebag
First, hello everyone (first post, and it's a doozy!).  I've been a fan of Tactics since it came out, oh so long ago.  I'd come back to it every now and then, play through it, get bored, then shelve it for a few years, only to come back to it.  I just recently learned of this project through gamefaqs, and it really has breathed new life into this old chestnut.  Many, many thanks for everyone's hard work.

So I recently applied the patch, and after messing around with the patcher, I've decided to revamp the game to my own liking (on top of v1.2, that is).  I'm not clear on everything yet--namely battle.bin and the ENTD files.  But using the patcher I've been successful at making some changes and adding a few things to the 1.2 patch (namely, I fixed the Ninjas having Cure and Calculators having CT.  After that it was a simple matter of messing around).  Anyway, after playing the game for 15 years or however long, I'm pretty tired of the same old classes, same old skillsets, etc.  So I'm going to TRY to change the classes without making things way overpowered.  I'd like any suggestions anyone might have balance wise.

First, I'm giving everyone innate GJPU, but I'm going to raise the level reqs.  Apparently, higher reqs=harder AI enemies, so that's a good thing.

All special classes (Holy Knight, Heaven, Hell Knights, etc) will be getting Accumulate.  I HATED having to get Agrias or whoever all the way up to Dancer or Bard before I could have something quick and easy to gain JP.  And Dancing or Singing still takes too long for my taste.

Class Changes
This is where I'm going to do the most.  I'm bored of Knights, Archers that I never use, Time Mages, Oracles, Mediators--the dumb classes that just get rushed through to get to something better (in my experience anyway).

Yes, I'm giving him holy/dark sword skills.  I know a lot of people think it's cheesy and cheap.  Well, you might be right, but with the nerf they got in 1.2 it won't be so bad.  This way I can change Agrias to something else.  I'm thinking I'll give him Stasis, Lighting Stab, Dark and Night Sword.  I don't want to go too crazy with it.  I'll probably leave chapter 1 ramza alone, give chatper 2/3 ramza stasis sword and Night sword, then chapter 4 give him the rest.  I'm going to remove Scream (and all Brave/Faith boosting magic), and Dash, and probably replace all the lame reaction and support abilites for slightly better ones (monster talk instead of skill, to go with Invitation, for one thing).

Adding Speed Break.  So I don't have to keep someone as a Knight or with Battle Skill while they're leveling.

Probably keep Chemists just as they are.

Going to change into a Paladin.  I think I'll remove the weapon and armor break skills and replace them with Cure, Cure 2, Raise, and Esuna.  I'll up their MA, MP, and MA growth slightly, and give them back robes.  If I can, I'm going to change the sprite to Weigraf's, but that's an ENTD thing I think, which I don't understand how to do yet.

Charge 6-20 will be removed (like anyone ever used them anyway).  Adding in Leg and Arm aim.  Other than that, I can't come up with anything.  I thought about giving them some White magic (ala FF4's Rosa) but with Knights getting it too...maybe that would be too much.

Allowing them to wear helmets (stupid that they can't IMO).  Also adding a +1 vertical to Chakra and Revive.  Might lower HP growth if helmets makes them too 'tanky'.  Removing Hamedo.

Fiddling with the idea of giving them innate 2 swords.  In their present form they're next to useless (IMO)--just good for speed.  I would just learn Move 2, and let someone learn all the thief skills, and let it go at that.  This would make them a little more viable until Ninjas are playable (well, until their equipment is playable).

Oh if only I could change the formula to make the spell 'type' determined by the TARGET'S hex, not the caster's.  Oh well.  Other than that, I think I'll keep the class as is, maybe lower JP costs for the spells.

No more jump.  I'm going to give him the Knight's 4 leftover Break skills, increase movement by 1, remove innate ignore height (if they even have it, not sure if they do or not).  I want Lancers to be the main tank class.  Might give them innate Maintenance (unless somoene convinces me it's a bad idea).  Going to take Protect and Shell from Priests and give it to them.  

Like the 1.3 patch version suggests, (if I can) I'll change Draw Out to PA instead of MA.  Going to up their speed and movement by 1.  Leaving innate 2 hands.

Giving them Innate Throw Item (they can throw shurikens, axes, and dictionaries, but not a pheonix down??).  Going to leave them alone other than that, it's a good class as is.

