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Curse of the Viper Forum RPG - Capture Dat Flag!

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, May 10, 2011, 06:06:43 am


February 20, 2012, 09:08:31 pm #600 Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 04:56:44 pm by Durbs
"Jesus, Buliwyf, be careful!" Wesley calls over the comm after seeing his massive hit. Itching to help his allies avoid the ensuing slaughter but still understanding the task at hand, he sits patiently, allowing his meditative state to calm his nerves as it always did in combat situations. Taking a deep breath in, Wesley's cleared mind brings to his attention another thought: the canyons to the Northeast.

"We've only seen a fraction of their squad, guys; what if some of them decide to sneak over to us in the same way we're doing to them? Our right flank is weak, and if the Snap Dragons exploit that we're in trouble."

Coolly resuming his post after his comment, Wesley continues to scour the nearby canyons. (1-4)

1-2.  If any enemy seen (with the exception of Sieg), wait until within 21 spaces for the best possible shot and then fire at the exposed-pipe chest area.
3-4. Second shot under same conditions as the first
  • Modding version: PSX


1) Rellia throws a smoke cracker at L32, blocking Sieg's view of May
2) Rellia booster dashes at Sieg, breaking to take evasive if he attacks
3) Rellia takes evasive action

Rellia flips on the all chat, "I'll tear you apart, my dear, I'll rip you a new one darling, I'll suck you off my love! I see that weakened armor on your core, PREPARE TO DIE!"

4) Rellia takes more evasive action before attacking with a double-axe pincer blow to the head
5) Rellia attempts to not die, then waves her axes over the sand in front of her, turning it into glass


   Quentin is quite on the com, but his mind is turbulent. He would rather have been on Team Spear where the action is, but the lovely cyborg gal had wanted to keep it small and stealthy. He could not disagree with her decision. "Il n'y a pas de sot métier." He thinks, reminding himself that there is no dishonor guarding the flag.

   This transfer caught him completely off guard. Did Rasczak know about his desire to take over the Roughnecks? Had he made some mistake he had yet to be informed about? Why now? Why so suddenly?

   The Cobras seemed like a lively bunch and he had little doubt he could work well with them. However, the transfer still leaves him in the position of needing to prove himself all over again. And the best way to do that was to follow orders... for now...

1-5: Hold Action: Fire upon those who may be foolish enough to come into range, using 120mm machine gun. Aim for legs first to disable, using three successive bursts (9 rounds) per target, per action, until disabled. If all units in range are disabled and held Actions remain, aim for weapons to disarm, using one burst (3 rounds) per target, per action, until disarmed.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


"Heh, you know me Siegy, I always like to role-reverse!  Maybe once we're out of here you and I can have a nice little private sparring session for old time's sake?"  Switching to ally comm, Rin's tone changes completely. "Buliwyf, keep little Serenes pinned, I don't have thermal sensors to help without risking hurting you in the process.  Atrius, back me up.  I'm going to try to take out at least one of them.  Maybe you can try to finish off that one you crippled."  Rin charges her Zaku II along the fence and aims straight for the weak enemy Zaku I.  Raising her gun, she fires off multiple shots at the ill-equipped Snap Dragon.  Following it up on the close approach with multiple stabs of her Heat Sword.

Action 1-3; Move to J17->J10->Maxwell [Firing 120mm @ Maxwell with 21 Rounds] +Evasive Movement
Action 4-5; x2 Heat Sword slashes @ Maxwell


  Seeing the smoke cracker get tossed down, May pipes up on the public comm, "I think maybe she wants you all to herself, Sieg. Okay then, he's all yours Rellia!" she banters cheerfully. She gets back upright and retreats through the smokescreen (1-2) and settles herself nearby to the flag. (3) Back on the ally-only comm she states simply, "Unless they passed like strangers in the night on the West side already, I don't think we're going to see action over there in the immediate future. Lyra, Linear, keep your eyes peeled and trigger-fingers ready." May continues to watch her radar and sonar for a ping on the East side, ready to rain hell on any enemy units closing in. (4-5)

1-2: Stand and move to O37.
3: Take a knee.
4-5: Ready return fire on anything stupid enough to try and get into Team Shield's zone, firing Back Cannon as primary if possible.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


February 23, 2012, 06:27:32 pm #605 Last Edit: February 27, 2012, 02:07:54 am by RavenOfRazgriz
(Forcing the turns of both Leylande sisters since neither Vampragonlord or Mitsuru decided to post this round and an extra day has passed.)

----------Battle Pane Resolution----------

Team Spear Turn Resolution

"Heh, you know me Siegy, I always like to role-reverse!  Maybe once we're out of here you and I can have a nice little private sparring session for old time's sake?" Rin banters playfully with Sieg. 

"I'd love to, Rin!" Sieg replies, "But it appears I'm quite popular with the women lately!  I'm not sure if I'll have time!"

Rin quickly switches back to the ally comm, allowing Sieg's reply to sit for a moment. "Buliwyf, keep little Serenes pinned, I don't have thermal sensors to help without risking hurting you in the process.  Atrius, back me up.  I'm going to try to take out at least one of them.  Maybe you can try to finish off that one you crippled." 

