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ST4R's Minecraft Server

Started by st4rw4k3r, February 28, 2012, 11:43:15 pm


Hey star, the server appears to be down. Just thought you should know.
In life, you have to keep a sharp mind and a sharper tongue.


Mister Lwinter has "left" his computer at my house. I'm currently installing ubuntu server and will move it to Lwinter's computer.
The Server will be a lot faster, imagine when I stuck in on my Personal computer, except without the slight lag due to my torrents. This will be extremely faster than the older server, and I would have to try to kill the server, instead of accidentally doing such.
The server shall be up really soon.

Enjoy the new server, when its up!


Ah, good. Just wanted to clear that up. Can't wait to see.
In life, you have to keep a sharp mind and a sharper tongue.


Well then....
As if I needed this to happen....
So I was moving the server data over from server a to server b via usb
After I copied the data over I formated the drive from server a and made it an HDD since I had an adapter for it.
Now I then installed ubuntu server on server b and when that was done I plugged in the usb, and behold no files.... Apparently the tool I was using to copy the data over could not read the file type the usb stick was formated to, my personal favourite, NTFS. Anyway luckily I saved a copy of it on my pc, and luckily I copied it over to an HDD before I installed ubuntu 11.10 on it. So server b is now running a slightly older copy of the server.... How old? Well about as old as when I put the server on my Personal Computer. So Benvic95, you know all Saturday we worked on our secret base, yeah well its not there now.... I have yet another task to do.

If any of you find that something you made is not there, please tell me, I will either remake it for you, or give you the items to do so.

I am very sorry this happened. I can't believe it did myself. Now I'm going to bed, and will work on the server later.

Goodnight, and enjoy the backup server....


Well that's just... dandy. I just got the two stacks of sugarcane we needed again too. Figures.
In life, you have to keep a sharp mind and a sharper tongue.


The server's down brosky. Planned or not?
In life, you have to keep a sharp mind and a sharper tongue.



St4r has updated us to 1.2.3!
And the mods should be working!

Enjoy your mods kids!


Updated, can't log into the server. Wat.  :shock:
In life, you have to keep a sharp mind and a sharper tongue.


Nevermind that last post....
It seems we are still on 1.1 because I can only download the recommended builds of Bukkit at the moment. What we want are the non recommended builds so that I can have you all run on 1.2.3


MAKE UP YOUR MIND :evil:  Jk star, I'm not mad.
In life, you have to keep a sharp mind and a sharper tongue.


My mind? We shall stick to 1.1 until I can get a working API build of Bukkit 1.2.3

Heres the link to the build we want: http://repo.bukkit.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?g=org.bukkit&a=bukkit&v=LATEST&r=snapshots

as it stands from this posts time it was posted the build thats up is:
this build does not work.


In life, you have to keep a sharp mind and a sharper tongue.


I forgot to sudo the server to run, so it was just sitting there timing out.
Its back up. Really sorry for that!



These aren't of the server but I have a few screenshots of Minecraft I took a while back and thought might be interesting.


Happy to have the server back up, but the commands appear to not work again. Sorry to keep pestering you.
In life, you have to keep a sharp mind and a sharper tongue.


I do know that such is a problem at the moment. if you were to type /pl it will show you the active mods.
Essentials is mod we use for your extra commands. You will notices by typing /pl essentials shows as red text meaning it is not compatible with the server or is simply not working.

I do not care to fix this at the moment, since I am waiting for the new bukkit to come, which should happen very soon.

Enjoy 1.1 while you can! Mwhahaha!


Code (message) Select

import time

print "You have all waited..."
print "ST4R has searched..."
print "and played lots of iRO and CSS..."
print "Yet..."
print "ST4R has risen."
print "After getting bored..."
print "And updated the server"
print "Funnily though..."
print "It took more time to write this crappy Python script."
print "Than it did to update the server and get new plugins..."
print "Anyway...."
print "We have a few new things going on."
print "One being that our new height limit is 256."
print "So build those freaking towers little ones."
print "And remember-"
print "Enjoy the server!"
print " "
print " "
print " "
print " "
print " "
raw_input("Press Enter to quit...")


and then star said, "let there be server", and it was good. I've been playing with some mods while I waited for the server to update. Equivalent exchange and Inficraft to be exact. They're fun.
In life, you have to keep a sharp mind and a sharper tongue.


link me and I might get them :P


March 13, 2012, 12:28:38 am #39 Last Edit: March 13, 2012, 07:31:12 pm by benvic95
If you got one of them, I'd prefer inficraft. it's a big one though, as the name might suggest.
basically, you can craft tools and weapons out of anything, even cactus and slime.


Also, I made a vending machine for those who are low on food. It's right outside my house.
In life, you have to keep a sharp mind and a sharper tongue.