I always hated how magic is so broken down in this game.  So, I'm going to combine White Magic with Time Magic, and Black Magic with Yin Yang Magic.  There are MANY spells in all four sets I've never once cast (other than to see the graphic).  A few off the top of my head are Protect and Shell 2, Fire, Ice, Bolt 4, and practically all the Time and Oracle magic except for a few important spells, (haste, slow, paralyze, sleep).  I'll add the spells I want and toss the ones I know I'll never use.

As far as Summoners and Mediators go--I haven't decided yet.  I'd like to make Calculators a Blue Mage class, and give them access to some monster skills (this will take a lot of trial and error, as I don't know which ones are super OP and which ones just suck).  I'll probably change Summoners to an Ultimate Magic class, and give them stuff like Flare, Holy, Meteor, Ultima.  Mediators I have no idea yet--but I AM going to remove all Brave and Faith boosting spells.  Maybe I'll change them into something like 1.2's calculator, a Red Mage.

Dancers, Bards, and Mimes
No ideas here yet.  I only ever used Bards and Dancers for the special classes that join that don't have Accumulate.  And I never use Mimes (never really saw the point).  I'll have to think about what to do with them and do something later.

Special Classes
So far, all I've really determine is I want them all to have Accumulate.  Agrias I need to change, since I won't need a Holy Swordsmen now that Ramza can fill that role.  Kinda the same with Mustadio and Archers.  Cid I never use (he's WAAAAY too cheap).  Maybe I'll make him a Dancer for shits and giggles.  Honestly I don't plan on using any of these guys, I like my generic parties, but maybe if inspiration hits I'll change them up.  It would be nice to actually USE Rafa or Malak for a change.

Well, I think that's a good start.  Some reaction, support, and movement skills will need to be changed, moved, etc.  But I'll have to decide on those after I get all the main class abilities where I like them.  Please, feel free to critique the hell out of this, I really just wanted a nice list for myself so when I get home I can apply all these changes.

Does anyone see anything that won't work?  I concerned with things like, if I take away all of a summoners magic and replace it with the crazy stuff, will they still use it?  Everything I've read points to they will, but I'd just like to make sure.

Also, what happens if I say, (I'm not going to, just an example) prevented Knights from wearing armor?  Will the scripted fights still have knights in plate mail, or will they come in naked?  This is another ENTD thing I'm thinking.

Well anyway, this twenty page term paper has gotten long enough I think.  Please, tell me if any of this seems way overpowered, or if I'm setting myself up for a total ass beating from the AI.  I want to have fun, but I don't want to be God mode, nor do I want the AI to be.

And oh yeah, Wiegraf + Berserk= lawl.  I'm taking that permanent berserk off of diamond armor.  Althought it DID make the first phase of the Velius fight a cake walk (but stage two, on the other hand.  Halfway through the fight Velius picked up a crystal, and got back 800 hp.  I eventually drained all his MP, and he started petrifying people--that was a damn long fight, took 20 minutes.  But it was a lot of fun).
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


May 05, 2008, 03:22:39 pm #1 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Lydyn
Not sure if Arm/Leg Aim will work in the Charge skillset. Someone had trouble making break skills and stuff work in the Jump skillset before as well ... it's likely there's code in places for Jump, Draw Out/Sword Spirit, and Charge ...

Otherwise, it actually looks like you setting it up for you to win pretty easily as far as I can see - especially with Ramza with Sword skills and the like.

ENTD are the event changes ... if you look at my signature, you can take yourself over to my guides and learn how to patch ENTD files. Also, for the knights, it depends ... a lot of battles have <Random> so if you take armor away from knights, it'll give them robes or nothing if they can't wear anything but armor. Some battles have specific equipment though.


May 05, 2008, 03:46:56 pm #2 Last Edit: May 05, 2008, 03:50:21 pm by adouchebag
I can see why Jump would be a problem, since it doesn't bring up a list of abilities.  I guess I'll try it and see.

And honestly, Ramza with sword skills isn't that bad is it?  I mean, what's the difference if you use Agrias?  Or Cid for that matter.  He might be a little faster and stronger than she is, but other than that I don't see the difference.  Like I said, I'll probably change her job completly, or more likely just not use her.  Besides, I'm just one of those people that's always thought he should have them anyway.  I mean hell, if Delita can learn them by chapter 2, why not Ramza?  And besides--Guts sucks.  There I said it.  Yeah Yell and Scream are nice, but other than that...I'm a level 99 Savior of the World---THROW STONE!  BOOYA!  I'd rather have the equpiment and growth options and have a useful skill set--or at least a fun one.

