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FFT: Complete Main Info thread

Started by Cheetah, April 07, 2009, 11:52:40 pm


just figured i'd let you know that I'm still lurking >_>


I've notice that the PSP version uses the plurial form of God, Gods and not God. I always though that there was only one God in FFT. Am I missing something here?

Edit: I don't know why I see 4 St. Ajoras writen since that is not what I wrote.


Text filter.
The church in FFT is the main religion of the area that the game takes place in, but as seen in the other Ivalice there are other cults and older religions that might still be in practice in other regions or even in the sub-text of the game's narrative.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Okay, but the Church of Galbados only has one God (FFT) right? So why would the followers/knights of the Church job describe with the plurial Gods? It just doesn't make any sense for them to mention Gods (plurial).

Example: Divine Knight - A Knight versed in both scripture and sword, sworn to the service of the Gods (plurial).

Wouldn't this be blasphemous to the Church of Galbados since there is God and Ajora, the child of God? Someone screwed up somewhere (not FFhacktics community, but the translators or the retcon in question).


I guess that depends on whether the description is from the point of view of the church or if it is a general description for a job that can be affiliated with any religion. Are there any examples of dialogue where a particular member of the Glabados church uses the plural?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Never played PSP before, but in FFT PSone. God (singular) is used numerous times. Both in description and in talks.

Found the Divine Knight description on Final Fantasy Wiki, and its not the PSone description of the job. So it must be PSP description.

Here is the PSone description of Divine Knight - Holy knight who pledges his loyalty and devotion to God. He takes holy orders with his sword.


Sorry for the double post, but I just quickly check the current patch, so some of these could have been fix already by you guys. But I am still going to mention it anyways.

Deathspell 2/Dispelna has a quote, it is not activated in FFTPatcher. Same for the Magic Swords/spellblades quotes. It was like this to in the vanilla version of FFT for Deathspell 2 and the Magic Sword's skills.

Holy Angel/High Seraph does not have a Skillset associated with her, it should be Ultimate Magic/Arcane Magicks. It was like this to in the vanilla version of FFT, where hacking her into the party made her have no primary ability.

The Elemental Guns problem, Blaze Gun and Glacier Gun elemental mix-up.

Northswain's Strike appears as Iorthswain's Strike in the Job Status Menu, it's probably too long?

Wouldn't Shellbust Stab, Blastar Punch, Hellcry Punch and Icewolf Bite be better than the generic name of Crush Armor, Crush etc? If the patch is suppose to take the best of the 2 version, wouldn't the PSone version's name of these attacks be better?

Elmdor/Elmdore's Spirit Sword skillset, even if you have learned any abilities. The skillset is grayed out and gives the "No Abilities can be used/No usable abilities" error. Any plans on fixing this? It was like this in the vanilla version too.

The dummy out Reflect and Silent Walk/Stealth ability, any plans on completing these abilities so that they work properly in the game?

Oracle/Mystic Job name is also known in the Japanese version as Onmyoji. I copied and pasted the next bit of info from the PSP walkthru on Gamefaqs.

You might have wondered about the status magick-wielding job: in the PSP version, it's called Mystic and uses "Mystic Arts"; in the original PSone version, it's Oracle and uses "Yin-Yang Magic." Why such different names?

In the original Japanese version, this job is actually the Onmyoshi--a practicer of Onmyodo, a real-life Japanese tradition of divination and mysticism based on yin-yang, astrology, and spirits (shikigami). You can read more about Onmyodo at its Wikipedia article:
  -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onmyodo

Since most English-speaking audiences probably wouldn't be familiar with Onmyodo, the localization teams have come up with different English words to name this job.

This is all that I saw in the current patch. Again, some of these could have been fix already. So sorry for pointing it out.


These are some very nice suggestions Fenrir. I will certainly take a look at these. Though for this project we take the WOTL translation as the definite one, so unless it is an actual error we don't change it.
Current Projects:


I knew I forgot something to mention something, what about the Music Test? Any plans on putting it in?

Quote from: "Cheetah"These are some very nice suggestions Fenrir. I will certainly take a look at these. Though for this project we take the WOTL translation as the definite one, so unless it is an actual error we don't change it.

No problem, just wanted to share what I have found and/or was thinking.


