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Bug Reports

Started by 3lric, March 25, 2013, 08:11:54 pm


August 19, 2013, 12:36:58 pm #220 Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 01:54:07 pm by Advent
1.97d crashes whenever you try to change someone's reaction. Truth and myself are both having this issue.

Also, yeah Elric it was with the current version at the time. Sorry for the late reply; been busy lately.

EDIT: It's not just for reactions; it's for all abilities. Secondary, Reaction, Support, and Move. Wonder what caused such a huge bug.

Also, I'm not sure what the numbers refer to (I'm guessing where the data's located in the ISO), but they're different for each ability slot you try to change (Reaction is different from Move, etc). I'm talking about the numbers in parenthesis, in my screenshot's case, the (3152,66).


Well, I just finished Chapter one. 'Twas barrels and oodles of fun! I thought to myself, "Let's do that again! And this time, we'll do it in SHORUKE IS A NITPICKER mode. And with more Move-JP Up."

All of these were encountered in v1.96b

-Cloud's Counter Deathblow description is... not great. "Damage: 85% HP". Cloud's HP or the target's? Max or current HP?  :? Either tell me how much damage I'm doing, or don't...
-During the opening cutscenes, Dante says "I wish one day I can find a real challenge". I might not have all the words in exactly the right order there, but the point is it should be "could" instead of "can".
-Description for Wish states that it heals 1 to 9 HP. Try to use it on a skeleton, it projects that it'll do 20 damage. Odd, that's more than 9... (then again it also says it cancels Dead, so you know, whatevs)
-I still don't get why Ramza's first thought after seeing Cloud wasn't "I'm going to go ask Besrodio why the f**k." Ramza even mentions Goug when introducing Cloud, and was on the topic of the thinger ("orrery", I think is the proper term) that teleports people across dimensions, so... like... why. Yeah, I know the patch is already out and you're working on Chapter 2 already and it's unworthily hard to change the whole plot around, but it's just so weird.
-During the Mass "No who the hell are YOU" sequence just after the first fight, Cloud interrupts Dante. "Demons?" "Yes. Can I finish your holy lordship?" That needs a comma.
-"Where the hell is my goddamn nose!?!" There's nothing at all wrong with this, I just thought it was hilarious and worth mentioning  :mrgreen:.
-(maybe more of an "exploit" than a bug, and may be more related to vanilla AI; I don't know how much AI tweaking was done for this patch) The knights in the second fight outside Lionel's gates were perfectly willing to jump into the water on their left, if Invisible Snake stands in their way and prevents them from using half of the bridge (even if they could use two turns and go around him, staying on dry land), and then stay stuck in the water if the perpendicular ledge is blocked up, declining to move towards the far land.
See those two dudes in the water? They can't jump onto the bridge and the other nearby ledge is blocked, so they sit there. They could slowly make their way to the little slope on the left, the water doesn't seem to slow them down much, the top one can even make it onto land there, but nooo, we feel like sitting here like failed geese.

Once that ledge cleared up though, they all jumped out and started doing things... And on the turn after that, they all jumped back in again, like dumb sweaty sheep.

-Ramza's skill list bugged out. I checked it in the middle of combat, and... well... look at the picture.

-Whenever people level up, that same "washed out" symbol appears in front of their name.
Okay, it's slightly different, but...

-Why is there a Formation menu screen to change the specs for Ramza's team right before Alma's debut battle? Seems unnecessary. (I know vanilla did that a lot, not sure how hard it is to get rid of...)
-The plot kinda takes a while to resume once you leave Lionel Castle. "Let's go this way and talk to people!" *some time later* "Didn't work." "Well, let's just keep going this way! Something's bound to happen!" Then Mr. Plot shows up and hands them a rock.  :?  We have all these really interesting characters, why don't they drive the plot instead of stumbling around in a vaguely northwest-ish direction and waiting for the plot happen to them? (Personally I'd change it so that Ramza had already heard of the two information brokers in Dorter, and so led the group to go find them)
-We never do find out what Alma meant when she said Lionel Castle's glory was "arrested", do we? Did Queklain damage the brickwork when he died? Or is Ramza just a pitiful Duke who can't keep house and now it's all dusty and out of ketchup? Is the place not cool enough now that the resident politician isn't an evil, fat man?
-Concerning Olan's Letter and Journal Entry 5: "soon even [Olan will] realize I'm still alive here, somewhere..." Hey, Ramza? He SENT YOU A LETTER. He is WELL AWARE you're still alive. He's apparently read your Change of Address form, too.
-The Letter From Delita is something that no sane King would write, especially one who got into power by murdering (or causing the death of) most of a country's nobility in ascending order. You DO NOT write national secrets in explicit detail on paper and send them across the country. They get stolen by bandits, or the messenger gets caught in a blizzard, or attacked by monsters, or the messenger turns out to be some kind of traitor... etc. etc. Some obfuscation is in order. "My dearest, oldest friend, I've arranged a pleasant surprise for you at Lionel Castle, which henceforth is under your care. Please gather all your possessions and relocate there as soon as possible. I've stationed someoner there to act as Duke during your journey there, and who will fill you in as to the details of your new circumstances upon your arrival." etc. etc. Then Ramza shows up at Lionel, and Tesnya (or Balmafula or someone) is waiting there to tell Ramza "you're actually under house arrest"
-Incidentally, where are Olan and Balmafula in the Brave Story? Olan wrote one short letter, but I can't tell if Balmafula is still Delita's friend or Olan's friend or a church spy or what.
-The Letter from Agrias is missing a period at the end of the last sentence
-There are all these cool new classes that do cool new things, but they have stricter entry requirements than in vanilla and the JP rewards for actions are smaller, and The Five have really neat Squire-substitute classes that need a lot of JP to master. I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt and guess that it's set up like this to make it so that you're still earning JP that's worth something near the end of the game (as opposed to Vanilla where having some mastered classes by the halfway point is fairly standard, and having ninjas before reaching Dorter isn't unheard of). But it still feels like the game is just being a big tease with the Job system. "Hey, here's these new classes, but you can't use them. They're for important people." Each fight that has a new AI guest is like that, too. "Here's a new team member! He/She does something cool! See, watch th-" *SMITE* "Nevermind! Revive them and THEN hope they do something cool!"


