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Curse of the Viper Forum RPG - Capture Dat Flag!

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, May 10, 2011, 06:06:43 am


Rellia upgrades her Cracker Grenades to Smoke Crackers (30)
Rellia purchases Thermal Camo (30)
Rellia upgrades to decreased plating (40)
100 Credits spent
Rellia sells her shotgun
(IDK sell price)
Rellia jumps out of her MS as it's undergoing upgrades and immediately notices Sieg. A smile washes over her face and her eyes light up like a Christmas tree as she silently and nonchalantly steps over to him, "Hi..umm...how are you?" she slowly asks, eying him intently.


"Hey, babe!" Sieg greets Rellia, waving her over and hopping up from his spot on the floor. "I think I'm going to go out of my mind if I watch these guys run around with Zaku parts much longer, you?"


Lyra was dashing about the halls when she spotted someone who looked about as loud as Sieg sounded, and a girl about half his size, who seemed to be talking to him. Lyra decided to go invite these two off to her party, and jogged over, and as she got closer, realized the girl to be Rellia. "Hey you two, how is it going? Rellia right? And Sieg? " hesitating a bit unsure if she had the right people or not. "Either way, we're having a party tonight, and parties need people. You two look like people, so you should come! Are we still on for coffee before hand Rellia? Or are you.... preoccupied?" She asked a bit unsure, she didn't know if she was interfering in a fairly private conversation or not. She looked around a bit, rocking back and forth, heel to toe to heel again.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


"Friend of yours?"  Sieg asks, turning to Rellia for a bit before shrugging and putting an arm over each of their shoulders, leading them both out and down a nearby hall.  "Bah, what the hell?  Coffee sounds good, this place is driving me out of my mind, and you can tell us about this party of yours while we're on the way.  Errr..."  Sieg fumbled for a moment, realizing he had no idea who the purple-haired woman's name was.  "Your name would be nice to have first though, I'm not one for blind dates."


Vie, standing in front of the medical bay, takes the sign off, unlocks the door and enters. She sets the sign down and lightly taps on May's door. "May. I want to apologize for the accented. I know you aren't talking to be, nor want to see me. I just want to let you now. As a small part of my apology, I am giving you all the left over cost I have, so you can upgrade the Merrygate."


Rellia looked up at Sieg and passively hid behind him as much as she could, cautious of her own teammate. "I suppose, if Sieg will go."
She shrugs, trying to feign a nonchalant attitude, and smiles faintly at the purple haired lady.
"Hey Sieg, why does the Viper love you so much?" her bubbly voice piercing the shyness and a tilted head looking into Sieg's eyes curiously.


Sieg looks back down at her, failing at resisting the urge to break into a laughter fit from Rellia's question.  "That bastard?  I was going to ask you if you knew why he's always such a limp dick!" he replies.  "No matter what I do, guy's seemed to had a stick up his ass since he got here.  Needs to lighten up, drink a little, have a party or something..."  he laughs again, this time turning to Lyra.  "Guess you've got some good timing then, chicka.  Where you getting the party favors from, though?"


Rellia blushes and looks down, "I...er...I don't drink, I'm not allowed to" stuttering and tripping over her words, she does her best to keep what little dignity she has at the moment.


"Sounds good then! Though I hadn't planned for a third person... Ah well, to the cafe!......... do we even have a cafe here by the way....? Lyra's excitement being overtaken by her mild confusion, she'd never even stopped to think if there was a place to have a nice "sit down" for coffee. "Oh i'd never properly introduced myself in person had I. I always forget to do that, just assume everyone's my friend. I'm Lyra, and if you have seen me before, my hair was reddish orange before I dyed it. I'm thinking most things wont be hard to come by, and theres always someone with something lying about. Well, you're the highest rank Sieg, lead the way!"
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


"Bah, allowed?" Sieg replies to Rellia. "Live a little, or you'll become a stuck up little priss like your commander.  Dealing with one of him is enough of a headache!  It's not like anyone will know anyway."  He then stops for a minute, reading a wall map before turning down a new hall, still leading the pair. "There's an exchange that should have a coffee shop over this way, Lyra.  Though what's the problem?" He eyes Lyra, before smirking and giving her an insinuating look.  "I'm sorry... is three a crowd?"


