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Curse of the Viper Forum RPG - Capture Dat Flag!

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, May 10, 2011, 06:06:43 am


Lyra continued wandering the halls, until she finally found a map, realizing shed gone the extremely long way around to get to the med bay, and had missed the "usual" short access route that most people take. Either way, glad to be there, she let out a light rapping on the door, then made sure it was May's room, before knocking slightly louder, unsure if May was asleep or not. She then looked up and down the hall waiting a little patiently for a reply, seeing if anyone else was around.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


May shouts in response to the knocking, "Damnit, Vie! I told you to leave me alone, already!"
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Vie reaches the mess hall and stands in line waiting for her sandwich. She reaches the front of the line and hears, "You look quite pale Doctor Silette." Says the lunch lady. Vie looks up and nods. "I'm sad, disappointed at myself." The lunch lady frowns. "Thats no good, now is it." The lunch lady brightens up. "Ah I know! You said you like Monty Carlo's correct?" Vie's stomach growls to the sound of Monty Carlo. The lunch lady laughs. "Well, here you go." She sets it on Vie's plate. "Tell me you will enjoy it and will go on with your day with a smile." Vie smiles. "Yes ma'am. I shall." "Good, now off you go." Vie scampers of grabs some rhubarb pie, sits down and devourers the entire meal.


Lyra was a bit taken aback, but realized she hadn't properly informed May who she was, and given the circumstances, she probably wasn't a fan of her "normal" visitors. "Its Lyra actually... figured Vie was driving you nuts, thought I'd come say hi, see how you were doing, and drop off some pepperspray for you." Lyra called across the door, checking her purse realizing she'd forgot the pepperspray. "Darn, never mind on that pepper spray, forgot it in my other purse. Mind if i come in?" Lyra tried jiggling the handle, to open the door a crack and peek in, only to find someone had LOCKED the door to the patient. That seemed incredibely dangerous and wondered what numbskull doctor would put a patient at such risk, then thought maybe May did it to keep Vie out.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


After a long quiet moment, the lock on the door clicks open and a bruised-looking May opens it a crack. "She's not out there, is she? I really don't want to see her right now." Pulling the door open a bit farther she looks out past Lyra. Once convinced that her squadmate is alone, May limps back over to her bed. "Pity about the pepper spray." She tries to force a smile but its clear she is still in quite a bit of pain.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


"You're a right bastard, you know that?"  Sieg asks, sighing and sitting down on the floor of the Mobile Suit hangar.  Atrius turns on his heels, taking his leave without answering.  Sieg turns to Atrius as the latter's back passes through the nearby doors, heading toward the cafeteria.  "Yeah, screw you too then!"  he gives another heavy sigh, leaning back and turning to look at the ceiling.  "I wish that guy'd lighten up sometimes.  It can't be healthy being like that all the time..."


Lyra quickly slipped into the room, shutting the door behind herself, and went over to May, unsure if she needed assistance back to bed or not, not wishing to insult her, but hating to see her friend in pain. "I'm sure i can scrounge up some a little later for you~ I did remember someone's appetite early for cake, was hoping candy was up your alley too. Just don't tell your doctors it was me With that, Lyra reached into her purse, pulled out a solid brick of chocolate, and handed it to May. Ordered that along with my hair dye. Do you like my new color? With that, Lyra began the impossible task of seeing her the bulk of her hair by looking straight up, though she felt the need to try anyway. I'd meant to have the chocolate for.... those days, but I figure you needed it more, what with all you've had to put up with those last few days. I can always order more later anyway!" Lyra let out a bit of a giggle, then looked about the room a bit, trying to see just what sort of "5 star" accommodations her friend was receiving.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


May's eyes light up at the sight of the chocolate. "Lyra, if it didn't hurt to raise my arms I would hug you right now." She tears the packaging open and breaks off a piece with her teeth, savoring the flavor and looking positively in heaven. "I will totally buy you some to replace this later. And yes, I love the new color. I'd thought about going like that once but I just can't go without my green. Old habits die hard, I suppose." She notices Lyra looking around and frowns a bit. "Its not much but for a while longer it looks like this is going to be 'home'."
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Pouts slightly, "Well at least you have Doctor Stiletto to keep you company right?" Lyra sighed, some heavy sarcasm in her voice. "You know, if we through just a few streaks into it...... we could keep most of it green, and give you a whole new look!" Lyra began to ponder May's hair, as May enjoyed the chocolate. She then leans in quickly, slipping her arm around May's upper torso, trying not to invade the chocolate devouring, giving May half of a hug, trying her best not to injure May further. "If you ever need some company, feel free to gimme a shout. hopefully it won't be too long til you're free."
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


