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Curse of the Viper Forum RPG - Capture Dat Flag!

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, May 10, 2011, 06:06:43 am


----------Battle Pane Resolution----------

Men, we stand here today ready to die. Our lives this snowy night are entirely and purely in the hands of luck. And our weapons. Well, and our tactics...and our--you get the picture." Rellia stumbles a bit over her motivational speech no one else was expecting. "If we die here, we died to save the universe. And our deaths will not be in vain, remember that if nothing else!"  She shuts off her comm as the laughter of her prisoner in the background can be heard intermingled with his coughing, before flipping it back on.  "Also, somebody attack the mouth of the cave so they can't send out anything else."

"No worries, Captain. I can keep my shots high." May confirms as she falls back a bit and takes a knee. "Vie, cover my two if you would." She says and transmits a point on her radar map to Vie's console. "Just can't shake the feeling about that Zaku back there and I don't think I want to see what it can do."  Vie moves to May's northwest, confirming her request. "May continue sending what you want me to do on my radar."  She says, before beginning to eavesdrop on the enemy.  

Everyone tuned into the enemy's radio channel can hear a conversation between the three remaining escaped units from the previous battle, who are unaware of the fact one of their mechs was captured and are still using the channel.  The first voice heard is that of a young sounding woman.  "I'm still a bit shaken, Claude..."  She says, obviously on edge.  "That girl?  An older-sounding male replies in a gruff accent. "You must've been mistaken, Chloe, that shit's one in a million.  If not, we'll probably be seeing them if the others didn't push back whatever those crazy Zeeks were doing."

"I got the tanks if someone takes the Earthie with the shotgun." Setch says in the meanwhile, moving himself into position and getting the enemy tanks into his sights.  As he readies himself to fire, two cannon shots also burst out from behind him.  One is aimed at a close, target, nailing the target Setch asked for support on in the torso as he begins firing on the tanks, causing it to fly backward and smash into the lake as the hover trucks scatter and fall back some.  The second shot is aimed high, arcing over the lake to hit the Zaku II on the far end.  It easily dodges out of the way, however, seeming to easily predict the shot as it begins to move forward.  Setch quickly downs a pair of tanks in total before retreating back into the trees, barely dodging a 120mm round from the unaddressed Zaku I.  It begins lining up a second shot, trying to predict where Setch's Zaku is in the trees, as a rifle shot rings out, shattering the main camera and blasting its head to bits as it stumbles backward.

"Shit!  They can really hear us now!" Setch says as he falls back, Atrius lining up a second shot on the ranged Zaku I, this time nailing it in the bottom right corner of the core, a small explosion ringing out out from it as it stumbles back again and falls over onto its side, squirming and barely functioning.  May lets a second shot ring out on the enemy Zaku II as it begins advancing, only to again have it easily dodged.  It doesn't fire back, however, focusing on closing the distance while weaving between the houses.  

Anyone who has been listening on the E.F.F. channel has been able to hear confused orders as they scramble from the semi-surprise attack, two of their Zakus being mostly put out of commission far faster than expected.  "Beta Test Team, fall back to the base and get loaded on the Medea for evacuation immediately!" a confident-sounding voice orders, to which the girl identifiable as Chloe replies, "Fall back? Lieutenant Rolfe, you'll be overwhelmed!"

"That's an order, the three of you fall back and let the rest of us handle this!" He yells, quickly angered as the Zanny, Zaku II, and Type-61 Tank following the road quickly head north toward the cave entrance.  "Besides, the enemy's a bunch of stupid smelly Zeeks who can't hit the broad side of a barn and are hiding behind pine trees like five year olds playing Hide and Seek, I can handle them by myself!"  The girl sighs, exasperated, but continues to follow his order as the Zaku Lyra knocked into the lake begins to rise back up, the freezing waters obviously having a negative effect on its systems.

Meanwhile, the tanks have begun opening fire on the Cobra's treeside retreat, blasting it and coming dangerously close to hitting several Zakus as their cannon shots begin quickly de-foresting what little cover there is.  "Looks like they're not coming to us..."  Atrius muses to himself.  "We're going to need to push the line forward ourselves then.  Rellia, have Setch cover you and take out that approaching Zaku II before it gets too close, Buliwyf, take Lyra and lead a push through their left flank while its defenses are still thin.  May and I will cover you all from back here as long as we can.  Vie... you're our cover if anything gets too close."

Objective: Defeat All Enemies!
Bonus Objective: Don't Destroy Any Houses!
Weather: Nighttime, Mild Snowstorm.
Terrain: Surface - Snowplains.