I've actually been playing with an overpowered Ramza in 1.2, added Holy Sword, Dark Sword, and Chakra--and yeah it was a little much.  But sometimes I wonder if I would've been able to win some fights without them, damn random battles have 500 hp monsters at level 30, level 25 knights have 400 hp--it's almost an equalizer.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


May 05, 2008, 03:49:48 pm #3 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Traverse
A doozy of changes for a first post. I agree with Lydyn about the power boost for Team A, but really do what you want. Go for it. Making the the changes will show you what's a good change and what's a bad one.

And good point about the monster talk to accent invitation. Never thought of that.

Edit: I think that if you use the reasoning of Delita learning the sword skills as well, it would be cool to see him have access to the Night skills in Chap. 2, due to his work with Gaf, and then slowly learn the Holy skills from Agrias in Chap. 3 & 4.


May 05, 2008, 03:57:18 pm #4 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by adouchebag
Ok, let me pick your brain while I've got you here Lydyn on these ENTD files.  There are 4--I assume they each correspond to a chapter?  Seems pretty cut and dry, just save them in the patcher and apply them to the correct folder in the .iso?  Will the patcher prompt me to save the file once I leave the ENTD tab, or will it leave that to me?  I think I can figure out what everything there does, with a little trial and error, but figuring out the technical stuff is the hard part (took me forever to get the patch to work).  

And what does battle.bin change?  I see it mentioned a lot but nothing on what it contains, or how to even open it.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


May 05, 2008, 04:10:04 pm #5 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Lydyn
Equalizer? Well, I'll have to admit I disagree... Stasis sword can easily do 100+ damage by around then and it's only five turns to kill them. Only possible threat would really be the Red Chocobo or the Hydras in the Deep Dungeon to me.

Then again, I've never played v1.2 so maybe they made the monsters that much tougher or something. Still, just the way you're setting things up and how the AI works, it seems to be giving you more of an advantage then you already had.

Just like giving all special characters Accumulate. Not a bad idea in of itself, but that skill can be overpowered with a Holy Knight if you take the time to invest in it. You can always argue with my patch that my Knight classes have accumulate, but you also need to take ~30 levels of a character's life to even unlock it. :(

Let's see... well, you said something about always berserk on Diamond armor? That's just strange. Why in the world would someone even consider that? Maybe on something like a rare armor, but Diamond? Heh... v1.2 is already a bit strange to me (I've only ever skimmed it).

Yeah, also... well, depends if you want others playing this or not. If you don't, you might as well toss the special characters out and forget about them, but if you want others trying this ... I'd suggest redoing Cid's class rather than just leaving him overpowered. ;)

- - - - -

On the ENTD files. I'm going to assume you read my guides... which should've explained it, but here's a bullet-guide for you;

• Open FFT Patcher
• Open your patch
• Go to the ENTD tab
• Make whatever changes you want to it
• File -> Generate ENTD Files
• It'll ask you what folder you want to put them in. For simplicity, put it in the FFT Patcher/ENTD Files folder. If you haven't made it yet, do so and select it.
• Open CD Mage
• Open the FFT ISO image file
• Open your battle folder
• Find "ENTD1.ENT," "ENTD2.ENT," ENTD3.ENT," and "ENTD4.ENT."
• Right-click on ENTD1.ENT and select import
• Go to FFT Patcher/ENTD Files folder and select ENTD1.ENT
• Repeat the two steps above for ENTD2.ENT, ENTD3.ENT, and ENTD4.ENT
• Close CD Mage

The BATTLE.BIN is located in the same place as the SCUS_941.21 file and can be patched in the same exact way as the SCUS_941.21 file. You patch it whenever you change the GFX (Special Effect, graphics effects; the images you see when a skill launches, like the night sword) for an ability. For example, changing Night Sword to look like Stasis Sword.

This is all on the assumption you're playing the PSX version and not the PSP Remake of Final Fantasy Tactics.


