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Curse of the Viper Forum RPG - Capture Dat Flag!

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, May 10, 2011, 06:06:43 am


"'Less you count paintball as paintin', I only do mechs.  I was gonna go fer lunch, but you look too hyper to be hungry.  Anythin' good today?"  As the captain slowly sauntered away, Setch tried to catch a glance from the Captain, but his face remained inscrutable.  "Dun talk much, sir?"
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


"Paintball? Whats that like? closer to Football or baseball?" she asked, slightly confused, then shrugging a bit, not quite interested past base curiosity. "Cap'n seems a bit disinterested in us at the moment. Maybe we can loosen him up when Jeff is buyin us all a round of drinks, sound interested cap'n?" She then pondered a moment "Where somefin nice! I'm going to find Jeff, its going to be a party!" With that, she grabbed Setch's hand and dragged him off to hunt for her old friend Jeff, before even waiting for the captain's reply.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Atrius waves the two off over his shoulder, not realizing they were already long gone as he eventually makes it to the upper catwalk of the Mobile Suit hangar to transfer some personal items between his old and new Zaku, and take care of a few loose ends.


Running alongside Lyra, Setch tried his best to not grin.  "Paintball's jus' like war.  You shoot and dun get shot at."  As they rounded the corner towards the pilot's quarters, both out of breath, Setch plopped his elbow against the wall.  "'Slong as we got food at Jeff's place, I'm down.  Just dun drag me off like that nex' time."
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Lyra was fairly out of breath as well, "I just... had.... an awesome idea.... need to get.... to work. Figured a party..... would be... just what everyone needed.... after the fight and all...." she leaned against the wall still catching her breath. "Lots to do.... I'm sure Jeff has something lying 'round his place. He hates the hours of the cafeteria, gets most of his own food imported. Can't deny that guy his midnight snack i guess." with that, she led on to Jeff's room and pounded on the door "Oi! Jeff! We're hungry mate, let us in!" Her accent slipping through abit as she yelled at her old friend...... "And the password's grog! unless you've changed it since you moved out of Oz"
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


(VampragonLord asked me to play Jeff, so I shall be.)

"For the love of... Lyra, keep yer damn pants on!  You know I like to nap around this time!"  Jeff replies, creaking the door open and rubbing his eyes, seemingly dressed in an undershirt and boxers.  "And of course it's grog, why would I change the-" he stops mid-sentence, his eyes moving from his now blue-haired friend to her companion.  He reaches a hand out the door and flicks Setch on the forehead.  "And whose this bloke supposed to be?"


"This bloke is helping me with my party that we're throwing, as is... This bloke she replies, first tugging Setch's sleeve, then flicking Jeff on the forehead, having to reach up a fair bit to do it. "Now go toss cloths on, our new friend wants food, do you have anything to feed him? You two can get to know eachother a bit better over food, preferably something to wake you two up." With that, she slipped right on past Jeff, grabbed some paper and a pen and began writing up a list for the party, poking her head up occasionally to see how they were getting along.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


"Party you say?"  Jeff opens the door and welcomes them into his rather sloppily-kept abode, pulling a cardboard box out with his stash of imported foods.   "Let's see here..." he reaches in, tossing out a package of pocky onto his bed. "We've got some fried rat on a stick..." he reaches in again, tossing out a bag of beef jerky. "Some roadkill..." he reaches in one more time, tossing out a package of sunflower seeds, "And finally, some rat droppings!  Eat up, kids!"  He turns around, quickly grabbing the "roadkill" back off the bed and stealing a few strips for himself before looking at Lyra.  "Why'd you die your hair this time?  Do you even REMEMBER your natural color anymore?"  Jeff asks, in between bites.


Trying his best to avoid the imposing man before him, Setch only stopped to thank him for presenting the food, but his curiosity began to gnaw worse than his hunger.  Grinding his teeth against the spicy jerky, Setch turned to face the man.
"Where y'all from?  You sure don' talk like anyone I've seen before."
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


"We're from the land of Oz of course! Careful with that stuff, if you hit an extra-spicy one you may see flying monkeys." She then poked around inside the roadkill, trying to find a strip she'd just warned Setch about, hoped she'd grabbed the right one, and began chewing on it. "You're one to talk! Or had you finally managed to forget about when i dyed your hair a 'cool' burnt orange? Though.... I was a brunette when we were younger wasn't I? Or was i naturally blonde before that..... 'ell who cares, its purple now." She returned to her paper a bit "Did you remember to at least bring something nice to wear when you got moved out here? Or did you just head over like an ocker"
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


"You've got one guess." Jeff replies, cracking open the box of pocky and taking one.  "I can't imagine I'd need something nice anyway, what's the party for?  Somebody's birthday today?  New hot chick join for us to fight over?"


Trying his best to recall his hated geography lessons, Setch couldn't remember ever hearing about a country or city called Oz.  Shrugging it aside, Setch then stuck a Pocky stick in his mouth, before smirking at the latest question.
"Nah, folks, the party's fer me.  I just got transferred here so I could git shot at less."
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


"Well, he's partly right, and I can promise you at least a few hot chicks will be there, though some may be a bit nuts.... The party is more just a celebration and relaxation, to get our minds off what happened a few days ago.... We lost some good people out there, and as important as it is to mourn their death's, we need to get ourselves nice and cheery again so we can kick some E.F.F. ASS." She then shoved her party plans into Jeff's hands. Everything fairly neatly printed out and labeled. "Now then! I'm off to take care of venue, then I'm getting ready. I have JUST the dress to match my new hair, and I've been dying to wear it, I'll see you all at the party~" She let the last few notes trail off as she headed out the door to take care of some important party business, leaving Setch and Jeff to sort out the rest.

Jeff and Setch
1) Grog.
2) People. I dont care who they are, just grab anybody you see who isn't in the middle of time sensitive work, and if they are, yell at them and bring them anyway.
3) If you find some crazy red-headed doctor(she's single and bi jeff ;) ), she's in close with the cafeteria ladies, get her to take care of the food. No C.A.R.P. please.
4) Setch: Yell at the captain that he does need to be there, don't want him off walking in circles while a party is going on.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Jeff looks over the list of things to do for a moment, before passing it to Setch.  "I'll handle 1 and 3, you handle 2 and 4... but first..." now that Lyra was gone, he reaches into a cabinet and pulls out a small bottle of alcohol.  "Let's motivate ourselves a bit, 'eh mate?"


Setch glanced at the list.  "Nothin' too hard here.  Sure, I'll have a go."
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Jeff fills a couple glasses with his stashed booze and passes one to Setch before slipping the rest away again.  "Good, good, my man.  Then, let's down these and get on our way.  Lyra can be quite the frankenbitch if you don't perform up to snuff, so to speak."  He says, raising his glass.


After eating Vie leaves the Mess Hall. As she leaves, a thought comes to mind. Vie hurries to the hangar to buy things.


1 Emergency Repair Forearm - 30 Cost - Equip to "Left Arm"

Total: 30
Sell: Knuckle Shield

Total: 10

Total: 20
Tax: 0
End Transaction: 20 cost
Remaining Cost: 60 cost
Have a Nice Day!


Vie drops the recite on the floor, and makes her way towards the medical bay.