(For a version without the effects, look here!)

NOTE: "Zaku II [E.F.F.] 2" has triggered May's Hypersensitive skill!  Be careful!

(Tip!: Be on your toes when there's no cover!  Attacks could come from anywhere!)

(Note: You can shoot through the trees and you can move through them, but shots fired through trees are less accurate, and moving through them causes a large amount of noise that will alert nearby enemies to your position almost immediately.  The houses a bit less than waist high.  This Battle Pane closes at 11:59pm on Monday.)

Cobra Corps.:

Atrius Schliend - "The Viper"
MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type [Atrius Schiliend Use.]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 40.
Sensor Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 120mm Automatic Rifle - Ammo: 5.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 120mm Automatic Rifle.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Automatic Rifle.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.

Lyra Leylande
RRF-06 Zanny
Pilot HP: 8.
Core HP: 36.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Sensors Active: Thermal.
Head: 60mm Dual Head Vulcan - Ammo: 200.
Right Hand: 120mm Low Recoil Cannon - Ammo: 4.
Left Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 99.
Back Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Low Recoil Cannon.

May Greenfield
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type ["Merrygate"]
Pilot HP: 7.
Core HP: 40
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Head: 70mm Head Vulcan - Ammo: 100.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Right Hand: 175mm Mazella Top Cannon - Ammo: 2.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 175mm Mazella Top Cannon.
Front Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 175mm Mazella Top Cannon.
Front Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: 280mm Bazooka- Ammo 4.


--Hypersensitive active: Triggered by "Zaku II [E.F.F.] 2"

Buliwyf Herger
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 35.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Right Hand: Shotgun - Ammo: 5.
Left Hand: None.
Left Forearm: Worker Zaku Forearm Crane.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for Shotgun.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk ["Skinning Blade"].


--Medium damage to Right Leg.  Could become further damaged with heavy strain.

Florance Vie Silette
MS-05B Zaku I
Pilot HP: 7.
Core HP: 17.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Right Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo 4.
Left Hand: Doublehanding 280mm Bazooka.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 2.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Rellia Lunar
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type [E.F.F. Colors]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 40.
Cloak Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: Heat Hawk.
Left Hand: Heat Hawk.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Seth "Setch" Harrow
MS-05B Zaku I ["Steel Freedom"]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 35.
Sensors Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Head: 70mm Head Vulcan - Ammo: 40.
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 81.
Left Hand: Doublehanding 120mm Machine Gun.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.


"Damn that thing is fast!" May exclaims about the Zaku II giving her a bad feeling. "I hope you have better luck hitting it than I did, Rellia. Be careful!" She leads a shot on the retreating Mobile Suits and fires first on the enemy Zanny, hoping to at least disable that cannon-toting hybrid before it can get too far.(1-2) She then turns her attention to the headless Zaku I knowing that some disabled cameras aren't enough to take a determined opponent out of the fight.(3-4) Finding her Mazella finally out of ammunition she grabs her spare clip and jams it into the loading chamber.(5)

1-2. Fire on the retreating Zanny @ L7. (Rounds Remaining: 1)
3-4. Fire on the headless Zaku I @ E9. (Rounds Remaining: 0)
5. Reload Mazella. (Rounds Remaining: 8)

((OOC: Raven, you didn't move my pog down to C22 from last round.))
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Rellia shakes her head and looks over at her prisoner, "If this Lieutenant Rolfe is as much as you say he is, get ready to die. Because it's necessary to make sacrifices in war."
She flips on the comm, before he gets a chance to respond, "Don't worry about covering me Setch, you guys keep pushing back, I'll distract the leader alone."
She adds Rolfe to the outgoing signal (meaning she's now sending to Rolfe and her party), "Hello Lieutenant Rolfe. Tell your men to hold fire on me and fight me like a man, or are you too pussy to fight a *woman* fairly? One-on-one."

1) Rellia uses her saved up booster strength to go full force, using just enough power to not break the boosters, right at the Zaku at P13 (flanking right, aerial) Use evasive maneuvers, including a barrel roll to avoid any bazooka shots, "Hang on druggie, and try not to burn yourself!" should a barrel roll activate. In the process, she incinerates anything inside the cockpit
2) Should the enemy (besides Rolfe) attack, land on the tank at N13 and proceed
2(part b): Assuming I reloaded smoke grenades before attack base, drop both smoke grenades. If not, ignore this.
3) Swirl while still using my overdriven boosters, deflecting any bullets and slashing Rolfe should he fail to evade. In addition, it should kick up a snow storm, and should 2(part b) come into effect, trap the smoke screen around her and Rolfe.
4a) Strafe to M11 and booster dash back towards Rolfe
4b) If Rolfe changes weapons to melee (true melee, not shotgun), engage immediately
5a) Attempt to slash his Bazooka / Ranged Weapon (including shotgun)
5b) If successful, boost back to P13
5c) If unsuccessful, take evasive maneuvers and booster dash to M14
5d) If hit during any previous command or this command, interrupt with evasive maneuvers and stay evasive.
Side Note: When boosting at Lt. Rolfe, make sure I'm in Setch's line of fire.