Rin charges her Zaku II along the fence and aims straight for the weak enemy Zaku I, who has stepped out from behind his own building hiding-spot and seems complacent to merely fire his machine gun at Rin while standing in place.  Rin easily dodges his sluggish fire, peppering the ill-equipped Snap Dragon.  As she attempts to close in, however, another Zaku II steps out from around the mesa to Rin's northeast and unleashes his own burst of machine gun ammo, clearly a much better shot than Maxwell as he peppers Rin's Zaku despite her attempt to evade.  Breaking her attack, Rin throws her Shoulder Shield in front of her as she Booster Dashes backwards to hide behind the nearest building.

"You know what they say.  If you cant bring the fish to you, you go to the fish." Buliwyf muses to himself as he leaps forward, tackling Serenes into the building behind her.  He can hear the footsteps of Atrius' Zaku running past behind him as he reels in his winch, preparing to take down Serenes in hand-to-hand combat.  Her vulcans blare, peppering the head of Buliwyf's Zaku as he Serenes' Heat Sword arm and reaches for her head with the other.  Her shield-bearing arm reaches, attempting in vain to stop Buliwyf as he begins crushing her head, the live-firing vulcan rounds exploding while still inside their clip and taking Serenes' head unit with them.

"Damnit!" Serenes curses over the general comm, using her Zaku to knee Buliwyf's in a desperate attempt to do anything to get him off her as he moves to his next target - her right arm.  He presses her against the building with the body of his Zaku II, gripping her own's right arm with both of his and begins to pull at it with all the mech-judo-might he can muster.  The light of Serenes' Heat Sword - one of the few things visible in the smoke, flickers as he pulls at her arm, showing that progress is clearly being made.  She grasps around with her Zaku's one free arm, her sensors now gone, eventually grabbing one of Buliwyf's Shoulder Shields and pulling at it.  Both seem to accomplish their goals simultaneously - Buliwyf's right Shoulder Shield tears off and rests in Serenes' left hand, but Buliwyf is now grasping her Zaku II's entire severed right arm with his own Zaku's hands.

Atrius, having left Serenes to Buliwyf, quickly runs up the path around the opposite side of the building to pincer-attack the remaining two Snap Dragons with Rin.  As he rounds the corner, he sees Chester's headless Zaku, now holding a Shotgun and trained in Atrius' general direction.  Chester fires upon hearing Atrius' Zaku round the corner, but his shot misses as Atrius rings a round from his Automatic Rifle directly into Chester's cockpit, sending his Zaku slumping onto its back.  By instinct, Atrius quickly begins running back to the path he had taken, intent on hiding behind the building in case reinforcements for Chester were nearby.  His training in this regard is well-spent - as he disappears behind the building, a cannon shot smashes against it, taking a chunk of the building out and clearly having enough force to blow apart a Zaku in a single hit.  Atrius is able to peek around the corner for a moment and see what had fired the round - Suranai's Zaku Cannon.

Team Shield Turn Resolution

Seeing a Smoke Cracker from Rellia get tossed down, May pipes up on the public comm. "I think maybe she wants you all to herself, Sieg. Okay then, he's all yours Rellia!" she banters cheerfully. She gets back upright and retreats through the smokescreen and settles herself nearby to the flag.

Wesley, itching to help his allies avoid the ensuing slaughter but still understanding the task at hand, sits patiently, allowing his meditative state to calm his nerves as it always did in combat situations. Taking a deep breath in, Wesley's cleared mind brings to his attention another thought: the canyons to the Northeast. "We've only seen a fraction of their squad, guys; what if some of them decide to sneak over to us in the same way we're doing to them? Our right flank is weak, and if the Snap Dragons exploit that we're in trouble."

Echoing the same thought, May gets back on the ally comm, "Unless they passed like strangers in the night on the West side already, I don't think we're going to see action over there in the immediate future. Lyra, Linear, keep your eyes peeled and trigger-fingers ready." May continues to watch her radar and sonar for a ping on the East side, ready to rain hell on any enemy units closing in.

"Il n'y a pas de sot métier." Quentin thinks to himself, lamenting a bit on not being on the fighting front with Team Spear and mulling over his own strange situation, where he seems to have gone from the top of the barrel all the way to the bottom.  The Leylande sisters keep trained on their respective pathways, their own trigger fingers becoming itchy with stress and anticipation.

The same thought seems to echo through the minds of everyone on Team Shield as they continue to watch all fronts, not detecting any movement - Where is the enemy team?

Team Bear Trap Turn Resolution

Rellia switches out one of her Heat Hawks for a Smoke Cracker for a moment to cover May in some smoke, allowing her to retreat before re-drawing the Heat Hawk and staring down Sieg.  "I'll tear you apart, my dear, I'll rip you a new one darling, I'll suck you off my love! I see that weakened armor on your core, PREPARE TO DIE!"

She charges forward, Sieg matching her charge with his shield raised.  Rellia deftly dodges to the side at the last moment though, causing Sieg's Heat Sword strike to hit the dirt.  She comes down on him with one of her own Heat Hawks, aiming for his head to try and take him out of the battle quickly.  His reaction time is as quick as her thinking, however, as he twists his Zaku's arm to spin his Heavy Shield defensively against her incoming blow, Rellia's Heat Hawk becoming stuck inside the thick armor of the shield.  As she attempts to pull it out, Sieg bursts forward, smashing into her with his Heavy Shield and causing her to lose her grip on her stuck Heat Hawk as her Gouf stumbles and nearly falls onto its back.  Rellia's barely able to maintain her balance as Sieg begins blasting at her with some vulcan ammo, though he seems to change his mind and not go for the kill right away, stopping his vulcan fire and maintaining his position.

