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June 03, 2024, 09:23:46 am


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Curse of the Viper Forum RPG - Capture Dat Flag!

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, May 10, 2011, 06:06:43 am


OOC: Hey dip, I'm not on the map anymore.
Also, he can see you're "one of those damn Zeeks", by the transmission. >.>



QuoteAnxious fingers spun his IF dial to that of the enemy as Setch prepared his mouth to enunciate as the enemy.

A) THe point is to mimic the enemy frequency so he can't tell without hearing Setch.

B) EVen if he doesn't believe it, the simple fact of Rolfe having to realize that this is a false alarm will take a fraction of a second, which may make him drop his guard.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


<Vie> Vie reachs over to the radio and begins to speak.
<Vie> "Hello~ I would like to speak to Chloe."
<RavenOfRazgriz> "Florance?" Chloe's familiar voice asks back, tinted with a combination of surprise and malcontent.  "Why the hell are you with them?"
<Vie> "Welll-" Replies Vie. "You left and I heard you went to join the war. But I couldn't figure out which one, so I join Zeon in hopes of finding you." Vie pauses for a moment realizing how stupid of an idea that was.
<RavenOfRazgriz> "How do you..." Chloe groans audibly, taking a deep breath to try and maintain her patience.  "Nevermind.  If you stay with those murderous Zeeks, we're going to end up killing each other, you know that right?"
<Vie> "... Yeah. Which is why I wanted to talk to you." Vie says sadly, then clears her voice of sadness quickly. "I want to leave Zeon, I have for awhile. Infact, I have been planning to; and now is a perfect time to leave."
<RavenOfRazgriz> Chloe's silent for a moment, verifying something before replying.  "Okay... you'll need to tell us what your machine is like and get to us and they'll let you on board.  I don't have time to come back and get you and your new friends wouldn't give me the chance."
<Vie> Vie smiles. "MS-05B Zaku I, missing right arm and basically the entire head."
<RavenOfRazgriz> "...Right..." Chloe says, not entirely surprised for some reason.  "Just get to us before we take off, I'll get them to wait as long as I can but there's no guarantees."
<Vie> "Catch you soon~"

Vie with one hand, moves the mech into a stand position and with the other clicks a button to open her cockpit. 1) She moves her mech to K21 to see what is going on. 2) Seeing that Rolfe is being taken down by 3 units of Zeon, while Seth and Rellia enter the cave. Vie continues to move towards the cave, and into it. 3-5)

1) Stand up while opening cockpit doors
2) Move to K21
3) Move to Q12 (While not stepping on the house, or tree!)
4) Move to Q5
5) Move into the cave


----------Battle Pane Resolution----------

Rellia quickly moves into the cave, immediately giving chase to anything Buliwyf missed or that escaped earlier as the rest of the squadron turned to fight this unnaturally powerful Lieutenant.  "Still ain't done?  Man...this Terran's a toughun!  Cap'n, I have an idea, but it'll be tricky.  If it works, I'll buy ya a second ta fire.  Rellia, if he falls fer it, he'll be fixin' ta come our way, so I prolly need yer help."  Setch says, in some vain hope that Rellia would cut her pursuit short if needed as he set himself up at the mouth of the cave.  As Setch readies himself, Buliwyf also lurches forward, toward the enemy mech.  "Lyra, you may want to brace yourself.  I'm getting you out of there."

Lyra reloads her weapon anxiously, bracing herself as Buliwyf lassos her mech.  He yanks, pulling her away from Rolfe as he begins charging her, lunging at him in her place.  Lyra reels as her Zanny lands on its ass, before raising her cannon to try and catch Rolfe in the confusion.  During the confusion, Setch comes on the E.F.F. comm, doing the best he can to vainly mask his Space-Texan accent. "Commander Rolfe!  We need yer help!  Them...those damned Zeeks are blasting the drop point with one of those Gaw ships!  We can't take much more!"  Rolfe falters for just a moment hearing the report, as Buliwyf pulls his cable from Lyra and cuts his charge short. 

"Like I'd ever believe that, Zeek!"  Rolfe retorts, barely seeing Lyra raise and fire her cannon from her downed position.  "Son of a bitch!" he curses, throwing his right arm in front of him and taking the brunt of Lyra's attack on his shoulder shield.  He reeled back, raising his shotgun as Buliwyf's winch cable caught him.  Rolfe fires as he's pulled in, the shot causing Buliwyf's heavily-plated Zaku to reel but not buckle as Buliwyf elbows him in the face.  May and Atrius have gotten up at this point, May rushing forward in a rage and pressing her Mazella Top Cannon against Rolfe's cockpit.  "Dodge this."  She says coldly, pulling the trigger as she levels his cockpit clear off his legs and is knocked onto her back from a combination of Rolfe's explosion and her own inability to stabilize the cannon.

