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Messages - SentinalBlade

Symbols of Rage /
September 14, 2009, 12:53:51 am
Voids: A weapon that drains the target, making it void of existence, and erasing body form the face of the earth.
The description makes it sound like it would crystal/treasure, doesnt it? lol

Hellgate: Fire Element, Range of 3
Absorb HP: MA * (Current HP / 20)
                 14 * (434 /20) = 308.8
                   4 * (55/20) = 11

Obviously, this weapon wont be available till later game. Though I'm thinking about replacing 20, with 10. If the damage would equal over 150 HP, then it divides it by half. So....
19 * (582 / 10) = 1105.8
1105.8 / 2 = 552.9

Maybe if its over 500, add another check? cause 19 MA and 582 seems appropriate for level 78. that would easily get a little higher(multiplication though makes everything count)

Which at 582 on a caster(woot 19 MA), you probably sacrificed some shit for HP over MP. im having trouble working out the numbers for this weapon type, so please comment.

Note: i realize, since this seems more caster related, that it should be based on MP, but the idea behind voids is that its physically exaughsting, but magical. HP for enduring the attack, and MA to amplify its strength, if you would
Symbols of Rage / SOR - Small update Gets own Topic :P
September 14, 2009, 12:39:04 am
We dont really have an update topic, so i figured it'd be time to make one.

SoR isnt to active, partly because of me. I have been working on things revolving around SoR, but not SoR directly.

Skillset Bug: I have made great progress with this one. i have managed to fix it...somewhat. Basically, in exchange for squire, you can freely use geomancer, ninja, lancer, and samurai. Problem with the fix, i have to rearrange skillsets and abilities learned in real time. And for some reason ,it chooses...to...learn things in your skillset, that you have learned in that spot on squire(i.e., if you learned "hell wave", and its in the 3rd slot, you can use it if the squire has learned the spell in the 3rd slot) The way it works led me to alot of work arounds, and a few sleepless nights(i ended up getting to excited to sleep, you guys know how that is, right? :). Bad news is, whenever you put it into your iso, epsxe and pSX(both of them =o) crash when entering a battle. It does, however, work fine when implimented into the ram with the pSX debugger. I will release after i get it working, but its the ones like this that Razel helped me on, and he is long gone. No telling when that will be.

Portability: Some of the hacks that cause the PSX version to freeze on the psp make it...well, unplayable. Sometimes they are rather important hacks(the item on undead units hack, or the potions heal a % of life) other times they are just aesthetic. I recently ran into a CFW named 5.50 GENUR2. It is said to have much greater PSX compatibility, and after some testing, the ASM hacks mentioned in the () actually dont crash the game. This means that some of the hacks that make 1.3 unplayable on the psp PSX eboot, can work on the psp again. Unfortunately, 1.3 has better results using firmware 3.00 with popsloader.

Portability is a major part of my life, so this one is rather important to me. I cant really test SoR from the doctors office, so this one would help alot. any information on it would be appreciated.

Implimented some of the changes on the board.
Wrote the complete code for Rage(without the ability table though, so its a stack 10 rage per attack, isntead of variable for each ability)
Still need to properly find ways to implement it
Items have been messed with
Symbols of Rage /
September 05, 2009, 10:37:37 pm
Im liking the boreal, and the fire Lich isnt a bad idea if we can come up with another name for it, other than "Lich". The premise behind the lich was the "Cold Touch of Death", nothing from WC3 was in mind, and Death and Decay is actually a really old D&D premise that i believe was taken out. I never played, i just like reading the books for some reason. most of them are a wealth of wonderful ideas as well.

I broke out my dads D&D book, but i havn't had time to read it really well and make a fitting name or base an idea for a name.