"Now this is more like it, Rellia!" Sieg says enthusiastically, shifting his Zaku into its usual defensive stance. "You almost had me with that one! I hope you've got a few more tricks than that up your sleeve, though!"

Objective: Obtain the Snap Dragon Corps.' Flag and return it to your base while your own Flag remains!
Bonus Objective: Don't die!
Weather: Daytime, Clear.
Terrain: Surface, Desert.

(For a version without effects, click here!) Added the new effect image. - Celdia

(Tip: Stick together!  Teamwork is pivotal to success!  Remember that you're fighting against skilled, competent opponents out to kill you just as much as you're out to kill them!)

(Notes: The fences that surround the urban areas of each base are only knee high.  They can be walked over easily, without consuming an additional Action.  Moving at a running speed will require you take an Action to perform a hop to get other them, and you cannot Booster Dash through them.  Alternatively, you could smash them...  The water sections are all deep to nearly but not quite knee level.  Unless you're knocked prone while inside the water, it does not inhibit movement at all.  The rocks are Plateaus, taller than your Mobile Suit.  You can climb up onto any Plateau with 2 Actions, or use a Booster Jump to get up onto them more quickly at the expense of being more visible and consuming Booster Jump Fuel.)

(Time Limit: This Battle Pane closes at 6:30 PM on Saturday.)

Snap Dragon Corps.:

Sieg Raus - Status: Alive!
MS-05S Zaku I Commander Type [Sieg Raus Use.]
Head: Single Vulcan
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes
Right Hand: Heat Sword
Left Forearm: Heavy Shield
Right Hip Clamp: 105mm Machine Gun

Note: One of Rellia's Heat Hawks is stuck to the bottom of his Heavy Shield.

Nagatsu Suranai - Status: Alive!
MS-06K Zaku Cannon
Back: Back Cannon System

Christoph Penta - Status: Alive!

Serenes Heathraid - Status: Alive!
MS-06F Zaku II
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Shield
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Spike
Left Forearm: Heavy Shield
Back Hip Clamp: Smoke Crackers

Note: Head destroyed! Right arm torn off!

Ballack Samson - Status: Alive!

Cronus Shatterfield - Status: Alive!
MS-06F Zaku II
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Shield
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun

Henry Von Eliono Travasky the 3rd - Status: Alive!

Chester Godsen - Status: Dead!
MS-06F Zaku II
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Shield
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes
Right Hand: Shotgun
Left Hand: Empty

NOTE: Head destroyed!

Maxwell Waller - Status: Alive!
MS-05B Zaku I
Right Shoulder: Empty
Left Shoulder: Empty
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun
Left Hand: Doublehanding 120mm Machine Gun

Cobra Corps.:

Atrius Schliend - "The Viper"
MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type [Atrius Schliend Use.]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 40.
Sensor Active: Thermal.
Cloak Active: None.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Booster Dash Range: 4.
Head: None.
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Shield - HP: 12.
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes - Power: 8.
Right Hand: 120mm Automatic Rifle - Ammo: 9.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 120mm Automatic Rifle.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Automatic Rifle.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 4.

Lyra Leylande
RRF-06 Zanny
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 42.
Sensor Active: Thermal.
Cloak Active: None.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Booster Dash Range: 4.
Head: Dual Head Vulcan - Ammo: 200.
Right Shoulder: None.
Left Shoulder: None.
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 99.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 120mm Machine Gun.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Low-Recoil Cannon.
Back Hip Clamp: 120mm Low-Recoil Cannon.

May Greenfield
MS-06K Zaku Cannon ["Merrygate"]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 42.
Sensor Active: Sonar.
Cloak Active: None.
Booster Jump Fuel: N/A.
Booster Dash Range: 2.
Head: Single Head Vulcan - Ammo: 100.
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Shield - HP: 12.
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Shield - HP: 12.
Back: Back Cannon System - Ammo: 7.
Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 3.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 280mm Bazooka.
Front Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Front Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 175mm Mazella Top Cannon
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: 175mm Mazella Top Cannon - Ammo: 8.

Buliwyf Herger
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 22.
Sensor Active: None.
Cloak Active: None.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Booster Dash Range: 4.
Head: None.
Right Shoulder: None.
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Shield - HP: 12.
Right Hand: Serenes' Zaku II's Right Arm.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding Serenes' Zaku II's Right Arm.
Left Forearm: Worker Zaku Forearm Crane.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for Shotgun.
Left Hip Clamp: Shotgun - Ammo: 8.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk ["Skinning Blade"].

Rellia Lunar
YMS-07A Gouf Prototype
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 32.
Sensor Active: Thermal.
Cloak Active: Sonar.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Booster Dash Range: 5.
Head: None.
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes Kai - Power: 11.
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes Kai - Power: 11.
Right Hand: None.
Left Hand: Heat Hawk.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: Smoke Crackers - Ammo: 2.

