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Curse of the Viper Forum RPG - Capture Dat Flag!

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, May 10, 2011, 06:06:43 am


No answer came from the radio, *sigh*. Vie decides to take tactical ways! She gets up and dumps her food in the trash can nearest to the green haired girl. Vie watches as someone walks into her. Vie listens into their conversation and hears the other girl introduce herself to the green haired one. Vie walks over to the two. "Pardon me, I over heard your name ma'am. Lyra, was it? My name is Florence, I am the doctor of the Cobra's." Vie sticks her arm in ready to shake hands. "Pleased to meet you."


May 27, 2011, 12:36:26 am #101 Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 12:37:51 am by VampragonLord
Following May's gesturing arm, and fairly certain she'd deciphered at least most of the girl's edibabble, she walked over to a table the nearest open table and grabbed a seat, setting herself down in a refined, yet clearly lazy manor, reflecting years of ignored etiquette lessons. A bit of a shy smile cracking her lips at May's comment on her fighting style "So, yer in the squad too i take it? You sound like the girl 'oo joined me in that run, though over comms its always 'ard to tell." Lyra now felt a bit awkward to be sitting in a cafeteria without food, but at this point she figured it'd be easier to wait til the line went away. "Met anyone else from the squad yet? i've met the captain, 'e's round 'ere somewhere..... and i'd like to find that girl 'oo killed 'er IF on us, see what's going on in 'er 'ead." Having finished her sentence, Lyra then decides to pay notice to the girl in the lab coat, "Don't tell me you were wearin that in the mech~ musta been mighty uncomfrtble, though yes, i'm Lyra, pleasure to meet you.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


May 27, 2011, 12:40:58 am #102 Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 12:43:46 am by formerdeathcorps
Hearing familiar voices from behind him, Setch turned his head to see a girl with dyed green hair and two redheads shaking hands.  Setch picked up tray and walked to the table where the others had chosen.
"Guess y'all are my squadmates.  Name's Setch.  I'm the one with the gray Zaku."
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


"Oh the lab coat, well it does get uncomfortable so I-" Vie stops as Seth plops down in a seat, and greets everyone. "Nice to meet you, I am Florence. You may know me as Flo, or Vie. I am the doctor of the group" Vie looks around. "We have four members, including me. Three more."


May nods agreeably to Lyra while quietly eating her cake, clearly enjoying herself. She greets the two newcomers quickly with a simple, "I'm May, nice to meet you face to face." before finishing her cake and excusing herself just long enough to snag another slice before sitting back down and starting to devour it. She mostly just listens to the conversation between her squadmates while she eats.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


May 27, 2011, 01:00:12 am #105 Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 01:00:40 am by formerdeathcorps
"Most of you don't look like cadets.  Wasn't just me that got reassigned without notice?"  Trying his best to finish the plate, Setch shoved his fork, containing more of the mystery meat into his mouth, while trying his best not to gag.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Buliwyf picks up his tray and moves to the table where all the action is.  "Ah, y'all sound familiar.  Buliwyf.  Pleased to meet you."


"Well, this is my first group." Vie replies to Seth. "I just got moved in from Er-" Vie is interrupted by a creepy old man. "Buliwyf? Nice to meet you in person. I must say, you moves are quite good. Where did you learn the judo?"


Making note of May's new piece of cake, Lyra begins craving some herself "If you plan to go back for more.... I'm cravin chocolate somethin fierce, if you know what i mean..... Could you grab me something with chocolate? She then studied who else was around her, taking in the lot of their faces "i was with a different squad, on my way off to some training, when they sent out a call to our captain they needed me for a mission, not sure why they asked for me specifically, but i took my zaku and dragged it clear cross nevada to meet up with atrius, and here i am now. Some organization they've got huh? what do you figure was so urgent? i mean it downed a GAW! and there they were sendin us ripe to the front lines of it."
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Atrius silently waves Lyra off as she heads toward the tables, shaking his head as he sees her bump into the green haired girl.  He looks back at the line, giving a small sigh, before eventually emerging with the same slop of questionable meat as everybody else, though he was at least able to weazel himself an extra slice of that chocolate cake. He takes a quick sweep of the room, spotting Lyra, another redhead, the green haired one, and some kid and an old guy beginning to sit down with them.  ...His fake surprise at the motley crew couldn't have been more fake as he decided to finally walk over, taking a bite out of his first cake slice on the way.


Vie notices and man walking towards them, eating cake. "Lyra." Vie catches Lyra's eye and directs her vision at the man. "Is that the captain?"


Buliwyf shrugs at Vie.  "Picked it up as a hobby a long time ago, mostly.  Turned out to be a lot handier than I expected, so I stuck with it.  Got pretty good, I guess."  He shovels a few more bites into his mouth and sits back  "I guess this... stuff beats MREs, but it's a pretty tough call."



Lyra quickly nods her head at vie, after looking over at the captain. She then takes a second look at him just to see him a bit more "properly", the lighting in the hangar being not one of the best. Her eyes then wander a bit before greedily eyeing the extra slice of cake in the captain's hands, the delicious smell of May's cake pervading her nostrils. She then waves the captain over, hoping the table is big enough to accommodate everyone
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Junking the rest of his plate, Setch smiled at Vie's attempt for humor.  "They don't got rat MREs, though.  But I'm not Lyra, I'd take a chicken MRE over this shit."
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Atrius takes a seat at the table, giving everyone a quick once-over before turning to Lyra.  "You really should eat." He says, putting the half-eaten slice of cake down and turning to his... whatever it was, slowly cutting into it.


Vie shoves her joke aside and looks at The captain. "Doctor Florence Vie Silette, you must be Atrius, The Viper. Pleasure to meet you in person."


Lyra, taking that as an order and a gesture, simply slid the captains cake over to her side of the table and began finishing it off. "So, whatcha reckon we're off ta do next? More suicide missions? Maybe just begin wandering in the desert aimlessly? Least we know what we look like now. 'Td be a shame to have gotten in an out-of-cockpit scuffle and not known who was friend or foe" she let out a bit of a giggle. Her fingers began tracing back and forth on her plate, drawing in the crumbs. "So whats everyone doin after we finish eatin? I'm still wondering where our missing member is, though maybe she just turned off her IF again" Lyra let out with a sigh. She then looked about "Well, im going to go scour for some real food, maybe there's a vending machine or something round here. Anyone wanna come with?"
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


"If thats all there is to say" Vie looks around the table taking in everyones face one last time. "I wouldn't mind if I do." Vie stands up. "I my self, am quite hungry. Shall we head off?" Vie asked Lyra.


"My name precedes me then." He replies to vie, taking a bite out of the "meat" and somehow maintaining his poker face in spite of its... special taste.  He turns to Lyra, whose talking between mouthfuls of his cake, though he doesn't seem much bothered by that, and points to one of the nearby hallways.  "There's one down that way.  Try not to get lost, you two." he directs the redheaded duo, before turning back to finish off the meat on his plate.