QuoteDark + Bolt
Dark + Fire
Holy + Earth
Holy + Ice
Water + Bolt
Wind + Ice

I'm liking this approach :)

Weaknesses: I think the holy and dark classes should be weak against holy and dark, respectively, making it more versatile. Water+Bolt and wind+ice is going to be hard to make a balanced weakness. Looking at the pure's skillsets currently, what would you guys suggest?
Symbols of Rage /
September 04, 2009, 01:06:58 pm
The apostle has lots of uses, but so far the skillset is situational, and requires planning. I guess i should've explained better... Its not underpowered, it just takes alot of setting up and thought about how you will use it and in what. Tricking units into position is generally favored, EVEN BY THE AI(sorry for caps, this just surprised me). and TP2 helps immensly with that and easily brings it up to snuff to other classes, but not over it. Admittedly, in some maps if you use it correctly that thing dominates the entire field in its own right. But so does every other class if used correctly, and not countered.

So far its also the ONLY class the AI uses SUPERBLY, but takes the player time to understand. It does well with them all, but it just seems to know how to hand the apostle. Its still a hard choice, and im looking for ways to boost the skillset and just give innate teleport 1. But to justify them costing rage, its hard to find correct values.

The only thing i can come up with is lowering the power of all the skills, but making them free(in turn, generating rage instead of costing it), so its a good seconadary, but teleport1 + move+3 would be a savy tactic(although, i am thinking about removing move +3 and jump +1(to useless, even early on in tier standards) in favor of new movement abilities.

@silvasruin: In retrospect, eroder was a temporary name, me, PX, and DP were having an EXTREMELY hard time with this class. Any suggestions for the name would be great.

Also, silvas, i hope your aware that upon completion this hack will have a new story and nothing to do with FFT save for a Cameo or two. Diamond Dust can refer to Cocaine(For obvious reasons. White dusty stuff that has serious side affects(poison and blind), Which in turn comes from various minerals(most taken in part form the earth, despite being man-synthesized)

I had originally thought of those as what i wanted, and anything is up for suggestion and not "outright" shot down, i actually think about what is posted, so please don't hesitate.

The Male and Female Classes Stay, if anything because of story elements, but also because we dont have much custom class space as it is. I need every mechanic i can get, even if it diverges from everyone having everything available.

I am perfectly fine with completely Removing earth+wind element entirely for a new element Combo, Earth having 3 combos makes it cumbersome to balance, but as stated, it is hard for only 3 people to brainstorm class names and such(btw, a new class name for Lightning would be really appreciated!! :) )

The Dark+Lightening class must stay though, For story purposes. Its actually a small sect of Templar, suggested by tithin. Most of the skills are worked out, but hardly balanced, or figured enough to post. I have lots of ideas for this one, not enough space xD

Water+Lightening may go, since it counter balances. Though the class fits well with itself(Storm Mistress, Female Only, Weather-like skills) But if you have another combo that you would like to suggest, please do.

EDIT: this is a text example of apostle domination
The apostle goes first, and gets protect off on an enemy golem.
---several units pass, and we both have knocked off 2 of each others team----
An enemy Golem(still has protect) comes in range and casts diamond dust two panels away from my Fire Blade.
An Enemy Overseer comes up and whacks my fire blade
My Mistral Caster starts casting his heal
My Pyro Blade Rushs up there to the side of them, and gets in the heal AOE next to the mistral caster, and uses Lava Wave, hits enemy overseer and Golem.
Apostle ports near and uses "impudence" on my Mistral caster. the AOE manages to hit my Mistral Caster with Silence, but miss my Pyro Blade.
My Mistral Caster cannot heal my dieing pyro blade.

-Several Turns later-
I am now left with a Lich, and the enemy is down to an apostle, and an Overseer

My lich has shell currently, and the overseer is undead thanks to "Undeath"

Im about to kill the overseer, as she cant heal herself. I hit her with black ice, and confuse does not proc.

The Apostle rushes in,  even though its in critical health, and Hits the overseer with Eulagy (the bastard didnt even use that skill until then! i didnt know it had it xD) and it hits. healing the overseer completely.

The overseer then uses "Clutch of life" and heal-damages my undead lich for 284 points of damage.

Symbols of Rage /
September 03, 2009, 10:54:46 pm
We will test Teleport 2 out. in my experience, a class thats lacking reason to be in it as a base, and adding a HUGE incentive to use it actually helps more than it hurts. Even if his movement is OP, his skills are under powered. It also makes enemy Apostle's less useless.

