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Things I didn't like about the original FFT (This thread is about cars now!)

Started by Philogosten, October 08, 2013, 11:31:21 am


1. The story started off amazing with all this backstabbing and politics. It was great, however they jumped the shark with changing the reason behind everything to be resurrecting a demon. I wanted it to just continue to be about the war and intrigue.

2. You never get an option to kill Delita. Oh my god do I hate Delita. He is a massive prick and I remember playing this game the first time when I was about 10 and just thinking "When do get to kill that jerk already?" then the end of the game came and sure Delita got injured but that's it. Disappointing.

3. Bamalfula (probably spelled wrong but her name is a pain to remember how to spell) was
not recruitable. She was cool but playing without gameshark, you were unable to get her.

4. Generics were not able to attain special classes. Now when you got like lets say Gafgarian in your party as a guest, why can't he start training one of your knights as a Dark Knight? Or train Rad as one. I thought Rad was like his apprentice. It would have been cool for classes to be able to be learned or at least the skills from the person with the job.

5. Rad, Lavian and Alicia were immediately shoved in the background and none of them had unique sprites or jobs. The game was like "Hey look at these people! So important they are mentioned by name in a cutscene and will join you later...however after that they might as well not even exist". Maybe have Rad be a Dark Knight apprentice to Gafgarion (he was supposed to be like his apprentice anyway) and maybe he gets conflicted everytime you have to battle Gafgarion because of their former
relationship and all. Maybe he also has a thing for Alicia and that is why he stayed with your party instead of betraying you when his master did.

6. Rafa and Malak are recruitable but not Izlude. Their jobs are useless and other than adding in some more battles because of their personal issues, they contributed nothing to the game. When Malak died and was brought back I remember yelling "F****** cop out!" but then immediately thought when Ramza saw the dead Izlude with the stone nearby "Oh sweet he can bring back Izlude" but then he didn't. Jerk.

7.Not enough slots in your party menu for characters.

8. Cloud's limit breaks took charge time, No inclusion of like an otherworld Sephiroth for Cloud to fight, as well as him starting at level 1.

9. Lancers made battles too easy. A team of lancers can easily beat any battle in this game (first time through I always made everyone I used in battle either a Knight or Lancer since its not like you actually need to ever heal in this game as it is just too easy)

10. The main character is the least interesting and cool of the three brothers. Now if Zalbag was the mc then I would have actually used the mc outside of story battles where it makes you.

11. Alma. Everything about Alma annoys me.

12. You are forced to kill Miluda, why didn't Ramza just let her go like after the first fight with her? Or since she was just trying to escape, why not just let her? Don't even confront her. just back off.

13. Cid is massively OP and the part that bugs me most about that is there is no reason to like him. He doesn't get any real
character development or anything. It is just like "here is this uber powerful old dude, yeah you saw him in a few cutscenes and now we will act like he met you as a kid and now he is in your party"  meh. Agrias got more character development so you could actually form an opinion of her. Cid felt like a bad oc you would see in a fanfic, he is connected to the main character though that is never mentioned until one scene and then he never does anything after except be the fastest and strongest and have the best skills and...yeah you can see where I am going with this.

14. Not enough character interactions. Now I am not asking for like a romance system or anything here, just chances to learn more about the characters. Maybe that is what the bar could be used for. You bring some members of your party with you to a bar and depending on who is there different dialogues and all will be said. Like Reis and Beowulf would probably be all mushy and obnoxious. Cloud would probably sit alone and drink while getting admired by one of the chicks you brought (you know how people love themselves some cold loner types) Since Agrias is not a very warm person herself, she might even sit with Cloud because people tend to like to be with those that remind them of themselves.

15. Celia and Lede are apparently ultima demons who just take the form of dancer looking chicks with way better powers
than ultima demons have. I am pretty sure they were not originally supposed to be but because of whatever reason they just decided to do that to wrap up their characters and go "see now don't ever wonder about them again because they were just Ultima demons" which felt rather lame. Would have liked them to be fleshed out more. Same with the Marquis. 

