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FFT: Complete Main Info thread

Started by Cheetah, April 07, 2009, 11:52:40 pm


Dominic, this is the kind of thing I'm looking for.  I've got Lucia simply calling her father "Father", because I don't think he's quite as elite as the Beoulves were.  In Japanese, Balbanes was called by the ostentatiously-formal chichi-ue 父上, whereas Lucia calls Albert otou-sama お父様, which is one level up from normal otousan お父さん, but nowhere near chichi-ue.

I guess the problem is what to have an older commoner call a very young noble -- Eddy the gardener addressing 13-year-old Lucia.  I'm going to go with "Lady" (rather than "miss" or the like) unless someone's got something better.

Let me dig up some sample lines so people can trade opinions about them.  I really need to play WotL and FFXII again to get back into this mode of speaking.


It might almost be amusing for the gardener kid to call her "Princess" even though she isn't one. But that would likely be writing in too much to the story. I need to give this more thought.
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Cheetah, it might be, but in this case I'm leaning against it.  The kid and his father are pretty grounded, down-to-earth people who know how to behave and how to talk to people without either being awed by them (calling Lucia "Princess") or having no manners (like Vaan calling Ashe "omae" (a familiar, somewhat downward-looking word for 'you') in FF12).  

At first I was making use of some French terms, Oeilvert-style, but now I'm not so sure.  How about this bit of dialogue?  The (1.) is a choice you make as Lucia, and then what follows from that (dialogue between 13-year-old noble Lucia and 14-year-old ordinary hired-hand Curt) comes after.

1. Call out to him{Newline}

 '{Delay 02}Excuse me? Curt...?' {0xF4}{Delay 10} {Delay 01}{Newline}
 'Yes, m'lady?' {0xF4}{Delay 10} {Delay 02}{Newline}
 'Oh, please, "lady" is far too...' {0xF4}{Delay 10} {Delay 01}{Newline}
 'If there is any work that mademoiselle needs done, {Delay 08}{Newline}
 {Delay 01}I shall be happy to perform it.' {0xF4}{Delay 10} {Delay 01}{Newline}
 'No, no...{0xF4}{Delay 10}{Newline}
 {Delay 02}I wasn't ordering you to do anything, Curt!' </Entry>
            <Entry> {Newline}
 '{Delay 02}...{0xF4}{Delay 10} {Delay 01}Ahhh...{0xF4}{Delay 10}{Newline}
 {Delay 02}what a silly fool I am.{0xF4}{Delay 10}{Newline}
 {Delay 01}I should just give up.{0xF4}{Delay 10}{Newline}
 {Delay 02}Besides, Father has already decided on {Newline}
 a fiance for me.{0xF4}{Delay 10}{Newline}
 {Delay 02}I should be happy just to see Curt now.'  


That sounds good to me. I like that you have Father capitalized to show emphasis as per the Japanese form.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


Is there any particular reason to do the French accents other than to sound different? It is just a personal bias of mine but I'm not a fan. I even called my "fiance" "my future wife" instead because I dislike the word so much, so take my opinion with a grain of salt because it isn't very objective.

I think stick with the old english like wording instead. So "mademoiselle" could be "little miss" or "miss" or something else along those lines. Then the later line could be "Besides, Father has already chosen a husband for me." or "Besides, I am already betrothed by Father's choosing." or Besides, Father has already chosen my betrothed.". I think we have lots of options to not use French. No offense to our Quebec friends of course.
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Cheetah, "betrothed" is perfect!  I'll use that instead of "fiance" -- this novel isn't necessarily set in a France-like place (as Oeilvert most definitely is). Your wording choices are pretty good, too.  Let me see if I can get some of the extraneous French words out of this one.

One more request: any fans of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy out there?  On the cover of the Guide, it says "Don't Panic", and I think there's a scene where Arthur Dent says something about how clearly the best choice is, in fact, to panic mindlessly.  (My copy is 7000 miles away, so I can't look it up!)  Anyone remember this?  In the FFT sound novel, at one point, the choice is to scream in panic, and I want to use something like that.