Apostle's wont be receiving monster talk, and even if it did, it would still be an obvious choice to go overseer or Crystal Seer. Monster Talk is not on many players minds when building a team, especially on a team of humans with elemental strengths over monsters. I know your point wasn't "give monster talk to the apostle" but just letting you know, its hard to find an innate that would fit well and limit, but set free at the same time. If his skillset grows in strength anytime soon, i will be removing it

Yes it is supposed to say ice xD typo on my part

Weakened as mostly a side effect, It occurs on several attacks(mainly form the reaver class) and is used to give those meele skills the extra "umph" without being to strong by inflicting stone or frog or to weak by inflicting blind(especially because right now im having trouble finding the hit % in the RAM even)
Spriting /
September 03, 2009, 03:43:34 pm
Nice job kage :D

you progressed on that mouth any though? ever since mav pointed it out, i cant get past the blob of color blocks for her mouth during the singing. lol
Symbols of Rage /
September 03, 2009, 03:32:26 pm
Quote from: "PX_Timefordeath"[Lich]
Death & Decay: Deals 4% damage over an AoE every 3/4 CT
Not possible with my current knowledge of ASM. especially not for just one skill(i dont have the time to focus on individual abilities)

Gift of Life/Light: Sacrifices HP to heal the HP of an ally(wish)

Apostle has Tribute. it does the same thing :P

Quote from: "Sephirot24"Innate teleport 2 for Apostle? Woah.

Drastic, i know. But its innate, it is the only one(other than bosses) to get it. The sad thing about the Apostle is its akin to the mediator class, only now it has rage costs. I had to give a reason to even be in the class(how many mediators do you see as base class characters in 1.3, or even vanilla?), His effects got some additions from the normal mediator-style, and the innate teleport 2 should let him actually "play a part" on a team, rather than just "Get skillset and run" type of class
Symbols of Rage / SOR- Classes
September 03, 2009, 12:59:50 pm
Be warned, these are not final, and most abilities are just here for testing hacks and whatnot(theres lots of instant death abilities, the majority of these will be removed). I will include ltos of ASM hacks, so if you see something that makes you go "holy crap this is OP, did they add the ASM hack?" then yea, i added the asm hack.(such as teh bravery/faith unable to permanently mod)

New Status:
Weakened: The opposite of beserk, deal 33% less damage, doesnt last long(maybe 2 full turns for the target with 9 speed)

Dampened:(this is a work in progress) Reverses the elemental circle. As in whatever an element is strong against, it is now weak to it.
 Example would be Fire normally being weak to water. Dampened Reverses it, and makes water weak to fire, and fire weak to ice and so forth.

For the love of god, please keep in mind these are from quick brain storms and havent undergone excruciating testing yet. almost all, if not everything, will be changed. Also, therye MP growth is a static number through out. this is to prevent someone from having much more Max Rage, and gives another reason to be in a class(classes will have a different multiplier from each other, unlike growth)

Fire. HIGHLY Offensive. Heavy Weapons, Light armor(cloth)

Class name:  Pyro Blade

Weak to: Water
Absorbs: Fire, halved
Strong against: Ice

HP Growth: 12
HP Multiplier: 100
MP Growth: 15
MP: Multiplier: 75
Speed Growth: 97
Speed Multiplier: 102
PA Growth: 38
PA Multiplier: 120
MA Growth: 50
MA Multiplier: 72
Move: 4
Jump: 3
C-EV%: 5

Equip: Knife, Sword, Knight Sword, Axe, Flail, Hat, clothing, All Accessories

Flame Spiral - AOE on self. So he can absorb a bit of damage he does to himself
Blaze Rush - Range 3, Damage PA, Damage self 1/8, requires sword
Fire Bomb:chance on inflicting berserk
Flare Sword - 4 Range, 8 CT, 45 MP, PA * (MA + Y)/2. Requires sword. Y = 8
Melt Armor - Breaks enemies armor
Lava Wave - Range of 3, attacks all 3 panels
Infuriate/Enrage for fire class - PA +2, add berserk to user. As Temp, berserk cannot be added. For now it is a high "rage" required move for +2 PA

