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FFT: Newtype (Playable Demo in One Week, Armor Posted)

Started by Eternal248, April 19, 2010, 12:18:19 am


-Fort Zeakden-

Gragoroth: Begone, should you wish this girl to live! This fortress is loaded with gunpowder! Make but a single false move,

and you'll be supping upon flame!

Zalbag: The Northern Sky does not bend to the whim of brigands.

*Ramza and Delita arrive*

Ramza: Lord brother! Algus!

*Delita sees Tietra*

Delita: Tietra!

Tietra: Delita!

Gragoroth: Turn back! Now!

Zalbag: Fire.

Algus: Gladly, sir!

*Tietra gets shot*

Algus: Oh well look at that. I missed.

Gragoroth: By the gods...

*Algus shoots again at Gragoroth*

Tietra: Brother...

Delita: No...! Tietra!

*A Northern Sky Knight appears near Zalbag*

Northern Sky Commander: Sir, more brigadesmen numbering about fifty have been spotted on the border pass. The scouts tell

me that one of them appear to be Wiegraf!

Zalbag: Very well. Take me there. Algus, you've permission to take care of the rest here.

Algus: Yes, sir!

Gragoroth: Damn... dammit all...

*Gragoroth locks himself in*

Delita: Tietra...

Algus: Long time no see, commoner. Aww, you look as though someone just strangled your chocobo! Is something wrong?

Delita: Algus, you bastard!

Algus: You wish for a fight? How cute. I guess I have a few moments to spare.

Ramza: Zalbag... how could you order your own sister's death...?

Algus: I'll show you here and now that animals need to be kept in their pen!

*Algus whistles, and his troops appear*

Ramza: Why are you doing this Algus!?

Algus: Sorry Ramza, these are Zalbag's orders. "Those who would see the Northern Sky harmed are to be routed." Regardless,

would you sully your name just to save a commoner?

Ramza: Tietra was Delita's sister!

Algus: Ramza, allow me to teach you about "differences". You and the thing next to you are "different". You are a highborn,

fated to rule him, who is a tool to be used by you. Think, Ramza. If that Tietra thing had been selling flowers, or her

body, or the like she'd not have been here, and her life would have been spared. But no, she sought to overstep the

boundaries upon which she was born into it! Respected as your father was, he was a fool for welcoming them into the life of

the highborn. You continue to rebel? A traitor to the Northern Sky, you are!

Ramza: I'll not have you insult Father! What you've done here is inexcuseable!

Algus: Spare me your bleeting, you are no goat! Oh what a shame that one such as you should bear Beoulve blood!

Ramza: Family is not of our choosing!

Algus: You pamper yourself silly with your excuses, boy! You have no choice but to use tools such as him! It's your

birthright, to use these tools to do things they could otherwise not do!

Ramza: I am not some tool to be used!

Algus: Used? What rubbish! You are what you are because of your name! House Thadalfus ourselves have merited from your

existence, using you to reclaim our honor! The relationship is symbiotic! You use us, and we profit from you! Admit it,

you've even used your "friend", Delita!

Ramza: I would never use Delita! ...Delita, are you alright?

Delita: Enough of your words, Ramza. After Algus, I set my sights upon you!

Ramza: Delita...


Algus: Confess, Ramza. You saved me just to use me later.

Ramza: I could never abandon someone in trouble!

Algus: There's a lesson to be learned in this! Don't save anyone who you couldn't kill later should they betray you!

Delita: I'll kill you, you murderer! You can count on that!

Algus: Awww, "wah wah"! You're so pathetic, commoner. Know your limits! Know that you have no power to change anything!

Know that you are forever destined to be a slave to our whims! Getting angry? Clench your fists and writhe your hands, as

there is naught else you can do! Ahahahaha! Oh how enjoyable this is!

Delita: Is that all, Algus? Is that all that you have to say!?

Algus: Oh, you needn't be angry. You'll join "it" soon.

Delita: You won't manipulate me. NOBODY USES ME!

*Algus dies*

Algus: You may have gotten lucky, pig... but... it won't... ugh, mother... save me...

