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Curse of the Viper Forum RPG - Capture Dat Flag!

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, May 10, 2011, 06:06:43 am


((also, I noticed it doesn't state anywhere the range of are weapons. So we all technically have different types of snipers?))


May 17, 2011, 03:59:57 pm #41 Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 04:00:52 pm by MysticKnightFF5
The girl smiles devlishly as she sees the ancient technology before her. Silly federation. Silly, silly, federation. Her axe glowed like the sun--she was clearly putting more output into it than she rightfully should be.
Her boosters opened...she was going to annihilate these bastards. She bursted forth at the fastest speed the Zaku I would allow her to go, heat hawk readied on the right, her eyes shooting back and forth to dodge tank fire, and her blade ready to cut down the nearest tank.

1) Moves 8 to the right.
2) Moves 1 down.
3) Attacks tank 5.
4) If tank 5 is destroyed, attacks whatever isn't destroyed.
5) Gets ready for evasive maneuvers.

OOC: I also noticed a lack of move range? or did I just outright miss when you addressed any move limitations?


((Re-posting battlemap with coordinates and some other enhancements. Tinypic is the only thing that would take the image. See spoiler. ))

  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


I've already told Celdia how much I love that map.  If no one has qualms with the retro-monitor look, all our maps will look like that from now on.

@ Star, the ranges are noted but only in the Proximal/Short/Medium/Long shorthand because I didn't intend to have proper squares at first.  Then I remembered I had Gametable and went with it because I figured it'd make things easier.

I'll update the OP later with this info, but the various ranges in Squares are:

Proximal - 1 Square anywhere around the unit, including diagonals.
Close - Between 2 and 3 Squares around the unit, forming a small diamond.
Medium - Between 4 and 12 Squares around the unit, forming a larger diamond.
Long - Between 13 and 20 Squares around the unit, forming a humongous diamond.

When I say "forming a X diamond", I mean to think of the range as it works in Final Fantasy Tactics.  I only note it because Proximal breaks that mold by allowing you to attack diagonally.

Your weapons can be used at ranges closer than intended, of course (eg, a Shotgun can be used on an adjacent unit, a Machine Gun at 3 spaces away, a Bazooka at 5 spaces away), it'll just draw off the relevant Combat Skill, though you may suffer other disadvantages (such as the somewhat laggy fire of a Bazooka while closer to an enemy than intended, etc.)

Related:  "Boost Movement" is going to be called a "Booster Dash" from now on for clarity's sake.  The "short distance" a Booster Dash can move is 4 spaces per Action, again in a diamond-like area.

Like I said, I'll be putting all of the above in the OP later, as well as setting up the next turn.

I'm also in favor of coordinates as well, so expect those from now on too.

@MysticKnightFF5, there are no defined Move ranges, unless Booster Dashing.  It's just how far you feel you can move while being safe from enemy attacks.  The farther you move, the more chance the enemy has to be able to attack your successfully before your next Action resolves.

That should cover all the questions everyone had, now I'm off to eat!


May 17, 2011, 09:15:13 pm #44 Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 12:07:07 am by RavenOfRazgriz
(Note: Make sure you read the above post.  The information there is effective starting with the current encounter, and it'll help you better plan your turns!  I've also added guides to the map, and changed how I added names to the units so you can see the game pieces more clearly.  Feedback appreciated on these changes!)

----------Battle Pane Resolution----------

Rellia primes her Heat Hawk silently, its blade glowing a sun-bright yellow as she dashed forward at full speed, ready to overwhelm and annihilate before they could move.  The rest of the team begins moving soon after.  "Damn!  Already?  All right y'all, let's go!"  Setch announces over the comm, readying himself with a burst of cool air from his vents. "Right away boss. Earth scum. Boom. Sounds simple enough," Lyra replies to her captain's orders through the comm-channel, changing her position while trying to remember who her squadmates even were. Meanwhile, May begins to get pumped at the controls of her machine. "So much for us sneaking up on them. Suits me just fine though. I've been itching to see what Merrygate can do! Time to divide and conquer!" she says, gripping and raising her bazooka and letting a round loose at one of the tanks in the center. "Drive a wedge up the center and don't let them have time to even think about getting on the horn! Go go go!"

