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June 15, 2024, 12:47:11 pm


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Perls of the Chat.

Started by Kokojo, October 22, 2008, 11:19:37 pm

Asmo X

Kokojo is still sore from that time I called him out about being homophobic and administering psychological treatments to his friends without any training at age 16.

Asmo X

<Lijj> I let my friend whose 68 yrs old rub my ass the other night while we drank wine.. that about as gay as I've been
<xonhpei> Zodiac -> You removed my sprite from the Sprites page.  Do I need to do something else?
<Eternal248> Maybe you just have a soft, pleasant-feeling ass.
<Asmo> We don't actually need to know that Lijj
<Lijj> haha Sorry
<@Zodiac> the edit is too minor and the colors are saturated
<xonhpei> What is with old men, and that 'Greek' thing?
<Eternal248> This Jello is delicious. =D
<xonhpei> Ok.
<Lijj> Yeah he's awesome an old poet. Actually somewhat renowned as an author his name's Walt Curtis
<Eternal248> You're telling everyone the name of the guy who rubbed your ass?
<Lijj> Ya
<Lijj> So what?
<xonhpei> Lijj wants everyone to join in on the experience.
* Eternal248 shoves Lijj in a corner.
* xonhpei snickers
<xonhpei> ;)
<Asmo> if i was walt curtis, i would be pissed off right now
<Eternal248> ...he made a book called "Angel Pussy"?
<Lijj> Yep
<Eternal248> "The Erotic Flying Machine"...
<xonhpei> LMAO
<Samurai> hahahahahahhahahahaa
<Asmo> hahahahahahaha


How do you separate the Greek men from the Greek boys?

A crowbar....
I never learn from my mistakes.


16:56   Eternity   I have a confession...
16:56   Eternity   ...there is no corner.
<JoZ> I'm not Wiz. Even if I were, I wouldn't be narcissistic enough to go under an alt and comment on my own team.

PGF: "You are ignoring this user. Click to see their post."


this one's very old, but still very true and very funny


There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!


Quote from: "Jon"Asmo is 100% right.

No, 99%. The cut scenes are genius.


Quote from: "Asmo X"Kokojo is still sore from that time I called him out about being homophobic and administering psychological treatments to his friends without any training at age 16.

Being gay is okay! ... and doing gay things >.>


Quote from: "Voldemort"<Asmo> im playing 1.3!

<Asmo> or as i like to call it, Final Fantasy Tactics: Item
that was the best one


