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Messages - Oddeye666

Help! / Re: Math Skill AI Question
March 29, 2011, 01:45:29 pm
I did that.  I copied and pasted it.
Help! / Math Skill AI Question
March 29, 2011, 11:41:21 am
For a hack I am working on I am trying to have one Special Character have a nerfed form of Math Skill as his unique skillset.  Well I have run into some trouble you see I have altered his skillset and checked the Action Menu to Math skill.  However, in battle I still can't use Math Skill.  What I have found though is that if I set this character to AI command he can use it.

Any tips on how to alleviate this problem.
Site Submission / Re: Sprites
February 02, 2011, 04:18:16 pm
Might I make a small request and ask that some of the sprites be posted up in 42kb form?  Because those of hacking the WotL version cannot use 64kb sprites.
Help! /
July 16, 2009, 11:55:43 pm
Alright well I've gotten my work around for Samurai.  Now I have a question about the Chemist, and the Ninja.

First off with the Chemist I know I can change the formula of items, but can I change the animation of said items?

Second with the Ninja.  I know I can reclassify other items as "Throwing" or "Bomb", but could I for instance make it so that when a Shuriken is thrown it has a chance of inflicting poison?  Also when an item is thrown (the Ice Brand) for example does it keep its elemental property?
Spam /
July 16, 2009, 12:11:28 pm
I wasn't taking you that seriously, but i just wanted you all to know its nothing personal.
Help! /
July 16, 2009, 12:07:26 pm
Interesting well then my problem with the Samurai is resolved, Chemist is gonna be a No-Go.  Go into more detail though with replacing the skillset, like maybe I could do what Redux said to do, but if I do that kind of work around then I want it to work properly without any sort of hiccup.  So basically can I make it work like a normal skillset works OR if that's not possible can I make it so all of the skills in that job class are always learned?

Plus thinking about some of the Zodiac monsters in the game have unique skillsets... So let's say I took one of the secondaries filled it with whatever crap I so please and then slapped it on the Dragoon class would it work normal?
Spam /
July 16, 2009, 12:01:51 pm
Myspace sucks dude Facebook is the only thing worth it.
Spam /
July 16, 2009, 11:56:18 am
Oh hey guys it's me sorry if I offended you all.  I just figured that if I posted something here asking for job suggestions then I'd get a foot up my ass about being original.  Sorry you all didn't like my Assassin job class, but that's what I'm trying to work on and as I said earlier you all aren't the kindest people out there.  That and everyone here worries mostly about their own hacks, rightfully so of course, but the people on GFaqs probably don't have anything better to do.  Anyway I am terribly sorry if I offended you, but please do not get overly upset it was nothing personal.  

PS: For all of you REAL creepers out there I don't have a myspace, but here's a link to my facebook: http://www.new.facebook.com/home.php#/a ... ef=profile
Help! /
July 16, 2009, 10:53:03 am
Well I know Archer works just by changing their action menu to "default" and then just giving it whatever skills you please.

Can you explain exactly step-by-step what you mean to do with the Samurai, and how that relates to the Chemist.  Because what I wanted to do was give the item skillset to every job class innate, and give the Chemist something different.

Also what were you saying about changing the Dragoon?  Please be thorough so I can understand.

Because everytime I try to give a class a different skillset it ends up knowing all of the skils of that class, or only knowing th corresponding skills in the Squire job class.

Thanks again.
Help! /
July 16, 2009, 01:12:36 am
Well its just that I wanted to create a comprehensive job rehaul of all the jobs in the game.  I also wanted to give every job class items innate which would mean I would have make a new skillset for the Chemist.  

However, now I either have to leave the Dragoon, Ninja, and Samurai as is or take them out all together.

So just to clarify if I wanted to give the Samurai the Rune Knight skillset I can't, or if I wanted to change the Dragoon's job class to a dragoner like Reis I can't do that?
Help! /
July 16, 2009, 12:48:29 am
That sucks so there's nothing I can do to give a Dragoon some unique abilities or give a Samurai something else?  Thats sucks.
Help! /
July 15, 2009, 10:02:27 pm
Oh I know Archer can work I've done that myself.  So I would assume that Samurai and Dragoon would work.  I don't think the Chemist would be in any trouble either, however I wasn't sure if it would work like the Geomancer.  

That sucks with the Onion Knight and Geomancer, but I figured it would be like that.  Anyway thanks for the help.

PS: On the PSP I have the same options as the PSX.
Help! / Hey some help on skillsets with fftpatcher
July 15, 2009, 08:09:31 pm
I have some questions about skillsets related to the Dragoon, Geomancer, Samurai, Onion Knight and Chemist.

First off with the Dragoon if I just changed its action menu to default could I replace all of its skills with whatever other skills I wanted to without any issue? Could I do the same thing with the Samurai?

Is there anyway I can edit the Geomancer skillset every attempt I have made has failed.

Is there anyway I can give the Onion Knight skills at all?

Finally in my hack I think I would like to have ALL classes Item could I just give all the classes Item as an innate skill?

Thanks in advance.
Old Project Ideas /
July 06, 2009, 11:54:14 pm
Oh well Final Fantasy Tactics Perfect was a poor name, Final Fantasy Tactics Extreme was taken, so I settled on Final Fantasy Tactics: A New Adventure.
Old Project Ideas /
July 06, 2009, 10:31:21 pm
What are you talking about?  I just wanted to know what you people thought.
Old Project Ideas /
July 06, 2009, 10:23:06 pm
So what do you guys think?
Old Project Ideas /
July 03, 2009, 10:24:12 am
I changed the name because there is already a Final Fantasy Tactics Extreme.  Anyway yeah Red Mage's rock at first, but after about Chapter 2 they kind of just become a carrier job class.  Also I think I forgot to throw this in there Luso skillset is now that of a Blue Mage.
Old Project Ideas /
July 02, 2009, 03:53:48 pm
I gave Geomancer the new equips to further diversify his equip options.  Also that was a typo he has Move on Lave, and Any Weather
Old Project Ideas /
July 02, 2009, 10:20:40 am
No, it means initial sorry I put the wrong thing I will edit it too make it correct.  Also sorry I havn't translated it to PSX yet.  If its popular enough I probably will.  Also sorry I have no idea how to make it a ppf.
Old Project Ideas /
July 02, 2009, 04:04:27 am
I added an attachment(Sorry I'm new here.)  Also I added Fly to make Orlandeau fit in with how I see him more.  He is the end all be all in terms of sword users so much so that he is nick named "Thunder God Cid"  This nick name to me implies that while he is an expert swordsman he is more than that he is a character that seems to rise above a beyond those around him in most things that he does.  In this patch a balanced out his skills as well as his attacks so that he is not the same all powerful character he was before, but still a very useful ally that is maneuverable in all sorts of situations.  Need some well grounded support throw Orlandeau Red Magicks, need some extra fire power boost his MA and give him Spirit Sword(Iaido).  This maneuverability of the class led me to try and think of an innate skill that would reflect this so I came up with Fly as his innate skill.  

Also I named it extreme because I did not know what else I should call it my runner up names were: Final Fantasy Tactics: Cookies and Cream Edition OR Final Fantasy Tactics: Fun Hack.

Anyway I really do encourage you all to try it before you criticize it this is my first time on this board, and you all seem very critical of something you havn't tried.