*Algus dies for good*

-Igros/Zeakden Pass-

*Zalbag appears*

Zalbag: Trapped, Wiegraf. Should you press forward into Igros, you will meet with our city sentry. Surrender, or know


Wiegraf: The white flag shall not be raised until the nobility make good on their promise to us veterans. Only then will we

lay down arms.

Zalbag: Your drivel falls on deaf ears. The Brigade is finished. You've no place to negotiate terms. The only good that

continuing fighting will do is guaranteeing your death.

Wiegraf: Better then to die fighting for a cause than to die in an alley. If I'm to fight and die fighting for what is

necessary for Ivalice's people, so be it. House Beoulve claims good for all people, yet here she stands before me. One of

its own slaying my sister, and another ignoring the pleas of the masses it was build upon. Is this what Lord Balbanes would

have willed, Beoulve? Or are you content in clinging to the royalty's boots?

Zalbag: I'll not allow you to dishonor our family!

Wiegraf: You do it dishonor simply by doing nothing. For that is the problem we face. Nothing is being done.

Zalbag: Your death is very much a "something".

Wiegraf: Men, this shall be our last fight. Whether we win or lose here is irrelevant. What matters is that in our plight,

the nobility have taken heed of our resistance. We have fought, and we have made our anger known. As we lock blades with

these knights, hold your heads up high, and never bow to them!

Corpse Assassins 1: Sir!

Corpse Vikings 1&2: Sir!

Boco: Kweh! Kweh!

Zalbag: Come, men. See that their blood flows down the pass this eve!

*battle begins*

Wiegraf: What about you, Beoulve? Would that you ruled Ivalice, what would you do?

Zalbag: ...

Wiegraf: Answer, Beoulve. Would that you were free from the marionette's strings, and you were the one ruling, what would

you do for the People?

Zalbag: "Ifs" mean nothing.

Wiegraf: Precisely. The only thing that matters now is action. You see for yourself in the streets of Igros lowtown how the

people suffer. Do you see now why I fight? I am no simple brigand, looking for loot. I fight for a cause, just as you fight

for yours.

Zalbag: Your cause is one of violence! Criminals such as you are best slain on sight!

Wiegraf: Discontent is a hydra. Should you slay one head, two more take its place. Slay me today, Beoulve, but there will

be others who take my place. Others who share my dream of freedom from your monarchy's tyranny.

Zalbag: Then they, too, shall be cut down.

Wiegraf: I pity you. A tool used by the Duke to further his own goals.

Zalbag: I need none of your pity!

*Wiegraf is sent into HP Critical*

Wiegraf: I'm sorry, men, but I must flee. Forgive me, and know peace in the afterlife.

*Wiegraf flees on Boco*

Zalbag: You coward...

*An explosion is heard*

Zalbag: What the-? An explosion? It seems to have come from the north! Algus...?

-Fort Zeakden-

Ramza: Delita...

*The fort explodes*

Ramza: An explosion!? Delita, we must away!

*Delita doesn't move; explosions continue*

Ramza: Delita!

*The fort is destroyed*

"I had taken my entire life for granted. When the pillars of my life came crashing down, I dropped it all... and ran."

-Confrontation at Igros-

Ramza: Brother, how could you order Algus to shoot!? Tietra was in the way!

Zalbag: The good of the many weighs heavier than the good of one.

Ramza: But... the Beoulve way...!

Zalbag: The Beoulve way is to do right by Ivalice's People. Gragoroth's survival would have doomed Ivalice to further

rebellion and death. Tietra was a martyr.

Ramza: That's your justification!? The ends justify the means!?

Zalbag: Ramza, you are no more than a green cadet. You know nothing of war's horrors, or how to make tactical battle

decisions in an instant. I used my judgement to do what was necessary.

Ramza: Delita and Tietra are dead because of your actions...

Zalbag: Martyrs. They shall be mourned. I'm truly sorry, Ramza. They were siblings to me...

Ramza: Words cannot undo action.

*Ramza leaves*

Zalbag: Ramza!

