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Curse of the Viper Forum RPG - Capture Dat Flag!

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, May 10, 2011, 06:06:43 am


   "Parlez de l'ange..." the Executor murmurs under his breath.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


After waiting a moment to let everyone settle in and give Rellia a bit longer to show up, Atrius begins speaking.  "As most of you here should already know, we've hit a bit of a problem.  After the fiasco in Canada involving the Black Mobile Suit and Miss Vie Silette, we came back in... rough shape.  We may have destroyed the base, but our stand-in commander isn't happy that the one Medea plane got away, or that our mechs got as badly damaged as they did." He takes a moment to take a breath before continuing.  "While Commander Garma Zabi has seen it fit to promote us to the Cobra Corps. and boost our numbers, the stand-in commander convinced him to force us to play in a Mock Battle of Capture the Flag against another Mobile Suit team.  If we lose, we're done.  All of us, including you newbies.  For one reason or another, we've become a squadron filled with everyone else's refuse, it seems like.  He's sending us in with no preview of the map or clue on who our opponents are, to top this off.  Though, if my hunch is correct, it's safe to say our opponents are the Snap Dragon Corps., though there's no way to know for sure until we're actually commencing the simulation." He stops for another moment, looking to each person to make sure they're still following him.  "In short, we need to hunker down and develop some strategies for this, and pull together as a squadron, or we're all shit-canned, period.  Speaking of..." he turns to Rin. "Rin, why don't you lead us off?  You seemed eager to tell us your plan before."


"SO! We just need to all do our best and remember to BE A TEAM!" Lyra interjects, slamming her hands onto the table, a bit excited now that this is actually underway, while also trying to get the actual meeting underway, fairly certain that, knowing Rellia, she would just go do her own thing regardless of any planning the team might make."I think the miniature mobile suit said she had a plan, so we should at least hear her out. " With that, she makes a somewhat sweeping and grandiose gesture, between a bow and a curtsey attempting to usher Rin into speaking.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


As if waiting for a cue the whole time, which she was, Rin began, "Capture the Flag is easy!  I mean, not easy when half of you are newbies and the Snap Dragons are all veterans...  But!  As long as we play smart, I am sure we'll win!"  Rin looks over the gathered people.  "We're going to need a solid group staying back at our flag.  Regardless of map, both sides usually have a fortified position.  Normally, there's three primary routes between the flags, though until we see the map we won't know.  But it doesn't matter!"

"Three or four of us will form into a team.  This will be the offense Spear, capable of tearing down enemy units or in the very least, disabling them.  We wanna do this fast and clean, so don't preoccupy yourselves with killing the enemy like we're playing a death match.  The flags are all that matter.  Defend ours at any cost, and get theirs at any cost.  I figure me and Atrius will do well on the Flag Capture job.  Speed is my thing and I can rush back to our flag zippity quick!  Of course, better if I stay under the protection of the rest of the offense team.  I don't know who else to come on the offense team..."

"Preferably someone proficient in melee combat.  Mobile Suits can shrug off normal bullets like you're spitting seeds at em.  But Heat Hawks and Heat Swords?  Oh, that'll hurt em.  Melt that armor and even cheap bullets might take em out thereafter."  She smiles at her Commander.  "Atty is such a good shot, I know he can hit wounds left by Heat weapons even from a long distance.  If any of you are good at pinning enemies down, that would greatly improve the offense's ability, especially if we face numbers."

"As for the team on defense.  We need people who have strong plating and shields to form a barricade, hopefully we'll have a choke point to take advantage of near the flag.  But considering how rigged this whole thing is, I doubt it.  We cannot let them get our flag, and even if their whole squad comes, have faith and we can hold them off.  At least long enough for the offense team to return.  Of course, if the defense team has no real power to take down enemy units, even the best defenders will eventually get overwhelmed.  Balance is key."

"I've been in simulations like this before, and the worst thing we can do is splinter into small pieces.  We have to be strong, even divided, and for that we should try to keep to just the two groups.  We don't even really know each other yet but we must move like a single entity.  And do not forget to use every resource at your disposal!"  She pauses for a moment before continuing.  "I am sure you all know your own abilities better than I, so speak up!"  She is not in the least bit exhausted from her long-winded strategy.