Setch, seeing the confusion unfold in front of him and noticing he can't do much to aide, moves to follow Rellia into the cave as support.  Vie, during this mess, gets back to her feet and navigates around the far side of the lake with her cockpit open, also slipping into the cave.  Atrius, meanwhile, catches himself, finally stabilizing his sensors in time to see his team come together and level the freakishly-skilled Feddie pilot.  He looks them over though, seeing May's missing front armor plates and the wear all of their machines have received.  "You should all prep yourselves.  I'm going in after Setch, Rellia, and Vie, anyone who doesn't think their machine can take it should stay behind."  Atrius warns, ejecting the nearly-empty clip from his 120mm rifle and loading the second one in.

This battle is complete! Bonus Objective: Complete!

Stat bonuses:

Atrius Schiend: Long Range Skill +2.
Lyra Leylande: Medium Range Skill +1, Long Range Skill +1.
May Greenfield: Long Range Skill +1, Reflex Speed +1.
Buliwyf Herger: Close Range Skill +1, Reflex Speed +1.
Florance Vie Silette: Close Range Skill +1, Reflex Speed +1.
Rellia Lunar: Reflex Speed +2.
Seth "Setch" Harrow: Medium Range Skill +1, Reflex Speed +1.



------------Interim Pane------------

This is a rare, special Battle Pane for when there's reason for one or more units to want to stay behind in order to avoid being destroyed.  The shorthand notes of the relevant units (aka, everyone who didn't run into the cave) are below, so take this time to recover discarded weapons, reload, etc. and decide whether you wish to continue on into the cave or stay behind.  This does not count as an actual "turn" in any battle, but rather as an extension of the previous turn, so the time before the turn closes is shorter than usual.

(This Interim Pane closes at 11:59pm on Thursday.)

Cobra Corps.:

Atrius Schliend - "The Viper"
MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type [Atrius Schiliend Use.]
Pilot HP: 8.
Core HP: 32.
Sensor Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 120mm Automatic Rifle - Ammo: 12.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 120mm Automatic Rifle.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: 280mm Bazooka.


--Head damaged, accuracy down.

Lyra Leylande
RRF-06 Zanny
Pilot HP: 8.
Core HP: 36.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Sensors Active: Thermal.
Head: 60mm Dual Head Vulcan - Ammo: 200.
Right Hand: 120mm Low Recoil Cannon - Ammo: 5.
Left Hand: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

May Greenfield
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type ["Merrygate"]
Pilot HP: 5.
Core HP: 12.
Booster Jump Fuel: 1.
Head: 70mm Head Vulcan - Ammo: 0.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Right Hand: 175mm Mazella Top Cannon - Ammo: 7.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 175mm Mazella Top Cannon.
Front Right Hip Clamp: None.
Front Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: 280mm Bazooka- Ammo 4.


--Main armor plate jettison.  HP and Armor greatly reduced, cockpit exposed, front screen gone.

Buliwyf Herger
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 14.
Booster Jump Fuel: 1.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor HP: 8.
Right Hand: Shotgun - Ammo: 1.
Left Hand: None.
Left Forearm: Worker Zaku Forearm Crane.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for Shotgun - Ammo: 5.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk ["Skinning Blade"].


--Medium damage to Right Leg.  Could become further damaged with heavy strain.


Lyra quickly reclaims her dropped machine gun (60 rounds) and makes a quick survey for some cannon ammo, then heads for the cave to rejoin her squad in the cave. "You can count on me captain."
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


May's voice rings out over the comm, her teeth chattering a bit from the cold air filling her cockpit, "Lyra! Take my bazooka...you never know when it'll come in handy. I don't think I'm combat capable after that stunt I pulled. I'll hold position here by the cave for now and see if I can't rig this front plate into place. Good luck in there, everybody." She hurries up behind Lyra and attempts to set the fully-loaded bazooka onto Lyra's back clamp before her squadmate heads into the cave, then returns to the site of her gambit to recover her Zaku's front plating.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Buliwyf condenses down his ammo into a single clip and heads for the cave mouth.  "Might as well finish the job."