While I'm not the one to properly field the majority of your concerns, I can at least say that the text corruption is very much known and has since been fixed - the fix just hasn't been posted as of yet. The long and the short of it is, an ASM hack was written over some text space that shouldn't have been written over.
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


The description on Cloud's Cntr Deathblow is the same format as any other % based healing or damaging attack in Journey of the Five and operates the same as any % based healing or damaging, meaning 85% of the Target's Max HP.

Dante's line in his Intro is:

//Message x07
Hmm... dead already huh?{br}
Man, I wish one of these{br}
days I could find a real{br}
I'm so tired of dealing {br}
with these idiots.{end}

So I'm not sure what you're talking about there.

Wish deals the same amount of damage to Undead as Phoenix Down, which has always been different than the amount it heals.  Wish does Cancel: Dead.  Skeletons don't have the Dead status.

Cloud was Summoned in Vanilla by combining the Orrery with a Zodiac Stone.  Cloud in Journey of the Five isn't Summoned by either the Orrery or a Zodiac Stone as far as Ramza knows, and people from other worlds are also summoned to the same spot.  Ramza has no reason to believe that Besrodio or Mustadio are involved and no source of magic that could be combined with the Orrery regardless.

The AI is the AI.

That screenshot of Ramza's skillset shows you're not playing on the newest version (v1.97e) as the only text item that was replaced in that version was the asterisk "*" symbol.

...The scenes you're referring to as "vague northwest-ish direction" set up things like the state of Ivalice after the Lion War and the foundation of the interplay of the Five's personalities, with Ramza and Link's motives being the general drive across Chapter 1.  So uh.

... ...Alma's "arrested glory" statement is explained in the same scene she makes it, by Ramza, after she leaves.  It's also further explained in the Brave Story.  You've read the Brave Story so I'm not sure how it's not clear.

Here's a full screenshot of Journal Entry 5:

Posting because uh, the pronoun here very clearly refers to the other male referenced, not Olan.

Delita's Letter makes no reference to national secrets or anything beyond the fact Ramza is believed to have died and is a Heretic as decreed by a church already waning in power.  He is not personally obligated to pursue Heretics as the Kingdom of Ivalice and the Glabados Church are two very distinct and separate entities - the fact they were was one of the central points of the original game, with the Glabados Church attempting to work its way as the power house in Ivalice.

You know what Ramza knows about Olan and Balmafula.  He doesn't know anything that you've asked so it's not going to be found anywhere.  Outside of the cutaway scenes to Delita and similar things, you the player only know the things that Ramza knows.

The Job Wheel is strict because uh, if you can't tell, this is a long game, and what you're currently playing is only the first part.  You're only meant to have ~6-8 classes open upon completing Chapter 1, and if you look at the skills used by most enemies in the Chapter you'll find they they also only pull from roughly the same amount of classes sans "boss" enemies.  If you were expecting to leisurely get Summoners and such by Chapter 1 or early Chapter 2, you're not going to.  Period.  If you want them early, you're going to need to put some real work down on opening them.   As for "A lot of JP", Ramza takes 3100 JP to master all purchasable abilities, Cloud takes 3300, Link takes 2100 (!), Snake takes 2600, and Dante is the main expensive one at 4550, though this is because he has 16 skills which you only need 4 of at any given time, and overall they take more JP to Master due to their unique RSM choices.  Again, you're not meant to master a class in 3 battles.  Your average Generic class only takes 1600-2000 JP to master their Active abilities, and on average, RSM choices on them are very cheap, with no RSM in the game besides First Strike costing more than 400 JP and the majority of the ones you'll find in Chapter 1-appropriate classes only costing 100 to 200.  In Vanilla these prices could easily exceed 1000 JP for a single R/S/M and the Active abilities could literally take over 9000 JP to Master (hello Wizard and Lancer).  Yes you gain less JP, yes the Job Tree is more restrictive, but the JP costs have also been slashed tremendously in most cases, so I can't even tell what you're on about unless you just want every Job with tons of JP by the end of Chapter 1 - in which case I again point out to you that is the the exact opposite of the intent of this mod and is not going to change.

