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September 20, 2024, 08:21:11 pm


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Curse of the Viper Forum RPG - Capture Dat Flag!

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, May 10, 2011, 06:06:43 am


Lyra notices she got the "empty" seat next to her, sighed a bit, though at least she'd have plenty of room to stretch, and looked over "Hmm.... do you have Pumpkin lattes this time of year? I'm actually craving one of those.... if not just some black coffee should be fine." she then looked about, seeing if anything looked good to eat. "And a slice of your freshest bundt cake? Whatever flavor it is, I just want it nice and soft" Her mouth watered a little, wanting a nice bite of some fluffy cake now. "So why don't we get to know eachother a little better eh? I'm from the land of Oz, where houses fall from the sky. Tis why I left to be honest."
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Sieg laughs at Lyra's quip, ordering a simple coffee with large amounts of cream and sugar, the waitress taking down their orders and running off.  "Sounds like an awful place."  Sieg quips.  "Side 3, myself.  Stories say we've got unicorns there but in reality it's just upset kids shoving ice cream cones onto horses' faces.  I'm not sure which is sillier, really.  What about you?"  He turns and looks to Rellia as he finishes his question.


Rellia moves her head from your hands to stare back at Sieg, mulling over what to say, really there was little to say, it was simple and straightfoward--but really kind of depressing. She decided to just leave out the depressing part.
"I'm from Earth, and I saw the corruption in the EFF firsthand, so now I stand against them. I don't want to kill any EFF citizens, it's not their fault they live in tyranny disguised as paradise..." her eyes light up and there's a sheen against the red rings, "that and piloting a Zaku is so cool!
She wanted to finish with, "I fight fire with fire, illusions and backstabbing" instead of that lame piloting remark, but she couldn't bring herself to, instead she just looked away at the window.


Sieg seems to frown for a second, then laughs slightly at her final remark.  "I hear you!  I remember thinking the same thing before I joined."  He replies with his usual confidence, though there's a quick inflection in his voice.  He quickly covers it up, however.  "You think I could do stupid shit like charge enemy prototypes in a machine I didn't trust?"


"At least you're not charging allied prototypes right?" Lyra said while letting out a small giggle. "Too bad that thing got away, theres always next time! though that weapon of its is scaaaaary.... Did we get any good video of it in use? i wouldnt mind one of those on our side." Lyra then looked across the table, she somewhat enjoyed the glow behind Rellia's orbs, she then looked to Sieg, he seemed to exude confidence and laughter. He'd be quite the addition to their squad, though Atrius did seem to at least try to mellow the party. Quite the odd contrast to the two of them. "How did you end up a captain, sir? Our captain is much more........ reserved? patient?...... Fine, boring."
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Sieg laughs, vaguely remembering the incident Lyra was referencing.  "Honestly, I doubt we'd be able to replicate something like that.  The bazookas barely damaged it and it was basically running around with a battleship cannon.  The Feds probably put their entire wallet into that one damned unit or something like that.  As for me becoming captain... I punched some fish in the throat."  He smirks, enjoying his own comedy a bit too much.  "No, really, back during Operation British, I ran out of ammo and some stupid smartass plane shot my Heat Hawk with a missile, so I started running around and punching those Federation Saberfish things.  Horrible idea, really, if half the pilots weren't pissing themselves at my head on charges at them I probably would've gotten torn apart by missiles.  Downed a few of their cruisers with a fist to the bridge, too."  He then sighs. "I really probably learn how to actually shoot something from more than 3 feet away."


Rellia giggled, "I don't even have a gun, does that make me braver and stupider than you?" she cherishes the thought for a few more seconds before adding, "impossible, you're the stupidest person I know!"


Sieg begins laughing rather hard, leaning his elbow on the table and resting his face in his hand for a moment before looking up.  "You're damn right I am!"