"Vie, give me covering fire, I'm going to rush the southern-most tanks," Lyra calls out, moving forward and over to get a better shot as machine gun rounds whirl past from behind her and towards the southern-most tank in the formation. "I'll take it, Vie," Setch says as he moved up, covering the nearest tank he had a clear shot at in suppressive machine gun fire.  "Alright Setch, you back Lyra up." Vie calls back to Setch as she takes sight on the northern-most tank, beginning to drown it in machine gun fire.  Buliwyf took the opportunity to move, booster dashing around the tanks and fire from his allies to close the distance. "Hmph. These things aint even half the size of a Cygnus high-atmosphere gas-minnow. Probably not half as tough either." He comments, pulling his Heat Hawk to the ready as he kicks a huge pile of sand toward the tanks, clouding their vision as Vie's fire frags its target

Lyra fires a bazooka round from her crouched Zaku, barely missing Rellia as it smashes into her target, bursting it into flames.  Rellia adjusts her Zaku's movements slightly, coming down on the tank just north of the one Lyra destroyed, smirking as its anti-personnel machine gun rounds bounce harmlessly off her Zaku's armor before bringing her brimming Heat Hawk down on top of it. She cleaves it like metallic butter while simultaneously barely missing out on being on the wrong end of May's second bazooka round, the explosion from which shakes her Zaku slightly.  Rellia shrugs it off, seeing the middle tank from the northern formation still in-tact, and rushes for it, barely avoiding being hit by the tanks in the backmost formation as she cleaves her new target apart as well, benefiting greatly from Buliwyf's sand-kick cover.

The squadron looks around, noticing that the middle team of tanks is still in-tact - but that their captain is nowhere to be found as well.  They turn their heads skyward, seeing that in the confusion, he had taken the opportunity to booster jump to surprise the remaining three tanks from above.  Without a word, he targets and fires, sending a bazooka round whirling into the area between the trio of tanks and fragging them all in the splash coverage, forcing their crews to abandon ship as his Zaku touches ground on the other side of them.  "If you kids are done playing, we have work to do." He says, motioning for his squadron to gather together and continue their desert trek.

This battle is complete!  Bonus objective: cleared!

Stat bonuses:

Atrius Schiend: None.
Lyra Leylande: Medium Range Skill +2.
May Greenfield: Long Range Skill +2.
Buliwyf Herger: Reflex Speed +2.
Florance Vie Silette: Medium Range Skill +2.
Rellia Lunar: Close Range Skill +1, Reflex Speed +1.
Seth "Setch" Harrow: Medium Range Skill +2.

(Note: As I said before, your characters grow faster than usual during these first couple missions to close the gap between them and Viper in terms of points.  Don't always expect this kind of stat gaining to occur.)



----------Scenario Intro----------

The Desert Cobra team continues traversing the desert, hot on the trail of the lost Zeon goods.  The Federation is expecting a report from a squadron of Type-61 Tanks - they'll get quite a shock when they meet a Zaku squadron instead! They were near now, near enough to pick up the IF reading of the Gaw on their radars - about the only thing the damned radars were good for anymore.  How it was even still transmitting a reading after crashing was anyone's guess, but the team begins to close in, passing through mesas until they hear the sound of another tank fire, and an explosion against the ridge at their backs - more tanks!  "They can probably hear that from the Gaw!" Atrius said, sweeping the area to see how many enemies he could spot.  "No use trying to silence them quick!  Just do it right and stay al-"  He's cut short by rocket fire from above - a dogfight? "It looks like they're still hunting down the rest of the Dopps the Gaw was carrying... let's try to get those Saberfish out of the sky too, if we can.  Having some air support could be handy.  Just be careful of enemies hiding in the sand!"

Objective: Destroy All Enemies.
Bonus Objective: Save allied Dopp fighter planes.
Weather: Sunny.
Terrain: Surface - Desert.

(For a version without the effects, look here!)

(Tip!: The Mobile Suit's weakest point is its back.  Try not to expose your back to the enemy, because even weak weapons and units can do critical damage if they can land a hit from behind!)

(Note: My nephew says this map looks like a chocolate chip cookie.  No, you can't fire over the tops of the rocks, they're supposed to be large mesas.  Also, time for posting on this Battle Pane expires midnight EST on Thursday.)

Desert Cobras:

Atrius Schliend - "The Viper"
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Core HP: 40
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 3.
Left Hand: Doublehanding 280mm Bazooka.
Right Hip Clamp: 105mm Machine Gun - Ammo 100.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Lyra Leylande
MS-05B Zaku I
Core HP: 35
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 3.
Left Hand: Doublehanding 280mm Bazooka.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Left Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

May Greenfield
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type ["Merrygate"]
Core HP: 40
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 4.
Left Hand: Knuckle Shield - HP 10.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 2.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Buliwyf Herger
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Core HP: 40
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: None.
Left Hand: None.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for Shotgun.
Left Hip Clamp: Shotgun.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk ["Skinning Blade"].

