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June 02, 2024, 10:06:09 pm


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RAD 3: 35 jobs.

Started by pokeytax, April 12, 2011, 08:42:20 pm


This is true. It's not important whether or not Pokeytax made the mistake or Shishi made the mistake. The point is that this tool seems to work pretty well but no one uses it because of a small and very fixable/workaroundable bug.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo


Actually i think people don't use it because it can be confusing to learn. Plus a lot of people just edit vanilla jobs. I used it for a while and never had that issue really.
  • Modding version: PSX


Hi Guys,

I know this thread hasn't been posted in for awhile but it's relevant to the tool:

Is there any way to add additional conditions in here? There's only 3 to play with but I'd like alot more: I want to be able to place conditions on a few jobs that another job's level is below a certain amount.

Thanks in advance.


interesting thought... However, pokeytax is seldom seen around here anymore unfortunately. I may try to clean these tools up once I graduate in the summer, but don't hold your breath :(

It may be a more attainable feat to make a new ASM hack to do what you want to do. Although daunting at first, it only takes some persistence to learn, and we have a large amount of info about the game code on the wiki and tools to help. You could also request it in the ASM requests thread, but there are very few active ASM'ers atm.


March 22, 2015, 07:51:06 am #144 Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 09:14:33 am by Aqueous
That's a shame :(

Thanks for the reply Choto, to be honest I've tried looking at some of the ASM hacking tutorials because it would be nice to be able to just do it myself. However, I must admit I was quite lost the last time I looked. I'm familiar with hex editing so applying ASM hacks (and checking they applied correctly) hasn't ever been a problem but some of the tutorials have gaps in them that prevent me from following - at least the one on the site. Makes me dizzy!

I'll give it another try in the mean time. The only thing I'm not sure about is that this seems to be adding new functionality to the game rather than simply changing things (like Formula hacks) so if I add more conditions doesn't that mean it'll end up overwriting existing code potentially necessary for the game to work?

My plan was to make it so many of the jobs can "evolve" into stronger versions once mastered, with access to the more powerful abilities (and some new ones) and many with a passive effect. That way there'd be incentive to master jobs and it'd be a good way of keeping the initial jobs more competitive with jobs later down the line.


Don't worry, I was quite lost when I first started reading them too. It's the type of thing where the more times you read it or the more supplemental information you get, the more it all makes sense.

Anything you're confused about you can always post a question in the help forums too even if it's just ASM learning. I enjoy teaching and so I have no issues helping people out in that area.

Now in regards to overwriting code: Luckily, the FFT ISO has a big section of Kanji characters that are unused in the english version. We refer to this as the "Kanji Table" or "Free space" because it is just that - free space. So when we want to add in whatever code we want, we put our code in this section and just jump to it from the vanilla routine.

As I'm thinking about it... the hack you want to do may be a bit involved since you have to do quite a bit: enable the job on the job wheel, account for male/female, set the corresponding pre-battle formation sprite and portrait, set the job level requirements... Probably not the best one to embark on for your first hack. But the better you get, the bigger hacks you can make


Thanks Choto, I've made a thread.

The main issues I'm facing at the moment is knowing what is stored in the registers at a particular time and understanding the constaints on what I can do. Without knowing the former, it's difficult to make sense of anything.


April 04, 2015, 07:11:21 pm #147 Last Edit: April 06, 2015, 09:32:55 am by Aqueous
Just thought I'd update on this - I think I've got it sorted and I'll attach the file if/when I have it ready in case anyone else wants the functionality.

Basically, I've added a filter option called "THIS Job" to the list - you can now filter job availability on the level of the job in question (rather than a static job you pick like "Monk"). So as an example, if you take Knight, select THIS Job -> Less Than and enter 5, the Knight class will only be available as long as its level is below 5. Once its level goes to 5 or above, it will be unavailable.

I'm also looking at bringing "Master" into the hack soon so you can make that a requirement instead of a Job level.

I don't know how useful it will be for others or if there's even a demand for such a thing but for me it means I can create "Prestige" job classes, for example: Knight turning into Arc Knight when it's mastered.


Cool stuff man, glad to see someone updating this.
  • Modding version: PSX