  "Sounds like playing defense was made for Merrygate and me." May chimes in. "I'll be nearly useless when it comes to running around with those latest modifications I had installed on her, so count me in on flag defense. From what I hear that back cannon unit can be pretty nasty even up close. I get the feeling I'll have a chance to find out."
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


"I'll hang back with May too, we seem to work well together in battle. I'm a bit shorter range, and I'm almost as heavily plated too! Linear gave me a fairly close look at her zaku as well, heavy shield, sword, and a machine gun. If the three of us hang back we should be fine, though maybe one or two more people just to be on the safe side? Though if you really need EVERYONE else for offense I think we could weather it. Buliwyf is DEFINITELY the sort of person you're looking for. He tells plenty of tales of space-fishing, and he sounds like he could catch a saberfish WITHOUT that zaku of his, and I've seen him in combat. He could lock down anyone you need him to close range, giving him support just makes his wrestling all the easier, though I think he'd much prefer if you guys kept others OFF of him, rather then helping him kill something he's already pinning." She stops, almost abruptly it would seem, as words finally stop spilling out of her mouth. More for others sake, not wanting to volunteer anyone else for positions they might not want, and not sure what the captain, or his apparent co-captain would prefer. She also doesn't really know anyone else well enough to speak for them on their talents or where theyre lacking. "I am still lacking in anything close range though, no room for a heat hawk on my new mobile suit, so maybe we should have one more, just so Linear isn't left fighting things off alone if they close on us somehow"
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


  "I'm not above bashing them with my bazooka if it comes down to it."
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Atrius mulls over Rin's plan for a moment, and finally speaks after May's last comment.  "Team Spear is best as myself, Rin, Buliwyf, and Rellia.  We're going to be sneaking across the battlefield and want to get fast, silent kills, so the melee weapons are going to best. If we need to attack from afar, my Zaku's Automatic Rifle is preferable to a Bazooka or a Mazella Cannon since it's quieter."  He looks over everyone to make sure they're following him before continuing. "Team Shield is going to be headed by May and consist of everyone else.  Quentin, Wesley, I don't know what your abilities are, but I'll need to trust the two of you are capable of covering the girls if anything gets close." He leans forward, pressing his elbows on the table and resting his hands on his knuckles, in thought. "If our opponents are indeed the Snap Dragons, Sieg will only be an issue if he decides to play seriously... but I doubt that.  From my experiences with them, Serenes is likely going to be in charge of their offense, and Suranai in charge of their defense, and they're not going to go easy on us, so we need to make sure we know exactly what we're doing as soon as we go in."


   Up until this moment, Quentin has remained silent as he listens patiently to the tactical discussion and observes the personalities and interactions of his new squad-mates. As is his custom, he stands, stroking his beard with an expression of mild detachment. His elbow rests over his other hand that crosses his chest, giving him an aura of aloof thoughtfulness. However, when his name is spoken, he perks up. "Aye, sir." He says with a bemused smile while pulling his hand away from his chin for a moment. "I shall indeed strive to protect these lovely maidens to the whole of my capacity." With only his forearm, hand and fingers, he still accents his words somatically. "And the flag as well." He adds, almost as an afterthought.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


"Hold on guys, hold on..." Wesley quickly says, pulling together his thoughts. "I think I can be of more help here that just guarding. My specialty on the field has always been recon and stealth; I can act as a scout and find their flag for you. Maybe I can take out a couple suits along the way, and I can definitely clue you in towards their movements."

Realizing something else, Wesley continues, "I know you want to keep our forces together, but I can be of far more use picking off their stragglers and giving you guys heads-up than I can defending or covering. And they'll never know I'm there; I've always been good at exploiting terrain to hide. Sonar sensors can't pick you up if you're behind a rock and heat won't work if you're near an object in the sun."