Florance Vie Silette
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Core HP: 40
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 72.
Left Hand: Knuckle Shield - HP 10.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Rellia Lunar
MS-05B Zaku I
Core HP: 35
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Right Hand: Heat Hawk.
Left Hand: Doublehanding Heat Hawk.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Seth "Setch" Harrow
MS-05B Zaku I ["Steel Freedom"]
Core HP: 35
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 81.
Left Hand: Doublehanding 120mm Machine Gun.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk.


Dopp Fighter 1
Core HP: 10

Dopp Fighter 2
Core HP: 10

Dopp Fighter 3
Core HP: 10


Rellia notes the weak squadrion confronting them and decides to take a more grounded approach this time. Once again, her boosters open up, brighten like a holy flame, and burst full speed at one of the tanks in the the back row,
she lithely cuts it in half, searing the pilot alive and smiling as his wails echo in her speakers.
Over the vox she says, "Target: Eliminated. Painfully."

After the very ninja-like cutscene, she turns around right as it explodes, obliterating the sliced in half pilot. Her sights now on the air units.

1) Rellia boosts to 09
2) Rellia attack.
3) Rellia turns left.


"Saberfish you say captain?" Vie ignites her boosters jumping on top of the rock in front of her. There she spots three Saberfish and some tanks. "May, cover me please!" Vie begins to Fire at the Saberfish.(2-5)

1) Booster Jumps to I2
2) Fires 20 Bullets at Saberfish 2
3) If Saberfish 2 is alive, fire 10 more bullets
3a) If Saberfish 2 dies, Fire 20 Bullets at Saberfish 1
4) Unload rest of clip at Saberfish 3
5) Reload


May watches the blip on her radar that represents Rellia dash ahead and is overcome with a mild sense of horror. "Rellia! Don't just charge out there! You're half-blind behind those rocks!" she shouts over the radio with a touch of panic in her voice. Hearing the call for cover fire from Vie, May watches the doctor launch her Mobile Suit into the air and can think only to follow suit just to be able to get line of sight on the opposition. (1) While riding her boosters higher than Vie, May takes the captain's previous example and fires a bazooka shell at the pair of Northmost tanks, attempting to blast them both with the splash from one shell. (2) She guides her MS down to the mesa-top beside Vie's Mobile Suit, backside to her ally while drawing up her knuckle shield and shoulder shield to defend her East- and South-facing sides, acting as a wall to guard Vie. (3-5) "Vie, I'm beginning to think you might be as reckless as Rellia...and now you've got me following you!" May's voice rings over the mic, colored with frustration.

1. Booster Jump high up.
2. Fire one bazooka round at N2 while in mid-air. (3 Rounds Remaining)
3-5. Guide MS down to J2 and actively defend from incoming fire with shields.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


May 18, 2011, 01:15:45 am #48 Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 01:24:54 am by formerdeathcorps
"Eyes and ears open; got it, sir!  That other un near me's done for!."  Hugging his mech along the mesa, Setch carefully pressed his mech forward, his eyes constantly darting at his visual display, while his right hand jiggled the joystick controlling his mech's hands, allowing them to steadily point his gun against against the nearby dunes (1-2).  As the row of dunes ended, he opened fire upon the tank hiding in the crag between two mesas (3-4).  "Finished 'em!  Comin' up your way!"  Continuing in his same slow style, Setch marched past the next abutment (5).

1-2) Move to K10 linearly (E10 to K10), but if anything appears in the dunes within 2 squares, Setch will open fire until target is destroyed (Setch expects to use no more than 9 rounds).
3-4) Attack Tank 5, first with 9 rounds on the first turn and with 6 on the second (unless the target is already destroyed).
5) Move to L8 linearly (L10 to L8), but if anything appears in the dunes within 2 squares, Setch will not move to L8 and will instead spend turn attacking target until target is destroyed (Setch expects to use no more than 9 rounds).

Ammo Used: 9-15 Rounds unless ambushed in the dunes.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Buliwyf takes a quick series of heavy steps along the dunes before the boosters on his back fire with a thunderous roar, hurling him up and over the boulders and at a Saberfish. (1,2)  "This'll do."  His powerful hands clamp down on the wing of the delicate plane mid-air, (3) turning it into an improvised axe as he cuts his boosters and drops from the air to slam the torn-off wing into the turret of the tank. (4)  He takes a step back from the carnage and places his back against the boulder for cover. (5)

1) Move along the dunes heading NE
2) Booster Jump towards M1
3) Attack Saberfish 2 while booster'd, hopefully losing a wing will give it hell on its turn.
4) Attack Tank 1 on landing, hoping the wing-axe will bend the gunbarrels
5) Place back to boulder in M2 for better tactical cover, which puts the right shoulder armor towards the tank.