-Alma's Farewell-

*As Ramza is leaving the city, in his Chapter 2/3 armor*

Alma: Brother, I heard about Zeakden...

Ramza: Alma...

Alma: Brother, please stay. We can mourn them together.

Ramza: Algus said "I am what I am because of my name." If I'm to be what Zalbag and Dycedarg are, I can no longer bear to

use the Beoulve name. Alma, I am no longer Ramza Beoulve. I am Ramza Lugria.

Alma: Mother's name...

Ramza: Sister, please, be a good girl. I need to leave this life, once and for all.

Alma: Brother, you must promise to visit me someday. Tell me all about what you see, what you do... I want to hear it all!

Ramza: I will, Alma. I promise.

*Ramza and Alma hug using Chapter 3's EVTCHR*

Ramza: Never tolerate injustice, Alma. Remember when father told us that?

Alma: Yes...

Ramza: Farewell, Alma.

*Ramza leaves the city*

Alma: Ramza, what end do you hope to find in this...?

-Pub Crawling-

"It was a month later that I had found work. With the Brigade routed, many cities had no longer needed sentries. Therefore,

I was hired to do beastslaying work. That day, a knight and his apprentice entered the pub in which I was petitioning for


Rad: I'll have the Bacchus Wine, barkeep.

Gafgarion: Same here. Make it quick.

Barkeep: And you, sir?

Ramza: I'll have milk.

Barkeep: Milk, eh? You're a strange one.

Rad: Did you just order milk? What kind of warrior are you!?

Ramza: The kind that doesn't drink.

(Ramza turns and sees Gafgarion)

Ramza: I know of you. You're Goffard Gafgarion, are you not?

Gafgarion: "Are you not?" What're you doing talking like that? Are you a noble?

Ramza: I am Ramza Lugria. A mercenary.

Rad: Same here! Name's Rad!

Gafgarion: The boy's right. We're mercenaries, too. Looking for work?

Ramza: Yes. Work has been slow of late.

Gafgarion: Why not come with us? You look like you got some fight in you.

Rad: Master...?

Ramza: I wouldn't wish to impose...

Gafgarion: Nonsense, kid. Besides, I tire of listening to Rad's stories all the time. It'd be nice to have another warrior


Rad: Oh come on, my stories are great!

Gafgarion: Not when you hear them a hundred times.

Ramza: Very well, I suppose I can join you.

Rad: Barkeep, round of Bacchus, on this guy's tab!

Gafgarion: Welcome to our clan then, Ramza. We call ourselves Clan Sanguine. I hope you don't mind spilling some blood

every now and again.

Ramza: I'll do as I must to survive.

"The life I've lived, and the life I had come to know were very different. From once living in a castle on high, to

crawling about the woods hunting for prey, I grew to see what Wiegraf had meant. The life of the meager was rough. It was

all the more reason I could not bear to return to my brothers. From that day forth, I was a mercenary."

-Chapter 1 end-
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Listed below are the new weapons for Newtype. The formatting copied horribly, as always, but there'll eventually be a final spreadsheet of all this info. Review it, and let me know what you think needs reworked with them. ^_^


Executioner's Axe 8 WP Two-Handed Casts: Decapitate 5% EVD
(1) Gigant Axe 18 WP Two-Handed Auto-Slow 10% EVD
(2) Viking's Axe 13 WP Two-Handed Thunder Elemental Boost: Water 5% EVD


Galmia Bag 6 WP 25% EVD
Brint Bag 8 WP Start: Shell
(3) Dragonscale Bag 10 WP Inflict: Berserk 10% EVD
(4) Doomed Design 20 WP Auto-Haste; Auto-Doom; Auto-Undead 5% EVD (?)