* Jon (Jon@ joined #ffh
<Jon> anyone on?
<Jon> hey everyone
<Kagebunji> As you can see
<Jon> yeah
* Zodiac kicked Jon from #ffh (jon)
<Kagebunji> hehe
<Kagebunji> Nice
<Zodiac> now I want to see what he'll do next
* Jon (Jon@ joined #ffh
<Jon> hey
<Kagebunji> :D
<Jon> ??
<DarkxFatal> Hallo
<Jon> heya
* Zodiac kicked Jon from #ffh (jon)
<Kagebunji> LOL
* Jon (Jon@ joined #ffh
<Jon> dude wtf
<Kagebunji> Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand
<Kagebunji> 3
<Kagebunji> 2
<Kagebunji> 1
<Kagebunji> GO!
<Jon> are you playing a racing game or something??
<Kagebunji> Yeah
<Kagebunji> CTR
<Kagebunji> Crash Team Racing
<Jon> i know it, what system ps1?
<Kagebunji> Yes
<Kagebunji> I made it into eboot
<Jon> i played that game way back when, i was the polar bear
* Zodiac kicked Jon from #ffh (hit by a racing car)
<Zodiac> Kage!
<Zodiac> lrn2drve
<Kagebunji> Hehe
<Kagebunji> Sorry
<Kagebunji> It was intentional
<Zodiac> you're so dumb
<Zodiac> you'll damage your car
<Asmo> cant you IP ban?
<Zodiac> yes I can
* Jon (Jon@ joined #ffh
<Jon> not funny...
<Kagebunji> No IP
<Asmo> dont kick yet
<Asmo> why are you still coming here dude?
<Asmo> you burned all your bridges
<Asmo> pretty sure no one wants you around
<Jon> no one? hmmm
<Asmo> oh here we go. Banned member lists their 3 friends
<Jon> no
<Asmo> no seriously, why
<Jon> i dont believe the internet has ""friends"
<Asmo> you insulted zodiac and the site repeatedly after your banning
<Asmo> on gamefaqs
<Asmo> coming round after all that makes you look pretty pathetic dude
<Kagebunji> On gamefaqs?!
<Kagebunji> LINKZ PLZ
<Jon> on gamefaqs? I dont even go on that site, what are you talking about?
<Asmo> someone linked that shit
<Asmo> full of posts of you raging at FFH and basically burning bridges
<Jon> huh? I dont have a gamefaqs account
<Jon> what? i never did that for real
<Jon> what are you talking about??
<Asmo> pretty much what i said
<Asmo> unless someone is posing as you
<Jon> i really dont have an account, post the link so i can see this for myself
<Asmo> ok so i have been reliably informed it was hacktacticsadvance.tk
<Jon> on gamefaqs? wtf?
<Asmo> ring any bells?
<Jon> wait gamefaqs or hacktactics?
<Jon> and by who?
<Asmo> hacktactics
<Jon> who said such crap?
<Asmo> that was you right?
<Kagebunji> Remeber "great..." topic, Jon?
<Jon> i bet it was that other polish idiot guy
<Kagebunji> That's where you insulted Zod even more
<Jon> yes i do
<Jon> no, i didnt
<Jon> that other polish guy did
<Kagebunji> Zod is a little crybaby
<Jon> he just reposted what i said
<Kagebunji> Do you really want me to link that
<Kagebunji> ?
<Jon> hey i cant help it if he bans me for something like that c'mon, now your twisting what i said haha
<Jon> i said that on ffh first
<Asmo> the kihaku = zodiac theory is overwhelmingly stupid
<Kagebunji> Hehe
<Jon> that other guy just reposted
<Jon> why
<Jon> they both cant speak english correctly
<Kagebunji> "I guess I pissed off little cry baby Zodiac once too much coupled with the stupid religious / atheist debates."
<Kagebunji> That's yours
<Jon> and i thought zodiac was like internet stalking me or something
<Asmo> we're really not missing much anyway
<Asmo> we dont need a tutorial for headswapping
<Jon> could be
<Jon> i know
<Jon> just thought i'd help the noobs
<Jon> and besides that is just a follow up
<Jon> of the character creation
<Asmo> yeah well im sure there are some people out there hopeless enough that they cant wipe their ass. No point making tutorial about it
<Asmo> why dont you just leave now and never come back
<Jon> why should i?
<Jon> why are you pissed at me asmo, i said nothing to you
<Asmo> am i allowed to be offended by something you said to someone else?
<Kagebunji> Their loss though, no more simple step by step tutorials for noobs from yours truly!
<Kagebunji> ^
<Jon> yeah
<Asmo> then theres your answer, sport
<Jon> i agree with what i wrote, the tutorials at ffh are ridiculous
<DarkxFatal> =v
<Asmo> and you will make them better by posting even more useless ones
<Jon> no
<Jon> the old ones were practically impossible to follow, out dated
<Asmo> lets see. you insult zodiac pretty goddamn badly and then when he reacts as expected you call him a crybaby
<Jon> mine are perfect
<Asmo> do i have this right so far?
<DarkxFatal> Perfect tutorials?
<DarkxFatal> Hmmmm
* AquiIae (chatzilla@bb119-74-139-161.singnet.com.sg) joined #ffh
<Kagebunji> Lolololol
<Asmo> you're like that guy from bioshock who thinks all the freaks are beautiful
<Asmo> delusional fucktard
<Kagebunji> Lol
<Jon> ??
<Jon> what is bioshock?
<DarkxFatal> Not one picture
<DarkxFatal> =v
<Asmo> "my perfect tutorials" = the doctor from bioshock turning everyone into hideous freaks
<Asmo> delusional
<Jon> hold on a sec, why am i a fucktard? wtf did you actually produce for ffh asmo, jack shit
<Asmo> yep just the way i like it
<Asmo> i dont have to contribute anything
<Kagebunji> Asmo did nothing on FFH?
<Kagebunji> Nice joke
<Jon> so who the fuck are you to speak? you havent done anything
<DarkxFatal> No need to curse, Jon
<Jon> kage can judge though
<DarkxFatal> =/
<Kagebunji> Thanks to Asmo, I sprite as I do now
<Kagebunji> His crits are legendary
<Asmo> oh i see. you can write the shittiest garbage imaginable and it's immune from criticism by anyone who hasnt contributed something?
<Jon> no
<Asmo> you should write in to Roger Ebert and tell him to stop criticising movies until he makes one
<Jon> but i dont need you to tell me whats "shit" and whats not
<Jon> i doubt you even read my tutorials
<Jon> thats the sad part
<Asmo> but then you'll never know because the only affirmation you get is from your undying hordes of mouthbreathing retards who dont know how to headswap
<Jon> i meant the first tutorial just now
<DarkxFatal> The character creation one? =v
<Jon> forget the second one, its like i said a follow up
<Jon> yes
<Asmo> i dont know what the fuck youre talking about. im talking about the headswap thing
<DarkxFatal> There's no pictures in the character one ^^;
* Portmanteur (Portmanteu@pool-98-113-86-172.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) joined #ffh
<Asmo> seriously, let me get on this again
<Jon> the sticky called New "Creating Custom Characters" tut
<Asmo> you insult zodiac badly and then call him a crybaby for getting upset about it
<DarkxFatal> Hallo Portmanteur
<Jon> you dont need pics, it explains itself
<Asmo> and you think theres a place for you here?
<Jon> i never said there was a place for me here >_>
<DarkxFatal> Pics are nice and colorful tho =(
<Jon> i just am here
<Kagebunji> Pics or GTFO man
<Asmo> yes you did. yuo and your perfect tutorials
<Jon> look darkx I would update it but now its too late
<DarkxFatal> Hmm..I can just copy and paste!!!!
<DarkxFatal> =P
<Jon> haha
<Asmo> yeah anyway
<Asmo> time to kick you
<Jon> thats not my reason for being on ffh
<DarkxFatal> Darkx's revised Character Tut
<Asmo> kiiick
<Asmo> kiiiiiiiiiiiiiick
<DarkxFatal> With pics!
<DarkxFatal> Amazing!
<Kagebunji> Hey, everyone saw that amazing headswap of Ramza called Dark Knight? it's really awesome
* Zodiac puts a ban on *!*@*.dhcp.insightbb.com
<Jon> is that your answer to everything?
<Zodiac> woops
<Jon> kick anyone you dont agree with?
* Zodiac removes ban on *!*@*.dhcp.insightbb.com
<DarkxFatal> Who'd you ban? o_o
<Asmo> youre about to get a ban, in fact
* Zodiac puts a ban on *!*@89.204.*.*
<DarkxFatal> Silly Zoddy
<Zodiac> banned ffta by accident
<Kagebunji> Lol
<DarkxFatal> :v
* Zodiac puts a ban on *!*@82.113.*.*
<DarkxFatal> Hmm..And that one is..? =o
<Zodiac> his otehr IP
<DarkxFatal> Ah
<Zodiac> :'( I'll miss him
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