May 05, 2008, 04:45:02 pm #6 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Kenshin72
The one thing you are doing that I don't like is taking away Jump from Lancers. Jump & Lancers are one.
And the fact I've been a Kain fan since FF2/4.


May 05, 2008, 04:50:20 pm #7 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Lydyn
Quote from: "Kenshin72"The one thing you are doing that I don't like is taking away Jump from Lancers. Jump & Lancers are one.

He can't anyways, it won't work.


May 05, 2008, 04:59:12 pm #8 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by adouchebag
Yeah 1.2 is kinda weird in some aspects.  Diamond Armor has Berserk attached to it, which like I said, doesn't work--especially in the Wiegraf/Velius fight.  And the monsters really are tougher.  The very first random battle I got into, I almost didn't survive, the enemies were so strong--I might have even died, and had to reload.

As for being too easy, I have an idea about that.  If I increase the JP required for jobs, that means that the AI classes SHOULD have more abilites (as I understand it, from another poster here).  So if I raise the requirements for classes, it should make them stronger.  Also, Knights (who seem to be in every fight) should be more difficult to beat and more useful to their team thanks to having White Magic (if the AI picks the spells up, anyway).

But yeah, 1.2 increases the difficulty by itself, I think because of the HP/MP buffs armor gets.  And the random battles with uber monsters.  I think this will level the playing field a little--but I won't know until I get it all set up and test it a bit.

And you're right, I'm not going to just leave the special classes as they are--I'll change them up once I figure out what I want to do with them.  Accumulate can be cheesed, you're right--but honestly, what can't?  I find that to keep this game moderatly challenging, you HAVE to use a little restraint.  Otherwise you could just make 3 Calculators, a Ninja with Knight Swords, and a TG Cid and win every fight in two rounds.  Other than Ramza, do you think any other changes are gamebreaking or just too much?  Two Sword Thieves or Innate Throw Item Ninjas?  What about my Blue Mage and Summoner ideas?

About Charge.  Ok, so adding snipe skills won't work.  What if I gave Archers the Snipe skillset, took away seal evil, and added into it Charge 1-5?  Think that would work?  I'm already going to have to replace Jump with something to make my Lancer idea work, might as well change Charge if I have to.

And don't forget, while I'm giving myself all these cool things, the AI should get them all too--but I'll have to see if they can figure them out.  My hope is that Knights with white magic will be a lot harder to kill, Archers will actually be a threat with Don't Move/Act, Lancers are going to be godly, and the Casters too.  Hopefully--I'd rather not have to go through each battle in the ENTD....

And thanks for clarifying the ENTD and battle.bin.  I did read your guide and I just wanted to make sure I understood everything.  You might want to add that list to your guide post, it's very clear and concise :D
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


May 05, 2008, 05:16:39 pm #9 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Lydyn
Quote from: "adouchebag"Yeah 1.2 is kinda weird in some aspects.  Diamond Armor has Berserk attached to it, which like I said, doesn't work--especially in the Wiegraf/Velius fight.  And the monsters really are tougher.  The very first random battle I got into, I almost didn't survive, the enemies were so strong--I might have even died, and had to reload.

As for being too easy, I have an idea about that.  If I increase the JP required for jobs, that means that the AI classes SHOULD have more abilites (as I understand it, from another poster here).  So if I raise the requirements for classes, it should make them stronger.  Also, Knights (who seem to be in every fight) should be more difficult to beat and more useful to their team thanks to having White Magic (if the AI picks the spells up, anyway).

But yeah, 1.2 increases the difficulty by itself, I think because of the HP/MP buffs armor gets.  And the random battles with uber monsters.  I think this will level the playing field a little--but I won't know until I get it all set up and test it a bit.

Yeah, all right. Well, I've never played v1.2, but I can imagine. If I hadn't made Chocobos the way they are now (I brought them more towards the traditional image, as in being support/cowardly types - only yellow though), I would've without a doubt died many times at the beginning of the game.

Quote from: "adouchebag"And you're right, I'm not going to just leave the special classes as they are--I'll change them up once I figure out what I want to do with them.  Accumulate can be cheesed, you're right--but honestly, what can't?  I find that to keep this game moderatly challenging, you HAVE to use a little restraint.  Otherwise you could just make 3 Calculators, a Ninja with Knight Swords, and a TG Cid and win every fight in two rounds.  Other than Ramza, do you think any other changes are gamebreaking or just too much?  Two Sword Thieves or Innate Throw Item Ninjas?  What about my Blue Mage and Summoner ideas?