Scholar's Tome 8 WP Casts: Dispel 15% EVD
(5) Glabados Grimoire 3 WP Casts: Holy Boosts: Holy Holy Elemental 15% EVD
(6) Necronomicon 6 WP Casts: Turning Add: Zombie 15% EVD (?)
Grimoire Megid 7 WP Casts: Flare 15% EVD


Sniper's Longbow 4 WP Two-Handed +1 Range
(7) Cupid's Bow 5 WP Two-Handed Add: Charm
Composite Bow 7 WP Two-Handed 10% EVD
Burning Bow 6 WP Two-Handed Fire Elemental
Prismatic Bow 8 WP Two-Handed All-Elemental
Precision Longbow 6 WP Two-Handed Non-Evadeable (Uses WP*WP) (?)
(8) Thorned Bow 6 WP Two-Handed +2 Range Auto-Poison
Ultima Bow 10 WP Two-Handed -1 Range
(9) Sagittarius 12 WP Two-Handed Auto-Silence, Auto-Blind


(10) Dalmasca Weave 8 WP Cancel: Charging, Performing
Elegant Cloth 3 WP 50% EVD
(11) Legless Dancer 15 WP 35% EVD; Auto-Immobilize (?)


Rapidfire Crossbow 3 WP Cast: Doubleshot
(12) Shadowshot 5 WP Inflict: Blind
(13) Snakeshooter 4 WP Inflict: Haste and Poison
Arbalest 6 WP
Small Crossbow 4 WP Can be Dual-Wielded
Gastrophetes 10 WP Two-Handed

FLAILS (Whips)

Vampire Killer 9 WP Holy Elemental
(14) Flame Whip 8 WP Fire Elemental Add: Don't Act Dual-Wield
Morningstar 15 WP Two-Handed
(15) Mist Whip 17 WP Inflicts major damage on Don't Act'd units Dual-Wield (?)


Goug Rifle 6 WP +1 Range
Fomalhaut 4 WP Dual-Wield -2 Range
Buckshot 15 WP Dash Formula -1 Range
Espergun 20 WP Summons either Ifrit, Shiva, or Ramuh.
Starshooter 20 WP Casts either Gravity, Gravity II, or Meteor.
Medic's Cannon 20 WP Casts either Cure, Regen, or Renew.


Dreamer's Harp 6 WP Cast: Sleep
(16)Lamia's Harp 9 WP Add: Confuse or Charm
Sylvan Harp 5 WP Wind Elemental Cast: Silence

MAGICITE (Katana Formula)

Kupo Magicite 7 WP Heals HP on hit.
(17) Ardor Magicite 6 WP Casts: Ifrit Boost: Fire Fire Elemental
(18) Diamond Magicite 6 WP Casts: Shiva Boost: Ice Ice Elemental
(19) Elder Magicite 6 WP Casts: Ramuh Boost: Thunder Thunder Elemental
(20) Gaia Magicite 11 WP Casts: Titan Boost: Earth Earth Elemental
Ruby Magicite 7 WP Inflict: Regen, Reflect, Shell, or Haste (100%; no damage)
(21) Tidal Magicite 12 WP Casts: Leviathn Boost: Water Water Elemental
(22) Lordly Magicite 15 WP Casts: Odin PA +2 Immune: Death
(23) Draco Magicite 13 WP Casts: Bahamut MA +2
Zodiac Magicite 20 WP Casts: Zodiac Dark Elemental


(24) Combat Knife 3 WP PA +1 10% EVD Dual-Wield
Thief's Knife 5 WP Cast: Steal Gil 10% EVD Dual-Wield
Dancing Dagger 4 WP Cast: Doubleshot 15% EVD Dual-Wield
(25) Ripper 4 WP Add: Don't Act or Don't Move 5% EVD Dual-Wield
Gladius 5 WP Wind Elemental Dual-Wield
Main Gauche 2 WP 25% EVD Dual-Wield
(25) Swift 5 WP +1 Speed 5% EVD Dual-Wield
(26) Valiant Knife 5 WP Start: Reraise 10% EVD Dual-Wield
Mage Masher 7 WP Damages an enemy's MP. 15% EVD Dual-Wield
Tonberrian 10 WP Damages enemy equal to lost HP.