OOC: F*ck you FDC >.>
And, in case it wasn't made clear earlier, neither I nor Rellia wants help, complete the mission and stop worrying about the only member who doesn't SUCK


Vie gasps at the sound of hearing Chloe's voice over the radio. "Chloe-" Vie blurts out, but its to late, anyone who is on the other side of the radio can her what Vie said. She frowns, and begins thinking which one of the enemy Zaku Chloe is in. Has to be the the one of the 2 in the back that are running. Then Vie remembered, right before her mech exploded, her name was said over the enemy Zanny's com. Coming to the conclusion Chloe was piloting that Zaku. Vie glanced at her radar to see what she can do to help and get over to Chloe. She the noticed May taking aim at Chloe's mech. Vie yelled into the com, "Chloe! Move! You're going to be sniped!" Vie picked up her mech and pushed it to J19. 1) Then taking aim and firing at Zaku II 2)-3) Afterward moving her mech back into cover. 4)

1) Move to J19
2) Fire at Zaku I @ I12
3) Fire at Zaku I again
4) Move to M22

((Sorry Luna, did not mean to aim at the zaku you're trying to kill))


Lyra let slip a quick giggle, hoping her friend enjoyed his swim as much as she'd enjoyed pushing him in, then took heed of Atrius's orders and 1) headed left(move to A21), hoping to open a path and set up a flank and give the group some breathing room. Unhappy with her positioning, 2) she then pushed her mech forward, trying to get a clear shot on the hover trucks and tanks. (move to D17, adjust positioning by a maximum of 3 squares to keep a good LoS with the western hover truck.) 3) She unloads 18 rounds from her machine gun(81 remaining), into the tank north of her (C9), then noticed a feature she was unfamiliar with, and after fiddling with it for a few, she realized it to be a targeting computer. 4) She calibrates it onto the hover truck (f7) and fires off a canon round(rounds: 3), gauging the usefulness of her new targeting system, before 5) firing off 15 machine gun rounds into a northern tank.

1) move to A21
2) Move to D17 (adjust coordinates by a maximum of 3 squares, attempting to keep LoS with the hover truck.)
3) Fire 18 rounds at the tank in C9 (81 rounds remaining)
4) Lock on to the truck and fire a cannon round at it. (remaining rounds: 3)
5) 15 rounds at the tank at B5(66)
If the truck didnt die from the cannon.
5B) Fire off 21 machine gun rounds at the hover truck.(60)
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


June 28, 2011, 01:55:46 am #345 Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 02:02:56 am by formerdeathcorps
"An extra man can't hurt, Rellia."  Sneaking his mech behind Lyra's old mech (1), Setch could only utter "Fff..." under his breath as Vie tipped off the enemy Zanny to May's attack.  As Vie opened fire, Setch readied himself for a harrowing flight (2-5).

1) Move to J20, staying behind Vie at all times.
2a) If not under attack, fire 9 rounds at Tank 5, but only if Rellia had not already finished flying to execute the ground part of her attack.
2b) If under attack, or if Rellia is already too close to the enemy mech, booster dash towards N20, but go into flight right before entering the forest.
Regardless of what happens on 2), the ultimate destination is T19, though evasion should take priority over anything else while flying.
3a) Take flight for T19.
3b) If Rellia is under attack by Lt. Rolfe's bazooka, immediately counterattack with 45 120mm rounds at his arm socket, unless Rellia is in line of sight.
3b-alternate) If Lt. Rolfe ever turns his back to Setch, attack with 33 120mm rounds at his boosters, hoping to explode his mech, unless REllia is in line of sight.
3b-2nd Alt) If neither of the above, attack with 45 120mm rounds at his kneecaps (preferably on the side he holds his bazooka on), unless REllia is in line of sight.
4a) Do 3b)
4b) Fire 9 120mm rounds at Tank 3
5a) Do 4b) and land.
5b) Fire 9 120mm rounds at Tank 2 and land.