Renae "Rin" Heathraid - "The Mad Mare"
MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type [Renae "Rin" Heathraid Use.]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 33.
Sensor Active: None.
Cloak Active: None.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Booster Dash Range: 5.
Head: Single Head Vulcan - Ammo: 100.
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Shield - HP: 4.
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes - Power: 8.
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 99.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 120mm Machine Gun.
Front Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Left Hip Clamp: Cracker Grenades - Ammo: 2.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Sword.

Wesley Tress
MS-06F Zaku II
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 40.
Sensor Active: Sonar.
Cloak Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Booster Dash Range: 4.
Head: None.
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Shield - HP: 12.
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes - Power: 8.
Right Hand: 175mm Mazella Top Cannon - Ammo: 7.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 175mm Mazella Top Cannon.
Right Hip Clamp: Shotgun - Ammo: 8.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for Shotgun.
Back Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 175mm Mazella Top Cannon.

Quentin Bouteillevoix
MS-06F Zaku II
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 40.
Sensor Active: Sonar.
Cloak Active: None.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Booster Dash Range: 4.
Head: Single Head Vulcan - Ammo: 100.
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Shield - HP: 12.
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes - Power: 8.
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 99.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 120mm Machine Gun.
Front Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for Shotgun.
Front Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Left Hip Clamp: Shotgun - Ammo: 8.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk.

Linear Leylande
MS-05B Zaku I
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 35.
Sensor Active: None.
Cloak Active: None.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Booster Dash Range: 4.
Head: None.
Right Shoulder: None.
Left Shoulder: None.
Right Hand: 105mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 100.
Right Forearm: Heavy Shield - HP: 20. Contains Heat Sword?: Yes.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 105mm Machine Gun.
Left Forearm: Worker Zaku Forearm Crane.
Right Hip Clamp: Sturm Faust - Ammo 2.
Left Hip Clamp: Sturm Faust - Ammo: 2.
Back Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 105mm Machine Gun.


Wesley is starting to get uncomfortable with Team Shield's silence on this side. Where could they all be? he muses to himself.

"Something's wrong, guys. We haven't seen any offensive activity here and I'm starting to get worried. They knew the terrain beforehand, so could they know something we don't?" he asks unusually calmly over the allied comm.

1-2.  If any enemy seen (with the exception of Sieg), wait until within 21 spaces for the best possible shot and then fire at the exposed-pipe chest area.
3-4. Second shot under same conditions as the first
  • Modding version: PSX


  "I don't know that something is wrong per se, but I do worry that they might have their entire team on the defensive right now." May says with no little concern, "Hey, Spear! We're not seeing any action back here yet! I hope you aren't about to run afoul of their entire force over there." Reorienting herself to a more Western position, May scans the skies to the North as best she can in case of the enemy somehow managing high-altitude booster jumping without being detected otherwise, ending facing to the West. (1-3) "Executor, move to the East side here and back up the Leylande sisters. I'll keep an eye on that corridor you've got now." She says leveling her bazooka to the West and readying her Back Cannon to fire on any incoming enemy units. (4-5)

1-3: Get up and move to M39, kneeling again there.
4-5: Unleash hell if enemy is spotted.

Edited because I thought I had put myself somewhere else last turn.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


February 24, 2012, 02:06:02 am #608 Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 03:40:46 pm by Randomname
In public comm.  "Oh Siegy... You know the one thing I don't do well is sharing."  Back to ally-only.  "Buliwyf, think you can finish off Serenes?  I'm going to try to finish off that Zaku I myself.  Let's regroup behind these buildings and see if we can't lure them out to us."  With that, Rin briefly buzzes out of her cover to hail the Zaku I with more generous rounds, before quickly speeding back into cover.  Answering Team Shield, "Don't worry Shield, I think we have this covered.  It looks like both their Offense and Defense was hanging around at their flag.  We fell into a bit of a trap but I think we've got it.  If we fall, the way should be wide open for a couple of you to get the flag."

Action 1-3 ; Move forward, shoot Maxwell with 15 rounds mg. +Evasion
Action 4-5 ; Return to F11, ready to evade incoming reaction fire.


   "With pleasure, ma'am." Quentin replies quickly to May's order. (1) Despite his troubled mind, he is still very much aware of the situation at hand and he moves accordingly. From his new position, he has a significantly wider range of sight, but that does not stop him from paying attention to his sonar.

   He cannot help but frown a bit upon hearing some of the banter going on over the public comm and he is strongly tempted to speak up. However, now is not the time, so he merely files it away mentally for later use.

1: Move to W-40
2-5: Hold Action: Fire upon those who may be foolish enough to come into range, using 120mm machine gun. Aim for legs first to disable, using three successive bursts (9 rounds) per target, per action, until disabled. If all units in range are disabled and held Actions remain, aim for weapons to disarm, using one burst (3 rounds) per target, per action, until disarmed.
Free: If at any time, an opponent is spotted and neither May nor Lyra point it out, say "I have one in my sights."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


February 24, 2012, 11:30:09 pm #610 Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 11:47:51 pm by Dunkelritter Luna
Rellia flips on all chat, cheerfully yelling, "ZIGGY MY LOVE! COME TO MEEEEEEEEE!" as she equally as cheerfully booster dashes to him, her heat hawk ready for lolzin.