(27) Lohengrin 16 WP Two-Handed Auto-Shell; Auto-Slow 15% EVD
(28) Save the Queen 16 WP Two-Handed Auto-Protect; Auto-Slow 15% EVD
(29) Excalibur 19 WP Two-Handed Auto-Regen; Auto-Slow 25% EVD
Ragnarok 22 WP Two-Handed 20% EVD Holy Elemental
Chaos Blade 15 WP 15% EVD PA +1 Dark Elemental


(30) Orochi 8 WP Two-Handed Add: Poison 15% EVD
Osafune 10 WP Two-Handed 20% EVD
Rangetsu-Danbu 5 WP Dual-Wield 15% EVD
Muramasa 7 WP Two-Handed Drains HP 5% EVD
Murasame 12 WP Two-Handed Water Elemental 5% EVD
Mutsunokami 16 WP Two-Handed Auto-Slow
Masamune 14 WP Start: Haste 10% EVD
Gemini 10 WP Dual-Wield Auto-Haste; Auto-Doom; Auto-Undead 20% EVD


Monk's Pole 8 WP Two-Handed PA +1 20% EVD
Cleansing Pole 0 WP Two-Handed Cancel: All Negative Statuses 20% EVD
(31) Vaulter's Pole 6 WP Two-Handed Jump +2 25% EVD
(32) Xande's Pole 5 WP Two-Handed MA +2 15% EVD
Chrono Pole 9 WP Two-Handed Add: Slow, Stop, or Haste 15% EVD
Rending Pole 12 WP Two-Handed
Earthsnare 11 WP Two-Handed Earth Elemental 15% EVD
Whale Whisker 15 WP Two-Handed Water Elemental


Mage's Wand 1 WP MA +2 Dual-Wield
(33) Abraxas 1 WP MA +1 Boost: Dark Dual-Wield
Conductor's Wand 5 WP Immune: Silence Dual-Wield
(34) Rod of Dreams 4 WP MA +1 Add: Sleep Dual-Wield
Rainbow Rod 5 WP All Elemental Dual-Wield
Mist Rod 1 WP Restores a target's MP.
(35) Nether Rod 3 WP MA +2 Boost: All Elements Auto-Silence
(36) Rod of Faith 1 WP Auto-Faith Add: Faith


Frigid Lance 7 WP Ice Elemental 20% EVD
(37) Piercing Lance 5 WP Cancel: Protect, Shell, and Reflect 20% EVD
Dragoon's Spear 9 WP Jump +2 20% EVD
(38)Impartisan 1 WP Water Elemental -1 Range Add: Frog (100%) Auto-Slow; Auto-Blind
Stout Spear 12 WP Jump +2 -1 Range 20% EVD
Holy Lance 11 WP Holy Elemental 20% EVD
Gae Bolg 15 WP Thunder Elemental -1 Range
Zodiac spear 20 WP 13% EVD


Cadeuceus 4 WP Heals HP upon hit. Dual Wield 10% EVD
(39) Taming Staff 7 WP Two-Handed Add: Invite 10% EVD
Mace 10 WP Two-Handed 5% EVD
Mage's Staff 4 WP +2 MA
Nirvana 9 WP Fire Elemental Add: Reraise (100%)
Plague Staff 6 WP Add: Poison 5% EVD
Ramuh's Staff 8 WP Thunder Elemental 10% EVD
Seraph Staff 4 WP Add: Protect and Shell (100%)


Shortsword 4 WP 5% EVD
Wyrmslayer 6 WP (100% Doom on a Dragon)
Flametongue 6 WP Fire Elemental
Rapier 5 WP 15% EVD
Icebrand 6 WP Ice Elemental
Throwing Blade 8 WP (+4 Range; SP*WP; Can be Caught)
Stoneblade 5 WP Add: Petrify
Xankbras 10 WP Two-Handed
Estoc 4 WP 25% EVD
Illumina 10 WP Two-Handed Holy Elemental
Runeblade 4 WP +2 MA
Grandleon 9 WP
Bloodlust Blade 8 WP Add: Vampire
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Very basic skillset info thus far. As always, opinions are needed. Especially in terms of balance. =x

Hopefully these screenshots will come out large enough to read clearly, even though there's not much info.