Essentially, Setch will do the a) or b) paths, depending on what happens after he completes 1).

Rounds Used: 9-72, though the expected minimum is closer to 42.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Buliwyf rushes his mech out of the trees at flank speed, leaning forward and firing his thrusters to rush along the ground as he moves north.  He tucks his shoulder in tight and aims for the rearmost tank, coming in low with a rising strike to the front of the tank as his shotgun whips out to the left to blast at another enemy. 

1) booster-charge to D4.
2) flip tank 14 up on its end for cover
3) blast tank 13 with the shotgun
4) possibly do it again if it aint dead.
Hold remaining actions for defensive fire against incoming attacks.


----------Battle Pane Resolution----------

Rellia shakes her head and looks over at her prisoner, "If this Lieutenant Rolfe is as much as you say he is, get ready to die. Because it's necessary to make sacrifices in war." She flips on the comm, before he gets a chance to respond, "Don't worry about covering me Setch, you guys keep pushing back, I'll distract the leader alone."  At that, Carl spits his mostly-smoked cigarette at the floor, looking down and muttering prayers under his breath. "Hello Lieutenant Rolfe. Tell your men to hold fire on me and fight me like a man, or are you too pussy to fight a *woman* fairly? One-on-one."  Rellia declares before igniting her main boosters again, riding on her dash boosters for a full-power booster charge toward the enemy Lieutenant.

"An extra man can't hurt, Rellia." Setch replies, not keen on letting Rellia go on a possible suicide charge as Vie moves past, him following closely behind the Doctor, who let slip a gasp of "Chloe-" as she began to move. "Damn that thing is fast!" May exclaims about the Zaku II giving her a bad feeling. "I hope you have better luck hitting it than I did, Rellia. Be careful!"  She then raises her cannon, letting loose a round to the far side of the enemy's defenses. "Chloe! Move! You're going to be sniped!"  Vie's voice snaps over the radio on instinct.

"What..." the girl 'Chloe' replies, stunned for a moment.  "Get out of the damn way!" the gruff man Claude yells, the Zaku II in the retreating formation pushing the Zanny aside and taking May's cannon shot which smashes directly through its chest as the Zaku falls back and explodes from a single shot.  "Claude..." Chloe mourns for a stunned moment before getting her Zanny to its feet and making a hasty retreat into the mouth of the cave, some tanks following.  Atrius moves out from the woods to get a better shot, barely missing the Zanny as it turns a corner inside the cave.  He then takes to a knee, beginning to snipe tanks as they try to retreat into the cave to make it however much easier he can to navigate the place once inside.

Setch lets out a "Fff..." under his breath as Vie snaps back to her senses and fires her "new" Bazooka into the Zaku rising back from the lake, blasting the battered front of it clean off and sending it back into the depths it came from as it explodes, sending lake water hurling into the sky.  Lyra giggles as she cuts across the tree cover.  She begins moving forward as Buliwyf flares up his boosters, performing a move similar to Rellia to cut across the sparsely-covered western flank.  As he flies past the headless Zaku that's finally righted itself, a second cannon shot from May rings out, nailing it in the core and blasting it to bits, leaving nothing but a pair of legs to tumble backwards as the shrapnel from the body nearly destroys the house directly behind it.  Buliwyf lands and flips the tank near him on its side with a swift kick from his good leg and crouches behind it for cover.

Lyra blasts the tank Buliwyf flew past with some machine gun rounds as Buliwyf turns around, unloading a shotgun blast at the tank to his back as the tanks retreating back into the cave begin firing on him, hitting him with a few rounds as others nail his tank-shield.  Lyra fumbles a moment, finding the Zanny has an E.F.F. made targeting system, and locks it onto the hover truck skirting around Buliwyf.  She fires, landing an unexpectedly precise hit with the computer's help - though her target was far more evasive than expected and already out of the target area.  She raises up her more trusty machine gun and begins firing on it, having trouble tracking it but eventually knicking it with a round that sends it skirting out of control and making a crash-landing in the snow.

Meanwhile, Setch quickly blasts one of the tanks flanking Rolfe as Rellia makes her charge.  "C'mon, you reckless Zeek wench!"  Rolfe yells back over the radio to her as he begins running forward to meet her charge head-on.  She pulls around, pushing her boosters hard to come around his right flank as booster dashes forward and whirls to face her, pulling a shotgun off his back clamp with his left hand and firing it point-blank.  The exaggerated motion of his counter, however, gives Rellia just enough time to give her boosters one final kick, allowing her enough leeway for the shotgun blast to only knick her, causing some minor damage and tearing off her right shoulder armor, the only thing caught in the brunt of the blast.  Setch kicks his jump boosters, going airborne to try and cover Rellia as Vie continues to run eastward and hides behind a different thicket of trees.  He keeps his eyes tight on Rellia and Rolfe as they're tangled together, unable to get a clear shot at anything and instead turning to fire on the retreating tanks in succession as he passes by them overhead.  