Equip Sword
Attack Up
move + 1

Cannot Enter Water

Notes: Highest damage dealing Pure. unable to enter water harms the classes mobility without proper planning


Ice. Mix of damage and support: Robes, Poles, Catalysts

Class Name: Crystal Seer

Weak To: Fire
Absorbs: Water, halved
Strong Against: Wind

HP Growth: 8
HP Multiplier: 85
MP Growth: 15
MP: Multiplier: 100
Speed Growth: 99
Speed Multiplier: 112
PA Growth: 50
PA Multiplier: 90
MA Growth: 39
MA Multiplier: 110
Move: 3
Jump: 3
C-EV%: 5

Equip: Knife, Catalyst, Rod, Book, Hat, Robes, All Accessories

Ice Armor: cast Protect
Encase: small AOE stop
Tundra: damage to everyone on map(healing ice of course)
Ice Shards: AOE MA damage. 25% slow
Cold Spike: Cause a targets temperature to decrease, inducing hypothermia: Death Sentence
Glacier: Large AOE ice damage.

Speed Save
Magic Defense Up
Walk on Water

Notes: Fastest Caster. The idea behind that is that it slows everything else on teh field down with its global attacks. the concept will no doubt change, but it a change of pace that makes more sense than "fire spreads fast ,so its the fastest" or "wind is...WIND!"

Wind. Healing. Robes, Rods, Ranged weapon support.

Class Name: Mistral Curator

Weak to: Ice
Absorbs: Wind, Halved
Strong against: Earth

HP Growth: 12
HP Multiplier: 75
MP Growth: 15
MP: Multiplier: 110
Speed Growth: 100
Speed Multiplier: 105
PA Growth: 50
PA Multiplier: 100
MA Growth: 50
MA Multiplier: 120
Move: 4
Jump: 4
C-EV%: 5

Equip: Catalyst, Long Bow, Book, Hat, Clothes, Robes, All Accessories

Breath of Life: RAnged AOE raise based on faith
Wind's Kiss: Single Target, Large heal for random amount(if i cant hack the formula to heal randomly, we will just make it a big heal)
Gale: medium AOE damage
Breeze: Heal all allies for low HP
Wisp: Haste
Precision(Temp Name): Cures Blind, Dont Act, Silence, Slow. Heals 20% of max HP


Earth. Defensive. Heavy Armor, Shields, Heavy Weapons.

Class Name: Golem

Weak to: Wind
Absorbs: Earth, Halved
Strong against: Lightning

HP Growth: 10
HP Multiplier: 135
MP Growth: 15
MP: Multiplier: 75
Speed Growth: 110
Speed Multiplier: 100
PA Growth: 39
PA Multiplier: 125
MA Growth: 48
MA Multiplier: 90
Move: 3
Jump: 2
C-EV%: 10

Equip: Sword, Knight Sword, Axe, Flail, Pole Arm, Shield, Helmet, Armor, All Accessories

Magic Ward: Protect+shell. moderate % chance. range of 2
Earth Grasp: Causes Immoblize, Damage on PA
Devestate: Resets ENTIRE maps CT
Fortify: Range of 2, selects allies. Acts as Golem.
Collapse: Causes the earth beneath the target to collapse, forcing them to move backwards. Random PA damage, forced knockback
Tainted Briar: Aoe Poison
Mudslide: Line skill damage, range of 3, small chance to petrify.

Equip Armor
Equip Shield

Notes: Default movement of 3 spaces, and jump of 2

Lightning. Offensive. Light Armor, Ranged Weapons.

Class Name: Discharged

Weak to: Earth
Absorbs: Lightening, Halved
Strong against: Water

HP Growth: 11
HP Multiplier: 100
MP Growth: 15
MP: Multiplier: 75
Speed Growth: 90
Speed Multiplier: 100
PA Growth: 45
PA Multiplier: 110
MA Growth: 50
MA Multiplier: 83
Move: 4
Jump: 4
C-EV%: 5

Equip: Knife, Ballista, Long Bow, Hat, clothing, All Accessories

Energy Rush: Line skill, range of 3, vertical of 12, damage on speed.
Invigorate: Plus 2 Bravery to everyone in an AOE of 2 around caster(brave gain is temp. this will help fury be awesome)
Ac/Dc: Weapon Range attack that attempts to disarm the opponent. Inflicts Don't Act.
Steel Current: Attempt to disarm every opponent in a medium AOE(2) at a low %(id say like 20, so if something is water it will be max of 40% on neutral compat)
TouchDown: Long range lightining strike.
Sky Strike: Weapon Damage, hit any tile on the map of your choice.