"If not, though, give me a rock and a hard place to snipe from," he finishes, smiling.
  • Modding version: PSX


Rellia hears the intercom echo throughout the base and looks up...almost scared or in bewilderment.
Shock, without the surprise. "Huh..." she says aloud dumbfoundedly, "where'd that come from?"
She shrugs, and casually doesn't care.


"The flags should be set in very easy to spot locations.  We do not want to split up... what-was-your-name?  I highly doubt the Snap Dragons will be dumb enough to split their forces and make stragglers.  Sieg?  Yes.  But, Sieg is a one-man wrecking ball in a Mobile Suit.  Don't even try picking him off, you'll just end up beaten."  Rin sighs.  "Also don't even think about trying to take on an enemy suit by yourself.  Suits are hard things to beat, that is what makes them so vital in the war effort.  Either come with the Spear, or stay with the Shield.  Your long-range abilities would be of much more use behind the barricade at our flag."

"And I must stress.  Do not think about trying to take on Sieg by yourselves or even as a group.  Our key to victory is not taunting that bear.  If we do this right, we can steal that flag right under that fool's nose.  Though I imagine someone will need to keep him... preoccupied.  Far away from either flag.  Someone fast, flexible.  Someone that can avoid getting crushed.  I'd do it myself but I think my speed is put to better use getting their flag," she finishes, with a sort of depressed whine.


Atrius nods. "If you're a sniper like I am, Wesley, that means you probably use a Mazella Cannon.  A weapon like that is too loud for Team Spear, and going it on your own is too risky.  We'll be against professional Mobile Suit pilots, not some Feds that are still getting used to the controls and are using half-beaten Mobile Suits with scraped-up weapons or piloting fighter planes.  It'll be much better if you aide May in sniping from the Shield position while the other three cover you if the enemy gets in close."


Rin teasingly pokes Atrius.  "Atty-Atty~, look, I'm being serious!  Aren't you proud of me, hm hm?"


Rellia drops from the air ducts, landing very easily on her feet and staring them all in the eye. "I'LL FUCK SIEG UP REAL GOOD!" she yells, her eyes alight like a snowflake shining against the sun.


Rin lifts an eyebrow at the woman's declaration.  "Well, okay then... And you are?... Oh it doesn't matter.  Just keep the bear distracted so we can get the flag and win the game.  And be careful.  He may be a fool but he's a damn good pilot when he tries.  Sort of like me."


Rellia shakes her head at Rin, not entirely sure what to make of such a statement. She decides to just go for the easy insult. "You sure about that? You don't look that tough to me. In fact, you look really weak." she shrugs again, sighing sarcastically, "but what do I know? I'm only an assassin and trained to be a judge of character."


(OOC EDIT: Remember, the Free-RP time is almost over!  Just 5 more hours until the start of the first Battle Pane of the new session!)

"Chill out, Rellia." Atrius says bluntly. "I'll assume you heard everything, so you know this is too important to be having a spitting war with each other over."  Atrius looks everyone over one more time.  "Fine then.  Team Spear will consist of myself, Rin, and Buliwyf, and their objective will be to quickly retrieve the flag and return it to our base.  Team Shield will consist of May, Lyra, Linear, Quentin, and Wesley, and their job will be to keep our flag home at all costs, and be ready for dealing with Sieg if he decides to pop in.  Team Bear Trap will consist of Rellia, and your job will be to keep Sieg distracted and away from Team Shield as long as possible.  If you can take him out, fine, but remember that your primary goal is to keep him entertained.  Going for a kill won't help any if you mess it up and get killed yourself - there's a good chance we'll lose if that happens, so keep your priorities in mind.  If our opponent through some odd coincidence is not the Snap Dragon Corps., Rellia, you are to join us on Team Spear and help us get the Flag as quickly and efficiently as possible.  Understood?"

Atrius looks around before asking the qusetion a second time.  "Now, are there any questions?" 


Rellia just laughs, and oh boy does she laugh. A few seconds later, she finally stops--very suddenly, at that. "Don't worry. I'll do what I want." she says bluntly while shrugging, clearly ignoring any strategic advice at all, and in an almost complete shift of attitude, sits down and begins meditating.