"Lieutenant Rolfe!  Please retreat with us!" a male voice calls in over the E.F.F. radio as Rellia and Rolfe's entanglement breaks, each of them now on opposite sides of where they started.  Rellia tries to stabilize her Zaku as she keeps it faced towards Rolfe's, but the momentum from her heavily-pushed boosters combined with the uncertain, snowy terrain causes her to lose footing and fall onto her back.  Rolfe seems to have a similar issue, stumbling backwards as he barely sticks his landing.  "Just shut up and get to the Medeas already!" Rolfe yells back to the soldier who radioed him, before addressing Rellia.  "Not bad, Zeek, but I've got to put our dance on hold." he says, before turning his back to her and moving southwestward around the trees, finding May and shoulder-ramming her before pointing his shotgun at her cockpit.  "Surprise, scummy Zeek!"

"Goddamnit!" Atrius curses with an uncharacteristic amount of emotion, priming his controls to turn back toward the cover he just left.  Meanwhile, Rellia's druggie companion can be heard cursing in the background about "damn terrible women drivers" and about how his head is splitting from being tossed around so much despite his high.

Objective: Defeat All Enemies!
Bonus Objective: Don't Destroy Any Houses!
Weather: Nighttime, Mild Snowstorm.
Terrain: Surface - Snowplains.

(For a version without the effects, look here!)

NOTE: "Zaku II [E.F.F.] 2" has triggered May's Hypersensitive skill!  Be careful!

(Tip!: Retreated enemies will appear inside the cave later on!  The more enemies you down now, the less you fight later!)

(Note: You can shoot through the trees and you can move through them, but shots fired through trees are less accurate, and moving through them causes a large amount of noise that will alert nearby enemies to your position almost immediately.  The houses a bit less than waist high.  This Battle Pane closes at 11:59pm on Saturday.)

Cobra Corps.:

Atrius Schliend - "The Viper"
MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type [Atrius Schiliend Use.]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 40.
Sensor Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 120mm Automatic Rifle - Ammo: 2.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 120mm Automatic Rifle.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Automatic Rifle.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.

Lyra Leylande
RRF-06 Zanny
Pilot HP: 8.
Core HP: 36.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Sensors Active: Thermal.
Head: 60mm Dual Head Vulcan - Ammo: 200.
Right Hand: 120mm Low Recoil Cannon - Ammo: 3.
Left Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 60.
Back Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Low Recoil Cannon.

May Greenfield
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type ["Merrygate"]
Pilot HP: 5.
Core HP: 33.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Head: 70mm Head Vulcan - Ammo: 100.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Right Hand: 175mm Mazella Top Cannon - Ammo: 8.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 175mm Mazella Top Cannon.
Front Right Hip Clamp: None.
Front Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: 280mm Bazooka- Ammo 4.


--Hypersensitive active: Triggered by "Zaku II [E.F.F.] 2"

Buliwyf Herger
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 31.
Booster Jump Fuel: 1.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor HP: 8.
Right Hand: Shotgun - Ammo: 4.
Left Hand: None.
Left Forearm: Worker Zaku Forearm Crane.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for Shotgun.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk ["Skinning Blade"].


--Medium damage to Right Leg.  Could become further damaged with heavy strain.

Florance Vie Silette
MS-05B Zaku I
Pilot HP: 7.
Core HP: 17.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Right Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo 3.
Left Hand: Doublehanding 280mm Bazooka.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 2.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Rellia Lunar
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type [E.F.F. Colors]
Pilot HP: 9.
Core HP: 36.
Cloak Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 1.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: Heat Hawk.
Left Hand: Heat Hawk.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Seth "Setch" Harrow
MS-05B Zaku I ["Steel Freedom"]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 35.
Sensors Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 1.
Head: 70mm Head Vulcan - Ammo: 40.
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 54.
Left Hand: Doublehanding 120mm Machine Gun.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.


Buliwyf sees the cluster of vehicles approaching the cave and nods to himself.  He flings the tank forward to absorb any shots and follows quickly behind it, his shotgun blasting repeatedly at the cluster of targets.

1) move to J2
2-5) each enemy there gets a shotgun blast.
?) Counterstriker anything that survives and tries to go through the door.