16. Most of the jobs were either basically useless or there was already a better version of that class. Like Geomancer was basically a crummy version of Black mage. Mediator was pointless as was mime and calculator. Dancer was not a uesless class but it did feel like a silly class. She can dance and it can cause abnormal effects? WHAT? is it like a spell??? chemist did not need to even exist. Making you learn the "skill" for using a potion just felt like a middle finger from the game developers. "You want to use a potion? Hahaha better train as a chemist then, jerk."

17. Equipment restrictions. For instance why does a archer need a special ability to equip a sword? Is there some magical
force fields that prevents it? Or why cant a dude wear perfume?  I can understand the armor restriction for dancers since they probably could not dance in full plate armor but most of the time the restrictions are pointless.

18. You never get to use the zodiac stones though everyone else and their mom gets to.

19. After Algus and Delita seeming like friends Algus decides to randomly hate him and starts acting like a totally generic villain out of nowhere.

20. Zalbag gave the order to kill Teta just to also kill one Death Corps knight. It seems very uncharacteristic for him. Heck Ramza managed to handle every battle so far and even rescued the marquis and was about to go save Teta but nope, cant let that happen. Better just order Algus to shoot her then take out the one enemy there. Especially for someone like Zalbag who had faith in Ramza (evidenced when he basically tells you to go to Dorter to find the missing spy) to all of a sudden decide to kill his brothers best friends sister like that makes no sense. It was some lazy writing.

21. Random battles were with monsters. With monsters being that common, how do these people have time to declare wars? In fact why even need a war for enough bloodshed to summon Ultima back? just walk around a bit and kill monsters or just manipulate one side into dedicating part of their army to the erradication of monsters to make the world safe? Seems like a much smarter move as then you are avoiding suspicion since it seems everyone in the game knew there was something else causing the war.

22. Dycedarg can just take out Zalbag with one attack but can't do the same against Ramza. That makes no sense. Especially since Zalbag is a lot stronger than Ramza because of his unique job and all.

23. Vormav and the church are trying to kill Ramza before he knows whats going on. He paid those thieves in the early chapter 2 to kill Ramza and his companions with no actual good reason behind it. It is just to make sure the player knows they are the villains.

24. The ending. It did not explain ANYTHING. What happened to Cloud? Why didn't Cid let Olan know he was alive and protect his son later from being burned at the stake? Where did everyone go? Why did Ramza leave with his sister on Chocobos? Did Beowulf and Reis ever get married and start a family? What did Mustadio do after? Where did Agrias go? In fact why didn't they all just take down the church after taking down Ultima? They could have easily done so and that
would have helped out Ivalice quite a lot. How did they even escape?