  • Modding version: PSX


<StrifeBringerOfPearls> the only thing that urks me is
<StrifeBringerOfPearls> barret being a white mage, look at his damn gun arm
<StrifeBringerOfPearls> LOL.
<supersexyadvent> heh
<Eternal248> He can't be a White Mage.
<Eternal248> He's black.
<Eternal248> >_>
<AquiIae> ...
<supersexyadvent> "you look like a bear wearing a marshmallow"
<Eternal248> He'd be a Black Mage.
<StrifeBringerOfPearls> favorite quote
<supersexyadvent> he can if he wears his sailor suit~
<Eternal248> Or a Dark Knight.


[08:00] <Hana> I'm not fond of scat stuff. That's my hard limit.
[08:00] <Chimp> Meh, I'm not a fan of it, but I can understand it.
[08:01] * Svidrigailov has joined #ffh
[08:01] * Hana hums
[08:01] <Hana> I don't really understand it personally.
[08:01] <Chimp> My friend is into it.
[08:02] <Svidrigailov> As am I.
[08:02] <Svidrigailov> I can also say that I'm into it.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


[2010-12-31 21:10:35] <dn> seriously, you can't find a good name for retarded concepts
[2010-12-31 21:10:39] <dn> you want another: Oxyale
[2010-12-31 21:10:47] <Samurai> ....
[2010-12-31 21:10:49] <Samurai> wut?
[2010-12-31 21:10:57] <Samurai> I can't even figure out how to say that
[2010-12-31 21:11:23] <Eternal248> Ox-ee-ale
[2010-12-31 21:11:37] <RavenOfRazgriz> Eternal was Hooked on Phonics.