(sorry, been at a friends house)

Seeing Rellia charging in head long, Lyra decided to follow suit, 1) rushing to L7 and looking to the skies, seeing if she can spot any of the saberfish. 2a) Seeing one, she proceeded to open fire, loosing one round from her bazooka. 2b) Not seeing one, she readjusted her position, readying to fire on the first enemy she could see. 3) "Nice going miss berzerker, i got your back" Lyra said over the comm, with a mischievous giggle at the end of it.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


May 19, 2011, 05:17:36 am #51 Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 07:14:32 am by RavenOfRazgriz
It's no problem, VampragonLord, there was still plenty of time to post.  Everyone in this group just posts nice and fast, which is, well, nice.  Also, you don't need to spend actions for dialog, you realize, yes?

----------Battle Pane Resolution----------

Rellia flares her supporting boosters, her seeming blood-lust nowhere near quenched by the last battle as she dashes her Zaku forward.  The tank to the south and directly in front of her both fire, but her speed and keen eyes allow her to dodge the shots with ease - a little too much ease, as her own Zaku creaks under the stress from her demands, barely able to keep up with her input.  Lyra follows close behind her, scanning for the Saberfish but not seeing any above. "Eyes and ears open; got it, sir!  That other un near me's done for!" Setch calls out, taking a more cautious pace than his two leading ladies as he begins scanning the nearby sand dunes with his eyes, looking for tanks buried in the sand.

"Saberfish you say captain?" Vie asks as she flares her boosters, performing a small jump that lands her atop the nearby mesa and gives her a better shot at the approaching Saberfish team.  "May, cover me please!" Vie calls out as May and Buliwyf both fire their thrusters up soon after Vie, riding their boosters far higher than she did.    Several tank rounds ring out from the area beyond the mesas, passing just over Vie's head and under May's legs - a close shave.  May readies her bazooka and scans the outlying areas, seeing glints in the sand as well as a couple tanks, including the one that fired on her just now.  Her eyes dot to the far side of the field and she notices more glinting, unable to discern entirely what it is but shouting a warning anyway. "Rellia! Don't just charge out there! You're half-blind behind those rocks!"  The Saberfish team approaches, hot on the tail of the Dopp fighters and seeming to ignore the Zaku team entirely, focusing entirely on their objective.  Buliwyf takes advantage of their ignorance, barely missing being hit by a second round of tank fire from the ground as he reaches out and grabs the wing of an unsuspecting Saberfish as it passes, tearing it off.  "This'll do."  He says gruffly, turning his eyes back to the ground.

Atrius quickly raises his Bazooka and takes a shot at the tank holding the middle pass before it can move, hanging back in wait for the Saberfish to pass overhead.  "Just dodge them a bit longer, and we'll take them out!" he calls to the Dopp squadron overhead, reaching his left hand around and pulling his machine gun off his right hip.  A tank hiding between the mesas goes to fire at Lyra, but Setch silences it with a short nine-round burst from his machine gun, the old machine no match for the Zaku's weapons.  "Finished 'em!  Comin' up your way!"  Setch calls to the ladies as Rellia rushes the tank holding the choke point, slicing it through with her Heat Hawk and smiling at the death cry echoing in her ears. "Target: Eliminated. Painfully." she snickers as she turns north to face the remainder of the enemies. "Nice going miss berserker, I got your back." Lyra giggles into the mic playfully, seconds before hearing the rings of several tank rounds.  The shots nail Rellia's blind spot in the back of her Zaku, fragging parts of her booster system and forcing her machine against the nearby mesa.  Lyra turns and fires as three tanks burst from the sand, but they've already deployed their smoke charges, disrupting her shot and vision and causing the bazooka round to go careening into the sand behind them.  

May fires a bazooka round from above in an attempt to take out a pair of nearby tanks with splash damage before landing, having taken notes from the previous battle.  The round explodes in the sand, completely fragging one tank but only damaging another, which had begun moving forward in an attempt to try and attack Vie from directly below.  Buliwyf follows up May's attack, however, smashing the tank's turret with the wing he stole off his previous target, warping but not destroying his new weapon in the process.  "Vie, I'm beginning to think you might be as reckless as Rellia...and now you've got me following you!" May calls as she lands on the mesa in front of Vie, raising both her shields defensively as Vie begins targeting the Saberfish that have now flown past.  Rat-at-at-at-at-at, she fires, blasting the Saberfish Buliwyf damaged out of the sky before quickly changing targets.  Rat-at-at-at-at-at, less luck this time.  After the first burst of fire in their direction, the Saberfish had broken off their chase and begun evasion maneuvers, moving far too quickly for the machine gun to keep up.  The Saberfish she hadn't targeted begins a beeline to her, coming in from Vie's exposed west side and hoping to take her by surprise.  Vie quickly changes target though, blaring the rest of her clip with a rat-at-at-at-at-at into the Saberfish, able to easily hit it and blow it to pieces due to it coming from head on.  