25. Ramza orders milk at a bar.
Now taking bets on which kills me first. lung cancer or liver failure


October 08, 2013, 03:06:14 pm #1 Last Edit: October 08, 2013, 03:22:35 pm by formerdeathcorps
1. Blame Square for this.  I don't think this isn't what Matsuno wanted (the demon hunting only formed the Ch. 4 side-quests / final battles of Tactics Ogre; everything else was intrigue).
2. You do get to kill the Evil Vice in Tactics Ogre, so I'd think Matsuno had something similar planned as one of the selectable storylines but was told otherwise.
3. I bet she was at some point, considering that she even has a formation sprite but the game's development timetable was too slow for Square's bosses and the unfinished parts were cancelled.
4. This was probably Square learning the lesson of Tactics Ogre where everyone had a team full of semi-special (in that many of these transformations were permanent) broken classes at the end of the game between Angel Knight, Lich, and Gunner (who could shoot the entire map).  Hence, Square's executives probably figured that "situationally broken" classes like calculator or mime would be, on average, fair.  Turns out, they were even more broken....
16. FF traditions, with the necessary amount of job tiers, prevent this.  Also, the answer to the above applies here too; generic jobs couldn't be as "obviously" broken as Tactics Ogre (at least, the main job's skills couldn't); a lower upper bound for the brokenness of main class skills had to be set, meaning that the space of allowable skills is smaller and more overlap between 20 jobs is far more likely.  As for chemist, after seeing how every unit in Tactics Ogre could use a healing item once at the cost of an equip slot, I figure Square was trying to make healing items more used outside of the obligatory large monster + 4 items set (because monsters in Tactics Ogre have better growths than humans and are comparable to humans with armor and weapons).  At least be glad they didn't introduce the horribly imbalanced Snapdragon mechanic until FFTA in the form of Souls, Sequence, Sapere Aude, etc.
17. This was probably Square learning the lesson of Tactics Ogre where everyone would only use the best equipment (the ones that increased WT the least) on all jobs and promptly double turn all enemies.  There ended up being no variety in equips and no variety in jobs because everyone would simply use the class with the best growths with the best equips.  Restrictions may not make sense, but they promote more variety.
5. No opinion, though I think those three were added for newbs who lost too many generics in Chapter 1 (at Dorter I, Miluda II, Wiegraf, or Zeakden) or felt like their generics weren't very good (as Br / Fa values for the three are above average).  I agree that more backstory would be nice (as they don't even have an entry in the character bio), especially in explaining why Rad didn't betray Ramza.
6. Totally agree about the MAlak dying part.  I really don't care for either of them or for Izlude, but I get the sense Matsuno has a sense for tragedy (so not all the "good" people will be recruited and some will die by your hand).  Storyline, the only purpose the siblings serve is to tell Ramza that Vormav is the one behind the kidnapping.
7. From a game design purpose, this is actually a good idea because the game has more replay value.  Of course, from a storyline or player's perspective, you have a point, but outside of code-related limitations, I can easily justify it as an issue of feeding (and hiding after Chapter II) more than 20 people.
8. Cloud is simply a cameo for the FFVII fanboys (since the games were released at about the same time), nothing more.  Doku already answered why his abilities were ported into FFT the way they were.  As for "extra versions of Sephiroth", that kind of stuff didn't become retroactively canon until the FFVII sequels, right?
9. Is there a FFT class that isn't broken either as a main class or a subclass?  That, I believe, is the better question to ask.
10, 18. That is the point of the story.  The point isn't to play as a "badass", but as a "regular" fighter who is more likely to share the gamer's views.  It also accentuates Ramza's reputation because he can act like a lamb but strike like a lion, as well as enhance his moral quality (as he doesn't have to "desire" killing or being popular but can do what's right).  Of course, Matsuno himself was very cynical about such "heroism"; if you play the Chaos campaign of Tactics Ogre, you can see how the villains react to Denim's idealism (and the results of his "good" deeds), but I'm sure Square didn't want it that cynical for their intended audience.
11. Care to explain?