Current Ammo: 6
Spare clip: Empty


Lyra quickly stops noticing May, nodding happily and thanking her for the bazooka, though unsure of the sanity of using it indoors, it was definitely comforting to have. Hopefully May would be ok on her own outside, with just her sniper to protect herself with.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Sorry about that delay, shit came up.

----------Scenario Intro----------

After offering Lyra her bazooka, May stays behind as the remaining 3 Cobras quickly advance into the cave system.  Its artificial lighting is somewhat dim, but it's still the best-lit battlefield they've been in the entire deployment.  The cave walls often hold small buildings built into the sides - checkpoints, possibly barracks, etc.  The problem is the cave itself - it sprawls in several different directions and most of the corridors zfd far too narrow for proper evasive maneuvers.

"Keep your eyes open."  Atrius advises the two units still forming on him.  "Enemies could be hiding around any corner.  We need to find where the central base command is and block their retreat."

Objective:  Destroy the Medea planes!
Bonus Objective:  Destroy the enemy base!
Weather: You're Inside a Goddamn Cave.
Terrain: Surface - Smooth Stone.

(For a version without the effects, look here!)

(Tip!: Be careful about getting involved in fights you can't handle in these tight quarters!)

(Note: To advance further in the cave, end your turn on a path that extends beyond the visible map.  This Battle Pane closes at 11:59pm on Tuesday.)

Cobra Corps.:

Atrius Schliend - "The Viper"
MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type [Atrius Schiliend Use.]
Pilot HP: 8.
Core HP: 32.
Sensor Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 120mm Automatic Rifle - Ammo: 12.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 120mm Automatic Rifle.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 4.


--Head damaged, accuracy down.

Lyra Leylande
RRF-06 Zanny
Pilot HP: 8.
Core HP: 36.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Sensors Active: Thermal.
Head: 60mm Dual Head Vulcan - Ammo: 200.
Right Hand: 120mm Low Recoil Cannon - Ammo: 5.
Left Hand: None.
Back Hip Clamp: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 4.

Buliwyf Herger
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 14.
Booster Jump Fuel: 1.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor HP: 8.
Right Hand: Shotgun - Ammo: 1.
Left Hand: None.
Left Forearm: Worker Zaku Forearm Crane.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for Shotgun - Ammo: 5.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk ["Skinning Blade"].


--Medium damage to Right Leg.  Could become further damaged with heavy strain.

Florance Vie Silette
MS-05B Zaku I
Pilot HP: 3.
Core HP: 1.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Left Hand: None.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 2.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: None.


--Right arm destroyed.  Head destroyed - main camera lost.

Rellia Lunar
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type [E.F.F. Colors]
Pilot HP: 9.
Core HP: 36.
Cloak Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 1.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: Heat Hawk.
Left Hand: Heat Hawk.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Seth "Setch" Harrow
MS-05B Zaku I ["Steel Freedom"]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 35.
Sensors Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 1.
Head: 70mm Head Vulcan - Ammo: 40.
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 36.
Left Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 48.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.


Vie moves quickly and cautiously. 1) She then takes a second to view her surroundings, before deciding to move to the east. Then moves south.

1) Moves to Q12
2) Moves to V15
3) Moves to V23


1) Rellia attack-moves to D22.
1a) If Rellia meets no one, continue to next area
1b-2) If Rellia meets anything weaker than a zaku, kill it on the move and continue to the next area
1c-??) If Rellia meets a Zaku, Zaku II, or Zanny, strike it down as par the usual strategy, then continue to the next area
1d-??) If meeting a very strong or unknown enemy, take evasive maneuvers, and if REQUIRED, slash the caves and cause a cave-in.


Buliwyf moves forward and flings his crane line at Zaku II 1, pulling forward between himself and the hover truck before driving his palm into its head and then grabbing its arm and twisting viciously.

1) move to K4
2) Grapple Zaku II 1
3) strike the head to disable sensors
4-5) immobilize and disable arm to prevent gun use.