May smiles and nods, "I'll keep that in mind. I do wish I knew when they'd let me out of here. I mean, I feel a lot better but I also know a lot of that is the pain meds..." She sighs heavily and wraps up the remainder of the chocolate to save for later. "If I knew half as much about my own body as I did about Mobile Suits I could fix myself up in a jiff. Sometimes I wonder if I went into the wrong field."
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


"Well, i'd best be off then~ Enjoy the pain meds, hopefully they work for all sorts of pain.... Though would you really want to be a..... doctor?" Lyra said the word with a bit of annoyance. "Then we might have had two people in the sick bay! sides, your mech is one of the best I've seen out here, do you think mine could have taken hits like that? Who cares if you gotta spend a few extra days getting patched up! Just make sure youre at the next sortie~ Lyra got up and headed for the door, off to wander the halls again and look for some of the people she needed to speak with.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Laughing a bit at Lyra's thoughts on doctors, May replies, "No, I don't suppose I would do too well as a doctor. And don't you worry, I'll be there before the next time we deploy and my Merrygate will be as good as new."
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Atrius slips through the cafeteria without much notice after taking care of some business, using it as a shortcut to head toward the sick bay, deep in thought as he keeps to his characteristic slow gait.


Lyra looked about, and ended up spotting the captain as she was leaving the med bay. She wondered what the captain was doing down here, and decided to find out. She headed over towards him, beginning to walk backwards as she got closer, so she didnt break his walk but stayed a reasonable distance away from him. " 'Ello cap'n, how're you doin' today sirrrreeerrrrr Atrius! Just heading back to your dorms from lunch?" She eyed him up and down, seeing if he is holding anything." Or just going for a walk to clear your mind? " she asked as she turned and began walking at his side, slightly behind him.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Atrius has his hands deep in the pockets of his coat.  If he's holding anything, there's no real way to tell by just looking.  "Something like that, Lyra." he answers her vaguely, continuing his slow gait, not minding her tailing him.


"Mind if i tag along then? I've just been to visit May, and i thought i'd make a few rounds and chat a bit with people before i headed off to meet up with someone." She was a bit put off, but wanted to crack the shell of this crabby-seeming leader. He hadn't even seemed to notice her hair, though he clearly recognized her. Maybe he just didn't care. Regardless, she figured at least someone to walk with would be nice, she hated walking these creepy halls alone. they felt.... too empty. " Where exactly are we headed anywho? I'm still learning these corridors...."
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


"Nowhere in particular." Atrius gives one his typical terse replies.  He stops for a moment when they reach the door to the medical bay, Atrius looking at the entrance for a moment before deciding to continue on his original path, eventually reaching a staircase.  "Taking the long way to the upper catwalk of the Mobile Suit bay."


After another horrid sleep, Setch awoke to the already searing desert sun.  Rubbing his eyes, he stared at the clock.
"Agin?  Fuck..."

Crawling into the lobby, Setch shuffled towards the cafeteria, hoping that the best food hadn't already been taken.  Briefly passing the ajar bay door containing Steel Freedom, he watched service bots rapidly add plates and boosters to his mech.  Stepping onto the railing, only inches from where the stray wires were being soldered into the newly installed thermal sensor, Setch smiled, before turning to leave.
"Least that kid ain't here.  Guess bein' cheap ain't so bad this time."

With just another hallway left, Setch's eyes caught sight of Lyra, now with clipped purple hair, and the captain.
"Hey folks!  Whatcha'll doin'?"
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Lyra studied the person infront of her a bit, tryin to recall a name. "Sketch right? You're that kid that painted his own mobile suit!Do you paint other stuff too?" she bounced up and down a bit while talking, hopefully this company walked a little faster, walks are nice, but she wanted to make it to the end of the hall before the next sortie. "So whatcha up to anyway? Me an the cap'n were just headed for a walk, though i'm jus sorta wanderin in general. Where are you headed?" She looked down the hall behind him trying to see where he'd come from.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~