As for your Guest units, they all come on your level with plenty of JP and high-end gear that you probably can't even afford for yourself at the time they join - and you can bring them into Random Battles if you're grinding so they don't fall behind.  The only reason your Guests should be weaker than your main characters is if you let them be, and I can't fix that.


hi, im using a epxe emulator version 1.7.0. similar issues as the guy on page 9 with the map. only the worldmap shows itself briefly if i were to press circle (to enter a town) or press /\. also noticed it'd show if i moved the game cursor around the map. the dots on the map still show though. just dont have the actual map backdrop. also have same issue when checking brave story on menu. backdrop disappears. menu is still visible to be manipulated.

I tried fixing it by switching video plugins but the result was exactly the same. I tried using another emulator but i couldnt even get it to run then.

this may seem like an easy fix to most of you. but untill 6 hours ago i had no idea a world as wonderful as this existed. brings back memories when games were actually games.


Hello Jack,

Try this tutorial for that black map issue:

Also, have you tried PSXFin (aka pSX)? If so, what was the issue
you had getting it to run?
  • Modding version: PSX


got it to work fine. thanks. glitch with the bow skills. 1 it registers a hit twice. and 2. when it does a knock back crit. it did it twice with me. not sure but i think the 2nd knock back send it off to  the right instead of left. the event caught me completely off so no screens. im on 1.97. great game.


Now I'm not sure if this is actually a bug, or maybe I did something wrong while patching the mod, but the Lamia monsters aren't patching over the panthers correctly, leaving some grainy picture in the background.  I've noticed this with a few of the other graphics, but this is the most noticable.


This is all you buddy, you likely expanded your ISO in Shishi before patching, which has been mentioned many times to NOT do.

Otherwise you patched an unclean ISO :P
  • Modding version: PSX


Yep it was def on my end  :roll:... don't know what the problem was, but patched it to another copy of vanilla and it's working fine now!


Glad to hear it. Also be sure to give some feedback on what you like/don't like about the mod.

Thank you
  • Modding version: PSX


I'm completely new on this project and I'm liking it so far (2 battles) but my main concern is that the game crashes at the first fight on the 3rd turn of Bartholomew (or somehing like that) I had to use cheats in order to advance the game and avoid seeing the whole intro again and again. That happened 3 times at the exact same point.
The other crash happened on the 2nd battle in the 3rd turn (if I remember correctly) of Cloud.

Now the point is that I'm using my PSP to play this hack, I don't know if this happens with all CFW or only mine at the moment.
The version is 5.50 Prome-4, and if somebody can't use cwcheats just make a new set on the cheats editor and use JOTF_94221 the Sony code.

Hope this helps, thanks for a great project!!
  • Modding version: PSX
Grrr, arwg, hiss, and some other zombie noises...
  • Discord username: Heisho


It has been stated many times that Jot5 does not currently work correctly on Console or PSP.

The only way to play it crash free until the next update is by playing on a emulator such as PSXFin or ePSXe
  • Modding version: PSX


I recently downloaded this, and after the first two battles, I am not allowed to allocate JP, is that normal for this part of the game or am I for some reason not allowed to use it yet?
http://puu.sh/6cVbE.jpg this is my screenshot to show I have enough JP to get an ability. (don't  know how to post it as an attachment


Well that is a new one. I've never heard of this bug
  • Modding version: PSX


oops, I figured it out X;, I wasn't pressing the right buttons :x


Glad you were able to get it worked out, hope you enjoy it :)
  • Modding version: PSX


I had a bug occur during the first battle in Zigolis Swamp. I used the shove skill  on a werewolf and it was pushed into a panel that already had another werewolf in it. The 2 enemies could use skills, yet could not move until one had died. I do not know if this could happen to other enemies or in other battles, but I will try to see if it happens again.
From Mogrika to Moolan

            Artemicion rubbed it all over himself!
            The machine needs it to function
            properly, kupo!

            I know how he must've felt.
            I used it on myself once, too.
            It's a wonderful thing, but...


I'm having a problem with the beginning of the game for some reason when Bartholume goes to attack for the 2nd time in the battle the game  completely crashes i don't know wither its die to  using clouds braver or not :( i wanna play so bad  im using this on my PSP currently 


Quote from: om3gad3a7h on February 08, 2014, 11:58:33 pmim using this on my PSP currently 

Well, there's your problem.

Quote from: Elric on March 25, 2013, 08:13:33 pm
(NOTE THE SECOND: Currently does NOT work on PSP or on PS1 Consoles.  This will be fixed at a later date.)

For now you need to play this mod on your computer via an emulator, etc.