More tank rounds rung from beyond the maze of mesas, this time towards May.  One, two, three, four rounds came lobbed from the sand beyond, two nailing her Knuckle Shield and two smacking into the sturdy front armor of her Zaku as more smoke rises over the mesa - this team had deployed its smokes as well.  Her mangled shield still holds fast, however, allowing her to continue defending and block rounds that would otherwise nail her cockpit.  Atrius, meanwhile, turns about and begins tracing the movements of the final Saberfish with the sight on his machine gun.  Waiting a moment for its flight pattern to become linear again, he fires with a fast rat-at-at-at-at, dumping a number of rounds ahead of the Saberfish and nailing it, turning it into a flying ball of fire.  At this moment, more tanks burst out from the sand, this time from behind, quickly firing off rounds before anyone can react.  One set of rounds nails Setch from behind, causing him to fumble as a second nails Atrius in the side - even the captain is caught unaware enough to be hit.  "Damnit, a setup!  Not surprising they'd be expecting something even without their forward guard reporting it to them, though... try not to fight in the mesas, we're at a disadvantage with our mobility limited like this." Atrius warns, before one of the Dopps sends him a relay.  "Sir, there are Fly Manta on our t- shit, they're already here!"  The pilot curses as Atrius turns his head up to the sky.  "Those Fly Manta have powerful air to surface missiles, even your Zakus can't take more than a couple direct hits from them, Sir!  Be careful!"

"I know that already, just give me air support." Atrius replies back, turning himself to face the new threat.

Objective: Destroy All Enemies.
Bonus Objective: Save allied Dopp fighter planes.
Weather: Sunny.
Terrain: Surface - Desert.

(For a version without the effects, look here!)

(Tip!: Units hiding in smoke are not properly displayed on the map!  The units displayed under the smoke only show the known number of units hiding, they could be in any tile covered by the smoke.)

(Note: No, you can't fire over the tops of the rocks, they're supposed to be large mesas.  Also, time for posting on this Battle Pane expires midnight EST on Friday.)

Desert Cobras:

Atrius Schliend - "The Viper"
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Core HP: 35
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 2.
Left Hand: 105mm Machine Gun - Ammo 80.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Lyra Leylande
MS-05B Zaku I
Core HP: 35
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 2.
Left Hand: Doublehanding 280mm Bazooka.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Left Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

May Greenfield
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type ["Merrygate"]
Core HP: 32
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 3.
Left Hand: Knuckle Shield - HP 2.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 2.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Buliwyf Herger
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Core HP: 40
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: Mangled Saberfish Wing.
Left Hand: None.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for Shotgun.
Left Hip Clamp: Shotgun.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk ["Skinning Blade"].

Florance Vie Silette
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Core HP: 40
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 0.
Left Hand: Knuckle Shield - HP 10.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Rellia Lunar
MS-05B Zaku I
Core HP: 19
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Right Hand: Heat Hawk.
Left Hand: Doublehanding Heat Hawk.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

[Special Conditions - Booster Damage, Booster Dash range reduced by 1, Booster Jumps not recommended.]

Seth "Setch" Harrow
MS-05B Zaku I ["Steel Freedom"]
Core HP: 28
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 72.
Left Hand: Doublehanding 120mm Machine Gun.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk.


Dopp Fighter 1
Core HP: 10

Dopp Fighter 2
Core HP: 10

Dopp Fighter 3
Core HP: 10


May reels with the force of the multiple tank rounds striking her Zaku but just laughs loudly into her mic, external speakers carrying her voice across the sands, "Hahahaha, is that the best you've got?! You'll have to do a lot worse to stop my Merrygate!" Flipping the switch back to the squad comm-channel, she continues cheerfully while she punches info into her targeting console. "Vie, good shooting! Keep the skies as clear as you can. Buliwyf, be a dear and do something about these tanks on our West flank? They're too close for comfort." With an extra push of the keys, May transmits her targeting data to the rest of the squad and it highlights the SE corner of everyone's radar screens in red as she starts firing into the smokescreen covering the distant tanks. (1-3) With an almost uncharacteristic silence, May dumps the empty cartridge from her bazooka and slips the half-spent one from her clip into the chamber (4) before drawing her knuckle shield forward and turning East to guard against the tanks on that side. (5)

1-3. Fire bazooka at panels R9, S9, R10. (0 rounds remaining)
4. Reload bazooka from right hip clamp. (2 round remaining)
5. Turn facing East, back to Vie, guarding with the knuckle shield again to the East and shoulder shield facing South.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


May 19, 2011, 06:50:18 am #53 Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 07:35:32 am by VampragonLord
Not liking where this is going, Lyra 1) scouts about, hoping to free up some room for them to move, she heads to J10, then radios over the comm "Captain, I'm coming round your south side, we need to regroup and deal with those mantas". 2) Seeing tank-9, she stops, pops off one boomer at it, aiming slightly low hoping to frag it in the explosion should she miss, and plops her hand on the comm. again "This way you two, lets get away from those smoke screens," 3) then hooks around to E9, and 4) fires off her final shell at tank 8, hoping to have cleared some breathing room for her troop, and having given the dopps some safer air space. Taking quick breath, 5) she takes one hand off her bazooka and grabs her spare clip.

