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Jon's Sprites

Started by Jon, December 09, 2009, 05:15:18 am


Hey, that ain't bad. If you keep working on it, you might get something nice outta this.


I like Kage's moogle, but I just want to tweak a few things here and there, just for my own style. Where can I get a reference like these toys?!

I like the Crystal Chronicle ones, they have no arms though! They are nice and chubby like the pigs at least, maybe I'll work something out.

P.S. - Kill the swine in FFT!!
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!


I am not too pleased with the other variations, but some of them are better imo than Kage's nose and eyes. Sorry Kage, but I hate the nose particularily. No offense, but its just to long and pig like. Alright, a rundown on the heads. 1st one is almost the same as Kage's, eyes extended and nose shrunk a bit (around the edges by 1 pixel). 2nd is with the "classic eyes" and a FFTA style nose. 3rd (which many on spriters on here will probably hate) is almost a pure FFTA style moogle face, note the eyes like humans have more or less. 4th is a weird version that I don't like and won't talk much about. Please everyone, help me get this right, I want to make a different more moogle head. Also, Kage I shouldn't have to tell you this, but you only used 12 colors plus the black! They give you 15 colors and black, so use them! Man! So it would be really easy to give this little fella some purple wings, or for the female a purple vest, just like in FF9. One last thing: the FFTA moogle and the FFT "schwein" are about the same size, the pig is only a few pixels bigger. Its probably possible to actually somehow get FFTA moogles to work in FFT (the style at least), then we would really be rolling.

There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!


The shrunken nose is a good start, but you have to be extremely careful with those eyes. Look at the FFTA-based one. It's gonna look shapeless and strange when it's down to size. The second and fourth are too cartoony and really don't convey the depth that you need. This leaves the first one. If you follow the shading style that Kage used, you can probably pull of a pretty nice set of eyes.


Which nose is a good one (the first one)? And I agree, the eyes should stay like Kage's original one (was thinking just a bit longer) or something like what the chocobos have.
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!


Hey! My moogle isn't done yet! Stop working on him! Kiddin, work on him as much as you want. Mind you that I am not done with him yet, so I will change things to my moogle (mainly nose and ears). Btw, I was wrong about nose, 3rd one looks good, smaller and better, way better than your last attempt with "black nose", hehe.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I prefer the first nose. The perfect square nose looks like, well, a square. The other nose has some decent shape.


No worries, then I'll go with nose #1. Kage don't you think the third nose looks a bit square, too? The ears to me look fine in size, way better than the FFTA bunny rabbit ears moogles have. I think I will still try some different eye styles until I find one that I am totally happy with.
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!


Had to upload my latest here, not through Photobucket, stupid maintainences...

I am comfortable with the moogle like this now, I need crits though. Purples from Draclau, eyes like the Treant, nose #1 from before. Please lemme know whatcha think. Thanks!
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!


Changed the nose again, and now its done fully:

If you allow it Kagebunji, I will post the .spr, credit all to you (you did do the portrait, right?) recoloring and editing to me.
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!


Not bad, not bad. I feel like the nose could still be raised a bit, but that's fine. The wings look pretty damn nice. What are you doing about the other palettes?


My eyes are different by two shades, I thought you were aiming for other design for eyes? Well I kinda like the square nose, it makes it seem smaller, and you never know how it will look in-game. Don't post it, I am not finished with this moogle yet, I will post it myself when it is done, okay? No rush.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Those are different eyes, different by about 2 pixels haha. Also, should I make the nose even smaller Kage? Could get rid of the lowest rightest dark red pixel and viola, a square nose, which might actually look alright. Mav, hold on if you want to do some different pallettes because if Kage isn't 100% happy for posting it, then its not done. Did y'all like the purple wing color (also in the portrait?) The purples are from Draclau on the sprite, and Reis the Dragon in the wings (Reis's portrait, not sprite). Okay, I'll post another version soon, can you post some ideas (like one frame) of what you want changed that you had in mind? I got time, I can redo it correctly. This lil fella is almost ready imo. ;)

Edit: Bleh, I meant the highest light red pixel for a square nose XD
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!


Skills! (Well maybe not...)

I'm not entirely happy yet, there is still some shading and cleanup work, but this is a pretty decent pose and shape.
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!


Interesting start, it's just extremely messy. It has no depth either--for whatever reason it looks flat as paper. And you have so many shades of green on there that it looks like it's suffering from lossy compression.


Thanks to Photoshop, Mav. I first made the cactuar at a right angle, then rotated him, and this is the result. I like the frame, but now I have to recolor him pixel for pixel, but this won't take too long. Also, I could use any advice or tips to give him 3 dimensionality. Why does photoshop change 5 colors (I only used 5) and make over 256 out of them(on the whole spritesheet)?? Okay, back to work, this has potential...
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!


Round 2, still not looking too great, but now has under 16 colors (like 8 or something) and a bit cleaner. I think I need some help though, I just can't seem to get it to look right...please gimme some ideas! Thanks :)
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!


Triple post! Moogle idea 2:

Notice how he only has 4 pixels for a nose now, not 5.
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!


Might match the portrait better if the nose was moved up higher a little, closer to the eyes.


That might actually be it, but I tested the moogle in a patch, just to see what it looks like in game, and I noticed right away that the grayish white outline on his right side of the face (our left) makes it look a bit sloppy in battle. I think the whole forward facing heads may need to be redone. Right now I am concentrating on the cactuar, so the moogle is on hold. Could everyone please tell me how I might be able to change the cactuar (2nd posted one) for the better? Its almost ridiculous how difficult something that seems simple is to make. I thought the cactuar was going to be easy, man was I wrong. Only easy part was his shape, which right now I am pleased with. The dark green stripes running down his spiky desert body are really hard to do right. Overall the coloring looks to my eyes a bit outta whack. I want to get at least this 1 frame done, the rest will be a lot easier then.
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!