Arrow Guard

Water. Mixed caster. Light Armor and Robes

Class Name: Hydrocantor

Weak to: Lightening
Absorbs: Water, Halved
Strong against: Fire

HP Growth: 13
HP Multiplier: 100
MP Growth: 15
MP: Multiplier: 115
Speed Growth: 100
Speed Multiplier: 100
PA Growth: 65
PA Multiplier: 50
MA Growth: 55
MA Multiplier: 130
Move: 3
Jump: 3
C-EV%: 5

Equip: Catalyst, Rod, Hat, Robes, All Accessories

Fog: Blind status on large AOE
Torrent: High AOE Water Damage
Drizzle. Healing
Tranquility: Removes most devestating debuffs(like vampire)
Vaporize: % chance to cause instant death
Ripple. Random low level debuff
Submerging Chant: low damage, Add Frog

Half MP
Move in Water

Dark. Like fire, sword skills, less offensive though and more defensive.

Class Name: Reaver

Weak to: Holy
Absorbs: Dark, Halved
Strong against: Holy

HP Growth: 10
HP Multiplier: 110
MP Growth: 15
MP: Multiplier: 75
Speed Growth: 90
Speed Multiplier: 110
PA Growth: 44
PA Multiplier: 110
MA Growth: 50
MA Multiplier: 90
Move: 4
Jump: 3
C-EV%: 20

Equip: Throwing Knives, Sword, Flail, Polearm, Shield, Armor, Hat, Clothing, All Accessories

Dark Embrace: Dark element heal. default 25% chance for shell(unsure about dependability on the hack casting shell on a heal spell, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesnt)
Envelope: Inflicts chicken on unit. Chicken status is fickle. if they take damage, they turn human. basically its a 1 turn deal where they run and hide, unless interrupted by having any action performed on them
Embrace: swordskill causes damage and possibly death sentence.
Hell Gate: Rip open a gate to hell on a target with your sword. Leaves the target with 1 HP. requires Sword
Paradox: Inflicts faith magic damage with a 25% for confusion
Shadow Slash: Powerful slash, that will force a unit into darkness. Their next attack will be 100%

Notes: Starting Transparent, For the initial 100% attack. AI ignore transperent hack will be included

Holy. Like a front line healer. tankidan. Heals, survives, deals no damage.

Class Name: Overseer

Weak to: Dark
Absorbs: Holy, Halved
Strong against: Dark

HP Growth: 10
HP Multiplier: 110
MP Growth: 15
MP: Multiplier: 100
Speed Growth: 100
Speed Multiplier: 100
PA Growth: 50
PA Multiplier: 50
MA Growth: 50
MA Multiplier: 90
Move: 3
Jump: 3
C-EV%: 5

Equip: Knife, Catalyst, Flail, Armor, Helmet, Robes, All Accessories

Embrace Light- Heal + Protect
Luminous Mirror-Reflect
Light Flay-Light Lite damage
Clutch of Life - Big heal, single target
Legionnaires' spirit - Reraise
Gentle Carress - AOE heal around caster. 40% max hp

Innate: Defense UP


Class Name: Eroder

Halves: Earth, Wind

HP Growth: 10
HP Multiplier: 90
MP Growth: 15
MP: Multiplier: 75
Speed Growth: 95
Speed Multiplier: 95
PA Growth: 45
PA Multiplier: 110
MA Growth: 45
MA Multiplier: 110
Move: 3
Jump: 3
C-EV%: 5

Equip: Knife, Sword, Throwing Knife, Long Bow, Hat, clothing, All Accessories

Diamond Dust: Causes blind and poison.
Rampant Growth: Haste, regen on target
Briar: random hits, small AOE. damage
Erosion: Wears away the enemies shield.(rend shield clone; for clarity)
Ravaging Winds: Hits AOE, 1-3 times, for moderate damage(not random hits, hits random times)
Nature's Song: +1 MA to all units. 45%, unmodifiable
Hurl: use the strenght and speed of the wind to hurl an object at a target. Knockback
Flailing Winds: Random damage
Riding the Winds: LOW % Haste on entire party.