Twinees is cool  :cool:
03:13   Twin   im not cool according to celdia, im insane.
03:13   Wiz[neutral]   *blushes again*
03:14   dinosaur   Ooo!
03:14   dinosaur   Wiz is being so sweet tonight
03:14   Wiz[neutral]   insanely good @ spriting Twin 

03:14   Hana   Isn't he just bein' so cute Dino?
03:14   Eternal248   Don't give Dino ideas.
03:15   Twin   lol ty Wiz, but thats the reason why im insane, because im a spriter
03:15   Eternal248   He probably already wants to bed Wiz...
03:15   Twin   why she thinks im insane*
03:15   Hana   Oh Eternal, that's silly.
03:15   Eternal248   dinosaur, admit it.
03:15   Hana   I shall be right back!
03:15   dinosaur   O.o
03:15   dinosaur   o.O
03:15   dinosaur   0.o
03:15   Wiz[neutral]   *sigh* he can think about snuggling all he wants, but it won't happen.
03:16   Twin   lol ^
03:16   Wiz[neutral]   K hun (hana) 

03:16   Chimp   Because I'm already doing it D:
03:16   Chimp   /shot
03:16   Eternal248   Dinosaur is desperate, confirmed.
03:16   dinosaur   Gurl you need to work it. I am not so easy.
03:16   dinosaur   

03:16   Eternal248   Suuuuure you aren't.
03:16   dinosaur   IT'S TRUE
03:16   Wiz[neutral]   What Chimp?
03:16      dinosaur runs away crying!!!
03:16   dinosaur   Where is kokojo when you need him!
03:16      *** Wiz[neutral] is now known as Wiz[empathetic]
03:17   Celdia   @Wiz: I learned that parry from tithin. Its incredibly useful.
03:17   Wiz[empathetic]   shut up Dino
03:17      Wiz[empathetic] hugs Dino
03:17   Eternal248   

03:17      *** Wiz[empathetic] is now known as Wiz
03:17   Wiz   There, happy now?
03:17   Celdia   When would anyone ever NEED Kokojo?
03:17   Wiz   ^
03:17      dinosaur stabs wiz
03:17   Celdia   When they need something to wipe shit off their boots on?
03:17   dinosaur   

03:17   Wiz   *smirks*
03:18      Eternal248 shows Dinosaur a picture of Mando.
03:18      *** Wiz is now known as Wiz[PAIN]
03:18      Celdia uses a Stopwatch, then X-Potions and puts Wall status on Wiz
03:18   dinosaur   Oh Mando...
03:18   dinosaur   lol
03:18      Celdia waits for the Stopwatch to wear off.
03:18   Chimp   Joke
03:18      Chimp rubs eyes
03:18   Wiz[PAIN]   USE Item Crash Celdia!!!
03:18      dinosaur waits
03:18   Wiz[PAIN]   Extend the time!!!
03:19   Eternal248   HYDRO STORM!
03:19   dinosaur   http://perezhilton.com/2011-01-17-teresa-scanlan-wins-miss-america-2011

03:19   Twin   ^ also thinks im insane >=)
03:19      *** Wiz[PAIN] is now known as Wiz[jolly]
03:19   Celdia   The reminds me. Need to pull those extra {Newline}s out of the quotes for those.
03:19   dinosaur   ^
03:19   Celdia   That*
03:19   Eternal248   Dinosaur, I think you're gay.
03:19   Celdia   You are insane, Twin.
03:19   Celdia   You said I should be a spriter.
03:19   Wiz[jolly]   

03:20   dinosaur   I was going to say she is only 17!
03:20   Eternal248   Not that.
03:20   AquiIae   How mean, Eternal
03:20      Eternal248 looks at the URL.
03:20   Eternal248   Perez Hilton.
03:20   Wiz[jolly]   FUCK the Papporazz!!i
03:20   Wiz[jolly]   "- the i"
03:20   dinosaur   I I just like his pictures.
03:21   Eternal248   Dinosaur, go to the corner with Celdie and the pineapple.
03:21   dinosaur   ^_^
03:21      dinosaur grabs Celdias hand
03:21   dinosaur   lets go!
03:21   Wiz[jolly]   I love it when people catch on to the subject @ hand and extend it via pertaining catch phrases.
03:21   Twin   Celdia, i said you should try to be a spriter 