May curses colorfully about her lack of a support unit as the enemy Zaku brings his shotgun up to her cockpit. In a desperate gamble, she strikes a series of panels at once; her vulcans, her boosters and her hatch ejection (1-3). The first in hopes of blinding the enemy, the second in hopes of getting the hell away from him and the third and most important, hoping her cockpit doors will knock the shotgun barrel aside long enough for it all to work.

1-3: Release the cockpit doors as fast as possible, leaning into the shotgun if needed to close the distance so the door may knock it aside while both firing her boosters and unloading her entire head vulcan. (Round Remaining: 0)
4-5: If this shit doesn't work, it won't matter what the rest of my actions are.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Vie runs to the mech in front of May and Clubs him with her Bazooka. 1-2) Attempting to help May then darting off towards where Chloe went. 3-5)

1) Move to D21.
2) Attack Mech @ C21 via bazooka as club.
3) Grab Zaku 2 arm that holds the shotgun, break it and steal the gun.
4) Shoot Zaku 2 with the Shotgun.
5) Move to the Cave and try not to get shot.


Lyra cursed under her breath as she 1) backed up her mech, trying to get enough room to lob some shots over the trees. (move to d11) before plugging in the coordinates that she had last seen the zaku at, 2) calibrating her cannon to fire at that point, while dropping her machine gun to her feet, wanting to stabilize the cannon better. She then noticed Vie charging in head first, and, 3-4)realizing what a great distraction Vie would be making, decided it would be best to wait just long enough for the mech to be occupied with her, slowly counting to herself, as she waited for vie to close the gap, hammering out two rounds from her cannon as Vie got close to him, waiting to see what transpired, before blasting off one final round from her cannon for good measure.

1) move to d11
2) drop machine gun, steady cannon.
3-4) Wait for vie to get nice and close to the big scary monster, then fire off 2 cannon rounds. (at said big scary monster/zaku II that has May hostage. Remaining ammo: 1)
5)Wait to assess the situation at hand, firing off the last cannon round from her gun if she has an open shot to do it, if not, she collects her machine gun and awaits further orders from Atrius.

15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Rellia quickly recovers herself and goes to help Buli
1) Recover
2) Move to the J2-M5 area
3) Kill everything there
4) Avoid Buli's shots
5) Kill moar, and set priority to anything about to escape


July 03, 2011, 04:08:54 am #353 Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 04:10:05 am by formerdeathcorps
Setting his mech to medium speed, Setch inspected the snowy plain as he passed by (1-2), but found no enemies.  "Evacuation?  The hell?  They prolly coulda held us off if they tried.  What's goin' on?"  Rounding the cliff, a steely glint caught his eye near the shrapnel and exploded bits of grey and green.  Moving Steel Freedom closer (3), Setch directed the mech's free hand to extract a half-buried cylindrical object (4) from the snow.  Setch smiled; another gun could always prove useful.

1-2) Move to R5
3) Move to vicinity of L6/7.
4) Retrieve 120mm Machine Gun from the exploded Zaku II.  Setch now equips his original gun in LH and new gun in RH.
5) Wait for further orders.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


----------Battle Pane Resolution----------

Buliwyf nods to himself, seeing the last four vehicles that have yet to escape into the cave.  He kicks his capsized tank shield as he moves forward, causing the tanks to disperse as the hover truck quickly flees inside to safety.  They fire frantically at him, most of the shots missing in the confusion and the few that do hit not stammering him due to his reinforced armor as he begins showing the tanks the wrong end of his shotgun.  Rellia, meanwhile, quickly rights herself and decides to head north, intent on killing the precious units this Rolfe was so intent on allowing to retreat. "Evacuation?  The hell?  They prolly coulda held us off if they tried.  What's goin' on?"  Setch says as he follows on Rellia's heels, keeping to his covering orders.  Sadly for them, the two arrive as Buliwyf mops up the final enemy, though Setch is able to salvage the machine gun from the wreck of the salvaged mech piloted by "Claude." The three are able to look into the cave the enemies were retreating into, seeing the ceiling wired with artificial lights and what looked to be a series of branching paths.  Once in a while, they can see a glimpse of a tank or truck deeper in as it cuts across the "main" path they can see down.