Ignore Height

Innate Ignore Height.

Earth + Holy

Class Name: Apostle

Halves: Earth, Holy

HP Growth: 11
HP Multiplier: 80
MP Growth: 15
MP: Multiplier: 80
Speed Growth: 100
Speed Multiplier: 100
PA Growth: 55
PA Multiplier: 75
MA Growth: 50
MA Multiplier: 105
Move: 3
Jump: 3
C-EV%: 5

Equip: Knife, Rod, Book, Hat, clothing Robe, All Accessories

Ire: Beserk. Fills the unit with rage against holy conspiraters
Sermon: Faith
Tribute: Takes hp from caster and gives to target
Convert: Invite
Mass: Sleep
Eulagy: Death
Impudence: Demand a target cease talking, and chastise with words of god. Adds Silence
Coddle: Add Protect or Shell to target, low chance, no rage required

Monster Talk - renamed to Preach

Innate Teleport 2. Only player avaliable way to get teleport 2, and its innate to only this class.

Dark + Ice. magic/supportive caster with better defenses than most

Class Name: Lich

Halves: Dark, Ice

HP Growth: 10
HP Multiplier: 1010
MP Growth: 15
MP: Multiplier: 110
Speed Growth: 100
Speed Multiplier: 100
PA Growth: 50
PA Multiplier: 50
MA Growth: 43
MA Multiplier: 120
Move: 3
Jump: 3
C-EV%: 5

Equip: Catalyst, Rod, Book, Hat, Clothing, Robes, Armor, All Accessories

Chill Touch: high% Slow
Black Ice: Cause confusion and damage
Ice Nova: Slow, Sleep, and don't mova in a large aoe around caster
Iron Bones: Protect on moderate% medium AOE
Undeath: Zombie
Drain touch
Death and Decay: Inflict Poison + Death Sentence
Soul Sap: Steals some of a targets Rage/MP

Counter Magic
Dragon Spirit - renamed Phylactery

Innate: Undead

Water + Lightning. AOE Damage. Female Only.

Class Name: Storm Mistress

Halves: Wind, Lightning

HP Growth: 15
HP Multiplier: 90
MP Growth: 15
MP: Multiplier: 75
Speed Growth: 100
Speed Multiplier: 110
PA Growth: 50
PA Multiplier: 70
MA Growth: 50
MA Multiplier: 100
Move: 3
Jump: 3
C-EV%: 5

Equip: Knife, Sword, Catalyst, Hat, clothing, All Accessories

Hurricane - Large AOE, medium damage
Monsoon - medium aoe, High damage
Douse - Reverse Circle of Elements
Thunder Storm - Large AOE random hit
Disperse - Transparent self
Torrent: Line Skill medium damage
Flash Flood: slow on all enemies

Coming Soon~(male only, to coincide with the female lightening counter part)

Fire + Water. Ranged or meele support.

Class Name: Ript Nomad

Halves: Water, Fire

HP Growth: 10
HP Multiplier: 110
MP Growth: 15
MP: Multiplier: 80
Speed Growth: 100
Speed Multiplier: 100
PA Growth: 48
PA Multiplier: 110
MA Growth: 47
MA Multiplier: 115
Move: 3
Jump: 4
C-EV%: 10

Equip: Knife, Sword, Bow, Book, Polearm, Hat, Clothing, Robe All Accessories

Dehydrate: Death Sentence, or confused, or slow, or "Weakened"
Thermal Wave:  Large AOE around caster
Sediment "something": Causes the dirt around the target area to become hard to move in. AOE Slow.
Tidal Pool: Creates a pool of water that disease thrives in. single target 80% flat rate Poison.
Waning Moon: Regen
Magical Fallacy: Frog + Haste

Almost none of the R/S/M have been given out, and most of tehse class ideas are horrible, because im focusing on getting the basic ASM hacks done right now. Please, feel free to suggest things :)
The Lounge /
August 31, 2009, 01:12:09 pm
you can always convert the PSX game and play it on your hacked PSP, mental. but i do believe it was released in the PSN awhile back as well
Hacking/Patching Tools /
August 31, 2009, 09:43:31 am
Quote from: "SentinalBlade"Alright, let me see here

Attack [01]

I went down to damage calc, not eva calc.