12. I personally agree (but like my name implies, I'm biased), and I do not doubt the Ramza of Chapter IV would have allowed it.  From the point of view of character development, however, Matsuno had to show how a just cadet, who unconsciously was biased by his social class and upbringing to commit wrongs, was forced to choose between his family / upbringing and his sense of justice.  Ultimately, from this struggle, a Ramza who valued justice more than he did the comforts of expediency or privilege emerged while Delita chose the latter over the former.  However, this struggle (and the tragedy that resulted) had to occur to change the boys into the men they became.
13, 14, 15. FF tradition always has a Cid and he's usually pretty strong.  Of course, given Orlandu's reputation as "Thunder God Cid", the only warrior everyone respects or fears, he cannot be a "weakling", despite his age.  In terms of story, Delita needed Ramza to finish off the Church so why would he deprive Ramza of this great help?  As for his connection to the plot, that is FFT's problem as much of the most interesting tidbits of the backstory are in the character bios, but reading them is optional.  I guess Square didn't want to bore everyone with the details.  As for the bar scene, that sounds like a good idea to event.  Far better than propositions where you get "I got a good feeling" and "Thanks to Arc Knight, we completed this job." as responses, don't you think?  Celia / Lede could use more backstory, and yes, you are right, the demon form abilities are crap compared to the assassin ones (but FFT demons were rather weak in general).
19-20. Same as Point 12.  Matsuno had to show how most nobles, even well-intentioned ones like Zalbag, will put their (class) interests before those of the peasants, even when Teta should have been family.  To Zalbag, as much as he believes in honor, it's only something fit for nobles.  That was the clear implication of when he chastised Ramza for being ill-mannered and having bad blood at Lesalia.  Algus is simply a greedy, arrogant, ill-bred squire.  Matsuno implied it in the introductory scene where Algus tries to first pass himself off as a knight, and then as someone who was already counting his blessings because he just made a friend in the Belouve House, reflecting his self-serving attitude.  His bigotry simply goes along with such arrogance (i.e. Algus believes he has rights to be the best, and he is a noble; hence, anyone who isn't a noble has no rights to even be his competition), but the key is that Algus is simply a darker variant of what most nobles (including Dycedarg) believe.  As for why Zalbag didn't delegate authority to Ramza, it's because Zalbag is the commander.  It is his job, not his cadet brother's, to give orders and in all fairness to Zalbag, he didn't really know that Ramza already defeated Wiegraf because the Hokuten thought Wiegraf was using Zeakden as his main HQ.  Furthermore, Ramza, by all respects, should be punished because he left Hokuten ranks to create his own rescue mission, something that Zalbag only allowed because Ramza is his brother, a Belouve (which can be seen by both Zalbag and Dyce's attitude towards Ramza in Chapters II and III).  This is why Algus calls Ramza a hypocrite; Algus, in his egotistic cynicism, finds it disgusting that Ramza can find Teta's murder appalling when Ramza does not consider it outrageous that he is afforded more privileges than Algus (recall that Algus attempted the same stunt of personal revenge on the Death Corps, but since he did not have such privilege, Dycedarg denied his request).
21. I agree, but it's the same problem as Pokemon having infinite battles (or any RPG, really).  It's possible, for example, to give Ramza an age of 50 (and Orlandu an impossibly old age) before you fight Altima, even though Ramza was focused on saving his sister "immediately".  Sadly, this is a problem with RPGs in general (unless you want to restrict random battles), but that wouldn't be a FF game anymore.
22. I agree, and indeed, and the only justification is that "Ramza is the chosen one", which is utterly stupid.  It would be more plausible if all the Lucavi battles were timed and after X turns, the Lucavi simply uses the Send to Hell spell to kill Ramza (and only Alma with Virgo is immune).
23. Not exactly.  Vormav is trying to capture Princess Ovelia because Dycedarg intercepted his plot.  Killing Ramza is incidental.
24. It's not meant to.  It's meant to leave you wondering what happened so you either want a sequel, or to play the game again to see if you missed anything.  I personally believe they all died, Olan saw an illusion, and Delita lived to create a new golden age on the basis of lies.
25. A bit forced, but yes, it's meant to show Ramza's "morality".
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Why would you play a game when you dislike nearly everything about it?
  • Modding version: PSX