Meanwhile, May panics, cursing her lack of support that was supposed to be covering her side as she frantically jettisons the front armor plating of her Zaku.  The plate knocks Rolfe's shotgun aside, catching him offguard as May's head vulcans begin to blare are him.  "Shit!" Rolfe can be heard cursing over the radio, backing up from the blitz as May flares up her boosters to slide north across the ground with whatever hope to escape she can find.  Vie rushes at Rolfe from behind, bringing down her bazooka like a club to try and strike down May's attacker as he stumbles back.  As if predicting her attack, however, he spins his right side towards her and holds his own bazooka up like a shield, catching hers as it comes down.  He then swings his shotgun around and under his raised right arm, firing it point-blank and tilted upward.  "These guns have triggers for a reason, you crazy Zeek." He taunts as the shot tears off Vie's entire right arm and a large portion of her head in a single shot, sending her crippled and camera-less unit onto its back as shots begin to ring out from the other side of the tree cover.  

Rolfe is able to see the shots coming, however, and dodges through the trees similarly to how he dodged the cannon shots from May previously.  Atrius fires at him as he bursts from the tree cover, though the surprise movements and proximity cause the shot to miss easily.  He closes the distance with the Cobra Commander's silver-colored Zaku as Lyra fires off another round.  Rolfe's movements seem to change just before Lyra pulls the trigger, however, and he easily dodges this round as well. "Let me show you how clubbing is done!" Rolfe taunts, making a wide swing with his bazooka that strikes Atrius' Zaku across the face, tearing the hoses and smashing the commander horn clean off as the Zaku is knocked prone.  "What's this mess?  Do they just give any priss with a horn his own pretty colors now?" Rolfe taunts, his attention turning to Lyra's machine.  The only word Atrius can be heard saying over the comm is "FUCK!" as he fights to get his Zaku moving again.

Objective: Defeat All Enemies!
Bonus Objective: Don't Destroy Any Houses!
Weather: Nighttime, Mild Snowstorm.
Terrain: Surface - Snowplains.

(For a version without the effects, look here!)

NOTE: "Zaku II [E.F.F.] 2" has triggered May's Hypersensitive skill!  Be careful!

(Tip!: Teamwork! Teamwork! Teamwork!)

(Note: You can shoot through the trees and you can move through them, but shots fired through trees are less accurate, and moving through them causes a large amount of noise that will alert nearby enemies to your position almost immediately.  The houses a bit less than waist high.  This Battle Pane closes at 11:59pm on Tuesday.)

Cobra Corps.:

Atrius Schliend - "The Viper"
MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type [Atrius Schiliend Use.]
Pilot HP: 8.
Core HP: 32.
Sensor Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 120mm Automatic Rifle - Ammo: 2.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 120mm Automatic Rifle.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Automatic Rifle.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.


--Head damaged, accuracy down.

Lyra Leylande
RRF-06 Zanny
Pilot HP: 8.
Core HP: 36.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2.
Sensors Active: Thermal.
Head: 60mm Dual Head Vulcan - Ammo: 200.
Right Hand: 120mm Low Recoil Cannon - Ammo: 0.
Left Hand: None.
Back Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Low Recoil Cannon.

May Greenfield
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type ["Merrygate"]
Pilot HP: 5.
Core HP: 12.
Booster Jump Fuel: 1.
Head: 70mm Head Vulcan - Ammo: 0.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Right Hand: 175mm Mazella Top Cannon - Ammo: 8.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 175mm Mazella Top Cannon.
Front Right Hip Clamp: None.
Front Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: 280mm Bazooka- Ammo 4.


--Hypersensitive active: Triggered by "Zaku II [E.F.F.] 2"
--Main armor plate jettison.  HP and Armor greatly reduced, cockpit exposed, front screen gone.

Buliwyf Herger
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 31.
Booster Jump Fuel: 1.
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor HP: 8.
Right Hand: Shotgun - Ammo: 1.
Left Hand: None.
Left Forearm: Worker Zaku Forearm Crane.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for Shotgun - Ammo: 5.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk ["Skinning Blade"].


--Medium damage to Right Leg.  Could become further damaged with heavy strain.

Florance Vie Silette
MS-05B Zaku I
Pilot HP: 3.
Core HP: 1.
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Left Hand: None.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 2.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: None.


--Right arm destroyed.  Head destroyed - main camera lost.

Rellia Lunar
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type [E.F.F. Colors]
Pilot HP: 9.
Core HP: 36.
Cloak Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 1.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: Heat Hawk.
Left Hand: Heat Hawk.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Seth "Setch" Harrow
MS-05B Zaku I ["Steel Freedom"]
Pilot HP: 10.
Core HP: 35.
Sensors Active: Thermal.
Booster Jump Fuel: 1.
Head: 70mm Head Vulcan - Ammo: 40.
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 42.
Left Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 54.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.