03:21      *** FFMaster joined #ffh
03:21   DissidiaAerith   Hello, FFMaster , welcome to #ffh.
03:22   Eternal248   FFM... you ARE the father!
03:22   Celdia   Oh, gods damnit.
03:22   Wiz[jolly]   Hi FFM o/
03:22   FFMaster   hooray
03:22   AquiIae   !insult Eternal248
03:22   FFMaster   • Eternal248: Sit down, give your mind a rest - it obviously needs it. • [Times Insulted: 13]
03:22   FFMaster   who did i have sex with?
03:22   Celdia   Chiri is in END?
03:22      Eternal248 looks at Dino.
03:22   Twin   Dino, FFm
03:22   Eternal248   Yes, Cedie.
03:22   FFMaster   Chiri is in HORROR
03:22   Eternal248   *Celdie
03:22   Eternal248   No, Chiri is END.
03:22   FFMaster   oh no
03:22   FFMaster   NOT DINO
03:22   dinosaur   ><
03:22   Eternal248   You were drunk, FFM.
03:22   dinosaur   COME ON
03:22   Wiz[jolly]   How'd you forget that Celdia? lol
03:22   FFMaster   i don't drink
03:22   Celdia   I never play DD
03:22   dinosaur   I get rejected everyday here! 

03:23   FFMaster   only a glass of wine every so often
03:23      Eternal248 glances at FFM's bottle of red wine.
03:23   Celdia   I did it once, in Vanilla, on a PSX.
03:23   FFMaster   brb, drugs
03:23   Wiz[jolly]   !death from being called insane by Celdia
03:23      FFMaster hunches over the Death Note and scribbles a random name and death situation down...
03:23   Celdia   If that hits me..
03:23      FFMaster is very hungry right now...
03:23   FFMaster   while Eternal's battle renders
03:23   dinosaur   drugs \o/
03:23   FFMaster   Celdia you have died from being called insane by Celdia!
03:23   Celdia   Figures.
03:23   Eternal248   o_o
03:23   Wiz[jolly]   lol
03:23   Twin   lol
03:23   Eternal248   FFM, who won?
03:23      Celdia parries
03:23   dinosaur   Dont say!
03:23   Eternal248   PM me because I won't be able to watch them in a while.
03:24   Eternal248   Damn headphones...
03:24   Wiz[jolly]   Well the fucking joke's on you this time isn't it!? lmao.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


[00:02] <Voldemort> the good ideas in 1.3 didnt come from 99% of posters like you think they did
[00:02] <mikuru> it wasnt hostility, it was bluntness
[00:02] <mikuru> ~<3
[00:02] <Voldemort> they came from assholes just like me, like asmo and phil
[00:02] <Voldemort> and ffm
[00:02] <Voldemort> and difficulty freaks like aquilae
[00:02] <FFMaster> yay, i'm an arsehole!
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


