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Uhm, yes, hello? I'd like to order a...

Started by MaddRave, September 11, 2015, 09:31:09 am


Oh god, a forum...I never know where it's okay to touch these things...

Ehehehe.~ Whatchanogood? Come here often?

I decided to say hello after I made an account to bother someone on this forum. I'm a long time FFT fan. If I had to pick a favourite it would have to be FFT. I never got the chance to play the WotL edition even though I own it (PSP mishap at the time deprived me of it's use). I've played most of the other Final Fantasy games, except the 13 series. Currently a level 5x Scholar/Warrior on FFXIV, sub expired and haven't felt the need to go anywhere in the Heavensward expansion.

I had a finger in every pie, that my small nubby hands could reach in, actually? How long ago was that? Was I even little? I don't remember at all, I have a horrible sense of time, and a pretty unreliable memory of things past. Currently posting after an all nighter, so pardon the..random nature? Of this post. I don't often post in forums. I think the only other forum I frequently posted in was the Minecraft one a long while back.

I'm currently having aspirations of greatness after discovering the modding/hacking community. It's likely one of those moments you get at 4 a.m. while listening to music and saying to yourself, "I've done a lot of stupid in my life, but from this moment on...!". So for the time being I'll be browsing the forum. Please take care of me.

-With slow blinking eyes, Madd.

P.s. If someone could point me in the direction of the nearest "how2noob" guide that would be great, while in a caffeine filled stupor I downloaded tons of..Things, that I have no clue what they do and I would like to know how to open them. Much obliged. <3


Welcome to FFH, where all your dreams come true :) (I've ALWAYS wanted to say that to a newcomer)

There are a lot of guides and how-to's spread across the forum, but you're gonna have to be a little more specific before we can help you. What exactly are you looking to do? If you want to play one of the communities many patches, all you need would be an ISO of either the PSX or PSP version and the patch itself. If you're looking into actual hacking/modding, that's a bit more complicated, but a good way to start would be to download FFTPatcher and open up your FFT ISO and start by tinkering with the jobs and abilities. Or you can download Shishi and change up the sprites of virtually every character in the game with any of FFH's many brilliant custom sprites.

There's a little bit of something for everyone :) It'll be a bit overwhelming at first, I too felt the same before, but everyone is friendly here and should willingly lend a hand.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Thank you kindly!

The problem I'm currently facing is, I don't know which tools apply to what game, I noticed a fair majority of them lean towards FFT/WotL, and I'm unsure if the same tools can be used for the GBA/DS ones as well. Although if I take the time to re-read a lot of them I'm sure I'll pick it up if I glanced over that bit the first time. I think poking around in FFT should help wet my feet, and I'll try to take it from there.

I'm not sure where to start with the community versions, do I start with PS/P or GBA/DS?! So many begginings! Though I think I can figure out where to start off there with some browsing.

And you're right, it is a bit overwhelming, but my heart is beating in excitement of all the possibilities! Or maybe it's the caffeine? Hrmm.


Depends where you downloaded the tools... Our Wiki says what tool does what and for what. Most of the tools you find are for the PSX version, unless you are downloading tools from the FFTA/2 section, in which case they'd be for, well, FFTA/2

IF you are trying to do a community mod (good luck :P) then you'd stick with the PSX version. 95% of us dislike WotL and 85% of us dislike FFTA/2

:welcome: :wark:
  • Modding version: PSX


Thank you kindly!

I believe I picked up a few of them from random locations, likely less then reputable locations, so I'll be sure to use the wiki next time. I remember playing the WotL edition at the very start, and I was quoting from my noggin, and it got to one of my favourite Ramza quotes, "Silence! Surrender or die in obscurity!" I believe it was, and in the WotL Ramza said something completely different. Along with the whole Sir/Ser thing as well. But I never played deeply into the WotL edition so I can't tell ya' which percent I am.

And as for doing a community mod, I don't see myself producing one in the near future, unless I somehow end up being gifted with this. I think I'll just do some light modification to fit personal preference. Like making my favourite class, the archer, not be what it currently is. I'll start with a leaf boat in a puddle and work my way up to a leaf boat in a storm gutter.. Hehe.. Lemme know if you get it? Otherwise I'll feel bad for thinking I'm witty.

Once again, thank you for the welcoming! I look forward to what is in store in the future!


People dislike playing WotL for three major reasons as far as I can tell:

- The removal of ability incantations, even if some of those incantations didn't make sense in FFT :P
- The translation. I didn't mind it myself, but it rubs a lot of people the wrong way.
- The spell slowdown. For unknown reasons (possibly relating to multiplayer?) the visual effects of spell animations were drastically slowed down. It's so bad that if you ever try to CT5Holy you might as well put the PSP down and go make a sandwich. The last enemy might be getting hit by it by the time you return.

But it's not just that. The modding community here also hates modding WotL because WotL is, itself, a largely patchwork mod that's roughly forced to emulate in PSP format. For a lot of the more complex work possible with the PSX version, it would either have to be redone completely from scratch or is simply, flatly, impossible because WotL is fragile compared to PSX. It's a lot easier to make WotL unplayable than it is for FFT. Then, on top of that, a lot of the aspects of the new WotL content are basically untouchable by any current method of modding FFT.

However, the most basic of changes are definitely possible. For example, modding Archer to be not godawful is ridiculously easy. And that goes for either version.

If you're just modding for your own purposes, and you only want to start out by editing the Archer, all you need is the basic Patch Suite from FFH's Tools, using FFTPatcher to change its abilities/skillset type (it's set to Aim normally; if you change it to Default, it works like an ordinary skillset - not all of the unique skillset types will allow this, but Archer is one of the ones that will), and Tactext to rename things and edit descriptions as needed.
WotL has fewer available action abilities (i.e. one) but you could, for example, cut the 10 Bio/-ra/-ga spells down to 3 (removing the changed ones from the rare skillsets they appear in) and change the ones you removed into the abilities you'd like.

There is also a patch to fix the slowdown for WotL's spells; if you want to give WotL a try on an emulator just to fully see the differences, you should apply that patch first before doing any modding of your own.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


September 11, 2015, 07:57:49 pm #6 Last Edit: September 11, 2015, 08:10:59 pm by MaddRave
They...Removed incantations? That is blasphemy! I remember loving the incantations, at the same time I was like "Why are you stopping for thiiisss!?!". When I would set all my units to automatic for my amusement. Ahh, that's another thing I would like to do, is there a way to change the AI behaviour? To favour certain actions and the like. I only know a bit of the early game translations for WotL, it seemed more modern? I guess? I didn't get far enough to see what changed really.

Adding on about what I want to do with the archers, I was fumbling around in FFTPatcher and was trying to change the Archer skillset to be more of a debuffer, Like how the FFTA one is, and couldn't figure out how to add status effects to their abilities, granted I only messed around long enough to get a bit familiar with the program. The caffeine ended up dying down and i went to bed, eheheh. I may just try out the WotL to see all of the changes, and check out a few of the FFT community overhauls/games. Thanks for the assistance!

EDIT: As of posting I opened up FFTPatcher, and saw the glory that is the default menu. I can now do what I've always wanted to do, make charge so powerful that it "Crashes Game". Ahahahaha, and so my reign of terror begins! First rule, no peasant revolts.