I followed its offset and i got

00186604    phy dmg calu    addiu sp, sp, $ffe8

If im right, $ffe8 is...the mathematics involved? or the value that is being returned once hte math is done. addiu is hte command name, i believe... im still kinda new to ASM, this is to help me better understand it, if you dont mind my posting about it.

I then followed weapon damage, rather than furthering physical damage. as i needed to know what sp,sp was, rather than make a random guess when changing it.

i got
00183a68        wpn dmg calu           lui v0, $8019

With another jump to offset. What im guessing, judging fomr teh things below it, several things are checked before calculating damage. this is probably THE MOST complex formula, as it uses and checks everything on weapons. the other formulas most likely make a function call to the attack formula and then add in what else is to come.

Vanya, would you care to calrify?

Posting in a memory thread ^^ look how far ive come in only a year!

seriously though, some of these are still good ideas
The Lounge /
August 31, 2009, 04:32:01 am
It gets alot harder once you get the golem cehicle-thing, and it takes naother difficulty leap when you get the shuttle(if you dont go do all the extra content, like the extra stuff in the arena)

Its a very good game, considering it was released a year before ff7. so its script has about the same capacity. only wild arms is better and easier to understand.

Wild Arms 2 is about 40x better though :)
Help! /
August 28, 2009, 03:05:06 pm
Quote from: "Voldemort"
Quote from: "Mental_Gear"Actually, is it known WHY the ASM hacks stop it working?


Same reason pSX freezes on some ASM hacks, and same reason the PSP Built-in PSX Emulator freezes with ASM Hacks.

im not to clear, but i think its because of LBA sizes and several other factors(code not fully supported in some older playstations or such, while epsxe forces itself to run the code through any odd errors, or handles code exceptions, the actual playstation is not built to have built-in work arounds to force code to be read correctly)

LBA sizes are a lists of offsets and sizes for each file. meaning if an ASM hack uses new lines, even ones that are filled with blank space, it gets bigger and is not the correct size anymore. The playstation could also detects this, and freeze, even though the files actual size didnt get any bigger. EPSXE forces it to read and ignore the LBA limits, and just reads from total file size, rather than space used size.

The last one is fixable, but it would have so much trouble...testing discs and dong it again and again with each release :/
Spam /
August 28, 2009, 02:50:33 pm
You can counter the dildo attack by using "cock block". it basically protects against all things prick-like, even synthetic.

But then you lose four swords D:
Spam /
August 26, 2009, 11:56:40 pm
dude, you gotta cast "Knights of the Round" with quad magic with 4 mimes in the party. seriously even i knew that.

whats gonna give you trouble is the ultimate weapon near teh center where the silver chocobo is kept
Spam /
August 26, 2009, 10:00:26 pm
I even recruited Elidbus into my party and had him spew squidlarkens at him every 4 turns to his 1.

im at a loss guys, he just CHARGE +20d me in 1 turn, and then confused +death sentenced my entire party!
The Lounge /
August 26, 2009, 03:54:51 pm
Quote from: "Vanya". My theory is that Garland was merely the vessel for Chaos in FF1 and not the same being.

This is entirely correct. Garland is far from teh actual being "Chaos" they explained it better in the psp remake, but...its still kidna hard to follow. theres not alot of text.
Symbols of Rage /
August 24, 2009, 09:02:15 pm
Most classes have a main focus, for the pures at least.

The hybrids are a combination. As such as the Fire+Water Hrybrid. Fire is offensive, Water is a supportive. So the Fire+water will use both stats effectivly, but if you want to excell in an area, you would want to level in a pure that has good growths in either magical or physical stats.