1. FFT followed the same pattern as TO in that regard. Political drama with a magical plot MacGuffin (and a demon) behind it. Since FFT is the spiritual sequel to TO, this shouldn't be a surprise. Besides, there had to be a driving force for Ramza to continue his quest, which was provided thanks to the Lucavi. If not for the Lucavi, Alma would never have been kidnapped, and Chapter IV wouldn't have happened.

2. If Delita were killed, it would have ruined a great deal of meaning behind the game. Ramza died a hero (albeit unknown to the commonfolk), and Delita got to live a hero, but was forced to live a life of being unhappy. I'd say his survival is a lot more brutal of a punishment (having lost Ovelia and his best friend) than having killed him.

3. There's a lot of evidence that Balmafula was once meant to be recruitable, but was cut due to time (or story) restraints. She has a job coded in, and there's some evidence that she had a skillset planned as well.

4. They're called "generics" for a reason. From a gameplay perspective, it'd be incredibly broken to have a party of special jobs. Not that they really did an amazing job of balancing beyond that...

5. These guys were likely provided as a crutch in case any of your Chapter I units crystallized/treasurized. Alicia and Lavian get an extra scene with Agrias in WotL.

6. Had Izlude not died, Meliadoul would have had little reason to attack Ramza at Bervenia, and his death gave Meliadoul (greater) reason to betray her father later on. Besides, it's not like Izlude's job was interesting. He only gets Jump 8.

7. WotL fixes this.

8. Cloud starting at level 1 is likely a reference to him getting accustomed to Ivalice. He has no weapon, his memory is askew, and he knows none of his skills. From a gameplay perspective, it's likely meant for him to join at a higher level. There's evidence in the battle where you recruit him that the AI is supposed to specifically target him, which is likely not something Square would have meant to have done on a level 1 unit. As for his Limits taking forever, take a look at FFT's record for balance and you'll see why that happened. No Sephiroth because Cloud's sidequest was likely added last-minute, and they didn't feel like taking away from FFT's actual story.

9. This is true for every FF. FFIII (looking at you, Garuda), FFIV (looking at you, Kain), FFV, etc. Dragoons have ALWAYS been a good job and that's why they're among the mid-to-last to be obtained. Them being good in FFT should be of no surprise to anyone.

10. Ramza's character was an interesting twist on the typical FF protagonist. Sure, he was a hero and did what was right, but it's because of his life's circumstances. Zalbag boils down to "Upload Beoulve honor!" It's not until very late game that you see anything BUT that from him.

11. All right, let's get rid of Alma. Ramza would never find Virgo, would never have killed Wiegraf to make Belias, Ultima would never be reincarnated... there would be no Chapter III or Chapter IV in FFT.

12. In part, I assume, because the Death Corps kidnapped Teta. Besides, they needed a way to kill off Miluda to give Wiegraf a deeper reason to kill Ramza other than just being a Beoulve. Without Miluda, Wiegraf's grudge against Ramza wouldn't have been half as personal.

13. Cid is an experienced swordsman who's had decades of battle experience, and his skillset just reflects that. He IS called the Thunder God for a reason.

14. The lack of interaction after characters are recruited is a gameplay thing. There's no guarantee they'd be alive, so why make scenes for them? It looked like they had intended this originally (see Agrias at Golgorand and the new WotL fights), but time (and gameplay mechanics) likely forced them to change this.

15. Elmdor's Zodiac Stone is Gemini. Gemini's the sign of Twins. Celia and Lede are pretty much twins. That's really all they were meant to symbolize.

16. Where do I even begin with this? Geomancers have free AoE and status, as well as decent equipment options. That makes them a crummy version of Black Mage? I think not. Their skills are also instant and free to use. Mediators being useless? Sure, if you count having an army of 97 Brave units useless and the ability to crush things with the spellguns useless. Dancers and Bards have always had magic-ish abilities. Look at the main FF series. Look at D&D. It's a trope. Why would FFT break that? Having to have Item as a skillset was likely for balance purposes. Imagine if everyone could spam
Elixirs and X-Potions without having to invest any JP.

17. Again, balance reasons. Further, why would a Thief wear heavy equipment? It would impede their movement and stealth. Why would an Archer be able to use robes? Have you ever tried climbing things in a robe? Not easy.

18. Rafa gets to use the stone (albeit indirectly) to revive Malak.

19. Algus always had a bad attitude, you can see that when he talks to Dycedarg and at Sweegy Woods. Him deciding to screw over people to reclaim his family's honor should really have come at no surprise.