1) move to J10
2) fire at tank 9, aim slightly low.
3) move to E9
4) fire at tank 8
5) change to single-handing the bazooka, free hand grabs the reload clip.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


May 19, 2011, 07:57:12 am #54 Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 08:00:57 am by formerdeathcorps
Despite the inches of steel plate, Setch lurched forward, only to be painfully caught by his restraining belt.  The whirring cold air suddenly fell silent as the desert heat immediately began to seep into his suit.  "Fuck!  I just fixed it too!  His sigh crackled into the receiver.  "All righ', I'm takin' those bastards behind..."  A dot on his screen began to blink as the mech closest towards him began to move his way.  "Never min' then.  I'll take them Suit Killers.  Just watch my back!"  As his boosters roared (1), Setch reminded himself to smile; he finally had a chance to fly.  As the wings of the Mantas came into view, Setch opened fire, before choosing a crag between two mesas to land (2-5).

1) Use Booster to become airborne to roughly the same elevation as the fighters.
2) Attack Manta 1 until it is destroyed, unless already destroyed or out of range.  (Setch expects to use no more than 15 rounds.)
3) Attack Manta 2 until it is destroyed, unless already destroyed or out of range.  (Setch expects to use no more than 15 rounds.)
If Manta 3 is already destroyed
4a) Move to and land on L4 linearly (L8 to L4) if no bullets or rocket ammo is flying along the path.
5a) Change positioning so rear of the mech touches K4.
If Manta 3 is not destroyed
4-5b) Move towards L4 linearly if no bullets or rocket ammo is flying along the path, but stop when Manta 3 comes into range.  Attack Manta 3 until it is destroyed, unless already destroyed or out of range.  (Setch expects to use no more than 15 rounds.)  He'll land on whatever square he stops on, but will attempt to midair adjust the positioning of his mech so his rear faces west.

Expected Use: 0-45 Rounds
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


As all hell broke loose, Rellia took the most intelligent course of action and jumped over the large rock , then swirled around and prepared to dodge the Manta (also behind cover from the units in the smoke screen)
1) Moves to M7
2) Guards (additional evasion against Mantas at L2 and 04)


"I got your back May." Vie reloads her gun (1). Fills Tank 6 with holes (2). Waits in a devensive position for Tank 7 to appear in sight (3).

1) Reloads gun from Right Hip Clamp
2) Fires at Tank 6 until it dies
3) Waits in a Defensive position
If Tank 7 appears in sight:
4)Then fire at it until it dies.


Buliwyfs hand rocks back and then whips forward again, the practiced ease of the life-time fisherman casting his lure.  Except in this case the lure is a mass of torn and crumpled metal that once was a Saberfish wing, and the target is a Fly Manta.  "Tanks to the west, aye.  You read my mind."  Again his mech takes a quick series of pounding steps before the boosters roar to life and hurl him into the air.  By the time he lands again, his shotgun is in his hands, and he blasts both tanks at point-blank range.

1) Throw my improvised axe at Fly Manta 2.
2) Move to the west.
3) Booster Jump to D3
4-5) Tanks 6 and 7 each get a point-blank shotgun blast, and that should finish me up with my back once more against a mesa.


May 21, 2011, 02:47:37 am #58 Last Edit: May 22, 2011, 04:37:19 am by RavenOfRazgriz
----------Battle Pane Resolution----------

"Hahahaha, is that the best you've got?! You'll have to do a lot worse to stop my Merrygate!" May taunts as soon as the dust settles from the tank attack just seconds ago.  Then, able to get a good survey of the enemy forces from her perch, she quickly takes the tactical helm, transmitting her kill-zone data to her allies while quickly cooking up a strategy. "Vie, good shooting! Keep the skies as clear as you can. Buliwyf, be a dear and do something about these tanks on our West flank? They're too close for comfort."  Buliwyf silently acknowledges her, pulling his arm back as if to cast a fishing pole before letting his improvised weapon flies.  Its accuracy is impeccable - only missing because his throw could not reach its target.  The Fly Manta pilot is still horribly spooked by this close call, and breaks off into evasive maneuvers in case of a follow-up attack as Buliwyf performs an about-face and takes to the sky once more. "Tanks to the west, aye.  You read my mind."  