Theives with two swords isn't all that bad and throw item on a ninja? I wouldn't consider that, that bad either... Blue Mage isn't a bad idea, it's been talked about in the VK patch, especially if you can get it so he learns when hit by the skills. Only thing I can see wrong with the Summoner, especially the enemy without adding Short Charge in the ENTD files, is that you could practically kill them before they got a single spell off. Maybe edit a lot of the 'uber' spells to do less damage, but bump the speed up and mess with the MP costs.

Quote from: "adouchebag"About Charge.  Ok, so adding snipe skills won't work.  What if I gave Archers the Snipe skillset, took away seal evil, and added into it Charge 1-5?  Think that would work?  I'm already going to have to replace Jump with something to make my Lancer idea work, might as well change Charge if I have to.

I'll take an educated guess and say no here. If you look at the Action Menus tab, you'll see Charge and Jump are set as such, so chances are changing them will not do anything. You could probably try and use the skill, but it'd glitch or not do anything at all but use your action up.

Also note if you change any of the skillsets, for example changing the Lancer skillset to Battle Skills, will glitch everything up. If you take a glance at my Heavenly Chaos topic in New Projects, you'll see that I tried giving Dancer's the Chaos skillset, but despite me learning skills 1, 2, 3, and 4, in battle I suddenly and only only use skills 5, 6, and like 8. That's mainly the reason why Lancers can't be changed right now, along with Archers. Calculators, however, can be... so...

Quote from: "adouchebag"And don't forget, while I'm giving myself all these cool things, the AI should get them all too--but I'll have to see if they can figure them out.  My hope is that Knights with white magic will be a lot harder to kill, Archers will actually be a threat with Don't Move/Act, Lancers are going to be godly, and the Casters too.  Hopefully--I'd rather not have to go through each battle in the ENTD....

You might have to. Simply because even with an even playing field, if the enemy can't use things like Short Charge, Half of MP, Two Swords, etc, it's always going to be easier (in my opinion anyways). They're not nearly as smart and you have to remember that curing yourself takes a turn and even moving 3-4 spaces away, leaves you open for more damage. Unless you give the enemy knights some advantage and a considerable MA boost (also think about the fact you want their MA lower than a mage class, by at least .5 times like if a wizard had 20 at level 99, I'd only give him 15 at the very maximum - though I'd go lower still) and some way to stay away from damage easier, it'll still be easy.

Quote from: "adouchebag"And thanks for clarifying the ENTD and battle.bin.  I did read your guide and I just wanted to make sure I understood everything.  You might want to add that list to your guide post, it's very clear and concise :D

Good idea. ^^


May 05, 2008, 06:02:46 pm #10 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Xifanie
Lydyn, he can change the jump skillset's menu to a normal one.

Whoever, no way you can get charges and normal type of skills in the same skillset douche. Those skills aren't just plain normal, as Math Skills are.
  • Modding version: PSX
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May 05, 2008, 06:07:48 pm #11 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Lydyn
He can? Hm, the other person must've been trying to get Jump + Other skill in the same skillset then.


May 05, 2008, 06:46:21 pm #12 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by adouchebag
I'm working on the thing right now, I changed Lancer's Jump skillset to....

Talk skill.

But I have a more immediate question.  I'm going with the true Blue Mage idea, and I have a question about Chance to Learn.

If Learn on Hit is active, that means if you get hit with the spell and survive, you have an x% chance to learn the spell yes?  Or does it mean the NPC in question has an x% chance to HAVE the spell?  Or both?

Also, the way it 'should' work as it is now, the abilities won't be listed in the skill list screen.  If I make them all a JP cost, my guess is they will show up, but you'll have to spend JP on buying them--but only after you get hit with them?  I don't know, now that I've typed it out it doesn't seem like it will work.  I'd hate to have all the spells he can learn be a mystery, but it might be unavoidable.  I'll try it with one and see what happens.  I just don't want to make it impossible for monsters to have the spells I'm trying to learn lol.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


May 05, 2008, 06:57:16 pm #13 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Lydyn
Chances to Learn governs what the percent chance to learn if you're hit and survive (if the box is checked), the chances of the enemy having that spell/ability, and the chances of being able to learn it from a dropped crystal - as I understand it.