"Course not, the more the merrier! Surprises are always nice~ The party isn't strictly alcoholic anyway, there'll just be plenty for whoever wants though, Jeff is always reliable for that." Lyra followed along, keeping in step with Sieg. She looked about making sure she familiarized herself with her surroundings, hopefully one of these days she'd know the base's layout, hoping they'd be there shortly. "Don't worry though, the party is also for dressing up and having a nice time! It'll be fun I promise. You two are both coming right?"
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Rellia looked up and answered quickly, "I will if Sieg will"
She quickly caught heraelf and hugged into Sieg's arm tightly, "Er...I suppose" she managed to barely work through and stared downward, beet red.


After a lengthy pause and some shuffling sounds, the door to May's infirmary room opens to reveal her standing there with a small light-pad programmed to transfer credits from one account to another. May's half being already filled in, she holds it out to Vie, simply awaiting a thumbprint from the repentant doctor to make the credit transfer official. "Since you said you'd help repair her, I'll take that offer as an apology."
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


"No need to be so shy, dear."  Sieg says to Rellia, laughing a bit as they near the exchange and slip inside.  "Of course I'm going.  You think I'd miss out on a party?"  He then motions over to a generic looking coffee shop chain.  "Not the cozy little coffee shop you take your dates to, but it'll need to do..." he says with a small sigh.  "Dress up though?  We having a fancy-ass party then?  I'll bet almost anything that stick in the mud comes in his big ass tan coat like he always does, though... if he even bothers showing his face at all."


"I know I shouldn't be shy, it's just, weird for me, okay?" she replies before giggling over Sieg blatantly poking fun at their captain and thinks for a bit, "Wait, but I don't have a dress...". she lets out a heavy sigh and stares at the cute little coffee shop, enjoying its rather humble structure and appearance.


Buliwyf looks at the comings and going in the hangar, suspended in a web-harness from the upper arm of his Zaku.  "Ah, Lucille...  I sure do miss you, girl."  He gets to work stripping the plating off of the zakus lower arm and installing some new components.  "Stupid paperwork, you shoulda been here already.  Wonder who I have to bribe to make it happen..."  He swings down out of the web-harness and hops into a mechanical lifter/welder.  "Guess this thing will have to do for now."

Shopping list
1) Worker Zaku Forearm Crane- left forearm: 40 points
2) Increased Plating 1: 30 points
3) Shoulder Shield- replacing the default shoulder spike: 30 points

total cost: 100
Lyra or Setch can have the old spike part if they want it.


Vie smiles and nods. She sets her thumb on the scanner. "Its not much, but I hope its a start." Vie looks at her. "Might I treat your wounds? The sooner, the fast you leave."


"Perfect! That's two more to the list! Its dress as you like, since its so last minute 'fancy-ass' isn't mandatory, but if you wanted to look nice it'd be more then appreciated, and you look about my size Rellia, if you want you could come by and borrow something after~ We could even get ready together! Its always nice having a helping hand. Though if you'd rather not that's fine too. Now lets go grab a table!" Lyra led the way up to the counter and smiled over at the hostess, waiting for her to walk over, "Table for three please! preferably something with a view?" she then waited for the three of them to be escorted to a table so they could sit down and relax a bit.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


The three are quickly lead to a booth near a window by the hostess, Sieg giving the ladies the opportunity to enjoy the window seats on either side, before sliding into the booth next to Rellia.  The hostess leaves them all small menus, listing the pastries, coffees, and other assorted items the shop offers while giving them a few moments to settle in and decide what they want.

"So ladies, just coffee?  Or shall we get a few sweets to hold us over to the big party, too?"


Rellia smiles and lays her chin on her hands on the table, "I'd like a Frappuccino. I can hardly take pure coffee, haha"