1) Strike with the non-bladed side of the heat hawk
2) Evade and riposte if he takes the bait, striking at the shoulder
3a) If unsuccessful, block with the unequipped arm
3b) if successful, boost back one square, then rush back at him (without attacking)
4) Take evasive actions
5) Take evasive / defensive actions (whichever means less damage)


Buliwyf grunts at the sound of screaming metal, noting his right shoulder armor has been stripped away.  He reaches out and clamps his right hand down on the top of Serenes shield, using the increased leverage to force her arm back.  He raises her own torn-off arm overhead and whips it down to crush her now-extended elbow joint and then drops his left shoulder and slams forward into the body of her suit, hoping to crack the armor before his left fist slams forward to crush her cockpit.

1) Hyper-extend her left arm at the elbow
2) snap that shit off.
3) crack chestplate
4) crush cockpit
5) saved for defensive action, ideally pulling her between me and whatever incoming attack.


Lyra takes a few relaxing breathes, knowing that the enemies are either in their nearby "base" or on the other side of the field. She twitches her fingers a little, getting a bit antsy as she looks over at her team, clearly entwined in combat, and she's stuck waiting for an enemy that might be across the map waiting to ambush them. Knowing following orders to be much wiser then charging across the battlefield in a moment of weakness though, she cooly and calmly eases her mech over to the other side of her little box of rocks and leans her gun against the rocks. She then whips out her cannon, taking 1 step back from her spot and sights a lane across the corners of her box. She readies herself to open fire on the next thing to come across her sights, setting her targetting computer to also assist her. She eases her hand across the trigger a few times just waiting for the first thing dumb enough to come by.

1) Move to 037
2) Set sights on P36/Q35/R34/S33/T32
3-4) Unload 2 rounds, making sure target is still in sights before opening fire.
5) If anything should go wrong/enemy begins charging me/etc, break all actions, fall back to linear.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


February 26, 2012, 04:55:22 pm #613 Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 11:38:12 pm by Celdia
(You guys will likely all be glad to know that after some hunting, Celdia and I found a site that can host our effects-laden battle maps.  They come out to roughly 15 MB each, and will likely sit at 15-20 MB for the rest of the game since this game is conducive to larger maps.  Either way, many thanks to her, and enjoy your effect-laden maps!)

----------Battle Pane Resolution----------

Team Spear Turn Resolution

"Oh Siegy... You know the one thing I don't do well is sharing." Rin teases one final time before switching over to the ally comm. before switching back to ally-only.  "Buliwyf, think you can finish off Serenes?  I'm going to try to finish off that Zaku I myself.  Let's regroup behind these buildings and see if we can't lure them out to us."  With that, Rin briefly buzzes out of her cover to hail the Zaku I with more generous rounds, this time ready to dodge a hail of bullets from Cronus as she peppers Maxwell's weak machine.  It buckles from the attack, but somehow keeps barely standing as Rin retreats back to her hiding spot, using the rest of her Shoulder Shield to block some more better-placed machinegun rounds from Cronus.

"Pulling back." Atrius says as he pulls back behind the buildings with the others, "It looks like Suranai has a Zaku Cannon himself now.  We'll need to be careful."

Buliwyf, meanwhile, continues his visceral dismemberment and pounding of Serenes as the smoke around him dissipates, hyper-extending her remaining arm by using her Heavy Shield as leverage before using her own severed right arm to snap the elbow with an overhead strike.  He then deftly slams his left shoulder into her machine, smashing it against the building as his left fist punches the cockpit and silences the serious-toned woman for good.

As the three regroup behind their building, Cronus, Suranai, and the nearly-dead Maxwell can be heard shuffling around as well, clearly setting up their own defensive perimeter.

Team Shield Turn Resolution

Wesley shifts uncomfortably inside his cockpit, doing his best to keep his calm demeanor together as he continues scanning for enemies. "Something's wrong, guys. We haven't seen any offensive activity here and I'm starting to get worried. They knew the terrain beforehand, so could they know something we don't?"

"I don't know that something is wrong per se, but I do worry that they might have their entire team on the defensive right now." May says with no little concern, "Hey, Spear! We're not seeing any action back here yet! I hope you aren't about to run afoul of their entire force over there."

"Don't worry Shield, I think we have this covered." Rin replies, "It looks like both their Offense and Defense was hanging around at their flag.  We fell into a bit of a trap but I think we've got it.  If we fall, the way should be wide open for a couple of you to get the flag."

Hearing the reassuring news, May reorients herself to a more Western position and scans the skies to the North as best she can in case of the enemy somehow managing high-altitude booster jumping without being detected otherwise, ending facing to the West. "Executor, move to the East side here and back up the Leylande sisters. I'll keep an eye on that corridor you've got now." She says leveling her bazooka to the West and readying her Back Cannon to fire on any incoming enemy units.

"With pleasure, ma'am." Quentin replies quickly to May's order. Despite his troubled mind, he is still very much aware of the situation at hand and he moves accordingly, intent on grabbing a position with a much wider range of sight.

Lyra also takes the moment to shift back to May's old position, keeping an eye on the buildings to the west as she draws her 120mm Cannon into her left hand.  Her fingers twitch as she draws some deep breaths, resisting the urge to run across the battlefield and find the guys who their flag was apparently not good enough for them to attack.  She eyes the building, zooming in with her targeting computer and ready to fire.