I have the book.  If you can point me at the scene so I can quote if for you I'd be happy to help.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo


Ronan, what a great resource!

And I found the quote that I was mis-remembering:
QuoteFord sprang up.

"Keep looking at the book!" he hissed urgently.


"Don't Panic."

"I'm not panicking!"

"Yes you are."

"Alright so I'm panicking, what else is there to do?"

Maybe I'll work something like this in.


That is a good line, I like it.
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I try to squeeze as much Hitchhiker's Guide as possible into anything and everything I write.  I absolutely adore the late great Douglas Adams.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo


Long time I haven't check up on you guys, the last time was when the first book was just starting to be translated. All of you are doing a fine job! Keep up the good work. After trying to figure out my username and password, I manage to track down my post I've made here and remembered my password immediately. I'm wondering if you guys have started restoring the Generic Soldier Quotes in Final Fantasy Tactics Complete because I didn't see them in the goal list.

Here is a FAQ on gamefaqs.


Sorry if I seem like I am being pushy, because that is not what I am trying to do. This wouldn't seem to me as Complete if the quotes were not present in the final version of the patch as they were present in the original Japanese version but omited in the English version. I'm just wondering if there is any plans on restoring them. That's all. Again, keep up the good work!


Jack, yeah, DNA is awesome.    Though I have to confess that I read the first four books of the trilogy and thought it ended just perfectly like that.  Then I discovered the fifth, which ruined it.  Fortunately there's now a sixth; hopefully it can redeem that horrible "Mostly Harmless".  Haven't read it yet.

Fenrir, does WotL not have the quotes?  I think we could paste them in directly from there, as the WotL translators did an excellent job on everything else and surely did better than that amateur GameFAQs hack. ^_^;

I remember writing that document long ago -- I thought it would be half an hour's work, and it ended up taking forever!

Cheetah, I've got a request for you -- e-mail coming your way!


Quote from: "Heian"Jack, yeah, DNA is awesome.    Though I have to confess that I read the first four books of the trilogy and thought it ended just perfectly like that.  Then I discovered the fifth, which ruined it.  Fortunately there's now a sixth; hopefully it can redeem that horrible "Mostly Harmless".  Haven't read it yet.

Fenrir, does WotL not have the quotes?  I think we could paste them in directly from there, as the WotL translators did an excellent job on everything else and surely did better than that amateur GameFAQs hack. ^_^;

I remember writing that document long ago -- I thought it would be half an hour's work, and it ended up taking forever!

Cheetah, I've got a request for you -- e-mail coming your way!
A sixth book?  Are you serious?

*Runs to check wikipedia*

Holy cow.  Are you talking about the "Salmon of Doubt" or "And Another Thing".  I don't know how to feel about either of those.  I didn't read "Salmon" simply because its incomplete.  Its made of drafts of one DNA series being written adapted to the Guide.  It saddens me that he wasn't able to finish it but it makes me happy that he was making an attempt.  However, I couldn't bring my self to read it because he died in the middle of adapting a novel from one series into the Guide.  I'm at a loss for what to think of "And Another Thing as well"  It's another author and it uses previously un-introduced fantasy elements like Thor and Asgard.  I'll probably pick it up but I won't be buying a new Omnibus version of the Guide.  

Oh, and "Mostly Harmless" is totally underrated.  I liked the sheer randomness of it, and no I'm not talking about Arthur's daughter.  People complain because the ending is dark but its a real ending.  Which is the only way you can end a story so completely centered on the utter destruction of the world and its main characters.  People complain all about how DNA didn't know how to write an ending.  Mostly harmless proves the masses wrong.  Plus, I really liked Arthur's endeavor as a sandwich maker.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo


Quote from: "Heian"Fenrir, does WotL not have the quotes?  I think we could paste them in directly from there, as the WotL translators did an excellent job on everything else and surely did better than that amateur GameFAQs hack. ^_^;

I remember reading somewhere that the quotes in WotL were omited/removed for some reason, I'm going to have to google this for some proof/truth to this. But, someone with the WotL game could easily confirm this. I don't know if the Japanese version of WotL had the quotes. I'll post my findings here.