"Let me know how that stupid contest of yours goes. If you'd like, i can even referee for ya! Though I think I'd best get Jeff entered into it too, it'd be unfair to hold it without the reigning champion." she wondered at how she'd ended up at a table with not one but TWO people proclaiming how stupid they were, neither very adept at ranged weaponry. "Well at least you'll have me if you ever need someone to hit something outside of arms reach. Can be quite convenient when you don't have to run halfway across the desert. Though Atrius is the one for the real long shots, though he's about as fun as a kangaroo in a chicken coup"
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


"If I were the kangaroo I'd be pretty insulted right now..." Sieg trailed off, snickering a bit as the drinks finally arrived.  "Snake-boy's pretty dependable though even if he hates my guts something fierce."


((OOC: I hope you'll all forgive my lag here. Wifi was down at work last night.))

May smiles some as she slips the pad away in the room, leaving the door open behind her as she moves. "I'll let you take a look, but that's all for right now. I think I feel a lot better than I look at this point, anyways." She sits on the bed and the package of her hidden chocolate bar crinkles from under the pillow. May's eyes dart over and then away quickly, acting as if she'd heard nothing.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Vie raises her eyebrow at the sound of the wrap crinkling from under May. After a short pause, Vie begins to laugh. "I wouldn't have stopped myself from eating that either" She walks over to May and begins the inspection. "Doesn't look too bad, a fair amount of bruising, your back is in pain from the shock of the hit; that's easy to fix. I say there's nothing really bad here." Vie smiles. "You should be good to leave tomorrow. As for that special food, you can eat regular food now" Vie stands up. "All you have to do now is lay down and not put any force on your back."


As Vie finishes inspecting May's wounds, a male with a light Australian accent can be heard calling out loudly from the sickbay's main hall " 'Ello?  I'm lookin' for one 'crazy redheaded doctor', can anyone here help me out?  Anyone?"


Vie glares at the sound of crazy redhead doctor; she quickly changes her face back to normal before turning around to great the man. She looks straight into his eyes. "The name is Doctor Florence Vie Silette. Who might you be?"


"I'm juss' a stupid Aussie named Jeff."  He replies, holding up the list Lyra wrote him and Setch earlier.  "My dear friend Lyra specifically asked for..." he says, pointing to the entry, "One 'crazy redheaded doctor' with connections to the cafeteria.  We're running a party and need food, y'see, Ms. Silette."


"I see you have manners of a sort." Vie replies. "Party? What type of party might I ask?"


"Hell if I know!"  Jeff replies.  "Crazy chick just threw me this list and told me an' that Setch feller to get to work.  He's supposed to do the evens here, while I get the Grog together an' get you to get the food together."


Vie looks at him with a frown. "Alright then, off you go." Vie turns around and waits for Jeff to leave. When he does she pulls out her radio and calls in Lyra. "Hello Lyra, this is Vie. I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I got word from Jeff about the party, where will it be and what are you planning the theme of the party to be?"


Lyra finished off her drink, looked about the table, then outside and noticed how late in the day it was getting. "Well, I really do need to go get ready. Sieg, would you mind using that stupidity and strength of yours to help move tables to the side in the cafeteria, so we have room for dancing in the middle? I got us the OK to use the cafeteria for the party, we're just in charge of putting it back to the way it was before the next morning. Rellia, come on back to my place with me, and we can get that dress issue sorted out for you, or just stop by later if you have other stuff you need to take care of first." She then carefully slid out of her seat, left a nice tip, and began heading for her dorm, waiting up just enough to see if Rellia was going to come along. She then heard a crackle over her radio, so she pulled the stupid thing out of her purse, only having half-heard vie but not  wanting to bother asking for a repeat, she just replied with "In the cafeteria, no theme really, just need some nice food, nothing too fancy, just give it some class. You're in charge of the food committee right?" she then tossed her radio right back into her purse before bothering to wait for a reply.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


"Nothing fancy, oh well? I'll get the food." Vie puts her radio down, stands there for a moment, then turns to face May. "Do you think you are in the state to go to a party?"