Wesley continues scanning the area for enemies, and as his view turns towards the buildings, he notices something that very clearly was not there before - a Zaku I armed with an automatic rifle standing atop one of the roofs, using his gun to scan their camp as they shift around!  "Got one in sight!" Wesley calls to his allies as he pulls the trigger, though the Zaku I has clearly seen him as well and leaps from the building, causing the round to smash into the roof.

"One here, too!" Lyra calls back to the others, seeing a Zaku II peeking out from around the corner of one of the buildings with its machine gun.  She fires her cannon as it fires something from an underbarrel attachment at her, the cannon round smashing into the building beside it as the enemy Zaku's round lands a few paces from her feet and begins emitting smoke!  She readies herself for another shot, her thermal lighting up like a Christmas tree as machine gun rounds begin to pepper her through the smoke.  She takes a second cannon shot before pulling out, falling back toward Linear and away from the smoke. 

The Zaku that just attacked Lyra appears on both Wesley's and Quentin's Sonar for a brief moment before quickly disappearing again, allowing Wesley to take a shot that eats dirt and clearly cloaking itself.  As Quentin rounds the mesa into the open area, a second Sonar blip lights up on his panel, though it's source was clear - a Zaku wearing two Heavy Shields and wielding a Shotgun is charging right for him!  "I have one in my sights." Quentin calls out as it fires on him, firing back at its legs and Booster Dashing back after taking a heavy hit. Quentin continues firing to try and disable the machine's legs - what may as well be the only thing vulnerable on it with all those shields.  It lurches as it fires a second Shotgun round at Quentin, this time only knicking his machine.  The damage to the enemy Zaku's legs isn't enough to stop it entirely, but it's movements are clearly faltering due to all its heavy equipment.

Team Bear Trap Turn Resolution

"ZIGGY MY LOVE! COME TO MEEEEEEEEE!" Rellia calls out, charging forward with a Booster Dash as Sieg uses one of his own to pull away from her, switching his Heat Sword to his left hand in the process.

"Love?  Sorry, babe, but I'm not the kind of guy who can stay tied down!" Sieg calls back as Rellia Booster Dashes to the side so that her back is to the plateaus to the east, keeping her back enemy-free and clearly ready to dodge.  Sieg, however, whips his right arm forward while she's mid-Dash, using all his Space Invaders skill to catch her where she was going to be and wrap her arm holding her one remaining Heat Hawk in a Forearm Crane of his own. "You know, I saw one of your buddies using one of these and it looked pretty useful!" He says, his Zaku I leaning in and Booster Dashing towards her. "Hope there's no hard feelings!" He grabs her left arm with his right hand, pulling it back as he presses his Heat Sword against her cockpit, intent on slicing her Gouf in two.  Rellia thinks quickly, attempting to rush the machine at Sieg and self-destruct it since there is no means of escaping his attack, but his Heat Sword is able to cut through enough of her cockpit to finish her off before she can get it to move due to her lightened armor.  He pulls back with a Booster Dash as her Gouf slumps backwards and explodes, looking around the now-empty "arena" and almost sounding a bit depressed. "...Maybe I shouldn't have done that.  Now I'm boooooored..."

Objective: Obtain the Snap Dragon Corps.' Flag and return it to your base while your own Flag remains!
Bonus Objective: Don't die!
Weather: Daytime, Clear.
Terrain: Surface, Desert.

(For a version without effects, click here!)

(Tip: Stick together!  Teamwork is pivotal to success!  Remember that you're fighting against skilled, competent opponents out to kill you just as much as you're out to kill them!)

(Notes: The fences that surround the urban areas of each base are only knee high.  They can be walked over easily, without consuming an additional Action.  Moving at a running speed will require you take an Action to perform a hop to get other them, and you cannot Booster Dash through them.  Alternatively, you could smash them...  The water sections are all deep to nearly but not quite knee level.  Unless you're knocked prone while inside the water, it does not inhibit movement at all.  The rocks are Plateaus, taller than your Mobile Suit.  You can climb up onto any Plateau with 2 Actions, or use a Booster Jump to get up onto them more quickly at the expense of being more visible and consuming Booster Jump Fuel.)

(Time Limit: This Battle Pane closes at 6:30 PM on Tuesday.)

Snap Dragon Corps.:

Sieg Raus - Status: Alive!
MS-05S Zaku I Commander Type [Sieg Raus Use.]
Head: Single Vulcan
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes
Right Hand: Empty
Right Forearm: Forearm Crane
Left Hand: Heat Sword
Left Forearm: Heavy Shield
Right Hip Clamp: 105mm Machine Gun

Note: One of Rellia's Heat Hawks is stuck to the bottom of his Heavy Shield.

Nagatsu Suranai - Status: Alive!
MS-06K Zaku Cannon
Back: Back Cannon System

Christoph Penta - Status: Alive!
MS-06F Zaku II
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun

Serenes Heathraid - Status: Dead!
MS-06F Zaku II
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Shield
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Spike
Back Hip Clamp: Smoke Crackers

Note: Head destroyed! Right and left arms torn off!