20. Zalbag is a noble and a tactician. From a tactical standpoint, why would you let a leader of a terrorist organization get away with their crimes just because a lowborn girl was in front of him. In war, sacrifices are made. People die. It's just how it is. He likely realized this and carried out that order.

21. Random battles were with monsters. With monsters being that common, how do these people have time to declare wars? In fact why even need a war for enough bloodshed to summon Ultima back? just walk around a bit and kill monsters or just manipulate one side into dedicating part of their army to the erradication of monsters to make the world safe? Seems like a much smarter move as then you are avoiding suspicion since it seems everyone in the game knew there was something else causing the war.

22. Plot armor.

23. No, he paid the thieves to prevent Agrias and co. from rescuing Ovelia, who he needed for his game of thrones. Recall that the Save Ovelia plotline came before the Evil Church plotline.

24. The ending is left ambiguous because sometimes, things are a lot more fun without having all of the answers. It's a lot more fun to think and theorycraft than be forcefed everything. FFT wasn't designed like a lot of games are today.

25. Ramza ordering milk from a bar was just a small way of showing that he wasn't a typical warrior. He has a softer heart than them.

Anything else you wish to complain about? :v
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Quote from: Eternal on October 08, 2013, 07:35:19 pm
Anything else you wish to complain about? :v


Why isn't this topic in Spam?

I miss spam :(
  • Modding version: PSX


"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


I didn't like like the slowdown about FFT.

Oh wait, that was WotL.

I seriously don't get the point of this topic, I didn't even read Philogosten's post because the reasons I noticed with the blink of an eye: "11. Alma. Everything about Alma annoys me." and "25. Ramza orders milk at a bar.", showed me this wasn't even worth my time.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


ok, my turn!

1. ok, this I kinda agree with, but there needed to be a way to remove Ramza permanantly, else he'd be less "behind the scenes"

2.  Delita was amazing, and is easily one of my favourite characters.  He's second only to Ramza for character growth.  Think of him less as a generic asshole (see: Algus), and more along the lines of someone who didn't want to see his sister's death in vain.

3.There's really no way she could be playable...unless someone wants to write a Delita Mode script...

4. "generics unable to obtain special classes"....what would make them special, then?

5.  Once a party member joins your team, they're removed form the storyline...that way if you reject them/tell 'em to fsck off, it doesn't cause a glitch.

6. Actually, Meliadoul would be a more apt comparison.  You know Knightblade is just a fancy Knight with innate Eq: Lance, right?  Honestly, I'd rather have Meliadoul (who only comes after you because Izlude is dead)

7. how many characters do you need?  my god, I'm playing WotL, and I have characters still at L1 in CH4...

8. fsck Cloud.

9.  I always saw Lancers as garbage, honestly - mostly because you can't see when they'll land until they jump...

10. he's less interesting because he's less developed to begin with.  He's young, remember, Zalbag was old.  Honestly, I find Zalbag kinda dull: he seems, personalitywise, a lot like Agrias...

11. what's not to like about an adorable tomboy?  Seriously.  She's Meliadoul without weapons.  Same loyalty to family, same bullheadedness...

12. Miluda didn't want to run the second time - she chose "victory or death".

13. Ramza: If you see T.G. Cid, can you give him a message for me?
Olan: What do you need of the duke?
Ramza: my father once told me he's the only man he could trust

...seem like a bad slashfic character still?

14. see: 5.  can't make Agrias interact with Meliadoul if she could be long gone by then.

15. do you REALLY think that a mere mortal would be in that close with the Lucavi?  Seriously?  Mel and Izlude didn't even know about Vormav, there's no other way than "they're really demons"

16.  Geomancer was a way for a melee character with a meh MA (and, therefore, no way to utilize Black effectively) to poke and possibly fling around status.  I commonly used it to KO enemies with low HP.  MEdiator has free instand status effects.  Mime + Dancer/Bard/Calc is OP.  Calc sucked, but Math is so broken that it's actually banned in WotL multiplayer.