Spotting Setch and Vie up ahead, 1) Lyra runs forward to meet back up with them, (move to P4) while 2) she unloads a few quick burst from her machine gun at the nearby tank (fire:9, remaining: 51). She notices Setch has the nearby tanks handled, and 3) heads further ahead to keep up with Vie, keeping alert for nearby enemies.(move to P12) 4-5) She makes a quick look about as she goes, further ahead,(move to T17) unloading 12 rounds from her machine-gun into any smaller hostile, or 1 round from her cannon if its a hostile mech. (either 39 machine gun or 4 cannon)

1-2) move to p4, machine gun the tank on the way (fire: 9, rounds remaining, 51)
3) Move to P12
4-5) move to T17 and take cover, shooting anything that is problematic.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


"I got 'em.  You go on ahead, Lyra."  Rotating the head vulcan to point behind him, Setch pressed the red button underneath the main trigger (1).  As bullets struck metal, Setch throttled the main drive shaft diagonally, sending Steel Freedom into the enemy cluster of tanks (2).  Before any tank could react, however, Setch unloaded all of his weapons, reducing each to scrap metal in quick succession (3-5).

1) Fire 15 70mm Head Vulcan rounds at Tank 4
2) Move to Q8 and do ???
3) While at O6, fire 9 120mm Machine Gun (LH) rounds at Tank 7
4) While at P7, fire 15 70mm Head Vulcan rounds at Tank 5
5) While at P7, fire 9 120mm Machine Gun (RH) rounds at Tank 6

Rounds Used:
Head Vulcan: 30
LH 120mm Machine Gun: 9
RH 120mm Machine Gun: 9
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


----------Battle Pane Resolution----------

The main squad splits into two groups, Buliwyf running straight down at the two enemies to the team's front.  He whips his crane forward, wrapping it around the torso of the enemy Zaku II, attempting to reel it in.  It fights back, doing its best to resist being pulled forward as it plugs machine gun rounds into Buliwyf's torso, before eventually meeting a palm to the face.  Buliwyf twists and grabs it, disabling the Zaku's machine gun as well-aimed shot from Atrius topples the Hover Truck as it moves to retreat.  Atrius moves forward, hoping to catch more units before they can ambush as Buliwyf handles the Zaku II.

Lyra, meanwhile, moves right as Setch begins clearing out the next batch of enemies he's encountered.  "I got 'em.  You go on ahead, Lyra."  Setch says, turning to quickly plug a new tank that appeared on his radar moments earlier with his vulcan cannons.   He begins moving forward, rounding the corner and seeing three more tanks.  He fires at the same time they do, taking one out with his machine gun as one of their rounds smash into his core.  He fumbles a second before firing his vulcans and then his second machine gun, taking down the remaining two tanks before they can fire a second round.  He then follows behind Lyra, whose slipped around behind him and is advancing southward after Vie, whose brazenly wading through the enemy tanks and seems to not be being fired upon due to her low threat level.  Lyra, however, is fired at, but she is able to take cover and hook one of the tanks with a burst of machine gun rounds as she moves into position.

"Goddamnit, hurry up, will you?" Chloe's voice comes over the radio as the enemy's main stronghold comes into view of Setch, Lyra, and Vie.  The buildings seem to have already been destroyed by the E.F.F. - all that's left are some Medea Transport Planes, the remainder of the escaping tanks, and a few mobile suits, the units getting ready to board the planes and escape through an opening on the far east of the cave.

Objective:  Destroy the Medea planes!
Bonus Objective:  Destroy the enemy base!
Weather: You're Inside a Goddamn Cave.
Terrain: Surface - Smooth Stone.

(For a version without the effects, look here!)

(Tip!: Enemies could be hiding in any of the tunnels!  Don't be surprised if they show up behind you if you leave tunnels unexplored!)

(Note: To advance further in the cave, end your turn on a path that extends beyond the visible map.  This Battle Pane closes at 11:59pm on Friday.)

Cobra Corps.:

Atrius Schliend - "The Viper"
MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type [Atrius Schiliend Use.]
Pilot HP: 8.
Core HP: 32.
Sensor Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 120mm Automatic Rifle - Ammo: 11.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 120mm Automatic Rifle.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 4.


--Head damaged, accuracy down.

Lyra Leylande
RRF-06 Zanny
Pilot HP: 8.
Core HP: 36.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Sensors Active: Thermal.
Head: 60mm Dual Head Vulcan - Ammo: 200.
Right Hand: 120mm Low Recoil Cannon - Ammo: 5.
Left Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 51.
Back Hip Clamp: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 4.

Buliwyf Herger
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 8.
Booster Jump Fuel: 1.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor HP: 8.
Right Hand: Shotgun - Ammo: 6.
Left Hand: None.
Left Forearm: Worker Zaku Forearm Crane.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk ["Skinning Blade"].