Ballack Samson - Status: Alive!
MS-05B Zaku I
Right Hand: 120mm Automatic Rifle

Cronus Shatterfield - Status: Alive!
MS-06F Zaku II
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Shield
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun

Henry Von Eliono Travasky the 3rd - Status: Alive!
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Shield
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes
Right Hand: Shotgun
Right Forearm: Heavy Shield
Left Hand: Doublehanding Shotgun
Left Forearm: Heavy Shield

Note: Legs damaged!  Speed/movement down!

Chester Godsen - Status: Dead!
MS-06F Zaku II
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Shield
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes
Right Hand: Shotgun
Left Hand: Empty

NOTE: Head destroyed!

Maxwell Waller - Status: Alive!
MS-05B Zaku I
Right Shoulder: Empty
Left Shoulder: Empty
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun
Left Hand: Doublehanding 120mm Machine Gun

Cobra Corps.:

Atrius Schliend - "The Viper"
MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type [Atrius Schliend Use.]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 40.
Sensor Active: Thermal.
Cloak Active: None.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Booster Dash Range: 4.
Head: None.
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Shield - HP: 12.
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes - Power: 8.
Right Hand: 120mm Automatic Rifle - Ammo: 9.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 120mm Automatic Rifle.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Automatic Rifle.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 4.

Lyra Leylande
RRF-06 Zanny
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 36.
Sensor Active: Thermal.
Cloak Active: None.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Booster Dash Range: 4.
Head: Dual Head Vulcan - Ammo: 200.
Right Shoulder: None.
Left Shoulder: None.
Right Hand: 120mm Low-Recoil Cannon - Ammo: 6.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 120mm Low-Recoil Cannon.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Low-Recoil Cannon.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Note: Rellia Lunar killed! Vengeful Streak triggered for This Turn!

May Greenfield
MS-06K Zaku Cannon ["Merrygate"]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 42.
Sensor Active: Sonar.
Cloak Active: None.
Booster Jump Fuel: N/A.
Booster Dash Range: 2.
Head: Single Head Vulcan - Ammo: 100.
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Shield - HP: 12.
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Shield - HP: 12.
Back: Back Cannon System - Ammo: 7.
Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 3.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 280mm Bazooka.
Front Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Front Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 175mm Mazella Top Cannon
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: 175mm Mazella Top Cannon - Ammo: 8.

Buliwyf Herger
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 22.
Sensor Active: None.
Cloak Active: None.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Booster Dash Range: 4.
Head: None.
Right Shoulder: None.
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Shield - HP: 12.
Right Hand: Serenes' Zaku II.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding Serenes' Zaku II.
Left Forearm: Worker Zaku Forearm Crane.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for Shotgun.
Left Hip Clamp: Shotgun - Ammo: 8.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk ["Skinning Blade"].

Rellia Lunar
YMS-07A Gouf Prototype
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 0.
Sensor Active: Thermal.
Cloak Active: Sonar.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Booster Dash Range: 5.
Head: None.
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes Kai - Power: 11.
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes Kai - Power: 11.
Right Hand: None.
Left Hand: Heat Hawk.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: Smoke Crackers - Ammo: 1.

Renae "Rin" Heathraid - "The Mad Mare"
MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type [Renae "Rin" Heathraid Use.]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 30.
Sensor Active: None.
Cloak Active: None.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Booster Dash Range: 5.
Head: Single Head Vulcan - Ammo: 100.
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Shield - HP: 0.
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes - Power: 8.
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 60.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 120mm Machine Gun.
Front Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Left Hip Clamp: Cracker Grenades - Ammo: 2.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Sword.

Wesley Tress
MS-06F Zaku II
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 40.
Sensor Active: Sonar.
Cloak Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Booster Dash Range: 4.
Head: None.
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Shield - HP: 12.
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes - Power: 8.
Right Hand: 175mm Mazella Top Cannon - Ammo: 7.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 175mm Mazella Top Cannon.
Right Hip Clamp: Shotgun - Ammo: 8.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for Shotgun.
Back Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 175mm Mazella Top Cannon.

Quentin Bouteillevoix
MS-06F Zaku II
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 16.
Sensor Active: Sonar.
Cloak Active: None.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Booster Dash Range: 4.
Head: Single Head Vulcan - Ammo: 100.
Right Shoulder: Shoulder Shield - HP: 12.
Left Shoulder: Shoulder Spikes - Power: 8.
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 72.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 120mm Machine Gun.
Front Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for Shotgun.
Front Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Left Hip Clamp: Shotgun - Ammo: 8.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk.

Linear Leylande
MS-05B Zaku I
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 35.
Sensor Active: None.
Cloak Active: None.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Booster Dash Range: 4.
Head: None.
Right Shoulder: None.
Left Shoulder: None.
Right Hand: 105mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 100.
Right Forearm: Heavy Shield - HP: 20. Contains Heat Sword?: Yes.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 105mm Machine Gun.
Left Forearm: Worker Zaku Forearm Crane.
Right Hip Clamp: Sturm Faust - Ammo 2.
Left Hip Clamp: Sturm Faust - Ammo: 2.
Back Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 105mm Machine Gun.