EDIT: OK, apparently they uploaded a little too large (and backwards, at that!). Whoops!
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Decided to show one of the new battles I was working on for Newtype

The event is only for to show the new dialog and battle. Don't expect a weaponless Wiegraf on its release =P
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


Looks good.  I can't wait to see how the actual battle will be played out.  Do you plan on having it be like an easier version of the Wiegraf fight before he transforms in Vanilla?
Oh come now. That doesn't even make sense. How can flimsy paper possibly beat the raw density of stone?


More or less. Believe me, he'll be beatable without too much of a challenge. As I've said before, it's not going to be as hard as 1.3, but battles in general will be harder than Vanilla.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Is it possible to have books and instument do damage based on MA instead of an MA/PA combination? It just seems to make more sense that a mage set is based off MA. It also makes them more useful.
-- Attention Citizens, this is the Computer. 2 + 2 now equals 3.9999238849009985. Please recalibrate your equipment.

My youtube Channel
My 1.3 Playthough (Complete)
My Final fantasy I Blind playthrough


I could probably set them to a currently existing formula that uses MA, but I'd have to mess with it to find a decent formula.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


-- Attention Citizens, this is the Computer. 2 + 2 now equals 3.9999238849009985. Please recalibrate your equipment.

My youtube Channel
My 1.3 Playthough (Complete)
My Final fantasy I Blind playthrough


Thanks, I'll check it out.

On a sidenote, sadly I'll have to do away with Tactical Arts, or make one of each generic class' existing skills a Tactical Art. Last night I went through and edited my resources.zip to prepare inserting the skills, and there's just no room for it. I also had to cut a few monster skills (so monsters will probably be getting some spells and other things, but this can be made interesting. Imagine a Goblin Stealing, for example.) So that's kind of a letdown, but it was really my own fault for overestimating how many skillslots I'd have available. :(
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Just as a thought on your skill space restrictions--what about giving the skeleton monsters the elemental spells in lieu of their soul skills.  I do like the idea of Goblins stealing.
Oh come now. That doesn't even make sense. How can flimsy paper possibly beat the raw density of stone?


Skeletons are getting Tonberry-like skills, like I envisioned in the last Newtype. To that end, they're more physical than magical, being more like Skeleton Knights. There will be a lot of spells given to monsters, though. Hemogoblin (thanks to PX for the name) would get Drain/Osmose, Avians would get the Aero family, Mindflayers would get Psionic and Water magic, etc. In fact, since the Psions learn all their skills Blue Mage style from other Psions, having a Mindflayer around might be useful. ;)

If Kage can get around to making a Vampire and/or Succubus sprite, those would probably replace Avians and Trees. Uribos are currently out.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


It's been about a week, and I haven't been able to get much done because I've had a rather bad cold flu thingy lately. However, events are coming along nicely and thus far the skills I've made have been working pretty well. So things are on track, people! ^_^
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Am I the only one that thinks this should get it's own subforum? (Like ASM'd and Arena)


It would certainly be nice (and easier for me to organize stuff), but because so many projects have gotten boards that haven't been completed, I think Zodiac's a little leery about giving people boards these days. I welcome you to talk to Zodiac about it, as I have as well.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


It would certainly get the job done faster. I'll put in a good word for you, not to say it will help. The progress this forum topic alone has made is great.

I would only suggest to post a few more events, and also get some jobs and ENTD's done in patcher. This would greatly increase your chance of getting a section.


Luckily, I already do have a few jobs done in the Patcher, and quite a few skills are done. The issue with ENTD's is that I don't know yet which ones to edit in the Patcher for the new battles. I need to talk to Pride about it because I don't want to screw up a new event by doing something wrong in the ENTD.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Good job. Glad to hear some of the jobs are being worked on.


Not the fanciest video in the world (no sound, rather slow because I set the quality too high), but it'll at least show that progress is being made. Behold, the Paladin, in all its splendor! (Despite Martyrdom not working entirely).
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


I like awakening a lot! The effect seems a little large though.