I do believe Cheetah was working on restoring the music test, right Cheetah?
The whole issue of the 'correctness' of either the original or WotL script is beyond the scope of this project.
However, since it is designed as a base patch for other hackers to work off of everyone is free to make any further changes as they see fit.
I, myself am definitely going to be using this as a base for my personal hack as I don't agree with many of the translation choices in either version.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Yeah the music test is what I have been working on a lot besides the books. It is now a major goal of the project.
Current Projects:


Yeah, I'm also going to personally change some things in my own personal hack as well. There are some things I don't like in the PSone version and the PSP version.

I found this Cheetah.

Entry 489 - Radcliff: Rumor has it there are five types of fell swords. (PSP)

There is no fell swords in PSonce version.

Entry 489 - Radcliff: Try holding down L1, R1, Select, and Start! (PSone Japanese version)

http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps/197339-final ... faqs/16311

Just though I'd mention that.


Sorry to be a bother, but has anyone found a way to use FFTacText with FFT:Complete reliably? Or at least a specific version that works properly? I've tried the "import iso, save file, close tactext and reopen" method several times with several versions of TacText to no avail. I heard tell of a special version used to create FFT:C but no one seems to be able to tell me where to find it.

Any help at all would greatly be appreciated.
I will show you the power of SARDIIIIINES!!!!


Fenrir, what's a Fell Sword?

Is the WotL "Radcliffe" the same person as the PS1's Radcliffe?  Do the generics have any kind of fixed code numbers so you can match PS1 generics to those in the PSP version?  I know they changed a few generic names from the Japanese PS1 version to the NA PS1, and then changed many more when making WoTL.  Is it possible that the original Radcliffe who tells you to hold down those buttons (and doesn't remind you to save, that prankster nogoodnik) is not the same generic?  BTW, is there a soft reset on the PSP?


Fell Swords are a new sword category added to WotL for Dark Knights, they are akin to the dark swords from FF4.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


To answer your question Heian. In FFTacText, Radcliff entry is 489 where he was given "Rumor has it there are five types of fell swords." in FFT: Complete. But according to the gameFAQs Generic Quote Faqs link I posted above, his original line was "Try holding down L1, R1, Select, and Start!" I had to google to find out what was a Fell Sword. Since this is the modification of the PSX version, it would make more sense to have the PSX line since there is no Fell Swords in PSX. Unless this is the team's secretly plans on adding the Dark Knight generic class into the PSX, which I highly doubt. I remember them saying that they have no plans on putting Onion Knight or Dark Knight into PSX.

Found some typos.

ItemsName entry 215 - Power Gaunltet should be Power Gauntlet.

Terrain descriptions entry 0
Ordinary earth.{Newline}
{Color 08}Geomancy{Color 00}:Sinkhole - should a space after the :

Terrain descriptions entry 19
A man-made thoroughfare. {Newline}
{Color 08}Geomancy{Color 00}:  Sinkhole - there are two spaces after :

That is all.


Regarding the Fell Swords; good to know!  In my WotL playthrough, I refused to let any opponent die (to the point of reviving them and then smacking them down immediately after, a few times), so the Dark Knight class was closed off to me!

Fenrir, if that's the same Radcliffe, I'm guessing that they needed informative quotes for some of the new additions in WotL and just replaced some of the less useful generic quotes with new stuff.  Can't blame them for dumping Radcliffe's original quote -- doing what he says would mean losing your data!


But, getting the Dark Knight class. Wasn't it something like taking 20 crystilized enemies? From what I read on the internet, it certainly looked that way.

Of course they'll change certain things when porting to a new system, it happened in numerous ports in a wide variety of games. But the team is bringing the translation of PSP to the PSX version where there are no Fell Swords at all. I can see it now, the forum flooded with question such as how do I unlock the Dark Knight because one of the generic mentions the Fell Sword plus they google it and found the answer is that the Fell Swords belongs to the Dark Knights. Their conclusion, Dark Knight are unlockable and usuable in FFT Complete.

The quote of Radcliffe is misleading, especially since this patch is suppose to bring PSP text to PSX. Not every aspect/content that is present in the PSP will be ported over on the PSX. The best thing you could do is give him a new quote.


Yeah, you needed to kill 20 people -- what barbarity!  It was a fun and very satisfying challenge to not let anyone die.

I agree; he should have the original quote.  No sense in misleading players into looking for things that aren't there.


I'm sorry, but it just isn't a true Tactics experience without the line "Ramza.... What did you get? I........." at the very end.