February 26, 2012, 05:25:31 pm #614 Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 06:44:41 pm by Randomname
Hearing what could only be the sound of Rellia's fall over the public comm, Rin begins to her allies, "Sometimes it is best to admit when it's time to retreat.  We took out two of theirs, and that other guy is barely going.  Atrius, Buliwyf, get back to our flag.  Weave through the plateaus and back up the Shield."  Rin begins moving south, as fast as she can, being wary of incoming attacks.  "I'm going to go play with the bear.  Atrius, since I'm gonna be busy, you manage who will be coming back for that flag!" 

With that, Rin makes a sudden turn for the oasis with a Boost and switches to public comm.  "Siegy!  Look at this mess you've made!  Your toys will never last if you always play so rough!  Luckily, I like it rough..."  Rin waves her Heat Sword as an invitation, and raises her 120mm, firing off a healthy take of rounds.

Pop Quickrunner
Action 1-3 ; Move to E13 (Assuming Buliwyf moves) -> E18 -> Boost toward O19 -> End on O19
Action 4 ; Fire off 21 ammo at Sieg.
Action 5-6 ; Ready to evade, circling the green oasis area if necessary.

Note ; If Sieg uses the crane on Rin, cancel current action and cut dat shit with Heat Sword, cancel next action to dash away if applicable.


"Damn," Wesley curses silently, not realizing the public comm is still open. "These guys are good."

Redirecting his attention to the flag, Wesley lines his sights on the battle at hand.

"Executor!" Wesley calls to Quentin over the allied comm. "Keep Travasky busy for a moment, then, when I tell you, dive out of the way. I'm going to put a shot right through him before he can react." (1-2)

Fully realizing that his position is now revealed, Wesley prepares for close combat if necessary. (5)

1-2. Shot 1 at Travasky when Quentin moves.
3-4. If Travasky is still alive, Shot 2. If he is killed by Shot 1, Shot 2 will be kept ready for the other Zaku if it is spotted again.
5. Loosen shotgun in its clamp to prepare for quick use.
  • Modding version: PSX


  Seeing another smoke cracker set off too close too home, as well as Rellia's signal drop off her radar, May goes silent and levels all her weapons due Northeast, preparing all systems to fire on anything stupid enough to reach through that smoke and at the flag. (1-5) She grins to herself hearing the chatter on the comm as her team comes together to function as a cohesive unit. `This is how a squad should work together` she thinks to herself as the adrenaline rush of an expected attack washes over her.

1-5: Fire all weapons systems [Vulcan, Back Cannon and Bazooka] at any enemy foolish enough to get near O37.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


   "Merde..." Quentin curses over the alarm klaxons blaring in his digital cockpit. The simulator is annoyingly accurate in representing the damage to his MS as one of his side screens now sports a sizable crack and flickers with static. Various other signs of the devastating blow can be seen around him and in the back of his mind he wonders if everything will still function correctly. However, he obviously has no time for diagnostics and will just have to trust his luck that the suit will continue to obey his commands.

   Were this a real battle, he would not be opposed to making hasty amends with whatever deity would listen. Fortune had favored him as the second shot had practically missed, but, "Il n'y a aucun moyen que je vais survivre à un autre coup de feu comme ça..." he thinks to himself.

   Then, Wesley's voice comes over the comm, suggesting a viable tactic.

   "I'll do what I can, kid." He replies honestly. (1) Turning his shield to his opponent, he dashes sideways while spraying his opponent to keep its attention away from its imminent demise. The chances of hitting the offending weapon are slim to none, but the payoff would be significant, so he places his bet in the form of virtual lead chips.

   (2) Upon reaching the end of his strafe, he immediately takes a knee to avoid screening the sniper's target. From this position, he should be able to continue his attempt to sever legs, on the off chance the boy misses.

1: Use Hit-and-Run I: Booster Dash to O-40. Fire 12 rounds at Henry's Shotgun. (remaining rounds: 60)
2: Kneel.
3-5: Hold Action: Should Wesley be unable to eliminate Henry, continue to Fire 120mm Machine Gun at her legs, using 15 round bursts. If Henry is eliminated as a threat, continue to hold action until a new opponent enters range. Fire 120mm Machine Gun on any new opponent's legs using 15 rounds per action. Utilize Booster Dash for evasive maneuvers should target return fire. If possible, keep Shoulder Shield towards opponent while moving. If a targetable opponent attacks May, Lyra or Linear, use Suave Cover I to Fire 120mm Machine Gun, using 24 rounds. If necessary, and actions remain, reload 120mm Machine Gun. If any opponent enters melee range and actions remain, Fire Vulcan using 50 rounds per action. If all targetable opponents are disabled and actions remain, Fire 120mm Machine Gun at their weapons using 3 rounds per action.
Free: If at any time smoke obscures vision within thermal sensor range, switch to thermal sensors. If enemy detected within said smoke, say "He's hiding in the smoke."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Buliwyf keeps the severed arm in his left hand, drawing his shotgun with the right.  He deftly maneuvers his machine backwards, keeping an eye on their retreat as he moves back to regroup by the flag.

1) Ready action for counter-attack if needed.
2) Move to C23
3) Move to E31
4) Move to F39
5) Move to L38


1) grab one of the strumfausts off of linear's clamps
2) immediately boosterdash to O39
3) fire strumfaust towards R34 or nearest blip on heat radar that isnt an ally.
4) fall back to k40

Floating action
5) Shoot cannon round at anything that charges the flag.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~