"Captain, I'm coming round your south side, we need to regroup and deal with those Mantas." Lyra calls over the comm as she falls back.  "Acknowledged," her captain replies, "Take your team and fall back.  I'll be taking care of the tanks harassing our front if we get some proper air cover." He responds to her as she fires at the ambush tank that had shot Setch earlier, bursting it into flames. "This way you two, lets get away from those smoke screens." Lyra orders, hoping to stop Setch or Rellia from eating another bombardment of tank fire.  As she speaks, however, her Zaku shakes violently.  In the moment she had paused to fire on the enemy tank and reload, the second south ambushing tank had been able to get a shot off, nailing the side of her Zaku!  Rellia seems uncharacteristically compliant, hitting her damaged boosters to jump over the mesa she had been pushed up against before the tanks behind her could ready another round of shots, and barely dodging the beginning of a maelstrom of bazooka fire from May towards that same group, catching the tanks in multiple blast radii and fragging them before the smoke could even disperse.   Lyra continues to move back, quickly paying back the tank that shot her and reloading her Bazooka.

The ascent of Rellia's Zaku, however, is far slower than usual, and her mangled boosters creak and whine under the strain.  Setch, in contrast, is taking Rellia's usual role of ignoring others. "Fuck!  I just fixed it too!"  His sigh crackles into the receiver.  "All righ', I'm takin' those bastards behind..." he begins, before seeing Lyra move past but either ignoring or not hearing what she said.  "Never min' then.  I'll take them Suit Killers.  Just watch my back!" His boosters flare up and he goes airborne to meet the Fly Manta head-on, quickly passing Rellia in elevation and showing the power difference between the mangled and properly functioning boosters.  To his surprise, a Fly Manta is already coming for him, head on!  It fires its air-to-surface missile out of surprise of its prey coming to its level, whiffing the shot as it changes over to its guns.  The rounds bounce off the Zaku's front armor, only doing light damage as a burst of machine gun rounds from Setch blow right through it despite some last-minute evasive maneuvers.  

Setch hears engines flare behind him as one of the Dopp pilots replies to his calls for cover!  "We've got your back, Zaku!  These Fly Manta can't beat the Dopps in a dogfight!" one of the pilots declares as the three Dopps return to formation, quickly using their air-to-air missles to quickly down the second Fly Manta before it could finishing readying one of its own missiles to fire at either May or Vie.  "I got your back May." Vie replies to the girl at her back, reloading, but turning her attention to the tanks instead of the Fly Manta above that May asked her to cover once she saw Setch and the Dopps taking them down.  The nearest tank, however, was able to get a shot off at Vie, damaging her front armor some as a goodbye present before Vie raised her machine gun and showered it in a baptism of bullets.  Buliwyf lands from his Booster Jump, expending the rest of his jump fuel to land right behind the husk of a tank Vie just fragged before turning and catching the second with his Shotgun before it could sneak up on Vie and get a shot off on her itself.  Vie's relief doesn't last long, however, as May's Zaku is pressed up against hers.  Another hail of tank fire had come over the ridge, fragging the remains of the shield portion of May's Knuckle Shield and doing more appreciable damage to the Zaku itself this time.

Setch turns in the air, trying to keep his motion towards his desired landing zone as he began targeting the final Fly Manta.  Its trajectory however is towards Rellia, who had finally landed opposite the mesa and was performing what evasive measures she could force from her Zaku.  It fires off its payload just before Setch can blow it from the sky, but Rellia's keen eyes and speed allow her to barely dodge the missile despite the state of her Zaku.  As she moved, however, her primary boosters sparked and shorted.  They would need to be repaired before she could use them to Booster Jump again unless she wanted to risk them exploding while she was in mid-air.  As she finally presses herself against a mesa and gives her Zaku precious time to cool down, her captain's Zaku runs past her and to the other side of the mesa, giving himself a clear shot and using the same tactic May did on the other smoke-covered tank team - except he used a large machine gun spray instead of a round from his Bazooka.  "Hey Dopps!  Help me mop up these last few tanks!  Atrius calls to them as they fly past overhead.  Atrius then quickly performs a booster dash to the side, dodging a hail of several tank rounds from the smoke.  

"Not a problem!" the Dopps call back down to him.  "Those idiots just gave away their positions, after all!"  The Dopps quickly fly over the smoke, letting loose a few of their small payload of unguided air-to-surface bombs to take out the remainder of the harassing tanks.

This battle is complete!  Bonus objective: cleared!

