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June 02, 2024, 04:42:24 pm


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MooGle char in progress. not modding. its making here :D

Started by vresu, February 22, 2011, 06:04:12 am


You could just give whatever job the sprite's going to use Cannot Enter Water as an innate ability. That way you wouldn't have to deal with water at all. :P
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Hi and welcome !
In only 8 post, you showed quite a lot of quality stuffs !

The Portrait is particularly awesome.
Also, if you made everything from scratch you have a very good animation and observation skills.

As people say before, the only problem that i saw with this sprite is the fact that it was a little bit too detailed.
But you corrected that right ?

Mai we see the walking animation and inGame implementation with your adjustment ?
Final Fantasy Flashtics v0.6 --->


hi the bmp that i just uploaded was the latest one.
it include

-got hit
-Use item

since they are in sheet its takes time to stich em together again.
for the animation at the first i made em together. but the sheet need to seperated stuff. so the final was on the BMP that i just upload em :D.
u can maybe test em with shishi stuff and check the animation.

i simplyfy the cloth etc.
here is prev again with zoom but its skretch

this forum is neat~


I like it way more now. It is not soo flashy, and looks ok. What is that white thing below his head though? I can't tell what it is.

As to the hseet, I advise you look at some human sprites, as you saw earlier, nothing showed up when you entered water, that is because sprite has separate frames for in-water animations. Look at any human sprite in ShiShi, view through it, and you will se those frames sooner or later. Also, on first singing pose, his legs are visible, they shouldn't be. It will cause you problem as you advance further with the sheet, since singing combines legs from casting animation and its singing frame itself. Beware of such multiple-parted frames, cause it migjht fuck up your sheet.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


ah i understand that. i though that the water will just get the ears only. but proble solve muahaha now able to walk on water etc :D still dev on it :D

this is much more fun than my work >.<

dang i got a lots of deadline. this pixeling was more fun.. XDD
this forum is neat~


You are using ShiShi to insert the sprite right? That program also has animated previews, that should make it easier for you to test what the animations will look like.

The simplifications are doing wonders, looking awesome. Posting the BMP and spelling Moogle correctly is even better ;).

There are a lot of fixes for the water thing, so I wouldn't worry about it. In fact only having the ears stick out would be hilarious and we can just make it so moogles can't act in water. Keep up the great work!
Current Projects:


I fixed the Moogle!!! in tittle thread Muahahahah!!!!


i forgot my work because of this mod..
thanks again!
this forum is neat~


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Need something useful to write here


Very nice start to a modern Moogle.  Can't wait to see it finished.  Do you intend to do any more FFTA-inspired Sprites?  They actually look good when translated to FFT properly.

Oh, and Kagebunji, what's wrong with that ye olde Moogle you posted?  It looked complete unless I'm missing something and I'd rather like to use it.


It is finished, actually. I just want to rework it, so it will look less like Pig, and more like Moogle(shorter ears, different eyes if I will somehow manage to do it, smaller nose, and maybe I will add fur on his chest). Feel free to use the current version though.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I will show you the power of SARDIIIIINES!!!!


Ain't gonna happen. You can always go to his site and look if he is alive.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Uh oh sorry for just gone suddenly. i am busy with searching money. >.< i am in urgent. and currently got a lots of stuff to do beside modding. i realy wanted to finish it but just that i dont have anymore time with freelance and full time work.
if there anybody wanted to help it will be great. i think i need a help for seperate em and cut em and make it become sheets file. if somebody would. i can make the sprite fast. but seperated em one by one and hand and check the position are taking a lots of time.
you can also check my current project game. so hope u understand. if somebody wanted to help me let me know. PM will do.

this forum is neat~


Very fluid animations you have there, very cool. I'm sure someone should be able to help you out. The spriting is the hard part, but custom arms are particularly hard because of all the testing needed to get them to look right. If you could separate out the arms somehow that might be helpful, especially in the long run for later attack animations.
Current Projects:


Hi there, well whatever u receive from me are a seperated layer which contain upper hand and lower hand and leg. and yes the taking time is separate the layer and arrange em rather than making em.
this forum is neat~


No matter if you will do or won't do sprites here, I am happy you are here. I even went to your site to ask what happened, heh. Take your time and finish your assignment, just make sure to visit once once in a while, heh.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


oh i cee XD though u were chasing me for the sprite. yea i dont have anytime for even play yet. was just enter to some company. and really sleepy at work since a lots of work even after home.....
argh if only i am rich XDDD also i just check my web. it was not touched for a while and no update there too. so better email XD haha thanks

this forum is neat~