Dark + Ice is Buff Supportive and Magic Offense, so obviously it would use magic. This is an example of the exception to the "combination stat" rule. Basically its to allow you to play the class you want, instead of having a mage FORCED to focus on MA to do excellent damage, you can DECIDE if thats what you want to do now.

Ill post the classes and proposed abilities and rage cost/generation later
Symbols of Rage / SOR - Elemental Circle
August 23, 2009, 05:33:59 pm
The original focus of SoR Classes was an elemental theme. And now that i know what the fuck im doing, i can happily say im bringing that into full focus. If your upset about the choice, then please read the last 2 paragraphs, i assure i dont do this just cause it sounds cool. theres plenty of reasons.

Each class will have elements assigned to them. Just as there are only 8 elements though, there are only 8 pure classes. This means 1 class soley devoted to fire, one class to earth and so forth. Each class has a weakness to it, its opposing element

Each has a strenght and weakness, as demonstrated by this small text diagram.

Circle of Elements: fire>ice>wind>earth>lightning>water>fire

Each element to the left is what it is week against. the element to the right of it is what it is strong against. So earth would be week to wind, but strong against lightning.

Each of these pure elements absorbs their own element, and takes half damage from the element they are strong against.

That leaves alot of space for other classes doesn't it? Lol, the other classes consist of "Dual Element" Classes. That is, certain levels in two different pure classes will unlock a dual element class. Such as Lich.

Lich requires 4 levels in the Ice pure, and 5 levels in the Dark Pure. The trade off for using a dual element is...well you get two use more elemental attacks taht enemies may be weak to. But you also get to mix and match abilities. The Lich has a few status, a few more buffs, and little offense. It combines attributes from both its pure classes.

Dual elements half both of the elements they have. they do not absorb anything.

The reason behind this is alot of balance. When was the last time you saw someones OP team lose against a random battle? you ever seen a team of 5 vanilla ninjas lose against a chocobo or two and a goblin?

With this circle, no matter how OP you think your character is, there is always something out there to counter it. If my PyroBlade is near orlando levels, then my Water Pure must be orlando riding worker #8 with two ninjas strapped to its feet. Only to the pyroblade at least. the Lightning pure will make quick work if you arent tactical or thinking about what your doing. Basically if you think youll get by with using the same 5 classes throughout the entire game, your going to have a tough time.

Plus thinking about how to kill an enemy is fun! right? :D
Symbols of Rage / SOR- Main Mechanic: Rage
August 23, 2009, 05:22:12 pm
Hey all,

Me and Zodiac have been working on an ASM hack, which will be a new focus on how you will battle. The new Combat Mechanic is called "Rage"

This mechanic works rather simply. You start out with 0 Rage(formely known as MP). as you physically attack, or cast a spell that cost 0 rage, you generate rage. The more powerful abilities require rage, which is to be built up through any physical attacks(including books and a few new "magic" weapon types with range). A good example would be...

My PyroBlade... I want to use a skill called Melt Armor.

Melt Armor is a ranged skill with fire element. Melt Armor has a 45% chance to break, when someone is not weak to fire. It costs 32 Rage.

My PyroBlade will have to take 4 different actions before using a more powerful ability(depending on his WP and such, it could only be 1, 2, or 3).

Basically, the premise of this mechanic is to get rid of that charge time that mages have that causes them to become useless mid game. Having a geomancer run up to you and one hit you because your charging to slow was never a fun way to play. This way, everyone will have to think tactically to bust out more powerful spells, no class will be gimped mid battle when his charge time sucks, and no meele class will be left in the dust when it comes to magical prowess. Initial balance across the board will be a key factor with this.


Depending on how in depth me and zodiac get, Rage will be subject to several changes. One may include giving Mage-classes several long range "free" spells to generate rage, and have physical classes generate rage soley on their weapon power.
Symbols of Rage /
August 23, 2009, 05:05:13 pm
Go for it, some monster only shit (like harneses for chocobos) would be awesome


Most of your ideas from the previous one will be recycled though skip. and keeps those item ideas coming, i really like most of em.