17.  most games have this, not just FF.  in DnD, sure - your wizard can equip heavy armour...just don't expect him to be able to cast worth a shit.  Think of it less as "I'm not physically capable of weilding this", and more like "naw, I'll pass."

18. Why would Ramza WANT to after seeing what they do?  besides, you need to be corrupt to use 'em (excluding th Rafa exception).  Hence why Dycedarg was a vessel.  Altima, being so powerful, needed a virgin sacrifice, hence, Alma.  troublesome, but a truly pure soul.

19. Algus always hated Delita - look at the way he talks down to him whenever they interact.
Delita: well, this is more interesting than guarding a castle
Algus: Some of us would rather not be ripped to shreds by monsters

20. look at the interactions before Zalbag leaves - it's entirely possible he didnt' SEE Ramza, and saw his course of actions as the only route.

21. so I'm playing through Fire Emblem, and I get the occasional stage of nothing but bandits.  What the hell, how can there be a huge war between nobles going on when bandits are so prolific?  you'd think they'd be spending all their time fighting off bandits, and have no time to fight each other.

22. I agree with most other people on this.  either plot armour, or Zalbag's a weak little tactician.

23. see: every other answer post.  he's trying to keep Gaffy away from Ovelia, because they have the same plan.

24. the ending CAN'T explain anything.  Ramza was wiped from history, remember?  the whole thing was written by Olan?  if that's the last time he saw Ramza/Alma, how could he know what happened to 'em?  As for Beowulf/Reis, etc., see my answer #5.  again.  Unless you want a Fire Emblem styled panel to read with a quick blurb about people you recruited, but I hate those, personally.

25.  a parody.  obviously, as the barkeep calls him on it.  Look at any other game, and you'll see people go to a bar and order either milk, or tea.  They'll then subsequently act drunk off that milk or tea.  Ramza's what? 18 in CH4?  you can't have an 18 year old buy booze in a NA release, where you need to be 19/21 to drink.

...did I do good?  let's see how many people we can do this.

honestly, man -  "I love this game, except the people, the storyline, and the classes suck".  what else is there?


Not to mention that 20 is the legal drinking age in Japan, so he'd be underage there, as well.

Though I do have a save where Ramza is 47. I was bored and wanted to laugh at Orinas being too young to take the throne in his mid-20s. Orlandu is OLD.
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


I like the responses, though I do not agree with them all it is nice to see people talking about this game. Now I was going to go through and reply to all the replies but I'm kind of lazy :P
I think that despite our opinions on certain points however that we can all agree that this game never lived up to it's full potential, which is why I love that there are tools to mod it to allow people to try to fix up the game and they are all very user friendly too which makes it easier. Though some aspects we wont be able to change currently like more than 9 unique sprites on the field at once. All that said., still this is one of the best games of all time.
Now taking bets on which kills me first. lung cancer or liver failure


The original FFT is too great a piece of art to deserve so many silly criticisms.  I mean, really it's like you just don't like the fact that the people who made the game weren't clones of you.

And that is only referring to the criticisms that made sense.  Take number 15 for example.  You're pretty sure them being ultima demons wasn't part of the original story?  First of all everything about the story is incredibly complex, and it's writer was a genius, so there is no logic behind that assumption.  Furthermore the marquis was in the story from the beginning, the holy stones appeared very early, and the whole turn over from Dicedarg's plans to the demon's plans is smooth, gradual, and rooted in the plot from the beginning.  You can not have that smooth a transition without careful planning.  Obviously you are not a writer.

Sorry if that sounded harsh, it's not intended to be.  Of course there is nothing wrong with having your opinions.  I just don't agree with you.

So, if those are the things you didn't like about the game, what did you like about it?


