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First Impressions/Questions

Started by fin7710, April 06, 2013, 10:52:05 am


First off, great work.  I can't imagine the amount of time it took to create this.  This is really an original game built out of the components of the old game, not just a hacked up version of the original.  What really surprised me is the attention to detail.  All sprites run smoothly, there's no colors flashing when a sprite moves in a cut scene.  When characters sit up/down, there's no flashing, or missing animation.  Visiting the Bar/Shop/Soldier office even shows all 5 of your characters in the background, and it's well drawn too.  No sprite (at least that I've seen yet) has felt out of place or forced.  To everyone involved, excellent job.

Now for my questions.  This may be a little early to be asking this, but is there a job tree for this game?  I've reached 5 with my base class for each character, and no new jobs have opened up.  I've seen Knight/Ranger/Beastmaster/Wizard jobs on enemies, but are these ever available from the base class?  Do I need to switch to Chemist to unlock these?  Any chance we could see the job tree, or did you intentionally leave this off the forum? 

I've also noticed enemy levels scale to meet your character's.  Are the enemies scaling on the average level of my group, or on the highest level character in my group.  I had Snake a couple levels ahead of the rest of my team and the enemies seem to be scaling to his level.  I'd really like to know how this works internally. 


Yes, there is a job "lung" for Jot5. I'm not sure if I'm the right person to guide you about this though. Of course, you'd have to try other jobs like Chemist to find out. ;)
Jot5 GFX Designer :: Spriter :: Mitchi


There is a Job Tree, but it's not made public.  If you're checking out the Jobs on your Guests and such you'll be able to see the requirements of up to Tier-3 Jobs.  HINT: Every Job except Base and Chemist requires at least levels in 2 other Jobs to unlock.

Enemies all scale to meet the level of the highest character in your party by default.  If you have characters that fall too far behind in level, pitstop for some Random Battles and try to get the ones who've fallen behind to catch up.


Have Some question
- Move-Find item always 100% success?
- All 5 hero can change to other job like whitemage ? or i should hire new char from town????
FFT Lover from Thailand


Move Find Item is always 100% and will always grant you an item useful on your quest as long as it is your first time visiting that map.

All members of the Five can Job Change just like in Vanilla as long as you meet the Job Requirements needed to unlock a particular Job.  There's nothing stopping you from making Snake a Wizard or Dante a Priest, for example, aside from maybe their low Faith scores.


I think this is the spot for this.... Just wanted to give you guys a shout out and say this patch is INCREDIBLE. With all of the changes you guys have made, as well as the continuity you have established, I honestly feel like I am playing a true-blue sequel to the game we all know and love. You. Guys. Rock.


Glad to hear you're enjoying the game.  A lot of work went into the small details of the story and getting them to both mesh well together and function correctly on a technical level, as well as into the battle system to make it stand out and feel like a different game from the original without anything that feels like it couldn't have been in the original game.

I'm sure not everyone agrees we succeeded on making everything "mesh" well, but we're happy with how we finally decided to present things and it seems like the majority of players who've actually left a comment about the game are too.  Can't be unhappy about that.


Hey, just want to shout out to all you guys and say that this patch was an absolute blast to play through!

Love the Marks idea and, quite frankly wish that I could do half of this stuff for the psp version! Really looking forward to chapters 2-4 and hope you guys enjoy making them (realise that these things can be a pain in the backside/ a chore sometimes!)

Quick question though: will the following chapters be seperate patches or will it be Jot5 chapters 1 and 2 together, and eventually the whole thing as one patch?

There's no particular reason for the question, just nosiness really! Thanks again guys!

p.s it was mentioned in a different thread that royalguard wouldnt work barehanded due to ASM issues. Just out nf curiousity, what was the conflict/ problem?

P.p.s SNAAAAAKE was just brilliantly implemented - still dont know why I didnt see it coming though!
  • Modding version: WotL


Dante's left hand would allow him to use Royalguard skills since it counts as a Fist weapon.  Since the point of Dante is to emulate Devil May Cry 3 (Where he can only use 1 Devil Style at a time and can't switch between them mid-fight), Barehanded Royalguard had to be scrapped.