Edit: Well, this is what I found. Again, I do not own the WotL game. So I can't confirm it. All I own is the PSone English version.

"Using the Select button "help" feature and then selecting a character's name on his/her status screen gives you a short quote from the character.  In the PSone version, only the story characters had unique messages.  Generic characters simply had one of a handful of generic quotes.  In the PSP version, every default name for a generic character now has his or her own unique quote! (This feature has always been in the Japanese version; it was only in the English PSone version that the generic characters did not all have unique quotes.)"

Source: http://forum.gamevn.com/showthread.php? ... PSP-/page2

Post #24 by Sharius


Fenrir, so does that mean that in the English PS1 FFT, generic soldiers just had random quotes chosen from that list?  I thought they had no quotes at all, and was disappointed because I really liked the quotes.  (I played the Japanese FFT on the PS1, and never experience the game in English until WotL.)

I can't read a single word of Vietnamese -- is there something interesting in those comments aside from the list of old and new words in FFT?

Jack, yeah, I was thinking of the Eoin Colfer book.  I *hate* the dark ending to Mostly Harmless -- So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish wrapped things up so perfectly, and when I read that book I had no idea that there was another one, so everything was perfect.  (I have a four-book omnibus which is definitive for me!)


Fenrir, the quotes are still definitely a goal. The last time a followed up on this we had included them already or had them activated. I feel like something must be missing though... I will look into it more, but I'm not sure when. Keep reminding us though and I will put it on the list.
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Quote from: "Heian"Fenrir, so does that mean that in the English PS1 FFT, generic soldiers just had random quotes chosen from that list?  I thought they had no quotes at all, and was disappointed because I really liked the quotes.  (I played the Japanese FFT on the PS1, and never experience the game in English until WotL.)

I can't read a single word of Vietnamese -- is there something interesting in those comments aside from the list of old and new words in FFT?

I believe that they have a preset quote to the random generic soldier. When you buy a soldier, they're already prename. Renaming your generic soldier to your liking shouldn't change their associated quote. In the PSone US version... all generic soldier's quotes are "..." when you press select on their names. The translators of the game probably didn't bother to translate it due to the fact they rush the game out and the quotes didn't have any impact on the game.

Do you still have FFT in Japanese? You could probably test if the quotes are indeed random. Buy one soldier and check the quote, buy another soldier with the same name as the first one you already bought (this will be the most annoying part, since all soldiers are generated randomly). Once you find another soldier who has the same name as your first soldier, buy him and check his quote. Compare the quote to see if they are the same.

The guy who posted this has posted in English, google results of my search lead me to that site.

Quote from: "Cheetah"Fenrir, the quotes are still definitely a goal. The last time a followed up on this we had included them already or had them activated. I feel like something must be missing though... I will look into it more, but I'm not sure when. Keep reminding us though and I will put it on the list.

No problem, I just wanted to bring it up and see what happen to it. I'll definitely come back and remind you guys a little later down the road . Maybe around the time when the last book is nearing completion on its translation.


Quote from: "Heian"Fenrir, so does that mean that in the English PS1 FFT, generic soldiers just had random quotes chosen from that list?  I thought they had no quotes at all, and was disappointed because I really liked the quotes.  (I played the Japanese FFT on the PS1, and never experience the game in English until WotL.)

I can't read a single word of Vietnamese -- is there something interesting in those comments aside from the list of old and new words in FFT?

Jack, yeah, I was thinking of the Eoin Colfer book.  I *hate* the dark ending to Mostly Harmless -- So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish wrapped things up so perfectly, and when I read that book I had no idea that there was another one, so everything was perfect.  (I have a four-book omnibus which is definitive for me!)

There's a slight bit of confusion going on here, I'm pretty sure hes referring to Spell Quotes, which are grand storycrafter Eternal made up that fit the WotL style, which I had believed were already put in, might be wrong though.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


No LD, we are talking about character quotes that appear when you press "Select" on them in the Formation screen.
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