Stat bonuses:

Atrius Schiend: None.
Lyra Leylande: Medium Range Skill +1, Reflex Speed +1.
May Greenfield: Long Range Skill +2.
Buliwyf Herger: Close Range Skill +1, Reflex Speed +1.
Florance Vie Silette: Medium Range Skill +2.
Rellia Lunar: Close Range Skill +1, Reflex Speed +1.
Seth "Setch" Harrow: Medium Range Skill +1, Reflex Speed +1.



----------Scenario Intro----------

At Atrius' insistence, the Dopp fighters return to California Base to report what had attacked the Gaw instead of aiding the Desert Cobras in recovering it from the E.F.F.  The Federation seemed intent on not allowing those pilots to return to report something earlier, so he had deemed it best to get them to report that something A.S.A.P.  They did, however, supply the Mobile Suit team with the exact location of the downed Gaw, making finding it without being jumped by its recovery team that much easier.  They continued to the complex mesas, turning northward toward the crash site before finally spotting it.  The crash site was sitting in an open expanse of the desert, to their relief.  Defense too is lighter than expected - some stolen and repainted Zaku Is, some Type-61 Tanks, and some Fanfan missile-copters for air support.  Dangerous, but manageable - and nothing that could devastate a Gaw like this, in allied airspace.

"It seems they haven't spotted us yet..." Atrius mused to his squadron.  "They're alert, but we still have the element of surprise.  Something isn't right here, though, so stay on your guards, I wouldn't be surprised if the real threat's hiding on the other side of these mesas where we can't see it easily."

Objective: Destroy All Enemies.
Bonus Objective: Stop the E.F.F. from capturing or destroying the prototypes.
Weather: Sunny.
Terrain: Surface - Desert.

<- Right Click and Open Link in New Tab to view!

(For a version without the effects, look here!)

(Tip!: Keep a sharp eye on the status of your Mobile Suit at all times!  The listings under the map not only keep track of weapon loadouts and Booster Jump counts, but also up-to-date info on special conditions your character or their Mobile Suit may be dealing with.)

(Note: No, you can't fire over the tops of the rocks, they're supposed to be large mesas.  Also, time for posting on this Battle Pane expires 11:59pm EST on Sunday.)

Desert Cobras:

Atrius Schliend - "The Viper"
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Core HP: 35
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 2.
Left Hand: 105mm Machine Gun - Ammo 50.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Lyra Leylande
MS-05B Zaku I
Core HP: 31
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 4.
Left Hand: Doublehanding 280mm Bazooka.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

May Greenfield
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type ["Merrygate"]
Core HP: 24
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 2.
Left Hand: Knuckle - Power: 8.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Buliwyf Herger
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Core HP: 40
Booster Jump Fuel: 0
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: Shotgun - Ammo: 7.
Left Hand: None.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for Shotgun.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk ["Skinning Blade"].

Florance Vie Silette
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Core HP: 36
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 85.
Left Hand: Knuckle Shield - HP 10.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Rellia Lunar
MS-05B Zaku I
Core HP: 19
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Hand: Heat Hawk.
Left Hand: Doublehanding Heat Hawk.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

[Special Conditions - Booster Damage, Booster Dash range reduced by 1, Booster Jumps HIGHLY not recommended.]

Seth "Setch" Harrow
MS-05B Zaku I ["Steel Freedom"]
Core HP: 26
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 42.
Left Hand: Doublehanding 120mm Machine Gun.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk.


May 21, 2011, 08:01:39 am #59 Last Edit: May 22, 2011, 02:44:09 am by VampragonLord
Lyra checks her readout, notices how the squads are "Zaku 1, Zaku 2, and Commander", and chuckles to herself a bit, before opening a comm link to only her fellow Zaku 1s. "We took a bit of a beating last time round, and we're running the older models too, so let's make up for it by showing 'em new doesn't mean better!" before immediately seeing one of the zaku 1 blips simply fade out.  she then toggled her comm's radius to their whole group, aside from Rellia "Looks like Rellia won't be joining us... Let's try and draw them out, if they're packing an ace, let them play it before we leave our cover in these rocks. We still need to make it back, home, so try and save your supplies". With that, 1-2) she walked her mech over to L17, keeping southward in her path, to keep the cover of the rocks as long as she could. 3) She then lined up a shot as best she could, hoping to catch the enemy MS(Zaku 1/bazooka) off guard, and she let fly a round from her bazooka, watching it wiiz off, 4) before aiming a bit higher and arcing a second round at the same MS 5) immediately jerking her MS over to K17, crouching behind the cover of the mesa.

1-2) Walk to L17, dedicate extra time to remaining behind the cover of the rocks and being cautious
3-4) Fire 2 shots at zaku 1 (@L7)  2 shots remaining
5) Dive to K17
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~