--Medium damage to Right Leg.  Could become further damaged with heavy strain.

Florance Vie Silette
MS-05B Zaku I
Pilot HP: 3.
Core HP: 1.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Left Hand: None.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 2.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: None.


--Right arm destroyed.  Head destroyed - main camera lost.

Rellia Lunar
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type [E.F.F. Colors]
Pilot HP: 9.
Core HP: 36.
Cloak Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 1.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: Heat Hawk.
Left Hand: Heat Hawk.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Seth "Setch" Harrow
MS-05B Zaku I ["Steel Freedom"]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 32.
Sensors Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 1.
Head: 70mm Head Vulcan - Ammo: 10.
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 27.
Left Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 39.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.


"What the hell is Vie doing?" Lyra belts out onto her comm, before 1-3 opening fire on the three nearby tanks. Firing her head vulcans at the nearby one, then using her machine gun on the other 2. (20 head vulcans used, 180 remaining. 24 machine gun rounds used, 12 per tank, 27 remaining.)  She then calls out for Setch "Oi! Steely, help me flank em, it looks like we're the front line. I got that pesky mech.". From there, 4-5) she moves around the rocks (move to R22) shoots the next tank in her line of sight (tank 14) with her machine gun (12 rounds, 15 remain) and grabs what quick cover she can

1) fire on tank 12 (20 head vulcans used, 180 remain)
2) fire on tank 11 with machine gun, (12 machine gun rounds used, 39 remaining)
3) fire on tank 13 with machine gun (12 rounds used, 27 remain)
4) move to R22
5) empty machine gun into any zaku that appears in line of sight (machine gun empty)
5a) if no zaku appears,  shoot tank 14 with machine gun (15 rounds remain)
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Buliwyf keeps the enemy's gun-arm extended as he twists to the side, pivoting on his left leg and pulling the Zaku off-balance as he drives a smashing elbow-strike at its torso before pulling the mech forward and across his body to flip it onto the floor.  He drives another palm-strike down into the disoriented Zaku's chest and then sharply twists the gun-arm back against all the applied leverage while pressing down on it's wrist.

1-5) ruining this guys day.  You all go on ahead, I'll catch up. >_>


Vie dash towards the giant ship she sees; In doing so she spots Chloe and moves to her instead. 1) "Hello Chloe!" Chloe responds: "Ditch that beat up Zaku and get in the one behind me before your friends shoot up the planes so we can leave already, Vie!"[/i] Vie moves to the little alcove in the back, parks her mech hops out 2-3) Then runs with Chloe to the Transport Ships.

1) Move to AH21 (AB23, AD21, AH2)
2) Move to AO19
3) Turn off mech, and hop out.
4) Enter the Transport Plane



July 14, 2011, 10:12:55 pm #379 Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 10:16:56 pm by formerdeathcorps
Red dots suddenly popped like mushrooms all over his targeting screen.  Yanking his drive shaft fully back, Setch could only gnash his teeth, hoping he wasn't too late (1).  As Steel Freedom rounded the corner, Setch's pulse raced, his fingers hastily tuning his targeting dial.  Only after his hands lurched back to clamp his fingers against the firing triggers (2-3) did the vice constraining Setch's chest slowly lift, as a fuel fire scorched the broken tanks in front of him.  "Jest don' die on me, Lyra.  They still got some Suits."

1) Move linearly to U8
2) Fire 9 120mm rounds from LH gun at Tank 9.
3) Fire 9 120mm rounds from RH gun at Tank 10.

If no enemy comes into view:
4a) Inform Buliwyf that he'll need another machine gun soon
5a) Listen to EFF transmissions.

If Setch is fired upon:
4b) Booster dash to U12
5b) Move to R14 (U12-T13-S13-R14)

If an enemy moves into vision range (essentially a box from U-W, 11-15):
4c) Empty LH gun on target's head.  If target's head is destroyed in fewer than 18 rounds, focus on striking the target in the following order {weapon arm, alternate arm, leg, main core}.
5c) Empty RH gun on target's weapon arm.  If target's weapon warm is destroyed in fewer than 30 rounds, focus on striking the target in the the following order {alternate arm, leg, main core}.

Expected Rounds Used:
9 120mm Machine Gun rounds in LH
9 120mm Machine Gun rounds in RH

Maximum Rounds Used:
ALL 120mm Machine Gun rounds in LH
ALL 120mm Machine Gun rounds in RH
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.