And chances are his spells with be a mystery, like the Zodiac summon, sorry. :( But if you edit the monster skills, you don't have to worry about them suddenly not knowing it though - I think ... I hope.


May 05, 2008, 07:18:38 pm #14 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by adouchebag
Well I was going to give them all like an 80% chance to learn, but decided to stick with 100% since that's the way blue magic has always worked.

He's done, btw, tell me what you think:

Choco Cure
Choco Esuna
Self Destruct
Blood Suck (Not Elmdor's--maybe it should be?)
Odd Soundwave
Thunder Soul
Wind Soul
Giga Flare
Dark Holy
Bio 2
Bio 3
Grand Cross

The Bios are going to be luck based heh.  There's 3 different Bio 1 and 3s, and four different Bio 2s.  Nanoflare and Grand Cross I don't even know what they do...but they sounded cool.

I made him a Fighter Class--almost identical to Ramza until I figure out how strong he is.  Sword and Armor, no robes--monster magic doesn't have an MP cost, so the spells should all be free.  The reason i'm making him a warrior type is so he'll be useful before he learns anything, and just to test him out, as I said.

I'm going to change the job reqs for Calculators to second level, and put my uber magic summoner top tier (Holy, Flare, Death, Frog, Meteor, and Ultima--the crappy Ramza version).

Man, I hope all this crap I'm doing works...it's gonna be a mess to rip it all apart if it doesn't.  maybe I better quit while I'm ahead and try it out.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


May 05, 2008, 07:38:01 pm #15 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by NeedsMoreNoise
Grand Cross inflicts tons of status effects with a 100% chance, and Nanoflare's a better version of Gigaflare (low vertical range, effect of 2, lots of non-elemental damage based on MA).


May 05, 2008, 07:44:22 pm #16 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Lydyn
    Giga Flare
    Dark Holy
    Bio 2
    Bio 3
    Grand Cross

All these are going to be really rare though. Gigaflare doesn't come into play into you fight demons basically, same as with Dark Holy. The Bios, those are hard to survive period as it is anyways ... Nanoflare is pretty darn rare too and is normally only with the higher up demons... Nightmare.. I don't know. The Impure King casts that basically and I'm not sure if your inflicted it's counted as 'surviving' it and he won't cast it unless he can inflict it on you (it's 100% of infliction, by the way unless you're immune to Death Sentence and Sleep).

Grand Gross doesn't appear until you fight Altima, Arch Angel version which is the final-final boss so that's almost pointless to even put there unless you give someone else that abilitly.


May 05, 2008, 07:50:03 pm #17 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by adouchebag
I'm actually surprised, things are working out better than I thought, most everything i did seems to work fine, with no problems.

And I'll swap out most of those listed spells.  I just checked them out, and the Lucavi spells, Bio, Dark Holy, have an MP cost, which I would rather avoid.  Should've checked I guess.  But it seems that the class works--but that was with a Calculator that had already learned most of the slots I stuck in there, so he had most everything.  I need to try him out fresh.

I need 7 monster skills.  What are some good ones?

How about

Wave Around
Dark Whisper
Bad Breath
Fire, Ice, Bolt Breath?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


May 05, 2008, 08:08:01 pm #18 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Lydyn
Well, keep the Blood Suck one the Vampire's version, so it's not overpowered... and dealing with vampires is annoying anyways.


• Goblin Punch ([Caster Current HP - Caster Max HP] [PA + 35]% )
• Feather Bomb (MA * 2 Damage, 3 range)
• Flame/Ice/Thunder Breath (From Dragons)
• Wave Around
• Small Bomb (MA * 4) or Bad Breath (100%, 0 vertical, 2 range, seperate; Petrify, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Oil, Frog, Poison)
• Sudden Cry (Behemoths)

I wouldn't do Dark Whisper, as it's a Monster Skill for the highest version of Hydras, so the chances of ever seeing it is slim to none. Same for Hurricane, only it's a Monster Skill for King Behemoths I think.


May 05, 2008, 08:10:49 pm #19 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by adouchebag
That's good, I'd like one to be harder to get.

Just invite a Hydra and wait a few days--I forgot to mention, I gave the blue mages innate Monster Skill, for easy spell learning.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown