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Messages - Angel

The Lounge / Re: Lost Odyssey FREE
December 17, 2016, 02:29:46 pm
Fucking hell, the entire game is FREE?! If any one of you have a 360 or Xbone and don't snatch this, we can never be friends.

Also, to Microsoft: how about you release this for Windows? Please?
ASM hacking is rewriting the game's compiled instructions, the machine code. ASM hacks are preferred to be applied by FFTOrgASM, but not required to do so.
Help! / Re: Modding FFT
December 13, 2016, 06:35:11 pm
To reiterate, generally speaking, you cannot add anything* to the game. You can edit, you can re-assign, and in some cases condense to make room, but you cannot add anything. To add anything would take a very talented and very dedicated programmer, with a lot of free time.

* There's room for more events, for example, but that's for another time. Anything you're currently asking about and wanting to accomplish, the answer is no.

With apologies to my wife for directly disobeying her.  I've been a bad girl.  Spank me~
Help! / Re: Modding FFT
December 13, 2016, 02:59:36 pm
Quote from: Doxus on December 13, 2016, 01:05:39 pm
How can I chat with someone here of the forums? I can't find anyone in mibbit/no one answer me in mibbit.

I have no idea how you found the years-dead Esper channel, but that is not where we chat. Look toward the top of the screen you're on. See the mibbit link there? If not, Ctrl+F for 'MIBBIT (IRC)' and click there - it should take you to the correct server (irc.ffhacktics.com). It's not always lively, but there are people there.
Xifanie was screaming at me to stop the last time I read aloud WotL dialogue to her while testing something on PPSSPP. It is really, seriously, heavily overdone. Vagrant Story was on point, FFXII toed the line on some things (humes, magicks, etc) but was still acceptable, but WotL's dialogue is to the point of self-parody. I can read it, but I can't take it seriously. The proper name changes are what I cannot forgive, though. Be prepared for every character you know to have gone through an unnecessary (except for Lede - Lettie is both a more accurate translation and an actual name) and largely inexplicable name change. Lots of ability and item names were changed, too. It's difficult for me to pick up and understand what's what because it's the PSX version that I've been playing for nearly 20 years. Plus, the spell quotes are gone (even if some of them were silly).

Keeping the new stuff while using old dialogue and naming convention is the goal of The Lion War, which is on an indefinite hiatus while getting Journey of the Five chapter 1&2 out takes priority. It is still missing the cutscenes, but does currently have the new title and intro movies.

As far as I know (Laggy doesn't exactly post updates here), LFT is for PSX only.

Not being a fan of any text within WotL, I'd go with vanilla LFT, or Kind Of, or Celdia's Complete Patch for something new to change things up. Or by all means, show some love to the story mods out there (like the aforementioned Journey of the Five, Call of Power, A Stone's Ripple, etc). I just won't hide my bias.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Chapter 2 Progress Log
December 09, 2016, 01:51:18 am
As someone who loves Navi, I understand the feels.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Chapter 2 Progress Log
December 08, 2016, 12:39:00 am
Quote from: ChaosStar0 on December 07, 2016, 04:39:36 pm
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: I don't like it when people insult Vaan. The whole point of him is that he's a viewpoint character, FFXII is Ashe's story but we experience it from Vaan's point of view.

If you can remove a character from a story and have it affect nothing, that character should absolutely not be a focal point. I'm not insulting Vaan, I'm saying he shouldn't be there. Luso's the one I'm insulting.

Besides, Balthier is the leading man.

QuoteI also ship Vaan and Ashe.

That... is just wrong. On many levels. But whatever floats your boat.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Chapter 2 Progress Log
December 07, 2016, 11:10:32 am
Luso is a vapid pointless character beyond the level of even Vaan who was painfully overdesigned and overused. His inclusion in WotL was nothing short of insulting and broken.

Raiden was just a cruel bait and switch prank. I don't hate him, but he sure was a mean joke.
I have never heard of that patch before. I have heard of Mr. Bauri, though. He tried to claim some of our tools as his own work years ago.
There is really only one WotL name change I emphatically prefer, which is Lede -> Lettie. Lettie is an actual name, and it's obvious how to pronounce it. That should have been the original translation. It is on a very short list of WotL changes that is actually more faithful and accurate to the source material. I'll allow the Zodiac monster changes as well (even though Hashmal is less accurate), since some of them were obviously wrong to start with, and the new convention is carried on by Final Fantasy XII. You could also argue Draclau -> Delacroix as more accurate and faithful, but the name Draclau is also referenced in Final Fantasy XII, which also takes place in Ivalice, so I'm less inclined to allow it. I'll still acknowledge that it's faithful, I just have reason to let the original stay. All other names, get the WotL out.

I'll of course allow a few of the ability/job name changes, especially ones that catch up on convention, but all of the changes for the sake of change should be struck down.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
October 29, 2016, 11:37:28 pm
I really wish we had an upvote system for posts right now. Guru++
News / Final Fantasy Tactics: Kind Of 2.6
October 23, 2016, 12:02:16 pm
It's been three years since the last update, so understandably, the changelog is huge. Loads of changes, fixes, and improvements abound, so give it a look!
War of the Lions Hacking / Re: FFT Wotl Android & MEmu
October 15, 2016, 10:37:09 am
Not seeing any rules broken here, just a great tip. Thank you for that write up!
Neither one of you can see this topic which is stickied in the board you're currently posting to? I don't mean to be rude, but why are we even making sticky topics? :/

Edit: It occurred to me that the stickied topic didn't account for PSP's lack of UWEntries. There is a fix, though... To give characters a different UNIT.BIN sprite, just search for "00 01 02 03 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 05 06 00 07 00 0D" (hex) inside your ISO. This data is the beginning of the table which lists the associated UNIT.BIN sprite for each Main ID (or "Sprite ID" in the patcher).

For example:

Job IDJob NameUNIT.BIN Sprite
Job 01Squire00 = Ramza Ch1
Job 02Squire01 = Ramza Ch2-3
Job 03Squire02 = Ramza Ch4
Job 04Squire03 = Delita Ch1
Job 05Holy Knight00 = Ramza Ch1
Job 06Arc Knight00 = Ramza Ch1
Job 07Squire04 = Algus

You might have to play around a bit to find the unused sprites so you can replace them for your needs.
Help! / Re: Changing Generic Skillset Associations
October 08, 2016, 11:32:55 pm
I only wanted to say that I also loved Final Fantasy XII's translation, with the exception of 'magick'. It was still on the same level of writing as Vagrant Story, which was also great. WotL laid it on quintuple thick, though. XII and Vagrant Story were both more on a medieval fantasy standard, well within the range of suspended disbelief. WotL just... really went too far on the obfuscation. I had no problem with them redoing the dialogue (the proper noun changes are what draw my ire, and then some), but I really wish they stepped back on it a few dozen paces.

For all the fixes we've had for WotL to make the gameplay more palatable, I do wish we had more and better tools for it. It's the version all new members are interested in, after all. But at this point, I don't expect it to ever happen. Much as I'd love to see some talent fly in from nowhere and completely change the situation, that likelihood falls further each day.

I really really really wanted to jump into the Android version and make that a valid option for modding, but Squeenix just absolutely mangled that port beyond all help.
I'm gonna guess household cleaners because what
DMC1 is hard to go back to, DMC2 is good, DMC3 is classic, and as a heathen, DMC4 is my favorite. I've still yet to play DmC even though I've had it for how long, now? I just can't get used to the reboot idea. Original Dante was iconic as hell.
He's a permanent party member that can't be removed, so that can be a downside, but he's also pretty good. Not to mention awesome.
A fair request. Done.
10:37:22 pm <&Elric> are those the same guys from Sw1tcher or whatever it is?
10:37:30 pm -!- mode/#ffh [+ao Angel Angel] by ChanServ
10:37:30 pm < Bonesy> yeah
10:37:32 pm <&Angel> context?
10:37:55 pm < Bonesy> i can't remember which two it was between matt pat liam and woolie though
10:37:55 pm <&Elric> I've never heard of it, but someone commented on a Jot5 video a while back saying that someone from Sw1tcher recommended Jot5
10:37:55 pm <&Elric> Angel
10:37:55 pm <&Elric> [19:31] <Bonesy> yeah i watched two best friends play do RE4's HD version but it's been a while by now
10:37:55 pm -!- Channel #ffh created Sat Oct  1 08:18:10 2016
10:37:59 pm -!- Irssi: Join to #ffh was synced in 51 secs
10:38:10 pm -!- Xifanie [Goddess@Love-and-Devotion.ffhacktics.com] has joined #ffh
10:38:11 pm -!- mode/#ffh [+qo Xifanie Xifanie] by ChanServ
10:38:18 pm < Bonesy> i might play some fft tonight but otoh i could play more dissidia
10:38:18 pm <&Elric> Nocturne is longer, but im obsessed with Resident Evil
10:38:23 pm <&Elric> so i will be biased in my opinion
10:38:26 pm < Bonesy> lol
10:38:27 pm < Bonesy> ok
10:38:54 pm <&Angel> Nocturne is a good game with LOTS of replayability, but the US version is hard as fuck
10:38:58 pm <&Elric> Pat was the one who recommended Jot5
10:39:24 pm <&Elric> really? I only ever had trouble on the last Dante fight, but thats cuz i was underleveled
10:39:43 pm <&Angel> yeah, getting Dante is what makes it hard
10:39:54 pm <&Angel> and fuck the hell off if you think I'm not getting Dante

Just getting Dante in Nocturne is a fucking bitch and a half, and playing on anything more than normal difficulty is absolute masochism. Bosses that can take infinite turns on you? Seriously?