As of right now, the plan is for Chapter 1 and 2 to be one Disk, then Chapter 3 and 4 will each have their own Disks for the sake of ensuring there's enough room for bonus content and whatever stupidity we feel like throwing in there.  Barring something stupid happening, your Save File will be able to carry over without issue between each Chapter.


Cool sounds great! I have to admit, I feel the need to play DMC3 again (dont have a file anymore and have already 100% it from scratch about 4 or 5 times!)

This patch has just made me want to play all the 'source' games again! Thanks for all the hard work as well - I'm sure I speak for all the fans/ players when I say we all love it and can't wait for an update!
  • Modding version: WotL


lol when I started this nearly 2 years ago, I never expected this many people to even play it. Thank you all for your feedback.
  • Modding version: PSX


Well, that was foolish of you then! Quite frankly, the only thing you'd need to make the whole thing perfect IMO would be for Ashley Riot to be an extra/ optional character.

Very subtle of me, right? :D
  • Modding version: WotL


It's funny that you mention that, since Ashley was scripted to be in Jot5 at the beginning. As were Alucard, Marche, Rei (bof3) as well as Crono. But it was waaaay to much, and the game would never have worked with them as main characters (number wise). But you never know, we may have some optional characters at some point ;)

*also very subtle*
  • Modding version: PSX


Rei would be interesting, although getting his were tiger spritd to work could be interesting (suppose that you could just edit a werewolf sprite, I guess?)

How the hell you'd work Alucard I don't know (in terms of transformations - suppose you could just do a combination of magic and swordskill-type stuff?)

Anyway, back on topic, I'mma go grind me some generics and then harvest their souls for The 5 to get some more skills. Is that cheap/ cheesing of me? probably! Oh well! :D
  • Modding version: WotL


April 19, 2013, 12:50:47 am #14 Last Edit: April 20, 2013, 10:36:40 am by scbw1234
What do you do to make specific character unbootable?like the 5 main character in this game.


kyo - thats not cheap at all, and it's one of the reasons that enemies only turn into crystals in this game.

scbw - Custom Made ASM :P I believe it is in Choto's ASM thread though
  • Modding version: PSX


Impression: It seems like a professional work.  d(ºoº)b

I am a fan of your work since the demo thing. That beginning with the encounter between Cloud and Sephirot (Amazing) and the Dante's fight against those monsters (incredible) was very promissing. But you went much more far whit all this titanic work. I mean, all this thing is the result of months of work!

I bow before your dedication, guys. And i can say that it was worth.



Incredibly excellent; 20x better than I was hoping for to be honest. Not sure how this was on release, but the patch I just downloaded today is playing beautifully, haven't had any issues at all so far
(up to the Bandit fight where you get Agrias in vanilla)
The 'Journals' and 'Letters' in the 'Brave Story' were an incredible touch, too, thanks for adding those in, I enjoyed reading them.

I do think Snake's Tear Gas should be small AoE though, but that's probably just me. I don't envision grenades of any sort being focused in one spot. (flash bangs, frags, etc.) However, for a free spell combined with his 5 Move, I really can't complain, especially since Snake is my MVP so far. I like the first bit I played, but I sort of wished I had some method of healing other than Potions/Cheer Up. Maybe Song of Healing could heal a small bit?

Really good job though, and I'm looking forward to finishing what I started tomorrow.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Holographic #1363


May 15, 2013, 08:23:25 am #18 Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 12:34:27 pm by kyozo22
Hey, quick question: How the hell do the redguard skills work? I've learned the moves JP wise but when I go to use the Red Magic command it says that I haven't learned any combo moves? Not entirely sure whats the deal with that?

Oh, and lastly, what particular sprite needs editing for the formation screen sprite to change?
  • Modding version: WotL


The Redguard skillset isn't flagged correctly.  It'll be fixed in the next release.  You can learn whatever skills you want and you'll be able to use them normally once the new update is out.

Formation Screen data is stored in UNIT.BIN and WLDFACE.BIN.

MountainDew~, you want a bit more healing, unlock Knight and Priest.  The Five are awesome but it's still FFT, they can't do everything alone.