Rellia boosts into the cave after after the truck inside...
1) Rellia boosts into the cave.
2-5) Stuff inside the cave.


Buliwyf turns and heads back down towards his allies, already planning his next few moves.  He triggers the comm channel for his squad.  "Lyra, you may want to brace yourself.  I'm getting you out of there."  The crane on his arm launches out and wraps securely around her waist a split second before the old mans battered Zaku II gives a tremendous heave, pulling her back and away from Rolfe.  He clicks the comms over to Rolfe's frequency, but doesn't say anything or give any sort of warning before charging sothward.  Rolfe has just enough time to register the incoming Zaku II before Buliwyf suddenly stops and whips the crane hook down to entangle the bazooka-toting Zaku II and yank it forward.  As soon as it is within reach, Buliwyf smashes his elbow into the enemy mechs head unit.

1) Move to C7
2) Pull Lyra to D8 with the winch
3) Charge to the south, looking like I am about to tackle Rolfe.
4) Sudden stop at D11 and winch Rolfe to me.
5) Mech-judo!  With any luck I'll cripple his sensors so he cant see.
Counterstriker) Because I figure I am about to get jacked up something fierce.


1)Lyra quickly reloaded her gun(6 in gun, 0 spare clips left) as she was getting a better grasp of the situation, before hearing an older voice click over her comm, and 2) she immediately braced herself for whatever was about to occur, expecting some sort of explosion or impact, before being whisked backwards by Buliwyf. As she was going back, caught fairly off guard, she realized that the dodgy little twit was probably just as confused by the maneuver, and she thought it might be best to try taking advantage of it. 3) Relying on her instincts, while Buliwyf was charging straight at him, she readied a shot, firing it off the moment he went to dodge, aiming at his legs. (Rounds remaining: 5) 4-5) She then backed up from where she had been pulled to(towards row 1), trying to get a better line of effect on him, without putting Buliwyf in danger.

1) reload (rounds in gun: 6. Clips remaining: 0)
2) Brace self and get lassoed/pulled.
3) Wait for Rolfe to attempt to dodge Buliwyf, then fire at Rolfe's leg. (rounds remaining: 5)
4) Move backwards and right or left, trying to get a better line of effect on the mech.

5) Should things appear to be heading south for Buliwyf, fire a second cannon round into the fray, trying to hit Rolfe,  but more interested in surprising/distracting him then hitting him.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


May senses Buliwyf's intent and charges forward, left arm guarding her exposed cockpit as she closes the gap between her and the others(1). As Buliwyf wraps Rolfe in the winch, she brings her Mazella up along the side of the enemy Zaku, priming it to fire while still in motion, levels it with his cockpit and states coldly, "Dodge this." as she the cannon discharges at point blank range.(2-3)

1: Move to D14.
2: Begin the firing sequence on the Mazella while still in motion.
3: Put a cannon round through the side of Rolfe's cockpit.
4-5: If this doesn't go exactly as planned I don't think these actions will matter. Even if they do I think I'll be flat on my ass from not properly stabilizing myself before firing. Also: Image related.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


"Still ain't done?  Man...this Terran's a toughun!  Cap'n, I have an idea, but it'll be tricky.  If it works, I'll buy ya a second ta fire.  Rellia, if he falls fer it, he'll be fixin' ta come our way, so I prolly need yer help."
Breathing deeply, Setch placed his trembling hands against the controller and set his mech against the mouth of the cave (1).  Anxious fingers spun his IF dial to that of the enemy as Setch prepared his mouth to enunciate as the enemy.
"Commander Rolfe!  We need yer help!  Them...those damned Zeeks are blasting the drop point with one of those Gaw ships!  We can't take much more!"

1) Move to J1 and send false report.
2a) If the enemy comes within view, fire 6 rounds with LH gun to ascertain what direction Rolfe will be dodging.
3a) Immediately fire 24 rounds from the RH gun in that direction, accounting for direction and time of travel.
4a) Immediately fire 24 rounds from the LH gun if the enemy attempts to dodge 3a), again accounting for direction and time of travel.
5a) Immediately fire 24 rounds from RH gun if the enemy attempts to dodge 4a), again accounting for direction and time of travel.
If Rellia assists Setch at any time during this firing pattern, stop firing unless Rolfe turns his back to Setch or exposes a leg.  Then fire at boosters or leg with the specified number of rounds (24).
2-5b) If enemy doesn't come within view, follow Rellia into the cave.

Expected Rounds Used: 0
Maximum Rounds Used: 30 in LH and 48 in RH
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.