Nothing is above criticism. Your post starts with a strawman and then proceeds to just talk about how genius the game is even though it is full of cliches and various problems. If you think the writing was genius then you must not read much. It was not smooth nor gradual. It literally jammed in the holy stones plot point in the meeting with Draclau (basically telling the player at that point not to trust the guy since his name is just a slightly different spelling of "Dracula".) It did not feel fluid or natural.

"Obviously not a writer" - I am a writer, that is how I pay my rent (1250 a month, friggin SoCal) So clearly I am not bad at it when it is my only job and yet I make enough to pay my rent, various bills and for groceries.
Now taking bets on which kills me first. lung cancer or liver failure


You wouldnt believe the crap the sells. Not saying you are a bad writer. Though to say you must be good at it based on that being your source of income doesn't really say as much as you're thinking it should.

Anyway. Yeah definately moving this to Spam after work.
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QuoteAnyway. Yeah definately moving this to Spam after work.

Beat ya to it.

QuoteYou wouldnt believe the crap the sells

That's a good point...
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* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


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I'm pretty sure the Lucavi are actually political conspirators from the distant past who used the Zodiac Stones and the bodily forms of the demons/espers in order to attain a sort of pseudo immortality such that they might continue to work their desires in the world, making the whole demon thing an actual extension of the political intrigue the rest of the game is built on, and a natural result of of a world setting in which magic is a real thing?

Consider: the plot of Vagrant Story as being somewhat like this with all the fat trimmed away


Well there is something there that does not make sense. Continuing your life via trapping your soul in a magic stone? Sure for sake of argument lets say they did that. How come then later they needlessly endanger their lives and in other cases end their lives all in order to bring back a rather weak Lucavi who wants to destroy everything? Politicians are all about profit and there is nothing profitable about that. Ultima is not very tough and he/she has goals of her/his own which seem to be about destroying the world which is not what any politician wants since then what would they be able to rule and have power over if everything is gone? Even their plan to resurrect Ultima was pretty much the worst way to go about achieving their goals as it brought tons of suspicion on them and bad planning is what caused their plan to fail. Now there could have been a reason for why they did it that way and maybe just because of time constraints they had to cut it (cutting content because of time constraints is very common in video games but even more so in the Final Fantasy franchise.) or it could just be that they did not figure most would think about it.
Now taking bets on which kills me first. lung cancer or liver failure


I think your questions show that didn't understand the game or its plot.  You say the plot was bad and had so many holes due to budget and time restraints.

"Bad planning is what caused their plan to fail."  So in other words, if the Lucavi had planned things better (ie. the story was better written and hadn't been cut short) then the Lucavi would have won and... there would have been no way for the player to beat the game?  I mean it sounds like you're saying better planning would have caused their plan to succeed.

"How come then later they needlessly endanger their lives and in other cases end their lives all in order to bring back a rather weak Lucavi who wants to destroy everything?"

Ultima had like 999999 HP... the only way you can beat the game is by either metagaming or using Cid and Agrias.  And... are you telling me you don't understand why a demon would want to destroy everything?  Because that would be even dumber than not liking Alma for no reason at all.

"what would they be able to rule and have power over if everything is gone?"  I think you are confused.  Don't you remember Weigraf's speech about no longer caring about his ideals and only wanting to bathe in blood and destruction?  Maybe you just didn't read the dialogues carefully enough.  I don't think there were any plot holes, only plot points that you missed because you spammed the O button too fast just to get through the game or spent hours power leveling and forgot what was even going on in the story.

If you think you're a good writer because you're able to make a living out of it... then what about FFT's writer?  I think you're just jealous because he's a more successful writer than you, and by your own standards therefore a better writer than you.


My only complain is that Altima is way too easy.
and this topic.

Go make a fanpatch about cloud and sephiroth, you fanboy! (oh wait :P)
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Ultima is a learnable move for Ramza

Altima is the final boss of FFT
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