It's your turn
01:23Wiz[ok] all in
01:23FFMaster Wiz[ok] raises from $200 to $10680.
01:23Wiz[ok]DO IT!!!
01:23FFMaster Wiz[ok] is all in.
01:23Wiz[ok] It'll be fun 
01:24dino all in
01:24FFMaster dino calls +$7340.
01:24FFMasterdino is all in.
01:24dino FOr wiz <3
01:24FFMaster call
01:24FFMaster FFMaster calls +$6580.
01:24FFMaster FFMaster is all in.
01:24FFMaster FFMaster shows: 5h 7d.
01:24Wiz[ok] =D
01:24FFMaster Wiz[ok] shows: Kh 9h.
01:24FFMaster hahaha
01:24FFMaster dino shows: Td 9c.
01:24FFMaster Here we go...
01:24Wiz[ok] 3x action going on
01:24ProRPGGamer epic
01:24Celdia Three way action. Lol
01:24FFMaster The board is: Ad 5c 6s
01:24 dino ><
01:24FFMaster The board is: Ad 5c 6s 5d
01:24Wiz[ok] FUCK!
01:24Celdia  Annd FFM with the weakest hand moves to the front!
01:24FFMaster The board is: Ad 5c 6s 5d Qh
01:24FFMaster FFMaster has 5h 7d for a: Three Of A Kind, Fives + AQ kickers.
01:24FFMaster Wiz[ok] has Kh 9h for a: Pair of Fives + AKQ kickers.
01:24FFMaster dino has Td 9c for a: Pair of Fives + AQT kickers.
01:25FFMaster FFMaster wins the pot of $20340.
01:25FFMaster Wiz[ok] wins the side pot 1 of $3140.
01:25 dino FFM using cheats
01:25FFMaster Wiz[ok] wins the side pot 2 of $1520.
01:25FFMaster dino has gone busted! Bye bye.
01:25FFMaster Players01:25Wiz[ok]O the irony 
01:25FFMaster DB: $20340 FFMaster
01:25FFMaster BB: $4660 Wiz[ok]
01:25FFMaster #ffh > Your cards are: As Qs
01:25FFMaster FFMaster posts the small blind of $100.
01:25FFMaster Wiz[ok] posts the big blind of $200.
01:25FFMaster call
01:25FFMaster FFMaster calls +$100.
01:25Wiz[ok] all in
01:25FFMaster #ffh > It's your turn.
01:25FFMaster Wiz[ok] raises from $200 to $4660.
01:25FFMaster Wiz[ok] is all in.
01:25FFMaster call
01:25Wiz[ok] :D
01:25FFMaster FFMaster calls +$4460.
01:25FFMaster FFMaster shows: Kc Tc.
01:25FFMaster Wiz[ok] shows: As Qs.
01:25FFMaster Here we go...
01:25FFMaster The board is: 4c 8s 7c
01:25Wiz[ok] *facepalm*
01:25Celdia 2 clubs.
01:25Wiz[ok] no club
01:25FFMaster The board is: 4c 8s 7c Qd
01:25Wiz[ok] plz
01:25Wiz[ok] :)
01:25FFMaster lol
01:26FFMaster club
01:26Celdia club club club
01:26FFMasterThe board is: 4c 8s 7c Qd 3d
01:26FFMaster FFMaster has Kc Tc for: King High (KQT87).
01:26FFMaster Wiz[ok] has As Qs for a: Pair of Queens + A87 kickers.
01:26FFMaster awww
01:26FFMaster Wiz[ok] wins the pot of $9320.
01:26FFMaster Players
01:26FFMaster BB: $15680 FFMaster
01:26Wiz[ok] BOOYA KA-SHA
01:26FFMaster DB: $9320 Wiz[ok]
01:26FFMaster #ffh > Your cards are: 2d Kd
01:26FFMaster Wiz[ok] posts the small blind of $100.
01:26FFMaster FFMaster posts the big blind of $200.
01:26FFMaster #ffh > It's your turn.
01:26Wiz[ok] all in
01:26FFMaster Wiz[ok] raises from $200 to $9320.
01:26FFMaster Wiz[ok] is all in.
01:26Celdia lol
01:26FFMaster call
01:26FFMaster FFMaster calls +$9120.
01:26ProRPGGamer lol
01:26FFMaster FFMaster shows: 4h Jd
.01:26FFMaster Wiz[ok] shows: 2d Kd.
01:26FFMaster Here we go...
01:26FFMaster 4!
01:26FFMaster The board is: Td 7c Kc
01:26FFMaster i'm screwed
01:26FFMaster The board is: Td 7c Kc Ah
01:26Wiz[ok] not yet
01:26Wiz[ok] plz
01:26FFMaster now i am
01:26FFMaster lol
01:26FFMaster The board is: Td 7c Kc Ah Qd
01:26Wiz[ok] i lurv u rng
01:26FFMaster *you
01:26FFMaster FFMaster has 4h Jd for a: Straight, Ten to Ace.
01:27FFMaster Wiz[ok] has 2d Kd for a: Pair of Kings + AQT kickers.
01:27FFMaster FFMaster wins the pot of $18640.
01:27FFMaster Wiz[ok] has gone busted! Bye bye.
01:27Celdia lol
01:27FFMaster rofl...
01:27FFMaster FFMaster has won the game!
1:27FFMaster ........
01:27Celdia ROFL
01:27Wiz[ok] you BITCH
01:27ProRPGGamer  01:27FFMaster......................................
1:27ProRPGGamer roflmao
01:27FFMaster pulled another one out of my anus
01:27Celdia And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the nuts.
01:28FFMaster Moral of the story - don't gamble against asians; they cheat
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


<Eternal248> "I'm no longer a Knight. Just a Power Ranger, like you."
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


February 24, 2011, 01:47:24 am #339 Last Edit: February 24, 2011, 01:49:57 am by Wasabi
Quote01:40   Twin: but its going to look like a black cavern under her dress
01:40   Twin: :shock:
01:40   DaveSW: can you force a character to mount something else?
01:40   Damned: That fits.

Touche, Damned. Touche. xD